That one scary vidya moment that haunts you to this day

>that one scary vidya moment that haunts you to this day

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Other urls found in this thread:

dios mio el uniceja

Stop posting my picture.

Real talk, I dreamed this man.

I dreamed him and recognized hiim in my dream as that guy everyone dreams, and then entered this weird state of lucid control where I was aware I was in a dream, so I approached him to try and either figure out his deal or kick his ass since I was in control of my dream.

he opened his mouth and let out whatg I can only describe as a hellscream, this loud monotone low pitched reverbation that ripped control of my dream and filled me with a sense of dread. I was no longer in control of my dream, and he filled me with a primal fear. I could not wake up. I was trapped. He kept screaming.

Only a few moments later, I was able to force myself awake, but not before I could feel that he knew what he was doing and that he was satisfied that his message was clear. This was HIS domain, not mine.

I've never dreamed him again, and I don't really feel changed by the whole ordeal. It was just fucking wild.

This is not a troll or shitpost, this genuinely happened to me.

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I can't believe you let him know you were aware, absolute mad lad. The time I dreamed him I just let him go about his fucking business.

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Nah nigga fuck that guy if he's gonna come into my dream he's gonna play be my rules.

Like I don't care what you're doing but you have the ability to give me anime waifu tiddies and you just wanna stand in a corner fuck outta here with that gay shit

>the catacombs level in return to castle wolfenstien when you encounter the zombies

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I forgot what mission it was but in Doom 3 there was womans voice telling you to follow her and you see bloody footprints, if you follow then you hear the voice whisper "they took my baby" then you hear a baby crying
Shit still gives me chills to think about


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I'm gonna need you to stop pretending to be me.

>few days ago
>be having fairly regular dream with dog in strange clean futuristic warehouse thing
>get on this odd metal staircase not held up by supports, leading to a rectangle room
>dog comes up the stairs, stands on this small lookout platform with bars as floor
>one of the bars slips out and dog slips through, cant save cause of shitty dream movement
>watch dog fall for like 5 seconds before hits ground and head falls off, kind of gorey
>start crying and parents start calling from inside rectangular room asking if dogs ok, keep crying and say dont come out
>wake up heart racing million miles a minute

Soo... what's the science on this shit again? Why does this even happen.

Man, fuck dreaming, my last nightmare was about walking in my apartment at night, as I walk past my balcony I see a cute woman with her back turned ominously, and I proceed to think "here we fucking go again"
And don't you know it she turns and screams at me, jolts right up into my face and screams me awake
Fucking cheapass jumpscare nightmares

What a quitter.

Dreams are theorized to be random firing of your brain synapses during sleep that the conscious part of your mind strings together into something semi-coherent, leads to whacky results like what you just described

I still have to mute the game when this part comes up because something about their pained breathing turns me into a complete pussy.

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I gave money to Todd Howard once

The first cutscene from Resident Evil. Never touched it to this day.

Had this dream a bunch of times but with a cat instead of a dog

max payne 1 baby scream into adult scream fall

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Doom3 has that kind of stuff? That’s spooky

I love hearing about other people's scary dreams

>STILL have dreams about a girl i liked from high school even though i know for a fact i don't give a fuck about her anymore
WHY? god i want it to fucking stop

Silent Hill 3 made me swear I never by an 18+ game until I was 18.
I broke my promise when I played Black Ops 1

I've never dreamed this man but I'm interested in what he's supposed to be. Is he the sandman?

Whats he from again?

It was just a viral marketing meme made for a movie that never got made

friday the 13th viral marketing, was fairly original and interesting so it stuck

why is everyone scared of the based gopnik of dreams

This. I do the same thing with the nurses in SH2. No matter how many times I play it, I'm just not prepared for the fucking noise they make.

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Time to go lucid and have sex with your highschool crush user, it's the only way to make peace

>have insanely unique, plot driven, wild ass dreams
>can never lucid dream
Is this a problem for anyone else?

The mechanical fish in Donkey Kong 64.

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reminder that he has a manga called “this man”

I had a dream a couple months ago:

>It is circa October 2003 in the dream
>I'm friends with Moot, and he invites me to see his "mystery project"
>He leads me to an orangeish-brown room, and turns on a monitor
>It's Yea Forums on the screen
>I notice that he's making/testing it using a fucking SEGA Dreamcast
>I ask why he's using a Dreamcast instead of a PC or something
>He responds with something along the lines of "easy access", or some random shit like that
>I say that it looks cool and could be useful
>Moot thanks me, and the dream ends.

What does it all mean, lads?

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Yesterday i woke up screaming for some reason, i know that i was dreaming something very bad but i can't remember jack shit about it even less so than a regular dream i't talking about zero memories of that dream even in the very instant that i woke up. I've had nightmares and sleep paralysis before but i've never woken up screaming and even then i remember what i was dreaming or feeling at least for a minute or two. It's very strange


This was years ago, but I remember one skyrim side-quest where you had to release one of these in cage. That design alongside the damp cave and no music was terrifying.

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Yup, and the extremely rare time I go lucid I barely even take off the ground to fly before I wake up


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>it's an all your teeth start rotting and falling out dream
Why does this keep happening?

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fcking me dude
the other day i had a dream about an awesome oot-esque zelda game with puzzles involving rubix-cube esque turning of the dungeon and the dungeon weapon was a badass whip (you’d turn the dungeon’s orientation with the whip) when i woke up i was so sad it wasn’t fucking real since it seemed so fun.

I never have those but I pretty often have dreams where my balls and dick dissolve

the night before i first saw this picture i dreamt of him, i was walking down a nice quiet neighbor street when he showed up, i didn't think much until he pulled out a gun and shot me, few moments later i died in my dream and woke up irl. later that day i somehow ended up on /x/ and found a thread on the dude

Thedreamcan represent everything from a major life change to lack of self esteem; from the fear of getting older to money issues; from symbolizing rebirth to regretting something you've said

my man
this shit is annoying though because most of the time you get something insanely good/interesting and don't want to wake up
when im in one of those i can feel my body trying to wake up and become aware of it, so have to manually try and remain asleep

>have dream of weird situation
>it literally happens irl a few days later

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>be me
>used to have a recurring nightmare as a kid about a monster living in the forest behind my childhood house
>always heard weird noises at night and my room had a big window facing the woods so just putting it out of my mind wasn't an option
>even saw a shadowy creature just up and vanish behind a tree one day when walking out there with family
>fucking terrified of the thing I was sure lived out there
>the insane fractal THING I imagined it to be in my nightmares was even worse
>nightmare would come at random points in the middle of other dreams
>no matter what I was doing before, I would suddenly be outside my back door
>my dog would be barking at something in the treeline
>I would walk up to my dog, then slowly look up
>it would be there, waiting
>I would try to scream
>no sound came out
>I would try to run
>my feet wouldn't move
>my dog would run away and I was alone with it
>always woke up just before it ripped my flesh apart
>fucking cried for hours some nights out of fear just staring out my window
>finally one night it happens
>outside my back door
>dog barks
>I look up
>there it is
>all I think is "No more."
>I scream and nothing comes out, it gets closer
>I shout and nothing comes out, but it stops
>I talk, and a raspy voice scrapes out, it drops its guard
>I whisper, and I say "No."
>Wake up, no sweat, no tears
>for the first time in my life I look out that window and all I see is a beautiful night illuminated by the moon
>go back to sleep and get a good night's sleep
>never had another nightmare again

tl;dr Stop being a pussy and grab your dreams by the balls.

I have dreams like this too. I always think "wait, I finished high school already, why do i have to do it all over again?" then I wake up.

The Talos Principle. Dick move by the devs. Literally almost gave me a heart attack.

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the only fucked up dreams i get is
>be in school
>middle of the school year
>suddenly remember i had an entire class i forgot about and never went to that semester
>freak out because i need the credits
>try to get to class but get lost
>finally get to class and have no idea what’s going on or what my grade is
and then i wake up. the worst part is it ONLY happens when i’m on break.


Earlier today while napping, I dreamed I chewed too hard and destroyed my teeth. I could hear them shattering into pieces inside my mouth. I woke up screaming for help and shoved my hand into my mouth to make sure no pieces were missing.

>Started having dreams about car malfunctions (never outright collisions, usually brakes malfunctioning at red lights) in high school thanks to driver’s training
>They never stop no matter how long it’s been since I got my license

Had a weird dream like this a while ago.
>On my computer, playing Garry's Mod like the old days
>Looking through servers, find some weird one called "1785112" or something, gamemode is just "End".
>Why not, start connecting
>Join the game, map is this endless plain of gravel, gray fog everywhere, reflections are that shitty purple and black checkerboard texture
>Only things in sight are those red ERROR models, they are scuttling about randomly
>Suddenly this low buzzing noise starts playing, gets louder and louder, colors of the maps start distorting. Game is too laggy to disconnect
>Eventually this horrible screaming sound starts echoing over the mic, screen starts flickering and my computer bricks
>it's just stuck with this fucking terrifying sound playing, black screen, I can't even shut it off.
I woke up feeling really scared, worried that I had fucked up my computer somehow and got all my personal info stolen.

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>those times when you feel a dream is starting to turn into a nightmare so you force yourself to wake up before anything scary can happen

lol, that's a pretty common dream to have. I have dreams about my teeth falling out, breaking, etc. about once every couple months. Don't really know what they mean.

Oh that's a dream I have ALL the fucking time. School is such a huge stress or in most people's lives, I think it's inevitable to have nightmares like that.

I remember that one user who stopped having a recurring nightmare with a monster after he fucked it one night

That was beautiful user, thank you.

>have a dream where you wake up, but you realize after a few minutes you're still asleep and try to wake up again
>this recurs like 20 times before you wake up for real
I fucking hate this shit as soon as I become self aware of the loop cause I just wanna get out of bed and eat something or take a piss.

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moot shows up in my dreams rather often. I really don't know why.

One time I had a dream where me n dad were at a store shopping for a keyboard. As we were about to leave, I was like "Wait, this is a dream! You can't fool me!"

Woke up with the courage to do fucking anything


>zombie dreams

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The only “nightmares” I get now are dreams where the world is ending. Usually because of a nuke or giant meteor. But then they always end like action movies where it kickstarts an awesome fleet of spaceships to stop the asteroid, make a new planet or stop the nuke.
About a decade ago I had a dream where astronauts left the planet, got lost into a blackhole and timetraveled into the far future where Earth was a bunch of blow up dust and pieces populated by sentient bacteria. It was so vivid and everything looked like a cheesy black and white movie with practical effects.

Maybe I just watch too many movies.

I think you're thinking of the user that raped a ghost

Psycho Mantis hacking my controller port.

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Nah, it was a about a mouse looking monster, there was even a drawfag who made porn of it in the same thread

Fatal Frame got me with a few of their ghosts. The long armed man and the flying head ghost. I quit playing about 1/4 through the game.

New user here. My scariest dream happened about 12 years ago. A witch ran into my house and tried to get into my bedroom. She was dressed in a dark cloak with a pointed hat underneath a hood. I got so close to her while trying to shut my door that I was able to see her face in fine detail. It was like a mix of a deer skull and a human face and to this day trying to remember it stresses me out. I was crying pushing her back and woke up shortly afterwards.
Now I just dream of ponds with unnaturally giant fish that eat anything that even gets close to the surface of the water. I'm starting to develop a fear of lakes.

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You mind not having these threads in the middle of the night Yea Forums?

Can't stop dreaming about work, it's getting on my nerves. I like my job but it's all I dream about for the last month and it's extra annoying them I snap out of it right before I go to work.

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>dream interrupted by the feeling of needing to pee
>get up and go to your fancy $1,000,000 bathroom with ivory fountains
>let the warm spring water roll down your leg as you relieve yourself
>feels fucking great
>then it feels like you shouldn't be peeing right now for some reason
>remember that you're poor and don't own a fancy $1,000,000 bathroom with ivory fountains
>wake up

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I've never had a zombie dream. Sounds like itd suck ass though.

