What's going to be censored? Because there is no way some of the shit that was in the original FF 7 from 1997 will EVER fly in this current politically correct SJW cancer now. They are already bitching that Barret's voice is "too stereotypical black". I hate the world we live in now. I know for a fact Honey Bee Inn is getting cut. Game looks great though

Attached: aerith flower.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I will be legit shocked if Don Corneo makes it. He was a literal rapist. This will have the SJWs going full on meltdown

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>Game looks great though

If by "great" you mean "completely indistinguishable from any other hyper realistic AAA game" sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if even that aspect saw some backpedaling, though by the time this comes out it should look better than it does in the trailer considering tech will have advanced by several generations.

Sjw's fear the samurai

Didn’t stop them bitching about Persona 5 The Royal or Catherine Full Body unfortunately. FF 7 Remake is not safe either

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Shut up boomer

I want Cloud and Lightning to fist each other in the remake

Japan doesn't give a shit. Thank God
old but gold

Was worried about the gameplay but it looks solid

Attached: CB39E67F-8F28-4AB1-A988-181796370990.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Lightning's gonna put her massive dick in Cloud's vag

>"completely indistinguishable from any other hyper realistic AAA game" sure
fucking tryhard idiot.

Might stay the same in Japan but you know it will get censored in America for being problematic and to avoid triggering SJW

Boomers know about old videogames and their context. Zoomers don-t

So kid, you are garbage, adults are talking, listen and learn

Why are boomers so cringe? Christ Alive

I wonder how enemy encounters will work

you enter in fight mode like FFXII? do they appear out of nowhere? you saw them and you can avoid them?

And the samurai fear the SJWs. Don't you remember Star Ocean 5 panties being changed because of SJWs? Or DOAX 3 not being sold outside of Asia because of fear of the SJWs?

im a boomer and i like the trailer
literally kys, you dont represent us

>What's going to be censored? Because there is no way some of the shit that was in the original FF 7 from 1997 will EVER fly in this current politically correct SJW cancer now.

Just so you guys know, Tifa's costume will not be censored. Though her tits will be the same as in Advent Children.

The only reason she wasn't shown was because they will reveal her in E3 and also the release date. It will be on 2020. Sony know not to fuck with SE regarding their policies.

I believe you can avoid combat, this footage from a while back suggests stealth.

seems like they will be roaming around in real time and you just battle them there

Probably some Wall Market stuff, possibly being able to rifle through a 15 year old's panty drawer. There's also going to be stuff people thing are censored because the localization will be more accurate this time, like Tifa telling Barret not to act retarded.

Probably appear on screen or like in Kingdom Hearts were they just pop on screen and you can either run off to avoid the fight

They'll probably cut Cid smacking Shera. And Cid's cigarette. That's probably it.

2020? Really? I was expecting a 2021 release date at the earliest, and knowing Square about one year of delays.

We need a room in that wall market sex club where Lightning and Cloud both crossdress and fuck each other

So far that's a "November 2019", "December 2019 to Summer 2020" and a 2020" release date I've seen.

I’ve been reading archives of the previous threads... why are Tifafags so god damn mad?
You know she’s going to be in the game. A lot I could say about how retarded they’re being but I won’t.


Attached: 8Azfdk.gif (320x240, 1.77M)

>They are already bitching that Barret's voice is "too stereotypical black".
Because he talks like a black guy, which he is?

did she die?

Just anticipation, more semen has been spilt over Tifa than any FF girl.

Neo Cloud == Lightning
Or they're at least related.

forgot pic

Attached: FF7_Stealth.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

I thought FFXV was shit and hate the action based gameplay. But I love VII so much I think I'll play this anyway, even knowing they'll cut a bunch of things

>Game looks great though
All you're seeing now are mock ups so that is not surprising.

The slap fight between Tifa and Scarlet will be a one on one boss battle.

Looks like cinematic combat.
I wouldn't expect anything new.

God I wish you could save Aerith and let her be the heroine. Her death was supposed to be a shocking twist (and it was) but now it would be an opportunity for them to change things around.

Of the top of my head:
Honey bee inn (that's a no brainer)
Don Conero
Cid being an abusive asshole
The option for Cloud to take Tifa's underwear in the flashback
Tifa calling Barret a retard

Attached: 1544312604029.png (513x483, 547K)

>'cinematic' combat
shut the fuck up meme kid

And piss off everyone but like 6 people

Toriyama produced more semen over Lightning than the rest of the world's male population's max cum capacity period.

Tifa won't say retard but that's about it, Nomura wouldn't let stupid changes like that happen, he's outright said honey bee and cross dressing is in.

Put on the dress you bitch

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Lightning is that you?

Are you retarded?
The "stealth" is superficial, hence cinematic.

I get that, but they keep starting flame wars with people excited over Aeris and then wonder why those fans take a dump on Tifa.

It’s dumb to hate Aeris since he’s way more important to the game than Tifa, so you just make yourself miserable.

They did something even more savage in XV, so no that's going to be amazing in the remake.

I think they scrapped that build

>Nomura wouldn't let stupid changes like that happen
Nomura wont be able to finish this. He is only allowed to finish kh games

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That would be great though. The twist is supposed to be shocking, it's supposed to piss people off. Just make sure it's well-written and it makes sense.

What about the inter species part with Hojo

Attached: Interspecies Breeding.jpg (640x444, 93K)

FF7R is the reason why he wasn't allowed to finish XV, the man is angry and wants blood, you can bet he's not half assing this one. Also by doing well here he earns some good boy points so he can go back and remake Versus, why do you think he put that trailer in KH3.

>It’s dumb to hate Aeris since he’s

That doesn't make any sense you fucking idiot. You just want to call it that way because you're a meme kid.

oh no, the secret is out!

wow that's some uncanny garbage. actually manage to literally make me sick to my stomach,

Problem is you need to sell future episodes and youre going to have issues doing that if you piss people off

>FF7 Remake Tifa
My dick is so ready for this reveal. I remember jacking off to Tifa so much when I was 13

Attached: tifa blowjob.jpg (450x338, 14K)

Be careful, Nomura may want to spend those good boy pts on chicken tendies

lol okay fag

>HD Tifa in that dress
>Barrett in his sailor outfit
>Cloud crossdressing

what a time to be alive, there better be a makeup minigame for cloud

Did they? oh well, they might have kept in the stealth.
We'll find out in June I guess.

Flame wars in what way?

>It’s dumb to hate Aeris since he’s way more important to the game than Tifa, so you just make yourself miserable.
They're both as important as each other really, Aerith saves the planet and Tifa saves Cloud.

Beware, they may cover her up

They put this in FFXV, why would they cover Tifa up?

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There are no stealth mechanics.
Instead of putting Cloud on the right and the soldier on the left, they have Cloud taking cover behind a box to make it feel like you're watching a real battle. Watching something on a TV is called a "cinematic experience". So combat that is designed to be fun to watch is "cinematic combat".

Attached: 726724562456245.png (421x350, 388K)

stop square. just stop.

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Times have changed since 2016, especially on Sony platforms

First of all she was still censored and now snoy will put tifa in a burka

SJW loved Catherine Full Body because it had a tranny.

>Get all hyped that theres a new trailer
>Cinematics look nice
>Character design is nice aside from Barret
>Suddenly, FFXV combat

Attached: pjPtu_d.jpg (500x359, 25K)

should've expected Yea Forums to like this. Yea Forums always has the worst taste.

My more important I mean Aeris’ character looms over affairs more. She’s part of their motivation to take on Sephiroth, she saves the day at the end, Cloud’s still somewhat stuck on her, etc.
Not to diminish what Tifa did but she resolved a situation which was written in to make Aeris desperate enough to go tothe Captak to get killed. So I see Aeris as “more important” which fits her grandiose role as the last Cetra.

