Why do people overrate OoT when its sequel did almost everything better?

Why do people overrate OoT when its sequel did almost everything better?

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Read this article, then come back to me

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Majora's mask isnt kid friendly and when most people played it they probably got stuck as a deku shrub and died and thought the game sucked as a result.

literally me


Zelda as a franchise is overrated and most things people blame or credit are based on nostalgia

Majora's Mask did nothing better. You know why it's so beloved by weirdos that are oddly vocal? Because it played the exact same as OoT, but reviewed lower and sold worse. It came out toward the end of the 64's life, so the people that secretly loved OoT but didn't want to admit it because they didn't want to conform to the cool kid's mindset could latch onto - and loudly proclaim their love for - an inferior product to seem unique.

forgot to post this

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>dude mini quests lol

Majora's Mask didn't do everything better because it didn't even try to accomplish the same thing.

> Unfortunately though, this mentality of Majora’s Mask being underrated has given the game maybe a little too much praise. Now a lot fringe fans make the claim that Majora’s Mask surpasses its predecessor. There was even a thread on Yea Forums’s video game board, Yea Forums, stating that collectively, the forum preferred Majora’s Mask. I thought it was hilarious until I realized they weren’t joking. Unfortunately, people’s desire to be contrarian has persisted, and they valiantly defend a game that can’t even meet what came before it.
> For starters, every post, blog, video, or editorial that champions Majora’s Mask usually has a disclaimer telling viewers that they should overlook the infamous three day cycle of the game. They shouldn’t, because that’s what hurts the game more than anything. See because the narrative is about an unstoppable apocalypse, every second of the game counts toward it. If that clock hits an hour and 12 minutes, which converts 72 hours in the game world, the apocalypse happens, and the player loses.
> But people really like to laud this game for its narrative, because it’s dark and edgy. The worst thing about this mentality is that it treats Ocarina like it just played a safe kiddie story. Last time I played Ocarina, I distinctly remember Link having to kill his village’s god to make sure it didn’t get taken over by Gannon. And that’s just the game’s opening. Going further, the rest of the game centers on the loss of innocence that accompanies an abrupt entry into adulthood.

When MM came out, people were upset that they reused OOT assets. Plus, ff9 came out the same time and people latched onto that. Of course MM aged better because the story was more complexed and detailed but there was a lot of issues with the game. Besides reused assets, people hated playing as a Deku, Gorom, and Zora. Water temple was horrendous, getting to the goron dungeon rolling was a pain, and the game itself wasnt pleasing to look at when compared to ff9.

>trying to bash Majoras Mask

Must all be desperate for those (You)

wait a minute that card....

OoT had poems so people like it more.

Despite that fact, Majora's Mask had poems too, and they were much more organic. Mikau's dying words are easily some of the most memorable lines from any Zora, but Shiek gets a tone of love because "time is a river lole."

Not reading your clickbait article, faggot.

Honestly, there was a poll on the internet in 2000 & most people flat out stated they didn't want to play Majora's Mask

What are you even quoting?

>Majora's Mask
Yikety yikes!

stop shilling your retarded blog OP

First, the game uses its preselected palette. As a result this will look terrible in most people's eyes, when there is other stuff in the screen besides the deku shrub, like it being part of the sky etc.

Second, when the scene with Zelda and the Deku Tree is in the game at that point the player can't see this scene too well, since the foreground doesn't yet match up. The same applies with Link's face in the game, since he isn't completely exposed yet he only has a very narrow view of his surroundings, the sky and the deku shrub.

Third, the deku shrub scene is actually rather well done, having two other characters interacting with it. It also has several details around it to make it look right. The scene looks nice from the other perspectives.

Fourth, there are more detailed parts around the tree than other stages, such as the top of it as well as its branches

It can't be overrated when the game in question is actually good. Unlike Majora's mask.

Same reason people talk more about Goldeneye than Perfect Dark. More people played them.

I read it and its shit. Legitimately, what is wrong with you?

It is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time. The timeline is like this:

>Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess

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Majora's Mask has the worst fanbase

You fags are contrarian contrarians. You've gone full circle.
Not everybody gives a fuck if a game is popular or not.

>tfw twilight princess is the only modern feeling 3D zelda to have real dungeons without gimmicky motion controls in a game that's actually finished

it really is the best anons.

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“I distinctly remember trying to play it on the N64, but couldn’t , because it required the N64’s expansion pack, some red add-on that made the graphics better or something”
imagine reading an article made by someone who cant buy something as a kid and not ask his dad to read the introductions for them.

