It's time for a VTMB thread!
Which bloodline would you wish to inherit and why?
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It's time for a VTMB thread!
Which bloodline would you wish to inherit and why?
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which one makes me a ghostbuster with tits of course?
You can't make vampire threads at night ironically
Pretty sure that's the Giovanni, but I think they got fucked in V5.
Yesterday we had 3-4 VtmB threads getting archived even when they were active. Not sure why....
True thread theme:
>they were active
They weren't really. Yea Forums during the peak time/day of the week will have a thread archived if it isn't bumped for 10 minutes, versus now something can last for close to an hour. Amerimutts basically.
i want a vamp gf just fucking bitem e
That Andrei poster keeps making these threads without vtmb in the title. What for?
the fiends are dumb
Tremere, of course.
Toreador, Malkavian, Lasombra
tremere are fucking FAGGOTS
>That dress
>Fishnet stocking
probably Toreador or Tremere
>Malkavian baron
>Ventrue prince
>Toreador baron
>Kuei-Jin baron
Would it be impossible to see, say, a Nosferatu prince or baron
Yeah, because they work from the shadows. Who the fuck wants that ugly mug as the face of their organization?
next clan reveal, predict NOW
Its happened before in lore. they're usually used as a sort of "Intermediate" prince to keep shit from falling apart as they choose a "proper" one. Basically a placeholder.
or you know a puppet.
think of them as the candidate no one wants, but doesn't object to either
For me it's Gangrel.
That really only reinforces my point. Nossies at the head of an overreaching faction is completely counter to their existence even if they could be decent leaders..
Might play female Gangrel next playthrough
Don't know why I'm only just now noticing the red tinge to the clouds in this clip.
I had originally thought the blood tidal wave immediately afterwards was unconnected, given there's clearly no pier visible from here, but maybe they are meant to be thematically connected, somehow; this Ventrue pointing out the brewing apocalyptic event that will no doubt comprise the endgame.
Any lorefags have any ideas as to what Lilith, if that theory is correct, would want?
The proportions on this fanart don't quite make me diamonds, but they do make me twitch. I don't know why.
Lasombra. As lordly as the Ventrue. As strong as the Brujah. Unique clan discipline lets you shadow-tentacle rape people.
Nos. Sweet high tech, low profile havens inside huge underground bunkers. Tight clan, will usually try to protect fellow Nos. Have no problem with helping out kine institutions for less fortunate (and i know tons of those that could use an extra supernatural push).
Can hide in plain sight. Will receive incentive to work as a spy and/or hacker besides other jobs, which means you will feel right at home if you are a perv or peep. Will actively try to defend itself against Niktuku assholes even though the Camarilla doesn't really believe in this kind of thing, which means either going down like a bro while helping your gang or being a bit paranoid and therefore very well protected.
I would sooo drop obfuscation for a few seconds in front of people i hated in life just to see them loosing their shit.
Toreador or Ventrue for sure. They will save Malk for last and Nos will be DLC.
So... no hope for best clan, huh.
The screenshot blurb, which is the only one that's even remotely ambiguous, will be done last. Toreador or Ventrue next, the other the week after.
Season of the wolf, perhaps?
Is there the slightest doubt?
Salubri because I get off on helping people
Nope, but I do hope we get to see a few Gangrel characters in base game at least.
I'm actually hoping the whole thing will be about Beckett and the fledgling trying to help him.
How fucked am I if I specced into unarmed/melee weapon and go against Sheriff
Based Lasombrachad. The shadows and the Abyss are at our side.
We also consistently have the best looking vamps from all clans, except maybe Toreadors.
is your gf as excited and as knowledgeable about lore as mine?
>people were freaking out we won't have any sluts in the new one because of SJW shit
I hope this is the Tremere primogen because I sure as shit would pledge my loyalty and dick to her.
this is a COMFY thread.
Post >yfw this isn't actually Toreador
>people freaking out there won't be sluts
trailer literally disproves that
>people freaking out there will be hot gay vampires due to jew nose ellison
you don't want hot gay vampires?
I would final death myself if this isn't Toreador.
Like no way it's not.
>tfw cant rule LA as lacroix's right hand
but I was his wunderkind....
>have to wait a year
Did they ever say if the c4 was the intended ending since the beggining, or if it was due to rushed time
Well, it looks good and comfy, but it doesn't screams "art" so yeah, there's a chance it's something else.
What other clans like fashionable havens? Giovanni? Lasombra?
What the fuck was his problem?
>septum piercing
There better be hot slutty vampires AND hot gay vampires.
Which clan is ancap?
honestly, it can be any clan really, only brujah and tremere were obvious
on the tremere note, that comfy room does look a bit like the room Strauss is in in the vtmb1 chantry, doesn't it?
we got 8-10 months unless they delay it... they won't though, right
Ventrue. Might be a little understated for them though.
Noz and Gangrel
How can it be Ventrue when the skyscraper office image exists as well?
>devs that only made shooty shooty games makes bloodlines 2
>it's published by sweedish cucks
We're getting hot Slavic Ventrue vampires, right anons
maybe they're shit at rooty tooty point n shooty but good at rpgs, who knows
On the one hand, they're reticent to show gameplay, and the few snippets we've seen are blatantly unfinished, placeholder effects and animations everywhere.
On the other hand, it's obvious they're running a curated marketing campaign, probably spearheaded by their publisher, Paradox, which means they'd want it out March 31st at the absolute latest.
I'm currently leaning towards the latter.
need i remind you of this shit?
gangrel isn't about being a no fucks given predator, they're the official "oppressed minority" clan now
didn't they say Malkavians are already fucked because it would offend people in current year?
It sure does, i thought the same at first.
Yeah, with that huge office looking room with a view of the whole city i kind of assume that is Ventrue for sure. Unless the Giovanni or Lasombra have A LOT of influence over Seattle, but i doubt they will add any non-Camarilla playable option for now.
Maybe that's mommy's[spoiler/] room? It looks like a place that would have a piano like she was listening to in the trailer.
kys, and take Rudi while you're at it. One britcuck scrub isn't enough to upend the entire bloodline.
no, Mitsoda said in 2008/9 he regretted making Malk PC so fishmalk as opposed to more serious and nuanced.
but i loved the HAHAAH!!!!! dialogue lines
So, I literally just beat Bloodlines for the first time a few hours ago. I can finally talk about it freely, feels good.
I think it's shitty that out of the 4 options presented 2 directly imply the sarcophagus will be opened and the third is some power hungry option I've never expressed while playing. So I ended up going with the dancing wolf scene which is fine, I guess. I could just fill in the blanks. Reloaded the save to see the other endings and to get the "good" solo ending you have to give LaCroix the key, which you would never pick if you're fighting against him. So basically it feels like they screw you over to choose a "bad" end.
I saw the other endings and the Tremere ending was probably my favorite. Can't say I'm a fan of the Camarilla but it doesn't seem as bad depending on who's in charge. Sure beats the hypocritical/pussy fuck Anarchs and their bullshit. Fuck Nines, fuck Damsel and definitely fuck Jack. Glad I went solo.
