Well, user?

Well, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What color is the fat man and the five people?

Well canned meme OP I would plead desperately with the fat man to sacrifice himself

how fat is the man for him to be able to stop a train in it's tracks with his weight alone?

>pushing the fat man will stop the train
in what fucking world

How is this question hard? Push the fatty save the train, he's fat he doesn't care about living

do nothing because if you can push the fat man then how would the train beable to stop?
if you could move the man how could his weight be like a fucking immovable rock to a train!!!

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Hes an ENORMOUSLY fat man

implying that I have enough arm strength to move that much weight.


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Pinku which is very kawaii

C. Get a refund because Prey wasn't good.

Came to post this, even if I tried to tackle a dude that big I'd bounce off.


One up on that, if you have the strength to do that what's stopping you from just stopping the train yourself?

There is another way.... the right way.

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Do nothing. If I push the fat man, I go to prison for murder. My life is more important than the lives of 5 strangers.

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How physically strong am I in this scenario where I can push someone heavy enough to halt a train?

Wouldn't it make more sense for me to utilize my superhuman abilities to stop it myself?

If the five people are not also fat, they should be able to get out of the fucking way.

The fat man is perched precariously on the ledge of a bridge above the tracks. It would take only a small amount of effort to push him off.

i would probably do it even if there weren't the other 5 people there

In that case when the train passes by he's falling over too and we end up with a solution to without any effort as to keep ourselves from soiling our own hands.

In a real world scenario where you don't have an explicit answer that the fat man would stop the train, why would you ever push him?

Like, seriously, fucking imagine being you in the scenario where you're interviewed by the cops after six people get murdered, and you're directly responsible for one. "I thought if I pushed him, it'd stop the train!" You'd look like a dumbass.

Their fault for being on the tracks.

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Sometimes I try to imagine being fat. But I just can't do it.

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user sips his fedora and tips his gallon jug of gamer water, causing it to spill all over the floor.
"Well you see, the goal here is clear, I would use the ancient samurai art known as a leg sweep (Ashi sōin) in order to get the fat man's head onto the track without the rest of his body. Thus he will not have enough force to stop the train; eliminating all six targets at once."


it is called hydroplaning retards.

Fat man has to much fat and blood that the wheels are floating and can not longer go forward because there is no friction.

I like the way you think user

If the guy is fat enough to stop a train, and I'm strong enough to push him, then doesn't that mean I'm strong enough to stop the train?

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So fuggging based xDDD

But why would you do that? Pushing the fat guy is way more fun and satisfying

Who hurt you, retard?

I would not be able to push 2250 pounds. If I could, I feel like I'd utilize that level of strength to do something more productive to stop the train.

>seething this much
lol what a nigger

Said your mom as she gave birth to you.

Same could be asked if you jackass

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Even if a fat man can somehow stop the train and I am somehow strong enough to push him wouldn't suddenly stopping the train kill more than five people?

Because then I would be a real hero who doesn't have to go to prison for manslaughter.

How do you know it meant the earth user?

You're so transparent. You could've ignored the post but now everyone knows you're a butthurt nigger.

will it do a sick loop the loop if it hits the five people

I will not be a murderer.
The 5 people must be responsible for their own survival.

How fat would the guy need to be anyway? Plowing through 800 lbs of moose doesn't really stop a train either.

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Mock him even more so he walks into the train a prematurely - saving no one.

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Man I love these kind of threads.
Push the fat man, now im a savior of 4 lives.

Is the fat man my nigga?

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I'm a 90lbs manlet so pushing the fat man isn't really an option for me.

A runaway train is bearing down on five people. You're standing on a platform next to an enormously fat man. Pushing him into the track would stop the train. Now, what do you do?

Do you walk away?

Or would you just stay put, watch the train.

And then, the next moment, the runner's back on rails. It's your turn.

You are in a tunnel, and the train is about to turn right.

Do you go behind the platform, and wait there?

Or do you go ahead of the train, and wait there?

When you turn right, is the train still going straight? Will the train turn right and just continue to plow on down the track?

All right. That's easier to handle. All right, move on.

