What exactly happened? What was this all about? Give me a quick rundown guys

What exactly happened? What was this all about? Give me a quick rundown guys

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Other urls found in this thread:


virgins mad at horny videogame feminist because they sad Vidya bad

Faggots trying to out virtue signal the other guys

You don't care what happened you just want and off-topic thread to jerk off in

Ah Gamergate, those were the days.

It was a different time user you wouldn’t understand, but if you want it short: Streisand Effect and censorship across the internet made a domestic dispute a public affair and spawned ecelebs that are still influential to this day.

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Pretty much this
No one would have gave a shit if mods weren't fags who kept deleting the threads for no reason.

Vidya jews and their pets hoaxed the existance of a genocidal collection of vidya gaymers, to use as a shield for all time to push their dangerous destructive agendas and money laundering. See Holocaust for more information.

Evenactually it was revealed Darpa was funding cultural marxism in video games

When GamerGate hit, I just ignored it completely. I still don't really know what it was all about.

We fucking WON

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Honestly I still can't believe even today ecelebs still use Gamergate as a scapegoat. Shit was 5 years ago.

Corruption in Vidya press happened as it usually does, normally those involved apologize and the corruption continues.
This time instead the woman at the center decided to be an unending cunt on Twitter about it. People fired back again and then they returned. It was exclusively internet drama and no one was physically harmed in anyway.

However the wahmen involved have continued whining about how oppressed they were (being written mean things on Twitter) while they were doing the same thing. Many game news outlets added journalistic integrity to their rules, although it hasn't stopped big firms from exerting influence.

It looked like gamergate had won for a while as the cunts had been btfo'd but cunts continue using it as a buzzword that says "I was ever so oppressed one time". Basedbois and other cunts believe them implicitly and it's been causing censorship problems.

Question? Comments? Concerns?

The holocaust was decades ago, was not a massive genocide in the grand scale of genocides and is still used to today for conquest in countries where it didn’t even occur.

I can't believe Yea Forums users still talk about it.

Metokur exposes a roastie whoring herself to game reviewers, then femminists get in, total bisquit gets in, jim sterling gets in, sargon gets in, quarter pounder gets in, people start to doxx each other and send death threats and then the 2016 elections starts end everyone lose intrests and they starts to focus on trump.

Can't claim victim status if the thing victimizing you no longer exists.
You only need to create the idea that it exists to continue making the money.

Streisand effect over people covering shit for a slut.

Yeah I went through to manually remove the GG auto blocker because anime sites started getting caught in the dragnet and most had either stopped posting around 2015/2016 or changed to a trump profile.

this, sure it backfired lol

people sick of shitty video game jounalism, it spirals into feminism, leadin to a giant feminist kickoff when women who dont understand vidya pretend thei do

Absolute fucking faggotry, but on a much larger scale than normal.

oh boy...

>What exactly happened.
Some dumb bitch who's of some uber rich jew family did a vanity project that got greenlit on steam.
Her ex boyfriend leaked some shit about how she cheated on him with five other men which is how she was able to get her game greenlit.
To Yea Forums, this was evidence that the entire gaming journalist "line of work" was one cohesive den of trust fund hipster kids that were for all intends and purposes in "being a subversive jew" training school; They weren't people who played games, just rich people who wanted to change the definition of gaming to suit their agenda.

Yea Forums basically decided that it was some sort of time to play "moral highground" and started gamergate as basically a movement of fucking with advertisement money towards gaming journos and other dumb shit.
This pissed the gaming journos off and in a move of stupidity they further proved they were one single cohesive group of people by all declaring that "Gaming was dead" and calling for some sort of weird cultural revolution so that hipster retards could still feel cool without being associated with people who actually play videogames.
moot didn't like big cross-boarding activism events so he banned it, sending all the GGers to 8ch where they continued doing shit. Eventually it all faded because the hipster retards just sort of bled into the greater collective of the left after Donald Trump won the 2016 election. Needless to say, GG never succeeded in cleaning out the arthouse degenerates from videogames, they're still ruining things for everybody.

