could this be the sonic gameplay we need?
Could this be the sonic gameplay we need?
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looks cool
I saw this before. This and the Infinity Engine look pretty damn great.
I know that the creator wants to be humble and all that, but this tech demo of an engine looks unironically better than Forces. Forces' babyified gameplay is not all that hard to beat, to be fair, but it really shows how far Sonic has fallen from grace.
Sonic desperately needs to be put under better management. Proper 3D Sonic games aren't even that hard to make, it's just that SEGA has proven themselves to be impossibly incompetent to be able do so.
no its missing too much
no grinding
poor camera
its got the faggot boost turn rate without the boost
wonkey standstill turning just like boost
no lightspeed dash
it does do a lot of stuff well just like the infinite engine did with its animations thing is that these never end up with fleshed out stages or fanprojects just dickswinging for the "even fans are better than sega" thing
This actually looks really good and I normally don't like a lot of the 3d fan engines like utopia. Looks like it could work well, just comes down to the level design now.
looks like he has the rings set up for lightspeed dash but yeah no grinding is something I noticed
Can I have a quick rundown on this?
Another 3D Sonic fan project that will never finish. Great.
It looks better and smoother than every other engine I've seen.
But why do there have to be so many damn Sonic engines? Damnit, pick one and make a damn game.
>Proper 3D Sonic games aren't even that hard to make
I laugh at the fact Nintendo incorporated rolling in one - ONE - Mario game, and it feels infinitely better than any 3D Sonic since Adventure. I think they need to slow the Sonic games down a bit and focus on building solids levels.
because instead of picking one and going "yeah I can make a game with this" they go the easy route and go "ill just make a new engine to show how easy it is to make a sonic game"
sonic world is the closest thing to a full 3D sonic fanproject and its engine is trash
The problem with this demos (its not an engine you its literally on top of UE4) is that it all looks good and fine but now you have create massive fucking levels that arent blocks so you need a lot, A LOT of high quality assets, my solution would be making a low poly Sonic game so you dont have to hire half of India for a sonic game
These sandbox sonic showcases are so dumb, you're never going to be able to make actually good levels out of them.
the lightspeed dash is disabled for now
I think it's neat how the enemies take an inkling of strategy to defeat. Usually those kind of enemies die instantly to a homing attack.
oh boy
another stupid fan project that won't go anywhere
I wish they would try to emulate the spindash physics from Sonic Adventure more. I want to swiftly leap an absurdly large distance through spindashing and subsequently jumping again.
It's part of the reason why I found the spindash in SA2 so off. Why does it take so goddamn long to curl into a ball?
because the adventure 1 spindash is what the current boost is
too strong so you just skip over any stage
adventure spindash has no negitive so its ALWAYS the correct option
adventure 2 had spindash, airdash, lightspeed dash, and bounce all giving sonic multiple options to find the quickest path
adventure 1 had spindash at all times because every other option was dogshit
My problem with a 3D Sonic isn't how you would design the way Sonic plays, but how do you do the level design in a way that fits with the way Sonic plays, along with being interesting and engaging, along with keeping the themes of the original games
Project Hero started back in early 2018, before everyone and their mother started churning out hundreds of fan engines that went nowhere as a reaction to how awful Forces was.
>early 2018, before everyone and their mother started churning out hundreds of fan engines that went nowhere
People have been making Sonic engines for decades. There's an entire annual event dedicated to showing new Sonic fangames that always ends up being 80% engine showcases.
wow only an entire year and its finally reached the state where its "showcased" dropped and goes nowhere
This could end up being the Adventure equivalent of the Retro Engine with how smooth and natural and accurate to the old stuff it looks.
The engine basically looks done. All that needs to be added is grinding and it's golden.
>fanprojects just dickswinging for the "even fans are better than sega" thing
I mean, it's not a very high bar to beat, let's be fair.
>all it is is more boost shit.
where does he use the boost? All I see is rolling and a spindash.
Why do people create these cease and desist baits instead of making an original game? Just rework the assets so they look unique and you're done.
That's why Sega never kills Sonic fangames, right?