What are some other tricks to get onto a train? Is there something else you can apply to get through? I heard about a guy who got his arm up and waved his fist at the train when it passed by, so I know

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Requesting the screencap where they take some fat dude on an ambulance or some other vehicle, notably described as a hotbox with an awful stench stuck inside, and they twist the dude's foot and it comes out

eat a sandwich

Blue and mint green

Trick question, the fat of the fat man would engulf you if you came into physical contact, leaving you to rot within his folds along with his chicken wings and fungus.

ugh...can't you guys not be racist for one day...?

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Post your trolley pics.

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Stop making waves

This is right, real talk how can you push a man who is has enough mass to stop a train?

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this one and the sick loop at my favorite

The trolley problem is the greatest meme in the history of Yea Forums.
But is it worth all the damage Yea Forums has caused?

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Jump over the one friend to prank the other five into lying on the floor for nothing,

>1/3 chance of running over 5 people
>2/3 chances of SURELY running 5 people
Am I missing something, is it that Im justified about not caring for those people because they are in a different dimension?

Absolute madman

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Even so, 5/3rds is greater than 1. It should've been a 1/5th chance.

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If the fat man can stop the train by fat alone how the fuck can I push him?

He has bad balance

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why would i push the fat man who did nothing wrong? those five idiots are for some reason on the tracks, let darwin take care of them

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Is there one where he kills them all and let's god sort them out?

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Was this actually a play on the ethical train problem, or just something unrelated? Quite brilliant if the former.

It's a parody of initial d where the cars were replaced with trains

Fuck off and die.

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There is literally nothing wrong with a totalitarian dystopia as long as it aligns with my political beliefs.

>there is nothing wrong
You don't understand the meanings of words. Stop trying to communicate with people.

The lever can be deceived. El. Psy. Congroo.

Who are these people

That would be well, but what happens if at first it aligns with your political beliefs and then it stops? That is the stuff politicians do. They say they are going to do a thing and then they do not do that thing.

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Thanks for reminding me about that, faggot

well, Yea Forums?

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Fatten the fat man. Clearly the most wholesome solution.

I love this show.
>he goes so far as to make them repeat a simulation of them killing the people over and over

Do nothing.

With little information given to what would happen to the fat person. We can imply that they are so fat, it would not only stop the train, but they would also come out unharmed. Someone has to die this day, so you might as well help contribute to someone's high score.

The show is pretty good
Way better than Brooklyn 99, though I do still watch that even though it's not good

If fatty is fat enough to stop a goddam train ho the fuck am I supposed to push him off.

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Bottom track so the trolley will get stopped by the mountain of corpses.

I fucking love the trolley problem.

a train isn't a car you idiot I hope this was bait

Lmao imagine being this triggered lol, I wish gook would allow us to put trigger warnings on our posts just to make fun of you niggers

You are the author of philosophy problems. You have a question where the reader must decide if they sacrifice one person to save five others. What physical trait do you give the person so as to prevent the reader attempting to sacrifice themselves instead?

I would push the train to save the 5 people from the fat man

this is the legendary trolley problem

le bluepilled and le cringe

Fuck no. Then you are guilty of murder. Fat guys family Sue's you, game over

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Holy shit, epic, I'm gonna go post this on /r/the_donald

Fuck this got me

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Where's the dilemma?

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t. Individual of a darker complexion
Be afraid. Very afraid.

Well, Yea Forums?

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A valid question but being fat is a choice and being a nigger isn't so the fat man is more at fault. Plus it's good for the environment to kill him.

RIP those guys.

I ate a pineapple pizza tonight, fuck you memers
The real crime on pizza is anchovies


How is this a dilemma? For one I get to see it do a sick loop but on the other I don't.

Kill the jury
You can probably go for a mistrial


if you were legitimately in this situation and the 5 were black and the fat man was white, i'm sure you would save the 5 black people simply because you aren't a husk devoid of empathy

This. I ordered one the other day thinking I love anchovies anyway but it was disgusting.


We only have one pizza place that does anchovies here so I have no idea if they just do them shitty or they all taste like that but if it wasn't so fucking salty it'd be really nice

Vsauce tested the trolley problem in real life. 2 out of 7 subjects pulled the lever.