Y'all mind not being a pussy?
You even of age to browse here?

frank horrigan mowing down an entire innocent family in fallout 2

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The most unsettling dreams I've ever had aren't when they're batshit terrifying, but when things are just "off" in certain ways, like people I know appearing but having completely different personalities

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When I don't fap for a while, I'll get a sexual dream where it feels like I'm peeing but I actually just had a wet dream. They suck so bad.

>having a dream of just a fairly normal day
>suddenly my recently deceased cat shows up at my front door, pet and play with her for a while
>happy for a few minutes before waking up and having to go to work

Sad days

Had a cool dream today where I was in a run down urban area, playing an fps game that was also a real life game battle royale style (i dont even play that genre) and our guns were just hands and fingers mimicking guns, went into a building sneaking, take out one guy, climb some stairs and theres a group of three girls in better gear than me in the hallway ahead, before I can do anything I feel myself drop to the ground, instantly realize I was poisoned, vision and hearing goes blurry and muted, the enemy girls gather around me, i try and undo some scarf or heavy jacket I have on me but can barely move my arms, feels like I'm fighting to stay awake, suddenly wake up into sleep paralysis and try to escape out of that for a few seconds and I do.

Was pretty cool how the dream incorporated me waking up into sleep paralysis that way.

>have to take melatonin to sleep
>it fucks my dreams up beyond belief
>have to take it or i cant sleep no matter how tired i am

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I legit know how this feels and is pretty bad

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>used to have a shit ton of nightmares growing up
>they slowly stopped once teens happened
>still left with a horrible phobia of sleep to this day
Thanks a lot brain

Since it's one of those threads, you guys ever give this game a try?

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>tfw I havent had a nightmare in 20 years
My brain is my friend.

Are you fairly content with your life user?

>Scissorman from clocktower
>Forest from resident evil directors cut
>Nemesis from resident evil 3
Always wake up in cold sweats when I dream about them

>go to bed feeling ill
>shit pants in dream
>wake up and worry that i just shit my pants for real

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When I was young this terrified me. I can watch the scene just fine as a adult, but still sometimes have nightmares.

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>have a dream that feels like im waking up and going through part of my day
>everything goes awful in the day, whatever i was anxious about the day before goes wrong like i was paranoid it would
>get home
>go back to sleep
>wake up in real life thinking i went through an entire shitty day in real life
>don't realize the entire day didnt happen until my friend says its one day later rather than two
this has happened several times, one was with my boyfriend breaking up with me and the most recent was with my grandfather dying

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>have dream I'm talking to my sister on facetime (video chat)
>we're just talking normally
>suddenly she says "I think someone's in my house"
>she turns the camera around at her door
>it's kind of dark in her room, so the door looks creepy
>the door starts slowly opening
>my sister does a blood curdling scream over the phone at something, although I can't see what it is
>the audio then cuts out and her camera starts shaking a bit
>i still see the door for a few more seconds, then it goes black
>wake up instantly afterward in a sweat

That was the most recent nightmare I've had. Kind of fucked me up for the next 10 minutes. How are our brains able to produce such fucking scary shit like that?

>its a wet dream
>its a wet dream that doesn't wake you up as it happens but rather later after it ends so you wake up with no pleasure of orgasm and a fucking mess in your boxers
>since it was quite a while before I woke up got insane pain when trying to pee after waking up cause it dried up in there

That was fucking annoying, worse wet dream I ever had, was just on my computer looking at porn, nothing special even.

>tfw nowadays just wake up from sleep, don’t dream anymore

>people actually have wet dreams
what is wrong with you people i jack off once every week or so and have never had one

It's easier in subsequent plays. But it still disturbs me, and is exceedingly effective.

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can't remember any particularly awful dreams I've had asides one case of sleep paralysis
I was 13 or so, just dark shadows all standing around my bed whispering, I knew they were saying words but I just couldn't make out what they were
Tried so hard to call out to my mom, I could literally see the room she was in down the hall but I couldn't yell to her

Survival is a bitch user, back in the ancient times when anything hiding in the dark could possibly jump on you and end you in seconds, it helps to have a brain reminding you to stay alert for horrible dangers

your brain is basically going
>Proceeds to imagine it

Similar thing happened to me when I was a kid.
>always had this dream about a girl with her back towards me, I can't move from the spot I'm standing
>no matter how much I tried to avoid it, she would always eventually turn around a scream at me with this nightmarish face, like that chick from the Exorcist
>Months go by like this, terrified of this dream, keep wondering why this won't go away
>One night I have the dream again, fucking terrified waiting for this shit to happen
>Eventually I think to myself "Why does this thing terrify me so much?"
>moment of epiphany
>"Because I let it."
>Thing turns around, and I see it's face. I feel nothing. I'm not afraid anymore.
>It can't do anything to me, because this is MY dream, and it's inside MY head.
>wake myself up
>never have that nightmare again
It was a really powerful experience for me, because it taught me you can overcome your own fears

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>dream that I got dox'd, or all accounts hacked, or uni registration completely fucked
>that brief period of fear after you wake up before you check to see that none of it actually happened
it's even crazier to realize other people felt this too in the past, and they weren't dreaming, and their lives really were fucked

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Sleep paralysis is terrifying. I've had it a few times and holy shit it is so disorienting. I feel like I need to scream but can't and I can feel the terror welling inside me but am trapped there at the whim of my own fear.

some people don't jack off that often I guess

>desperately tired
>about to go to sleep right now

Tell me about a good dream you had guys

>constantly dream about Megaman Starforce 4 getting released
I've many a time jumped out of bed to pick it up before realizing that it was all a dream, I've even cried once afterwards

Back in college when I was constantly stressed as all fuck I'd always dream about my teeth getting compressed until they shattered from pressure and fell off.
Maybe you're just really stressed out?

Is it bad that I can vaguely remember my dreams, but can't recall any specific details from them?

>Dream that one of my parents died

I did no fap for 10 months and I'd get them about once a month. I realized to combat it I'd have to avoid drinking water before bed or sleeping on my back.

I had dream footage that essentially was just pretty women in bikinis emerging from water in slow motion, was a pleasant, calming dream

I don't really have nightmares anymore either. I have dreams that are really stressful and worrying in the dream, but hardly anything that really scares me. I think it's just the result of a pretty nice life.

>random dream I had during mid day nap
>wake up in the middle of a courtyard
>all around me is a huge castle/stadium/temple like hybrid
>sky looks hella ominous for some reason, decide to go inside
>it's like some sort of religious hotel with multiple floors, looks nice as hell
>walk around for a bit, notice some people are off
>walk back outside, cut my hand on something but dont even flinch
>my blood is a prism/rainbow type color, don't think too much about it
>out of nowhere shit starts flooding, even reaching inside the hotel
>80% of the people are panicking, the others are unusually calm, some are singing
>oh fuck, an earthquake
>it's not an earthquake
>the temple starts rising from the fucking ground
>as its getting higher, everything starts being enveloped in a harsh white light
>go outside and try to get out before it's too late
>hear some voice talking about "ascending to hell" or whatever
>temple's high, decide to jump, woke up before I was sure if I made it or not

I'm not even sure what the fuck this meant but it fucked me up for a good day or so

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>have any dream or nightmare with something scary in it
>immediately start beating the shit out of it without question

Fuck with me in my dream i fucking dare you

I don't know, every representation is different, from example in my country it is said someone is going to die or illness.

>World War 2 game
>been killing Nazis
>in a tunnel
>dogs walking upright
>coming from every where
>fuck this shit.wmv

Don't understand why they frightened me so much but they did. I don't have many nightmares but I hate falling asleep because I'll hear someone call my name behind me or knock on the door, even when I'm alone. I know it's just REM sleep fucking with me, ghosts aren't real. I listen to podcasts or Resonant Arc jrpg videos.

Who here can predict the future with their dreams but it’s only small not life changing shit? I know I can’t be the only one

same for me, I've been thinking about making a dream journal since I can only remember certain dreams from my childhood

>oh shit I'm dreaming
>wanna go to space
>scenery around me fades
>everything goes black
>I'm in a cool spacesuit
>floating around
>dream ends, wake up

Wish I could lucid dream with more regularity

Hmm The pit

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I'll have dreams about my teeth getting loose and falling out every once in a while. I've even had a few where my actual dick falls off. I don't really understand why those dreams exist, considering it's something I never even think about at all.

Friday the 13th? Source?

shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger

I had a dream where I talked to my uncle a few weeks after he died. He just told me that he loved me and that there'd always be a place for me where he was. When I woke up I actually cried because I realized how much I missed him.

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Yup. I can wake up and go back to sleep basically instantly so it's easy for me to be like "oh this is a nightmare, fuck this." and wake up just to go right back to sleep and dream some other crazy shit.

I haven’t had a nightmare in ages and I miss them they make me feel alive how do I get one?

>max payne gave me schizophrenia and also gave me massive PTSD problem

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Its just hypnagogic hallucinations

I dreamed of playing Super Mario 128 on the Gamecube (not Sunshine), and it was Super Mario 64 but twice the scope and size. All the worlds were huge and boss battles had you performing all these platform maneuvers (ex. climbing up a boss to get to its weak spot). It was amazing. I'm still happy we got Sunshine instead of SM64 part 2.

Whoops, sorry about that guys, my little bro just got on my computer while I was doing the dishes, ha ha.

>have dream
>it fucking sucks nothing makes sense
>not scary or heart warming
>not even lsd dream simulator tier shit
>just an unimaginably garbage dream
>can only remember think about how much this fucking sucked
>literally have the same shitty nonsensical garbage dream every fucking night
>wake up feeling indifferent and unapathetic
I fucking hate dreams

My dreams are just really sad lately, constantly dream about my ex and being with her
They weren't happening when we first broke up, which almost two years ago at this point, but I've really started missing her and regretting fucking it up and now these dreams are happening weekly
I just want her back

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>Never had any horrible dreams about the supernatural
>Just dreams about people being shitty cranked up to 11 and killing/maiming each other on the streets just for the hell of it

Do you smoke weed? Weed legit messes with the dreaming part of your sleep

Never happens in dreams to me, but sometimes a vision will flash in my head when I'm awake for a brief second and the exact scenario happens later

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Facial features correspond to personality traits. That's probably the average face of a psychopath.
Some people have evolved to know this as the face of a psychopath and its why their brains have nightmares about it

I'm convinced dreams mapped out the foundations of most major religions

No. The period in which you dream during sleep is deeper than your brain can consciously recall. If you consistently remember all your dreams it can be a sign that you're actually waking up a lot when you're sleeping and your brain isn't getting adequate rest.

>sometimes have dream of having sex with someone
>no cum in the morning
Must be because I fap before going to sleep

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It's either stress or fear of growing up
that's what /x/ told me

Not at all.

Most of my recent dreams just major fuck-ups I could make in life and just personal attacks on my character. They're just fill-on downers that are grounded in reality and is a shitty experience all the way through. Why do I dream like this? Any dream experts in thread?

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>schizophrenia and ptsd from a video game

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Yeah the only lucid thing I can do is sometimes notice its a dream and chose to not wake up. Sucks but in retrospect I think these dreams are crazier and more unexpected because I have no conscious control of them.
Which is why I think they are just subconscious desires. Every time a really good one happens I wake up feeling extremely disappointed in reality and it ruins my day.

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My uncle has recurring dreams about a cousin of his who died as a firefighter on 9/11. He says he can hear him calling out to him and his name being yelled out throughout the dream.

>i jack off once every week or so and have never had one

And if you didn't do that, your body would still produce ejaculate. It has to go somewhere.

I've had this happen before. It's usually always some really small detail that doesn't matter. Like hearing a specific phrase or seeing something as I walk by.

Huh, good to know. Thanks, user.

Yeah, this is what I was thinking. There have actually been times in my dreams where I think "if this happens now, then it'll be scary/sexy/awesome/etc." Then it actually happens. Sometimes it doesn't, though.