The flame wars are usually begun by Tifafags who are mad Tifa is not revealed or think she will be censored so they place a lot of stock in the fact that Tifa wins Cloud over a dead girl. Whi pisses off Aerisfans who then try to attack Tifa.
It’s incredibly dumb because it just makes both sides miserable and hate the property. Since Aeris is important to the overall story and Tifa is important to Cloud’s story.


Then don't buy the PS4 version, it's not exclusive.

What fags get for wanting more of 8 over 9.

thank you for the spoilers, fag!

Looks more like 13 combat to me.

I just can not type today.

That's not Aeris. That's not Cloud. That's not Barret. Kill those imposters!

Attached: puke.gif (176x169, 705K)

It didn't stop George Martin from becoming the biggest writer ever.
As long as the twist is well-written, it can piss off as many people as possible - they will come back for more.
Aerith's death was that kind of a plot twist, and it just wouldn't work nowadays. If they want to remake the FFVII experience for new audiences without any restrictions (I think Nomura talked about that), they gotta do something about it.

That was nothing like XV combat, trust me. It may still be a bad system but XV has maybe 10% of the stuff you saw in the trailer alone for 7.

>too stereotypical black
>is voiced by an actual black man that is a seasoned voice actor

Are these idiots implying that a black man isn't able to correctly voice another black man? How the fuck is no one calling out how racist that is?

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dmc5 was censored on all platforms due to sony. only pc can remove the censorship due to changing settings from default

neither 8 nor 9 are like modern FF abominations.

They are probably going to use Crisis Core’s battle system besides the combat

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Censored how?

None of ASoIaF deaths or twists pissed me off

>they have Cloud taking cover behind a box to make it feel like you're watching a real battle
You play video games you fucking retard. You can control Cloud and therefore you can control whether he will be stealthy or not.

>Watching something on a TV is called a "cinematic experience"
Nobody calls it that you fucking meme kid.

>So combat that is designed to be fun to watch is "cinematic combat".
Video games are designed to be played, fun to play, and you need your eyes to do these things in conjunction with your hands unlike TV. Fucking meme kiddie get the fuck out.

We need to kill all Californians, bros. It's the only way.

I just hope they keep all the really dark moments. This game got so fucking dark at times.

>Dyne and Barret were best friends
>Shinra raids their village.
>Put Barret and Dyne in a life threatening situation and Barret believes for years that he let Dyne died
>Dyne is actually alive and lost his sanity and murders people
>His wife was killed and he wants to kill his daughter so she can be reunited with her mother
>Barret and Dyne force to fight
>Dyne realizes just how much of a broken man he became and fucking kills himself by jumping off a cliff
This is hardcore. I hope they keep the hardcore/dark shit in this

Attached: barret vs dyne.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

What did they do?

>imagine if they brought back the slot mechanic from crisis core
I would shoot myself in the head.

I couldnt play more than 2 hours of crisis core before I dropped it forever

There'll be no more slapping Scarlet mini game

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It's been 13 ish years. Have they stopped being lazy fags when it comes to rendering Tifa with long hair yet?

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Under what rock were you living whole this time?

>Video games are designed to be played, fun to play,

>red xiii calling his father a piece of shit coward
>finds out his father defended the canyon with his life and still is there petrified to this day and riddled with arrows

I remember some serious shitstorms around every major plot twist in GoT.

Sephiroth has big ass hair in this remake, I don't see a reason for them to cuck Tifa in that regard either.

>being impressed with the bullshit in the trailer when it clearly says "subject to change"

You idiots just don't learn, do you?

Just gonna throw this down for future reference. I cannot wait to go online after this comes out and talk about how much better it is than the original. Even if the gameplay isn't that good it would still be more engaging than the majority of turn based JRPGs. Plus a game so reliant on its story and atmosphere for enjoyment cannot possibly be considered a downgrade when it's up against lego people and pre-rendered 360p backgrounds SE lost and refuses to update.

So just a preemptive, "Holy fuck you're delusional" to the nostalgiafags.

I've gotten over how shitty FF games are these days.

Rather than anger and disappointment, it's a weird curiosity to see how much worse things have become that makes me check out news about this absolute trainwreck of a franchise.

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Never played 13. Was the combat fun?

They exist to cry about the political aspects of games like/v/ cries about gameplay design
The two sides of the vidya riticism coin

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>Not kiddie anime tier trash
Get a load of this guy

Could do something like Sudeki maybe?

Yes it was a shit game, and Luna as a character was all but cut from the final product, but the scene itself is pretty rough on you. Basically the bad guy walks up, stabs the "main love interest" in the stomach, backhands her, then walks away taunting.

kill your family

holy shit were you fucking asleep or something? Everyone was flipping their shit over one of the endings because it showed Erika pre-transition and some retardera liar said "the creators think that Erika's truest happiest self is as a man", which was just a total fabrication. Still a lot of people believe that's how it happened, the main competitive Catherine player (I know) straight up denounced the game because of it.

I'm not denying that Aeris is more important to the grand story, but Tifa is more important in the personal story of Cloud, so i agree with you.
When Tifa is revealed though shipping wars will kick off again, that'll be fun to watch.

If IX is kiddie anime trash then 1-6 also is.

Yeah I don't understand how people haven't gotten wise to SE. They've always made good trailers. They even made some good looking FF XV trailers just months before its release.

>joke chauvanistic character that all the characters bully the shit out of
>SJWs will hate him

>What are you going to do about this, Cloud?

Attached: 146486464534343.jpg (1341x1464, 165K)

Wow 13 multiplied your consciousness more than any other game. Is it your GOAT?

1-6 were sprite based graphics. Not even comparable to 9's goofy ass character design.

is that donald trump xD

>headlines after release:
>ff7 makes bold political commentary against trump and his mysogny with their character DON Corneo, who is a joke character made to mock trump!

It's good late game and I wanted Lightning to peg me. Decent game/10.


Why is the voice acting so shit? Everyone besides Barret (which is just trying to sound as black as possible, which I guess it's in character?) is just terrible.

>Is he gonna cry? Cry cry, that's all he's good for. I'M THE BEST!

Attached: 354435543354435.png (240x240, 128K)

She looks like a fucking alien or something. The art/graphics are retarded looking.

have sex

If they get to choose between riding Seph's cock and working on Tifa, SE will unironically ride Seph's cock.

have puberty

Shut the fuck up. The game is going to be fine, I'm going to play it, you're going to play it, everyone bitching is going to play it and we are gonna have a good time. Why does everything have to be bitching and whining over people bitching and whining?

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I can't, it'll be censored.

>you're going to play it, everyone bitching is going to play it
nah. Haven't touched Final Fantasy since 13 and that isn't going to change.

have not shit taste

Same as

This fucking scared the shit out of me when I was a kid

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I love how the SE animators are such neets that they can't even make a stab or a backhand slap look convincing because they have lost all contact with the outside world.

if by "play" you mean, "watch it be played online" then probably.

>What's going to be censored?
Absolutely nothing. Sony isn't going to miss out on exclusivity (albeit temporary) of the biggest meme RPG game. This isn't Neptunia or Senran Kagura.

they are literally shooting at him...

This part. Being scared shitless from the quick shot to what looks like some headless coral woman.

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>She looks like a fucking alien or something.

Jesus Christ this was embarrassing to watch. How can the cutscenes be so bad!? I thought nuFF was all about the cutscenes.

I wonder if they are going to censor her tits?

I literally could not comprehend what the fuck I was looking at when I looked at Jenova when I was a child, I thought it was like an amorphous blob and the nipple was an eye. i didn't understand when Barret said "where's its fucking head?". In retrospect I should've figured out by the nibelheim flashback but I was kinda dumb, plus all the times you fight Jenova she is a weird gooey blob

Delete that!

