Worldbabs everyone
Reskinned just like op tbqh
So pretty much the entire franchise then, eh?
Cope, Tri has only 2 reskin fights and Rathalos/Rathain fight very differently. World is just shit. The only legitimate reskin in Tri is Jaggi and Baggi.
Is it too late to start playing world on ps4 bros? Is it dead?
Yes it's dead
People gave Nargacuga shit for being a Tigrex skin.
Or did you not play Freedom Unite where it does the charge far more often?
Reskin of the tobi kadachi. Other way around technically but hey, same skeleton, same moves. Dont tell me you are a retarded worldbab and didnt recognize that tailslam
It was dead a month after launching. No content, shit casual gameplay.
Bonis points for having a pathetic small roster and STILL having the nerve to use reskin monsters
ps4 is the most populated.
>tobi kadachi.
What? They don't have the same skeleton you fucking retard, they aren't even the same species of monster.
It's fucking fine.
Monhuns live forever user
I still can find rooms for 3U even now. Heck with some digging i still can find rooms for p3rd and FU
>non stop forced shitposting before world came out
>it was a success and everyone loved it
>seething shitposters come around for round 2 with iceborne
its a single player game, if you're doing multiplayer you're not actually playing the game.
pretty sure there's more ps4 players than steam players and steam has roughly 30k during peak, so there's quite a few people still playing it. i never have problems finding people on PC.
i have problems with their lazy, shitty PC port. Whoever is porting this it is abundantly clear they have no idea what they're doing. They still haven't fixed the washed out, over the top bloom that practically ruins the game. There's very little customization, it runs my gpu and cpu at their maximum, even in menus. for almost no reason, and there isn't a good way to stop it, even on low settings it does this, so you may as well play it maxed out, it's the same effect. and that's not even to mention how awful some of the monster combat designs are.
Isn't it just sad?
Dude what
It's a lot funner with friends
You don't have to play with other people 24/7 but it's fun to play in a group or with someone else sometimes
Except they have the exact same skeleton and the exact same moves. Sorry if this upsets you, worldbab.
Difference is that the tobi flip tailslam shoots a bit of lightning, and the narga shoots deadly poison needles
>Reskin of the tobi kadachi.
you can't be serious
World is on gamepass for Xbox, gave it a massive pop boost
yeah the ps4 version has never been more active ever since they put it on xbox gamepass
This is your brain on worldbab.
I know you havent played any of the older games worldbabby, so ill let your ignorance slide.
>t. first game was gen
the absolute state of you lads, narga a tobi reskin? made me giggle
Really? My first game was Monster Hunter.
>Really? My first game was Monster Hunter.
Tri was also very mediocre and extremely grindy, and even without reskins it has the least monster variety of any of the monster hunters.
The armor system was also pretty shitty since lowrank lagiacrus and rathalos armor was the best armors in the game.
They're not even in the same monster catagory