Anyways, I loved it. Glad to have finally finished it after a roughly a decade since my initial start. I really hope they announce Toreador next. Y'all were confident they were next up but they weren't. If they get axed I'll definitely be going with Tremere.
>Toreador Chad
>Talk my way through the game
>Bang bitches left and right
not even gunna drop an archive link user?
that's exactly what that says
Serious question: how do people as stupid, yet simultaneously constantly offended, manage to actually get through the day?
I say this as someone that also dislikes the puritanical leftist politics currently in vogue. You're incomprehensibly idiotic.
it is if that britcuck is writing them
Mommy's room looked comfy af and the colors were pleasant and warm thanks to the fireplace and general environment.
The skyscraper office looks cold and strict. Just like a Ventrue.
That's definitely Lou's haven.
The skyscraper one could only be Lasombra if both the animators and concept artist fucked up. The dude in the shot has a reflection in both the trailer showing that view, and the concept art for it in the clans section of BL2's website.
He's not tho. Hell, the guy who wrote Rudi got the boot from writing the table game. Unless you've got a source saying he's part of the games writing team now, and even then, Rudi appearing in Seattle would be beyond wankery.
This means they will do everything in their power to make sure Malk player characters are treated like royalty, so forget about NPCs calling you insane or crazy.
enjoy your discounted malks, cuck
>mindless buzzword-spouting for a generic, myopic reactionary semi-libertarian perspective
As much as it fucks them up, Malkavian. Knowing the answers to questions I haven’t asked, slowly turning mad from redpills and truths I didn’t want to know and never being sure if it was the Gift of Insight or actual mental health issues would be a wild ride.
New York has a Nosferatu Prince, as do quite a few other cities
How the fuck do you write something about gays in Chechnya and get their government involved. That's like, holy shit levels of incompetence.
That said I have faith in the game, the webms don't look as bad as some anons have said they do, plus that's the fucking alpha. I don't know why they bothered tying hand animations to powers when in the original you just pressed a button, but whatever.
This, and so are Toreadors. Garbage clans for homos and trannys.
prince of the trash heaps maybe
I’m sure Gangrel have been confirmed as the first post-launch free-DLC clan being released. One of the devs confirmed it... or did I dream that shit?
City Gangrel would be a fun additional bloodline. Survivalists and predators of urban areas. They have celerity, obfuscate, and protean. Highly effective stealth characters too since they can outrun many, change form and disappear into shadows.
Lasombra are neat too, but they're a clan and not just a bloodline.
I think it only means they will make Malk closer to the prophetic kind who suffers a lot from mental issues they actually are so the player gets a feel that they are not just the funny looney guys everyone paints them out to be. You know, writing good characters instead of comic reliefs. Doesn't mean other characters will not call them bat shit crazy or even that we wont get an at least amusing Malk.
a white one
> I don't know why they bothered tying hand animations to powers when in the original you just pressed a button, but whatever.
The original had also a hand animation I think. It was just the same for all powers I think.
"Cool" tier:
>Followers of Set
"Great" tier:
"Well, all right" tier:
"What the fuck are you doing tier":
What are you getting outraged about? That is what the devs themselves said, retard.
At this point, I feel like Bioshock's popularity would necessitate the hand animation, anyways. Just hope the one they're using is a placeholder, because.... Jesus.
that's dlc
what clan would he be?
No confirmation, but we already know there's an expansion called "Season of the Wolf" coming, so it's a pretty safe bet.
>a bunch of literal fucking nothing
>just words
Put Ventrue in the third tier and it's diamonds.
>Lasombra are neat too, but they're a clan and not just a bloodline
What the fuck did he mean by this?
>Season of the Wolf
Ah, right. Nice.
>someone quotes the actual fucking devs and writers
>gets triggered
>is pointed to the devs directly saying the same thing
>gets triggered again
I feel like Nossies and Vampjews should swap places. I like Blood Magic a lot more than just hide n' seek.
But other than that I 100% agree. Very good ranking.
The expansion for Season of the wolf is said to be "The return of the vampires greatest threat" so it's bringing werewolves, not Gangrel. Stop being retarded. The other DLC packs with the season of the wolf, are small quests and item dlc's
Ah, yes, because promises made by devs with literally zero supporting evidence should be taken at face value, because we are both literal children lacking critical thinking and object permanence. I, too, am outraged, OUTRAGED, at the vague non-statements coming from the mouths of these Swedecucks! They're gonna make our fishmalks into cutting teenage girls! REEEEEEE!
I see cosplaying an ugly bastard as a better acting lesson than just whipping out your blood magic, but I suppose that depends on personal preferences, I do think Tremere are incredibly cool regardless.
Playing a guy/girl who has to be a "ruler" and balancing out your connections with power players and others at the table has some inherent worth I think.
who is most likely to purge the Anarchs and make the Cammarila his bitches
Ventrue daddy kind of reminds me of Christoph Waltz.
Gangrel 100%.
Calm down, Cara. Shitters will still pay for your game.
did you just forget about all of the other clans
I better be able to rule seatlle with the ventrue dad or i'll fucking refund reeeee
Post yfw next clans are toreador, malkavian and lasombra
I don't have an appropriate reaction image. Jaw-dropping astonishment at sheer impossibility?
You know the man in the skyscraper has a reflection, right? That's not Lasombra, and nothing about it indicates any other possible clan than Ventrue.
In a much younger and more attractive version, yes.
Righteous muslim cannibal vampire ninjas > your favorite clan
Yes, I agree.
Are you on your period? Fuck off, bitch.
Don't make me come where you are and tear you a new one again ninja-wannabe faggot.
>mfw Blood and wine made vampires cool again and the vampire sequel will build upon it
That's generally the reason to pick up the flamethrower regardless of your skills. If not, you're not fucked but you're going to be there a long time. Don't take risks, and keep eating the humans.
>tfw you will never see a joint Muslim-Catholic hunter team on a religious hunt against vampires
You're right, because they control separate areas user.
so did Jack kill everyone on the boat to plant the explosives?
if so what was the thing everyone felt in the air?
what are some mods that add more content to the game? i feel like it needs a lot more quests
i already have unofficial patch plus
>if so what was the thing everyone felt in the air?
Depends on if that game actually took place during the Final Nights scenario. If not it was just straight up paranoia over everyone whispering to each other about the box and doom.
the thing that everyone felt was jjust made up
>V5 Nosferatu are just hobos
The cab driver might be caine or some very powerful vampire, so he may be the cause of the weird feeling all around
Caine, the eternal wanderer, being a cab driver seems perfect. Sad that White Wolf got so triggered about it
who the fuck made these trash illustrations
White wolf triggered itself into oblivion anyways. I like Caine being around in the game. Imagine if guys like Beckett kept getting a ride from him, all the stories Beckett would end up talking with him about vampire society and why it makes no sense to actually have a precursor figure like Caine or the Gehenna while Caine is right there in front of him going "that's cool man, I like your train of thought, want a pack of gum?"
This, I thought Caine the cabbie was just genius.