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Look at game of thrones and how much casuals love it, maybe 5% of them read the actual books but there they are. It'll be the same thing for 7R, the masses will scream for joy over it no matter how good or bad it may be, despite never having actually played the original.

>The amount of confused people that will be posting across the net when they are met with a Cloud that doesn't act anything like they think he should act

Yea Forums I'm not going to lie, I really love the new voices. I know it's probably just placeholder voices and they didn't want to get the original VAs in for just recording a 1 minute teaser trailer but if these were the new permanent voices I would totally be okay with that.

Attached: cloud and barret ff7 remake.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

One thing i dont like is that some jokes or some situations work better when you just read them and let your imagination do the rest
Now, with voices, there's only one way to interpret situations, so i wonder how are they gonna handle the humor

I didn't even notice until now that her brain was exposed in the reactor.

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They confirmed crossdressing will stay.

They'll remove
>Cloud being raped by the muscle men
>Red XIII disguised as a sailor for not being serious enough
>"Silly" enemies like Hell House
>Wheelchair Cloud, because muh ableism
>Cloud and Tifa implied sex scene because it's objectifying


>S- sluts! I'll go any become MLP now.

Attached: 1026149.png (800x1060, 868K)

I wish he had a larger beard for that full pyramid style look but eh, i'll take it.

I hope they let Aerith keep her original cheeky personality instead of the bland, generic girl she became in every game since VII.


>"Silly" enemies like Hell House
We already have seen weird monsters stay and keep their goofniess, hell house is staying
the rest is just "they are out because my ass says so"

I was referring to the encounter system in crisis core not the battle system
My bad user.

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If this somehow makes it in, I will fly to Japan and suck Nomura's dick

Attached: cloud gets raped.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

I will not play this game on the sole principle that it is being sold in episodes

no they're shooting the box

They'll remove the retard remark from the beginning parts.

You'd suck Nomura's cock anyway, faggot

Oh the tranny in the gym who you do the squats against is getting changed

Attached: 1512957328814.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Wasn't in the Japanese anyway. She just told Barret "Don't say that!". So yeah, it'll be removed because it's not appropriate anymore, and because it's inaccurate.

Because Nomura is based you nigger

Attached: based nomura.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

You didnt do squats against the tranny idiot, you did squats against one of the other dude bros

Wouldn't surprise me if they changed the dialogue a bit. The translation was really messed up, Cloud starts to ask "Are you a" and Aeris cuts him off, using a lighter term which amounts to "pretty boy". I could see the localizers obscuring that a bit if it's still the same in Japanese.

Damn kids.

Will they keep the little girl CPR mini-game and Tifa's slap fight mini-game?

>If someone "sounds" black, it's racist
>it is almost always a white woman who says shit like that

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Please for the love of god give us more Zack. Please please PLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEE

Attached: zack and cloud.jpg (500x700, 82K)

>Won't even get to visit the golden saucer for another 3-4 years

The real question is.. do you want to be Aeris or Red XIII in the interbreeding scene?

Zack is an irrelevant piece of shit who didn't deserve any mentions

You can't win with them.
MK11 hires Ronda, SJW dream, to play Sonya... SJW bitch about it.
DMC5 hires white guy to play black guy... RestEra bitches about.
FF7R has black guy in role of a black guy... usual fags still bitch about it.

Attached: DMC5_restera_drama.png (877x3974, 1.55M)

FUCK YOU! Zack is easily top 5 best FF characters ever created

Attached: zack.jpg (300x225, 12K)

When Yuna gives the last speech in the ending, she remembers seymour's kiss.

tidus is cuck

he's uninteresting and deserves no spotlight

He's neither Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Aries, Auron, Kefka, Squall, etc. ...and I named 4 most iconic FF characters from his game alone.

Attached: AH-HA-HA!.jpg (1024x774, 196K)

it looks like shit but it looks like KH without the air combos, not XV

t. delusional Zackfag
Tidus McLaughing is considered better than Zack.

Attached: nip_poll.jpg (832x385, 118K)

>tfw Cid is going to be censored but not in a great way like with bleeps and $#!@ but just saying things like damn it at worst

Attached: 1553572841653.jpg (476x345, 15K)

KH3 relied to much on air combat, noting wrong with a more grounded system.

>no aeris at all

absolutely based

Leaked footage of Cloud crossdressing

Attached: 8765132132.gif (268x268, 877K)

Not even top 5 in 7.
>1. Cloud
>2. Sephiroth
>3. Tifa
>4. Aries
>5. Vincent
Names that everyone tends to parrot as "best characters" when it comes to 7, whatever you like it or not.

nips have the worse taste. The nips actually say FF XIII is one of the best games of all time.

Attached: lightning in cloud clothes.jpg (916x1300, 102K)

She lost lot her popularity during the years.
Remake has made her relevant again though.

>, you're going to play it,

Just like I played KH3 and DMC right?

oh wait I never bought those games because of censorship

WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!?!

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I hope he's at least better than his AC version, wasn't a fan of that.

Their list honestly isn't that much different from what I would expect to see in West either.
Cloud and Sephiroth are hardfagged here as well.
Even though everyone hates XIII, they all want to fuck Light.
XV is also hated, but people liked Noctis.

They have a huge hard on for Lightning, but XIII doesn't rank very high as a game over there.

Not really. They simply fap to Rightuuu. That's all. Kinda like how Tifafags only like Tifa due to fap material. Same thing.

>so i wonder how are they gonna handle the humor
It's a Japanese game, so "badly" I assume.

>wanting that harlot instead of based red pilled business man

Attached: 123.jpg (1810x931, 380K)

>Censorship in KH III


>Even though everyone hates XIII, they all want to fuck Light.
Ain't that the truth...

Attached: 1553088743953.jpg (630x630, 35K)

Its so fucking stupid to debate a love triangle where one side is a corpse.
And the other two have canonically fucked.

Most likely this scene, but I think they even changed it after the original release

Attached: vbGrRs2.jpg (2560x1440, 274K)

What's this image from?

It's still there in the Switch version.

We alreafy know the script is both changing and significantly expanding. Retard is out for sure. So is "this guy are sick"
Let's mosey may stay for memes, but that's not happening in the first game anyway.

Cloud is a soldier, all of them would be dead if they try anything

Zoom in on those Amano characters and it's the exact same anime bullshit.

>Because there is no way some of the shit that was in the original FF 7 from 1997 will EVER fly in this current politically correct SJW cancer now

Nigga Japanese devs do not give a shit about that stuff. This is not a western game

>And the other two have canonically fucked.
Yeah, no. It would be even worse if they did considering Cloud ghosts her for years.

Um. Have you been living under a fucking rock?

PlayStation is a US based company now.

So many people here are stuck in the 90s-early 2000s. The big companies have been thinking globally for their big releases for years now. SE even removed most of the Death worship in FF XV because they were thinking about the Chinese release. Smaller games are still made for the home country first with everywhere else being an afterthought, but the days of that happening with big titles have been over for a while.

God just imagine all the sfm porn of Aeris.

I'm fine with them removing retard. As already said in this thread, it wasn't in the japanese version, and they could also just change it to idiot or something similar.
"This guy are sick" is an iconic translation error, but keeping it in would feel out of place. But if they make a story achievement for that area of the game, and name it that, it would be a decent way of keeping it alive.
Removing "let's mosey" I would not be okay with. I know it could easily just be replaced with "let's do this", but keeping it more silly gives the scene more of a feeling of them knowing that they might not walk away from that fight, but they'll still keep head held high and give that silver haired faggot what for.

woah...she okay?