>Had a dream about my ex again last night and it ruined my entire day
When will it stop?

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hahahahaha when will it stop

good one, user.

>go to to sleep
>set an alarm so you wake up like an hour later
>go back to sleep immediately

This works for me, but usually I'll get a fucked up dream.

My brother and I both had nightmares about the Smash gloves

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Army fag here.
Dreamed one night that id be filling sandbags. Could even feel the sand on my hand and had that grainy feel on my teeth.
I woke up and guess what i got to do for the next few days.

oh shit mang I fucking feel you, beginning of this year I always dreamed about my ex even thought we broke up around 2 years ago, but then I met a girl and suddenly she doesn't show up anymore.
I think your brain is indirectly telling you to find someone already.

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Every single night i have what i call a stressmare, a stressfull dream. Like being late for work, being lost on a highway, or monsters chasing me, or award social situation, or other such bullshit
And i think its caused by my sleep apnea (suffocating in my sleep). I wake up more tired then when i went to sleep and feel like ive been punched in the head

I haven't slept properly in 15 years (except once and it felt amazing and i have no idea why i slept well that night)


Wrong, you can train your recall on waking.

>grandfather died back in 2015
>had several dreams over the course of the next few years about him
>it's always a dream about how he didn't actually die
>turns out he's still alive in the coffin underground
>they dig him out and he's pretty much fine after that
>think "oh, I guess he's still alive then"
>wake up and realize how much these dreams never make any sense.

The only nightmare I can recall that had any symbolic meaning to me was
>Knock on door
>It's the two characters from a piece of erotica I recently wrote
>Invite them in, honestly super excited they exist and want to chill with them
>Get her a glass of water, apologise for what I made them go through but they laugh it off and thanks me for their existence
>Honestly seem like a happy couple and I feel a fatherly and friendly pride
>Obviously I realise this is fucked but I don't quite clock that this isn't reality
>More and more characters from stories and other things I've written, pronographic and non pornographic show up
>Time passes, and entertaining them all is a drain on my life. I can't turn anywhere without seeing them or hearing their demant for attention
>Ironically, nothing sexual is happens at all, friendliness by my own OCs
>They turn malicious and want me to spend 24 hours a day writing to give them more "existence," basically living out Misery
>Eventually find out they've killed my family and friends
>I try to fight back to no success
>Wake up during the struggle

After this I tried to expose myself more to reality and stop spending so much time mentally indulging in my own fiction

>have a dream where i’m going down a long street, the street is named “mello”
>very nice looking houses, with flowers and green grass
>walk down the sidewalk
>no sign of life anywhere, besides birds flying
>as i walk the street gets worse
>sidewalk and road has cracks in it
>grass becomes dead
>sky becomes grey
>houses look older both in appearance and design
>they look like old white plantation houses, like the one in l4d2
>trucks are driving by, but there’s no one in the drivers seat
>hear screaming
>look across the street
>see a boney balding old man, wearing a wifebeater, dragging this woman further into his back yard by her hair
>the woman is in her underwear
>throws her on the grass
>he throws a javelin straight at her throat, killing her
>i hide behind a rusty car
> a few moments later i look up
>he’s right next to me, with his dead red eyes
>wake up

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The scariest dreams I had aren't even scary, but I just have a feeling of fear associated with them for some reason. One of the scariest dreams I remember having was one where I was walking up to a bright building and there was water on either side of the walkway, then a shark jumped out of the water and landed in front of me, standing on its tail with high heels on the two tips of the tail. Then it just made otter noises and I woke up, and for some reason it comes off as scary to me.

I get these weird senses of deja vu all the time. Like I have been in the exact situation at the exact place doing the same exact thing and thinking the same thoughts. I'll catch myself and try to change the thoughts to prevent any mishaps in my timeline.

There’s a dungeon you rotate in Skyward Sword and there’s a whip in the game

Your cat wouldn't want you to be sad. Get a kitten, your cat would want it this way.

>start getting an increasing ammount of dreams that involve me sending cringy shit or nudes over chat apps
What are you trying to tell me?

Nope, I really want to have a nightmare again it’s like seeing danger but I’m not actual in danger i like waking up crying n stuff from a really bad nightmare or one time my chest getting crushed that I actually felt it irl and it woke me up but I could still feel it

It's been six years and I never got proper closure with her, should I just try to talk to her at this point and clear my conscience?

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Is it just caffeine and stress? Hope not, help me out, dream experts.

One time as a kid I woke up and just started crying and crying. I had no idea why.

>Actually dream I'm married to my 2D waifu and about to get to shake Hideaki Itsuno's hand
>Wake up to family blasting stupid shit on the TV before anything happens

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>tornado warning
>at the dead of night so it's pitch black outside
>can hear a faint rumbling outside

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Honestly? No bullshit?


6 years is long enough pretty much no matter what you fuckups did to each other. Just don't be fucking weird about it.

Do any of these dream places sound familiar to you anons? They've appeared numerous times in my dreams and every time they look the same with identical layout and everything.

>An abandoned warehouse/factory, it's dark inside and the ceiling has hundreds of hooks, cranes, and robot pincer like things
>An huge abandoned mall, the upper levels don't have guard rails.
>A plateau in a wasteland. There's a parking space. In the middle is some kind of house or building with all sorts of doors stuck on it facing all directions. If you go to the edge of the cliff, you can see a massive crater beside a long road.

The place in this user's dream is familiar.

Lmao fuck off and go get some cheap pussy, you wont even think of the bitch after that

Fuck my life it's way too late for this shit. Friendzoned.

>tfw dreaming about clamping my jaw so hard that my teeth start breaking
>tfw dreaming about opening my mouth so wide that my jaw breaks
why are humans like this

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in other words dreams don't mean shit

Funny you say that cause whenever i dream of her she always has a kitten with her

It was a viral campaign for the nightmare on elm street remake.


Most of my dreams don't even scare me they just fill me with a deep presence of sadness or dread

I dream about coworkers. I know it's mostly bad. The one I can remember is a female one being disgusted or laughing as I masturbate. I'm already scared of her and this fucked me up

Yeah, I doubt she gives a fuck about me anymore and will probably ignore me but I can't keep thinking about her like this, it sent me into a crazy depression that I'm still dealing with every day

If I fall asleep with the fan on high, I am sure to get some weird or terrifying dreams. Seeing weird shit in the sky(Donnie Darko style) or planes falling out of the sky are some of the worst.

I've dreamnt of malls without railings and factorys full of crates. Most my dreams have a canonical map and is similar to where I live in real life. Its like an alternate reality, even though if I were to map it out there'd probably be some overlap. It's still really weird how consistent my dreams are with roads, buildings, and locations in general.

>An huge abandoned mall, the upper levels don't have guard rails.
Oh fuck you just triggered most of my painful dreams. Heights is my biggest fear and I'll routinely have dreams where I'm crawling around on a tiled surface on the top of a skyscraper where there are no rails or gates, I feel like I'm rolling around like Super Monkey Ball but I'm always so close to falling off the edge.

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>rape and murder someone in my dream

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I had one dream when i was little that was weird as fuck.
My family and i were watching this puppeteer do a show in the basement of the house i was living in but i got bored and slipped out.
None of the lights were working in the house except that one room where the puppeteer was, so me being scared of the dark starts running around the house like a mad man only to get grabbed by a vampire hiding behind a door.
The vampire bit my neck and i woke up with pain shoot across the one side of my neck where i was bit in the dream.
The next night i had the exact same dream but when the vampire grabbed me i knew what was going to happen so i bit his arm and woke up because i had taken a deep bite out of my own arm

My dreams are pretty normal except for the fact that I can never turn lights on (they turn off just fine) and toilets never flush. Does this mean I'm gay or something?

I'm the opposite. If I don't have some sort of white noise or video playing when I fall asleep I start dreaming about bizarre shit like all my highschool classmates turning into silent hill creatures and trying to fuck me.

>When you unplug the T.V. but it doesn't turn off

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Yes. However typically the brain cannot consciously remember dreams, because conscious remembering and recalling things are different. Speaking generally, most people cannot consciously remember dreams unless they're waking up and entering a more conscious state, but you can train yourself to remember your dreams more, just like you can train yourself to better remember subjects for tests, or recall information faster.

Who was vampire?

I hate that all the dreams I remember recently are all painfully dull and mundane things, but I remember this one Nightmare I had as a kid.
I was walking out into a grassy field or something, I encountered a fairy which led me to a maze and told me something along the lines of a generic plot from an rpg that i had to stop some ancient evil, but I agreed. The fairy led my into the maze and we eventually hit a dead end and when I turned around there was no path leading back to where I came from then a static noise started fading in, the walls started closing in and turning a bright hue of red for some reason and I later lost control of my body and collapsed to the floor, I was trying so hard to scream but nothing came out. I woke up when my sister came in to check on me because it sounded like I was suffocating because i was mumbling nonsense so loud in my sleep.

>dream about having sex with your mom
But why

The worst dreams are dreaming someone who is dead is alive, or someone who is alive is dead. Really messes you psychologically

Before I shot a gun in real life guns in dreams had impossibly heavy triggers. Now they're easy. It's odd. Maybe something will fix your dreams too

Dunno. Was grabbed from behind as a passed through the door way. Also it was pretty dark except for the street lights shining through the windows

>Wake up
>can see shadow in the room
>open light
>see nothing
>touch wall to see if they are coming
>mfw they are coming
if you have read this
Į̪̭̙͖̫̯̋̍̔̌̉̌͌͂̾̒ͨͪͣ̈́̈́͠T̗̻͈͉̟̗̳̖̯̠͙̙̖̘̜͎̑̇̄͛͆̂ͅS̵̼̱̳̬̖̗̯̤̭̦̭̦̪͚̯̝̓ͤ̈ͭͪ̿̑ͯ͋͛ͭ́ͤ̒͡ ͈͇̖̙̙͚̞̰̪̳̠̩͉͚̯̗͖̭̽ͫ̾͊̕ͅT̷̵̢̛̮̣̻̼̺̳̎͂͑̿̂̈͐͌ͫO̞̗͔̙̫͚͎̞͚̝̣̫̥͚̰̗̗͔̐͌͒̂̑̆͛̎͛̀̾͟Ǭ̷̛̼̤͍̪̠̰̝͍̬̩̘͍̞̠͑̾ͦͭ̈̓ͮ̂ͨͭ́̚ͅ ̷̛̠͍̟̱̗̘͎̯̫͍̌̂̈́̏ͣ͐ͤ͐̒ͨ̓̈̏ͤ̑̚̕͡L̵̵̢͍̬͚̣̉͐̆̊̌ͨͣ̾͑͌͂̍ͨ̿̌̒̈́͌̕͜A̡͍͔͚̜̻̣̼̼͙̠̘̩̽ͪ̈́͝Ţ̸̡̧̖̙̗̰̼͚̬͉̟̟̼̪̭̙̳̬̀ͧ̌͊̀ͅḘ̢̛̦̦̪͈̫͖̣̺̠͉͕͉ͪ͛ͨ̓͐̔̀̊̔͢

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This is honestly one of the things that keeps me a hopeful agnostic. So many people I've encountered have similar these experiences of talking with loved ones long after they've died. They tell them things that they personally might not know, or even just that they love them and that it was nice talking. It might just be the brain recalling important memories, but I'd like to believe that it's something more.

>yell at the top of my lungs in my dream
>I'm actually screaming in real life and wake up everyone in the house

This means that you are thinking about death. Not necessarily a bad thing. Not thinking about killing yourself or others. Not fearing death - just contemplating the concept subconsciously.

t. psychologist.

