Why aren't you playing a jrpg right now?
Why aren't you playing a jrpg right now?
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beep beep page 16 here i come
Just turned this game off. I stopped playing shortly before chapter 4, after almost a year I finally went back to it and I'm finally enjoying it.
jrpgs are trash
Here's your mommy gf
every time i try to think about it
i get busy wanking instead
I am
Jokes on you I am
I love my wife Pyra!
This is now a Persona thread
Shut up Rex.
based and rosepilled
Because they're not open world
I’m playing FFX right now. I have no idea what to do with rikkus grid.
When can we rename Japanese role playing games to unpaid intern simulator #3,452
does 4 goddesses online count
Are on on the expert grid? Is this your first time?
I am. Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced
Just recruited Precis in Star Ocean 2.
I'm just sitting here refreshing the catalog because I don't know what to play. I have a backlog a mile long but I'm not in the mood for the stuff at the top of my list, please just recommend me a colorful jrpg adventure with cute anime girls and good combat
I plan on playing Tales of Berseria soon
No wonder she was so insistent on the back entrance.
Tired of the repetition and filler dialogue.
I am
And it’s Xenoblade 2
Wrapping up NG+
Is there a jrpg where the main character gets femdommed and feminized?
No? Then i'm not interested.
When did short-stack (physical) teenagers start counting as mommies?
I just finished playing gta:sa
with 1000 anime mods
because i'm playing VtMB for the first time
idk what jrpg to play after I finish though
I'm too lazy to mod my PS3 right now so I just installed Neptunia and Trails in the Sky but I don't know which to start first.
Literally just follow the path. Unless you're playing on expert the grid is pretty much a linear path for most of the game.
i would just read a picture book or something before i ever played neptunia
Okay go to the library then.
when they have massive mammaries thar gib the milkies
I don't like JRPGs
I'm just waiting for Grandia HD to come out already so I can replay it, but I'm beginning to think it was quietly cancelled. Gungho hasn't even posted anything on their social media in months about any of their shit.
Honestly I have a huge backlog and no idea what to play so I always end up playing nothing.
i might with mom tomorrow but im nowhere near desperate enough to play neptunia anyway
alright fuck it, I'm playing ys viii on vita
I'm playing through all of the untranslated rance games. Currently on turn 4 in X. My rankings for these games:
X > 03 > IX > 01 >>>>>> Quest
>XC2DF tries to make another waifufag general
>Gets cucked by based SMT and Persona chads
Been thinking about it but I don't really know what one to play. Might try to do a 100% XB2 run or give DQ11 another shot.
but I'm playing the best one ever made
Godspeed user.
God I want to hold her hand while she fucks black men...
Too busy masturbating to the female characters in them to ever actually play them.
What was your intention behind this shitpost?
You called?
>mmo combat
In any number of alternate universes XCX and/or XC2 were made with fun gameplay. Fuck this gay earth for not being among them.
Neptunia, no doubt.
Oh, but I am!
currently not but i will
got a ps3 a few days ago
currently loading
>tales of symphonia
>tales of xillia 1+2
>tales of zestiria
>the guided fate paradox
>atelier escha
>atelier meruru
>atelier rorona plus
>atelier totori
>ragnarok odyssey
>eternal sonata
>enchanted arms
>star ocean 4
anything i'm missing?
Is that a fucking Octopath DOF mod/filter?
I am, I'm playing Persona 5 and having an existential meltdown over what waifu to pick, this wasn't a fucking issue in 3 and 4, there was two girls max I was interested in and that was it, but this one has fucking 5
I am, I'm playing FFXII right now. Juggling it with X, and i'm at the top part of Gagazet. Hoping E3 brings us more JRPGs.
Cause I’ve beaten Xenoblade 2
God sometimes it's hard to tell which hurts more, my heart or my dick, the loneliness or the horniness
how's the Ys series? i played VI on ps2 while i was a kid and can't remember it desu.
looks like some shitty remake
jrpgs cheer me up though
wish i had played MMOs tho, friend of mine unironically met his gf in one
you dont remember the OST at least? It's God tier
the gameplay got refined in Felghana and Origin, so you might wanna try those!
>the pants
post the porn version
I just put on a bunch of filters to fuck around
this shit actually hurts my eyes to look at what the fuck
>Put over 700 hours into Xenoblade 2 and its DLC
>Never did NG+
>Been itching to go back lately, but I feel like if I do it, I should try and get Chapter 1 Malos and Jin to level 99, though it sounds horrible, just so I can put that towards completion
>Also want to max out Vandham including his hidden Affinity Chart and Idea levels, which sounds truly awful
>But I'll never be able to max out the Broadsword without starting all over again and going through a horrible grind
Why Takahashi? Why not just make it a reward for beating the story or NG+? It's a useless version of the Aegis Sword, but it hurts knowing I'll never have every weapon Art maxed out.
