Hot and objectively correct opinion: popular first-person shooters like Call of Duty and Fortnite have better gameplay...

Hot and objectively correct opinion: popular first-person shooters like Call of Duty and Fortnite have better gameplay and level design than plenty of games that Yea Forums overrates like Nier, Undertale, Yakuza, Persona, etc.

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Awww he's smiling :)

uh pitbulls, or NIGGERS as I like to call them

Pitbulls aren’t bad. I have one and she’s the sweetest dog in the world. In fact, did you know pits used to be nanny dogs?


yeah, riveting gameplay you got there

>corridor shooter
>good level design
Pick one

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woah, immersive

oh my god he called CoD good oh man I'm so seething whatever will I do

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What bothers me more than anything are people calling them pits. Do you call chihuahuas chis? Or Golden retrievers golrevs? Fuck that retarded nickname shit

so fucking ugly, who likes these dogs?

/r/ing the niggerbull getting put down video

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You have to be 18 or older to post here

thots and thugs

>his dogs aren’t SMASHED AND SLAMMED
absolute shit, i bet you faggots don’t even SNARF

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>Objectively correct
>doesnt even back up that said opinion


people that are more trashy than these dogs

One time my neighbors pit bull jumped the fence over into my yard, I don't know if it was chasing something but it was really aggressive and wouldn't leave, so my father fucking stabbed it in the neck.
Living in the ghetto was fucking wild, man.

I’ve frequently seen people refer to Golden Retrievers as “Goldens”, or Boston Terriers as “Bostons”. I know what you mean, but shortening the name isn’t that uncommon.

I'm a 33 years old Russian, actually.
It's a self-evident

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>I have one and she’s the sweetest dog in the world
Pitbull owners always say this shit. They'll tell you it as their dog is snarling in your face

this man calls labs labarador retrievers and enunciates every syllable with care

Delusional faggot


they will tell you this AFTER the dog murdered their baby

Stopped reading there, don't reply to me anymore I'm closing the tab.

Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your Chinese food

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Prove me wrong

Isnt it a little hypocritical to call them nigger dogs when it was wealthy hunter white people that breed them to be aggressive and violent in th first place?

Too bad that's completely wrong, as those games offer no player choice whatsoever.

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the anglo fears the rus

That's a smug didgeridoo

you'd be too if you had a blunt and a bento


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CoD has passable and well working gameplay, but the leveldesign is kinda ass. not much of a level to speak of, it's corridors with decorations.
Fortnite sucks in every aspect. It's literally only popular because it has such a low level of entry that everyone can play it, plus streamer marketing. Gunplay and leveldesign is pure shite.
Nier automatas gameplay is super mediocre ill give you that.

>fuck pitbulls and everyone who likes them, especially people who call them pits

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which scp is this

>thinking of making a thread
>one is already made
based Yea Forums

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It's not a good bingo, too verbose and specific.
Right can't meme.

holy shit someone made a new snopes

look up what hypocritical means first.

also guess what else was bred to be violent and dumb by white people

seething pitbull owner


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Proof the right can't meme


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uhm, sweetie, i think you're misremembering the phrase ;)
try again; i know you can do it right!

But pitbulls mauling people isnt a meme



