Megaman Battle Network is
Megaman Battle Network is
Other urls found in this thread:
a pretty fun series and I want Roll.EXE to sit on my face
RNG buuullshit
a finished series that will NEVER EVER get another game.
Annoying as fuck to 100% can even ONE GAME be fun to 100% I swear to god motherfucker this goddamn
This but with Ribitta
an okayish MMSF beta test
You can dodge the attacks ya tard.
That’s only for redsun/bluemoon though
He is reffering to 1 where Ranks are pure RNG. Besides,
>S Rank V3 Ghost Navi
>5000 zenny
Have fun getting Cannonball in 1 or doing Beast Gates in 6. And god forbid you chip grind in 5.
>Delete enemies instantly.
>Rank: 9
2 and 3. The rest are hell.
What are some themes?
I want to fuck Yai.
>got to mbn6 endgame a couple of days ago
>emergency music that plays in the overworld won't stop playing even after I beat the game
I swear it wasn't like this in 3. Did they forget to put the trigger in?
alright hand over the shotas
She's 7.
Tiddies don't belong on shotas.
you're 7
I'm pretty sure there exists a restoration hack that restores the post-game content that was removed from international releases, and also fixes small issues like that.
It's like how the majority of the internet keeps the dulled out colors in BN3 end-game. The danger music is removed, but the internet keeps looking dull.
Yes, and? Yai is for cumming on her forehead.
this is not what I asked for
Why is MMBN 2 so shit? What the fuck was going through their minds when they put gater in the game?
A great way to destroy your friend in link battles.
You DID play in High School, didn't you?
I'd go for the butthole, myself.
What's my best bet for getting the physical Advanced Pet chips cheap?
I don't want anything rare, I'd just settle with a couple of basic chips 'cause I think they're neat
pls respond
Is Gater the best Program Advance in the series that isn't Darkness?
I've only heard of battle network in passing and seen 1-2 screenshots of a combat grid, what are these like? They're on GBA right? I loved classic and X so might be worth giving these a shot.
ZenMarket but be prepared for shipping up the ass
RPG game, battle on a 3x3 grid in real time, only stopping for a few seconds to load up to 5 chips and begin a new turn
And MMBN1-6 are available on the GBA, yes
There's some great deals, can't believe I didn't know about that website. Haven't seen the shipping yet.
Cool, I'll throw them on my vita and try them soon. Thanks.
It's literally the best game
overrated shit.
I'm pretty sure when you register they'll cover the comission fee of 300 [about 3 dollars] yen for your first order so I'd look for maybe a huge lot of Battle Chips so you don't have to drop an 300 yen per auction
Might as well join you in posting webms
Is it aimed at a younger audience? The story in X was pretty good but Zero was a step down IMO. These screenshots look pretty anime.
The story is along the same "Saturday Morning Cartoon" feel similar to Classic on average, occasionally dipping into some genocidal territories
If plot is your concern then:
Starforce>Battle Network>Zero>Legends>Classic>ZX>X
Oh just like on Aliexpress. I'll give it a try. I'm liking this thing, whatever it is.
which one is the best again? i remember playing this Battle network 2 like back in 2004 ~ 2005 on the GBA, was it 3?
I enjoyed this so much back in the day i think it's one of the most underrated game series out there. I hope my memory isnt clouded by nostalgia, because damn that shit was fun.
3 and 6 are usually agreed to be the best
best fpbp
3 is generally the most beloved.
3, 2, and 6 (restored) are considered the best, with 3 in the lead.
1 and 4 are considered the worst, the former due to being unpolished and the latter due to the writing, story structure, and requirements to 100%.
Using time stopping chips like Navi chips limit your maximum score.
>6 (restored)
The what now? Can you download that somewhere?
Zero has the best plot, though.
Shieeeet. It's a patch of the japanese version and there is no way to transfer save. Guess I'll be replaying the whole game now.
Also points for MM8 and BN in general using this opening rift
Plot's less of a concern than atmosphere. X was cool and classic had great stages. Zero felt like it was trying a little too hard. Gameplay was neat though.
More like Zero is the only one that tried at all.
Why didn't capcom announce this collection too?
Not at all.
>Maverick Hunter X2 never
inspired by Neon Genesis Evangelion
>not even a cool ass chip design
>dark chips just have this generic design on the anime
Based Mega Man Battle Network 4 is the most underrated game in in the Battle Network series. Despite not being considered a true Battle Network title, the series has proven itself time and time again. This is largely because Battle Network's premise is far, far more interesting than the traditional Battle Network style. The main reason for this is actually fairly simple; for the most part, Mega Man Battle Network games are fairly linear. While a bit more than usual, this format has been a good way to introduce new players to the series in general, especially with the introduction of the Battle Network 2.0 series. With a bit of background you'll know why Mega Man Battle Network 4 is considered a classic by many players.