'wow mom' is an ambigram
my eyes
I am playing FFXV
I AM playing your game best jrpg i played since DQ XI. I'm getting Torna too.
I finished Digimon Story Hacker's Memory recently so I'm having a short break before I focus on Labyrinth of Refrain.
Because i've already played every fucking JRPG that suits my tastes. Waiting for new shit.
I'm playing Tales of Phantasia X. It's pretty fun for what it is.
i had to stop playing because every 30 minutes i'd need to jack off because all the characters were too sexy
I'm on my second Vesperia playthrough, but I am kinda losing motivation. Guess I'll probably drop that and start Symphonia instead.
I was playing Trails of Cold Steel a few minutes ago. In chapter 6, just got to Roer. I don't want the game to end.
Remember to dance with Crow.
I was never all that big into them nor do I know any good ones.
I don't like turnbased jrpgs either. I tried that new final fantasy but it was a boring piece of shit and dropped it like an hour in or so.
best girl
Currently playing XIV if that counts as a JRPG.
Maybe look into the Tales of games, Vespiria got a recent HD release and is regarded as one of the best in the series.
because im not closet homosexual
>playing Ys VIII
>missed 1 Dana sidequest
Im still thinking about starting again to get to 100%, I just dont know if im autistic enough
Does journal carry over to ng+?
Might start it again if yes but i dont know if i would replay it on the same difficulty?
I'm playing an SRPG right now:
cuz hldm is 50 times better
>Labyrinth of Refrain
how's that shit for brainlet who're shit at dungeon crawler ?
Because I don't have time nor patience to read 6 hours of straight dialogue anymore.
Currently got a new game plus in vesperia I'm working on. I took a break from it to play dragons dogma, however. I think DDDA counts as a jrpg now Anyway.
Played DQ11 recently, it was a masterpiece and it's hard to follow something like that up. They don't make them like that anymore.
I am thinking of getting the switch version since it looks to have added a load of stuff.
I think you can do all sidequests if you go back to her era through one of the crystals. I definitely remember that I also forgot one of her quests and went back just to do that one, and it was pretty late into the game, last chapter I think.
Is this the Pyra thread?
I didn't come to this thread to feel
I got Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection, since I heard its relatively short. I've played a bunch of 50-70 hour JRPGs in a row so I'm little burned out. I do have my eyes on DQ11 eventually, since I hear nothing but endless praise for it.
I hope so, I love my wife very much.
I mean the one for the approval rating
How is it? I just bought neptunia vii (7) on steam, few hours in and its so silly its kinda fun. Also finally encountered fight where i dont one shot enemies and instead the boss one shotted my entire team.
Are 4 goddesses online copy pasted story and humor or is it worth keeping in my wishlist?
MDN was the best in a series of literal flaming dog shit. This is coming from a faggot who bought nearly every single game on steam.
Whats that supposted to be?
I am.
The PC/PS4 version is already enough for more than 100 hours playtime, so you can't go wrong with that. Wonderful experience.
Neptunia VII, because the titling for the games are kinda dumb.
>feel like playing a nep game
>humble bundle has a sale on it
>fetch one
>play for a bit
>dont feel like playing anymore
this keeps happening with every jrpg i touch.
Well see, the problem is that Neptunia games are bottom of the barrel garbage. Maybe if you played games that weren't trash you wouldn't feel that way
its same with persona 3, 4, SMT nocturne, devil summoner 2, final fantasy 2, 7 and some of the psp games
So i am playing the best version. Glad to hear that.
I don't think Pokemon counts anymore
Its very barebones but I still count it as a JRPG.
Can someone please recommend me a good JRPG that isnt 70% Visual Novel garbage like neptunia/atelier games. I want something like FF6/FF7. I tried xenoblade chronicles 2 but it's not really my type of game. I have a PS4/PC/Switch.
>those milkers
>that thigh gap
>those hips
Well this isn't helping with my morning wood.
That's odd. You said you're playing the best one ever made but you didn't post a screenshot of Lufia II.
That one's shit though.
Then again so is the one in op
>Anything I'm missing?
Yeah a good game.
JRPGs in general
Yikes, sorry user
There are lots of good jrpgs. But xenoblade 2 and persona 5 ain't among them.
Is this the thread where we post shitty games?
Just booted up TiTS Evolution on my freshly hacked Vita. Super excited for comfy jrpg gaming in my bed.
My most hyped game of the year is a shitty JRPG. My second most hyped is Trails of Cold Steel 3, another shitty game.