It probably is, but it's hard to do so when you're a fat NEET who doesn't drive
Wish I could fix myself quickly and easily, so much easier to maintain a state than to work towards it

I had a moment where it felt like someone was suffocating me with a pillow. I woke up all sweaty and out of breath. Genuinely spoooked me. Wonder why that happend

I had a dream 2 days ago where I bought a semi truck and went on a road trip with my two cats. Some nonsense happened but I had to refuel the truck but I was having major trouble getting the semi close enough to the gas pump, so I kept getting back in and out, trying to line it up to the pump.
This must have went on for a while because my girlfriend woke me up and told me I slept, missed my alarm and was almost late for work.

>tfw take screenshots in my dreams like i do obsessively in my vidya
>see and hear the steam screenshot notification popping up on the "corner"
>can never actually view my dream screenshots


>keep dreaming of being chased by unstoppable creatures and people
>oftentimes I end up in even more dangerous places after running for too long
Is my brain trying to tell me something?

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One time I dreamt that I was playing a game about a group of lost toys. One was a GI Joe looking toy(i think he was called Captain Kill) one was a barbie/princess toy, and the other was a transformer of some sort. Basically they become lost and they try to get back home, but it takes them about 30 years to do this. As I went on they slowly aged, and withered away, and sadly the transformer dude croaked halfway through. The game was a run and gun like Contra by the way. So by the end of the game, its just captain kill and barbie who lost an arm. They find the house, but their owner doesnt live there anymore as you probably guessed. Then it abruptedly cuts to an autoscrolling level where they jump on floating ballons in the sky. They look good as new now and the transformer guy is alive now. The music sounded like the ending music to super mario land, very high pitched and sad sounding. Eventually the stream of balloons stop coming and they fall down. The camera doesnt follow them it just stares at the clouds.

And thats pretty much it. I'd play the fuck out of Toy Story Contra if you ask me.

I have these.
Yeah play alien isolation

You have the sleep apnea bro. Lose weight.


When you die you will bro

just press dream shift+tab

>Going to piss in the middle of the night

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There are no dream meanings assigned to dream signs its all random, get out of here with that Freudian psuedoscientific nonesense

When you run from all your problems you just end up in a shittier place then you were

I'm almost 40 and still have those dreams

>pissing in dream
>feels like your pissing the bed
>keep pissing
>wake up
>don't have to piss at all
>didn't piss
the fuck are you doing, brain? did someone suck my piss out of me?

>occasionally wake up with small scratches on my hands or arms

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>Dream 1 ends in a cliffhanger
>wake up
>fall asleep hours later
>Dream 2 picks up where Dream 1 ended

>dreams about being in a random stranger's room
>a dude came out from from the shower out of nowhere
>we are both guys
>tells me he wants to fuck
>i say "no thanks"
>randomly fucks me in the ass anyway

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>In most of my bad dreams people tend to side against me no matter what

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>wake up and get out of bed
>get dressed and eat breakfast, other usual morning stuff
>on my way out the door
>wake up and get out of bed
>notice that I slept through my alarm
This has happened to me several times.

I remember having one nightmare only for it to basically turn into a power dream
>walking through a mall
>alarms and shit start going off
>everyone suddenly stays completely still
>sirens then get louder and everyone starts fucking sharking and vibrating like those things from Jacobs ladder
>I start booking it to the an unlocked door and barricade it behind me
>there’s someone else in the room
>its a little girl
>she whispers help and her limbs start fucking growing
>she crawls towards me with the speed of a thousand Hussain bolts
>grabs me and her jaw unhinges like a python, letting out a low yet loud and booming screech
>all of a sudden I start screaming, not from fear but from rage
>I headbutt the fucker and start ripping and tearing her limb from limb, occasionally beating her with her own limbs
>afterwards I bash down the door I barricaded
>I’m now quit literally a gorilla
>fucking rip and tear starts playing
>everyone starts running towards me and it becomes a god damn bloodbath
>blood and bone fragments everywhere accompanied with the screeches of scared demons
>all if a sudden I feel a pull on my shoulder
>I look back and now I’m in a white plain empty room
> there’s a reptilian humanoids before me
>he opens his mouth and says “you did well, I am Azhol and this is martin luther king jr”
>he points to a bag of assorted lego pieces
And that’s where it pretty much ends

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>have a dream where I'm in an exam for a class I've never attended
>just leave because who cares
>spend my dream enjoying life on campus
Nerds BTFO

It's always the good dreams that end in cliffhangers. The bad ones run their course.

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I have recurring dreams with this large door.
One dream I was in the middle of a cult meeting and I was brought in front of this altar with a door.
Second dream I was alone in a house and I found a door in the basement.
Third my brother dragged me to meeting where they brought me to the door.
Each time I dream about that door and I feel so scared and I feel like if i open it something terrible would be unleashed. Each time I run away but when I wake up I'm terrified of what lies behind that door

This was proven a hoax. Stfu

>everything feels and looks slightly off, like you're in a bad cgi replica of your house
>turns out your actually having a nightmare

No kidding. Shortly after the death of my best friend I woke-up utterly convinced that my best friend was alive and well and the person who'd actually died was my sister.
Once I fully woke-up and realized my best friend was actually dead and my sister was still alive I started crying and I was fucked-up mentally for the rest of the week. Mostly because I really WANTED that dream to have been true.

But how am I supposed to not run away from a skull faced gorilla with rhino skin? I'm always chased by unreasonably vicious things like that, there's not much left for me to do.

Which moment

In my bad dreams I'm usually being chased by a serial killer.

>Be kid
>Wake up in the middle of the night
>Watch a man walk in and seemingly pee or ejaculate behind the pseudo dresser that fills the wall and my bed faces
>Not sure if it was my dads girlfriends college age son or a hallucination
>Went back to sleep and woke up and checked for a wet mark and didn't see anything

It was really weird. Like I was facing the door and it opened fully to the very edge of this pseudo dresser so he barely had to enter the room. It was all dark

>people say you can't read legible text in dreams
>have dream
>see text
>its legible
>remember it when i wake up and write it down (was some fictional map with real world countries)

Never listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that in dreams, theres no universal laws governing everyones dreams.

I had a short recurring dream of a candy store with a cloth awning and hanging lamps. It was located on the corner of a street in a futuristic city that was completely dark aside from the streetlights. When the aliens came, they broke the windows to the candy displays so I hid in a dryer in the laundromat next door.

For me it's 4-legged spiders the size of large crabs.
Fuck you, Legend of Zelda.

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>toy story contra
Are there any games like this for real?

It has gotten to the point where I test whether or not I'm in a dream by attempting to turn on the lights and flush. One day my toilet is going to clog at the same time my lightbulb burns out and I am going to lose my sanity.

So its like that "you swallow spiders in your sleep" hoax thing?

>recurring dream every couple months about being back in high school
>i always never know where my next class is
>have to constantly look at my schedule
>sometimes I can't find my schedule, so I'm just trying to remember where to go

Those dreams are always the fucking lamest.

>dream of a beautiful scene
>try to draw it when I wake up
>the image is too foggy in my head and I'm too shit to actually make something discernible
>end up forgetting 90% of it
FUCK this shit

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If you were also unable to move, that was just sleep paralysis. You were still fully asleep, though your eyes were open and mind aware JUST ENOUGH for you to think you were awake.

If you do reach out, I would treat it like you are reflecting on work experience you gained from an old job. Like 'I was reflecting on my life lately and trying to learn from my past mistakes. I wish I did X with you more, and paid more attention to Y. Just wanted to let you know as I never told you this before. Even if you don't read this, I wanted to get this off my chest. Okay, have good life.' or something like that. Don't come off as desperate or weird or act like you miss her though.
I have dreams of an old crush from highschool sometimes even though I now have a woman that cares for me like a woman should. I am guessing my brain is trying to tell me to let her know I had a crush on her, even though that'd be innapropriate and rude to my woman.

Take more chances in your life user, you are becoming complacent

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People also say you can't remember before age 5 but I clearly remember the time before I had cancer and that was before 5

Next time pinch your nose with your fingers and try to breathe in or out, you obviously won't be able to, unless you are dreaming.

This is the best and most fool-proof reality check "nose pinching" useful for lucid dreaming.

>dreaming of being back at school stuck in a desk

The true fucking nightmare

The thing is I didn't try to move. So I can't be sure

you can still have dreams about fake things, especially after reading about them
i had a dream years ago where the slender man appeared in my copy of Garry's Mod after watching marble hornets

Nothing worse than these and dreaming of people you've never met/don't exist
>Have a usual nightmare, getting chased through the woods by some monster
>Nightmare ends but still asleep
>Dream I'm sitting on a couch in a room I've never seen before watching a static screen
>Woman whose face I can't see resting her head on my lap
>Wake up feeling sad
Its an abstract kind of feel having a feeling of love for someone who doesn't exist


>It's just deja Vu lol
>Genuinely remember having the dream and writing it down as soon as you woke up, then it happening exactly as written later
>nah Deja vu

>exploring dunwich building in fallout 3
>exploring the second level with all the broken platforms and room full of ghouls below me
>sneaking around with pitboy light on to avoid detection
>accidentally fall off into the dark room below me
It was such a negative experience for me that I still get anxiety exploring the dunwich building. Well I probably would anyway, if I still played fallout 3

>Realize I'm in a dream
>Try to do sexual shit
>Literally can't do it

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Not really scary, but after one particularly depressing night, I stayed up late watching videos on the concept of God. One was from Alan Moore. Guy was rambling on about God being a dark mistress or something. Didn't really understand or like the message, and it certainly wasn't making more comfortable over my own inevitable demise.

Anyway, a night or two later I have a dream. Probably one of the first dreams I remember upon waking up in over 10 years, on the count of all the sleeping pills and anti-depressants I take. Long story short, I found a sort of purse/large wallet with a fuckton of money inside. I pick it up and realize it's not mine.

Without skipping a beat, I walk over to this woman standing nearby and give it to her. And while I can't exactly remember the specifics, I remember her turning around, smiling, and kissing me on the cheek. I believe she was of African descent. This shit doesn't stop here though.

The next morning, my mom (who is not black) comes out of her room exclaiming she had a terrible dream about losing a fucking purse that had all her shit in it.

To this day I do not fucking know what that was about. I hear dreams that contain finding lost possessions can be signs of good fortune. But this wasn't my fucking possession. And the whole mother thing just throws me for a loop.

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Fuck that, I have a vivid memory of getting a diaper change in my grandmother's bathroom

>have to make a decision

So your telling this is some weird real life forced dream meme

Iv literally been nodick.jpg in a dream before shit was weird

He probably means this one

...yeah, pretty much

What is this? Why does it happen? I posted this it is the most unsettling feeling, makes me stop what I'm doing.

Welcome to psi and pre cognition. It's real albeit not controllable

OK Yea Forums, usually my dreams don't make sense, but I had a really coincidental dream.
>dog died last year
>miserable for weeks
>had a dream
>I was in a suburban neighborhood, devoid of people and cars
>a strange man stands off in the distance, couldn't make out anything but his height. couldn't see his face or anything
>get closer
>my dog appears
>I start to cry and go to pet him
>he's acting a little aloof, but he'd do that if he didn't get his way
>the man is still standing there, it feels like he's supervising what is happening
>another dog shows up
>a hyper black lab
>it's running around me in circles, trying to get me to pet her
>but i want to pet my dog
>he looks at me like he wants me to pet him
>eventually I give in and pet both of them, still crying
When I woke up, I thought it was the black lab my dad had when I was a small child, even though he was a male dog and the one in my dream was a female. But yesterday, out of the blue, someone gave my dad a female black lab
weird shit.

I keep having dreams about my ex eventhough she's completely irrelevant in every way now and lives far away. Hell, I have tons of distaste towards her but they still keep coming and I feel awful when I wake up.
I just want it to end. Just let me forget.