I wonder if cloud will be able to outdo this little number

But they hate Rhonda because she's transphobic and a Sandy Hook truther.

it would be pretty funny to hear aeris say "this guy are sick...errr i mean is sick" desu

I was okay with "Let's mosey", I figured it was fine for 行こう, but I didn't really think of it being a callback to his 行こう in the city of the Ancient's after Aeris' death until I heard Tim talk about it in his last FF VII video. You could argue it, but it would make sense, Cloud's probably not in lighthearted attitude when he's about to face down the monster that destroyed him home and killed Aeris.

Why is Yea Forums so defensive over this game, it's like you can't see anything wrong with it or you're just a nostalgiafag. The ove

Not native english speaker here
what's with lets mosey? what's mosey?

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard

>Suddenly, FFXV combat
What was wrong with XV combat, it was one of the only good things about it

It's a leisurely walk. It's something you might say to your friend when heading to the movies on foot, or you might say "Just mosey on down to the store and pick up a case of pop." I guess Cloud saying it stood out to a lot of people. Not sure why, but it did.

It's basically to start moving or get going.

I don't know what they were thinking here

based and strokepilled

>watch state of play last time
>It's complete dicks
>skip this one
>they actually show interesting shit

Attached: 1526093030563.jpg (106x91, 3K)

Leaked concept art of FF7R Tifa

Attached: 34674574567.jpg (221x442, 16K)

>thinking it's going to drastically change
Yeah, it's actually going to end up being turn-based.

>I guess Cloud saying it stood out to a lot of people. Not sure why, but it did.
I think it's because it's a very dialectal term, that many would mostly associate it with something a person in the old west would say, like howdy or dame.

Did Aeris eat a few too many cheeseburgers and then promptly get hit in the face by a truck?

God I wish I was this moogle

Attached: 7215.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

this is an insult to big tittied women everywhere

It's an archaic way of saying it, but archaic in a goofy, dad joke kind of way rather than ye olde or anything. It's the kind of thing you'd expect an old man on a porch or a western movie to have, and using that kind of language humanizes cloud in a way that just saying "Let's go" would do.

>another teaser trailer
how bout a game?

Attached: nigga please.gif (326x268, 1.38M)

nigga he's a shallow gary stu with no character flaws

>An old person thing

Wha? I've been hearing people of all ages say it forever. Maybe it's a regional thing, people used to be amused when they heard be call cops "the fuzz" too, though it's happened less since Hot Fuzz came out.

Stop! You're making me hard!

If the rumors are true and Yoshi P is making FF16, I am way more interested in that than this rubbish remake.

well that makes since, since i dont know who exactly (barret or cid) say shit like "hey you cant say it like that, you have to be more of a leader and say "lets go or something"
It's intended, so...they SHOULD keep it

I'd give Toriyama a run for his money in that aspect

magic gloves everytime

Literally the only two things that are on the chopping block is some dialogue that was shittily translated anyway and the musclemen.

Unlike what Yea Forums wants you to believe sony doesn't have any censoring rules for big clothed tits, besides tifa doesnt even have cleavage.

>Lets mosey
We riot if it ain't in

Barret really does sound ridiculous though.

I don't care if Tifa is naked. The game is shit, FF7 is like Star Wars, it's completely lost any magic it had is just a shallow soulless piece of shit pandering to braindead tards.

>kh3 censorship

what are the sjwtrannies bitching about P5R for?

who hurt you?

Tetsuya Nomura and his dogshit Compilation of FFVII.

This is fake and the artist this guy copied was pissed that he tried to pass it off as his work

they should have payed that one who did big smoke and make him voice barret

um, have you lost you ability to read. That changes nothing I said.

>sony doesn't have any censoring rules for big clothed tits

You're right, but that's because they make the rules up as they go along. But FF VII is so big that it may even keep the SJWs that run it now away. Maybe.

Attached: Blade_Arcus_Shining_Switch_PS4-950x576-e1557211867451.jpg (950x534, 64K)

hes probably right tho

>ffxv gameplay


between the P5R thing and this Yea Forums has been nothing but waifu posting for the last few weeks


Square-Enix with years of shitting all over FF VII and bad games in general.

It's barely anything like xv combat

I am pretty sure your example of censoring is because of aspect ratio, switch box is less wide.

Why did you let him get candlejacked bros

biggest lie ever told

Could be, but with Sony I just can't tell anymore.

As I said, it's a dialectal term. It's sort of like saying pop when referring to a carbonated beverage. There are still areas that use it as a completely normal word, but in other areas it would just sound weird.

Why is FFVII still important to you Yea Forums

Sounds like the truth is hurting you. The teaser proves it. Sephiroth appearing in Cloud's little mental relapse when placing the bomb is evidence of that. That scene was a little hint that Cloud is fucked in the head, not HURR SEPHIROTH IS HIS ARCNEMESIS! Sephiroth having his stupid one black wing from KH is proof of that.


The new female party member is too sexy and her phantom thief outfit is too revealing. Basically the SJW are up in arms because she's too sexy for a 15 year.

Holy shit you are literally wrong. Have you been living under a rock? SJW fucking hated Catherine Full Body because

Attached: persona 5 kasumi.png (750x400, 103K)

What I want to survive the remake the most is Aerith's and Tifa's personalities. Tifa wants to be the damsel in distress, and Aerith has this protector persona.

I made this retarded edit literally five minutes ago in Paint, user

Because it's the first "serious" game ive played ever before it was just pure nintendo shit, my first game in ps1, the first rpg ive ever played

Not that guy, and I've been saying an FF VII remake will probably be trash for years, but do you know how trailers work? They skip around between scenes at random, that was likely not from Cloud's incident at the number 1 reactor.

>Square-Enix with years of shitting all over FF VII

Imagine being a KH fan. It's not anymore, SE trashed the whole franchice with XIII and XV, i will pirate and probably play for 15 minutes otherwise i'll watch a Lets play or whatever.

This, didn't know games could have in depth stories before FFVII.

Post your most wanted materia to return

because I get turned off by sjw charged stuff they will shit over it with

>Imagine being a KH fan.

I know a bit of what they went through too, but I haven't been a real fan of the series since KH II disappointed me.

At the same time this board was making shit up about a missing character in the first palace. I guess neither one actually played the game

Hell yeah it was. Best ATB system

It's not anymore. Square Enix have shat all over it. The movie, the spin offs,etc are all awful and this remake will retcon everything to suit them.

knights of the round

How is Tifa more important? How does she impact his character?
Tifa fags are outright obssesed with their waifu.

I'm confident they'll keep the original characterizations.
He obviously means the original version is also fake, though the claim that Italian Whatshisface is mad about it is new.
>Sephiroth having his stupid one black wing from KH is proof of that.
He doesn't have that in the trailer, dude. It's just his girly hair.

Attached: _20190512_090128.jpg (2754x2159, 339K)

the fat chocobo summon

He's not a fucking heroic character that is painted in a positive light, you moron.
He's a piece of shit that the game let's you know is a piece of shit.

So of course SJWs are going to hate him. Everyone should hate him. You're SUPPOSED to hate him.

Long range. Blew my mind when I found out it existed.

Because I really enjoyed the game almost two decades ago and I still enjoy it now.

He means this original promo art

Attached: file.png (615x409, 384K)

Once the system opens up in the later parts it is.

I like him. I wish I was a fat old rich man who fucked young girls like in NTR porn.

i wanna see how counter becomes

imagine the block button becomes a counter, LITERALLY PSEUDO ASSASSIN CREED

Out of all the times I've played FF VII, I've only seen that once. On my last playthrough, as I used that summon, I thought "Come to think of it, I've never seen the fucking Fat Chocobo in this game" and then he dropped out of the sky.

Her death is one of the most (If not THE most) iconic deaths in gaming.
If anything is going to be a shot for shot recreation with no changes, it'll be this.


