So you guys were right all along

So you guys were right all along.

Attached: a_tranny_in_time.png (585x596, 339K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fake tweet. Nice try, OP.

wtf i love this game now

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the flag looks like a digustingly made vagina with semen inbetween

Should it be legal to shoot trans people on the street for fun? Let me know in the comments down below.

Imagine getting triggered over this.

It's real.

Attached: sm_I1RAlEBbuS-N1NMRPU6PEpvBOqfj0hewZpRIj1ZQ[1].jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

Looks like bacon.

Trans rights

I'm actually crying here. How do the trannies keep getting away with it!?!


Okay, hot take time: who gives a fuck?

It's fake, it's not in the game, it's a meme made by trannies to trick people that don't actually play video games (like yours truly, Yea Forums) into having an autistic breakdown.

Glad I only pirated it

>the antagonist is a girl with a mustache
>people are surprised when something like this shows up in the game
>people also fail to notice it's in a rundown shithole

If I was a pedo who made my game's mc be a hot loli on purpose I would virtue signal left leaning PC shit too, would keep suspicion off.

My mentally retarded friends on this board

wow how riveting, a twitter screencap thread

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lmao absolutely botcotted. time to send bombs to the developer

rise up fellow gamers

Why do the mentally-unfit require separate rights?
They are humans.
Human rights are already a thing.
Stop campaigning, and live quietly without making a scene, and maybe people will stop discriminating.

My life is over!!! How do they keep beating us guys?????

Of course you do YAS TRANNY SLAYYY XD

>i posted it again

Reminder that Russian agents have been active on Yea Forums since 2014 and their goal is to make you mad.

0.3% of the population who want to feel represented.
And 5% of the population who feel attacked whenever someone not like them is represented.

This will probably have to be removed once the DLC hits the Switch. Nintendo's been banning trans rights flag and other political stuff lately in Smash Bros user created stages.

Do people actually get this triggered over something like trans people? Or is everyone just acting it out for the memes?

Trans rights activists give a fuck because it makes them happy to see a nod to them in a game people like. People who hate trans people give a fuck because now another game has been ruined by SJWs.

Anyone angry enough to reply

loaded with trans-fat

I was actually writing a thoughtful reply to the thread about why streamer culture feels so cheap and stupid but a tranny deleted it.
Should be legal to torture them too as far as I'm concerned. Trannies aren't people.

They did that in Splatoon 2 at first then they stopped and started banning people who reported trans shit. It really ruined Splatoon 2 posts tbqh

So is it real or fake?
I thought nothing could disgust me more than the rainbow flag but this actually, ACTUALLY turns my stomach IRL. I feel physically sick.

Americans do me a favor and do whatever you can to reelect Trump next year so that these mentally ill degenerates will kill themselves for real this time.

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This, I have the game and there is nothing on that wall. Yea Forums is really fucking retarded.

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ya gonna cry?

Attached: trans flag.png (318x159, 345)

When will japanese people stop being racist and homophobic?

Why is this surprising? The lead dev identifies as "queer" and supports trans rights. If you're playing a westacuck game in this day and age and don't expect this you only have yourselves to blame.

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What kind of torture would you do? I'm VERY interested...

0.3% seems too high. Should probably be closer to 0.03%. Where does that number come from?


>trans rights
I don't get it. Don't they have the same rights as everyone else in civilized countries like America?

Trannies....You will never pass. Nobody thinks you are a woman. Even your allies just pretend to think so to make you feel better. You will never be a mother. You will never have the body you want. You will never truly be accepted. One day you will wake up, look in the mirror, realize this, and kill yourself. The only thing your parents will feel after this happens is relief.

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>Yea Forums dicksucks the game to the moon and back
>this happens

Attached: FUCK.gif (382x308, 1.47M)


ivan, boris, alexi... we haf been foiled

there indoctortraining our children

Giving radicalised individuals more room only allows them to dominate the space and to be normalised.
This game is far too late to be important but it is sad to see this mental illness held up on a pedestal instead of giving these people the mental help they need.

Yes, they genuinely do get mad.
They think it's attack on them because their stupid religion demonizes trans people.

In slavlands, any mention of trans people that isn't immediately followed by "who are evil devils out to destroy muh christ" will cause sociopathic buttrage. Yea Forums has plenty of slavs and similar subhumans.

That flag is 40% too large.