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I have similar dreams. It helps

and then it turned out the lab wasnt actually a lab, your dad was the lab


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I want to believe your kitty visited you in your dreams.
He just loved you that much, bro

>sitting next to my straight crush
>he puts his arm around me
>feel something genuine i have never honestly felt towards another person, face gets flushed
>wake up
>start tearing up

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then who was dog

>wake up from nightmare
>you're still dreaming
>wake up from nightmare
>you're still dreaming
>wake up from nightmare
>you're still dreaming
>and it keeps going like this for a while

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>wake up in a plain
>and I mean a really fucking wide plain, absolutely nothing no matter where you look, very low grass, no clouds, nothing
>try walking forward, feels like I'm going crazy and getting nowhere
>eventually turn around
>a fucking huge pillar of plants is towering into the sky, just appeared out of nowhere, it's not even casting a shadow or anything
>begin to hear a loud buzzing noise behind me
>wake up
The really abstract dreams fuck me up the most

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Yeah, it really made me feel better at the time. The strange part was the other dog.

Fuck you this has happened to me multiple times and it's the absolute worst shit in the universe.

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>those dreams where you look in the mirror and you look girly, like a trap
>those dreams where you are a girl and are with other girls being lewd or just nude
>those dreams where you are a trap and are lewd

So fucking hot 10/10 i fap errytime

I dunno why trannies have to fight reality when they could just embrace dreams for the experience of being a girl (and attractive one at that)

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My dreams are mostly bizarre, latest nightmare i had was my room being filled with cockroaches
but the worst ones are where im going to die, i've dreamt that i was going to die or people pointing guns at me and its really the worst fucking feel in the world, the feeling i get when i wake up and i know it was all just a dream is on another level. makes me sad to people that experienced near death situations IRL

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>tfw your dreams get so mundane you start confusing entire irl days for dreams

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There is nothing more unsettling than steadily increasing static noise in dreams

Dude stop being a faggot

Those mannequins in Condemned

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it me ur borther


When I was a wee baby I used to have nightmares where I was floating down a pitch black river, looking up at dead trees and then eventually falling down a massive pitch black waterfall.

I've honestly had to tell myself something was a dream and not a real day at work before

>dreaming about someone who's wronged me
>alternatively, someone who is trying to do me harm
>it's almost always lethal harm
>they're always borderline feral, armed with a knife or gun or what have you
>try to punch them in the dream
>can't punch for shit, hits weaker than a fucking fly swatter
>they just get confused
>shit extends to anything you do
>had a dream where someone armed invaded my home
>reached for a shotgun
>tried to cycle the action
>feel weak as fuck and can barley make it move far and fast enough to chamber a shell

Does this shit happen to anyone else.

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Had this happen constantly, would've helped if it's not some useless shit that happen at some point in the future.


>that dream where the police are hunting me and im going to prison forever

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Sometimes I get ones where I'm in a purgatory of all white and I feel the perspective zooming in as the area around me gets dirtier and dirtier. Like brown scribbles and dust marks. Feels like I'm in space.

About to go to sleep in a bit, I hope I dream and remember it
Really bums me out that I haven't had a dream I can remember vividly in a good while

worst dreams I've had is forgetting about a class in college that I didn't go to for a few weeks. Really made me panic

>remember having loads of wet dreams in high school
>had a dream where I was in some Fortree City-like treetop city place with high school crush
>we had to go to bed
>we were both wearing semi loose pajamas
>end up sleeping naked
>end up grinding on her
>she loves it and says “as long as it doesn’t go in, that would be real bad” as she’s guiding it to her pussy
>dream of fucking her and cumming all over her like a hentai character
Good times
I don’t get wet dreams anymore but I’ll never forget those precious memories

man my last good dream i had was a zombie dream
I remember I was in a zombie apocalypse in my neighborhood, but I would just punch them to death
anyone know why my dreams are usually violent? I quite enjoy them but it makes me curious

Did you build a go-kart with your ex-landlord?

>dreamed I had friends
>dreamed I had a gf
>dreamed I had a big brother
>dream bro probably died after telling me to run away when it turned into a nightmare
None of those times I knew what to feel after waking up, but it was even more surreal with my imaginary brother.
I don't know if it was love, sadness, longing, but after waking up I think I just felt completely empty.

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>when you don't ever remember your dreams or even have them in the first place

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>oh hey, the elevator! the level is almost over!
>oh god why is it going down

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>wake up
>can't tell if it was a lucid dream or a dream about being lucid but never actually lucid

I still can't be certain I ever had a lucid dream, maybe just once which was a spontaneous and short WILD, the rest were all DILDs

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>it's a watching-myself-fall-into-a-dark-pit-of-an underground-tunnel-in-third-person dream again with indistinct laughter in the background

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>tfw your dreams are so vivid you can feel anything in them
>This goes from pleasure to pain
>If in the dream is raining I can feel myself getting my body wet etc.
>But if anything painful happens to me you bet your ass I can feel it in great detail
>mfw that happens

The shitty thing about this is that I don't have enough sex dreams compared to the ones where painful shit happens so this is largely a negative.

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>middle of the day, years ago
>playing wind waker on gamecube as a child
>had nothing but fun with the game until i got to the Earth Temple
>find a redead slumped in a corner
>had played other Zelda games before but didnt get far enough to find one of these abominations
>kid me thinks to himself "is that a statue? it sure looks creepy."
>walk up to it and its jaws and arms stretch out, its pitch black eyes bulge and turn red and it gives out a hellish scream that stuns Link
>young me just looks at the screen stunned in fear as i watch this fucking thing wrap itself around Link and start biting him
>i immediately pause the game and cant get the scream out of my head and the image of Link being eaten while just sitting there looking at the screen for what felt like forever
>get the courage to turn off the gamecube and leave the room so i can go hang out with my dad for the rest of the day
>fast forward to night and Im in bed crying because i cant sleep because the scream and the image of Link being devoured wont go away

spent a few days having nightmares until i decided to just lower the volume and brave through it. still fucked me up though

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>the elevator starts free falling from the 70th floor of a skyscraper
>you're the only one in it

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>Have a fever dream that everyone in my house is a fake and pretending to be my family
>This extends for quite a bit after I wake up

fever dreams are some shit

>dream I get raped
REM sleep isn’t cool sometimes

>my last 3 "nightmares" were just dreaming I woke up late for work
man why cant my brain be more creative

>it's another dream where you have a loving relationship with the perfect girl
Why do I have to wake up and face reality, Yea Forums?
Why can't I just embrace the darkness forever?

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I read somewhere that it's a product fo anxiety or guilt. The whole having dreams about highschool/college.

oh shit, you're dreaming about chris chan's dimensional merge

>OP is a about scary moments
>thread is about nightmares

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Any Psychologist anons here help me decipher this?
>Go to sleep
>Wake up sitting on the edge of my bed
>My TV's on and the screen starts flickering
>It stops until it shows a POV of someone driving down a winding road with Pine Trees
>Watch for a while but then look around
>Notice that it's my old childhood room
>Notice the door is open but there is nothing on the other side.
>It's just a black abyss
>Start hearing this heavy breathing and footsteps getting closer
>Figure something might grab me if I don't do something.
>Run up and close the door.
>Wake up

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I have a reoccurring dream that I am in some kind of Kowloon Walled City type place where you have to grind on rails like Sonic to get around.

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You moved recently or are planning to move recently.

I've had similar ones, but with college

>having dream
>Wake up, late for class
>all nine of them
>turns out I have four other classes that I haven't attended or done a single assignment for all semester
>and it's past mid terms
>look at all the zeros and failing grades I now have
>some offer partial credit for late work, but it's a fucking mountain of homework
>and it's always subjects I hate, mostly math
>wake up fucking paranoid and checking my Canvas just to be sure
>until my brain fully wakes up and realizes it was just a bad dream
>it's only ten minutes into my morning and I already feel exhausted from paranoia.

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>to this day

Grow up you autistic fucking faggot

the first nightmare I remember having is very similar to yours

>standing outside at night, full moon in the sky, there's a cabin to my left and a forest to my right
>my family's standing on the porch, but all of a sudden everyone goes inside and the lights go out
>some kind of robed figure starts walking at me very slowly from the forest
>can't run, scream for help or turn away, can't do anything basically
>see its wide round eyes as it closes in on me
>it screams at me and everything goes dark for a few seconds before I wake up
>have the same dream two more times
>on the third time as the creature's walking towards me a man wearing a green poncho and a pointy hat jumps in to save me at the last second
>wake up and breathe a sigh of relief
>never had another dream with the monster or the man in green again

That dream has always stuck with me because sometimes I wonder if I "created" the green man to help me in my dream or if it's something that just happened without my input.

One time I dreamed I was riding on shreks back, he was carrying me on his back threw a swamp and it was all quite and spooky. All of a sudden I heard a crack noise, looked behind me and a long slender featureless thing came running at me at sonic speed while screaming really loud. I woke up right as it got right in my face heart racing


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I know your exact feel user. thanks for reminding me

You've made your dog lick your nuts too much and have now internalized it.


>dreaming about being unprepared for school

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These are the worst. Usually I have them with girls I once knew, but recently I had one with some unknown girl. It was so good, though. There was this one part where she was waiting for me at the bottom of these steps at a hotel with this heartwarming smile on her face. I remember that really got to me. Then I woke up and felt like absolute shit.

Bigger you dont know shit, I have night terrors and every so often I dream I bit my tongue off, I wake up screaming in pain and spitting because it feels like my mouth is filling with blood.
Fuck night terrors

user, I know that feel. I had the "oh shit I forgot I was even in this class and have done no work I'm going to fail" nightmares in college and for years afterwards. You think that dream sucks now? Wait until you wake up panicked about failing a class, only to realize you have to go to 9 hours of work instead.

Thread theme

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>its a falling dream
>you wake up just in time before you fall

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When I was a kid I used to have these dreams about tube slides. They usually followed the same formula:
>Kid me stuck in weird dark factory only dimly lit by a red flashing light
>Have this intense feeling like something is coming for me
>Only have a tube slide in front of me, can't see the other end of it
>Hop into the slide, it's completely dark inside
>Slide is normal at first, but I soon speed up to an incredible rate, the g forces are like flying in a fucking fighter jet
>Feel like I'm going to fucking die from the speed
>Brace myself against the slide to slow down
>When I come to a stop, I can hear something coming down the slide behind me
>Usually wake up at this point
Havent had the dream in years but that was some scary shit.

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>reading this thread when I'm in bed about to sleep
God fucking damnit I'm gonna have a nightmare tonight wont I.

I freak my gf out a lot by literally explaining certain events before they happen because I get deja Vu constantly

What the fuck is the science behind that shit? Is it my brain thinking it's already happened when it hasn't?

It really is, just thinking about it spooks me. I'd rather have any other kind of nightmare.

I occasionaly have dreams like that but somehow my gums also rot and fall off along with my teeth like it was attached to an extra bone that's separated from the rest of the skull( think of a denture), blood gets everywhere too.
Either that or my mouth and throat is filled with a dough-like substance that I can't spit or pull out with my hands no matter how I try.
Shit's freaky.

When I was a kid I used to have nightmares that were really weird. I don't remember all of them but I do remember some details.
One was a image of Superman in front of a blacked sun that just filled me with dread, like it was the end of everything.
The clearest one I remember I had in like 1st grade. I was in the classroom alone with this weird kid. Instinctively I felt that if I didn't stop him, I would die. I kept clawing, pushing, and shaking this weird kid who kept laughing and laughing like my doom was sealed I still remember me having my hands on his throat while he let his head roll back and start saying "There's someone in your room... he's on your computer..." then letting his head come back and looking into my eyes with a devilish grin "he's you!" The last thing I remember was the vision of my doppelganger and his laugh as I a faded into nothingness.

You better enjoy it

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>Was pretty cool how the dream incorporated me waking up into sleep paralysis that way.
Had something like this. Was dreaming I'm in a burning house. As a proud owner of a Master's degree in Autism, I ignored the imminent danger, the heat or if even other people were there. I was more interested on figuring out where I was and whose house was this (relative's, friend's etc) so I 'forced' my dream self to walk around and look for anything familiar. Couldn't recognize a thing as everything was charred or burning. Then like in the movies a huge burning wooden pillar crashes down on me, I instinctively moved aside and dodged. Woke up shortly afterwards, trying to remember what else happened when I saw my curtain holder plopped down right beside my head on the pillow. I could only stare at it and was like what the fuholy shit.

