Bullying a devs is A-OK

>bullying a devs is A-OK
>get BTFO by dev
lol this is fun.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>anyone unironically supporting yongyea ever

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Fuck gaming journos and fuck Bethesda. That being said, fuck Bethesda even more.

Journos are like late night cable shows. They need to just go away.

>Random youtubers start making videos about trending video game gossip
Are they're really journalists though?

>blacklisting people for spitting truth
uhh nope, they blacklisted people because they leaked the story of fallout 4
based dindu game journos

>Joe Vargas

Whats wrong with him? Dude knows how to play the system.

are you just saying who to bait replys or is this your first week on Yea Forums

Yong "as seen here in a tweet, reddit post, status update by a twitter user, reddit user - allow me to slowly read it aloud to you in a monotone manner" Yea is alright

Fuck journos

Is that not the same thing? Are people not allowed to know the ending to a game before it's out?
Or maybe I want to know if the game has a good or a bad ending before I buy it because I actually play games (unlike you)?

He's better known as his alias, Perturbed Pablo.

YongYea is redpilling normies about Sony censorship, so he's alright for me. I don't know why people pay him though.

I saw his headline, watched the Rage 2 trailer release by Bethesda, and figured YongYea was full of shit.
Dude just regurgitates headlines and makes reactionary videos in which he repeats pedestrian opinions. Whoop de shit.

Who and who?

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I literally get no information from his videos. Something in the way he says things it all just becomes a bag of gibberish.

>defending devs and journalists
shills and journalism are really the evil in this planet

Average Raul

Do you not recognize famous game journalists?

I know.

All he does is support anti corporate activists to act more retarded and selfish about how games come out or are handled by those companies. He doesnt get any actual sources other than talking about what some idiot reddit user said out their ass.

Anyone who actually thinks YongYea benefits gaming is an actual retard and should reconsider suicide as a valuable option in life.

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imagine thinking blogging is a real career and putting up with blacklisting publishers for bread crumbs

Could someone tl;dr for me?


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I'm so sick of seeing faggots bitch about irrelevant shit on social media. Who the fuck cares

Bethesda has a right to blacklist anyone they feel can harm their sales. Spoiling the ending to a game can only lower your chances to buy the game because you either enjoy the ending and buy the game or you don't enjoy the ending and don't buy the game based off that. If you never had the ending spoiled you would have no choice but to buy the game in order to find out for yourself whether or not you like the ending. Thus the only thing spoilers do is cut into Bethesda's bottom line. Besides I feel like faggots who spoil the ending of anything deserve to be executed so being blacklisted is really tame.

>not knowing who random twitter people are makes you a newfag
Go back

Youre fucking moron with literally no argument

more like sissy pablo, amirite guise?

I'm so baffled that people watch this guy. His videos are so dry, I always just wish I could read an article and save myself 10 minutes

>be journy
>get free games, merch and flown to events just cause "muh opinion"
>one dev starts telling them to fuck off
>literally hitler
fuck these mainstream "professional" reviewers

By 'system' do you mean 'audience' or 'youtube'? I could understand that, but he literally just reads kotaku articles and the reddit comments about them.
He also has a poor grasp on English that makes it infuriating to listen to him speak, and for a long time I thought the channel was an ESL project for him to try and learn to speak better.

Literally nobody but ugly autists care about Sony not publishing incel jerk off games in the west. Sonys 56% market share ain't going away freak

Gaming "journalists" and ecelebs are SEETHING over this tweet.

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Jason Schrierer is acting like the Rage Twitter account just performed a terrorist attack. These people are Charmin soft.

>everyone is allowed to reveal the ending of a game
>but a dev studio isnt allowed to keep early release copies from getting into the hands of known leakers
Are you by any chance a nigger or kike?

Peeved jorge

he's based. Reading articles and then saying nothing to get that ad money is smart as fuark.

All he really does is just read news articles, he doesnt really provide anything with depth, he just sort of an non-entity and I have no clue why hes popular.

>People are shitting on garbage Wendy's tier "marketing"
How the fuck is this an issue?

in order to talk about 1 tweet or 1 article for 10+minutes straight you need to keep repeating yourself and then go on tangents and then repeat yourself some more. If you want information from these videos just skip to the 6th minute. It's ALWAYS 6 minutes in for some reason

Damn it, they're using a marketing strategy that's appealing to me. I guess the devs saw how much fun we were having shitting on journos so they decided to join in. ... I might look the game over.

since you are this big of a retard, ill tell you the joke.

angry Joe is his real name but many people say who because it spouts a lot of funny synonyms like pissed off pablo.

i cant believe i just explained a Yea Forums meme to somebody on Yea Forums, you really outta go keys my dude.

What? What's the issue?

Is it seriously just that?
>Not playing along with the cheeky banter and getting positive attention for both parties

They literally posted picture with Fallout 4 script years before the game got even announced.

It's quite funny how quite literally any other job, even the being the President, isn't above criticism but journalists think of themselves as something sacred.