Attached: b.png (625x626, 38K)

Never heard of this game, don't care.

remember, politics on video games are only bad if they're not pandering to the crazy american left

Lol at thinking only 5% of the population thinks trannies are retarded.

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Attached: The Missing J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories.jpg (1000x1000, 282K)

>Nintendo takes out trans flag
>hat in time has trans flag


I'm not buying your dlc

>denying it


Anyone else avoids buying a game as soon as and only because it has anything to do with
>social justice

Shame, because hat in time looked kinda interesting

i dunno lol
Some /pol/tards said that 0.3% is 40% so I assume they have cherrypicked some statistic that says 0.3%.

Too bad the suicide rate isn't 10000% PERCENT

Gonna piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?

Why do you manchildren worship Japan, the country with affirmative action, top down women inclusion action plans, significant portions of the budget going towards integrating women into the work force and constantly relaxing immigration rules? I always see people going ''heh based Japan doesn't bend to this globalist leftist shit'' but they're one of the most globalized and dependent economies in the world.

Glad xhe could succeed despite her mental illness but I worry about how her mental health will affect her lifespan. Hopefully somebody will help xer before it's too late.

You seem mad.

It's getting better.
Don't give up, moral people have already accepted you.

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They don't want to feel equal, they want to feel special from getting more privileged than your common CIS person, which is ironic since they throw such hissyfits whenever a CIS person can be seen as privileged compared to them.

When trannies and their enablers say "trans rights" what they're really referring to is freedom from criticism for their lifestyle, and the ability to walk around in a dress and 5 o clock shadow without anyone sneering at him. Government encouraged drugging of children is also a plus.

Attached: roeder-russiantweets-2.png (1150x1326, 95K)

In our study of transsexual people, 55% reported experiencing an unwanted sexual event before the age of 18, with the average age of initial sexual contact being 13. Source: "Prevalence of Childhood Trauma in a Clinical Population of Transsexual People"
Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Source: "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery"
41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide. Source:
Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide. Source:
Most young transsexuals have committed self-harm within the last twelve months. Source:
65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year. Source:
37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year. Source:
1 in 10 young transsexuals has attempted suicide more than three times in the last year. Source:

>twitter screencap thread

Yes but they need special rights. It needs to be a hate crime to be critical of the trans movement and misgendering needs to lead to jail time like in the UK.

you fuckers are as bad as sjw. Literally who cares faggot.

>all those ~30 year olds posting tranny garbage in a game for kids

Seethe harder dumbass.

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Seething trannies.

>Muh russians
Yeah let's keep blaming the gopniks and not the shit happening here, because It worked so well for Hillary and The Last Jedi

"trans rights" just means the right that nobody will recognize the fact that you are obviously a man in a dress. This will, of course, never happen so expect these people to continue screaming for "trans rights" until they kill themselves.



>tfw we can never have Hat in Time threads again because of you retards complaining about this

Attached: Mad6.png (1080x1080, 1.1M)

No, it's Fringe Science From The Early 90's Graph Screenshots, formerly Twitter Screencap Thread.

>tfw no gf

>ignores your facts and SCREECHES
Your move...

There's nothing wrong with mental illness, but we should be helping people with it rather than enabling it. We should work to help trans people accept that they can like whatever they like and act however they act without denying their own body. Teach men it's okay to like "girly" things and that they don't have to physically become a woman to make it okay. Instead we enable and encourage the dysphoria, even going so far as to teach little kids that they should be dysphoric if they ever show signs of opposite-gendered behavior or interests.

To me, the way trans people are handled feels a lot like telling depressed people that they're right to feel sad and suicide is the answer. And then any time a kid feels down insisting to them that they are depressed and should want to kill themselves. Or it's like telling schizophrenic people that the voices they hear are in fact real and should be listened to. It's fucking madness. Trans people need help to accept who they are, not enabling to reject who they are.

Attached: bear_sonic.png (326x277, 68K)

>Where's the women's rights flag?
>Where's the disabled rights flag?
>Where's the gay rights flag?
>Where's the furry rights flag?
What a bunch of shitlord developers. If you're going to represent, you have to represent everyone.
Excluding every other oppressed group is racist and sexist.

What rights do trannies not have?

That doesn,t sound like japan at all, you mentally defective tranny faggot.

