What is the comfiest game you ever played?
What is the comfiest game you ever played?
Golf Story and Stardew Valley. Those 2 plus a cup of tea every night helps me to fall asleep like a baby
Nintendo game "Kyle the Yoshi"
Love to play this game on the Nintendo. Big world and lets you travel the world as Kyle the Yoshi... He could transform into wonderful forms and would make me very happy for me and my parents. Would like to play again but cannot find the gamedisc in my cabin.
Anyone else to play "Kyle the Yoshi"?
mystical ninja
Right now it's Forza Horizon 4
What did he mean by this?
Megaman Legends
This one is more comfy, OP
Life is strange
Why is he jacking the hedgehog off with his thumbs.
What the fuck
Unironically minecraft. Once you get in a building groove it's great. Wish there wasn't the new music that is mostly shit
This shitty post better not derail the thread. Not even worth being a copypasta.
my nigga
What the fuck are you talking about?
You mean Yoshi's Island?
A tie between the first Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon AWL
I miss the Gamecube days where'd I wake up early before school to play some vidya or would wake up before Saturday morning anime dubs to make some progress
I want those memories to be my last thought before I die, truly those were the happiest of times
nigga what
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I love how it tilts its head back a bit further with each stroke as if attaining enlightenment.
is rune factory comfy I have been meaning to get into it
He is CUTE!
i liked dragon quest 8. it's like playing through a fairy tale
is this the new hahapasta?
Yes, it's comfy but if you're going to play the series I suggest doing it in order. The game is faster, smoother and has many more QoL improvements as the series advances.
Knights and Merchants.
God I wanna pet a hedgehog
>hand isn't black
2/10 best I can do
It's an attempt at gaining attention.
Did you use it with your going into games machine?
is that an Apple Watch
and is he naked
pls respond immediately
Oh no
He chunky
Umm i dunno man you can read it all and follow your favorite artist in his deviantart post
Wow, has it been a long time.
I was about to say I'm back but then again, I've said that about three times already in the past, so... I'm not gonna say that this time. Although this time, I finally worked on something that didn't take months in between to finish!
I already know how long I've been out of it, but it's been a combination of things that have gotten me to pick up my pencil this time. One was because of Ryex-617, who has been sharing sketches of his work on Twitter. What raised my interest were some of these won't get colored and remain as sketches that were quick ideas, but I liked that. They were top-of-the-mind things that ended up on paper, and to be honest, that's why I started doing art to begin with: to make a visual of what I was thinking. Two, the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. These things are normally on display in tech shops, and also have some sort of art app on them to try, so I went ahead and gave it a shot, and I was very surprised to see how accurate the two were to replicating pencil-to-paper. It felt so natural and close to what I usually do, I've always had the idea of wanting to own a tablet, but I felt more comfortable knowing where I was touching on my canvas. With enough thought, I decided to draw something to get back into it, and I was pretty happy knowing that I not only still got it, but that it came out alot better than I thought!
Considering my Yoshi self (who I normally address in the third person as simply "Yoshi") hasn't had an update in five and a half years,
Error: Comment too long (11140/2000).
Smartwatch + Rainbow Feather
For more than two years now, I've been wearing an Apple Watch, and it hasn't left my wrist since I got it (with the exception of charging, of course), and I felt it was very appropriate to add that to the reference. However, this also works with a new idea that was done with Ryex-617 in a roleplay we had done some time ago, involving an adventure between our characters, resulting in them both being transformed and gaining magical feathers. This feather acts as a magical database of forms Yoshi takes on, the first one being a Dragonite form (which I will have to draw later). The smartwatch and feather are also charmed to Yoshi's body, granting him control over a few aspects of his body, the immediate one being that he's capable of shifting between forms just by using the watch, which includes an application on it to swap between them. However, Yoshi loses the ability to freely control himself if they are removed from him, even while in another form, until he puts them back on (this is usually a result of a prankster friend).
Ironic shitposting is a bannable offense, user
the fuck is a flandre duckduckgo gives nothings
this webm makes me uncomfortable
>he doesn't know flandre
How the fuck you take a video when your two hands hold that pig
God I wish that were me
Check Craigslist you might find one.
If those pigs actually stayed at that size they would be so insanely popular
What the fuck, a wholesome thread for once.
el rato...
Literally me
These things are fucking adorable do they make good pets?
>Sonic looks like a horrific monstrosity despite being based on one of the most adorable creatures on the planet
How do they do it?