>no boost
>more boost shit
>more boost shit
>literally no boost in the gameplay
did you even watch the video?
But they weren't as prevalent as they've become since the release of Forces
What did he mean by this?
its boostshit without the boost
thats why the camera is so high up so you can see obstacles far ahead since youre not meant to take it slow
im surprised theres no drift button yet
nevermind its the best thing to happen to sonic since mania WOWOWOW
I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure he's turning far tighter than boost would ever hope to do.
>youre not meant to take it slow
>in a sonic game
user is think very big today
>its boostshit without the boost
This is your brain on Sonic Adventure
u cunt dew ne ting so don even tie it, git sum halp. don dew wut sanic duz. sawnik ded or olive is mayan
You don't have to be a sarcastic dick about it, you know.
Retard, I'm trying to prove to you that this has actually constantly been worked on unlike those other engines that show like one video and then disappear. Project Hero is the only WIP 3D Sonic concept with potential besides Utopia.
>People on Yea Forums tried to tell me those lyrics weren't text-to-speech
Sonic really must attract downies or something, just look at this thread
>thats why the camera is so high up so you can see obstacles far ahead since youre not meant to take it slow
Ah yes, Sonic games sure are known for taking things slow.
welcome to Yea Forums
I actually recently got to meet Lange and even though his opinions are indeed quite controversial, I don't think he actually means bad. Kinda sad that the game gets a bad rep just because of people's experience with him.
he turns at the same rate a regular boost game does when the boost isnt activated
the best ones are
see all classic games and the adventure speed stages
constant moving ahead but you arent moving at the speed where you NEED an invincibility button to save your run
this engine is trying to run sonic at a boost sonic games speed without the boost button
go load up generations/colors/unleashed/forces and just DONT use the boost button
"WOW why cant we have this gameplay instead of boostshit!!!"
Alright fine, go tell him then. Maybe you'll actually get what you want out of it.
>constantly been worked on
>only 2 test stages
amazing its been a year and its already on par with every single sonic fanengine without a single stage to its name
>adventure speed stages
So you're just shit at the game, then.
Its always fucking Sonic. At least show some more Tails, Knuckles, or at least some Shadow running or playing in these settings
no theyre slow
slow enough to see every obstacle and continue moving forward without ever stopping
classic is much slower since there are multiple points where the game just decides its time to stop moving and platform/puzzle
engines like this arent designed around that sort of play which is why the camera is so high so that you can maintain top speed and still see the next four enemies to run through
except in this case you would be rolling/kicking/homing attacking rather than boosting
seriously load up boostshit and just never hit the boost button you will get this EXACT gameplay minus powerup shields, extreme gear, and the bounce
Doesn't everyone gotta start small though? Christian Whitehead wasn't exactly that big till he pitched his remake of CD after years of playing with the retro engine he made to Sega and the rest played out from there. And also the reason it's taken this long is because he decided to start over from scratch to make things better than the last engine, but I guess if we'd rather sit here and shitpost about it instead of giving actual normal feedback, I guess that's fine too.
sure but because of the history of these "brand new sonic engine" things are theres no reason to assume this ones going to be different
if this guy had just picked up the infinite engine and started making stages for it itd be one thing but he just rehashed the same style, added a few power ups, and showcased his "year of hard work"
no stage to show an ounce of progress on how this sort of engine would PLAY just "theoretically it looks good now imagine it"
this isnt progress which is why theres no reason to praise it as if its got any weight
the problem with boost games is the overuse of autorun sections such as dashpads. The parts where you actually control Sonic are segmented.
This demo already feels like Sonic actually controls well, plus there's no rolling in boost.
They basically made it like a racing game rather than a Sonic game.
>rehashed the same style
Infinite Engine is literal boostshit, unlike what that other retard is saying this is.
Well, at least he said he's working on something for an actual level so I guess we'll have to see.
Now were getting some places, so Iam guessing Knuckles is next? If he Does Shadow, his running animation needs to look as smooth as his SA2 one, not the janky boost games.