If there's one thing I hate about current media culture, it's idiots who think a work where bad things happen, or with people who do bad things, is condoning those things.
Villains are villainous. You aren't supposed to like them. Their justifications for their actions are supposed to make you mad, not be taken as actual excuses. It's fucking infuriating zoomers can't grasp this shit. Almost makes me want to rape them to death.

no, but she drowns later

Is this a proper burial in this world? (actually I don't remember seeing a single graveyard in any of the towns).

Try playing VII

It's a Kitase trope. He does it again in 13-2 with Yuel.

Is SE incapable of remaking this without chopping the game into parts?

The worst part is that they are definitely going to reduce Tifas breast size thanks to liberals as well
The liberals keep destroying games more and more with each year
Nowadays games are no longer allowed to have sexy women let alone big breast

>I know for a fact Honey Bee Inn is getting cut.
Why? The gay tub scene is #ForAllThePlayers

See if you can answer any of these questions.
Who did Cloud join Soldier for?
Who did Cloud attack Sephiroth for?
Who did Cloud dress up like a cute girl for?
Who helped Cloud rebuild his broken psyche?
Who does Cloud raise children with?
I'll spoiler the picture in case you really need a hint.

Attached: ct1537039699644.jpg (2048x958, 294K)

Silly user, don't you know that depicting something automatically means you condone it?
How else can we justify banning titty simulators like Senran Kagura?

>Who did Cloud join Soldier for?
>Who did Cloud attack Sephiroth for?
His mother and his town
>Who did Cloud dress up like a cute girl for?
Aeris, ofc
>Who helped Cloud rebuild his broken psyche?
This one is Tifa
>Who does Cloud raise children with?
This is never shown in the original game
>I'll spoiler the picture in case you really need a hint.

Tifafags are retarded. She was the town bicycle and never paid any attention to Cloud until he said he was going to become famous (aka rich)

>Aeris, ofc

Think you need to replay the game, man.

If they take out the MBV Loveless references I'm going to kill myself

Holy shit that had so much wasted potential.

>Who does Cloud raise children with?
lol Cloud literally slept in a different room for the short time he was there and then left to be emo when got aids.

They will get the tone wrong. The original FF7 wasn't all grimdark and edgy. It was filled with jokes and joke characters. Even Cloud was acting goofy most of the time.

How would bringing her back to life make sense at all, not be really stupid and not ruin the rest of the game. Go ahead, I’m waiting.

>Nowadays games are no longer allowed to have sexy women let alone big breast

You are fucking retarded and I wish Sony would start actually censoring big tits just so faggots like you can really have something to cry about.

>part 2 in 2023
I just want to see them again

Attached: 157432854682.jpg (736x788, 81K)

>Kadaj listed in voice work credits

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Overlord III - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.19.000.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

typical no fun allowed faggot /cuckypol/ defending sony

Exactly this.

KH combat has a great base system, but it's too spazzy most of the time and your AI party members are constantly going around doing random crap you can't do shit about.

If the rumors about this are true and it implements an ATB based pause to select/issue special commands system then it will be significantly better.

Maybe he is referring to the frozen world where Elsa was supposed to play the role as the conflicted antagonist, but Disney didn't like it and had it removed.

Yeah, he sure had a good talk with himself out on the water tower. His promise to himself there that significantly impacted the rest of his life must have been really important to him and only to him.
>his mother and his town
There were 4 people in the reactor that day.
>This is never shown in the original game
You're absolutely right, but it's still the same Cloud from the game that does it.
Nice dodge.

Did they make Barret too black?

Japanese people are so weird. If FF7 was a western priperty and AC was made, it would be solidified that Tifa and Cloud are in a relationship, but Japanese people don't like their fictional characters to be in relationships until the very end, so we have this weird situation where they live together with two children under the same roof, but Cloud never even so much as hugs Tifa.

Its fucking autistic.

>so we have this weird situation where they live together with two children under the same roof, but Cloud never even so much as hugs Tifa.
because they aren't a couple, dipshit. He was in love with Aerith and has still been in mourning after her death. Those two kids aren't theirs. Marlene is Barret's daughter and Denzel is some faggot non char from AC

>makes Barret sound exactly how he's supposed to
>white people get intimidated and want them to change it

Fuck off twitter.

Funny thing is, he seems to be rather toned down. I know he won't be cursing like he did in the original, but just because he has a bit of a drawl to his voice, people wanna cry racism

>they arent a couple

Nigga, they are living together. They fucking shagged underneath the Highwind. They clearly are intimate, but Japanese people have intimacy issues, so this is never displayed.

>They fucking shagged underneath the Highwind.
Fucking wrong.
>They clearly are intimate, but Japanese people have intimacy issues, so this is never displayed.
No, they aren't. They aren't even listed as a couple on any of the officially released Ultimania's. Stop pushing your shipping shit where it doesn't belong.

>They didn't shag.
This is you.

Attached: 324423234432.jpg (1586x3500, 1.68M)

he's voicing zack

I sadly agree here. The whole way they're pushing Seph as Cloud's 'eternal rival' is dumb as hell and fucks with the mystery of his character and how much he is motivated by shear insanity.

He doesn't even make an appearance before the Kalm flashback and so you spend several hours without him even being present in the story, and even then he still only appears indirectly until the second disc. Likewise the whole 'one-sided wing' thing was supposed to be symbolic of his attempt to become a god near the very end, not something that's a fundamental part of his character.

One thing I liked about FFVII is how it had several different groups of villains with different motivations who interact with each other independently of your party instead of a single 'big bad'.

Yeah I'm not sure how people still don't get it 22 years later. If you missed the subtle hints as a child, fine, but an adult has no excuse.

>if they keep the weird gay stuff like the all male hot tub and cloud crossdressing I'll buy it day one
>if they cut the gay stuff, I'll wait and see how the game play is received and maybe get it on sale
Never thought this was going to be my standards for buying a game.

Attached: 1555609871874.jpg (444x642, 38K)

You are a retard and are drawing your on conclusions based on what you think should have happened rather than what did. Don't worry, the remake will make it clear for your pea brain.

They'll go "oh wow, is that clever political commentary on DRUMPF?"

Imagine if they brought in Kevin Shields to help with the soundtrack.

7-15 characters are not designed by Amano. From 7 and onwards he just makes art of other peoples designs, promo and cover title artwork.

They'll probably just make it more vague, because Japanese fans can't handle set relationships these days.

It's true that it could face potential censorship, but there are no set rules for the American internal censorship board, which means that big enough publishers can muscle their way around where Idea Factory and NIS cannot. Just look at Soul Calibur VI.

Attached: 0ffea165-e315-4cbc-bc84-2ef19964f739_e2c2e74a-b935-43b4-967f-a641db8eeee1_Soul25[1].jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

It depends on the game, really.
Final Fantasy usually never has any problems with set relationships. Even FFXV had a set relationship between the MC and discount Aerith.

what relationship? She dies right after they meet.

What actually happened, buddy? How did they confirm their feelings matched without using words, according to the Ultimania?

What? They look fantastic

Don't forget that she mentions speaking without words in the game too.

Attached: 1447534886454.png (423x333, 165K)

>uses words to tell cloud that you don't have to use words

Stop calling her aeris you filthy gaijin

She's bad at words, but it's okay, Cloud used her mouth for other things than conversation.

I'd like to see this line in Japanese. Just curious how it's worded there. Don't know why people are giving this much of a fuck about the implications of characters fucking. Aerith is dead anyway, who cares if Cloud fucked Tifa or not?


Shipping trash

Off the top of my head:
>Cloud crossdressing and probably any reference to them posing as a prostitutes. They'll probably be turned into maids/butler or something.
>Hojo clearly stating that he intended to force Nanaki and Aerith to have sex will probably be turned into wanting him to kill her
>Shinra Co. being filled with blood and corpses after Jenova escapes being toned down, probably more bio goo and less blood
>Cloud tackling and beating Aerith with his fists while he's mindcontrolled by Sephiroth outside of Temple of the Ancients will probably be changed into him "almost" attacking her before snapping out of it
>Don Corneo kidnapping Yuffie because she's underage. Will probably use a different character instead or just cut the scene.


