Red Dead 2 went too far with this bullshit

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Other urls found in this thread:

>natives get fucked by the chief natives who live in big houses and luxury while many native reserves are left to wallow in filth and decay
Fuck organizations being ruled by greedy people.

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>Dude, we raped and murdered and waged war and committed genocide against other tribes all the time. But the white man is evil because he did the same thing but with better tech, and also our immune systems are shit

I don't know much about that blanket shit, but people really didn't have empathy for others or different looking people so I can believe it.

War? Yes. Rape? Probably. Genocide? Not likely. Not on the scale the US government did. They made an effort to hunt down every last buffalo, to drive it to extinction, specifically to starve native americans. Not even the most bloodthirsty native would go as far as to irreversibly destroy the ecosystem of the country just to hurt their enemies.

The “biological warfare via fucking blankets” thing was a myth made at a time when viruses weren’t even fully understood lmao.

90+% of natives died from disease before they even saw a white Man. Because the first explorers and colonists spread it to a couple natives, who then spread it back home and then them to other tribes etc.

The fact of the matter is, the natives were always fucked. There is zero way that Europeans could’ve known that they’d kill the vast majority of natives simply by meeting them.

So it was inevitable really. Unless anybody thinks we could live in a world where zero non Americans ever visited america

Wow u are cool OP

/pol/ on absolute suicide mode. Killing KKK members for fun and laughs, exposing the idiocy of online racism through parody. RDR 2 did a lot of things right.

Did Rockstar overestimate the cruelty suffered by Native Americans under "Manifest Destiny"? No, they didn't even remotely touch the actual genocide that took place during The Westward Expansion.

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Thanks for the clarification, friend.

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>All Native American tribes (mainly hunters and gatherers) were somehow savages
You need to stop watching John Wayne movies, Cletus.

You need to stop buying into the Hollywood “Noble native” myth, Natasha

>The “biological warfare via fucking blankets” thing was a myth made at a time when viruses weren’t even fully understood lmao.

General Amherst, July 8: "Could it not be contrived to Send the Small Pox among those Disaffected Tribes of Indians? We must, on this occasion, Use Every Stratagem in our power to Reduce them."
Colonel Bouquet, July 13: "I will try to inocculate the Indians by means of Blankets that may fall in their hands, taking care however not to get the disease myself."
Amherst, July 16: "You will Do well to try to Innoculate the Indians by means of Blanketts, as well as to try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execreble Race."
Bouquet, July 19: "all your Directions will be observed."
Papers of Col. Henry Bouquet, ed. Stevens and Kent, ser. 21634, p. 161.

"Out of our regard to them we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect."
William Trent, William Trent's Journal at Fort Pitt

Keep trying, /pol/tard

Thanks for that medicine, Chief.

go back to /pol/, this is a board for video games, not your bullshit

>Philip Ranlet notes that there is no evidence that the scheme worked: there is no information about how fresh the blankets were or how they were stored, Trent would have likely bragged in his journal if the scheme had worked but he is silent as to what happened, and the tribe had just had a smallpox epidemic, so the blankets would have been fairly pointless in any case

The natives were bound to get fucked over no matter what. Someone was going to discover the new world soon, if it wasn't Europe it would have been someone else.

not really, it was just simply of its time. If you hate the essjaydouble(you)s complain about the mutli-racial gang dutch had.

Exactly. Native immune systems were simply incapable of fighting off Eurasian viruses due to their isolation.

Apparently this is the white mans fault

Lmao this retard thinks the tribes didnt routinely genocide eachother. Go a little further south and they sacrificed entire cities of people and cannibalism was very common. These savage monkey people didnt even have to wheel but you want to say they had some great understanding of ecology? You dont think bigger tribes would intentionally move in and steal all the game from another?


>Hur dur our attempt at genocide didn't work so it doesn't count
Nice goalpost move, /pol/tard, but all you've done is highlight your own dishonesty.

>attempt at genocide

Nobody denied there were attempts at genocide though

>dont think bigger tribes would intentionally move in and steal all the game from another?
>He thinks stealing food is the same thing as wiping it out entirely.
>Grabbing a bag of grain is the same thing as burning the fields and salting the earth.