>not knowing who pissed pablo is and his 4 hours

blacklisting is extremely good

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>it's another thread where OP brings something over from twitter
wasn't there a sticky about this shit yesterday?

it said something like "a guy getting cheated on by an ex is not video games. take it to Yea Forums". it's not even there anymore. i guess screenshots of things other people said on another website is here to stay.

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I support some of his views I just dont support his patreon.

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Havent seen much of his content, but watching his "Why MK11's lack of bikini armor is a good thing" video showed me how much of an idiot he is and that I should avoid him. He had some really fucking dumb non arguments

it's really ironic how he's like anticorporation and don't support microtransactions, season pass and shit like this. Yet Patreon is bascially the same kind of exact payment model. Pay us this much every month in advance and I might give you something back.

Meanwhile It's not wrong when I do something like this on myself.

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I don't get it.
Who's angry at who, and why?
Also, does Rage 2 come out in four days? I haven't hear dof it since E3.
If it really does, then I assume it's going to be a worse train wreck than FO76.

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Journalism is the most important job in the world because they stand for the truth. Anyone who's scared of them are just scared of being uncovered for their lies, it's as simple as that even outside of gaming.

>calling bullying and being offensive "cheeky banter"

Kindly fuck off.

No because I don't read game journalism

>it's another yong thread

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOneed to get the fuck out faggot redditorsNGYEA OUT and while you're at it ROOTBOX? BAD PWAKTISS! SUPPORT ME ON PAY-TREE-ON, SUBSCRIBE ON TWIDURR, i fucked ur nan last night, if u dont reply to this post i will fuck ur dad too DONATE, YOOOOOOOONG OUT

angry diablo

as with all disputes both sides are wrong and should both be dealt with for trying to make people care about their disputes.

>making videos about tweets

>not having cheeky banter with the lads

What a nando

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Soz, I hope this didn't bother any of our advertiser friends

>he doesn't know the meme
He's right, your new is showing

He's so fucking boring, he has no personality whatsoever he's just a stone-faced generic chink nerd who reads an article someone else wrote and that's his entire schtich, why the fuck would anyone watch his shit?

And it will stay that way until they get the day of the rope.

kys redditard

Siete Peso Pancho

Both sides are assholes, Journalists slightly more so.
Support youtube weebs just playin' games instead. They're more likable for the most part.

>Reads articles to people
>Gets money for it

Pretty based if you asked me.

I side with Bethesda on this one.
Smug e-celebs deserve the rope

Stop samefagging, give it up


fuck bethesda in the ASS

I only support Japanese girls with anime avatars singing anime songs and playing minecraft.


That was my first post newfriend, stop being upset because you got caught out.

fuck off tranny

So this is what they mean by Yea Forumseddit. Looking mighty Summer right here.

>angry jose

What's the back story to this?

>made a video about a tweet

Fucking really? Does that faggot make videos about anything?
I just watched his Sonic video the other day and literally all he does is show the fixed Sonic arts other people made.
God damn I hate this type of jew the most, the ones that use other people to make money.

Assblasted Alejandro

Fucking journo could've answered "I'm the cook", missed a good opportunity there

I mean he's not wrong. This isn't a thin-skinned gaming journo getting triggered over a non-issue, this is just someone pointing out that Bethesda's marketing for Rage 2 has been non-existent.

Nobody gives a shit about your e-celeb go back to their subreddit where you don’t have to try so hard to fit in

Back to r*eddit

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>game is called rage
>makes gaming 'journalists' rage
excellent marketing team

Dude. Its literally an old meme and you didn't get the joke. Lurk more faggot

I don't think you understand user, your lack of understanding of a basic meme thats been around at least 5-6 years is the issue here. It shows how new you are and trying to brush it off as "e-celeb" bullshit makes it clear to everyone here.

People flipping shit over this is the same as football players pretending to be injured.

Mad Mario



Joe couldn't be more a SJW ball licking faggot even if he tried

>waaaaaaaah I offended the devs and they offended me back

Seriously? What is this, elementary school.

>Beth blowing the fuck out of literal nobodies
I was on the fence about Rage 2 but I might just get it now.

I don't know who this journo is either. Based Bethesda. This dumb tweet makes me want to buy the game so it's probably part of their marketing strategy.

>make career out of leeching from developers, while constantly whining and pretending to be critics
>make a snarky, thinly veiled butthurt tweet because you didn't get paid to market the game
>ego bruised so badly despite the fact you've never created anything

Youtubers are for the most part losers.

Just stop replying to them, they're not mentally equipped to handle arduous tasks like having basic reading comprehension.

Get a real job while you still can, journo scum. On the blessed Day of the Rope your only job will be to feed the crows with your bloated, rotting corpse while you hang from a tree branch.

ruffled jimmy


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>Fucking despise that faggot head of marketing at Bethesda
>Fucking despise faggot """"journalists""""
You know, typically the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but in this case I hope they simply destroy each other.