>zombie dream
>they look completely skinless and their flesh looks somewhat burned
>kinda like that one pic from the guy that survived a nuclear accident
>they eat me alive
>wake up
good times

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Anyone ever dreamed of the sand people?

Shit happens to me, too. I can't fucking remember what it was, but I had a dream about something recently, and then it literally fucking happened verbatim. And it wasn't a predictable event either.

No one can decipher dreams better than yourself. Dreams speak in a very specific language tailored to the person dreaming them. The significance is personal to you and only yourself can understand them better than anyone. Dreams are never to be taken literally most of the time, and they have patterns. If you remember your dreams you'll start noticing you dream about similar subjects, colors, places, etc. and even the smallest detail can mean something, but the meaning is for you to decipher.
If you want to find the meaning of your dreams start a dream journal, write them down with as much autistic detail as possible, as much as you remember and as soon as you wake up (You can forget up to 90% of what you dreamed 10 minutes after waking up) and find out what the patterns are telling you.

Yes, you can read up interpretations online and what not, but they may not help you most of the time on finding out the actual meaning.

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>creepy thing approachs me, almost as if from every angle
>walk towards it with an angry expression and fists raised, ready to fight
>punches move in slow mo

Everytime. I just want to beat up dream monsters.

>it's a flooding window nightmare
The worst part is that they're mostly dream, so it's never enough of a shock to wake you up and you have to suffer through it

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My nightmares are comparatively lame like my computer getting hijacked or walking into a college lecture realizing I took the wrong class months in


When I was around 5 or 6 we had a lot of Halloween decorations, pumpkins mostly, a few little ghost and black cat statues, cute stuff.
But we also had this glow in the dark cartoony skeleton you'd hang on the wall or in my case the closet door.
When my dad hung it up I didn't really mind it.
But the night after it went up I dreamed that I woke up in my bed and looked forward at my closet and the skeleton wasn't hanging there.(My dad jokingly called him mister bones)
Then my closet door slowly swings open and out of the darkness stepped Mr Bones, a green glow in the dark skeleton. He took a couple steps toward me then he put his hands on the railing at the foot of my bunk bed and he extended like in a cartoon towards me and lowly raised his arms while his expression distorted from the cartoony smile he always had to a huge fanged grimace.
I woke up screaming so loud that my dad came in asking what's wrong and I pointed at the plastic skeleton and said "Mr Bones tried to eat me." and my dad turned around grabbed the plastic decoration and walked outside and tossed it in the trash then came back and told me I'd never see him again.

I only remember this so clearly because I only have 4 dreams that I can manage to remember and that's the scariest one.

I'm not an artist but I can still kind of relate.
>want to keep a dream journal
>wake up after having an amazing dream but the memories quickly bleed away before I even get out of bed let alone write about it

shitty ass fever dream is always the same, also mind you that i was a 7 yo at the time
>dream about an empty white space where i hear heavy machinery
>out of nowhere a rope appears before me and i have to pull, otherwise the sounds get louder and louder
>for some reason polaroids of random people start appearing and when i let go of the rope they switch to mutilated versions of them
>this keeps going on until i give up and let myself die or wake up.
shit was scary at the time

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It comes up like 5 times a year and I'm never prepared for them

It freaks me out. Sometimes there's someone else up there with me and I'll crawl to them but they'll move away and the building will sway in the air and I'll slide closer to the edge. Hate that and all height related dreams.

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>have nightmare
>realize its a nightmare and don't try to wake myself up instead charge at whatever the scary thing is
I think its my glorious battle cry that wake me up

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The only 2 videogames that really scared me were Quake 1, i had nightmares with it back then when i was a child, but i never stopped playing it, and Doom 3, it had moments where i simply stopped playing it until the next day.

>wake up in slightly off, distorted version of my house
>filled with an overwhelming sense of dread
>feel as though something really bad will happen if i leave this distorted house

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The only time I had nightmares were when I was younger, but they were all very similar.
>every nightmare seemed to "open" with me seeing a bunch of toys fall into a dark ravine beneath a wooden bridge, a sequence almost like those company logo animations that appear before a movie starts, a la Pixar
>everytime I saw these toys falling into the pit I knew a nightmare followed soon after
>after which the nightmare begins and I'm almost always in a warped version of my house or basement being followed by a nondescript black figure
>or frozen in fear as it slowly approaches me from across the room
>other times itd be like what other anons described in this thread; a woman with her back turned that then turns around to reveal a screaming deformed face that screams me awake
>but no matter what, before either of these two appear, it's always that "intro" with the toys that happens first

i have had this exact dream type since i was a little kid, except it was the cacodemon from doom.

something similar to pic related. it would always appear on anything with a screen on it, like a TV or PC monitor.

there was only one time where i actually managed to fight through the numbness and punch a screen and i just wake up.

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My dreams are really weird its always dreams with some plot or mission... lots of weird shit but fun its almost like a videogame
and these always are lucid dreams l mean always I always notice when I dreaming but I decide to go with the flow of the things since I know messing too much with the stuff always ends up waking me up in the moment.

Kek another one I remember is rain water dripping from an AC above mine and onto my AC, making a loud noise, in my dream before I woke up that was interpreted as a girl banging a metal pole on some railings in a subway station i was in to the same tempo, pretty cool

I have dreams about not breathing and in real life I really wasn't breathing. And then I have dreams wherein I am hyper aware that it is a dream but I can't make my body wake up or move like I became stone or something.

>haven't fapped for 3 months
>suddenly 2D wet dream

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I only just noticed that I haven't had any dreams in what feels like months thanks to this thread. Subconsciously I'm probably dreaming but I haven't woken up with a clear memory of any dream in a long time now. I don't even remember the last dream I even had. The only dreams I remember from the past year or two now are ones that stressed me out, like my ex cheating on me or me failing my classes/forgetting to do homework. My breakup happened almost 4 years ago now but that's all I remember dreaming about constantly for 1-3 months, to the point where I dreaded going to sleep. I still had them even after getting into another relationship. Besides that I've maybe woken up once from a dream feeling good in the past year. I'm kinda wondering why.

I'm probably just a bitch who just needs to get out more. /blog

The zombie chapter in Conkers Bad Fur Day scared me a fuck ton after unknowingly picking Spooky in the chapter select

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I constantly have these dreams that differ from location but always have the same plotline
>I am with friends or family at some kind of weird place I don't know that is a tourist attraction
>I get distracted and then I realize that I don't know why my friends are at
>I start looking for them and asking where they are
>sometimes a bunch of strangers come up to me and surround me
>dream ends

Mine are always in the context of vidya, like I'm playing a game but at the same time its real life.

Usually in large complexes, usually with other people, usually with barricades and weapons like I'm playing gmod Zombie Survival, and its good fun.

What dreams have stuck with you through the years anons?
For me its
>Around the age of 5 or so
>Can't hear anything in the dream, its dead silent
>I see myself lying in bed in my room asleep, wondering where this POV is in relation to my body
>I back up/float backwards and its my window
>For context my room is on the second floor of my house
>The first noise I hear in the dream is a clammering similar to someone climbing a ladder
>I look down and theres this shadowy shape looking climbing up the gutter next to my window, the shadow itself looks like it either has 3 horns on its head jutting off in different directions or its wearing a jester's hat
>Wake up right after seeing that

>wake up from weird dream but it's hazy and almost instantly forget it
>just go about my day, get clean, go to school etc.
>just go through a regular day like any other speaking to the same people, doing the same things
>continues until night, feeling kinda sleepy and ready for bed
>for some reason walk outside and stand in the road
>get hit by a car
>wake up
>the entire day was just a dream

Only ever happened once but god damn did that fuck me up for a morning

The most stupid dream ive had is a dream of me teaming up with fucking reviewbrah to escape a mansion from hell and he tries to betray me when we finally get out what an asshole

how the fuck can some of you guys have sex in your dreams I always end up waking up.

Should add, this was like 15 years ago

I dreamed specifically about the Halo 3 Grifball arena on the top layer of Sandbox back in 05 or 06, down to the exact layout and graphics and all. Premonition definitely exists, but it‘s nothing we can control or willingly ask for.

>Few years ago, back in high school
>Dreamed of accidentally sending tons of really kinky 2D porn to my mother via e-mail
>Like really kinky shit
>Girls getting gangbanged by dogs and other animals
>Lots of anal too
>Tentacles too, why not?
>Wake up
>Absolutely freaking the fuck out thinking it was real
>Went up to my mother and almost spilled the beans asking her about the e-mail
>Suddenly realize it never happened
>Just say "good morning" and give her a hug
I almost had a heart attack that day.

I remember dreaming that I was running through the canyon level from spyro 1 the one with the purple goo pools.
I fell into the goo and woke up in a cold sweat because you instantly die when you fall into that shit.

>dream are never meant to be taken literally

On the other hand you can argue they are only ever literal, nonsensical and random because one of the theories for dreams is short to long term memory consolidation and storing, pruning of unnecessary information, memory and information refining, random synapse firing, etc..

When you dream the brainwaves are in theta, and synchronized, and sweep through the brain, allowing for more connections betwen distant and usually unconnected brain regions to be made, leading to the randomness in dreams.


>can taste the blood and feel them hit different parts of your mouth / lips as they fall out
>can feel them squirming through your gums as they grow back into place and repeat the process
Probably the worst dream I've ever had.

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that actually wasn't a dream

Hey user it's your mom and it was real

I've had something similar where I dreamed that the Crestfallen Warrior from Dark Souls was a car salesman and he unapologetically ended up ripped me off

Scariest dream I ever had doesn’t seem that scary when typed out. It was just the feeling the dream gave.

I “woke up” in a room completely painted white. No doors. No windows. No air vents. Completely silent. It’s one of those dreams where everything seems realistic and I was fully aware that I was trapped and realized that if I didn’t get out of there I’d either starve to death or run out of air.

So I tried everything I could to get out. I walked around and knocked on the walls to find a hidden door or weak spot in one of the walls - nothing, all solid. I started punching the walls and only ended up with bruises on my knuckles. I scratched on the walls with my fingernails, peeling the white paint. After that, I just curled up in a fetal position in a corner and cried for what felt like at least an hour.

I woke up from that dream drenched in sweat and very nauseated.

For me its flooded bathrooms, like the tub is over capacity, or the water floods the bathroom almost fully, but its always comfy and everything

>It's a fail to make it to safety before the natural disaster/meltdown/lovecraft level terrifying kaiju/horrible thing that's relatively small and far away but can always see you hits and you die of sheer terror before waking up episode
Aren't reruns fun

yeah all the time. i had a dream last night i was trying to kill someone with a knife and i could barely move my arms, its like trying to move your body but its mostly numb and you can't feel anything.

also whenever the knife hit anyone it would go in but it was as flimsy as a rubber knife. dream logic is fucking weird.

>dreamless sleep as usual
>suddenly start visualizing the dark surroundings of my bedroom while still sleeping
>a clown appears in my periphery and appears to be putting on a show for me
>I question nothing and entertain myself to his performance
>after a few balloon animal shenanigans, he talking about jokes or whatever
>pulls out a knife
>coming closer and says the punchline
>suddenly right on top of me and stabs my abdomen
>reflexes kicks in and I begin convulsing and screaming until I awaken to the same dark surroundings as my dream

I'm not even scared of clowns, I actually respect their craft. Is this some kind of sick joke?

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This was one of the weirdest fucking dreams I've ever had. It started off pretty awesome, then got scary as shit, then got exhilarating, then ended on the most bizarre note of any dream I've ever had. Buckle up kiddies.

