How many loads has Cloud dropped in Tifa?

>Advent Children shows they've adopted children together
>Tifa isn't pregnant for the third time

Did Mako poisoning make Cloud start shooting blanks or something?

not as many as i've dropped to him

Better question: How many loads have been busted over Tifa?

Attached: that one tifa video.webm (368x272, 326K)

Not as many as Corneo put in him

Attached: 1447955505030.jpg (706x885, 176K)

They should have rather done a remake of that vid

Attached: 595949.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Canonically, one. Underneath the airship.

what anime is this?

>Scene suggests they didn't do anything more risque than kiss and sit together under the highwind until morning
Yea, sure

Probably just 1. After He fucks her at the end of the game, he becomes AC Cloud. No one would fuck that guy.