>everyone that doesn't suck colored cock is /pol/
At least charge rent

fucking moron see
Also this was long after first contanct when the bulk of them died from disease already keep fishing for a group of people that collected scalps and carved out the still beating hearts of their war captives

>Nobody denied there were attempts at genocide
>The “biological warfare via fucking blankets” thing was a myth

just how the cookie crumbles, asia would have fucked them just as hard had they got there before europe

>making a game about the wild west without mentioning how they were genociding the native americans so they could look for gold

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>fucking moron see
The irony

Considering most if not all of them were nomadic it really wouldnt be a big deal to a migrating tribe kill off all the game in one area and move onto another.

If you ever lived around injuns then you know they deserved to be genocided.

Again, we aren't talking about killing SOME of the game. We are talking about the US government killing ALL of the game, and then murdering any natives that tried to travel to find more food. They literally drove the buffalo, the primary food source of the natives, to extinction. They didn't kill all the game in one area and leave the other areas alone. They killed all the buffalo in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

>exposing the idiocy of online racism through parody
lol what

It's called empathy

>Dude, we raped and murdered and waged war
>In Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood chief Running River later known as Calm Water tells his mestizo son he was born when he kidnapped and raped his mother as revenge for his wife
How did Ubisoft get away with it?

Funny how when the native americans defend their borders against illegal immigrants it's worthy of genocide.

Senpai you realise that buffalo arnt extinct right? Also too sucks to suck learn2agriculture, literally every society worth a fuck could farm even the Central and South Americans could.


But American buffalo still exist. How can they be extinct

Those indian missions were worse than Guarma.

Sounds like you poor racists are getting, dare I say, triggered.

>T-they're not extinct they're just endangered!
(((White))) apologists coping as always

They were endangered for a long time. They used to cover the whole country. Now they're quite rare.

>They think a couple hundred animals living in captivity means it wasn't extinct in the wild.
The population went from 60 million to 541 total buffalo in less than 100 years. It was functionally extinct in the wild, which is where it mattered to the people who lived off of them.
Don't try that weaselly "well TECHNICALLY they still exist" coward bullshit. You know exactly what people mean when they talk about the extinction of the buffalo.

Youre talking as if the spread of disease happend at the same time of the writing. When Cortez invaded, Tenochtitlan was already decimated by the disease, within the next hundred years the majority of deaths were from disease in the rest of central and north America something that was well outside the control of anyone. Also implying the common colonists had any fucking idea about germ theory.

The last and most relevant thing is who cares about a bunch of savages who had two huge continents with vast resources couldnt even develop the wheel and still routinely ate eachother and carved eachothers scalps and hearts out why the fuck would you defend such a shit society of primitive savages, you realise they would have carved you up too simply for existing?

Fuck off racist

>a couple hundred

You think there’s only a couple hundred buffalo left? Lmao

When one of those evil racists (aka anyone further right than stalin) gets triggered, they write out a coherent paragraph explaining their position to the people who view things differently.

When a left winger gets triggered, they ban and silence and delete everyone who posted who has political opinions further right than stalin

Please note the difference (you won't)

It's not illegal if they have no laws.

Also that's not what I meant, but it's funny that it's the first thing you thought of, you fucking cuck.

again defending a society that never even developed basic agriculture

>muh buffalo are extinct because there wasnt very many
lmao no they arnt and theres more than fucking buffalo to eat, North America has some of the richest most diverse game on the planet.

>Also implying the common colonists had any fucking idea about germ theory.
>Is given direct quotes from people specifically using basic germ theory knowledge to engage in chemical warfare on native americans
>still denies it happened.
>Resorts to "Hur dur they were savages"
Behold a racist breaking down when confronted with facts.

You can’t just change the meaning of words.

Dodo birds are extinct

Buffalo are certainly not

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>he didn't read past the first sentence.
Yeah, that is the level of critical thinking I expected.

not any of the anons you're responding to, but you just moved the goalpost hard. you keep saying they killed all of them, and suddenly they didn't but it's still somehow extinction
yeah buffalos are fucked and that's cruel and tragic, but they're still not extinct. they're literally classified as "near threatened'

>giving away your lands for glass beads

O I am laffin

>someone from 1500s had the same exact knowledge of science when someone who showed up in the late 1700s-1800s.

Yea im sure every conquistador had a fucking masters in microbiology too dickhead.

>who cares about a bunch of savages
They were less technologically advanced but still just as human as we are now.
We are currently more technologically advanced than any human to have ever existed in the past. Should we not care about any of them? How much technology do people have to possess to become human in your opinion?

exactly what was "exposed" here?