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For what it's worth, multiple games journalist sites DID update a lot of their review policies and ethics codes - including Polygon and IGN, GamesJournoPro was leaked and presumably disbanded, and it brought SJW and journalist collusion into the subconscious of the internet as as an actual topic.

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Also the massive amount of butthurt

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Some fat fuck Mundane Fatt got his video copyright striked by some faggot named Zoe Quinn. Then some other faggot named Internet Aristocrat made some video named 5 Guys cause Zoe Quinn fucked 5 Guys to get somewhere in the game industry. Long story short, GG got Cheetoman in the White House and now Basedgon of Mossad wants to start GG2.

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some random faggot got asspained over breaking up with his girlfriend and sicced the user mob on her

and she made some shitty text game that no body knew or cared about so she was an enemy to vidya or something by proxy

>when we found her nudes
also holy hell she's thicc in the fingers
I have a image of her head somewhere, it's ridiculously small compared to her torso

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It was a disjointed and chaotic mess. Yea Forums and /pol/ vs games journalists that used feminists as meatshields and feminists that used journalists as meatshields. Also an ungodly amount of useful idiots on both sides. Lots of ecelebs used that to get big. "SJW" had been around for a while before then but thats when it became a mainstream term. All because some ugly hipster chick cheated on her boyfriend with five other dudes. One of which happened to be a journalist she used to promote her game.

The whole thing was a joke that just gets more embarrassing the more I think about it. Its not surprising that Jim nuked his channel.

A dumb whore's infidelity and general cunty behavior accidentally exposed a minor example of collusion within games media. This served as the straw that broke the camel's back for some, and the wider response the press gave to their demand for anything at all to be done about accountability led to a heavily politicized shitstorm with game journos accusing everyone everywhere of every "ism" under the sun while mountains of their nonsense was exposed. It created/elevated a number of internet personalities, a handful of websites, spawned an episode of a TV show, cost at least one corporation seven figures, etc.
Personally I thought it was great fun, solid 7/10 would shitpost again.

They could have let it burn out but they just couldn't help themselves. Or maybe that story about Moot wanting to bang that chick was true.
Either way it was a stupid call.

That's just what Zoe wanted to think, that it was all about her. The point was more that all the men she fucked were linked across multiple companies. It basically showed how close all these people were.
It didn't matter what review site, all of it was the same shit, same people.

The Finno/korean hyperwar shockwave opened wormholes that sent slavic ghost ghouls parasites into our time, those creatures were stealth paradox paraliving weapons chimically engieneered by the arcane scientist jom-gyun-quah.
Those extradimensional creatures were tasked to ruin enemies morale by afflicting the souls of the finnish enemies so that any of their hobbies would be ruined by other compatriots because of retarded and dystopic views that nobody should give a damn about.
This ghosts managed to use gamergate s breeding grounds and as you see with the elections they are increasing in numbers, they only attacks westeners because we share ancient finnish dna in our bodies, if they notice your asian origins you should in theory be safe.

With no real context, can't the photoshops be considered an admission of guilt? Expect them to be on the floor of the UN being presented some Internet Scientician who has a degree in major in gender studies and a minor in manology.

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Women hating, thats legitimately it.
Nobody gave a fuck when Jeff from Giant Bomb got fired from Gamespot for giving Kayne and Lynch a shit score while it was advertised all over the site but as soon as an indie dev fucks a glorified tabloid """""writer""""" for coverage, its suddenly a problem.

Video Game """""Journalism"""" has always and will always be worthless, anybody that hadnt learned that or still doesnt know that is clearly mentally retarded.

Some slut cheated on her boyfriend, when the internet hate machine fired on her, an incestuous web of journalists came to her aid.

moot had banned shit like that before. Nobody actually remembers that Chalogy ended when it was banned, not on its own, and that it actually continued on triple-8ch. History repeats, moot always feared the power Yea Forums had when it could work together.

Literal bot post. What is happening?

>nobody gav-
but people did?...