Why don,t you shave of 40% of your dick then 40% off your head with a shotgun blast, you fucking mentally ill retard

Is there a game left that's made for guys, like the games in the 90's? games without forced lefty/pol/ views on them?

Wait, if the devs are leftist SJWs, why did they allow Jontron to voice act in this game? Don't they know about his "controversial statements"?

What is there to be angry about? I get paid top dollar for being a bilingual programmer in an economy that is desperate for foreigners. Being able to poke fun at delusional retards like you is just icing on the cake. :)

God i don't know what to think anymore
I think the idea of being trans is wrong, but i also have a trans friend and i don't want to make her sad
also, she sent some butt pics and they are pretty nice.....

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>glowniggers on Yea Forums

the right to shut up, strangely its the right they refuse to take advantage of

How is a single background element ruining a game?

>that doesn't sound like japan at all
Prove even one of those claims wrong. ;)

DF threads still exist because /pol/tards invented cope after Toady talked about including trans people.

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They didn't know he was a unperson. Obviously the trannyfaggots made sure to let the dev know afterwards.

If you buy the game, you indirectly support a political movement

It's propaganda

>tfw my dad is banging the door telling me to stop being a faggot and come out of the room again

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Yep, me too user. Back in my day, women fought for the right to vote. Now we have trans rights in our videogames. Amazing, isn't it? We have progressed so far as a society.

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How do we stop them lads?

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>be tranny
>decide surgery would be a great idea
>get balls cut off
>suddenly have no libido
>entire reason for being a tranny in the first place - sexual arousal and fetish - gone
>dick is turned inside out into a wound that never heals
>have to scrape out disgusting smelling pus and hair balls
>either die from an infection or live long enough to kill yourself

I'm all in favor of trans rights just for this scenario playing out half of the time some wackadoo decides to turn his fetish into a lifestyle. I'm not a transphobe. The real transphobes are the ones who lie and convince people this is somehow good for them. At least I'm honest enough to tell you you should go full blown tranny just so you can die quicker.


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tranny status: desperate

Nope, your statement your proof, little mentally ill faggot

You said those, you prove them. While you're at it kill yourself, degenerate

It's hilarious to see how lefties always try to subvert Yea Forums and rewrite history.

just like Lisa threads. Sad times.

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That doesn't answer my question

if someone wants to mutilate their dick, fuck do I care

I feel like a retard. I spent hours defending this game from people calling it sjw and now look what has happened.

>either die from an infection or live long enough to kill yourself
This sounds so dark but also hilarious


Well, not buying this then.
I don't want to support a tranny agenda.

This'd be more accurate if there were communists and trannies in the right image, since anyone who's been here for longer than a month will have seen the irrefutable proof of leftist groups on reddit and literal tranny cults on discord attempting to subvert Yea Forums

Another game fucking ruined by trannys. Refunding this horseshit.

Attached: drake-hotline-bling-jacket-moncler.png (690x460, 326K)
don't give them a cent.

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I'm genuinely confused why these "nods" to trannies are so important to them. Why doesn't every random demographic of people demand every piece of media under the sun give them "nods"?

What happened to Lisa thread?
Just dev waking up or something actually in the game?

You don't see how people might get upset about propaganda?

They brought this on themselves by adding political shit into their game.

Never trust a westacuck!



Death to westacuck!

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no shit. you didn't pick up on the SJW shit in the main game? every male character is a brutish enemy, all the real characters are the females


There is a blanket ban on political statements in smash.
And crucially it's a first party game, Nintendo doesn't give a shit what third parties put in their games, have you seen that senran massage Trash.

Just pirate.

That's irrelevant. How is a game ruined by this tiny piece of "propaganda"?

Fuck off fed.

I agree but they should be isolated for their own wellbeing. Clearly the general population should be protected.

The game was made by a tranny

stfu bigot

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>it's not happening here, it's only happening on those other websites!

fucking 2016ers.



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I don't care who they allow to immigrate as long as they hold them to the same standards of law as everybody else.

Being trans is a sad mental illness. It's weird to see people celebrate it.

What makes people act like this?

Leftist faggot projection is impressive. This poster probably doesn,t even know that he's a subhuman, even tho all the sigs are there

They don't demand it, it's just that they're insecure because of constant aggression from sociopathic subhumans.
You too would feel better if after all this shitting on you by "roasties", some would turn around and tell you it's OK to be virgin and that there is nothing wrong with you.