Chaffed Chuco

Imagine being Arnold

Seething Sergio

You may know him as blash-t Gonzales

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article man, article man
reading articles for 10 minutes man
what's he like? it's not important
article man

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pretty ironic how these "game critics" were always on such a high horse over let's players because they made "detailed reviews" but ultimately became irrelevant because of let's plays and streams because guess what, seeing the actual game gives a better clue about the game than hearing some fat fuck rant about it for 12 minutes
granted I don't watch that yongyea guy and I don't think he even does game reviews just drums up internet drama and joe is a dancing clown, I doubt anyone watches him for reviews, they just want to see him wear stupid costumes and shout like an idiot

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>they leaked the story of fallout 4
the story of fallout 4 was shit though

>Leak their upcoming projects twice

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I find it funny how Kotaku will scream about dev rights and how gamers are just entitled little shits; but then they turn around and bitch about being blacklisted by devs like they are entitled to the developer's attention.

Based Bethesda playing 4D chess. Pissing off thin-skinned journalists who thinks they are some kind of protected class. I want the game now.

Any adult who gets offended by Bethesda’s reply belongs in a mental institution.

Hows that boot taste?

as long as he manages to stir up hate against lootboxes and shit he can do whatever he wants

Leaking a companies upcoming projects shouldn't warrant a blacklisting though.

It's scummy that Bethesda blacklisted them but they are well within there right to do so after Cucktaku leaked a bunch of shit. This whole situation is such a nothing story.

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Engorged Enrique

>sassy corporate entity

so fucking sick and tired of this shit.

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>that pitiful attempts at banter has people up in arms.

grow thicker skin you faggots, or any skin at all really, Jesus.

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the fag crying about getting bent has 100% either whined about cake bake or supports deplatforming.

no matter how right a red nigger might be, he will always deserve death. traitors go first.

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Bootybothered Benjamin

Quit being a bitch and actually do something about the corporations that you hate, instead of making useless posts on Twitter about how they're mean.

Damn Bethesda OWNED to stupid journos. I'm going to be buying at least 4 copies of Rage 2. Who's with me, Yea Forumsros?

>cake bake

Oh come the fuck on this is hilarious

what would you suggest? I don't even use twitter

He seems to me like a soulless puppet, which ironically is exactly what I want from an objective news reporter.
Sadly, he puts too much of his own opinion into his videos.

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>"leaking company secrets shouldn't upset them at all"


top onions

Blacklisting journos who are critical of you is bad

But that Rage 2 tweet was fine. If somebody tweets about "ur game a shit lol" you shouldn't get butthurt over somebody tweeting back "no ur a shit"


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*10 minutes pass*

Furious George


did people just lose their sense of humor at some point? This is legit funny.

I hate sassy twitter niggers. Anything Avalanche Studios touches has turned to shit. Their engine can't handle open world games, which is the only type of game they make.
>people think this game will be good after Just Cause 4 and Generation Zero using their engine for RAGE 2

Kekd heartily

Scuffed Chavez

He's for people who don't want to read articles

games journalists are failures who couldnt accomplish anything in their field of proffesion and thus had to accept vidya. most of them hate games and gamers because they remind them every day and with every critisism how wasted all those years at collage were.

>Bethesda gets free publicity by pissing off ecelebs before the game launches
It's genius

Huge Jose

Tormented Tomáz

I know but there's also tons of replies from randos on twitter getting mad at Bethesda for this. It's like people get a kick out of being outraged

What we need to remember is that bethesda is triple F tier regardless of the current sick memes going around


Why would that upset them, can't they just make new company secrets to replace the ones that were leaked?

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check their twitter bio. il bet you a new zeland meme that 90% of them have pronouns in there. blue checkmark makrs the 40%.

He always says "these are one man's thoughts on the whole situation" at the end of the video, so you're wrong.

that's a good idea frend

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It's almost like Twitter users are fucking morons.

>X does it
>This is so lame, repulsive and edgy.

>wendy does it

what the actual fuck are you responding to user? I think you're quoting the wrong person

> resetera are so much fags they don't know how to sharpen a knife
more news at 11

This. He is just too damn boring to watch

>games journalist writes article shitting on games supposed lack of marketing
>literally implies this as well in the article title linked in the tweet
>rage twitter retorts in equal measure
>waaaah company is mean waaah I didn't even read the article waaah all I know from the drama is Bethesda is being a cunt waaah are we like making the game journalist involved actually relevant now which kind of makes rage's initial tweet accurate

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thank god google atleast helps them with tying the rope

>famous game journalists
come again

Nigger, its time to let go of mums teat and be a big boy.

>stops people from giving clicks to shitholes like cucktaco by just regurgitating their shitty articles instead
Never watched a single video of his in my life and probably never will, can still appreciate him for that much though.

game "journos" are legit salty cucks who cant even handle a slight ribbing or a joke

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Remember that time Angry Joe got fucking clowned on hardcore by Geoff Keighley of all people then cried like a bitch about it lmao

nah, 1 will do.