The cab driver was Caine and was fucking with everyone alongside Jack and Beckett. Beckett, who didn't believe in Caine, was working with Caine the entire time. Also I didn't know Becket and Jack were dead canonically, it sucks we'll never see more of Becket since he withered out
tfw based paradox finally put the boot down on those cucks
In the novels, that is what happened. Beckett was working with Caine and Jack while saying Caine doesn't exist to his face. Caine had immense respect for the size of beckets balls and tried to save him from withering but after talks about how Beckett couldn't even use his disciplines anymore, he was never brought up again
I thought it was shit and I didn't want Caine's existence or the vampire origin myth to ever be confirmed.
I liked the "maybe we're just like the Tremere, mages that just made some rituals a long time ago, or maybe this, or maybe that" instead of "Caine is real and the whole origin story is apparently well-known by everyone for some reason".
Nosferatu is based
>and the whole origin story is apparently well-known by everyone
I don't recall Caine commenting on it. He may be the first, but that doesn't tell us anything about how he became the first.
He got cursed by God cause he killed Abel. That's well-known and I fucking hate it.
this, nosferatu and malkavians are the most amazing ones, i played malkavian and nosferatu last, cause i thought theyre retarded, until i played them, they were legit best classes of all. fucking malkavian lines, just reading them made me hard(or laugh)
>instead of "Caine is real and the whole origin story is apparently well-known by everyone for some reason".
It's not "well known" in that it's confirmed and recognized in universe. We only know it's a fact because as third party players we're almost omniscient over the whole WoD universe.
>here's a legend
>obviously it's the truth, user
Are you stupid?
We have no idea if that's true. Caine is the first vampire, we don't know if it's actually biblical or if it's something else
Is there an imgur or something where I can browse these?
I DM'd a game set in Vegas that had it run my a Malk Baron. The Malkavian network makes having and holding power really easy if you've got more Malkavian's in your domain
>We only know it's a fact
We don't, though.
>The Malkavian network makes having and holding power really easy if you've got more Malkavian's in your domain
Elaborate. Implied hivemind?
I dont give a fuck if jack and beckett are dead canonically they better return in vtmb2.
Also Cain as the cabbie is based and brilliant and it better return in some form in 2
The Sabbat completely believe it and so do most of the other vampire independent clans. The Camarilla only denies it publicly, but pretty much ever elder believes it as well.
If the cabbie was confirmed to be Caine then the story would've obviously been verified as true, which I would've hated. That was my point.
in 2019 we don't need masquerade
>If the cabbie was confirmed to be Caine then the story would've obviously been verified as true
So you are stupid. Okay then.
Nah, that is pretty much how it went. Caine killed Abel so he was cursed to walk the land forever, then he met Lilith and became a vamp. Then he wandered until he ended up finding a city and embraced the second gen of vamps, who in turn embraced the antes.
frank what is this
Are you fucking illiterate, you mongrel? Don't ever reply to me again and kys.
Could be as simple as them not having to have elaborate security measures since nobody can really decipher the true meanings their crazy-speak. And even if you do, good luck trying to reliably predict what they’re going to do next.
I can never see the seam on those "heels". Alien confirmed.
Yeah we do. We know the short story of Caine, and we know how the Antediluvians came to be. These are things we explicitly know as eyes in the sky over this universe.
One of the things specifically mentioned in an old book is that if a Prince unjustly captured a Malkavian, all the Malks in the city would converge outside the building he was arrested in. Everyone Malk is independent, but I figured it wasn't much of a stretch to figure he could use the shared information to keep an eye on everything. You wouldn't even need to meet the Baron personally to talk to him, the other Malks could deliver messages on his behalf.
How the fuck do they walk in those.
We don't, because the story says god done did it, whereas what we know about True Faith, demons, angels etc. implies he doesn't exist.
Sure, why not? It's a roleplaying game and Caine is literally listed as "plot device". Golden rule still applies and I believe God also has multiple origin stories in the setting, so anything goes.
Even in the game The whole Caine thing is open ended. Could've been a powerful malk, Could've been Caine fucking around, but only his power level is vagely shown, as well as his knowledge about the vamps.
Cabbie being Caine would only mean Caine exists. His origin and by extension vampirism is still a mystery.
The generation concept necessitates that someone was the first and there are still a number of active 4th gen(Ur-Shulgi, Montano, Gratiano, Helena, Mahatma, and so on) who can directly trace their lineage back to Caine.
Whether the full myth is true is unknown. For all we know, Vampirism is a mutation and Caine, who didn't know anything about his condition yet, frenzied from the lack of blood and mistakenly drained his brother.
The real vampire is that ventrue in the back
There are Princes of nearly every Clan, fuck Cairo has a Caitiff Prince.
Favourite one is probably the Malkavian Prince of Ravenna see pic related
so ive been playing the first game for the first time, just how viable are speech stat based character?
seems there a ton of huge areas full of enemies that will just attack on sight with little way to talk your way out of it
Demons explicitly hate god. The question is only wtf is it, not if it exists. It exists without question.
What clan is this?
And Gangrel are the Kindred best equipped to hold their ground against a sole werewolf that got seperated from its pack.
What clan would JP2 be?
Speech is great for the beginning of the game. It’s worth putting some points in there for quests later on, too.
But you will have to invest in combat stats to progress later on as the endgame is extremely combat heavy.
Tzimisce obviously.
These are Tzimisce fuckers though. Wait till I call old man Dracula and the rest of the folks in the old Oradea League to ash their ass.
pretty sure they're just good at staying away from them user
>Demons explicitly hate god.
That's not proof of god existing.
It's only open ended because WW got involved. Troika wanted the cabbie to be Caine and would've confirmed it as such. The folder with his files is even named "Caine".
And yeah, it wouldn't verify the book of Nod, but what a fucking coincidence if it wouldn't.
>retard whose arguments consists of "lol u stupid" thinks he deserves anything more
A purely social character will not be able to complete the game.
A purely violent character won't enjoy much of the first half of the game.
Balance leveling your chosen speech stat and offensive stat, and you should be fine.
we need to solve this masquerade violation
It is because they were literally its OG underlings. Demons existing and pronouncing their hatred and rage over its actions prove it's a thing. We just don't understand it.
How so?
But you realise that 4th gen can't even get the origin story of their own sire right, or alternatively falsified it themselves
It's already been explained to you that Caine existing doesn't tell us much other than the progenitor part of the sory being true. Your random wafflings on what the factions believe has nothing to do with confirming anything to us as players.
>It is because they were literally its OG underlings.
What did they do?
>fedora humor
what the
hahaha what are you faggots on about? Caine is real, it's literally in the books you faggots, haha
>Implied hivemind?
Yes, in fact some Malks actually BECOME the network, though the malkavians don't realize this
Fortitude and Protean together make them absolute powerhouses in slugfests.
Holy fuck that writing
>he's beautiful
>he's refined
>he's told, not shown
It's like it was written by an XX subhuman.
this isn't a matter of lore but a matter of game development
you don't seriously expect Paradox to put two pieces of content in a single DLC when they can sell them separately for more?