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so where are these reviews she got for fucking. what kinda scores did she get

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dont forget the bitch set it off by trying to promote her garbage on the back of robin william's death

The game was only ever reviewed by one person, and I don't think he was even one of the five guys. Not to mention that he gave it a shitty score anyway.

iirc she also had "Crash Override Network" (CON) which was supposed to be some dev meetup game making event, which was obviously a scam because people found out the donation link led to her OWN paypal which used the same link as her "donate to me" button and the funds were therefore impossible to tell apart otherwise

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People realized what we already knew - games journalism, aside from being an absolute joke profession meant for journalism school dropouts, is also just about as scummy as an industry can get.

Then everyone on Yea Forums sperged out and the whole world became a humiliating nightmare.

Also the reason why Gone Home got a 10/10 in the first place
And then GamesJournoPro leaks which show several devs wanting to send Zoey Quinn and apology letter and flowers lmfao and more collusion shit for reviews

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Tell me more about how games """"journalism""" needed to be saved by you shitting your pants in anger over literally nothing
Thank you for proving that nobody gave a fuck about Jeff yet spent a year bitching about a shitty indie dev persuading a joke of a "writer"

It wasn't a review, it was a positive article.


>What are these reviews she got for fucking?
She got her free to play PDF simulator "Depression quest" on steam as a part of a favor from the guy she fucked. That's basically it, Zoe was never that important, she was just a part of a mishap that showed how interconnected the game jorno "industry" is. It's effectively small enough for a single whore to fuck across.

She got Depression Quest on Steam because of how retarded the greenlight system is/was.

so the game journo from a tiny insignificant industry had enough pull with steam to put a shitty free game on the platform

and thats what yall got mad about

A clusterfuck on both sides. One side became a bandwagon of shitting on game journos, and the other was professional victims. The same year also had the worst Yea Forums musical.

The "humiliation" is overplayed. It was basically people mad that some retard made a cringy "war" image showing the "sides of the battle. It had reddit on Yea Forums's shoulder, that triggered people into an mindless rage.

Most of it was game journos embarrassing themselves and a few e-celebs being retarded, nothing that would even concern Yea Forums. It's just that, any time a group of redditors start portraying Yea Forums and reddit as "friends" people basically vomit up blood and start declaring that the event has killed Yea Forums.

I should have added, it's small enough for a single whore to fuck across, powerful enough to steer the creative focus on the industry.
Just like the MSM, a relatively small group of people control the perception of the lazy masses who can't form opinions of their own.

Slut sleeps with game journalist to get good review on her game
She gets caught, and called out on it.
This had the potential to expose the whole culture of bribery which goes on with gaming journalism, so everybody involved was at risk of being exposed.
Being journalists and having the loudest mouthpiece, they all took her back, and labeled any criticism and callouts for justice as misogyny.

The general public and casual gamers (see WoW, G4) being easily gullible took the side of the journal outlets.
People more deeply involved in the gaming community took the side of meritocracy and condemned Zoe Quinn and the journalists for their corruption.
Nothing was really resolved, and both sides claim victory over the other.

The bigger fallout of GG however : m00t was identified to be in the extended circle of Anita Sarkeesian, and was also found to be a literal cuck with a feminist gamer he was dating.
Yea Forums called him out on it, hard, so hard that as his "fuck you" farewell to Yea Forums before he left, he removed and uprooted mods who had been with the site since 2004, and strategically and deliberately replaced then with people from Anita's extended circle as well as others involved on the slutting side of GG for the sole purpose of ending Yea Forums's reign as the "internet hate machine"

The result was for a long while, heavy censorship all across Yea Forums, every board, even Yea Forums. Nobody could say a single thing against women, gays, trans, without potential risk of temp or even permabans.
It caused many to leave, and it's what whipped /pol/ into its frenzy about psyops and censorship which carries on to this day.

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Gamergate deserves respect because it had an actual impact on many things. Including one of my favorites.