>dreaming about being in a distant future space program
>think Interstellar, but farther into the future
>being sent out to deal with an early human colony
>mostly just a giant artificial satellite with a city on it
>we get there and the whole thing is deserted Pripyat style
>shit starts breaking apart
>then exploding
>we high tail it out
>someone tries to go outside and repair damage caused by the ensuing space junk
>I'm supposed to go with him
>bay doors open up and something immediately fucking slams into his face
>I close the doors and pull him back in
>half his face is gone and blood is floating everywhere.
>fucking nope
>hightail it back in an airlock
>tell them we'll live without repairing
>Make it back to earth (Exactly how, I don't remember. My memory of this part is blurry).
>start on re-entry
>It's actually taking a while. Whole ship is shaking.
>probably the most realistic part of the whole dream. Felt heavy g-forces and everything
>we burst through the cloud cover
>there's a trucking congested highway beneath us instead of a runway
>I'm in the co-pilot's seat.
>Pilot lands on an overpass
>we're bobbing and weaving between cars like it's a fucking NASCAR race
>bank on the ramps like crazy, ship's about to tip over.
>how many fucking ramps are there
>shit feels like a roller coaster until we finally stop
>open up the cargo bay to check on dead guy
>all his blood is frozen slush. His body is a Popsicle and his head has fallen off
>suddenly it all starts melting
>the melted slush starts coalescing and rising
>now it's turning blue
>and I shit you not, it finally forms into FUCKING WILL SMITH GENIE
>He fucking starts singing and dancing the Robin Williams songs

I woke up confused as fuck

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Was there a baby doll and a ps3 sitting in there?

your time is coming user

they have chosen you

good night

>It's a "Taking a final exam for a class I had a year ago but trying to figure out why I'm not getting extra credit for the professor committing sexual harassment but also the course is a religion that has to do with networks specifically the emergency alert system because it uses phones dream

My flooding dreams usually involve oceans rising while you live by them and just watching that shit slowly rise up and consume everything until i'm inside my house, watching the water rise up behind the window, lsitening to the deep low rumble of underwater take over all the sound around. It's agony.

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My very first lucid dream, was in a city, there was the empire state building, and I made it rain.

Thats all I can remember, woke up soon after. Haven't had much since either.

>going to bed after this thread
Wish me luck anons.

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reminds me of a weird comic i found ill post it

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I always dream I was back in highschool with my friends and classmates. having known my mistakes back then, I was trying to fix my mistakes and catch the opportunity I should've done back then in my dream.

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pls tell the government to stop vivisecting me in my dreams it's not fun

I'm a lame virgin and had have sex but I have had sex in my dreams (like a lot of sex dreams)
Does anybody know if it feels similar to the real thing?
Bros... I feel like I'm goin to be virgin forever

See you in your dreams

I lucid dreamed once after my dad died.
I was standing in a house with a layout I didn't recognize and I stepped into a den tucked away in a corner and there he was, just sitting on a chair like he lived there and he said "hey."
I remembered that he was dead and that let me control myself and I asked him why he hid how bad our finances were from us and he said he didn't want to make me or my mother worried until he had a way to fix it and now that he's gone it's not our problem (he was mostly right).
And I told him I missed him and he said "I know I do too." and then he gestured like I should leave the room and I woke up.

The worst ones are where you did something horrible you instantly regret and are hunted for it, or where you get caught and you can't kill yourself.

>wake up inside a dream
>few seconds later, wake up for real
such a disorienting feeling

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Well since everyone is talking about dreams I had one earlier today. It involved me tongue fucking my non existent dom gfs ass. Was pretty good until I woke up and started crying from loneliness.

>have cetaphobia
>fall asleep
>wake up in a hallway in front of a giant glass panel wall with a #%%#@ blue whale inside
>run as fast as I could
>see an exit on the west side of the hall
>go through the door
>suddenly inside the aquarium with the whale

Haha, no. Would have made the dream a little less uncomfortable, though.

"When you poop in yer poop for real!"


I don't get those falling sensations as much, but my arm does twitch / swing as if I am either attacking something, or something is pulling my arm.

>not lucid dreaming for 90% of your dreams
>not being able to be the god of your own fake world for most of your dreams
>not being able to fuck whoever you want, whenever you want
Honestly I can't imagine life without it. I didn't even train myself to lucid dream, I just somehow almost always recognize when I'm asleep or not

is this similar to the ultra-reddit phenomena Mandela effect when every one jumps on the bandwagon?

same desu

>remember a friend of mine online told me about how he had a vivid dream one night about me, him, and other friends in our group being some kind of team of spies or operatives or some shit like XCOM
>we went on cool missions and were all bros and had a good time. best team there ever was
>until apparently I, specifically me, died during one of our missions. KIA
>friend told me that he was filled with overwhelming sadness and remembered a funeral and everything, apparently saw my mom there even though he never met my mom
maybe he was making it up for whatever reason but it hit me. what does it mean?

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The exact same thing happened to me except i beat up a night hag with a baseball bat after playing GTA 3

Holy shit, I'm not alone.

I never dreamed of this guy. However, he looks a lot like my neighbor's son. He's a nice guy

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my cat is twitching and meowing. is he dreaming?

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Reminder: Always kick on your dreams in self defense, for punching most of the time will be largely inefficient, but kicking is like a fucking instagib. I've had countless of dreams where punching or using guns does absolutely nothing, but the moment I kick them my adversaries explode into a fucking red mist. I'm not 100% sure of the psychology behind this, but its a real game changer.

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different timeline

One night a week ago, I got an email from work. I didn't read it at all, thinking I'd just read it tomorrow. I then dreamed that I opened the email and read it. When I checked the email the next day, it said basically the same exact thing as my dream said. And it wasn't really something predictable either. People have emailed me about this subject before, but it's super rare, like maybe once or twice a year. I guess you could say I'm just sick at guessing shit, but I don't know.

Also had a dream about this unknown girl I've never met before. In the dream we were together and it was nice. Later in the week, I'm pretty sure this girl I matched with on Tinder is her, or some version of her. Haven't talked to her yet.

>those dreams where you wake up and your still dreaming
fucking wasting my time making me normal ass shit all for nothing.


nigga just hit them with a psychic blast or something, dreams can get cuh-razy when you know how to manipulate them

How is your relationship with your fathers?

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>tfw last year I dreamed I had a baby son
It was by far one of the most surreal things I remember dreaming. The dream was basically me being a single father with my family helping out. I was legit sad when I woke up.

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>>he opens his mouth and says “you did well, I am Azhol and this is martin luther king jr”
>>he points to a bag of assorted lego pieces

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One time while I was on a long drive home from my best friend's house (out of state), I had a flash vision of my own funeral. I saw my sister and my mother crying as my uncle and grandfather carried my casket down the aisle. When I snapped out of it I was crying and screaming and I almost lost control of my car on the interstate. Never had that happen before. Scariest shit that ever happened to me.

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I have nightmares where my mom tries to fuck me and I try to fucking run away its the weirdest shit

I don't have dreams anymore. My last dream I had that I can remember was about my highschool crush. I graduated 10 years ago.

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I have a similar dream but it's me rubbing my teeth together too hard and chipping them and then the rest of the dream is me running my tongue over my teeth and thinking "god I fucked up, oh christ I fucked up". Then I wake up and realize it's a dream, smile, and go back to bed.

you have no idea how melatonin works lmao. it does not "put you to sleep". just because it's a sleep hormone doesn't mean that taking melatonin pills will put you to sleep retard

I dreamt that I was at my own wedding. Woke up legit terrified.

>I am Azhol and this is martin luther king jr

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can you still hear when you sleep? It seems what's happening in my dream is exactly what's happening outside.

I don't have a house. I live in my business establishment.

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Another dream theme I get a lot is driving over a high cliff, but instead of crashing and dying my car and I just bounce and keep driving because the road continues at the bottom. The feeling of falling and holding on tight to the steering wheel freaks me out.

It’s probably a combination of two experiences I’ve had. When I was 10, I fell off a 15-ft cliff during a climbing trip. That feeling of falling is what replays in my dream. That, and I avoided a head-on car collision a few years ago, hence the driving aspect.

If you want those dreams to stop try facing whatever is chasing you. Likely it will fuck you up once it gets close to you, but best case scenario it will stop it from its tracks and you can confront it as you see fit.

Good luck user!


>it's a "realize that you have a hugely important project due tomorrow morning that you haven't even started" dream

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>Be in dream
>cuddling in childhood room with this qt I used to go to school with
>We're watching batman forever
>She laughs
>Looks up at me
>I can still see those brown eyes looking into mine
>I love you user
>I love you too
>wake up
>snap back to reality
>she's a tranny now
>tfw I didn't save her
>tfw no gf
Fuck you, brain. I know I'm a coward you don't have to remind me.

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There was this kids show my parents used to put on when I was really young, it had these puppets and shit, but THIS motherfucker terrified little me so much, I would have recurring dreams where he would suck me into the TV and kill me. I got over it eventually but even looking at this pic makes me kind of unsettled

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Once I fell into a marina. I was walking too close to the edge of the dock and splashed in between two boats, fortunately I put my foot into the crevice on the wall and yelled for help, but holy shit I could have died.

>I would have recurring dreams where he would suck me
god i wish i were you

>Childhood dog dies
>he never liked me much
>he was very old while I was a shitty kid
>I wouldn't play with him because he wouldn't play with me
>even bit me a few times
>but I still loved his cranky old ass
>I was broken hearted when he died and wished I could have loved him more

>night after he dies I have an insanely vivid dream about him
>he's standing in my door way staring at me
>I tell him I'm sorry
>He springs into the air like a savage animal and tears at my face. I remember seeing red in his eyes.
>I woke up apologizing to him and hugging his old blanket, crying
>never dream about him again

Yeah animals can drram, go through REM sleep same as us

I had the same dream. Was being chased by a large bald man in glasses down a creepy hallway. All the doors along the way were locked, save for a couple, but they only led to dead end rooms. The only exits were the big holes in the floors at the end of each hallway. Each time I jumped down I would end up in a new hallway, identical to the previous but much more twisted and dilapidated, and the man would be closer than before.

Ended up going to therapy for help. My therapist looked exactly like the man that was chasing me. Never told him. Quit therapy two or so sessions in.

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Anyone else literally unable to turn their brains off when going to bed? People I talk to don't seem to have this issue, but I always end up thinking about stuff or making up stories in my head for potentially hours each night. It kinda sucks.

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cute kot

>tfw im literally this right now
oh joy i wonder what the symbolic fuckugly monster chasing me is gonna look like tonight

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That's succ, not suck user.
Anyways, I just looked up a video of it and judging by the comments thousands of kids had nightmares about this fuck.

>you know you're asleep and having a nightmare
>you know it's not real, stills terrifies you
>after while of terror you wake up
>get up take a piss or drink water and whatnot
>go back to bed
>nightmare continues
>wake suddenly, paralyzed.
>hallucinates. shadows running across the ceiling
>can't scream for help.

fuck this shit.

I wish I had more dreams/nightmares they are fun and interesting and nothing really scares me anymore

I used to have that. Then I got married. Now I sleep like a baby because theres somebody by me every night.

Try getting a dog to sleep with you, user.

Making up stories is the only way I can fall asleep. I keep going with the story until my brain can not keep up anymore and I pass out. The stories always start with me getting cryogenic-ly frozen, since I always turn the temperature down and tuck myself in tight.

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Yeah, I have a really active brain. I try to shut it down by focusing on nothing but breathing.

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HOLY FUCK it's not just me? I kinda sorta had been worrying I've been grinding my teeth, and then I have a dream where I'm just biting down as hard as I can, feeling and hearing them crack and shit. Then I wake up and I'm still scared because I thought the dream would coorelate to me actually doing that in real life while I was having the dream. Scary shit.

I don‘t get nightmares ever since I was a teenager. Well, I do dream fucked up shit, the kind that shakes some primordial foundation deep inside you, but I simply don‘t feel fear of any kind while inside a dream. The realization that I had a nightmare only comes after I wake up, along with a fearful ”WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST EXPERIENCE AND WHY WAS I FINE WITH IT UNTIL NOW”.

