Why is Mario lore so deep?
Why is Mario lore so deep?
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It's not so much the lore as it is the atmosphere. Compared to Call of Duty and Battlefield, Mario's ATMOSPHERE is deep as hell. Like, you could write a dissertation about this one image. Same can't be said for Call of Duty or whatever.
They already did, retard. This is Mushroomy Kingdom from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
What's the implication here? That by the time of Brawl the Mushroom Kingdom became a desert wasteland?
Did they ever explain why 1-1 became a post-apocalyptic wasteland?
but they did...
doesnt the ssbu version not even have the underground portion
>there are people who think Goku has nothing to do with Mario
*laughs in Kirby lore*
All Kirby lore is
>once upon a time there was a lonely person that was so lonely and sad they turned into a black void monster and started ruining everything and/or possessed another sad person, the end
I posted this in the wrong thread at first.
Not saying Mario lore is any good, just that Kirby's is pretty shit.
Just tap Kirby lore in Youtube
Stop shilling your shitty channel, woolie. I just summarized every kirby lore video.
>dead ghosts
1-1 wasnt visited after the first game and became an abandoned wasteland.Aka brawl wanted to have a realistic gritty artstype and is why everyone is angry.
No it doesn't.
A shame, especially with Stage Morph being a thing.
Nah, that really only describes Dark Matter and (kinda) Sectonia.
Also the trend of Kirby villains being tragic only started with Sectonia (since Dark Matter's wasn't stated in-game, though it was apparently still canon). Magolor was pretty much a megalomaniac who bit off more than he could chew for example.
They didn't, Sakurai only works whenever the fucks he wants.
>that filename
How does the mushroom get from yoshis stomach to Mario's stomach
>You know what Mario needs? A gritty middle eastern inspired level just like all those shooty games that are popular in the west!
The mushrooms don't actually do anything, they're placebos that give Mario the confidence needed to succeed. This is visualized by the metaphor of making him physically larger.
Every NSMB ever