Friendly reminder, 99% of the time you see terrible decisions in big video games, you can bet everything they only happened because of boomer executives who cant do shit and only work because of nepotism
This is what sonic could have been ages ago but the old people wont leave anyone alone and thus you end up with garbage
Okay retard, since you don't want to do any research I guess I'm going to have to spoonfeed you
Or is six videos still not enough for your standards?
if you watch the end of tails vid you have already found your answer
>It's boostshit because it's fast
Holy fucking shit you retard, you need to neck yourself as soon as possible.
Also this is what boost turning looks like, even without boosting.
Unless I'm just tired tonight, I don't get this vibe out of the engine.
infinite engine is showcased without boostshit
it doesnt have gameplay within the boost its mostly shown all the physics and character style outside of the boost which is the same thing this engine is doing except it lacks an ability
ive seen SOOO many fangame sonic engines and only one has ever gotten any traction in sonic world (even then its pretty boring)
until I see some work that hasnt been replicated by every other aspiring sonic fangame then I just dont care
show me that THIRD test stage then ill be impressed oof epic
amazing 2 test stages thats like TWICE the amount of theoretical progress can you IMAGINE if it had gameplay?
the hero engine doesn't have you turning like that
An engine is not a game.
so whats the point then?
if its not going to be a game then who gives a shit how a non-game theoretically plays in your imagination?
I think it's just because of the whole it doesn't have an actual level tied to it so we can't really call it gold yet. Kind of the same reason Utopia insights a lot of shitposting because the only demo we have to work off of with that is a glorified test level. It's kinda why developers of official games don't just present a test level at E3 for their first teaser or something. Hopefully when both projects get an actual level demo we can hear better reception.
>Make engine
>Release engine so people can make stages.
Literally the same thing that Sonic World is.
Well I suppose that would explain why all of SW's stages are garbage.
so then my original point stands
like the infinite engine or any other fan engine its going to be dropped and go nowhere since no one cares enough to make stages for this sort of thing
cant wait for the next sonic engine that youll hype up while in the back of your mind you hope it wont end up like project hero and the infinite engine did
>8 years to make sonic hero mechanics
Sonic fans are the battered wives of the game industry.
>no one cares enough to make stages for this sort of thing
90% of these engines don't even get released. That's why they never go anywhere.
>project hero
>thinks its based on the heroes formula
I kinda hope the hero engine can be open source when it's done, it seems like you could do a lot with it.
none of these are stages
theyre either imported or just assets
neither of these will go anywhere and until they do theyre "just another sonic fanengine"
I'm just going to stop taking bait after this. If you're too stupid to not know what the purpose of an engine is.
>none of these are stages
Sure, none of those stages are stages.
I'll just stick with SRB2, at least that has like half a campaign
Sega actually did that back in 2011 and it seems to have brought us good.
Ill save this post number
and when the next "WOW NEW SONIC ENGINE SEGA HIRE THIS MAN" gets showcased Ill give you a proper (you) and remind you what happened to project hero
Huh, it's a pity that he's no longer working on the engine because someone still needs to put in rail grinding.
The creator was kind of a tool anyway iirc
People on Yea Forums are retarded, how is that anything but text to speech?
>keepy uppy in 3d
The Infinity Engine would be so much better if it wasn't boost. *sigh*
>"yeah it's cool and all but in the end it's just another sonic en-"
>he pulls out the riders board
Sonic just doesn't work in 3D. It is time to stop trying.
not a single fan engine has come close to the adventure movement
thats why none of these work, its all boost or in heroes case boost-adjacent
I think these fans actually got it right. Only way it will seem to work is if its these massive wide open areas you can run in. I actually think that the homing attack is what is ruining these games. They keep having to design their game around it rather than do something more innovative. It ruins the level design to.
I thought people hated open world sonic, that's why Utopia's demo got so much shitposting here, though that will be changed later iirc.
No, what's wrong with these engines is that they're all trying to fix boost gameplay, when boost is inherently flawed frame a level design and gameplay design stand point. Nothing but long fucking hallways occasionally broken up by the occasional splitting path and enemy road block.