I'm pretty sure the cops would still arrest you for murdering the fat guy even if it *did* stop the train, and they'd be right to do so.

Reported all the people who picked A to the FBI for conspiracy to murder.

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that would be banned on there, dumbass. stop thinking everything you hate is reddit when it's obviously not

Exactly. Best case scenario you look like a psychopath, worst case scenario you look like a fucking retarded psychopath.

Imagine being the type of person who'd calculate, and willingly execute a plan in the moment where there's a speeding train rushing by, and the conclusion you reach is to push someone to their death to stop it. Once you take the philosophical debate out of the question, the answer is ridiculously clear: you don't kill someone on the off chance it /might/ save a few others.

>I committed child murder but that's not so bad, the REAL crime is child rape!
Don't fucking downplay it faggot.


Notice it never says that any of them are restrained in any way. Leave the fat guy alone, anyone still on the track deserves to die.


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Even if they are restrained it's their fault for letting that happen to them. Not my problem.

What the fuck is Kojima's problem? Is it all a joke to him at this point?

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Do those five people have any affiliation with me?

I don't know, but why are you ignoring the other four people?


nigger nigger nigger!

Hey fuck you I drank heavily tonight and I only counted the people after I posted. I'm just used to it being five people; I assumed.

Bad logic, the fat man can become skinny but a nigger will always be a nigger.


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No! I will try again tomorrow.

I'll assume that you have never lived around blacks in your life? These people fuck like rabbits, and there'll be one baby mamma who has 11 different kids from 7 different guys.


>I don't understand the trolley dilemma

The best answer is to do nothing, because how are you responsible for their deaths if there is no action? Also they're black so it further supports the case

I had anchovies in Japan and they were some of the most delicious fish I've ever gobbled. Pizza places don't put anchovies on pizza, they get the week old corpses from rat traps and salt dry them on the asphalt out front for half a decade until some absolute fucking naive fool unironically orders anchovies on their pizza.

>Woah, Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, mkay?

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New day, new plan you impotent fool

You fucking pleb.

But if I repeat today's plan tomorrow, then I can use tomorrows plan the day after. Recycling evil plans is good for the environment, you know.

>caring about the environment
If you care about the environment what are you even trying to ACHIEVE
What does the mustache even MEAN
It means nothing. You sicken me.




What show?

Nah, an individual of a darker complexion would push the fat man after checking his pockets for a wallet, and not give it a second thought.

This is a Wypipo who is completely qualified to speak on behalf of the poor oppressed persons of darker complexion who suffer unjustly at the hands of hypothetical situations.

The Good Place.

based moralbro, fuck underage racist posters

t. wallet-stealing noble kang

which is better,.

>1 fat degenerate white NEET who just jerks into his tenga in his room and is useless to society

>5 fit muscular black athletes with a 10/10 body and award winning smiles

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It's a crappy little tram.

not bad

In this case I'd watch the five niggers die, the fat faggot would die at 30 due to health issues.

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Well if you push fat man in front of the train, it would detonate, killing a ton of Japanese people, so I would do it.

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>Fat bastard weights 150kg
>Takes 7 strong lads to get him into the ambulance
Either OP was really bad at estimating dude's weight, or the whole story is just bullshit. Two guys can easily lift and carry 150kg fat guy.

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This is now a Culter Dei thread.

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get ready were getting deep in here lads

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I would do it even if it didn't stop the train

That should be so that the trolley is heading for the Black Mage. He can easily dodge it but it would mean leaving the Ley Lines, or he can wait for the rest of the group to drop everything else and pull the lever.

Pull it, 86% chance that the Hannibal cancer researcher doesn't cure Hitler, XCOM has taught me to take the shot at 86
Also maybe she'll date me, serial killers are hot

based and langanpilled

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have i got a deal for you

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If the fatman has enough mass to stop a train then how would one push him off? And if you can, why would you not stop the train yourself? Stupid fucking question.

This is a question asked far before that shit game

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what game is it?

Prey I think

>Shit game
kys my dude.

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Oh shit, a trolley thread.