That top left one is actually a shit line to be fair, the rest is retarded

>two faggots

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He thought that he was so smart, but everyone in his comments called him a retard youtube.com/watch?v=NTNkoDzP1hI

That's what makes it even funnier, he got buried by the biggest shill in the videogames industry and whined about it after
>G...Geoff....c..come on m...man

"journalists" feel entitled to respect, and when they don't receive it, they attempt to enlist their audiences in the performance of their delusion that they are speaking truth to power

i think the line was supposed to be bad

what did shitaku leak? skyrim ending?

Enraged Enrique should literally never speak. His "support" makes everything worse.

can you fuck off Angry Joe has over 3 million subs. Idiot.

these probably aren't the same people who cheered on wendys, but you knew that, right?

>"freedom of speech only applies to the government!"
guess they didn't realize the same was true in regards to freedom of the press

>also a lesbian hits on Deacon
They really have it out for bisexuals.

>freedom of speech only applies to the government
who said that, Obama?

>a complete and utter joke in the "industry"
>pretended to jizz his pants interviewing some thot causing her visible discomfort
>Dewrito Pope blew him the fuck out
>literally no friends of notoriety
>cries like a bitch on camera
lmao what an absolute legend

>t. faggotsubber

>Wendy's tier "marketing"
When are weebs going to be drawing Bethesda-chan?

that boy spends time on reddit, twitter or other such shit hole.

woah that's really cool
can we get pewdiepie to chime in with all of his subs, who are obviously all genius intellects

>Dewrito Pope
God I love Dorito Pope, hard to believe it's almost been 10 years since he fucked up Joe

>Nobody Cares About Rage 2

Rage 2 Twitter account:
>nobody cares about you

>What The Fuck!? How Could You Say This? This Is So Unprofessional. You're a Donald Trump Supporter and a GamerGater!

Loving every laugh.

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Seething Santiago

>since he fucked up Joe
rundown on this one?

>>pretended to jizz his pants interviewing some thot causing her visible discomfort
>Dewrito Pope blew him the fuck out
I need to see that to laugh

and they would've done 100x more damage if they just ignored it

Read the thread retard, it's already been posted in here.
Or if you're a brainlet look up Angry Joe Geoff Keighley on youtube


Ok so Joe tried to interview Dorito Pope at the VGAs, came across as super rude, the Pope was in a hurry and just dabbed on him, and then Joe made a 24 minute to video to try and prove he wasn't mad youtube.com/watch?v=NTNkoDzP1hI

ITT: Paid disinformation agents and professional shills beaten by a rag-tag group of autistic memers

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>kotaku is still bitching about zenimax telling them to fuck off
and we're the entitled ones?

e-celebs are usually scum


Ok, thanks for the info.
I tried looking it up on google and youtube, the only video that showed up was a video from Angry Joe himself, so I figured it was going to have some bias that makes Joe look like he's the one being wronged.

they want controversy
naturally they want to control its form, but they have difficulty with that step

[Name common in Latin America] [A synonym for an emotion that someone recently humiliated might feel]

how tf is that even "bullying", it's a perfect bait for a cheeky comeback and the whole thing would just be banter

Imagine making a tweeter screencap thread

>so I figured it was going to have some bias that makes Joe look like he's the one being wronged.
Oh that's exactly what the video is, which makes it so goddamn funny that he even posted the footage in the first place because it shows what a complete and utter spastic he is

Bootybothered American

getting people talking about this increases the game's exposure and its cultural relevance
more people will buy the game now

Have sex

You know what they say!
All roasties roast roasts!

Look at this excellent bait. Compare your shitpost to this one and ask yourself: how does it compare?

Paul Tassi actually does. He said he's gonna buy and play Rage 2, even. It's just Jason being an attention whoring retard.

Wendy's tweets were wise and gave me that smug anime girl impression. On the other hand, shit tweets like or are edgy personal insults.

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My shitpost was more ironic than hers tho *grumbles*

What did they tweet that got the typical cucks seething once again?

Was the tweet deleted?

>it's okay if it reminds me of my chinese cartoons

first time i've ever agreed with that little chinky fuck

Some variant of "literally who?" or "lol u mad"
Bait so weak that you'd have to be from /r9k/ to fall for it.

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It does, and it looks pretty alright. Like Doom 2016, but open world and with super powers in. I really liked the first one though, so I was interested in a sequel no matter what.

game journos (AKA "I can't play for shit and rely on clicks to validate my pathetic life")
youtube reviewers (AKA, "I read what bugs and issues actual players have had on reddit and re-enacted them on my game sessions for le funny buggy mess footage so I can pretend to be shocked and appalled")

Anyone here surprised that these entitled attentionwhores are throwing a shitfit?
no? thought so

It is, you have to be on the company's side so the tweets won't be insulting.

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Fallout 4 info, like 5 years or so back now. It was a pretty major leak, including the opening dialogue. Bethesda decided to blacklist them from any more company events and showcases.

this. i actually wanted to play fallput 4 but i read online that you either nuked boston or kill your son.
[spoliler]ive only managed to put two hors in before getting my money back at jewstop[/spoiler]

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

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Boiling Bernado

Okay, weeb.

great more twitter shit on Yea Forums

everyone hates /pol/
Sure, they might be right most of the time, but they're still obnoxious memeing retards

They are right tho,
I completely forgot that rage 2 even exists, I thought it’s coming out next year or something.