I'm not sure I understand this picture. Is she supposed to be hot? Because she's kinda hot.

>white skin
fucking downdooted.

Why do they change genders in the first place? Attention and a need to feel special. Same reason.

why are 90% of trannies ugly and fat and don't even try be cute / sexy?

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>doubting the Yea Forumsirgin hivemind

Austin had a mental break after his father's death, and went apeshit on Twitter with TDS.

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"yours truly" means "me"
You just said you don't play video games

Japan gives tax breaks to medium sized businesses for hiring women or physically disabled people - affirmative action. Medium to large sized businesses are required to publish annual reports about integrating women into the work place. The Child Care Infrastructure Plan is building day cares en masse to allow women to work and have children. Immigration reforms were passed last year and went into effect at the start of the last month, allowing 'partially skilled' laborers to get VISAs in Japan and turn those VISAs into permanent ones once they've completed their work - oh, they also get to bring their whole family. They're the biggest democratic advocate in the region, spend the 2nd or 3rd (depending on the category) on foreign aid, spent the better part of 30 years trying to put together a codependent finance pool for Asian countries and is 100% dependent on other countries to keep itself running as it lacks the natural resources to break even on it's industrial or energy sector.

the blue represents males defending females (who are represented by pink) to secure the future of withe children

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ack, sergei, the fat rainbow haired dykes caught us, DA

I'm afraid to get off this tiger lads


The creator of the game, Austin went full sjw on twitter when his dad died

Let me give you an example
>Let me just draw this small swastika on the roof of the sixtine chapel
>Wait, why are you upset, it's just a small piece of propaganda

>flag of Austria is trans flag
Based Kaiser.

Attached: austria-flag.jpg (400x250, 7K)

I am more prone to believe that those are the apolitical and apathetic fucks who used to do all that shit ironically but stopped once they realised "h-hey we weren't memeing? QwQ"

So they keep saying "trans rights"... What rights do they not have?

Cry more bitchass boomer, new Yea Forums is here to stay

trannies want to be girls but don't want to be girls at the same time being retarded is scary

As is trans people aren't always the aggressors, just like incels.

Same reason they decided to be trans in the first place. Mental issues and nobody there to criticize them. It's all coddling with "yes honey slay you're beautiful!".

It's like telling a schizophrenic that the fridge is indeed talking to him.

Trans people are some of the most priveleged fuckers in western countries right now, what rights are we talking about?

How about these people put their effort into making changes in Iran and China in some fashion, where trans people are literally killed.

odyssey chads win again


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I said to prove it, you mentally defective subhuman.

Jesus, i feel bad for your relatives. All those abortions and you were the result, BAD luck

If only they looked like this and not Hulk Hogan

Never been big on Nintendo games or systems but kudos to them for doing this. Real life politics don't belong in videogames.

>peace and rights for all humans? you're basically a nazi trying to force that shit on me

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Trans people are so oppressed that they can be trotted out and pedestalled for free marketing. What rights don't trans people have anyway? oh none that's weird


I don't blame anyone slapping that flag in there game, if you can get people to suck you off for such little effort on your part then why not

>allowing 'partially skilled' laborers to get VISAs in Japan and turn those VISAs into permanent ones once they've completed their work - oh, they also get to bring their whole family.

Lol, no, they don't for most. Those visas are limited to 5 years for most categories. Only in construction they're renewable.

Attached: Untitled.png (432x493, 39K)

What rights do trannies not have?

And putting a flag into a game is going to give them those rights?

There's no excuse for propaganda, of any kind, never.

They want specific hate crime legislation against people who disagree with them or say theirs only two genders.

I just did, those are all 100% factually true statements and you will utterly fail to prove any of them wrong. Sorry that you ended up arguing with somebody who is intimately familiar with foreign and domestic policy. I accept your capitulation, though. Keep trying to cope with the utter domination you just got subjugated to by pretending that I'm some tranny (as if being shit stomped by a he-she faggot is not even more embarrassing) while feeding me those salty, petulant (You)'s. ;)

Are you honestly comparing the symbol of a group that murdered millions to a dumb flag that represents a tiny group of mentally ill faggots?

Not allowed to survive by old age.

But a semi-serious answer would be no right to get in the millitary to get their dick chopped off on the arm of the nation.

Then again, it's not a right to get in, nor does the millitary accept the mentally ill, but the faggot don't get that one

Nobody has a problem with trannies.