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switching has better chance to kill less so switch

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Propose to Cheryl. I want my mad scientist waifu

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Mock him and then don't stop the train.
Keep mocking him until he kills himself by jumping off the bridge, though he's far too late by now to stop any train.
Roll his dead fat ass off the tracks when the next train is barreling along the tracks, causing whoever is in charge of this hypothetical situation to have to hurry to set up a trolley dilemma in as short a time as possible.

wait for the train to be as close as possible and ley lines to be as low as possible then use aether manipulation on the nearest healer.

ok, this is epic

lmao /pol/niggers are so easily upset.

I'll die without ever comprehending why it's not just 50/50.

Initially I do nothing and let the 5 die. Then I push the fat man after the train has passed and watch him die from the fall.
Haha, stupid fucks.

Tell the 5 people to get the fuck out of the way of the train and to stop being fucking retards.

Cautionary tales are an efficient and easy way to convince people not to commit evil.
Our universe is not the 'prime' one. It is a sad tale told by God as a warning to others.
You wouldn't say Shigeru Miyamoto is evil because he permits the existence of Bowser.
The same applies to God and this world.

That said, fuck "God is Omnipotent" because that's some bullshit, true omnipotence would let you make it so 0 + 0 = 1 and that's stupid.

I was once at a party with a stem student who said that zeno's paradox of heracles and the turtle could be solved by calculus because you could just integrate the distances between the two. I left the party early and went home to go straight to bed

hardest ones ITT

Trolley problems are now on so many layers of irony I'm surprised someone hasn't made a moral dilemma about whether you should make a Trolley problem go 5 layers of irony deep and beyond your understanding or divert it onto a route with only 1 layer of irony, understandable to the layman but lacking in potential.

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>true omnipotence would let you make it so 0 + 0 = 1 and that's stupid
You think it's stupid because it's what you're used to. You're not omnipotent and you didn't create the universe. When anything down to concepts can be influenced, there's not such thing as "implausible".

How is it NOT blindingly obvious that you've got a 1/3 chance of choosing the car and a 2/3 chance of choosing the goat if there is 1 car and 2 goats?

You are forced to blindly choose a path (out of 1000) for a trolley to travel down, knowing one has only one person tied to it and the other 999 have five. As the trolley approaches, 998 pathways, which you did not choose, are revealed to you to have 5 people tied to them. Is it in your moral best interest to switch the tracks to the unknown path that you did not originally choose?

If the original has 1000 pathways, than your original guess has a 1/1000 chance of being correct. Once the eliminiation is done, there are only two pathways that remain, meaning that the other pathway has a 999/1000 chance of being correct. With three pathways, the chance of switching being correct is at it's minimum (2/3).

Pick correct door > switch > lose
Pick wrong door 1 > switch > win
Pick wrong door 2 > switch > win
2/3's of the the outcome is a win

Pick correct door > not switch > win
Pick wrong door 1 > not switch > lose
Pick wrong door 2 > not switch > lose
1/3 chance of winning

You're all introducing factors that the original problem leaves ambiguous.

The only important factor to take into account is that they open a non-winning door. This is always the case in this problem.

I do nothing because if I do something now then it means I am culpable for each and every time I did not act in a manner that could have prevented the deaths of others.

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Does it remain blind choice after the reveal, or do they get to control where the train goes?
This is critical information left out, among other things.

Let's say that based on the initial state, the theoretical chance of winning is higher, being 2/3.
But if a wrong door is eliminated regardless of your first pick being correct or wrong, wouldn't that just simplify the choice down to 2 doors, meaning there isn't really a choice that's obviously in your best interest?
If that's not right, I indeed will never understand it.

>child analogies

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Well those 5 black athletes probably have long criminal records and will have many children from many women who all will go on to likely become criminals and murderers.

Characters from Steins Gate, an anime about time travel.