Is that Sonic the Hedgehog from the movie adaptation Sonic the Hedgehog: Gotta Go Fast of the videogame franchise Sonic the Hedgehog?
Someone please post that bunny/rat thing basking in the sun.
Custom Robo
God its stuff like this that makes me feel bad for eating steak.
But classic Sonic is a cute lil tubby fuck
I'm making it my goal to get a pet hedgehog tomorrow
cute dogs
They're fun enough but you have to tolerate a tough beginning. Here's a short version
>You have to trim their toenails at least once every 10 days
>They won't trust you for a couple months until they learn your scent and that you're not a threat
>The combination of a lack of trust and their quills makes the toenail trimming hell during the first while
>Eventually you gain trust and they will happily snuggle [if you get a female] or generally just enjoy running around a clean open space.
>They're naturally solitary, so you don't have to maintain a regular handling routine.
>They can be safely fed dry catfood but will happily and eager eat other things like mealworms and other even some kinds of fruits and other things.
>They nocturnal and will make noise as they run in their wheel at night
>You MUST provide them a good large sized wheel.
>You MUSt be able to provide a warm living environment year 'round as most domestic hedgehogs are the African variety and wants warmth.
Pet hedgehogs require a much larger amount of manual maintenance to insure their sanitation and health, especially compared to similar pets like hamsters and guinea pigs.
I'm a pretty nocturnal person myself, would being up at night hours with lights on and shit fuck with them?
They're endangered because autists keep trying to fuck them.
Imagine being such a worthless animal that your defense mechanism is just laying down with your gang and hoping someone else gets eaten.
Source? I hope this is a joke.
smart flandre
Just eat some steak. Then you wont feel so bad.
Final note: You should use a breeder. Not a pet store. Breeders do their best to ensure you don't end up with a pet succumbing to bumblefoot or wobbly hedgehog syndrome. Basic petstore Hedgies aoften have these crippling/fatal genetic conditions.
This is also true. In addition to nail trimming, a bathing schedule is needed too. Just a gentle was in shallow water is enough, but it's necessary on a regular basis. Consider the tradeoff though: Hamsters die in almost no time at all and Guinea Pigs are basically retards. Hedgehogs learn to trust and love you. Mine used to uncurl after being startled if I just breathed on it so it could smell me and know it was safe.
Yes. But honestly, you could probably just drop a blanket over the cage.
Damn. I wouldn't subject them to a shit situation if they can't deal with me being nocturnal too. Thanks for the info anyway user.
cat has better hygiene than most people on Yea Forums
I dont understand reptile owners. why would you own something you cant form a bond with?
that neck literally looks like a penis
uh oh
he has sex with it
why would you have a girlfriend when you can have an actual cold blooded lizard?
What's a good price for a hedgehog?
What's that?!
I heard that hedgehogs smell pretty bad
What the fuck is that a penis
That's like 8x mine
I was watching clips of death wobbles on harleys yesterday and now I'm imagining it with hedgehogs
Hedgehogs have skulls like a tiny bear.
>bumblefoot or wobbly hedgehog syndrome
did you make these up?
Disney's CGI is really getting good.
dude what
When is she turning 18.
weird.. i thought the same thing
shut up they're chill
>capable of affection towards animals
You are a funny man
Animal Crossing: Wild World back on the DS in middle school
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
You have convinced me. Just looked it up on craigslist and there's somebody selling baby hedgehogs for $200 I'm gonna try to get one tomorrow.
$150 CDN at least.
They animal itself is very very clean and smells fine. What smells is their shit.
Luckily, they're veru tidy animals, and will readily and even without much prompting or training, choose a corner of their cage to shit in. Then you can just do a moment of pooperscooping once per day if the smells' buggin' ya.
Mine has super regular bowel movements and would take a fat dump every day at 7:00 AM. It made it harder to delay getting out of bed and starting the day because my whole bedroom would stink the fuck up
No. WHS is particularly bad. It's like MS or Cerebral Palsy but for hedgehogs. It often leaves them unable to stand or breath properly
If you google bumblefoot [I don't recommend it] you'll see what's so bad about it.
For those who don't know it's not a rat. It's a pacarana and they naturally rub themselves like this with or without irritants.
Got me the first time but now I can't see it anymore
he didn't fly so good
Capy aren't defenseless. They have giant teeth that can easily bite chunks out of threats.
Don't get me wrong. They are chill, but that also means incredibly stupid.