How to say fuck all: the post.
I wish Starforce had the same gameplay as BN. I really liked alot of the characters and the plot in Starforce but the gameplay isn't even close to being as good as BN. 3 was pretty decent tho admittedly.
This is, to put it politely, a shit ton of bullshit, and is also completely fucking retarded. We're not about to make a video of us saying shit to each other, man. Instead, we're going to talk about some of our thoughts on what makes this thread so important, and why we're doing it at the time. So if you think the conversation needs to be edited for the sake of clarity, don't tell us. Just don't be rude about it, okay?
6 had a small chunk of content removed, mostly related to crossover material with Boktai 3 due to it never being released outside Japan. Not only that, but most games have content like special super powerful Battle Chips that were given to Japanese players who attended special events. There's even special compatibility for certain games with the PET toys released in Japan (and Beast Link Gate for 6) that lets you use abilities and do things that aren't normally possible, like using Dark Chips in 6. And finally, there was e-Reader compatibility.
I think there are ways to get all of this on emulators.
I've got themes for YOU!
So, if it's a parallel universe to the original Megaman, were these things the equivalent of the Evil Energy in MM8?
Is this that google bot?
That's more-so 1 and 2.
I managed to 100% 6 as a kid and I used an alphabet soup folder, so I doubt that was was too bad.
4 and 5 can sit on a cock, though.
Don't you talk shit about Battle Network 2.
a prison holding my waifu hostage from reality
I want that hat
He ded.
Battle Network was far ahead of its time.
I've been here for five years and I still don't understand this.
Remember that time ShadeMan got fucking MURDERED?
>only 5 years
lurk more fgt
>Capcom predicted literally everything
How did they do it?
its time
Imagine being Lan and rubbing that tummy.
For me, it's the Boomer
Based Lan.
I know everyone says how bad 4 is but is it worth at least trying on rom if you've never played before?
I'd say it's worth trying out solely because it's a BN game, so go for it
I just won a bid for a cheap box that came with 5 chips for $2. Apparently I have to wait until it ships to their warehouse for them to ask me for my shipping info and my fucking money.
Thanks a ton dude, I always wanted those cool chips.
To be desu with you, I'm doing a replay of the whole series and I'm looking forward to doing 4 again.
Granted, that might be because I forgot how annoying it is and I'm sure it'll grind me down and make me regret my optimism, but there are things about it that are enjoyable.
I got the same issue bro, but your best bets are the booster packs which have 5 randoms for 25
>Megaman Battle Network is
dead and buried as it should be now make way for X9 baybeeee
I keep paying up the rear for eBay and Amazon, but I did manage to snag a good PET for 30 bucks.
i thought 4 was fine but fuck that magnetman mini-game, whichever version that was. 4 has the best undernet theme.
i meant metalman, the one where you smash rocks. stupid ass minigame. i think it was the hardest if it was the last soul you got.
I was trying to avoid those because they seemed 2fishy4me. Low res images, no descriptions and no comments. I went to the site Anonymous recommended and tried my luck. I'll see in about 3 weeks how it goes because obviously I'm getting the cheapest, longest shipping.
I want it
Do you think Mayl made Lan wear a condom at first or was she looking to get teen pregnant from day one?
It’s main plot is terrible even by Battle Network standards (no kidding here, it’s an achievement that it manages to be even worse then the usual saturday morning cartoon shit), but otherwise it’s not too bad. A huge amount of bitterness towards it comes from the fact that it’s a bitch to 100%, requiring multiple playthroughs and shit, so I suggest that you just abandon the whole idea of going completionist and play through it only once.
It's coming back to me now.
>Metalman teleports in front of you and smashes the boulder you want to break.
This shit took me three days to beat.
>You can only get version 1 chips from your first playthrough, meaning shaving off 2k HP from Duo who has a very tiny specific weakspot that's only open for a small period of time, is a massive fucking undertaking.
This alone pissed me off.
Aside from aging they're actually legit from personal experience. The as seen on kidsWB sticker took me back HARD.
>nobody talks about the Zero games on GBA
PTSD time
Guess I'll trust you like I trusted the other poster then, since they don't have Napalm Man's chip box thingy in the jap site and it's on Amazon for $30 or something.
>watching NT Warrior on Kids WB
>It's in the middle of the arc where Protoman went rogue
>Couldn't watch it because brother had a soccer game I had to attend
>Local Kids WB affliate stopped showing the series completely the week after the episode I missed.