I know this is bait but seriously Fuck you shitface.

Right, check it retard. Their civilization revolved around the buffalo.
The equivalent today would be Thanos snapping his fingers and every single grocery store, gas station, and restaurant in America disappearing over night. The vast, VAST majority of Americans have no idea how to grow their own food or find food that doesn't come from a store. American society is built around the car, and without it or the ability to move food from one end of the country to the other the system breaks down. There would be mass starvation within a week. And that is WITH the benefit of modern knowledge and technology.
You can't just remove one of the core dependencies of a civilization and expect it to recover. Especially not when you remove that dependency rapidly and don't give it time to adapt.
It was a targeted attempt to kill every last native, not a natural changing of the ecosystem.

Crazy thing is, you can basically find people IRL who are like native Americans before European contact

They’ve lived on an island in the Indian Ocean for so long that nobody can risk going near them because their immune systems wouldn’t be able to fight modern diseases

Also, they attack anybody who tried to go on the island

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Why does it matter if they had agriculture? Does lack of agriculture make people not human?

>Also implying the common colonists had any fucking idea about germ theory.
The idea that touching something that touched someone with a disease was understood for millennia, it has nothing to do with germ theory.

The natives invented the wheel. As seen on many toys found. But it had no practical application without pack animals. Human sacrifice was practiced by many European societies before Romans decided it was badwrongfun unless it was just for sport. Cannibalism was highly deplorable for most native cultures

Well when youre carving their scalps and still beating hearts out thats a pretty good disqualifier for me. They also never advanced their technology at least in the North, not until Europeans showed them horseback riding and how to use firearms. European society was constantly advancing especially once the enlightenment hit, the Indians never developed beyond basic stone tools and worshipping their peyote god.

>Keeps bringing up the conquistadors.
>the quotes in question are about British soldiers
We are talking about the 1700's retard.

you'd have to live under a rock to not know this

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They didn't cry so much for their brothers they sold out and killed for the Europeans.

Have sex

And when you sat down to think about why they didn't advance technologically you came to the brilliant conclusion that they weren't smart enough?
Jesus, put in some effort.

>Having a picture of a Mexican man dressed up as a Native American man saved to your computer.

>They dont know the difference between totally extinct and extinct in the wild
>Trying to argue that because their numbers are higher now that they were never so low as to be a problem
>Still trying to argue semantics to confuse the issue instead of addressing the argument
>Still moving goalposts
Keep trying /pol/. One day you'll have a coherent argument.

lol ok but the average European living in American wouldnt have very much trouble adapting and learning how to grow food or have alternative means of transportation. These people had access to such a huge range of crops for thousands of years and never learned to cultivate them. Plagues and conquest have killed millions upon millions of Europeans and they still advanced and grinded forward. These people literally were not smart enough to adapt to anything thats why they stayed stone age primitives whereas the average European thrived in this land.

>Most of the advancements here were invented by asians, arabs, and persians and just adopted by europeans when they were introduced to europe

Tfw I'll never get to smash primitive native cheeks

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Its not moving the goalposts. The point is that Bison were eradicated to the point that the societies that relied on them were rendered incapable of sustaining themselves. The degree of that eradication is irrelevant, it remains true that a system of killing buffalo was employed in order to harm the natives.

>keeps saying they're extinct in the wild
>doesn't post proof
I've tried checking it and Google tells me they're near threatened but still doing okay, what's your fucking problem? just post a source
you fucking what now

injuns should just go back to their country

that's true, I was talking about them being extinct and how that wasn't true. it was very close and they fucked over the natives, but the buffalos survived and are doing okay today

no shit mong pay attention, most of the natives that died of diseases were dead before this English guy was even a sperm in his daddies ball sack. These dieases were introduced in the 1500-1600s.

>I've tried checking it and Google tells me they're near threatened but still doing okay
>Still using current numbers to argue for 1800's numbers.

>The idea that touching something that touched someone with a disease was understood for millennia

Is that why nobody figured out cholera was spread by filthy water until the 19th century?

>Every attempt to recover bodies of morons resulted in failure
Why can't they just fucking go in full plate armor and riot shields in testudo formation to get the bodies?

>his argument is the WE WUZ shit

>Natives died of disease before, so no Europeans ever tried chemical warfare.
Again, retard, follow the conversation instead of beating your face against the keyboard to try and make an argument.

user, I don't think you know what "extinct" means. they wouldn't exist today if they ever went extinct. are you being serious?