They just don't' want bullshit propaganda in their games, same as they don't want kitty cat rights or fluffy animals are great rights in them either.

>S.C.U.M. devs politely take out stuff like the 1488 tattoos that were put in because they would fit a prison world filled with criminals and scum after people bitched about it

>people bitch about an out of place flag that has nothing to do with the game or its world


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People are allowed to call them ugly dudes or say controversial things like "women don't have dicks" without going to prison. This is NOT ok.


>The Child Care Infrastructure Plan is building day cares en masse to allow women to work and have children
Wow its almost like they are having a catostrophicly low rate of childbirth and need to encourage it to survive.
And immigration is only bad when you refuse to police immigrate areas.

Its not for all since it trumps over speech since they believe trannies are gonna kill themselves if you shit on them, this is part of their lingo calling critics "murderers".

Jesus user you BTFO him into the ground. Weebs seething.

Trannies are mentally ill subhumans. THis is 100% the truth. You got btfo, niggerfaggot, kill yourself


You can't be cute/sexy if you're an ugly man.

>Immigration reforms were passed last year and went into effect at the start of the last month, allowing 'partially skilled' laborers to get VISAs in Japan and turn those VISAs into permanent ones once they've completed their work - oh, they also get to bring their whole family.
(((they))) won, lads

As someone who thinks transsexuality is a mental illness that should be treated instead of encouraged: Don´t you people have nothing else to get worked up about? Who gives a shit if there´s some tranny-graffiti in a sewer? Play fucking Tacoma if you want to see a game that obnoxiously forces a political message (or several)

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Why the fuck do these people act like such fucking infants?

>b-b-but a penis on a girl is straight!
Wrong faggots. A penis is a penis, liking penis makes you gay.
If you arent dating a trans man, broing out during the day playing video games and talking about anime with your best friend and then busting fat loads into his vagina absolutely risk free then you're objectively a homo.

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So you have to make the entire game look more bland.

I went over the top so the retard I was replying to would get it

you admitted yourself that it's propaganda, you got no grounds to argue on which is why you resort to ad hominem, aren't you

>seething this hard because he can't prove a single point wrong
First of many (You)'s for me, it seems. Keep flailing, fatty!

Is not fucking happening anywhere, it is a bullshit scapegoat used for people to put the blame of things happening that don't please politics, journalists or whoever on anything but themselves.
>Hillary loosing? Must be the Russians
>Right wing parties getting more popularity in Europe? Must be the Russians
>Catalonians wanting to become independent? The Russians had something to do with this
>TLJ flopping? Of course It was the Russians, how can a SW movie made by Disney could possibly be a trainwreck?

Anyone wanna tell me what exactly are the rights that trannies want?

Right to go to a women's bathroom? fuck off
Right to go to a women's lockerroom? FUCK OFF
Right to brainwash and corrupt children who are too young to understand transitioning? F U C K O F F

Based, and I laugh of that process

Nice deflection, what right do trannies not have, you faggotnigger



Well, at least when the Switch version comes out in 3 years, it won't be in it.

Because this is the current civil rights movement the establishment and media are frothing over. It's the next move in a long game of chess where the objective is purely to weaken and corrupt western nations. It's also why allowing stuff like this is memed as being some kind of virtue or strength, as if letting everyone do literally whatever the fuck they want somehow makes a country better or more prosperous. It's like letting your kid eat icecream for dinner and decide their own bed time and never go to school if they don't want to and calling yourself a good parent.

there's lots of stuff trans people are still missing. not because they are missing rights but because others are trying to deny them rights through discrimination. in loads of places the right to use a bathroom is still in question.
it spreads awareness and shows support.
you don't know what the word propaganda even means.

I know you can't read Japanese and never been to Japan, but look at the facts here Only in construction (and ship construction) the visa is renewable and allows you to bring family. That doesn't mean they get permanency after the first five years, not even close. And let's be real, it's gonna be just like those previously existing programs - people from SEA getting worked like crazy and then mostly thrown out.

I think the issue is that people here actually liked Hat in Time

>She doesn't look like Benjamin Franklin
This picture is problematic and fetishizes trans people

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I'm bilingual, I can read the screenshot and it just reaffirms what I said. What do you think 'turn those VISAs into permanent ones' means?

Making a gay passive aggressive reply like that only fuels people to keep making threads like this. Learn to ignore.


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