It doesn't automatically improve your chances of being right the first time. You are basically choosing between the odds of your initial door being correct versus the odds of you being wrong. I

In the given situation you're guaranteed to NOT choose the "morally desirable" track though. Your chances of choosing "right" the first time are zero.

let's say you never switch: you have a 1/3 chance of picking the correct door, no matter what else happens
let's say you always switch:
if you pick the right door (1/3 chance), you will see a wrong door and switch to the other wrong door
if you pick one of the wrong doors (2/3 chance), you will see the other wrong door and switch to the right one

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That's not stated in the question. You blindly choose one of the the tracks which could be any of the three options.

no, it says that one of the five-person tracks, one which you did not choose, will be revealed. I.e. if A is the one with one person and B and C have five, and you pick B, you will see C, and if you pick C you will see B, and if you pick A you will see B or C equally (they are equivalent in every sense in this case). also you can easily decide on a strategy for choosing in advance

In real life it is just 50/50. That just proves that mathmatics as we have written it is fundamentally wrong.

As always,fpbp

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I kek'd hard, anyone got the pic of the original thread where that shit went down?

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>Save 5 people
>get rid of a fat fuck
it's a win-win situation

clearly they have no clue how to do it right.

Thanks user, got another hearty chuckle

>implying punching a train into a standstill wouldn't be hype as fuck

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

shut up reddit

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nice yous


I'll do nothing because it's none of my business and i won't be held responsible

do yo guys do it?

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>just war
>unjust war
>war with no war crimes
The fuck?

The answer is obviously that the brain should do nothing since it is never mentioned which option is "default" so not choosing anything is the correct choice as the brain does not know what it is seeing.

idk man the upper path looks slightly longer
the passengers could be mildly inconvenienced

Do nothing. If the fat man is fat enough to stop the train, would you actually be strong enough to push him?

were I on that tram I would experience very mild annoyance and think a very small amount less of you
would you still pull that lever?

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No. Especially since it comes close enough that I can wave, that means you would see me and know exactly who's to blame, even if we never meet again.

Don't do anything cause I don't give a shit. A non action is not action, regardless of what some say. Good Samaritan laws do not cover intentional damage to other people in good faith, let alone a trolley problem, so don't bring those up.

>800 lbs of moose doesn't really stop a train either.
are you really surprised by this?
do you have any idea how much energy does a train weighting tons of tons moving at 100+ kph have?

Be neutral do nothing

>this thread is still up 9 hours later
And here I thought it would go straight to the archive five minutes after I'd posted it.

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i never understood this until i remember that somehow some people are absolutely disgusted by tomatoes, for some reason.

if your anchovies pizza tasted like shit, you put too many anchovies.
they have a very strong salty flavour, dose that shit correctly and be sure to take a pizza with lots of tomato sauce or it's overpowering

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Asking the right questions

it would be impossible to push a man that big. worst case, he'd get annoyed and push me instead.


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Pineapple pizza is good.


Dab on em

Do nothing. I'm not some superhero here to save the day, I am a ramdon weeb whose gonna be too focused on his waifu phone games to do anything about it, might as well accept it and move on with my day.

sales say otherwise

Push the fat man. Fuck Americans/fat people. They tend to have bad attitudes, be greedy, ugly and disgusting. I would push the fat man for a single person to be honest.

Justifying your opinion with its popularity is not a display of high intellect. Besides, assuming the person opposing your opinion does it to appear "interesting" is probably even more stupid. Just like deciding they do it only because the thing is popular and dismissing any and all arguments. This time there are none, though none were requested, so the assumption is still rash.
That said,

And I'm very much willing to believe it's good (not that I would know, haven't played it), but you're a retard.

Jesus, I walk by that path every day to get to the metro. Imagine just being on your morning commute and passing by the corpse train. Imagine the smell

do nothing

Why would you push someone who isn't in danger to his death, fucking psychopaths

>Imagine the smell
Oh fuck my dickkkkk

>And I'm very much willing to believe it's good (not that I would know, haven't played it), but you're a retard.
It's pretty good. Especially the first few hours when you're terribly underequipped and you really feel like you are prey. That feeling is lost towards the last act when you go from bottom of the food chain to alpha predator, but it's still an overall great experience.



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I don't really know what else to say. Trains go fast and there are a lot of moose standing around in northern Finland.


Woah...so this is the power...of alt-right incels.

Oh shit, now I get it, thanks for the explanation

Fat people deserve to die. It would be legit to push him even if there was no train.

Isn't that a rehash of the prisoner's dilemma?