>>Suddenly, FFXV combat
People saying this are so ignorant to information about Ffxv and how it turned out as it did. That game was made with a conscious effort to be easy to play and without the prevalence of failure and challenge as a game design choice. It was casualized mainly because they needed to get the game out and put together something easy to use without much depth. Nothing in that teaser made it look like ffxv other than there no grid formation staredown combat

>Game looks great though

If you mean garbage then yes


Are you retarded nigger? I just said I don't care about them fucking and think it's fucking retarded that this is even being argued. I also think it's stupid that the other guy cares about who cloud fucks. Aerith dies dude who cares if cloud gets with Tifa?

It's exactly the same.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-11 at 9.33.03 PM.png (1230x871, 1.1M)

But IX is fucking garbage compared to VII

cope please

If this was really meant to imply something, why are they looking like they are posing for an indie album cover? Shouldn't she be directly in front of him, looking into his eyes while saying that?

Remakes are a better choice than remaster. Remakes offer a chance to make aspects of the original better and/or less shit

>five minutes into Highwind and chill and she gives you this look

Attached: 1557624843294.png (277x303, 80K)

Please don't tell me you're being serious. Not everything follows romance movie tropes.

>If this was really meant to imply something, why are they looking like they are posing for an indie album cover?
Because it was the PS1, you act like people are doing all sorts of weird and stupid shit all throughout the game.

You ride a dophin for fucks sake.

>>Shinra Co. being filled with blood and corpses after Jenova escapes being toned down, probably more bio goo and less blood
If anything gets censored, I highly doubt it'll be the violence

Barrett looks like a white Aussie here

Hojo suggesting breeding Red XIII and Aeristh
Hojo chillin with babes at costa del sol

I always found it where how FF VII had five floors of blood, but Square censored Gerogero and the blood in Ultimecia's castle in the very next game.

This has to be the most retarded man on Yea Forums right now

>Found it where

Sorry, I'm tired. Found it weird*

>Honey bee inn (that's a no brainer)
>Don Conero
No. They'll be in. Why bother portraying a slum if you aren't making it a seedy shithole.
>Cid being an abusive asshole
Necessary for his character development.

>The option for Cloud to take Tifa's underwear in the flashback
>Tifa calling Barret a retard
Yeah. These are gone.

>Hojo suggesting breeding Red XIII and Aeristh
>Hojo chillin with babes at costa del sol

Hojo is a villain.
Both of these things will still be in.

I wonder how they going to do the wheel chair scene and the under water boss fight.

Sure, that's why the Ultimania does. I referenced it because it specifically states they confirm their feelings match.
That, plus her embarrassment at the others being aware of what they did together, plus the developers explaining the scene was originally more blatant, can only lead one conclusion.

How hard is it to have two clusters of pixels stand next to each other in a close an intimate way to allude to there being some kind of sexual tension. You guys have some serious confirmation bias to look at that and see a foreshadowing to a sex scene when Cloud looks half a mile away from her and looking in the other fucking direction.

this line doesn't even come up if your affection points with Tifa are too low. why bother to put something else there if it's not implying something? also, when cid and barret comment on it after they get back to the highwind, Tifa asks, completely mortified, "you saw that?!" if the points are too low, the line changes to "you heard that?" and she's not nearly as embarrassed.

>People actually, genuinely believe that FF7 will be censored by Sony.

Squeenix is one of the very few Japanese developers who can tell Sony of America no in regards to this shit. They can threaten to do some really spiteful shit like hold back the WW release six months to a year if they threaten to censor their golden goose.

You won't find out till 2025

>plus the developers explaining the scene was originally more blatant

Huh. Didn't know about that.

oh please. SE and Sony are practically married. The only reason FF7 Remake was announced in 2015 was to sell PS4s.

Y'all are some dense motherfuckers you know that?

Originally they were going to be exiting a room where they spent the night together, leaving no room for denial of the magnitude we are seeing here.

Damn, I can't fucking wait for this game

Attached: remake-tifa.jpg (221x442, 17K)

I forget did Seph do this to be a dick or did he have a legit reason?

I've exited a room with a woman before. We didn't have sex.

>I don't remember seeing a single graveyard
did you even play the fucking game?

Attached: Train_graveyard.png (512x512, 244K)

>oh please. SE and Sony are practically married.

SE and Sony of Japan are.
Which is another reason why their game isn't going to get fucked with by gaijin.

I wonder why they bowed out, they did it in Xenogears.

Yet I think Xenogears was rated M.

I thought you were going to post the one in Gongaga you dense motherfucker

Fuck you Matpat.

And yet you willingly come here. What does that say about you?

Because the developers didn't want them to? Have you watched more than five movies in your life? Have you ever watched anime? Have you ever talked to real people? Not all of us even put on our goddamn shirts the same way, people are different and they do things differently. She could've had her back to him because she didn't want him to see the embarrassed look on her face (which really couldn't come through with the shitty visuals), it might've been done to look dramatic, who knows, there's a million reasons why a girl won't always stare her love in her eyes and clasp her hands around his while saying stuff like this. I don't even care about them fucking or not really, it's just the sheer stupidity and and the absolute desperation to point out that they couldn't possibly have fucked that gets me.


How did Don Corneo know the information that AVALANCHE was going to hit the next reactor?


His cumslut Tifa told him.

Aeris had the White Materia and was using it to block Meteor.

Aerith was usung the Holy materia to stop his plans. She was a direct threat to his goals.

Gongaga has a graveyard iirc.

>it's just the sheer stupidity and and the absolute desperation to point out that they couldn't possibly have fucked that gets me.
Because its an optional scene you get with high affection with Tifa, which most people would not have gotten anyway due to the original game stats having Aerith's affection always be higher by default. Canonically, they never fucked, you idiot

Sounds like the name of an Australia town.

he really does. he doesn't have proper nigger hair.

Maybe there will be a text only option for old time sake.

>make Barrett sound black
>hire white man to voice Barrett

Attached: 55862959_2364102387203405_6928866957162665506_n.jpg (546x546, 48K)

>"completely indistinguishable from any other hyper realistic AAA game" sure.
man user you could've said it looks too much like FFXV which it does

>Yes it was a shit game, and Luna as a character was all but cut from the final product, but the scene itself is pretty rough on you. Basically the bad guy walks up, stabs the "main love interest" in the stomach, backhands her, then walks away taunting.
Nigga, is you serious? Noctis meets Luna how many times in the game? Once? Twice? And the audience is supposed to give a fuck?

Aerith's death was way more impactful.

Attached: steve nash.gif (266x268, 1.07M)

I always get that dialogue without even trying, I never even use her in my party, so it can't be that hard to get.

>Canonically, they never fucked, you idiot

Who the fuck is arguing that it's canon, dipshit? We're talking about that scene, not if it's canon or not, that one scene.

I played this game 6 months ago and totally forgot this even happened, that's how not impactful this scene was.

that'd be really cool, user

Attached: q9qnM.png (500x531, 136K)

>it might've been done to look dramatic, who knows, there's a million reasons why a girl won't always stare her love in her eyes and clasp her hands around his while saying stuff like this.
Oh yea, because we should be looking to 90s video games for peak subtly in acting and emoting. You want to try again, faggot?

Canonically they very obviously fucked, you idiot. Have you read Case of Tifa?
If you're talking canon, FFVII is only one part. You have to take into account the rest of the Compilation. That's what canon means. It is a collection of works, the entirety of them. FFVII canon is the Compilation.
I've been arguing it. How else could you interpret someone stating "Cloud and Tifa had sex in Final Fantasy VII" to be anything other than a discussion of canon?