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Indie developer had an affair, her ex boyfriend posted the people she allegedly had an affair with, among them was a guy writing fornKotaku, people assumed she had an affair with him for good reviews, turns out he didn't actually review the game, but at this point a bunch of shady political ideologues, almost all of which would later resurface as Trump cheerleaders, are instrukebtalizing the outrage for their own purposes. Bannon has actually talked about how useful GamerGate was to his agenda.

>Whore sleeps with guy who's reviewing her 'game'
>some point out that's a bad thing
>some call her a whore

>post claims people cared more about no names fucking no names than Eidos actually getting someone fired for giving people a real, honest review of a mediocre to shit game
>post 3 images of your retarded lists about how bad the no name is
How embarassing
>comparing two reddit posts, a penny arcade comic and a youtube video to a years worth of shit flinging that got its own Law and Order episode
Sorry, let me rephrase that.
Comparatively, nobody gave a fuck about Jeff getting fired due to giving a legitimate, honest review of a bad/mediocre game while Gamespot had their pockets lined by Eidos.
Games """Journalism""" has always been garbage, Depression Quest was literally an excuse to hate on women because "muh journalistic standards" that games """"journalism""" never had.

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Remember when after being found the entire gaming media ran a themed hit piece campaign against gamers?

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Now this is just ridiculous conspiracy theory bullshit. Go back to 8fag.

god I'm glad hulk hogan dropped the leg on gawker

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they targeted gamers


Depression Quest was the straw that broke the camel's back, you're just projecting your legitimate hate of women because you don't want it to be about ethics or standards in any form.

Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't after all your shitty posts.

>What exactly happened?

A cringe compilation being created in realtime.

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Everything you said in the last post is basically bullshit. Almost all completely retarded "content censorship" decisions can be traced to Abib (I.E no SCP vidya because of a personal vendetta) and his friends and almost all bans related to negative opinions on women can be traced to the female mod that guards /cgl/.

moot was also the Bull in that story because the jew girl he was trying to fuck was in a relationship with another man at the time they took the eurotrip.

this also increased the event as it led to the OBVIOUS signs that there was an email mailing list for collusion because all those articles came on literally the same day
also be glad you're not reddit, here's 25,000 comments purged because of Gamergate

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It was never about ethics or standard, if it was, we should have had "GamerGate" in 2007 to protest Jeff getting fired.
It was always about hating women.

Here's what Wikipedia has to say on it

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And even the NORMIES supported GG for the longest time

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>"Wikipedia is unbiased"

gamers rose up an the msm smeared the shit out of it. GG is basically the holocaust 2.0 and one of the longest and most well guarded entries on wikipedia.

Wikipedia is poisoned

Modern vidya creating women are either garbage or men in drag. They deserve hate and possible real genocide, instead of a magical one that they can use.

man these are old

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>moot was also the Bull
>moot was also the Bull
>moot was also the Bull

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GG was one of the most heavily guarded, locked and defended pages for a year because of how fucked up SJWs were.

Why is notch on the blue side?

Cringe is the perfect word to define actual basement dwellers who treated this like a war.

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The reality is even if Yea Forums has shitposting, falseflagging, fakeposting, none of that matters to the average lurker. What matters most is which argument makes the most sense logically - if you're not appealing to lurkers then your post is garbage and falls flat because everyone already knows in the back of their head "ad hominem" - we don't have to say it. But it's still fun to use shit like that to ridicule obviously retarded posts and to call people fags all day, when it comes to serious discussion then it's usually better to drop pretense.

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>Nobody gave a fuck when Jeff from Giant Bomb got fired from Gamespot for giving Kayne and Lynch a shit score while it was advertised all over the site

I was on the internet in 2007, and yes people gave a shit about that. There was a shitstorm on every video game forum, and the Gamespot folks talked about getting death threats because they fired Gerstmann. It only died down because Gamespot profusely apologized for it

waypoint and variety gaming are both shutting down this month
how's your week going?

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It's ironic that this page is more accurate than wikipedia.