>so buttmad you can't even respond to the correct post
>applying real-world-tier skeptic rhetoric to works of fiction with exposition telling you exactly how things are
Going to jump into this this argument for a single post to call you a retard. Retard.
Is the masquerade even that necessary in the modern nights? I know it was in the dark ages with burning witches but in 2019, with open acceptance of trannies and homos, I feel like vamps could get rights rather quickly, at least in western nations. Especially when learn some of their favorite celebs or supposedly deceased friends and families are vamps.
I mean it has to be better than being annihilated behind the scenes by the SI
It's a fucking character sheet, dude, it's SUPPOSED to explicitly explain the character. What the fuck do you think the "roleplaying hints" section is for?
Pic related
>He was Brujah, but not good Brujah. Camarilla Brujah.
What the fuck is this. Also the [hugs] thing, what in the goddamn unlife is this? It's an edit, right? Right?
unfortunately only malks would blend in well with the tranny crowd
You're correct there, but against a werewolf? Odds still ain't good. It's an ambush predator vs a ballistic predator. The odds ain't great.
They literally stated they won't charge for additional clans.
So Gangrel being a free addition with the Season of the Wolf giving them story seems like a smart choice
Well I can't deny clicking the wrong link, but I'm aapplying real-world skepticism because real-world uncertainty was the topic. It confirmed Caine existed, not that anyone except that guy thought otherwise, but not any sort of origin.
>blood on the finest marble - how exquisite
this is hambeast shlickfic, very obviously
With the current technology we have I find it kinda hard to believe Kindred would be able to uphold the masquerade for very long
It's called the cobweb now? Malkavian Network sounded way cooler
Do you even understand the mode of writing for character sheets/introductions?
This sounds suspiciously like Weaver shit.
There's more in the world of darkness than vampires, and humans aren't the only things they hide from. The mages alone would fucking murder them for bringing the supernatural to the attention of the mundane, to say nothing of werewolf stalkers, the ongoing government sponsored crusades against them, or the agenta of the god machine
And as I said again, it would be a massive fucking coincidence if the first vampire was actually named Caine and did in fact exist, but the Book of Nod was inaccurate about everything else.
>werewolf stalkers
They couldn't and thin bloods made it worse. Look up the second inquisition
>hi I'm Jesus
>well, I guess that means all four of the New Testaments are true, even where they conflict
You seem a little fuzzy on the concept of facts.
Of course the odds aren't good.
But the odds are better than for any other kindred.
Maybe a Brujah elder with both Celerity and Potence at 5 has a chance if he can dispatch the werewolf before it has a chance to disembowl them but Gangrel have a chance earlier and better at that level
>Vamps make themselves known
>Internet defense force tries to protect them with full force. Nos gets Yea Forums shitposters, toreador gets twitter faggots and tzismisces and brujahs gets SJWs
>Werewolves and hunters now know everything about them
>Cities are now besieged by furries
Not worth it pal.
It's been the cobweb since forever.
MMN is a way worse name than cobweb
>"Kindred Democrats create "blood tax" for humans; every human in the US must donate a liter of blood at the beginning of the tax season that will be redistributed equally amongst the kindred population."
who's excited for the inevitable Second Inquisition task force coming to kill you with napalm rounds
>lategame equivalent of BL1's Blood Hunt is Second Inquisition squads trying to clamp down on the apocalyptic bullshit
>streets are no longer safe
>constant ranged aggravated damage
>the kine wear throat armor equipped with weird auto-inject cyanide bullshit so you can't safely drink them
Rest in pieces
>+5 damage
Better pray you have fortitude or the assailant rolls horribly
Obtenebration hasn't let me down yet.
You guys ever seen the lost boys interacial gay porn parody. They take the song from the movie and put their spin on it. Immortal jizz, black doggy dick White boys gunna cry. Lol vampire stuff either for girls or faggots.
the blood hunt was such a dissapointment
oh well, we're getting an epic once someone remakes the original in the new engine
>tfw no ghoul management game
Armor won't save them from vomiting blood
And as I said, that would be a massive coincidence.
t. hunter
How is a book not being accurate a massive coincidence?
>The mages alone would fucking murder them
You mean they'd try.
the testaments were literally written by like 20 jews, why do you think they're contradictory?
A book being accurate about there being a first vampire and him also being named Caine just incidentally but accurate about nothing else.
Gangrel. I just wanna fuck off and live an eternity of isolation and achieve golconda.
i-d.vice com/en_uk/article/kzk883/this-instagram-artist-is-using-her-body-to-distort-our-perceptions-of-beauty
jesus christ
>or the agenta of the god machine
Don't mix up nWoD and oWoD
>The mages alone would fucking murder them for bringing the supernatural to the attention of the mundane
Mages would like the masses to accept the supernatural as existing, them disbelieving in it causes Paradox.
Again I think you mix up nWoD with oWoD
Really enjoying Bloodlines. Where should I go to read up more on the lore of the universe? Is the WoD wiki the best?
So Toreador will be next right? Is everybody expecting Presence and Celerity? Or Auspex?
>You guys ever seen the lost boys interacial gay porn parody
No but it sounds like you have.
In Redemption the Prince of Prague was a Nosferatu.
>but accurate about nothing else.
Maybe, maybe not. We don't know, do we? Fragments of half-truths is what WW run on, why are you having so much trouble with the idea?
fucking Tzimice
Yeah, or just hang out in these threads and ask questions. There's always somebody good to answer you.
It's Salubri.
Fair, I'd play a three-eyed mage.
Mages have their ritual magic bullshit that lets them stack gorillion points of mana into a stat and have it last for a month.
Then repeat that for other stats before the first buff wears off. Then also buff armor this way.
Vampire abilities require overcoming target's defenses, which use stats.
Lore kinda pretends that mages don't own the world, but then it drops that and says "Technocracy has invented lasers" or whatever.
Read the V20 book. You should be able to find a pdf somewhere.
WoD wiki is pretty bad honestly.
Try reading BJD, probably the best "introduction"
Anything's possible; Cairo has a Caitiff prince who's been around for centuries in-lore.
Would fucking a werewolf make me a furry?
It would be interesting if they went fuck the main clans and only let you pick between the special snowflake bloodlines.
>grand strategy game where you play as an Antedeluvian in torpor and direct your clan to control the entire planet
I'd play it.
Remember the Massasa war?
This hasn't been true for many versions now. VTMB has an established metaplot since even before V20 and God as well as Caine are confirmed real in them, unfortunately.
Absolutely Presence.
And I give a chance of 70% Celerity - 30% Auspex for their second discipline.
No it wouldn't.
The bloodline with the most members in existence are the Samedi. And all of them would fit into one subway car
Which clan would you be IRL, anons?
I would probably be a Toreador because despite how much I fucking hate everybody and everything I don't think I could help wanting to be aligned with humanity and the arts and stuff.
Nah, I want something less "you control vague armies at the end of the world" and more "those dudes with personalities listen to you and you need to use them to survive".
At the end of the day it's a loosely defined world and any ST can decide for themselves how real God and Caine are, though.
why can't there be a vampire game where they let me play an antidiluvian already? it's ltierally all anyone actually cares about anyway
>God as well as Caine are confirmed real in them
Not even in all Gehenna scenarios.