It was grindy but I found getting into a good routine was part of it's charm
sleep tight bacon
Hedgehogs do the same thing. If you let yours explore around your house, you'll find sometimes it sits there and gets it's mouth all frothy. It then rubs the frothy saliva on whatever it is that has it's attention and go and rolls around in the frothy mixture. They call this "anointing"
Nobody really knows for sure what this behavior is about but most believe it's a form of scent camouflage where they choose odors they believe will be advantageous to them. Mine used to LOVE anointing with my dirty socks. She'd chew on them for a minute them rub herself all over them, much like a dog might roll around in a bad smell.
KYLE the Yoshi!? But user, there is no game called KYLE the Yoshi! That's not a game that exists. Oh geez, this is such a wacky thing to have happened, for you to talk about a game that doesn't exist! I can't help but react to the sheer strangeness of this post. What a weird thing to say!
Here, let me use a reaction to show my shock at the name KYLE the Yoshi.
>ywn hug a momkey and have it hug you back
Good luck and I hope you enjoy it. They're wonderful creatures.
The thought of potentially getting one tomorrow is making me too excited to sleep. I'll be pretty sad if I talk to them tomorrow and they sold them all. The ad was made a couple weeks ago.
Who is she?
What is it with crazy autists and glasses? Is the bad vision gene linked with the autism gene or something?
I will return for reasons to be told. That is all I have to say.
Isabela moner
>if you get a female
Should I like avoid getting a male?
cave story and Metroid prime 3
Yeah. I like the part where I go WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Thanks. These girls usually jump straight into porn as soon as they turn 18, right? RIGHT? I want to see her railed so bad.
She's a famous actress. It's not happening.
>These girls usually jump straight into porn as soon as they turn 18, right? RIGHT?
Uhhh no?
Nah, they're great too. My male hedgehog snuggled too, it's just that females have a reputation for being more into it [which was supported by the behavior my exceptionally female]
Basically as an example, my female enjoyed snuggling as it's main contact and was willing/happy to nap inside the kangaroo pocket of my hoodie for up to two hours. Meanwhile my male was good with SOME contact [a few minutes of holding or whatever] but was much more about running around the house exploring and sniffing stuff. Once he got a little older though, he enjoyed napping on my lap almost like a small lapdog while I watched TV.
I'd say try for a female if intimate contact is a priority but that owning a male is still just as rewarding.
rollercoaster tycoon
Hexyz Force
What animal is this?
Yea Forums - Zambian Hedgehog Rearing and Handling bulletin board
Gotcha. I'd definitely rather have a female then in that case. The ad I looked at said they had 4 females so hopefully I can get one. Thanks a lot for the advice you've given in this thread. I've wanted a pet but something that can stay primarily in my room so not a cat or dog.
looks like a Fossa
>be so autistic that going outside is basically a waste of time when you could be drawing your epic OC
>only thing you look at during most of the day is a computer or phone screen
what do you think happens to your eyes when you spend most of your time glued to a fucking screen
a fossa
they have sharp spikes on their dick to keep the terrified females from running away
Non-meme, I remember reading a study saying that exposure to the sun's UV rays are crucial in the normal development of vision because nature's retarded
Isn't that all feline dicks?
fossa arent felines
nothing. eye damage from looking at computer or phone screens is myth. eye strain however....
Any Bethesda RPG ironically enough. Something about going at your own pace and just dicking around with something on in the background usually gets me mad comf
>It's eyes look outwards from one-another
Why does this make animals look adorably retarded?
Mfw this thread
you forgot to mention their lifespans are short so get ready to go through some heartbreaks.
>what do you think happens to your eyes when you spend most of your time glued to a fucking screen
In my case, nothing. Perfect vision.
Plus most of these people clearly wore glasses since they were young.
little king's story
Nothing? I've been looking at a computer 8+ hours a day for the last 20 years at work and at home. From CRTs to modern high pixel density displays. Nothing has happened to my eyes and I've been 20/20 as long as I've been alive. That shit's a myth, like swimming after you eat, or catching a cold, from being in the cold.
>worthless animal
Fuck you man.
The Capybara is what we should all aspire to be.
No worries, no stress, friend to all
those are dairy cows user
>I'd definitely rather have a female then in that case.
Makes sense. A special treat once they trust you is the way they consciously and specially relax/lower their quill if you're stroking them. A loving/trusting hedgehog will ACTIVELY avoid poking you.
> I've wanted a pet but something that can stay primarily in my room so not a cat or dog.