I'm saying that in no officially released materials does it ever say that Cloud and Tifa had a sexual encounter under the highwind, so as much as you want to draw conclusions based on whatever allusions you see in it, they didn't fuck.

That's not true at all, you basically have to go out of your way to shit on Tifa to not get this scene and it's still very likely even if you took Aerith on the goldsaucer date. Not to mention most guidebooks about FFVII since have confirmed this scenario is canon. Also, calm down greg it's just a video game baka.

>Canonically they very obviously fucked, you idiot. Have you read Case of Tifa?
Give me the source for where in Case of Tifa she talks about having fucked Cloud and I will concede.

Leaked Tifa concept art

Attached: D6UtN7NUIAA-r05.png (547x844, 181K)

But the scene plays out two different ways depending on her affection level. You always get the under the highwind scene, but you almost never get her alluding to some pretend sexual scene. This is the scene with high affection for Tifa. If you treat her with less of a romantic edge, you'll get a different scene with more platonic implications.

There's not even a single category that VII is superior to IX in, user. You have abysmal taste if you think otherwise.

Based retard who can't read the room.

Except the censorship lights on nude Lady and Trish are only on PS4, Xbone and PC don't have em?

extremely accurate image, based

You're floundering. No point in continuing to argue with someone who can't accept that they're wrong after being presented with multiple explanations. I and others have presented you with the line in English, the line in Japanese, that it was in the Ultimania, that the developers intended for it to be less ambiguous int he first place, and you've provided us with whining and name calling because you have nothing. Good day.

>How else could you interpret someone stating "Cloud and Tifa had sex in Final Fantasy VII" to be anything other than a discussion of canon?

We've been talking about a scene, that's all as far as I know.

A lot of things are never stated, they're left for viewers/players/readers to figure out or interpret for themselves. If you can't don't have the mental faculties to understand things that aren't explicitly stated, then try simpler games.

>They fucked!
>You got proof?
>y-you just can't read into the subtly of the scene
So you're full of shit. Got it.

Jesus fuck, the absolute self-delusion in this thread is amazing. Is it really so upsetting if Tifa fucked Cloud in a scene that depends on player choices?

Cmon, you can do better than that, user.

Attached: realistic_tifa.jpg (3524x2599, 179K)

It's 2020. To coincide with the PS5 release.

It is a PS4/PS5 game.

Like another user said, the people supporting it have give actual signs that point to it both within and without the game, the ones denying it haven't given anything at all.

reminder if you don't play this game in jap you are subhuman

I just smiled from the fact that Tifa vs Aerith autism is still the same after 22 years

>I and others have presented you with the line in English, the line in Japanese
That doesn't mean it was intented as an allusion to a sexual encounter
>that it was in the Ultimania
Care to show me?
>that the developers intended for it to be less ambiguous int he first place, and you've provided us with whining and name calling because you have nothing.
All that matters is the final product of the game. Scenarios conceived in the concept state of development have no baring on the final product we are given. Try again.

aeris a shit and always been a shit


Why, for stating a fact? He looks only very slightly tanned and has straight hair, not afro hair. He looks white.

No Tifa tits no buy.

>dat Tifa
>dat Aeris
he can keep her

Attached: 1557511690677.jpg (624x588, 235K)

I've played it a couple times in Nip. So much nicer, I don't think I'll ever play it in English again. If the remake comes out on PC soon enough I'll pirate it and play it in English, but if not, I'll just watch it on Youtube. I'm eager to compare the new localization to the old one.

Why is one titty half the size of the other

Yes? I'm not sure what you're arguing here? The high affection scene *is* the scene with the implied intimacy. Unless you're arguing said intimacy isn't sexual, which is why you're at the very least aware there are two ways this scene could play out, the other being platonic. Even then, why the hang up on whether or not it's sexual? it's meant to be romantic either way.

>Is it really so upsetting if Tifa fucked Cloud in a scene that depends on player choices?
No, because it didn't happen.

>That doesn't mean it was intented as an allusion to a sexual encounter

Offer me an another explanation then. Do be sure to have proof, you always demand that of me (despite having received it).

>Care to show me?

Read it yourself you lazy shit.

It's better in most ways, especially the story. IX literally doesn't have a proper story at all. I played it for like 40 hours and FUCKING NOTHING HAPPENED, NOTHING AT ALL. You don't even find out who the main antagonists are in that time, it was a boring piece of shit garbage game.
Also, the team is way better in 7. Almost every team member in 9 is wack and unlikable like the stupid fucking fat monster that eats everything.

>Even then, why the hang up on whether or not it's sexual? it's meant to be romantic either way.
Because there is a difference. People want to skip straight to it's a sex scene when nothing in it implies such. Sure, romantic implications but not sexual because they are not in any way set up to imply that.

>Lightning that high
absolute haram

You guys know Barret was never supposed to be black?
This is a classic case of americans distorting a characters design.

Memrise paying off I can read that shit

you can't possibly think this unless you're 14, FF7's grimdark edgecast is total aids. FF9 is true to Final Fantasy's roots and uses a generic fantasy world to great effect. FF9 is not so much about the plot but about the world and the adventure

plus the combat system is faster paced and more interesting. FF7's materia is stupid.

Couldve sworn this shit was dead for years. I knew it was gonna make a comeback with the remake but this soon is pretty funny


Stop talking like a nigger.

>Read it yourself you lazy shit.
>Can't provide proof when the burden is on him to support his argument
>Tries to turn it around to shift the heat on the other party so that if they do not provide the same demands they are being asked of, they can be the one to say "no u!"
Try harder next time, faggot

It really is something special isn't it?

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>plus the combat system is faster paced and more interesting.

>high encounter rate with a 30-second-long battle transition
>"faster paced"

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t. never played ff7
ff7 is only dark in Midgar

Yeah, but we've been talking about what happens in the scene. If we're claiming something happens, how does that not imply it happens in the larger work?
Otherwise I'd be saying "it could have happened" which isn't even worth arguing.
There's plenty of circumstantial evidence that leads to a conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt.
To be fair, he doesn't really have to offer evidence. That's what makes it frustrating. How can you prove they didn't if you can't definitely prove they did?
>nothing in it implies such
Yeah, the scene immediately following it implies it. That's called subtlety. And it isn't even that subtle! Tifa's reaction is comically over the top.

Squall is the best written character in the series. Sorry for your shit taste.

delete this cursed image

aeris dies

I don't want to see that nigga anymore. He turned into a petty faggot

Who else just feels detached from the mainline series at this point?
X had some rocky parts. And largely was done better years ago by Grandia II
XII doubled down on most faults of X, threw in some of the worst parts of an MMO, and spat on everything further by making it an almost Star Warsian story in Ivalice. And overall felt better done by Xenoblade 1.
XIII's trilogy has been drug through the mud more than anyone need to discuss.
XV's a frankenstein mess that tries a lot and doesn't commit to any parts that could make it amazing.
There's basically nothing grabbing me for 7R when I own the original.

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Well it never was even close.
Tifa > Aerith.

>There's plenty of circumstantial evidence that leads to a conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt.
But again, no actual proof from official sources that they fucked, eh?

>Can't provide proof when the burden is on him to support his argument

Same goes for you, my faggot friend. You've provided absolutely no evidence that I and others are wrong, not even some in game dialogue which even we provided.

Ultimania isn't hard to find, go read it. Won't be hard to find the section if you can read at all. If it's not in there, then I'm setting myself up for failure by pointing to a source that's freely available that anyone can peruse. But who am I kidding? You're mad because your waifu fucked a spikey haired hero in an optional scene, so you don't want the truth, you just want to deny it. You have your fun.

this remake doesn't seem like a remake more like a reboot

>because they aren't a couple
>There are people who still believe this
c'mon now

>tfw people who have never played FF7 before will think Aeris dying is the biggest spoiler
Im glad thats the prevailing spoiler and not the actually important one. Gonna be cool hearing everyone talk about that scene.