There’s nothing wrong with being a gaming journalist or a youtuber by the way, you’re just jelly.

El Ogoro De La Texas

>pretended to jizz his pants interviewing some thot causing her visible discomfort

wasn't that thot felicia day?

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Kotaku is a clickbait website, not a reputable news source. Thats why hulkamania ran wild on Gawker, because theyre a bunch of clowns. Calling something Trump-esque because you do not like them is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of

Bethesda is still a shit

Asshole Joe is realy asshole. I feel bad i ever watched his videos.

Everyone who is a redditfugee can't stand /pol/ you dumb faggot.

It's dumb to seethe about it but Forbes is 100% right, I didn't even know it was coming out in four days and the best the twitter account can do is go "O-oh yeah? Well I have more followers than you do..."

Yeah great job dipshit running Rage's twitter account, it's a good thing you're spending your time doing this instead of advertising the game. You should be thanking Forbes for letting people know that it's coming out, because you sure as fuck aren't.

Fuck off with you e-celeb cancer,fucking retarded Bonobo nigger.

redditors will rage at this truth

wtf I love rage 2 now

Never watched the guy but I love this meme lol

God forbid humanity even thinks independently in 10 years

Upset Ulises

It depends. There's more than one opinion on /pol/. Some of them are merging with the rest of Yea Forums and some of them are getting rejected by the rest of Yea Forums.
In particular, any form of muh horseshoe theory and "we have to censor the SJWs just as hard as they censor us" tends to get told to fuck off.
But various forms of triggering special snowflakes and convincing the easily-offended to hurt themselves in their confusion is accepted.

>Journalism is the most important job in the world because they stand for the truth.
Too bad 99% of them are lazy liars.

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>Rage 2 comes out on Tuesday
>This is literally the only thread discussing anything even tangential to it
Is anyone even remotely excited for this game?

While I can't be sure of the metric, I think Yea Forums as a whole doesn't like the idea of being threatened or punished for having the wrong opinions or offending a "protected class", regardless of what those opinions are or who the protected class is.

Also, Loli. /pol/ fucking hates Loli, so fuck /pol/.

Imagine knowing who this is. Or using Twitter.

Yea Forums - e-celeb drama and twitter screencaps

Wrong, /pol/shit has just become the accepted norm on Yea Forums, so there's no reason to talk about it all of the time.
Also that's the lolicon fantasy guy and I don't think you'll ever find anyone here who thinks highly of him.

Randy did this to a guy with 0 followers. The difference is, Randy is a legit man child asshole on the spectrum.

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You joke but the push for convenience has basically made it where fake-friends giving fake-thoughts to people is becoming the norm.
In ten years time I doubt important issues will even be discussed or debated instead of just being labeled with a 'red' or a 'blue' to tell people how they should feel about them.

Probably the 2nd most generic game I've seen stacked next to Days gone. It's so forgettable and there's nothing in it that I haven't seen many times before. Hell the driving looks straight ripped from Mad Max from 2014

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Rage 2 looks mediocre as fuck, it seems to repeat the exact same mistakes of first game.
So aimless open campaign, no story, nothing done with the world , only wya you can interact by shooting people and seems too easy.
Also seen videos where you casually spawn in vehicles after you unlock them? I fucking hate this shit.

Wish it had some rpg elements.

And this is why I'll probably never leave the website.
The free ideas thing, not the loli thing but that helps too.

That already is happening with Trump era social media. If anyone heres you voted trump, you get attacked by the blues even if everything they generalize isn't true.

Yea Forums /pol/ is not what it use to be. still best boards on Yea Forums/channel

It was as pathetic here as it was when Randy did it.

>Your game has no content and is a farming simulator without the reward for having actually done work. Plus you have to pay extra for all the content.
>SHUT UP I'M HYPED FOR A FARMING LOOP AND PAID DLC (ft. a real thing someone said without realizing how sad and pathetic that makes his tastes sound)
>He's lied to you about this in the past

>bullying those poor little multibillion corporations

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tiddy fags are sub human single digit mongs and i'm glad you fags get btfo of /mkg/ everytime its up

What RPG elements are you looking for though? I mean, I'll admit that I've barely played the first one, spending most of it watching my friend do so, but I believe that the first one had you upgrading yourself with stuff like your defibrillator thing being better, levelling your guns, levelling up things so that your wingsticks take longer to break, etc.

Beset Bruno

Using number of followers as an arguement is something child does regardless

Not him but titties are great and the old costumes are great, fuck you homo

I am. Last game i was excited for was Ruiner.

Obviously driving and open world is from Mad Max and shooting is from Doom. But i have to agree that marketing is realy weak.

no one that plays mortal kombat has a three digit iq

Also wish it had survival mechanics and car maintenance, so I have to waste 5 hours making sure my dude is healthy and my car has gas before going and shooting people

being against swjs is one thing, being a poltard is other

im not a poltard but also i dont like the trend of pushing and worshipping niggers, trannies, lgbt, feminism, unironic communism and whatever woke shit that has been being pushed by lefties on video games.