Because it's a sequel. Without Oot, MM wouldn't even exist. Ocarina created and Majora's only polished.
Derivative works are objectivelly inferior, even if they are more enjoyable than the giants shoulders they are built upon, because there is much less merit in improving a couple of things here and there, than make a groundbreaking piece.

They are both bad and the zelda fanbase is aids.


Nobody is saying MM is bad, but to say it's better than the game that's heralded as the greatest achievement in the medium is flat out retarded.

It's Ocarina of Time but better, why do you think it's such a worse game when it's clearly just a direct upgrade?

>muh timeline
What a retard. It wasn't a sequel; it was OoT's epilogue

How old are you?

In what way?

It's dark, edgier & less popular so by Yea Forums's contrarianism that makes it the better game

>I-its s-shit because I couldnt afford the addon guys.

Zelda is just literally the greatest game franchise of all time. Everyone has one they pronounce as it's Bible because they only released one when you were 12.


“I distinctly remember trying to play it on the N64, but couldn’t , because it required the N64’s expansion pack, some red add-on that made the graphics better or something”
>be kid
>convince parents to buys game cuz i’m their kid lol.
>they do it
play game

imagine what kind of baby they were to write this article and didn’t figure that out as a kid.

It's like you'd claim Star Wars is better than fucking Homer.

> Official Zelda rankings according to Yea Forums's latest survey (91k votes)
> 1. OOT (1st Overall)
> 2. ALTTP (4th Overall)
> 3. Majora (11th Overall)
> 4. BOTW (19th Overall)
> 5. Wind Waker (42nd Overall)
> 6. Awakening (44th Overall)
> 7. Ages/Seasons (56th Overall)
> 8. Link Between Worlds (70th Overall)
> 9. Twilight Princess (80th Overall)
> 10. Zelda NES (86th Overall)
> 11. Minish Cap (107th Overall)
> 12. Skyward Sword (163rd Overall)

And Mario Sunshine is a sequel to Mario 64.

The only reason people even care about Majora's Mask is because of some shitty creepypasta from 2011.

You know I'm right.

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How do you infer an epilogue without a prologue?

rerelease with a master quest and hero mode and it's GOAT

Majoras Mask can easily be in contention for Greatest Game of all Time.

All these desperate grasp at straws to make it seem like it just somehow magically became an overrated game.

I wish BOTW had actual dungeons instead of shrines.

Its the only thing that kept the game back, they didn't even have to be typical zelda puzzle rooms either, if they made 4 or so dungeons half the size of hyrule castle the game would have been 10/10

Sadly BOTW will be a metacritic wetdream because you don't really need to think when you play it.

For fuck's sake, man. The whole world does not revolve around internet memes.

You are literally right, this was from 2003. Look at the number of people who voted

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It is a well-known story, tripfag...

Imagine being at computers.

No it cannot because OOT is the most complete 3D Zelda & ALLTP is the most complete 2D Zelda, no other game in the series comes close to them.

MM is fucking shit though

Truth. That's why it had a remake, literally a meme game.

The eternal hipster game. You're never gonna win majoracucks


Yea Forums has surprisingly great taste.

>stop posting


If you prefer Oot over MM you are literally retarded.

>ocarina and majora are both old as dirt at this point
>wind waker has super lackluster dungeons and is barely a finished product
>skyward sword has shitty waggle mechanics that ruin the game entirely

twilight princess is literally the only zelda that gets 3D dungeons completely right all the way through it, and is objectively the funniest to go back to and play in the current year

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Keep coping, you are fighting a losing battle. This isn't a FF7 vs FF6 situation where one is more critically acclaimed but the other is insanely more popular

I'm ok with this aside from BotW ranking that high.
Surprised TP is that much lower than WW. Despite being shit on frequently it seemed to still have a pretty dedicated fanbase.

someone argue that twilight princess is bad i want to argue you

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Why are the best games so low on the list???

MM couldn't easily be appreciated by the 10 year olds who played it at the time.

>and is objectively the funniest to go back to and play in the current year
I wish I could agree with this, but no, TP combat is extremely easy, the intro is way too long and ooccoo is a fag.

Dumb tripfag

I like them both but its not even debatable that MM is superior.

Aside from the first 2 hours and the tear collecting, I agree with you

>Comfy hyrule field
>The snow mansion
>the spinner boss

Give BOTW half of TPs dungeons and you have gotyay

No discussion, TP is a bad Zelda. You cannot change my mind. Despite me enjoying some parts of it

More like fedora's mask.