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>You have a girlfriend.
>She is huge fan of this Sigourney Weaver-looking faggot who aped a Japanese image board and made and American version
>She writers her college thesis on him
>She tells you she's going to take a European vacation with him.
>You unironically find all of this OK.
Do you think women just do this, go take another man with them, and not fuck them?

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the death of Yea Forums

imagine being a wikipedia editor

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Whoops, forgot my pic.

Not really, the main difference is that knowyourmeme can directly cite posts on Yea Forums and twitter as records of internet drama, whereas Wiki can only cite "reliable sources". Meaning, Wikipedia can only recount whatever the Washington Post describes, any usually gets wrong

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but the memes were fun

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>women whores herself out for good reviews for her "game"
>ex boyfriend or something brings this to light
>internet gets mad
>Yea Forums goes on a crusade to point out how journalism is fucked, but Yea Forums is Yea Forums and it quickly stopped being about that and more about how women in video games industry are all whores
>game journalists spin this to mean that none of the allegations were true (even though they were) and it was just Yea Forums being lonely incels
>everyone takes this at face value, even though no one stopped to think for a second that MAYBE the game journalists were trying to protect themselves

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Let’s be honest, wat is a female in modern gaming? There are no female devs anymore and if they are, they aren’t successful because they’re pozzed to hell and the only reason they got into gaming was to spite man. Any who were successful got pushed out by trannies and various other jew pets for failing to push the agenda correctly. Female development is dead.

a ton of shitflinging between far left autists and video game obsessed autists.

they really weren't

it was about radicalizing Yea Forums and banning funposting

can't believe this lead to Donald Trump becoming president.

>the only reason they got into gaming was to spite man
how do you figure?

GG and tortanic really really fucked this board up

Some dumb faggot got mad his girlfriend cucked him with a bunch of other dudes.
Turns out that girlfriend was a game dev. And the dudes she cucked him with were panelists on an "indie game judging competition", and she won that competition. This of course is just circumstantial, but she tried so hard to deny it she even went so far as to fabricate death threats and shit, which just made her look guilty.

What should have been someone apologizing and being stripped of a meaningless, rewardless indie award turned into a bunch of retarded cunts screaming louder and louder about how they did nothing wrong and they couldn't see why people could possibly assume they'd fucked other people for their own personal gain.
They may have been proof at some point she was rewarded for the sex but I stopped paying attention not long after it started because:

Every fucking gaming publication under the sun, EXCEPT IGN (funnily enough) started their whole crusade of saying gamers were dead for expecting legitimacy in gaming awards. Gamers were horrible people, should be killed (not even exaggerating) and a bunch of other disgusting shit. Some shit devs started up a kickstarter and swindled retards from nu-Yea Forums for like $50,000 or so, it's where that unironically SOULLESS ginger bitch came from, and gamergate turned into some pointless "war" where everyone was getting mad, and then it just devolved into political shit in 2016, it's not people who give a shit about some dumb slut who fucked guys for an indie award (if it happened), it's about alt right and muh ess jay doubleyou.

It's pointless. There's no substance to it anymore, it's a label for something that doesn't fit it's content anymore. It's like looking at addictinggames, it's not addictinggames anymore evne if it's the same url

The woman whored herself out for positive coverage, but not any "reviews"

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here is what happened: e-celeb shitposting got out of hand and mods had to step in
that's all you need to know
zoomers just can't contain it

spoken like a true zoomer

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The downfall of this site and the surge of ecelebs who banked on it, all because of some whore who sucked off dicks for exposure.

>I want my gaming journalism free of ethic violations!
Who gives a shit about these bloggers and their tumblr tier lists?, this nonsense came around the era when youtuber had more influence than IGN or any other gaming site.
At least it exposed moot for being a sjw cuck.