>pol losing influence

redditors trannies from r/gamingcirclejerk, r/drama, any faggot from any left leaning subreddit and redditors in general cant comprehed that hating niggers and lgbt freaks is not a opinion/position exlusive to pol. for a group that larps as oldfags they sure forget that racism and sexism was long present before pol existed.

>yeah fuck journos take my money bethesda
you guys are too easy, both are trash and you are a pawn being played by the 1%

Rage 1 is a guilty pleasure of mine, so I can tell you in confidence that it didn't really have RPG elements at all. You found upgrades for weapons at fixed points in the game, along with the defib upgrades and blueprints for crafting. That ammo crafting system was great, though; it's a bummer it looks like they gave up on it for 2.

I feel the same way about like/dislike systems. They're just proxies to make you feel better/worse about an argument based on how many other people felt about an argument.
Looking at someone's follower count or metric of their point aside from the point they're making is just a mental shortcut too many stupid people use on social media.
And I do the same fucking thing when I see a Furry make a stupid uneducated opinion. Because it's easy and social media makes it easy to not think about things and click your points/arguments into existence.

Disgruntled Javier

Beefy Bruno

The problem is that we have too many extremists on pol, the way i see it.
One thing is being against some stupid limitations and not wanting to be forced to listen about problems that minorities have.

Another thing is when we are talking about some xenophobic shitbag who simply hates people of different nationality/culture/race/religion/whatever, unironically likes nazism, is subscribed to pjw/ltcorbis/nobullshit and other similar degenerates. And who uses this site simply because he's scared to voice his opinion elswhere.

Oh no that video game company might make a video game I like! Help! Journos! We need co-journo-pro to come together to write another wave of clickbait to fight the evil video games! Gamers are dead!

Rage 2 does look like shit, though

no one cares that you think you are the correct type of racist for Yea Forums

I mean, that's not surprising considering it's the same dev on the same engine.

I dont know, like quests and shit.
Like hubs and stuff, and you then go intoth wilds and fuck shit up, i dont know.
Im tired of this open world meme shit.
Look at last Just Case game, it was fucking garbage.

pretty good bait. made me laugh

>And who uses this site simply because he's scared to voice his opinion elswhere.
I think this is the worst part about modern /pol/. Yea Forums just became a dumping ground of everyone who was fleeing social justice crackdowns on other platforms.
And some, some are good people. But when Reddit sends their migrants to our site, they're not sending their best. They're sending underage b&s, unironic memers, edgelords, people who can't take a joke, and contrarians. sometimes combinations of all of these.

RAGE had its problems but it had some good stuff too. I'm willing to give it another chance, but it's one of those things where they really should have a demo.

>im not a poltard but
>screeching tires
>rocket launch
>record scratch
>cats yowling
>buzzards circling around an animal carcass
yeah dude tell us more

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>redditors trannies from r/gamingcirclejerk, r/drama, any faggot from any left leaning subreddit and redditors in general cant comprehed that hating niggers and lgbt freaks is not a opinion/position exlusive to pol. for a group that larps as oldfags they sure forget that racism and sexism was long present before pol existed.
because they are larpers
not anyone who bothered to do any research what so ever
also why do we have members from gamingcirclejerk? they are a bunch of contraians that could Handel people disagreeing with them on reddit.
why would they come to a place they just has more of it?

Did they have to copy everything though?

I agree. It's a shame that Bethesda doesn't seem to be too keen on them anymore. The Prey demo sold me hard on that game.

Despite what you and your discord thinks, not everything on earth is racist.
You actually let real racists off the hook when you group people who don't give a fuck what someone thinks because of their skin color with the actual neo-nazis that once got chased off of /pol/.

yes it's not like everything he said was proven to be an issue already

Hearing phantom sounds is a symptom of a brain tumor user, you should get it checked out.


>"O-oh yeah? Well I have more followers than you do..."
is that really the only thing you get out of that tweet?
fuck zoomers and social media culture

You had hubs, there was that subway tunnel base thing and that wild west base and that one place with John Goodman.
I dunno, character progression like that is something that I assosciate RPGs with so when the dude asked for "rpg elements" I was wondering what other ones he was talking about, like did he want "its the same mob but in different colors which means they're entirely different mobs" like slimes in DQ or porings in Ragnarok online, or "it's your story you do your own shit how you want" like in the old Fallout games.

>screeching tires
>rocket launch
>record scratch
>cats yowling
>buzzards circling around an animal carcass

plase get your head checked and go easy on the estradiol, comrade

get better material desu

it really does look like shit, I was interested because of the trailers but the unedited gameplay was so boring and generic looking that I lost all interest

not only are you an exceptionally low-information leftoid ("unironically likes nazism" coupled with "subscribed to pjw") you are most definitely a racist leftoid, and if you give your real world identity, i will be glad to study and enumerate your revealed racial preferences

It doesn't look like they did though. I haven't seen a harpoon, which was kind of a defining function in Mad Max, and we really haven't gotten any info on how the vehicle upgrades work. All I've really seen is some of the driving and shooting, and the vehicles look like they handle similarly, but that's about it. I haven't seen anything like the combat mechanics for Mad Max, it mostly looked like an upgraded version of Rage 1's driving to me. Honestly kind of hard to tell from preview footage though.

