Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with calling things “overrated” as if it has any meaning at all?

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with calling things “overrated” as if it has any meaning at all?

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Because they realize something isnt as good as it's made out to be, but their brains and vocabulary are limited from playing vidya all their life so they can only say "overrated"

Literally so they can bait people into respnding to them or because they want to be different by pretending to not like games everyone else dors

Chrono Trigger really is overrated though
Earthbound is the best 16bit JRPG

A lot of children post on Yea Forums, and it upsets them to know that not everyone agrees with them on everything

It’s funny because Yea Forums‘s top games are incredibly similar to Japan’s
> Yea Forums Yea Forums (100k Votes)
1. Ocarina Of Time
2. NieR Autometa
3. Super Mario 64
4. A Link To The Past
5. Metal Gear Solid 3
6. Chrono Trigger
7. Super Metroid
8. Super Mario World
9. Resident Evil 4
10. Castlevania SOTN
> Famitsu (Japan)
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Breath Of The Wild
3. NieR Autometa
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Okami
6. Ocarina Of Time
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Pokemon Gen 1
9. Dragon Quest V
10. Xenogears

>Yea Forums's list is all shit they played as kids plus automata cuz muh toobie butt xdd
>Japan's list is classics and genre definers, plus Automata be cause they realize the philosophy behind it

Nier Automata is overrated. The combat is to barebones, barely any bosses, nonexistent enemy variety etc.

Ok, out of curiosity: why is Famitsu's mascot a rejected Tex Avery character?

That Yea Forums list is embarrassing
Fucking MGS3 and RE4? Seriously?

>Nier beat F7
Nier really is the F7 of the decade.

Using the word "overrated" is overrated

Japs love ol timey toons.

Okay soifag

> Amazing games that were considered top 10 games of all time when they first came out & are still universally beloved today
Yes, that shouldn’t surprise you

Pleb filtered

I’m not surprised that Yea Forumsedditors didn’t pick the superior MGS2 and RE2002

You usually have to re-translate the typical Yea Forums review because of word choice.

Overrated = I'm tired of hearing about it.
Generic = I can't fap to it.
Impossible = I really suck at it.
Boring = I didn't finish it.

what is that in the top left and why do I want to fuck it

Nothing wrong with any of those

>> Famitsu (Japan)
>1. Movie
>2. Empty ubisoft garbage
>3. Ass Movie
>4. Movie
>5. Meme game
>6. Movie
>7. Movie
>8. Gen V is better
>9. Movie
>10. Movie

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