Hedgehogs are perfect for that. Let it loose in your room with the door shut once in awhile and that's all the extra stimulation it will need beyond having a good wheel. Remember: It's not a rodent. It's not gonna go gnaw on stuff or anything. Worst case is it wedging itself somewhere that you can't easily remove it from, but if you take a moment to idientify risk zones, it can be as easy and tossing an old t-shirt in a corner to make sure your Hedgie doesn't/can't crawl behind your bookshelf or whatever.
Longer than most small mammals people keep as pets. 5-10 years is nothing to sneeze at. My hedgehogs lived 6 and 8 years respectively.
If you want heartbreak, get rats. They're smart as dogs or cats and very very rewarding pets, but basically ALWAYS die of cancer or lung infections within 3 years.
Probably the Harvest Moon games.
kittens can be cruel, jack
Fellow comfy fags
Probably when I first got into free roam in RDR2 desu. For as much as all these shit games try to be cinematic with scripted shit, playing RDR2 free roam actually feels like you're in a movie. Lots of kino. Then you find all there is to find and see the cracks and it's not comfy though
only pedators have focused eyes placed on the front of their face, herbivores need more awareness of their surroundings, so their eyes are more to the sides
wtf you don't catch a cold from being in the cold?
how do i get a waifu like that
Explain this
Anyone got that lion/tiger that looks like its starting to have a breakdown over a few photos as its being pet, with the caption of something along the lines of "when you finally experience affection and realise its what youve been missing your entire life"
Yeah those are even known to cannibalise their own
el rato de batho
isn't that the kind of bird where the biggest sibling pecks it's younger ones to death when the parents leave the nest
No that's chimps. Gorillas are pretty chill.
nature is fucked
nice digits btw
Surprised no one has posted this already
Rhinos are nearly blind. Getting close to one is death.
No, and I'm sick of mouth-breathing retards perpetuating that stupid fucking myth.
>Maybe if I ignore him he'll go away
weird thing to get emotional about but ok
prove it faggot
Gorillas only eat plants and the occasional bugs. They don't eat meat period. Chimps are cannibalistic and regulary eat meat.
He have to protect these beautiful killing machines from the chinksectoid before it's too late.
My fav part is where he go yoshiiii.
Sims 3, Ace Combat 4, and unironically this one Facebook tycoon game called Restaurant City
It does cause eyestrain which leads to temporary loss of vision, but no permanent damage. Almost no outside factor can damage the eyes because the optical nerves are inside your skull while the eye itself is just malleable goo. That parts gets ruined and repairs itself all the time.
Staring into the sun will fuck up the optical nerves though so don't.
Based and transformerpilled
>They don't eat meat period
Yeah no
based knowledgeable user
Surely you're talking about movie Sonic
Post proof of them eating meat then, a single picture will suffice.
>kitten on road
Why the fuck do I always assume the worst?
why are kittens like this
They are like 100% curious and fearless
One of those hedgehogs is not like the others
haha I wonder what Kyle smelled like
It has to be something killed by a gorilla too, not food humans threw them.
ヾ ,' 3 彡
ミ ミ
彡 ミ
/ソ,, , ,; ,;;:、ヾ`
It's the only animal on earth that managed to domesticate itself. Cats would not exist if they weren't curious and loving.
Prove it user
Show us the save data
I found it on google. I typed gorrila eating meat. Try it sometime
They secrete a bacteria which fucks with the brains of other animals and removes some of their fear receptors so the cat can kill them easier.
Cats are truly nature's Chad.
haha so randumb xD
>Getting stuck in a flipper roll
Is he ded?
Because its Yea Forums and you automatically assume the worst
I did and first hit told me that
>Gorillas are a specialized type of herbivore called a folivore
They're not carnivores.
it's a domestic animal with no fear of people
Now I want to learn magic to fuck with animals
aww look how happy he is
thanks doc
Imagine the feel
What about dogs? Wolves were forced to help humans due to starvation.
>gets kicked out of pride
>joins humans so doesnt starve
Short life span. If you get one, expect it to die due to "wobbly hedgehog syndrome".
The Sims Bustin' Out on GBA
The Urbz on GBA/DS
I remember some years ago when youtube classified this video as pronography and removed it.
What are these apes thinking
They have the thinking power of a two year old so probably something like "WHERE IT GO?!"