I want to go full homo bloodsucking, cock sucking vamp.
The test used to say I'm gangrel but since getting over my anti social shit I'm apparently Malk now
Tremere so I can stop having periods
Auspex is probably going to Malk desu
Not entirely certain what you mean, but I'd also play the shit out of Mount and Blade: Bannerlord: Actually Released Edition: Vampire module.
Fuck, now I'm sad. Thanks a lot, user.
You can choose to ignore the metaplot, but that doesn't mean it no longer exists.
Small tits.
>not being a tzimischad
Fallout Shelter
Brujah because I'm a communist
I thought that Mage and VTMB had different mechanics and the mages in the VTMB aren't as powerful as the ones in their own TT games.
I'm aware but I don't see how that would make it non interesting. Less faithful to the source material sure but interesting nonetheless.
>Mount and Blade: Bannerlord
Oh, I get why you are drawn to vampire threads.
You hope to get embraced so that you live long enough to see Bannerlord release.
I want to be a tzimische
I dont care if the kiss is painful, i'd fucking kill to change what I look like
Furry at the very least if they transform during sex, zoophile at most if they're wolves. Sometimes scaly.
If they keep it to themselves not really.
Only thing is this way Toreador doesn't get a unique Discipline so I'm not sure.
>I'm a communist
I'M SO FUCKING TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU STUPID CUNT. you think we should have communal access to blood? you think you should own my ghouls? DEATH TO RED VAMPIRES, DEATH TO GENOCIDAL IDEOLOGIES.
It's Giovanni that have the agonising kiss isn't it?
>I'd fucking kill to change what I look like
That's a sure fire way of becoming a nosferatu user. I'll be right there.
Would an XCOM ripoff hunter game work?
Toreador can't get a unique Discipline using literally any of the popular assumptions for remaining clans.
For what it's worth, I suspect Ventrue will have Fortitude.
What clan is the most metal
>tfw no succubus (male) discipline to channel muh kiss without a wound
>tfw no bloodcum ghouling
WW really needs to get more creative
only if it was on impossible difficulty at all times
Antedilluvians are too powerful and too abstract to play. I mean, how are you're going to play a being that can cover the planet in darkness or fuse with every person on the planet
A game with an OP protag that's still fun would be playing as a Methuselah fresh out of torpor, shaking off the fog of ages, and taking back the clan from modern pussies
Not really, at least not if it followed the lore closely.
WoD is all about indirect shit, not open confrontation. Part of why Redemption sucked.
I hope not since it'll be pretty boring gameplay wise and Presence will probably have some social passives with fit the Ventrue more. Fortitude just not showing up won't be missed. I'm honestly way more interested in seeing the passive abilities of each Discipline right now.
was about to say Nozzies but they'd probably listen to Autechre or some shit
i guess Gangrel
post yfw ventrue fags are not getting in
They all joined isis
>True blood.
Woah looks like your the brujah here hehe
Ventrue will have Fortitude, not Presence. Each clan has a signature discipline and a generic one based on the way they've presented each one so far.
Thanks vampire Obama.
>signature discipline
>faggot clans like brujah and toreador don't even have exclusive disciplines
I like Gangrel but I can't deny that you're mostly right.
But Fortitude doesn't work out to be a generic one since Gangrel won't be getting in.
Will Jeanette, VV and Deb still be alive?
I already suggested grand strategy. Don't be mean to that user.
A purely social Ventrue? Not a chance.
It's just something they're using to categorize themselves for this game with the fact that we only get 5 clans with 2 disciplines each
Better question, could LaCroix be still alive?
Unironically Brujah, at least for the shitty part of metal, like thrash, heavy etc. - the classics loved by plebs.
Better stuff is mostly spread:
>black - Baali
>doom - Capadocian
>prog, grind - Malkavian
>death - Nosferatu
Also, for garbage:
>nu - Brujah
>deathcore - also Brujah
Jeanette and Susan are already dead, my dude. ;^)
He's also already dead.
Deb is a radio host in LA, I don't see why she'd be in danger or show up. VV is still in La and Jeannette is the Baron of Saint Monica while her sister is the Prince of Saint Monica
Dominate and Presence will both have combat utility but Presence is a more important Discipline to the Ventrue stereotype.
Wait you're gonna be stuck with two disciplines the whole game or will you be able to mix and match like a power hungry caitiff would?
>Ur-Shulgi is the most efficient warmage on the face of the planet, though he does not think of itself in such simplistic terms. In fact, most of his thought processes are completely incomprehensible to anyone not of his age and power stratum. To outside observers, he is violence given physical body, the vengeance of Haqim upon all those who would oppose his will. He remembers the glory of the Second City and the old gods who walked there.
He views "Allah" as an upstart whose faith has corrupted the line of Haqim, and he must either show all those who worship him the error of their ways or purge them from among the rafiq. Casually shattering the curse that the Usurpers laid upon the Assamites was the first step on this road, and those presumptuous meddlers will be the first to fall before the whirlwind that the Camarilla attempted to chain.
Now I want a GoW clone of Ur-Shulgi storming the Alamut and cleansing his clans of Muslims
You get your thinblood shit, then your clan shit. It's gameplay is more of an action brawler and they already confirmed that guns are a per encounter thing like a buff instead of a full gameplay style like before. I'm invested for the story now, the gameplay seems pretty generic
You get one Thin Blood Discipline (Mentalism, Chipoteran or Nebulation) and then the two Disciplines from your Clan.
Allright faggots. Here's the deal when speculating about what clans are next. First of all, they want the clan disciplines to be utility/combat. Example Tremere, Auspex(utility) and Thaum (combat)
They're also going along some archtypes. Example- Brujah (Fighter) Tremere (wizard)
What are our diplomats, stealth and hybrid clans?
>Thin Blood Discipline (Mentalism, Chipoteran or Nebulation)
First I've heard of those but all I know is from reading the V20 rulebook and playing bloodlines years ago. I'm assuming it's a new addition.
heard yall niggas like nosferatu
Yes, it's the outlier to it all. Mathematically speaking since we have an odd amount of clans there must to be 1 with 2 unique disciplines. I think it's important not to over emphasize the "signature" aspect of the discipline because that will likely be broken once they add DLC (or ideally, whatever DLC clan which copies an existing signature discipline will have some sort of variation in abilities within that discipline, ventrue dominate is different from lasombra dominate etc. that would be really cool I think). I think it's unlikely Ventrue will take Presence at all or just because nobody else has fortitude, but I'm curious as to how they would do fortitude for a low level vamp.
Kek dude, sounds based
Start the game as thinblood with their three disciplines, choose clan and go through a secondary character creation at that point in the story; at that point, you keep one of the three thinblood disciplines and get the two clan disciplines from the clan you choose.
I don't think they've said any more detail than that, but I'm hoping this secondary character creation can be used as a respec point, as well.