Remember that time Pissed off Pedro got his video deleted because some obese canadian youtuber didn't like that he put his channel icon in a video he made

>You had hubs, there was that subway tunnel base thing and that wild west base and that one place with John Goodman.
You eman in first game?
Ye, but they do fuck all with it, like there is no progression and no sense of coherency to the world.
Always felt Rage 1 would be better as a fallout game than fallout 3 if you made into real rpg.

don't downplay this. "lol who even are you" is an appeal to popularity by the idiot that runs the Rage twitter account
"SHUT UP WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY?" isn't very convincing when people in fact do not know that your game is coming out. The truth spoken by a nobody is still the truth.

Fair enough. Usually when I hear RPG elements for shooters, I think perks and talent systems like Borderlands or Far Cry, which Rage 2 does apparently have. I remember in 1, the only major decision you made was which of the three outfits to pick, and you were foolish to pick anything but the engineer getup that halved the cost of all craftables.

I think you replied to the wrong post.

Well, that makes two of us at least. Ruiner was tight, I need to go back and finish it some time.

very weird way to say you got owned

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Looks like he forgot to wait a few days for the most popular narrative on this subject to surface so that he can agree with it.

>exceptionally low-information leftoid ("unironically likes nazism" coupled with "subscribed to pjw") you are most definitely a racist leftoid
No, I'm serious, I actually think you quoted the wrong post because mine didn't say that at all.

throwing a bunch of buzzwords in a shitpost makes you look like a fucking idiot tho, just saying

just give me your deets so i can start detailing your racism, because i am bored with your faggotry

My name is Pewdiepie

>Bethesda opens journalist up to harassment
Y'know the thing that shits me off most about this is the double standard, the asymmetry. When Kotaku calls some dev a white supremacist like Daniel Vavra or a misogynist like they did to Tim Soret it's 100% ok despite using their massive platform to paint a target on their back but when criticism comes their way it's "oh no this is harassment how dare you criticise me".

just saying you know less about political philosophy than 4 year old simple as

Oh fuck that site I wish publishers really do turn against it because I want to see the 'insiders' fucking fired for posting on it.

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Enraged Enrique

pretty sure my guy at buzzfeed already has your number

Rules for thee, not for me.

Well no fucking shit. You're on the wrong board you colorblind retard.
get the fuck out


Provoked Panchito

you made me kek user, your effort wasn't wasted

>I side with Bethesda

I have a problem with pewdiepie saying dumb shit mostly because whenever he says dumb shit everyone else on youtube gets demonetized for saying fuck all.

Is there another youtuber I should watch other than idubbz because the more I learn about other people on youtube, the more I hate them.

>no one cares when individuals go after large, multimillion dollar corporations
>people care when large, multimillion dollar corporations go after individuals
wow what a double standard why are people such pussy cucks?????

that rules
youtubers can try doing something for a living besides helping alphabet become skynet

I'm really shocked Youtube decided that it was going to bow to cable companies and massive media organizations considering that it's their direct competitor.
I mean, It's owned by Google now but still. They lose money on Youtube every year and they wonder why it happens when they jump from scare to scare trying to appease companies that want to see them crash and burn.

IMO the world would be a better place if everyone just moved to another streaming site. It would only take a couple of people doing it.

what fantasy world are you living in

>Reading Fahrenheit 451, a book known as a classic about the dangers of goverment oppression/suppression, is a sure sign someone is an alt right neonazi
The self-delusion these people have is astounding.

paul tassi is a shitty journo tho. literally just steals shit from reddit and other sites.

bethesda are also a bag of shit, but the tweet is kinda funny i guess.

hes the audible of games journalism

You got it the wrong way round, you dork.

no one wants to take responsibility for making monetization work, because alphabet and shitbook have captured the ad market

Pestered Emilio

Flabbergasted Jacobo

>a good way to spot the "bad guys" is that they're reading books on freedom
I'm not sure whether to be impressed at the lack of self-awareness or just depressed that this is a line of thought that is catching on in the mainstream.

Reminder that journalists are not people and get the rope.

Bethesda is a shit company but blacklisting whiny game journalists is the only good thing they've ever done


>D-d-d-day of t-t-the rope c-c-coming soon, I p-p-promise!
Said the spineless shrimp for the 45th time that year.