Yeesh, sorry to hear user
babbys first jrpg, bet you don't even have SERIOUS FUN™
Will confirm this shit is great
Bought Vesperia on the golden week sale and am saving it for next weekend when I'll be getting 3 days off
Add bloom lighting and you get Octopath Traveler.
I'm starting to play the Tales of series right now.
burning AP in FGO before I try and NG++ Persona 5 for the Platinum
>I am playing FFXV
ouch. Of all the JRPGs you are playing, you are going with one of the worst and unfinished ones
Someone redpill me on the The legend on heroes series. I've had Trails in the sky in my Steam library for years and it seems like there are million of these games now.
I've finished over 30 games in the series (including the main series and spinoffs, not mmos) so I thought why not finish the main series.
okay, that's a good reason to force yourself to play that mess.
Can you actually bully her?
i dont know which one to pick
One of the most fleshed out worlds developed over the course of 9 games + more to come.
Trails in the Sky = You play as a spunky hotheaded young woman and a calm collected young man attempt to thwart the machinations of a shadow organization as the world struggles to adapt to a world that industrialized too fast.
Trails of Zero/Trails of Azure = You play as a young man in the Crossbell Police Department experiencing his city-state being torn apart by outside investors and influences.
Trails of Cold Steel = You play as a young man and his group of classmates as they try to stop a civil war in a society that struggles to move into the modern age and the class-system of nobles that resists change.
All of them are turn based delay system (think Grandia mixed with Mana Khemia where each "card" can have a buff/debuff assigned to that turn) and use a unique magic system called Orbal Energy that lets you set gems to each characters unique grids to customize things from stats to what spells they use.
Each game has expanded on the last, with CS1/2 having a pair up system as well akin to Tales of Xillia where pairs can follow up on each others actions.
Structure usually has a "free period" where you do sidequests and worldbuilding and a "chapter" where the plot for that section happens. Then you move to another location in the world. Names and Systems vary with Trails in the Sky and Zero/Azure having the Bracer Guild and CS1/2 having tasks assigned by teachers/others.
Overall they are worth your time, with Trails in the Sky being the starting point, Zero and Azure MUST be played after since they call heavy on knowledge from what happens in TiTS.
CS1/2 are fairly stand alone and can be played first but benefit greatly from playing the others.
Play them.
Replaying God of War but I've got Valkyria Chronicles on deck. Does that count? Been weighing up buying XC2 or Octopath. Leaning towards Octopath cause the tone seems a bit less embarrassing but I'd like to hear some opinions
it mothers day and im visiting her this weekend. and there have been no interesthing jrpg to play in the last few years
Well shit, thanks user. I'll put them on my list, that does sound pretty damn interesting. How long are these games on average? Is there a lot of padding, I mean to say.
I prefer XC2 on practically every front, but if you have low tolerance for anime goofyness it might rub you the wrong way. Its not riddled with them and as the game progresses they disappear practically altogether, but they're still there.
You do fight her as a boss at one point.
THIS is what happens if you lose
those floating figures? The party's reanimated bodies
After i take a shit and jerk off in the sjower im going to take a nap. But after that i feel like playing ff7 or 8. I havent decided yet.
How is the combat? Is it similar to FFXII? I prefer turn based in most situations and I heard XC2 is pretty complicated, which is kind of offputting
Finished XB2 and Torna last month and now have been playing Bayonetta to get something more action-y going on so I don't get fatigue.
I dropped Persona 5's NG+ for the Plat like last year and now that Royal has been announced I doubt I'll go back, so I'm looking for a new JRPG to play.
Should I go with:
>Final Fantasy VII
Unironically never played it. I mean, I did play it for like 5 minutes once, but that isn't what I meant.
Have a PS4, Vita and Switch.
Really got into Fate since the beginning of the year and I'd like to play something that isn't just a VN or gacha.
I have a PSP and Vita.
The complicated is pretty complicated, even if its not impenetrable. You have a ton of things to keep track of and hopefully you read the tutorial messages well since you will never see them again. It becomes extremely rewarding when you learn the ropes and you can just melt your enemies, but it takes quite a while to get there. At the start the combat is very slow.
Short answer; 30-40 depending on difficulty and if you rush. 60+ if you want to do everything. and thats per game.
Depends on what you mean by padding. There is A LOT of worldbuilding that goes on though sidequests and dialouge. The "free period" has you doing 1 or 2 required quests with 3-4 optional ones for money or gear while the "chapter" part is just strait narrative with a point A to point B structure.