>tfw no bloodcum ghouling
You're far behind
>tfw no succubus (male) discipline to channel muh kiss without a wound
The kiss is already sexual though.
shit like thinblood alchemy and the "disciplines" they have in v5 can't be adapted to a video game format, so they're making their own
Thinbloods have always been around and have always had abilities. They get them through alchemy normally but in this game you develop them naturally for gameplay sake. The idea is Thinbloods are so low on the bloodline they can end up with weird experimental disciplines.
I think it will, yes. I do find weird that they would pick a clan with the same discipline as another, but maybe Toreador Celerity has it's own twists to keep it different from Brujah's.
whole endgame was rushed so it's most likely due to lack of time
Ventrue, Nosferatu, and lasombra, in that order. Ventrue could conceivably be switched out with toreador.
For me, I think there's a reason theyre doing this clan reveal thing - if they were gonna just go through the normal clans then they wouldn't bother. As such I think we could see Lasombra come in to take the place of the Ventrue or toreadors.
>me in the back
Pretty sure the c4 was intended
Toreador, Ventrue and unknown.
Although they do seem to be aiming for RPG class-type clans, they've also stated they don't like how restrictive clans used to be, specifically citing the physical infirmity of Tremere as an example. I doubt any more clans will be so focused.
My money's on Ventrue being another release clan and Gangreel being post-release. At some point, the game will also have Malk and Nos.
That would be me
i think Ventrue will only be for npcs
There's really no need to specukate anymore. You guys are pissing in an empty pond.
>What did demons do?
"In Demon: The Fallen, players assume the role of one of the rebel angels who defied their Creator for love of humanity and for their rebellion were cast into the Abyss, a prison hidden deep beneath the lands of the dead."
"One-third of the Elohim decided to defy God by revealing themselves to Adam and Eve." These angels were punished and fell, but they guided, helped, ruled, or punished humanity as they saw fit for a time. They were eventually defeated and locked away from the world.
A bloodlines style game that turns into Prototype when combat starts? Would be fun.
I just want another Prototype kind of game
>only till the end of story
Is this part just for Tremere or all? I mean, officially - it can be interpreted either way.
>The kiss is already sexual though.
This shit bites
Also I say there'll be Nosferatu because of the emphasis they've put on the Seattle underground in their early advertising - it's obvious Nossie-bait.
They have stated their will be a surprise for the clan reveals, which is the only reason I haven't discounted Lasombra.
But you're fucking nuts if you think two of the three remaining aren't Toreador and Ventrue.
Yeah I know about thinbloods as a concept obviously. Just wasn't aware that they had exclusive named disciplines. As far as I could remember it was a crapshoot if they had the power to use any disciplines at all.
I kind of hope it's not Toredore and it's actually something else
Imagine being a discord tranny and shilling a game for free.
Go dilate.
It was added in V5 because there was a thinblood war, started by Jack who found the last daughter of lilith, and she turned into a thinblood from a ghoul entirely on her own
>they have states there will be a surprise
Which lore version will the game follow?
oWoD? V5?
lads should we make a VTMB general on /vg/?
it'd be comfy but idk if anyone would show uo
For people who don't think we're getting both Ventrue and Toreador, do you think Titty Toreador is a Malkavian or Daddy Ventrue is a Lasombra? Because both their havens are clearly the clan images
It's weird right? Used to be infamous and prototype were the shit and then those games just kinda stopped being made right at the point where the tech would actually be able to support them.
Yeah it's the only confusing part really. All their others changes line up with what's in the V5 book but the new named Disciplines are a curve ball. I wonder if the other TB's made alongside you have them as well.
Nobody cares about the "sequel".
>and unknown
Not really. We know it's an insane asylum now so that basically confirms it's Malk. You cucks keep using dnd-esque classes for rationalizing baseless clan predictions and I don't know why. There's no fucking stealth clan. Malk aren't even going to have Obfuscate.
>>Is this part just for Tremere or all?
As an ST I'd rule that part only applies to Tremere
Brain's version of V5. It's not being 100% faithfully adapted.
There's no way that miserable, dimly lit, dirty hallway isn't Nosferatu.
Logically free post release DLC would be easier to integrate Malkavian than Nosferatu anyway. Malkavians require responses and unique dialogue, but we know the player dialogue isn't voiced so that's just a matter of writing, and like Bloodlines NPC dialogue would be a combination of canned, clan universal responses and the odd recognition of Malk absurdity.
Nosferatu however would require all of the above, plus an entirely new quest chain and game progression to justify their integration, else it wouldn't work. That's the kind of stuff you want to iron out in the main production arc, not weigh down free post launch production content. Malks are cheaper.
Also, Nosferatu fit the "stealth" character type, and Paradox has said they're aiming to making each clan somewhat appeal to a traditional role playing archetype.
Brujah = Brawler
Tremere = Wizard
Toreador = Bard/Romantic
Ventrue = Leader/Persuasion/Dominance
Nosferatu = Thief/Stealth
>best looking vamps
We can do something closer to release but these threads are likely gonna die down once they're done doing big reveals and after they show their E3 stuff. If the threads somehow keep up between then maybe.
Kill yourself noscuck
Radical got killed by Activision and Infamous LL was not that great, so it's maybe not too surprising, but every other franchise turning into an open world fest yet just makes it more painful
best music coming through
Obfuscate was their best trait though
Prototype but it's more horrific and the story isn't as retarded as 2 but has 2's personality when?
Never ever ever, I know.
Daddy Ventrue can't be Lasombra, because he has a fully functional reflection in both the trailer and the concept art.
It's complete insanity on some peoples part, I tells ya.
We don't know that's an asylum. That's speculation. It's what I find most likely, but it's nowhere near as clear cut as the others.
I'd point out the window. Shuttered, of course, and the building is clearly abandoned. this one is obviously meant to be ambiguous.
I dunno - given that the v5 lore has the Camarilla as a secret society, a proper old boys' club, it's conceivable that Ventrue are left to NPCs; the clan of "the man," so to speak. And with the emphasis they put on the underground I'm at least pretty sure there's a nossie option - which means, if they're actually going to pull some surprise, it's toreador or ventrue getting switched. Further, I think it'd be too much overlap to have toreador AND ventrue AND lasombra AND Brujah.
Yeah. That's what Malkavian's are known for.
>Malkavians require responses and unique dialogue
Based on the fact they're in, they likely aren't going to be even close to what they were before. Maybe at best you get an occasional demented dialogue choice but there's no way it's going to be as fleshed out as it was in B1. My guess is they will likely be more focused on visual hallucination than just dialogue crypticness. Like maybe they see shit nobody else sees like the blood flood and blood coming from the sink.
The obvious ones could still work out and have the hallway clan be Nos, my dude.
>has the Camarilla as a secret society, a proper old boys' club
The Camarilla has literally lost a lot of its older members and is more accommodating to Thin Bloods and higher generations as a result.
Yeah, i agree it will be like that, even though i find Toreador a little bland in relation to other clans. I'm a Nosfag though, so i might hold Toreador in low regard for personal reasons, but i just don't see them doing anything a Ventrue can't.
I love how retards like you think every malk needs to be written like a fishmalk
Would like this clan if it didn't have a spic name.
nose ring! vomit!