Looks like the guy in charge of their twitter is getting a nice bonus this year

the rope is the merciless gears of international capitalism and it's coming for you

Part of me wants to think this guy is just falseflagging

>right most of the time
>still hates them

Yeah all those vidya journos who get paid to shitpost sure are feeling the burn. I bet the multimillionaire journos in the MSM are really feeling the "merciless gears of international capitalism," too.

it's a poe

In the ASS?!

yes their entire industry is dying, no matter how much money thomas friedman married into [those are not your earnings, thomas]

He's good for someone like me who wouldn't touch game journalism with a ten feet pole
Most of the times all i have to do is read the video title to stay up ti date

Is that why both offworld and waypoint have shut down? Is that why Kotaku was sold off at massive losses, seems weird for such a profitable business

I don't get it

Trying to social shame ("no one cares" or "correct type of person for Yea Forums") does not work when everyone on this website is anonymous, and social shaming is a tactic for women and kalemales.
You seem to think that public opinion on this website is enforced by downvotes and shitposts on anyone who strays from the group narrative. That is not the case. This is not reddit.

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i am looking forward to a diverse and progressive writing staff from mumbai taking the reins at kotaku dot com in 2024

>throwing a bunch of buzzwords in a shitpost makes you look like a fucking idiot tho
Could just make you look like a marketer or a disinformation agent. Look at any thread for a recently released or upcoming AAA game and there'll be buzzwords out the ass, and any negative comment about the game will get a (You) from some automated posting bot calling you a schizophrenic.

Why is he so obsessed with Trump?

you mean shame you illiterate mongoloid and it works quite effectively, because you are insecure losers that need to affirmation of others. 90% of your politics is you being upset that no one will give it to you for being a piece of garbage.

Being scared to voice your opinion elsewhere is one thing.
Being banned from other places after voicing your opinion there, to the point where it's a right pain in the arse to keep making new accounts for those places, is another.

What the fuck is a pjw/ltcorbis/nobullshit, anyway? Some kind of e-celeb?

They literally have robo journalist now that just churns out articles based on press releases using some kind of AI Deep Mind thing. So you probably wont even have a person at the other end eventually.

he is using trump-esque to associate a behavior (berating the press) that he doesn't like with an unpopular person to reinforce social norms

>mods ban eceleb talk
>allow this
It's literally the same shit

My favorite thing that I ever learned about liberals is that when backed into a corner they will ALWAYS respond by accusing you of something they themselves are guilty of. Works every time, without fail.

You act like the mods haven't always been wishy washy faggots on a power trip.

I think they do research but don't comprehend what they see.

>criticism is bullying
Only this board would be this sensitive

Wendy tweets were always shit and over hyped. Yeah the art was good but all the """witty""" tweets read the exact same and the damage it has caused is immeasurable with every company putting out unfunny, sassy tweets in a desperate attempt to break through. The only good corporate tweet has been "#whyistayed you had pizza".

Shit, I did too.

this is an amazing lack of self-awareness from a simp that attempts to "social shame" others by associating them with "women" and "kalemales" in hopes that they will cease shaming him for being a garbage can

Its Joe Vergas.

>because you are insecure losers that need to affirmation of others. 90% of your politics is you being upset that no one will give it to you for being a piece of garbage.
Hang on, you've got me confused with the sissies / trannies. I'm an autist that calls everyone's waifus and taste in videogames are shit. If affirmation was important to me I'd agree with people at least some of the time.

I'm not even him, m8. Welcome to an anonymous forum.

you are right user
*pats your head*

Really? So does that mean that when people keep spamming "schizo" and "take your meds" at me, and accusing me of being an incel loser with no friends, that they themselves are pill-popping schizophrenics who have low social market value and a lack of social supports?
That's amazing.
I always wondered why they never accused me of anything I gave much of a shit about (e.g. accusing me of being shit at videogames). Now I know.

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Please do not do that; I feel very uncomfortable when you do that. I am not a Lalafell.

yes your doctor was the real schizo all along

>Welcome to an anonymous forum.
Thanks, you too :)

Social shaming is telling a person they are shit because they are unpopular, or implying that the person's own social group rejects them.
It's a subset of shaming. You can be shamed for e.g. dying 3 times to Greenpath Hornet, and you are shit for being bad at vidyo gems. It doesn't imply that the person is unpopular or that the person is a black mark on their social group.
Though to be fair if you're dying 3 times to Greenpath Hornet people will probably exclude you from their social circles on account of you being a filthy filthy casual.

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They're just reacting to game journos over reacting. The Jason schrier tweet was far, far worse than the rage one.

Jason Schreier was saying the same thing as Joe but he blocked me and several other people who opposed his viewpoints

>Rage2 isnt real

Guys, I read a book yesterday. Am I a nazi now?

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>because they stand for the truth.
lol nah.

>Arguing with journofags on twitter
I can smell the onions

They’re making a Rage 2?

It's not self-delusion. It's the intended result of social conditioning very slowly and carefully fed to them over the last decade or so.



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yes sir this user right here needs a fucking promotion and two pay raises

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Jason Schrier is a massive faggot and I refuse to forget that because he occasionally does his fucking job as a journalist and interviews a few sources to write an article. That doesn't excuse how much of an enormous dipshit cuck he is the rest of the time and it just makes it more obvious how little most game journos do that the bare minimum expected of journalists is considered to be an incredible achievement if a game journo actually does it.