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waiting for a fun one
and don't post that ugly vivian shit

have sex

>playing SS13
>a guy drags donald trump into my surgery
>saws off his arms and legs and drags him to the bar
>invites people to stab him with a screwdriver before setting him on fire

>back then he was a goofy TV personality and it was just weird and funny
>now days it'd be seen as political and SJW

feels weird

Yeah, too bad none of that is true.

it was just a couple years ago you flaming zoomer

t. zoomer who thinks e-celebs are his friends

some slut cheated on her boyfriend with 5 dudes
wrote a blogpost
blogpost got posted on Yea Forums, and lulz were had
but then mods deleted all threads, which just made the autists mad, so they went digging, and found a conspiracy leftists collaborating with each other in order to make games more liberal

GamerGate literally got the FTC to update their endorsement guidelines for reviews and ethics policies. I actually covered this once myself where an IGN writer wrote something like Top 8 Gaming Books you should Buy - and then he remade the article two years later with two more books except this time all the links had an endorsement tag on them so he'd get a percentage or bonus for people that purchase the items.

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>group doing a charity has it shut down by a vindictive woman
>some digging into her background reveals that she had some crappy games on steam greenlight including a game capitalizing on the an hero of robin williams
>she was revealed to be sleeping with journalists to get good reviews of her game
>Yea Forums gets up in arms once it's revealed that not only was the charity shut down, but any negative comments about her are causing shadowbans on reddit
>this just gets worse and worse until Yea Forums admins start banning too
>cue other women jumping in to use the attacks on the first woman as a platform to talk about harassment from incels
>cue this to have idiots like thunderf00t and the internet aristocrat, as well as milo yiannopolous to use the other front of enraged gamers as a jumping off point to attack SJWs and women in general
>gaming journalists collaborate to bury the story
>multiple almost identical articles all pop up on the same day across several websites, talking about how gamers are dead
>an email list is unearthed, proving the games journalism media is colluding
>internet aristocrat quits when he realizes he's not getting enough attention
>brianna wu fakes fearing for her life
>milo gets sent a syringe of a mysterious fluid
>anita and zoe get to speak at the UN about internet harassment
>#notyourshield is created since the antigamergate keep talking about how it's just entitled white boys hating on minorities, but it goes nowhere
>nothing is really achieved, except brianna, zoe, and anita get fucking RICH
>a year later, game devs are caught bribing reviewers, but nothing really comes of it
>to this day, the social justice movement uses gamergate as the evil boogeyman

basically, it was a shitstorm where both sides were fucking trash. The gamergaters used talking about ethics in game journalism to often jump on the social justice community, and the parasites manipulated the social justice community into not noticing the bribes in order to attack the patriarchy.

Back then people just saw trump as a usual douche celebrity a la paris hilton

they still claim nazis and kkk are still a thing, when they haven't been for decades

>...and dreamed up a conspiracy...


Redditors came here because they wanted to get the internet reeled into their drama. Some pig sleeping around would have gotten you a 3 day ban here at most like any other eceleb drama shit but mod abuse on reddit drove them here.

I'd probably kill myself

you can trace back so many happenings today to gamergate

and I STILL simplified the fuck out of it.

i think reviews would get them investigated and fined by the FTC

>facts aren't real

that and wikipedia is run by rabid leftists
remember ryulong?

This happened.

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The modern vidya female dev spends nothing else but, writing about how much they hate white men on twitter and in interviews. Then, when they fail, they blame white men or toxicity or some other garbage. Then they move on to suck the blood out of something else.

you don't get to tell me what to post

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and that's why I never cared about gg and just played vidya

>collective delusion is fact

What was the charity and why did zoe quinn want it shut down?

>6 years ago

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Chick released shit game, people praised it, some of which she banged. People call the reviewers out and the same people make threads calling gamers sexist and entitled. Feminists catch wind and join in attacking gamers without knowing the context. That's basically it.

what do you call a group of people working together to create the desired outcome then?

I was a supporter of it early on where it legit was just 'people pissed off about this actual collusion'. I even bought a vivian james shirt(the one where all the proceeds went to cure butthurt).

but as it got worse I distanced myself from it. comfy as fuck shirt though. It's super soft.


