Will full motion gaming make gamers the most physically fit group aside from athletes?

Will full motion gaming make gamers the most physically fit group aside from athletes?

Attached: vr treadmill.jpg (810x501, 44K)

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No because it's not about moving a lot and wasting energy. It's about efficiency which is what Athletes do.

fuck they stole my rig idea

You think any tub of lard here would continue gaming if that became mainstream? you fags barely play games now.

I'll never understand why people think waggleshit and VR will overtake traditional gaming.

If I ever get into VR I want the full thing with these tread mills. Otherwise its just any other fps with a screen strapped to your head.

Anyone successful enough to afford a setup like that is already fit anyway.

Fucking this. Imagine how amazing VR games could be if they were designed around KB/M or dual stick controllers with the VR helmet replacing the need for the mouse/right stick to manipulate the camera, freeing them up for way more complex control schemes.

Instead we live in the Hell Of A Thousand Wii Ripoffs. The Chinese have a lot of hells.

no gamer will be a virgin

Attached: Sex-Suit-Virtual-Reality-Tenga-Oculus-Rift-VR-Body-Suit-VR-Body-Suit-Sex-Suit-Stereoscopic-Head-Ocul (590x332, 1.41M)

This. I can already run 4 miles at 7 minutes a mile each mile. I'm ready for full VR with treadmills and it'll be fun shitting on all the fat fucks who can barely get out of their chair to get another bag of doritos.

it probably won't take over but there will be a big market for it. also add to that making games for VR will become insanely easy when all you have to do is scan some photorealistic models in and have the latest physics engine. in 10-20 years people will essentially just be able to do whatever they want in VR with these technologies

>this plus haptic feedback gloves
finally VR will be appealing other than the price for all of those peripherals

yes because you'll be able to fuck VR loli

when it gets good enough. wii sports to eleven table tennis was 10 years and the jump is enormous. ten more years fuck knows how good that shit'll be.

They're shills, user. They argue that VR has great games too when even its best games look mediocre.

nobody says the current games aren't shit. but if you can't see the massive potential VR has you are a shortsighted moron.

That thing in many different forms has existed since the 1980's.

I stand in front of a wall mounted 65" screen when I game. I've been doing it for years now, and my longest session was 6+ hours. It actually feels weird to sit while gaming, and I've actually lost weight, and not gained.
I don't know about getting physically fit, but you certainly won't get fat doing it.

VR games are legit workouts, you can not fake movement unlike Wii fit

Attached: gorn1.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

There's no potential in waggle gimmicks.

>nobody says the current games aren't shit.
There's at least a few shills on this board who frequently do though and even say VR already has a great games library when it absolutely and clearly doesn't.

Do you think this setup will EVER actually become common in most households? Or maybe it will be like arcade games and they have buildings full of them

Probably arcades.

VR is already mainstream. I know a guy who runs a VR education business selling VR tours and packages to schools

but this is the problem. now that it is mainstream the stuff we want has taken a backseat. plebs don't care about shitty frame rates or anything. When you talk to people about VR they'll say "oh those headsets you put on your phone?"

we need pain simulation know what I'm sayin

If they can shrink it down a bit, and make it collapsible, then yes I think it can become a common peripheral.

Attached: playseat-challenge.jpg (540x1040, 81K)

The problem is that it's "main stream" among casuals because motion controls are gimmicks that attract casuals.

The potential for VR is squandered when you realize there is no good control scheme for them other then cockpit simulators

>mfw expert and expert+ level songs in Beat Saber is kind of my default aerobic exercise routine

Attached: 1351038190187.png (560x407, 16K)

No, playing games like I do will make you physically fit motherfuckers! Walk on a treadmill at full incline and make in game requirements a rep count for body weight exercises. I'm currently playing Sekiro, every enemy kill is 1 rep, every death is 5 reps. I rotate through chinups, dips, pullups, and pushups throughout the week. When I'm too worn out to continue, I have to stop playing. If I want more playtime, I have to get stronger in real life. Fuckin' shit works! I've lost 45lbs over the last 10 months. Sure, there's better workouts I could do, but I've done this shit exclusively while playing videogames. So fuck those "better" ways, this is funnest way!

Attached: Gamerworkout.jpg (1920x1920, 3.11M)

>full motion
>if you jump you hit your head and destroy your thousands of dollar treadmill