RDR1 Soul
RDR2 Soulless

>Doesn't understand the invention of gunpowder
>Legit thinks europeans invented everything

>calls me retarded
>doesnt know the difference between chemical and biological warfare

>cowboy, indian, and a nigger are at a bar
>indian takes a drink
>"we once were many - now we are few"
>nigger takes a drink
>"we once were few - now we are many"
>cowboy takes a drink
>"that's because we didn't play cowboys and niggers"

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I’m interested how much more developed native Americans would’ve been if they had access to something like a horse from the very beginning. That was really the major thing holding them back it seems.

They didn't have germ theory but they knew being in contact with sick people also made you sick. They had quarantines even in the middle ages.

>Chinese people use it to make pretty boom boom lights
>white people actually turn it into a world changing development

If we're going to do the infinite reduction bullshit then nobody invented anything because someone else had a smiliar thing.

Iirc the reason for the Europeans' superior immune system is from us being exposed to livestock's filth and diseases in addition to our own crowded, filthy conditions.

Yes actually. The understanding couldnt explain how or why a disease could travel by moving water, so it was dismissed as a cause. Unlike how touching a diseased body or object could be seen to reliably effect someone in the vicinity of it. At the time the Miasma theory was the accepted cause of disease via smell vapors or gasses.

yes, history is written by the winners.
Over at /pol/ I read shit like it was the Indians who were actually responsible for the decline of the buffalos. Did they actually retracted that bullshit statement or is it still part of the propaganda?

Firebrands were a real thing though.

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the fuck does that have to do with "exposing" online racism?


So many fools were on the island already, that they should've died 10 times over diseases.

>Also, they attack anybody who tried to go on the island
Common misconception, their response is mixed.
I'm no expert so I can't say what provokes them but they seem to take any loud and large vehicles as a direct threat even if unintended, hence the choppers being pelted, and anyone who makes no gesture of gradual introduction as a clear enemy trying to sneak in.
Others who have shown up more overtly, with gifts and patiently waiting for a response rather than barging in were given gradual degrees of tolerance for their presence, but then you have that recent Bible Peddler last year who has likely done a bang up job straining even that customary practice.

Simple as these people are, maybe we can learn something from our interactions with them. Namely that maybe, just maybe, we are the assholes and have just got too used to the stench of our own shit to realize not everyone wants a sniff.


gunpowder devil go

Not exactly.

>game hypes up this miracle cure from ancient Native American voodoo to cure Arthur's consumption
>nothing ever happens and you help out the most stereotypical caricature of a Native American settlement in the history of video games for absolutely nothing
Thanks for nothing Shits Outdoors

>On his final visit, on 17 November, Chau instructed the fishermen to leave without him.[75] The fishermen later saw the islanders dragging Chau's body, and the next day they saw his body on the shore.[73]
>In his journal, obtained by The Washington Post, Chau expressed a clear desire to convert the tribe and awareness of the risk of death he faced and of the illegality of his visits. He wrote, "Lord, is this island Satan's last stronghold where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?", "The eternal lives of this tribe is at hand", and "I think it's worthwhile to declare Jesus to these people. Please do not be angry at them or at God if I get killed ...Don't retrieve my body."[81][82][79]
Jesus Christ, fuck that

Plus, Europe and Asia always had heavy trade links so diseases were spread far wider and thus had immunity built up.

It’s why sub Saharan Africa was almost a death sentence for the white man due to malaria and whatnot. zero immunity to those diseases. Right up until immunisations and vaccinations were invented and the race for Africa began

Watch Hostiles and you'll realize both sides were fucking assholes and hypocrites for various reasons.

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underrated, fuck prairie niggers

>some tribal people sitting on their island
dramatic much

I'm not taking advice from someone who picked league of extraordinary gentlemen over lord of the rings and quit acting over it.

why do natives have such a low tolerance to alcohol? or it has a really weird effect on them

I thought he retired though. Nigga wouldn't even come back at the behest of Skyfall's producers

They also can't grow facial hair.
>can't handle booze
>can't grow beards
Original basedboys

Asians suffer from the same thing. They get drunk super fucking quick. On the plus side for Asians, they rarely need deodorant, thanks to their Asian physiology. The wax in the ears is the tell. Asians have very dry flaky wax. Smelly European Caucasoids have liquidy, mucussy wax. It's why you still need to fucking bring deodorant to Japan, because good luck finding a store that sells them nearby.