>We don't know that's an asylum. That's speculation. It's what I find most likely, but it's nowhere near as clear cut as the others.
We do. Those green lights are cell door panels. The 2nd image is a cell interior with a broken mirror, hence malks. We know also from this that this building is meant to be habitable, as in it isn't a warehouse or a powerplant. The third image clearly shows the massive cell doors on the right. What the fuck do you mean this is just speculation? Are you genuinely retarded?
Then why the clan reveal format if the options are all main clans?
Clearly not the case m8.
I like fishmalks desu, also if you are going to have a malk why not go all the way and make them fishy? think about it, any clan can be slightly crazy, so why not make malks stand out
*Cell doors on the left
Oh no, a vampire girl is a trashy slut rather than a pure tradwife zombie!
>nosfags still in denial
no accordion/10 its trash
it's people who have never played the pnp. yes, fishmalk in vtmb 1 was great, but it's cancer tabletop
They explicitly said they want mental illnesses portrayed well.
This means no fish.
he's not wrong
LaSombra or Toreador
All roleplay requires a certain degree of levity sure, straight up fishmalk is just taking it too far.
I'm really excited to play a Tremere. I really hope there's more story implications to being a shitposting wannabe-vampire blood sorc than just "vampires do % more damage to you"
Same reason it's being gradually revealed. Free word-of-mouth marketing.
>Gangrel are better fighters than Brujah
Is this how it works in V5 perhaps? In second edition and revised Brujah were probably the best straight up combatants. Extra actions are incredibly good as they allow you to quickly overwhelm and slaughter an opponent with many many lethal attacks. Potence tends to be better than fortitude as well in a 1v1 fight. Potence gives automatic successes, fortitude just gives dice. Every dot of potence does about two dots of fortitude in damage.
Brujah can terrify an opponent into doing nothing but trying to run with presence and dread gaze, attack you in a blur of speed multiple times with celerity, and do absolutely overwhelming hand to hand damage with potence.
I think it's likely they'll get Dementation/Auspex. The existing abilities for Auspex would work pretty well for a Malk, especially astral projection. This also keeps with the theme of having starter clans share their secondary disciplines, since toreador will likely have celerity then as well. Obfuscate will likely be left for Nosferatu as their signature discipline for their DLC.
actually, it's because it's a nice way to keep people hooked till e3 gameplay, since the final clan wi;ll be revelead a week or two before e3
If i could pick tremere or tzismisce
But without my own choice i would either become a gangrel, nosferatu or malkavian
I wanna fuck that cyclops
No, they said they don't want to be "insensitive", not that they care about objective quality.
Reminder that if Nosferatu aren't a playable clan than that means no stealth and that means that they stream lined the way you can play the game.
That's... user..
What a completely truthful and unbiased comment, thank you
Based (if slightly retarded) user.
Either way, the only fishy thing will be the vagina odors from the borderline personality sluts
if it means no penguin of doom monkeycheese Malks then great
Yeah I'll give you that, I left out the raw capitalist explanation. We'll see what happens, I guess.
They're showing shit at Paradoxcon. I don't know if they've confirmed a no-show for E3, but they've implied in the streams that there will be continuing news even after the reveals are done. My theory fits better, and even includes yours.
Wait, really. He was too much even for Paradox?
That's not the right link anons.
>That fucking guy in the background
Jesus christ I'm dead.
>he doesn't know about Mistform or whatever the fuck literally every vampire has access to from the word go
based b8anon
Akshuly, those pick victims who fight back and don't just freeze in fear. So not you, unless you're a suicidal edgelord.
>no stealth and that means that they stream lined the way you can play the game.
But they've already got stealth, and it's built into the level design as well. Nossie I know you're angry and buttmad but you can't just insult your own intellect like this it's sad to watch.
alright I'll bite, what the hell is a fish malk
can vampires lose weight, or if you're bitten as a fatty are you stuck that way forever
paradox will be at e3 dumbass
Because they're a starting clan and you can't fuck players over in games they paid $60 for like you could 15 years ago.
You gradually return to how you look when you died. Vicissitude can permanently alter you though.
Yeah, i'm ok with it as well.
uh oh
It would require magic basically
>those pick victims who fight back and don't just freeze in fear
Is this an accepted thing? That's kinda rad.
The fact that they use only feminine pronouns still makes me laugh.
It made me laugh when they changed it to that in the TT for the first time as well. What a bunch of fags.
the best malk
damn, so that means you have to hire a tzimice to make you look good? and then they can just prank you and fuck you up?
The guy's who wrote that character wrote him at a time when v5 and its devs were being accused of leaning too far right, with 1488 sneaking its way into a diceroll example, a little too much emphasis on alt right and neonazi politics (and a little too much flanderization of leftist politics) in the brujah intro discription, allegations that the writers had a history of abusing women (one did, it turns out), allegations that the writers forced Onyx Path to have werewolf society hold strong reactionary views on gay and trans people in W20 to "better fit with lore decisions going forward" - he was written to try and appeal to the people who were angry, but the Chechnya thing stopped the show before it got more out of control.
wait, no
>The fact that they use only feminine pronouns still makes me laugh.
They interchange almost at random, user. Kill yourself.
using feminine pronouns to refer to vamps is a ubiquitous vampire trope you dumb faggot
I think actually the Chechnya thing was to much. The Rudi thing was just a shitty writing.
I can believe this. That writing was simply too much, it read like a parody.
The reason is they don't want to be under the spotlight and get fucked by their antediluvian.
Im not an edgelord. But i do not freeze in fear. I fight back if attacked. Not that it would help much against a vampire
"Fishmalk is a term used to refer to a stereotypically wacky Malkavian, the type who hits someone in the face with a fish and runs away hooting. Since Malkavians are all insane, the clan tends to attract a type of player who wants to be wacky or otherwise "chaotic neutral"."
""Fishmalk" can be seen as a sort of insult to a player's ability to roleplay, as it is quite pointlessly silly and not ideally suited for the World of Darkness."
The Malkavian PC in the first game had dialogue and weird fun hallucinations kind of like a Fish Malk because it's a single player game and it's for fun.
fishmalks are malkavians whose version of insanity is just doing lolrandom zany things all the time. I think it's a reference to art from the tabletop of a malkavian rubbing a dead fish on his face.
Even worse, anyone who gets Vicissitude used on them gets infected with a little piece of the Tzimisce antediluvian - meaning you're fucked when (a specific version of) Gehenna comes.
I'm not a nossie, I'm just afraid they'll fuck it up and not having nosferatu as a plyable clan is a red flag.
>1488 dice roll
Everybody got the boot. Rudi didn't actually cause backlash. It was the fact they basically used a current real world oppressive government as a stage for a vampire fiction book that sent all of them over. Kind of fucked and gross desu
*holds up spork*
No, they don't.
It wasn't in VTMB until they made the conscious decision to do so. Don't make me pull up the quotes where they admit doing it cause it's "empowering to women" or whatever the fuck, you disgusting subhuman.
Using feminine pronouns in RPG books is not unheard of nor unique to VtM.
Not really. They've already got stealth accounted for, as I said. Nebulation is a substitute for the fact that Obfuscate isn't in the game.