Well it's fucking true. I had my philosophy professor not know this.

Moment you reach any power of 2 you can just pull continuously and at the very end it will alternate between 1, 2 and 4, so pull as much as possible to minimize amount of people. If amount of people on track is less than four, then it's fucked, but if it is any other number bigger than that (let's say limit is 7 billion, for amount of people on Earth), you're saving lives. I would pull it as much as possible.
If there were no people on the track, well, I would feel like an idiot for pulling pointless lever..

Tell the person on the other side I am pulling my lever no matter what and his loved one on the tracks is going to die.

>zeno's paradox
What kind of nerd would say this at a party like shut the fuck up and lick my pussy instead of telling me your paradox

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have sex

shockingly fpbp

It can also be solve by basic common sense.

Capping this so my friends on /r/cringeanarchy can see it!

this isn't about what is physically possible, it's about what is morally right to do in this situation

but then again if he is fat enough to stop a fucking train, then it's probably impossible for me to push him even a bit

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How would you know?

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Holy fucking kek

>people unironically shitting on Pizza Hawaii

pineapples are GOAT on pizza

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I'm black and even I'm laughing at this, anyone who thinks this is not funny should ho back to redit/resetera.

I don't have an opinion on pineapple pizza, but I think mindlessly hating on it is a reddit tier meme.

Doesn't get more based than this

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>literally the same thing

But what does this have to do with trolleys?

I would never save a black person, unless under very specific circumstances.

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>say the three letters
>they come out of the woodwork
Every single time

gonna need sauce on that.


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>all these seething replies

Lol fuck everybody else, it's not my problem it's for the families of the people who got crushed by a trolley to deal with

>having 6 loved ones


pull my phone out and film the 5 guys turning into lasagne .then post the video in a gore thread.

Kick him in the knees and then push him when he bends over

maybe just walk down the stairs and leave the bridge?

>how are you responsible for their deaths
Only psychopaths can only think of situations from their own perspective.

I NEED this, someone please fucking point me in the right directtion.

Why are the 5 retards down on the tracks and why should fatty have to die because they are idiots?

Shit taste, prey was 2017's best game.

I'd stick my penis in her butthole if you catch my meaning

I don't see why the fat man's life matters any less than the people on the train track. Survival of the fittest. And ironically, the fat guy isn't the one strapped to the train tracks, so he gets to live.

Leave his fat ass. I ain't going to jail just to unfuck the railroad company's retardation. Maybe they will actaully fix their trains after the media swarms their ass for manslaughtering 5 dumbasses playing on the tracks.

Here is a real moral dilemma. Should a self driving car that has brake failure plow into a kid? Or should it plow into a building killing the cat driving it?

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>it is called hydroplaning retards.
>Fat man has to much fat and blood that the wheels are floating and can not longer go forward because there is no friction.
If there's no friction the train will keep moving forward you fucking absolute retard. Kys and make sure no record of your life survives.

>Michael trying to traumatise people
Why am I not suprised

Unrelated but I know that guy from numberphile IRL, he's a mssive prick

The car's purpose should be to protect the driver. I'm not going to buy a car that would kill me to save the life of some jaywalking fuck.

>somehow some people are absolutely disgusted by tomatoes, for some reason.
Because they taste like grass filled with water and the seeds get everywhere. Tomatoes are shit unless they're on burgers, hot dogs, or in a byproduct. People who eat tomatoes on their own are complete savages who would be better off chomping on a freshly watered lawn.

You can see the girl's hand trembling and the shock on her face. This is legit a traumatizing event.

The worst part is that they completely miss the point of of the problem by only doing half of it. The point of the problem is to make you ask what the difference is between switching tracks and pushing someone since both end in the same result.

He legit scared them shitless for nothing.

>you cannot kill yourself
I kekd

isekai the fat man

This desu
Realistically, any self-driving car that detects a brake failure should have a protocol of putting hazards on and pulling over immediately.

kill the other lever handler and pull mine

Is it 5 niggers? If not, then I'd attempt to push the fat subhuman fuck.