>tfw your subconscious doesn‘t give a shit about fear, but your conscious mind does

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I remember this nightmare I had about a decade and a half ago. I was with my middle school friends and they were all on death row with our executions being shown in the school's cafeteria. There was this specific christian music playing in the background.
One by one I watched my friends get electrocuted, gutted, burned, and gutted again in that order. It was then my turn, and the scenery immediately warped into a prairie field with a few dying trees and wind howling. A shadowy figure approached me, s it got closer, it's face unveiled itself to be this woman with a tiara on her head. She grabbed me by the shirt and muttered "You could've stopped this" and swung her hand against my face. That was when I woke up. I was in a cold sweat and the right side of my face ached. Crying, I ran to the bathroom and took a look in the mirror to find that there was a distinct red mark on the side of my face.
It still unnerves me on how that happened, I've spoken to family and friends but they all just laughed about it.

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>wait, I breathe a little often. maybe I should breathe slower

you are now manually breathing

Last night i stayed up till 3 am, once i finally went to sleep i would slowly drift off and have a vision of something bad happening to me. It ranged from me having bad luck to straight up dying and shitton of different scenarios. I had atleast over 50 of them till i fell asleep. I legitly thought i was being haunted

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This happens whenever I stay up too long.

>it's a being chased by pic related dream
>it catches me as I am trying to open my front door
>it rips my left calf apart, can feel each strip flesh peeling off of my body
>blood everywhere
>wake up
>left calf is actually in pain
Shouldnta been playin them games

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shut up faggot! Yea Forums never talks about vidya anymore.

You will never reach the truth.

>having a really "funny" nightmare (no, not clowns, just really bizzare monsters like a sentient disk case clipping through the floor.)
>realize I'm having a nightmare
>start trying to lucid dream
>realize i don't know how to lucid dream
And that's why I try to avoid passing out Mid-day.

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Nightmares are a clever evolutionary adaptation. They teach you to remain fearful of danger and death. They remind you that you are mortal, and are like simulations for deadly situations. You can run from a predator on instinct, even without knowing for sure it means you harm. Dreams like falling, being unable to run fast enough, being unable to muster enough strength to hit something, etc. All teach you to play around your limitations. In a way you should be thankful. It's practice for the real thing.

Oh shit, yeah. I hear you, near-death experiences are terrifying.

He dreams of you too, user.

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isn't this what you're thinking about?

>here we fucking go again
lmao, I've had a similar experience with nightmares that's happened twice or 3 times already.
>I'd be in some dark spooky area by myself like a hospital corridor at night
>then I'd feel a disturbing presence really close by
>eventually the feeling becomes so overwhelming and it feels like whatever it is is about to show itself
>nope, fuck this spooky dream I'm out
>immediately wake up
is there a term for willfully forcing yourself awake because your dream is too spooky

So now i have some kind edge of tomorrow power shit where i know how I am gonna fail/die against my obstacles

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>every dream is extremely vivid
>almost always lucid
>feel everything, remember parts in extreme detail and others in barely any
>had several turn into wet dreams
>fucking makoto or sakura from SF usually
>other times let dream follow its' plotline
>nightmares are the only ones not lucid
>can't stop myself from being swallowed up by an endless dark hallway while looking at paintings of my family dying and hearing their screams repeat endlessly
it sucks but I don't mind the price I pay to think of loving such wonderful tomboys

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First date.

He was apparently a common face that people from all over the world would recognize in their dreams. Happened around 2006-2009.

>decide to take short nap
>Dream of an unsual park
>think of swingsets that go 360 degrees by themselves kind of stuff (easiest thing to remember rn)
>after a while, conciously tell myself to wake up
>I have never been this aware I was dreaming
>sleep paralysis
>try moving and can't
>wake up eventually
>decide to continue nap anyway
>sleep paralysis almost immediately
>hear a distorted musical tone (the only word I recall is buffalo)
>an inky black hand appears and holds my arms down
>can barely manage an utter h- from help
Anyone else have that happen to them?

>regenerator voice
>Chainsaw SFX in the distance
>Nemesis jumping through the window inside the RCPD

>tfw my nightmares aren't jumpscares but they're really heinous shit like being raped (which hasn't happened to me) or being invisible or completely ignored by everyone i love

>sleeping with my sister
>dreams walking on ice
>slips in dreams
>hits sister
>sister runs away
>came back with a pipe.
>she's startled and panicked she thought we were being broken into and I was attacked

Yeah, it's not a serious problem, but I have health anxiety in general.

>have a lucid dream
>trying to "suicide" or harm myself in dream always wakes me up irl

Anyone else?

>Bad Nightmare, the kind that makes you wake up feeling spooked
>Going back to sleep makes the nightmare continue EXACTLY were you left off
>Keep waking up but still tired so keep going back to sleep
Does this shit happen to anyone else?

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>tfw I can actually taste and smell on my dreams
I thought that's not supposed to happen

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I couldnt play the game just for this part

>and this is martin luther king jr
this fucking got me holy shit

Nah, I tried that once and it actually killed me irl. Pretty lame.

>try to beat the shit out of someone in my dreams
>takes like 1000++++++ punches

placebo probably. I can feel physical pain in dreams. I even feel the leftover pain and sore when I wake up

How'd you fuck up?

Fuck lucid dreams, they always come with this shit and sleep paralysis.

Dude holy shit I have this same dream. It really fucks me up.

It's not placebo. It's ghosts. Get an excorcist NOW.

I remember dreaming once that Sakurai was doing a nintendo direct.
Reveals he's revealing 8 NEW FIGHTERS
First character announced: Fucking Rayquaza.
Second: fucking Lugia
I don't remember the rest but I was fucking going mad at that shit and almost forgot it was a dream.

>keep having dreams about friend and how we end up seeing each other again
>wake up
>check facebook
>still gone since she disappeared without a trace
Her feet was perfect to, fuck.

I'm too afraid to listen to this.

I've literally never dreamed this man. 99% of my dreams are of family members saying final goodbyes to me and then dying. I wake up and my throat is sore like I've been sobbing for hours. The other 1% are stress dreams about work.

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Don't Listen to him, I would NEVER haunt you.

>zombie dream
>have a gun
>the trigger is heavy af/doesn't have bullets/it's broken/miss every shot/bullets go through/bullets don't do anything/etc.


This dream is recurring for me and it fucks me up hard

I have the same fucking dream, except it's a few months, and I only have like 2 weeks left to do 2 months of work in order to graduate. Shit's stressful as fuck, and every time I have the dream, the deadline is even closer.

I always get those jumpscare nightmares that jump you awake

Same, dreams about missing college tests and shit like that is spookier than getting chased by monsters.

>sleeping with my sister

I don't get nightmares, but I've had really long normal dreams where I've woken up briefly, thought about what was going on, and then went back to sleep. Or I'll "wake up", but the dream will keep playing as I think my eyes are still closed, and then a few minutes later I'll actually wake up. Usually if I'm having an unpleasant dream and the waking up and going back to sleep things happen I'll have to actually sit there for a second while I'm awake and say "Enough of this shit" and then go back to bed for it to go away.

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>wake up to piercing pain in my leg
>scream and kick because clearly something is eating or killing me
>just a really bad leg cramp
>always at like 3-4am
>always hurts for the rest of the day, maybe the week if it was particularly bad
I hate when this shit happens

This is EXACTLY the dream I've had for years. What the fuck...

Do I have autism if I've never seen this guy in my dreams?

>tfw constantly paranoid about dying, especially when falling asleep
>idea of choking to death or something pops into my head and suddenly have no chance of sleeping for a long while
I've been like this for like 3 years on and off now and I fucking hate it. I can't keep a sleep schedule for the life of me.

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I had a zombie dream but had no actual encounter with zombies
>the announcement is made that the dead are rising
>panic ensues within my household
>when the panic settles down we start making preparations to look for safety
>dream ends with my family and I driving away
What made the dream so terrifying was the feeling of constant dread and just how realistic it felt

I actually dreamed I was playing rdr2. Like even the surrounding when I was doing it and the particular actions on screen.

Then why do I usually have happy dreams of my waifu and I?

Metal Gear Solid - when you get onto the elevator after Sniper Wolf and escaping torture, the weight alarm goes off and you get into a call with Otacon, talking about how 5 stealth prototype suits are missing. After a pause, his face gets up close to the camera. That shit scared the fuck out of me when I was little, still gives me a tingle now whenever I see it/think about it.

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kinda similar to mine.
Have the love of my life. I didn't convince her enough to stay.
I having several dreams to that moment. I thought Jesus gave me another chance. I'm still a pussy in my dream and I still didn't convince her to stay. :(

she joined in the navy. I said we are going to part ways if she leaves me. I believe shes gonna be fucked by 30+ dudes in the aircraft carrier as a logistics and scullery crew.

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>zombie dream
>they're all completely charred and missing parts of their flesh
>but the dark thing is, they act completely human, even as they rip you apart
>they even try to convince you to open up so you can let them eat you

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>Hateful Virago

Tfw my lucid dreams are like plays and the moment I break script by gaining control and doing something I'm not supposed to, everything just fades into a white void before restarting in a different dream. Only sad dreams I had was when my dog ran away

>Have dog for 15 years
>Pee's in floor one night, scold him, and send him out to finish
>Disappears into the night
>Search for days but don't find him or any signs of what happened
>Start having dreams where I'm laying where I'm sleeping IRL and my dog jumps up and licks me
>Dreams where I see my dog cause me to realize it's not real and "break the script"
That was like 7 months ago. At the time I was half glad I didn't find his mangled body or anything but these days it makes me more sad that he might still be alive in his final days and he's not spending them with me and his family.

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>tfw no disfigured zombie gf.

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You can't do anything so don't even try it. Get some help. Don't do what Sonic does. Sonic, dead or alive, is m-mine.


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>it's another "forgot your line during a play" dream
>have to improvise for the rest of the dream
>can feel all of your peers staring at you

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you ain't a "normie". you'll never know that it's normal for sister to crash at their sibling's place whether she's too drunk to go home or doesn't have enough money for bus fare or tuition and school money.

Wow dick move to your sister

this thread is disturbing

meant for

>tfw had a dream once where I married someone beautiful, had a family, and was in my old age
>My fucking diarrhea, unfortunately, wakes me up
>tfw I got cucked by my fucking poop

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existence is painful

it's still a dream.

I had a dream where I woke up in my bed and I had a sense of impending doom that someone was outside my bedroom door (closed). I quickly get up and put my hands around the knob and hold tight as something immediately starts using all its force to try and open it. After a few moment of fighting, I notice a peephole on my bedroom door, meaning I could look through it and see what's out there trying to get in. I know if I look through it, it will be a jumpscare, but I look through it anyway. What I see is this glowy eyed demon fucker staring straight through my soul with the biggest smile on its face, like it knew I was scared and it was going to get me no matter what. After a moment of staring it opens it mouth and says in the hissiest and most terrifying voice:

"You'rrrreeee alllrrrrready DEAAAAAAD..."

Woke up right there, screaming my head off and knocking my laptop over.

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it was a joke faggot

>being a dream slut

Everyone has different "styles" of dreaming, I guess that's the word for it.

>those dreams that are a normal day at work then you wake up and go to work

Anyone else get the same reoccurring nightmare every time they're sick or have a fever? I've literally had the same nightmare whenever I'm feverish since I was 8

It's always the fish. In any game it's always the giant fucking fish. I don't know why.

Fucking saved.

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I remember my circumcision.

>Have an OC character I made up years ago
>Sometimes when I go to bed I think about how that character would respond in different scenarios or do world building
>Start having dreams where I think I'm that character
>Have dreams where I'm in physically in danger or scary things are happening but I just straight up ignore it thinking I'm immortal like my OC
Feels like I have as many dreams where I'm him instead of myself these days.