Was this intentional or is the editor just bad?
do it you faggot, go on
That doesn't mean gameplay will be shown, or anything revealed about, or even a showing of known material for Bloodlines 2, while they have confirmed gameplay footage for Paradoxcon.
retard, they said PLAY the demo at PDXC, not watch gameplay
reading comprehension brainlet
Yeah, in a rules description in the V5 rulebook preview, they did something like "to swing his knife, the player rolls 4 ten sided dice, and gets a result of 1,4,8,8, which is a success" or something like that. They fixed it after complaints, saying they had no knowledge of its significance iirc (or they blamed it on some low-tier editor who they fired for it, I honestly can't remember).
just masturbated. should i start a new vtmb playthrough anons
You know, you could hit the gym while still alive if you are worried. In fact looking good is something Toreador care a lot about, they wouldn't pick fatty unless it's a brilliant artist of some kind.
Being to beautiful and proud of it might pick the attention of a Nosferatu though, so keep your cool once you become hot.
why are the dudes from the santa monica hospital in that room at the end of the maze?
Why are the Toreador considered the most beautiful of all the clans when the Ventrue are much better looking?
unironically hillarious, especially that they added the "fascism bad" pre-word to the book due to all the accusations, and now /pol/ shitposters seethe and post that without knowing the ironic context
muh art and shit
Was this after 20e, because I thought I remembered reading both.
You mean the UoP maze? Who knows, most his decisions for new areas aren't great.
Toreador are seducers and charmers
I read the V20 (or was it revised?) book and they refer to Salubri as "cyclops." I may be retarded, but I'm not that retarded
Yeah it's their clan nickname. You were right don't worry, they just didn't catch it.
Yeah, I knew that /pol/ types would fall on V5 hard once the pretty hamfisted attempts to put out the social media fire started showing up.
Personally I don't claim to know anything about the original v5 writers' politics (except for Zak S, who's actually a cunt), but it was clear that they, at the very least, weren't the people to successfully relaunch the franchise.
Disciplines, clan curse, subtly unique visual appearances that leads to alluring qualities. The Venture are handsome and beautiful in a powerful and classical way, but the Toreador elevate beauty and attraction to something more mystical. And often literally mystical as their clan qualities causes those around them to be entranced by their presence and beauty, conventionally justified or not.
He's still wrong though
Toreador because I'm a filthy degenerate hedonist fuck and I'm blessed with good looks
How? That's a Salubri in the image, a nickname for them is Cyclops and he wants to fuck her. He wants to fuck the Cyclops.
Didn't capitalize the C
this nigga put all his points in Autism
Quality post.
All "physical" disciplines got changed massively in v5.
In Kindred vs. Kindred Brujah are probably still the best but against werewolves you need to be able to take some hits.
Bonus action got completly removed in combat so celerity isn't completly broken anymore.
Where can I get v5 pdfs to pirate?
I want to read this shit and autismcraft even though I won't ever play it because I'm an edgy loner
It's a preview manuscript, so who knows, could be both
Ventrue, Toreador, and Brujah are able with the presence discipline and so they can more easily learn to inspire awe, fear, or majesty with their appearance. Toreador have a love of beauty and so they have a tendency to turn the most beautiful people into vampires. Toreador tend to have such a love of beauty that they also will put in the work to be stylish and impressive. While the leaders that Ventrue tend to embrace are often good looking, being good looking tends to help one impress followers, it's not generally on the same level as Toreador who sometimes do so purely out of love of art and beauty. Ventrue also aren't quite as flashy in their fashion and tend to err on the side of being dignified, reserved, respectable, and so forth.
Also it comes down to the people who write the game and play the characters. Lots of female players like to play pretty arty sweet toreador characters with lots of dots in appearance. Lots of Ventrue players like to focus on being rich, powerful, classy, scheming, mind controllers with lots of dots in manipulation.
Look for World of Darkness General on /tg/
Just go to the WoD general on /tg/.
in the giant mega folder on /tg
Which one of these is correct??
>While the leaders that Ventrue tend to embrace are often good looking
Not really, if anything the Ventrue are intensely meritocratic and there are a billion things more important than looks to them.
This one:
I think his point was fine. Looks aren't at all the goal, it's just people like that are often there in part because of some level of charisma.
Malk and Gangrel are the only ones worth your time.
Fuck Brujah and fuck Anarchs
I can't find the original article with that faggot's quote anymore, but this might do as well.
>I'm blessed with good looks
Everyone who has ever said this on Yea Forums has turned out to be fuck ugly. Post your face, Nosferatu-chan.
>article from 2014
Your point is already invalid. They've been doing it since the 90s.
t. bootlicker
Looks have always been completly distinct from charisma in WoD.
And in the most recent edition they removed Appearance as a stat and put it as a merit which I'd argue was a very good idea because it was basically a dead stat that you could increase with XP for some strange reason
Just because you say you aren't one doesn't make it true
If you're a successful businessman, you most likely have some level of charisma, that's all I was saying.
I think they're limiting every clan to 2 disciplines to avoid overlap so it'll probably be auspex since Brujah already have celerity
Literally none of that is over the line that every single public figure in the entertainment industry walks you fucking troglodyte.
The only problem here is that you're a triggered extremist that lashes out at the most minor thing, much like a certain group that I hear lots about on this site exclusively. I think they hang out at resetera or something, you might've heard of it.
Really makes me think.
Tremere have Auspex
if we cant be a fishmalk I hope there is at least a fishNPC
Have auspex
I wonder if they will learn lessons from CDPR and give you a few girls to fuck. That was the only thing missing in the original.
I mean yes, my argument is that it has basically nothing to do with looks
>the police are looking for you
was a great line, in fact it could work for a non fishmalk as well, just paranoid one
I'm 99% sure I've read that there are romance options as part of the very original information release from journalists. I don't see the point really but there you go.
>50 shades of Red
someone make a new thread. hurry
Guess Toreador are fucked then
Not consistently, no. And the link I gave didn't say they started doing it in 2014.
All I said is that I find it funny. Stop freaking out, tranny.
It goes like this, okay?
Brujah - Potence, Celerity
Tremere - Thaumaturgy, Auspex
Toreador - Presence, Celerity
Ventrue - Dominate, Fortitude
Malkavian - Dementation, Auspex
The only things you're allowed to debate is Malk's Dementation and maybe Ventrue's Fortitude.
I'm willing to be that Malks will have obfuscate
Nope :) kys
>there are a billion things more important than looks to them
They tend to be picky and embrace people who are great at many useful things and it turns out those people tend to be good looking as well.
Ventrues embrace leaders, and it's easier to be a good leader when your followers respect and admire you. Being good looking tends to make it easier to gain people's respect and admiration. As Ventrues focus on embracing leaders and leaders tend to be good looking this leads to Ventrues often being good looking as well.
>All I said is that I find it funny
>Don't make me pull up the quotes where they admit doing it cause it's "empowering to women" or whatever the fuck, you disgusting subhuman.
Looks like a measured response to me. I take everything back. Wait no I don't, fuck you and stay triggered tranny.