Doesn't matter what the cars going to do, I'm taking manual control and accellerating


>I wish gook would allow us to put trigger warnings on our posts just to make fun of you niggers
thats actually great idea

Do nothing of course

>How fat would the guy need to be anyway?
prolly the size of an elephant or two

> That just proves that mathmatics as we have written it is fundamentally wrong.
if this is the case, then how do mathematics have so many beneficial applications in the real world?

if there are only three crossroads, then obviously sacrificing only one man and expecting others to do the same is the moral choice.

but is it correct to assume for the others to choose the same and only kill the one man? I would say yes, since in the abstract space of the image, 100% of the people you know of (yourself), believe sacrificing less people is the best alternative, and thus you can conclude that the others are statistically most likely to think the same way.

This. I wish more games retained that level 1 weakling feeling. You have to be a lot more creative at the beginning of the game to overcome threats, but it becomes trivial later.

they should just stop making advanced tools so easy to use, so you need more creativity to use them not less

>Because they taste like grass filled with water
maybe eat them ripe next time.
smaller is usually more juicy while big ones have that meaty crunch

i mean, just don't pull the lever?

>they taste like grass filled with water
what kind of shitty inbred gmo tomatoes grown in a desert do you have to eat for this to be the case?

>jay walking
> on a zebra crossing

>maybe eat them ripe next time.
These are organic ones straight off the vine grown by my relatives and they eat them all the time. These are also ones I've had at fancy restaurants where they shove goat cheese and drizzle olive oil over them. They're just disgusting abominations.

olive oil and salt you nigger
eat them with mozzarella and/or salad
a bit of oil on a piece of bread, put that shit in a pan until it's nice and crispy, then rub a piece of garlic on it, dice the tomato (the big meaty ones work best for this) and put it on the bread

The fuck is this? The train level in Adventures in the Magic Kingdom?

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Had all those combinations, they just taste awful. It's literally like you're biting into wet grass with gelatinous seeds everywhere, the bread, toast, olive oil, and cheese do nothing to enhance the taste or even mask it. Hell, the olive oil tends to make the tomato even more disgusting.

I'm pro life, if they wrap it up, then there's no fetus to begin with.

The light was red


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nagatoro is so ugly no homo

walk away because it's not really my problem

top fucking keks

Pull to the right and hope i get something from the turn a gundam or macross plus soundtracks

It's a mayor feature in Densha de D

>imagine being this racist
1 intelligent black man > 5 white trash
why don't you go outside for once and meet people?

fucking based

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taste i guess.
also don't take my earlier post personal.
when i say people are disgusted by tomatoes, i mean "can't even stay in the same room as one" kinda disgusted

like, look at this shit

i also somehow remember a yu-gi-oh ep that mentioned a similar thing, where the protagonist was straight up terrified of em

Sounds like a genetic defect in your taste sense user, sorry.

Have sex.

That's really an insane thing to see. I hate the taste like I said but being unable to just look at the thing? How dumb do you have to be? That's like that lady with the Brussels sprout.

is this like 3rd or 4th level irony?

How did you figure that?

Push Alex

If you don't pull the lever the train crashes into your Companion Cube

that's what I got


c3 and d4 both work, the tracks just have to be the same length.

emma layne

I'd push him just to get out of this philosophical canondrum.

But how can he lick it if no matter how much he halves the distance between his face and your vagina, he'll never be able to reach it?

Thanks brother. She has nice titties.

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push, every single time
1 vs 5 is an easy decision

look at the fat guy and tell him its his fault, look at the five and tell them its their fault. leave the lever in its default state.

Who did those people vote for in the last election?

I think it's legit. My grandma weights about 100kg and it wasn't an easy task to get her in the ambulance with 4 people.

Good post. The right question.

I thought it was Prey thread.

What if the 5 guys are worthless assholes on welfare and the fat man is the greatest inventor in history? Quality is what matters, not quantity.

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I already picked one of the good doors though

nerve gas

x + 1 > 1

You are the definition of an idiot that thinks hes smart

Any kind of awareness of "relativity" - not complicated, Einsteinian relativity but just common sense "from the first placed runner's perspective he isn't moving" relativity - also trivialises it.