The mission where he and Arthur just ride around collecting herbs is super comfy.
>when Arthur gets the chance to talk about his son

he retired BECAUSE of league of extraordinary gentlemen.

he was quoted as saying "I don't understand it" in regards to lord of the rings and turned it down.

big ol whoops. Though I think he would have been a bad Gandalf personally.

Johovah Witness situation gone wrong

>Whites were the original jews

New insight acquired

biology is fucken crazy

I feel bad for YOU OP. I hope one day, you'll have people in your life that really love you and support you.


Pompous prick, deserved to get clubbed to death.

What's this? I'm Chickasaw and have a full beard and I can't get drunk with less than half a bottle of vodka so I'm not sure where this meme comes from. Maybe it differs among tribes?

>Original basedboys

But everyone Yea Forums calls a basedboy has facial hail.

Whattya mean? I think I get drunk off a 1.5L wine bottle just as much as anyone else.

>I'm Chickasaw and have a full beard

Somebody in your family line did a little fooling around with the white man.

That's because you're probably mostly white. Chickasaws are one of the tribes that gleefully bred themselves out of existence. You won't find a chickasaw who's more than 1/4th native blood.

Worst part of the game

He had some great talks with Arthur and tried to help him.

>not realizing that natives were based af

Jesus Christ no wonder half you people are pathetic fucking virgins. Go outside for once.

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You’re mixed with Europeans who have beards and spent a millennia getting shitfaced. I doubt you’re pure native

What in the fuck is wrong with the writing in this game? Arthur is very much fucking likable and act super nice to almost everyone in the gang. Even fucking go the extra mile for Charles and his shitty Indian tribe. Yet at the epilogue, Charles talks about Arthur like he is some douchebag that only quality was staying true to himself. Why are everyone shitting on Arthur in this game?

Yea but if the Indians won we wouldn't have videogames or the computer you're using right now.

These animals should've been killed already. The only reason they're alive is for the world to pretend that they're some sort of endangered species.

but you don't have to attack the KKK members, in my playthrough my arthur just watched and then walked away.

Imagine if the next mass shooter just wiped out that island instead of a school.

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natives need to be deported, sick of their shit

He's still white

Why can't you kill him

>Cool a rdr2 thread
>Talks about something not even related to the game
Did any of you finish the game even?

>Exhibit A: A painting drawn by a white man.
How about you use authentic Indian "art" to praise them.

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I wish you could. Maybe on the pc version.

Video games is becoming /pol/ more and more with each new AAA game

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>White is might. Remember the sacred words my Yea Forumsros. Honk Honk. Honk Honk. Honk Honk.
Really makes you think huh. Fuck off OP.

>muh peaceful indie-yuns!
This lie is almost as big as the holocaust.

Arthur was still canonically an asshole before the game took place ever since his wife and son died.

I heavily doubt most of the Anons in this thread even finished elementary school.

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>that body language on John

Is there a more assblasted people than injuns?

>grouping everyone who has white skin as white
sounds pretty racist to me user

Yeah I hate nazis too, but at least they did not talk about how african chiefs sold their own into slavery in exchange for blingbling. That would have been worse.

in the state of california the governmentused to offer 50$ dollars for an indian scalp, some people made quite a good living off of that and a lot of business today probably have that money as their foundation


Remember to check your privilege wh*teys!

How would they know the scalp was of an Indian and not some drifter he killed

If they gave you the option to fuck them up and upset charles it would have had more meaning when you did help them and feel less forced

Probably would be authentic if the hair was long, nappy and smelled like shit.

Black hair brown scalp. You might could trick them by killing a nigger but if you did it to often im sure theyd catch on. You get a feel for how shit looks if youve skinned stuff

Living in an area with a very large Native American population I can safely say that their ancestors, likely just as much as our own, would be ashamed of what they've become. However, they did have some pretty cool ideas. Nothing necessarily groundbreaking but there's a lot to be said for simple wisdom. I think something people forget is that much like the rest of humanity they went to war, raped and pillaged, slaughtered for different beliefs, etc. At the same time they also told their own great epics, carved out an awkward but suitable trade system and made great use of the resources they had available to build some fairly impressive tools, for what they were. Snowblinders are pretty sick, as are igloos. They are pretty goofy, though, and they really can't let go of the past. I suppose I can't blame them for being salty but constantly asking for more and more in return for nothing is a little grating.

the hair or skin color

That's /pol/ propaganda, how would dudes without access to industry outhunt a massive populous species that's difficult to hunt by normal tool means

You have no power here, cuck.

