I just finished this game

i just finished this game.
What a waste of time.
0 reason to play this in the year 2019.

Attached: 220px-FEAR_2_Project_Origin_Game_Cover.jpg (220x307, 23K)

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Stick with Extraction Point

We warned you not to play that turd.

Why would it be better to play it at launch either?

it had nice graphics for 2009. i bet if u played it on an xbox back then you'd like by the graphics

The school level was cool but that's about it.
Also this.

Attached: alma butt.webm (640x480, 730K)

The only good part was FoM rape.

What's worse, FEAR 2 or F3AR?

At least it was a passable bargain bin game when it came out, Fear 3 on the other hand was shit the day it came out.

it wasn't even decent. i was very disappointed by that rape scene.

FEAR 2 tried
F3AR was awful and it knows
Basically do you value mediocrity with attempt or shitposting in media form.

FEAR franchise ended with Extraction Point.

common knowledge. FEAR 1 is an outstanding legacy game. Its expacks blow cock and so do all sequels


One of the best moments in vidya

For some reason I liked Fear 2 almost as much as the first game. The AI and TECHNOLOGY wasn't as good but I really enjoyed pretty much everything about it. Fear 3 was the only one I couldn't complete even with a friend to play with. Absolutely no horror, ruined all the story and characters, felt like the most linear Call of Duty campaign ever.

That sounds like a personal problem because 2 does nothing even half as well as the first game does. You might be retarded.

I actually played Fear 1 and 2 for the first time back to back within the same week, both were completely fresh on my mind. I always see this as a general consensus that Fear 2 is terrible but somehow I'm incapable of seeing it. When I played both of them I felt almost as if I was playing something like Half-Life 2 followed by the episodes. It just felt like a proper sequel to me and felt like Fear. I didn't notice anything worse about the game except the AI. What are some points that you think are truly stand out worse? I feel like I'd need to play them again obviously to get another chance to notice the differences but I just know on my first runs they practically felt like the same game to me. Fear 3 was the only one that felt completely different to me in every way.

I always compared Fear to the same progression as Dead Space. First game is basically the pinnacle, the second game is more action packed a bit different but still great, and the third one shit the fucking bed and killed the franchise.

That’s not even a good fucking question. FEAR 2 didn’t have prompts on screen saying “1/5 HEADSHOTS COMPLETED” fuck sake man, this is supposed to be a horror game. FEAR 3 is a mediocre game and a terrible horror game.

>First game is basically the pinnacle, the second game is more action packed a bit different but still great, and the third one shit the fucking bed and killed the franchise.
Why do these games have Alien syndrome?

the dumbass ai is a huge blow to the gameplay in fear 2. the game just feels like a shooting gallery. i could have a conversation while playing and progress through fear 2 no problem. if a game doesn't kick your ass when you don't give it your full attention then i think the game is bad

I still liked it when I replayed it recently.

Attached: 1516872419674.jpg (250x250, 14K)

>extraction point

Yeah the game was easier but I guess I was more in it for the horror and the story. I still found it overall fun.

The story is coherent in 2. Ehile first was full of plot holes. Best game would have been, gameplay of FEAR and story of FEAR2

Yall gay.

The biggest problem of F.E.A.R. 1 was the drab level design. Every corridor, every area, looked the fucking same. F.E.A.R. 2 took you to construction sites, labs, hospitals, schools.

F.E.A.R. 1 had no fucking variety. Yes, the AI was fucking sublime but what did you fight in between soldiers for 12 hours? A few floating drones, a mech and maybe some apparitions.

F.E.A.R. 2 had human and clone soldiers to mix up enemy dialogue, alma's forces to add in close-range melee enemies. Different human enemy types like heavies with flame throwers.

F.E.A.R. 2 just has a drawback for every improvement. Levels are less drab but they are more linear and the AI doesn't work as well (although it's still good). Guns are more varied and you don't spend the entire game in bullet time to have a chance of winning. But the guns don't kick as hard.

The school level scared me because schools are spooky