FACT: behind one door is the prize
FACT: behind the other door is nothing
FACT: there are only two doors to choose from at this point

1 out of 2
one half
= 50%

this is precisely how I feel about the dilemma

but I still understand the explanation that you're more likely to guess right from 1/2 doors than from 1/3 doors. what I don't understand is, why can't you "choose" the same door again for a 50% probability.

you can. the prize can be behind either of the two doors. you can stay and win. it's fully possible.

>you can. the prize can be behind either of the two doors. you can stay and win. it's fully possible.
yes, but the general consensus is that it is statistically an unwise decision.

Why does there have to be a problem?
Why can't we just enjoy the trolley?

I don't think 400 lbs is enough to stop it

well, statistics is guesswork. when you are choosing between 3 unknowns, your chance is indeed 1/3rd. by revealing more information you are reducing the guesswork.

statisticians can't wrap their head around the fact that their numbers aren't real, and don't affect reality.

They do though. People have run computer simulations of this. Changing doors wins 66% of the time.

>computer simulations are real
the absolute fucking state of """science"""

not him, btw.

just run the experiment yourself, then. take the random factor from a die if you don't trust computers. see if you results prove you correct.

I was stuck on that aspect for a while too. You can choose the same door but it has the exact same effect as not switching. Therefore it has the same statistic as not switching. You had 1 chance out of 3 of being right at the start so it's still 1 chance out of 3. Picking the same door is the illusion of a choice.

you aren't choosing between 3 doors when choosing to switch or not.

for anyone who's curious

(c) write angry tweet to game studio about fat shaming and demand the question be removed.

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What lens are we talking here?

Of all the people who would vote to push him, 99% would be frozen in fear and end up doing nothing due to the bystander effect.

thats why its a thought exercise

That means each step is saving 2 people

The door you pick at the start has 33% chance of being the correct choice. After the problem is reduced to 2 doors, our brain incorrectly assumes that both doors now have equal 50% odds. It is not the case. The first door still has 33% chance, it always will have these odds, nothing can retroactively change this number. If you remain with your first choice, you remain with a 33% chance. It helps many people to imagine the same problem with 100 doors. You have 1% chance of picking the right one. You pick one and the host opens 98 wrong empty doors. There are now two doors left. Unless the door you picked at the start was correct (1% chance) then the other door has the prize. It has 99% chance of having the prize.

FPBP as per usual.

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loss/win from clicking on random doors for a while

48 - 52

get fucked

Would you kill 5 blacks to save one white?

wait, what? you're supposed to note the difference in win probablitiy when you either switch or don't switch doors. of course randomly choosing either will yield a 50% win probability.

>of course randomly choosing either will yield a 50% win probability
>but there magically isn't a 50% chance between the two doors

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the hypothesis is that staying on the same door leads to a 1/3 probablitity of being correct while switching raises it to 2/3. the sum of all probablities is obviously 100% regardless if the hypothesis is correct, and the average is 50%, meaning that a random choice will cause a 50% probablitity of being correct. this proves absolutely nothing one way or the other.

it proves that you can choose a random door and get a 50% chance of being correct just like everyone has been saying. given that statistically choosing one door with a random thing behind it should be the same as choosing a random door with a random thing behind it, staying or moving doesn't matter. do what you feel like.

Simulate it in code properly, switching has a higher win rate.

if you want to prove whether the hypothesis is correct or not, first see what's your win-% when you always switch doors, and then test what the percentage is when not switching. this is the relevant test that will answer the question.

Refresh the website to reset it. Select "run simulation 1000 times" with "change the choice". Click "simulate". Tell us if the result looks closer to 50%-50% or 66%-33%.

quads can't lie

fuck me this is the first time i've laughed out loud at anything on this site for a while
good post

Never seen a post more effectively out all the oversensetive trannies

mythmagician cope

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I wrote them an email complaining about this section of the game and how it dehumanizes overweight people, I didn't get a reply

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I want to read this, though I know I shouldn't.


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That is NOT ok. Fat Lives Matter

anyone know what this guy's on about?

it doesnt dehumanize them, how come pointing out how disgusting fats are makes them less human? humans are all sorts of disgusting and sad, being fat is just one of those

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