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There's only one reason I would play this and that's if it's worth playing for best girl.

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>how does that not imply it happens in the larger work?

Same way Cloud 7777ing Jenova Synthesis to death in my game doesn't make it canon. Jesus, man.

>How can you prove they didn't if you can't definitely prove they did?

That's the fucking point. There are hints that they did. I think it's pretty obvious but nowhere does anyone ever say "Cloud fucked Tifa" or anything, you've just got to use your brain to see it, which is why so many people can't. But that's neither here for there. At the end of the day, people are saying that there are hints, and pointing them out, and the denialfags go straight into denial mode without even bothering to explain away what was pointed out, they just shout "PROOF!" over and over again.

What's with people spamming cope every five seconds? Is this a new meme?

>people don't realise Sepiroth was a bro and took out Aerith so Cloud could get with Tifa

>Ultimania isn't hard to find, go read it. Won't be hard to find the section if you can read at all. If it's not in there, then I'm setting myself up for failure by pointing to a source that's freely available that anyone can peruse.
The burden of proof is on you for insisting that they did fuck. If they did and you can give me the source for where Nomura says they did, I will gladly concede, but you and others continue to do this song and dance about looking at the game and reading the "subtly of the scene" and other bullshit non answers, and thus here we are.

>It's going to be episodic still
Imagine how many people are going to drop it after the first release.

>8 better than 10
>9 that lauded
Im sick of you faggot 9 contrarians. Game is easily one of the average ff's.

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Just selfinsert as cloud

>plus the combat system is faster paced
ff9 is my favorite game of all time but this has to be bait

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They snuggle afterwards tho

Attached: cloud-tifa-snuggle.jpg (424x293, 16K)

Actual leaked concept art

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dude wtf???

somebody tell me pls

Just because they slept together doesn't mean they had sex. It only counts if we see penetration, obviously.

Even then I don't believe Cloud has a dick so it was probably Cid.

Yeah most of what Square Enix makes nowadays is pure wank, but they're going back to something good and putting a spin on it rather than trying to come up with something original themselves; there's an extra safety step before "abysmal failure", if you get what I mean. Anyway it's like the recent RE2 remake:
I consider it an opportunity to re-experience a game I love.

Whether or not it's worth the $120-180 (I'm assuming) asking price is up to you.

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>In one version of the scene Tifa says were you listening
>in the other were you watching while breaking down

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cope, seething and have sex are tranny spam from tranny discords

Dude, I just want some good ol jrpg, preferably turnbased, with fantasy shit.
I've enjoyed FF14 more than any FF game released after the Enix merger.
Bravely games kinda hit the mark but damn it's clear they're middling budget projects.
Part of me is still pissed that they just skipped redoing 5 and 6.
5's my fucking favorite FF game. Also, pety as this sounds, Faris's only 3D render is from god damn WoFF. Funko-pop bullshit. Lena has jack-all.

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>black dude sounds the best
>the gay looking blonde dude and the girl sound like absolute fucking grade a garbage

I and others have already pointed out the hints, the hints that are in the game, and you can't even explain those away, you can't tell me what else "Words aren't the only thing that tell people what you're thinking" is referring to. You and the other denialfags CAN'T seem to do it, so pal, it's your turn to use your words like a big boy and explain what we pointed away first. Can you do that?

Cid was obviously beating his dick while Cloud and Tifa did nasty things

>The art/graphics are retarded looking.

Attached: as if.png (559x538, 262K)

t. basedboy

Well, considering the developers have commented on scrapping a version of this scene that left far less to the imagination then i would just say you're splitting hairs at this point.

I'm one of the people saying they probably fucked, but the only other thing I can think of that'd cause an embarrassment breakdown like that is they kissed or something. Yeah, it's over the top, but it's a game, and a Japanese one at that. But yeah, 99% chance they fucked, but waifufags can't accept it.

What's with the long face?

Attached: remake_aeris_.jpg (1280x853, 156K)

Tifa is not for Cloud fuck off.

Clouds a really likable guy because hes not just ridiculousy handsome.
He is strong, humble, shy and a bit of a loser but a hero and a introvert with social anxiety.
You may not like it but this turns on alpha women like tifa.

>Part of me is still pissed that they just skipped redoing 5 and 6.
I'm still annoyed by this.
They finally got to the good FF games, the ones that would actually really work with that chunky chibi artstyle the guys SE outsourced the FFIV DS remake had, and then promptly stopped remaking them.

Like, just God fucking damn it.
Maybe it'll still happen, maybe we'll get a chibi FFV / VI remake on the Switch 2 by the time SE is finished with VII but fuck man I'll be 35 by then.

The dev themself called the scene risque, "were you watching" is obviously about fucking

It literally looks nothing like 13 combat. What the fuck are you talking about?

Tifa x Cloud is canon

This scene will be even more heart-breaking in the remake

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The majority of censorship has been on underage girls and while it's not enforced there's still a number of states with laws prohibiting that sort of thing.

i dont even know why people are arguing this. Cloud lusts after Tifa the entire game lol. Tifa falls in love with him.


>aerisdies is still up and running
Jesus Christ.

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>but the only other thing I can think of that'd cause an embarrassment breakdown like that is they kissed or something
This is more likely considering its a japanese game and they usually err on the side of caution when it comes to showing sexually explicit scenes, but westerners wouldn't get it since they have sex on the brain constantly.

Not anymore, Cloud will go full tranny mode and turn into Sephiroths fuck boy (and that's a good thing)

>Cloud lusts after Tifa the entire game lol
What fucking game did you play?

>trying to stir up shit again
Oh you

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keep your fantasies to yourself you colossal super faggot


Aerith actually represents gaia. Sephiroth represents pollution.

no fucking way

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>TFW you're not the most successful of people in the world, but you'll never be a waifufag who can't cope with their waifu fucking another character after two decades

Gotta say, it's a nice feeling.

The original

Does that mean...benis..into...bagina...?


probably azncels reeeing over blonde men

I'm play VII for the first time on PS4, and I JUST did this part. The heavy moments are really well done, excited to keep playing

I'm a little more sour on 6 than most people.
But in general, 4-10 was a great era and all of those games deserve their proper love.
FUCK what I'd give for another Tactics/Tactics Advance game.

What one did you play?
He did a bunch of boneheaded shit, including but not limited joining Soldier, just to impress her. He wanted to come back to Nibelheim as a bigshot military man and sweep her off her feet; he kept his helmet on at all times when he returned with Sephiroth because he was embarrassed to still be a grunt.

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Cloud's entire character hinges on him being a fucking dork who went to join the army to try to win over the big tiddy cowgirl back home.

You are supposed to self insert as FF heroes such as Cloud, Squall, Tidus and Zidane

So they want to divide FFVII into multiple games....
How many games do you guys think they're going to try and make out of this? 2? 3?
I'm also curious at which points in the story they'll end "game 1", and etc.

three discs so nine episodes released over eleven years

fml i could really see Square doing that

They look exactly like the original versions. It's stylised.

>that Crisis Core ending
i cry evry time

Cloud had his looney toon moments in the game, but he wasn't some shy faggot. He made his move on Jessie, Tifa, Aeris, Barret, some toursit chick from Costa del Sol and hookers. He lived the dream

>I don't believe Cloud has a dick
Tifa's got them covered

Probably three.

Midgar or the Kalm flashback is a natural end-point for the first episode. And Aeris' death is a likely stopping point for the second.

I tried to diagram splitting the game into four releases and I can't without imagining at least two being really unsatisfying. Three would be optimim.