"there should be an object there but there is not and I don't know why and I feel something about it"
>why would you own something you cant form a bond with?
reptiles aren't as dumb as you think
they have no concept of love as we do obviously, but neither do cats even though most people like to insist that.
they are however capable of recognizing individual humans as benefactors and tolerate their presence/touch, sometime even actively seeking it. a bond with an animal doesn't have to be reciprocated 1:1 for it to matter
Yeah but that's a fictional comic book, it didn't really happen
There's even a talking dinosaur
They thought they could trust you.
We cannot fathom the intense suffering that goes on in their primate brains.
>Oh Kos or some say Kosm...
>Grant us eyes!
They're well adapted to not agitating many animals. I think it's because they don't have high levels of cortisol or something. So there's very little danger in them socializing with animals such as an alligator.
stop bullying these poor monkeys
>they are however capable of recognizing individual humans as benefactors and tolerate their presence/touch
I would still hardly quantify that as a "bond" of any kind.
>chain wrapped around its' neck
>takes the food back even after it rightfully earns it
This is an asian zoo, 100%.
>Group of bunnies live around my house
>One bigger one hangs out in yard all the time, start to feed him, giant patch of worn dirt where it would regularly sleep, obviously felt safe around me and my house
>Other day see bunny splattered on road
>Haven't seen him since
I want to shelter and take care of every animal on Earth
Those aren't the brightest bulbs in the shop either.
>PREY need more awareness
>Dude, did you seriously just bite off my arm?
I raised a guinea pig for 4 years and it never reached even 5% of that size what did I do wrong
>they have no concept of love as we do obviously, but neither do cats even though most people like to insist that.
This is literally wrong and scaliefag cope; every mammal is capable of feeling love. Reptile brains are incapable of it.
>nigger hand
ducks are cuuuuuuute
>This other ape will be so impressed by my sleight of hand
I haven't seen this image in so long.
Thank you user
>no concept of love as WE do
reading comprehension, retard-chan
>every mammal is capable of feeling love
literally false
why are catfags always so touchy when you bring up that cats are fundamentally different from people?
darkest dungeon somehow. no idea how.
and fuck that game. didnt even finish it.
big difference between reptile "me like touch" and mammal social bonding you deluded scalie
that's not black
Super Mystery Dungeon. Not entirely a good though though; I'm more of an action-oriented guy.
get your eyes checked bud
It might be eerie or spooky to some, but I always found the Neverhood quite cozy.
You're comparing animals to the highest evolved creature on the planet (humans) thus you're automatically wrong. Reptiles aren't capable of feeling love at all, cats (and every other mammal) are. That's all that matters. Anything else is just delusion.
Also I'm not a catfag, I love all animals equally :)
unironically no you
it's the lighting
You are too kind to be on v. Leave before it eats your soul.
Not where I'm from, they always run from people.
In what world is this hand black you blithering retard?
Also the camera very briefly pans up to reveal asian text on the sign, so I was correct that it was in fact an asian zoo.
Actually kill yourself.
Give it a couple more decades. I'm sure we'll breed the things that make them a functioning living animal right out of it and make them adorbs cute.
Yeah, the sign is in Korean.
>why are catfags always so touchy when you bring up that cats are fundamentally different from people?
Because if a made up "bond" with an animal that will eat you literally seconds after you die isn't on the exact same level as forming and maintaining human relationships than they have absolutely nothing.
i thought they did this to make their stings from their quills more irritating to predators
dont they also chew on feces and roll in them as well for the same reason?
could explain why they liked dirty smelly socks...
I knew Hammer made it.
the 18th century is that way
>You're comparing animals to the highest evolved creature on the planet
except I specifically wasn't and you specifically are. you forfeited your argument right here through willful ignorance.
>all that shit and piss on her shirt
>thought they did this to make their stings from their quills more irritating to predators
That's another theory yes. The odor theory makes more sense based on their nose being their main sensory organ though.
>they have no concept of love as we do
There's been an influx of these inane posts lately, as if trying to force their memes subtly.
Made for clubbing
Tails wants that tummy
How the hell are they going to get to the disarmed gator to help it?
hide n go seek
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
>finding Rachel's rotting body feet from where you and Chloe were hanging out two days ago
>there was probably still cum leaking out of her
A-user did this comfort you?
Apparently alligators eat each others limbs a lot so it's really not a big deal. He barely gave a fuck as you saw.
Inside he's screaming.
Their brains weigh like 8 grams he literally couldn't give a fuck even if he wanted to
I....what? I don’t know anything about this game. Spoiler it more for me