Shame that Skyward Shit is on the list at all, what an abomination

> Bbbut MM is still better,
Wrong & will always be wrong. Not even Yea Forums itself agrees, it's the same shitposting faggots every time trying to claim how "factually" superior it is

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Majora's Mask. The atmosphere is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of time travel most of the story will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Grog’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the cucco sidequest, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Majora's Mask truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ben’s existential catchphrase “BEN DROWNED,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Eiji Anouma’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Majora's Masm tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Why do people pretend OOT is this revolutionary game when pic related basically did everything it did a year previously?

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Majora's Mask was too gimmicky and full of side quests for me to give a shit about it. Resetting time so often was annoying and I never liked it. Meanwhile, Ocarina of Time's journey was considerably less annoying and had a lot more focus on having a consistently entertaining journey without doing all this wacky shit.

At the end of the day though, Twilight Princess is the best 3D Zelda. People fucking sleep on that game for some reason when it has the best of everything.

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I never said anything about MM being better. 10 year olds are simply not going to appreciate MM very easily. That's why it has gained popularity as the fanbase has grown up. Not because everybody suddenly realized they loved being dark and edgy and contrarian.

Because that's a literal who game that contrarian samefags constantly try to push as better simply because they need to be hipsters by pretending that OOT isn't a good game

>tfw the 3D zeldas are in order of release date outside of botw - the most recent game

This basically just confirms that nostalgia goggles and the honeymoon period ruin any real discussion on the 3D games, and also confirms we can never truly rank the zeldas until they are all at least two decades old

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Its a proven fact that Twilight Princess was a god tier Zelda title and is only bashed by the autistic kiddos who slammed the controller, started throwing a temper tantrum, and started pooping all over the living room floor because they had to play as Wolf Link.

this isn't the youtube circlejerk section fuck off

A lot of people as kids couldn't git gud and beat the game.
Most of my friends quit because the time system "stressed them out"

BotW will only get more and more shit as time goes on. In the end the only thing it will be remembered for is potentially marking a turning point in the series.

is WW the easiest game in the series?

Oot didn't need the fucking stupid data pack, for starters.

Thanks to people like OP, MM has become the overrated one at this point. I love it, but it has.

It does certain things really well but has some serious shortcomings, has less content than OOT, and is without question the least ambitious 3D Zelda because so much of what it's doing OOT already did and it also reuses 'way' too many OOT assets.

What are the main new things it brings to the table? The transformation masks, and the countdown. Both of those sound amazing on paper but in practice mostly just introduce a little more tedium without having a significant impact on Zelda gameplay or the Zelda formula. The time limit in particular mostly doesn't matter unless you're either extremely slow, or doing a handful of side quests with a time component. Anyone who claims that MM changed the Zelda formula because of the time limit is revealing themselves to have not played the game past the opening sections. It's not that important.

The transformation masks? They just function like extra tedious to use items, and not very exciting ones. The one mechanic that's actually really fun and interesting is Goron rolling, but that's mostly unutilized. Instead it's just boring stuff like "here's a big heavy switch, put on the Goron mask". "This room is flooded with water for no reason, Zora time."

it's just the "newest feeling" zelda so people are inclined to defend it - if anything it'll potentially age the worst because if "BOTW 2" were to come out, "BOTW 1" would be the worst zelda by default for just being an objective downgrade

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It and TP are both extremely brain dead.

I don't know why, but that was the general trend of gaming in 00s

TP is. WW is handholdy.

This, OOT is underrated now & Majora's Mask has already become overrated and the most hated 3D Zelda. People will begin to view it like FF7 and will actively say other games are better simply because of how much they hate the game's autistic fanbase

I hate MM because I just genuinely fucking hated it in comparison to OoT. Nothing to do with the fan base, I just think the game wasn't fun.

naive fool

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>OOT is underrated now
>MM has already become overrated and the most hated 3D Zelda
user pls
There's a limit to how much you can exaggerate

You are right, here's the user game rankings for the Zelda series taken from the world's oldest gaming forum (23 Years)
> 1. Ocarina (1st Overall)
> 2. BOTW (3rd Overall)
> 3. Zelda NES (6th Overall)
> 3. ALTTP (9th Overall)
> 4. WW (43rd Overall)
> 4. Majora (105th Overall)
> 6. LA (107th Overall)
> 7. TP (200th Overall)
There's a considerable drop off after Wind Waker

I feel like the overall dungeon quality of WW was way more simplified than TP. I can't think of a single time I got "stuck" as a kid in any of WWs dungeons.
I also remember the least about TP though so maybe my memory is wrong.

why does no one reply to me my arguments are so thought out and articulate

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>BotW and LoZ that fucking high
Fuck the world's oldest gaming forum.
Who even uses forums these days anyway?

