I fucking hate this little bitch

I fucking hate this little bitch

Attached: 2019-05-10-225257.jpg (960x544, 90K)

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She was originally going to be the killer so I don’t blame you

Be nice. She has a dead mom, an abusive negligent manchild dad and the only thing that gives her happiness is Walmart commercials.

why they change it

your life must really suck

Cause that would have been retarded

it would have been even more predictable than adachi

Dunt u fukkin tach mai Nanako

Attached: 1541875570586.jpg (480x480, 13K)

>Be nice. She has a dead mom, an abusive negligent manchild dad and the only thing that gives her happiness is Walmart commercials.
that's like saying be nice to everybody living in the south.

Someone post long hair prototype Nanako