Fuck off faggot

The cannibalism you’re speaking of only ever happened when both the aztecs and Mayas had exploding populations and reduced protein resources. The same would have happened in Europe but Europe had easily domesticated animals (from the middle-east) while Central America had the semi-domesticated turkey and the dog. The Andeans didn’t have these issues since they had llamas and alpacas.

t.knower and connoisseur

Precisely by being dumb savages who cant into industry. Do you realize the dumb shit that comes out of your mouth? Can you just shut up? How do people stand you IRL? I'd beat your stupid fucking ass and laugh while I did it.

>leader wears a suit and actually goes to congress and talk to people

Also it was never a cure, it was an ailment, to assist. And it does help the symptoms.

I'm pretty sure you couldn't beat up your own strawman

Is it accurate to say that the European settlers and/or US government actually committed genocide against the natives?

Even black people didn't get as fucked over, so I dunno

Settlers? No, genocide would've been an expensive fucking escapade. The US Government? Yes.

wh*te bois mad lol

A combination of never developing agriculture which would lead to better tolerance of grain and the simple fact that basically every white man who couldn't hold his liquor ended up dying early just like they did. Same way white men developed lactose tolerance from eating beef while asians and blacks will outright puke a glass of milk if they try to drink it.

Why didn't the U.S. finish the job? For what reason would they keep those savages alive?

>Don't even be the original people of the land, completely murder off the originals
>Sell off land for beads
>Get mad new people dunk you in the shitter harder than you and the other tribes have been dunking each other for who knows how long


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racism is a bannable offence

man it’s amazing how fucking awful this place is now

Cannibalism also happened in North America, though not as often. There were a few tribes in particular who had a real taste for brains. Moreover, theirs was less ritualistic and more for the purpose of sustenance. Still, other tribes viewed them as total fucking savages.

all these triggered snowflake replies lol

There has to be something on that island, right? They're guarding something

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anot defending native americans, but agriculture was a fucking mistake
vegetabels are indigesitable garbage and bread rots your body

They guard the plug that keeps the oceans from draining into the core of the earth


Imagine setting Anders free there for a weekend

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It's funny how the only people who say this are leftists when they get BTFO
Leftism is a mental illness.

In Canada the coastal natives literally thought the interior natives were subhumans and took every opportunity to murder, rape, and enslave them (yes, they had slaves and they were fucking pissed when the white man made them let their slaves go)

Now everyone acts like north america was some hippy commune where everyone was holding hands singing kumbaya until the evil marauding white man showed up

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>go back to /pol/, this is a board for video games
>never says this when people make threads to push liberal politics
i wonder if this user has an agenda of sorts

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got to give them credit, they made all of you faggots paranoid


You realize paranoia is paranoia only when the threat isn't real, right?

Yes, and?

this place is about video games, except when i decide that it's not because it makes my pee pee hard

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>It's a real thread
If it's a real threat then that's pretty fucking pathetic. A userbase of thousands losing to 30 or so trannies on discord. You dumb faggots played right into their hands by shouting "TRANNY" at everything.

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nigga every country was built on genocide miss me with that bullshit

For one, almost nobody makes threads here about liberal politics.
For two, when they are made, they are spammed to death with people telling them to fuck off.

You are just a retarded partisan.

We also have stormfront pushing their agenda as well
The best way to counter discord trannies isn't to argue with their shitty viewpoints. The best way to handle agenda posters is to stick with discussing FUCKING VIDEO GAMES AND ONLY VIDEO GAMES.

The Natives were always fucked. The Americas are rich in resources except in tameable animals like horses or cattle, which are important for large scale agriculture and transportation (and subsequently large populations who get the ball rolling with inventing shit), no large populations means no diseases and plagues to give to those white devils in exchange for Smallpox (besides Syphilis), and even when they got horses and cattle everyone was busy raping and murdering them for it to matter.

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coño verga marico no joda


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And what exactly do you plan on doing with this proof? Sit and bitch about it, then continue to give them (You)'s and attention every time they post? Then derailing threads into tranny fights and ruin any on topic discussion? They're laughing at you.

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>caring more about human live, liberty and happiness than wealth and property is a mental disease