PH and ST are by far

>a disclaimer telling viewers that they should overlook the infamous three day cycle of the game
Why would anyone overlook that part of the game and how time was ironically made a much more important aspect of the game that didn't have it in the title?
It was barely even a restriction with how much control you have over it anyway, I don't understand how people can complain about it unless the mere sight of a timer in a video game gives them a heart attack regardless of context.

>When MM came out, people were upset that they reused OOT assets.
Hey, fair and objective criticisms.
Need more of these.
>people hated playing as a Deku, Gorom, and Zora
My friends and I each had our favorite form to play as whenever a specific one wasn't required to progress.
It was one of the coolest parts of the game, where are you even getting that?
>Water temple was horrendous
Aren't they always?
Hell, OOTs is the most infamous of all.
Why would anyone bring that up when saying OOT was better?
>getting to the goron dungeon rolling was a pain
It was supposed to be.
It's an obstacle.
That's like complaining that getting to one of Bowser's castles is a pain because there are goombas and pits in the way.

OOT's a great game, but it got bandwagon'd hard.
Most people just call it the greatest game of all time these days because everyone's parroting the opinion and very few people dislike the game so they have no real reason to argue.
Tons of games get overrated this way, FF7 being another prime example.

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OOT has no place that high. Like Mario 64, it's only voted that high due to boomer nostalgia

Because you're on Yea Forums. If your post is longer than three sentences and doesn't have cringe, based, or dab in it no one will read it.

OoT and SM64 are both rated highly because of what they achieved during the time and how well they still hold up today. If you didn't experience them when they came out and only played them 20 years later, you can't judge the impact and influence they've had objectively.

Really? I sucked at OoT (I remember getting to the Deku Tree and taking at least 10 hours to work out that you can jump through the web in the floor) but managed to get through the Deku Scrub section in Majora's Mask in like 2 or 3 tries.

It doesn't guide you very much so I think you have to trial and error a little (plus, the whole Deku Scrub section all feels like you're getting lost in sidequests instead of advancing the plot), but it's enough to just explore everywhere in Clock Town.

I'd argue that at least basic punctuation would also help sell their case for being articulate and thought out.

>If you didnt experience the game in 1996 you cant have an opnion
>If you dont have nostolgia

Like I said, boomer nostalgia. Wright Flyer might have been revolutionary for its time, but you wouldn't claim it's a better airplane than F-22. Train arriving at station blew some minds back in the day, but that doesn't mean it's the greatest kino of all time. etc etc.

Nah, the controls alone make spirit tracks a tougher ordeal.

Also, the ice/fire boss was a bitch.

I didn't say you couldn't have an opinion and it has nothing to do with nostalgia. If OoT and SM64 they obviously would not hold up anywhere near as well. It's their legacy that allows them to be rated so highly. Trying to undermine that because you don't understand it doesn't make you right.

*If OoT and SM64 came out today they obviously would not hold up anywhere near as well

>worse and fewer dungeons
>lots of reused models and other assets
>no new regular items, only masks, most of which have a very limited use
>3 day gimmick leads to a lot of repetition, at least in the first playthrough

MM has its merits to be sure but to say that it did "almost everything better" than OoT is flat-out bullshit.

Why are you faggots actually citing the meme poll with the worst methodology known to man as if it's actually a credible source?

It has a larger sample size then anything that has ever been done on this board, it got like near 100k votes after two threads.

Link is the biggest mary sue in Twilight Princess, and the game's aesthetic turns to this autistic cowboy western/ indiana jones perfect hero muscle flexing crap. It's beautiful at face value but lacks quantity of developed villages, like Hyrule is a barren fucking bone. The temples look like crap, and are as memorable and fun as a glass of water, compared to oot. It started the onions link meme where devs got bored with the stoic silent protagonist and wanted link to go down the path of being a goofy expressive anime character.

But does any other Zelda game have Midna in it?

Ah, le dummy thicc venom spitting imp who's a closet hoarder of tacky antiques judging by her choice in apparel. That aside however she doesn't have much competition when it comes to character writing.

these are two great posts fuck you

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>larger sample size
With a literal infinite possible number of votes from a series of randomly selected answers displayed in 1v1 bites. There's a good chance that the participants never even saw certain answers because whether or not they ever show up is random.
It'd be like Gallup calling a handful of people in a small area and repeatedly asking them whether they like one randomly selected candidate more than the other randomly selected candidate they chose until they get tired and hang up; it's the worst possible way you could collect data, especially if you want to make grand claims with it.

If it's only nostalgia, why is alltp so high instead of Zelda 1?

reading comprehension you fag

I specifically said 3D zeldas as they form the entire basis of my argument

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>labeling your own posts as great
Not how it works, bud. But don't take it personally. The posts that get the most (You)s tend to be easily refutable and/or infested with memes. On Yea Forums, you're rewarded with attention for being retarded, acting or otherwise.