It was some girl game dev thing, she threatened them and took the money iirc


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There really are no good publicized female devs anymore. I mean, the last one was that Jade chick. That was a decade ago.

retards flooded the site for a decent cause, blew liberal videogames media all the way the fuck out, and then shat all over themselves and everyone else when they literally got what they wanted and couldn't figure out what to do next.
also directly responsible for m00t lea ing and /pol/ invading and ruining every other board.

no, that was out in the open. if they do it privately it's a conspiracy

>brianna wu

And the Trump won and all their little gay identity shit was beaten the fuck out.

so the details are foggy, but iirc it was part of this game dev contest to encourage women to get into game development. zoe...I think was in the contest, but got booted, and she then kicked up a stink that the devs weren't going to be paid because....I think all the money raised was going to charity?

I think that's what the issue was. Basically she wanted money from them. They said no, so she got the journalists she slept with to blacklist them.

mods banned GG threads on Yea Forums, but not /pol/

which lead to the redpilling of lots of people

Game journalists are shit, people boycotted them, journalists cried wolf and said the people boycotting them were sexist.
Since journalists write the news, this is what people think the reality of the situation is.

People change, times change..
Crazy stuff.

Months of autistic screeching.

But /pol/ was extremely annoyed of Yea Forums posting on the board. They don't fucking care about us when they already think video games are degeneracy.

/pol/ is unironically better for talking about video games, since you don't get dilating trannies screaming "POL POL POL" every other post like you do on Yea Forums.

>Zoe Quinn cheats on her boyfriend with five guys, some of whom gave her "game" positive coverage
>boyfriend posts a blog entry about this
>vidya journalism is already an absolute joke (just look at Dorito Pope two years prior) but this is the straw that breaks its credibility's back
>Yea Forums and other sites take this as the time to rally against it through trying to persuade advertisers to drop them and the like
>journalists respond by accusing them of sexism because the inciting incident involved a woman and a minority of faggots indeed took this as their chance to bitch about how much they hate women as a whole
>they also combine to publish near-identical articles about the "death of the gamer identify" on the same damn day
>GG eventually fizzles out, not really achieving anything beyond increasing the gap between consumers and those who cover the industry
>journalists now take every possible chance to shit on the stereotypical "gamer" and vice versa

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Reminder GG uncovered IGF and Phil Fish's huge conflict of interest.
>Phil Fish's game gets funded by IGF Judges
>they have a monetary investment
>his game gets voted to win IGF Award
>games media and IGF prop him up
>IGF judges win out and so does Phil Fish
to the point where they had to change their judging process

also Patricia Hernandez besides being a tranny and shit journo, who is literally only in the business because of connections has a lot of ethical problems

but then we all left for some other chan made by a little dude in a wheelchair
honestly don't really remember that part or how we all ended up back here again

This a great post that also pertains to /pol/. You Optics are a fucking meme when your enemy controls the news.


>Unless specifically on a writer's profile page, Polygon staffers do not cover companies (1) in which they have a financial investment, (2) that have employed them previously or (3) employ the writer's spouse, partner or someone else with whom the writer has a close relationship.

And Ben Kuchera who donates to Quinn's Patreon while denying it for months, and writes articles about her.

Gorilla Hernandez is a tranny? I thought she was only a highly masculine woman.

>Game journalists are shit!
>no Gamers are shit!
>game journalists are cucks!!
>gamers are nazis!!
>this repeats for about a year, no one actually wins and society completely collapses welcome to the future

>fat women piss off Yea Forums
>Yea Forums ruins the world in revenge

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Everybody knows the people who call videogames degenerate are basically just normalfags who do play videogames, but hate themselves for not doing things that would allow them to obtain the power to make the political changes they want.

Jesus kek it's amazing how people who are only just being exposed to a concept can act as such an authority on it.

every tourist here is using Yea Forums

I can't tell, I thought she was a tranny? You can never tell anymore if it's a really masculine woman or a tranny.

Yeah, but imagine unironically going to GunEnthusiest.com and seeing a bunch of articles about how people who own guns are retarded and problematic, and how guns should be banned, and nobody who writes for the website even knows how to shoot.