One of, if not the best, part of Trails games is how much attention to detail is given to NPC's the world, and the lore. You could spend a few hours of side content reading books on the 1000 years of history that lead to the modern world, such as the Chruch of Adios, The Collapse, and the Orbal Revolution
Or you could talk to NPC that change what they do/where they are based on how far you are. An example being a shy love struck boy who after 3-4 side quests eventually makes his way to the girl he has a crush on and talks to her, while having new things to say throughout.
There is also fishing, cooking and minigames in each game that you could completely skip.
It really depends how much you want out of it. Each chapter is about 5-10 hours long if you do everything, some less and some more.
Thanks for clarifying this stuff further. One last thing, how obvious it is that you're about to head forward in chapters? I like the structure of you having time to do other stuff between chapters, but I worry that its easy to just skip over that if you happen to step to the wrong square. I guess map markers or something would negate that worry though.
They are too long and I don't have the time to invest in one right now
I am.
also when am i supposed to read perfect works, i am currently at the point where billy first appears. I know it contains a ton of spoilers, but is there not a point in the story where it no longer spoils but only adds exposition.
>but is there not a point in the story where it no longer spoils but only adds exposition.
at the end of the game
I tried my best to stick with xenoblade, with the ultimate goal of getting the swimsuits, but I discovered the dinput8.dll hooks for dragons dogma and it feels like its impossible to go back
i was really young when i watched my sister play it mostly so i don't remember much. i remember a really hard jumping sequence that was super hard but i managed to overcome it after a couple of days of trying.
after you're done.
the biggest twist happens deep in disc 2 and perfect works talks about it all the time, presuming you already know it. Just keep playing.
Because I'm at work and don't want to play gacha trash
He said a JRPG, Xenoblade 2 isn't a JRPG, it's an offline MMO
Do the main quests assigned last and you will be fine. It will usually tell you when "free period" ends too.
Rodie a best
There aren't enough gay protags.
I just finish a for a third time, the ending still gives the goose bumps, it would certainly be better if there wasn't the post credits scene.
I'm playing Rance 6 and it's really fucking tedious.
ys VIII has mixed rating on steam. people say that the port os fucked. is it fixed or is it still bad?
I'm playing The Lost Child on hard and I can't beat the first boss in this game. What the fuck, man?
Cant say because i got it on a console but why dont you try it for yourself before you buy?
I'm hopping back and forth between all the xenoblade games right now, gotta stop myself and finish octopath at some point though.
>He fell for Yea Forums Rance incel meme
Does Ys count?
because i have shit internet and don't want to waste time downloading it if it's a bad port.
Not sure user. Recommend me one on PC and ill boot one up.
Not sure what the problems were before but I bought it a couple days ago and haven't experienced any crashes or other problems during my 10 hours of playtime.
Xenoblade X exists
I mean, you could still fix it yourself if you take some time
Considering starting either Baten Kaitos or Valkyrie Profile, thoughts on those?
Genius of Sappheiros
Pretty sure you start NG+ with Pyra, Mythra and Pneuma, so you can forget maxing out the broadsword unless you just start a new Switch account for a fresh save file.
I am: FFXII for PS4. Anybody get it for Switch/Xbone? Only went for PS4 version cuz it was recently down to $15.
I wouldn't have such a problem with the first three Hyperdimension games if they didn't rely so heavily on grinding. I get they're supposed to be deliberately tongue-in-cheek about JRPG tropes and video games in general, but going that far with it was just unnecessary.
I am, I thought I was a big boy enough to challenge a wyvern in Etryan Oddisey and he destroyed me, so I stole his children in revenge.
I need to finish this game.
Why in the hell would you want to bother maxing out a one off weapon you have for like 2 hours of the game.
Some people are legit autists, user. It happens. And Yea Forums happens to have proportionally more than you'd normally find in the wild.
Minty fresh Pneumass
Where did this meme come from anyway? There's like one battle in the entire series you need to grind for an hour to prepare for.
My God
At the very least, the first game is a grindfest for a number of reasons.
>Tfw dont like weeb games but like playing games with attractive women and western games have completely gotten rid of them
Its not fucking fair, weebs are too lucky
I hope you can love the witcher otherwise you're shit out of luck
I am, though. Also playing through my second copy of TWEWY.
>actually playing open-world games
I like the boobs on xenoblade, but I'm buying racing games, platformers, fighting games and gta clones. I've been playing mario kart 8, watch dogs, dragon ball z extreme butoden, and sonic generations. I am playing pokemon red, silver, omega ruby, y, and moon.
>At the very least, the first game is a grindfest for a number of reasons.
true but the combat for the first game is a complete joke once you get Neptune break at level 20
>Put over 700 hours into Xenoblade 2 and its DLC
holy shit how? are you brain damaged? the game is so fucking easy how the fuck do you put over 700 hours into it rofl