Each game was voted on 500-1000 times

>Not how it works, bud

labeling my own posts is what I've been reduced to because nobody ever argues, or even outwardly acknowledges the ideas I present. I figure this is because of how fully formed they are and that they aren't entirely based on emotion or personal connection like a majority of posts in these threads

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Wow phil, you've been into classic gaming since 2008, you're a college student and an avid gamer, AND you have your own gaming fucking blog? I'm certainly never ever liking majoras mask ever again! Your gaming blog article about legend of zelda game showed me the light!

I thought people like you are a meme.
How are you not embarrassed to breathe?

>least ambitious
dumbest post

The ranch side story alone is better than OOT

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Which means jack-shit due to the methodology meaning that a single person can contribute a literal infinite amount of votes, and that the voting options displayed are seemingly determined by random chance.

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It still stands dumbass, how come only 3D fags arbitrarily succumb to this nostalgia?

And making that argument still needs to ignore the glaring exception that is botw.

Parmigiano-reggiano is much better than any of the Zelda games.

MM was and still is my favorite zelda, so frick all of you guys

Zelda's not even in it LMAO
Cant be a Zelda game without Zelda

>game repeats the zoom in in the dark room.

Jesus, i thought the fairy popping up was already bad

zelda is in it though

Nigga you stupid

I think this picture sums up the article pretty well

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Does it do the zoom in in the original or just the remaster?

Reminder that someone showed a statistic from this year that displays Yea Forums as the 2nd youngest board on Yea Forums with an average of 20 Years Old

>Unfortunately, people’s desire to be contrarian has persisted, and they valiantly defend a game that can’t even meet what came before it.

Here's what is happening:

>Majora's Mask is now the popular favourite
>Ocarina is the contrarian choice
>blog post guy is being a contrarian about Ocarina and also a hypocrite for calling others contrarian

No shit? If a mid-90s cellphone came out today, it wouldn't hold up well. Context is everything.

Even though you're wrong anyway. Both SM64 and OOT hold up fine by today's standards.

Eat a dick and never return

>play Wind Waker expecting to love it
>hate it
>play Twilight Princess expecting to hate it
>love it

worst article ever, full of lies. i liked the game when it first came out, loved the style, the time thing the mask everything. i completed it the first time i played it. and i was 10 at that time and played oot before. don’t come with “people didn’t like it but then said they liked it years later!”. that might be true with Yea Forums and wind waker or whatever.

Follow the conversation before commenting next time.

>worse dungeons
>worse music
>worse pacing
>majority of the content is meaningless; masks used only once to unlock a follow up mask that also has no function
>exceptionally tedious fail state that involves redoing a lot of things, bogs down first playthrough

>living world
>transform masks are incredible

MM is great but it's not as good as OoT

shill your blog on reddit faggot

>Routinely wind up with milk like that in my house
Am I depressed?

It can't be that someone cares about the game because they *gasp* liked it.

>Link has to kill the Deku Tree

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Both are masterpieces for totally different reasons. Hell, Majora's main flaw is that it's a zelda game

That was added to the remaster. Original version didn't have any of the zoom ins.

>Mega Man 2 is not better than Mega Man 1
>Crash Bandicoot 2 is not better than Crash Bandicoot 1
>Resident Evil 2 is not better than Resident Evil 1
>Super Mario Bros 3 is not better than Super Mario Bros 1

Majora's sucks.
Cool concept but it really isn't good.

Grana Padano > Parmigiano Reggiano

There were some decent puzzles in both games, i remember being stuck in one of the dungeons in ST, even the pan flute was hard to use. how were you supposed to know to close the lid on your DS?

Except for SMB3, which made enough improvements to be an entire new beast, instead of a complete derivation like MM and the rest of your examples, yes to all, of course.
Sorry you only parrot others opinions, probably think ESB is better than ANH too because is what everyone says, although ANH revolutionalized cinema and special effects, while ESB it's just a good film.

>I know I'm wrong, but won't admit it even while anonymous because I have the mentality of a 12 angsty kid, so I'll insult you instead to prove I'm totally right and not mad, instead of forming an actual argument

He's quoting this blog post, which you would have noticed if you weren't a brainlet and had actually read the thread:

>Game journalists
Oh no no no no no ahahahahahahahaha

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This. Ocarina of Overrated was babby's first action rpg for most people. You can tell because they claim it invented like 20 gameplay mechanics that already existed in PC or previous console competitors' games for ages. The same faggots make the same mistake with goldeneye

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