>left on that cliffhanger for years until I discovered torrenting
I got to go relive my Saturday mornings and watch some NT Warrior
I still have my promo disc of the first episode that came with Network Transmission
This reminds me why I will never, ever replay 1 again and why I will also recommend skipping it for people coming to the series first time. That fucking power management dungeon and the generally confusing and shitty internet layout that is pain to navigate even when you know it beforehand, fuck all that.
That was the last thing I saw before my laptop died. It was terribly painful to trudge through.
In which games? I recently 100%'d Battle Network 2 by spamming Gater on almost everything and still got plenty of S Ranks, and no guide for the game I ever found mentioned that in rank calculation.
I wanna WoodTowr that bellybutton
Rules for S ranking is different for bosses
Post your PETs for a netbattle Yea Forums and show them some love
What a diarrhea shit load of fuck. LOL just guess the pattern, kid! Hope this doesn't turn you off from the sequeuls! ;)
What did he mean by this?
He's terrified that there's an actual human being on the net somehow.
Wtf, this is DBZ as hell. Not complaining
Fuck this Power Plant.
Even in OSS it's still dumb.
literally just rename the save file
Is that you, AVGN?
At least in 3, you couldn't S Rank a non-story boss while using time stop chips, I had to build a nasty program advanced deck to collect all the best versions of the Navi chips.
Was it altered?
I wanna start a MAYL month! so that anyone can draw Mayl Sakurai.
These are very busy net navi boys, they are too busy browsing the world wide web for your hands
I’d honesly prefer to have Mayl in an white one-piece swimsuit that has a center cutout that goes all the way down to the navel.
It's *May*l, already the perfect month.
Yeah but i wanna be like a thing, like an art Jam for the month and gather others so they can draw her, the best submissions will be featured on baraag.
the jam starts in may 25th to 31th
That sounds interesting
i am working on a new pic as we speak.
Well that's great to hear
I'll keep up with whatever happens around May 25 onwards
Anyone can start drawing if they want, but the instructions will be posted on baraag, once i gather some assistance and suggestion, before the contest, i will choose the place of submission, and the best will be featured on May 31th on a baraag gallery.
hmmmmmmm i dunno
>Ahh... Boomer. Now THAT was a virus!
>They don't make viruses like they used to
youre right let me try again
2>3>6>shanghai>1>>>>>dog turds>>>>death by drowning>>>>
too lewd, here's her in a white one piece tho
Powerplant isn't that bad as an adult, but damn doing that as a barely literate kid back in the day was stress city. It wouldn't have been so bad to painfully trial and error through it if it weren't also on a timelimit, but since fucking around too long makes megaman lose starting hp it's unreasonable.
Stunlocking cheeky elec viruses can eat a dick too.
You people do know "boomer" was a term long before the current Yea Forums meme right?
Oh I get that, it's just that it's funny that the meme sprung up and MMBN has both Boomer and Doomer in the same game
I assume you'll post more about it on your Twitter?
>I assume you'll post more about it on your Twitter?
i can give a shout out but twitter is very uptight about loli, i was thinking more of baraag.
>Keep seeing Battle network threads
Maybe there's hope of a Switch Ports desu. I want to battle anons
Also move over anons for the best battle theme
That's fair enough
Seriously, the Switch is perfect for BN so I wonder what Capcom could possibly be waiting for
It really wouldn't be too expensive to port all the ROMs together into one collection, would it? Especially if they were to release it for digital
Ordered this yesterday. Don't judge me
To clarify, a shirt, not a jpg
Some user is proposing an art jam of mayl this month
>Play as your favorite Mega Man, Mega Man X, Megaman X, or Mega Man Z
Why is Mega Man X listed twice
Mega Man X is so good he counts as two spots
Yeah, essentially. They got more screen time though since the entire second half of the series deals with them.
Fuck you I liked it
>entire second half
two-thirds of it.
Why is it so hard to get 100 standard chips in BN5? I'm getting like 3 per hour
Looks like the art book is getting hard cover re-release; I'm sure I'm not the first to bring it up.
Now that is a shirt I'd watch for reactions for, the series being almost 15 years over and all.
never ever
Because 2/3 of the upgrade chips are postgame exclusive.
I'm in postgame tho (unless you mean the secret area specifically)
4-6 is half of the BN series.
I really, REALLY want this to become a thing, i know i have some detractors here and there, but fuck it, why not? here's my piece.
i want to eat that ass
Capcom was stupid for not making the PET controller they conceived and not making the center a battle chip slot.
And 6 isn't focused on evil energy/dark chips
Oh right, forgot they weren't in 6.
Reminder that NT has a killer OST
I have faith it could become a thing, you don't get nowhere by doubting yourself, after all
fucking great work
How has there not been a "spiritual successor" kickstarter game or something for BN yet?
I love BN!
Is the anime worth watching?
card you fucker
Which chip codes did you guys on your tryhard folder? S always seemed like the go to.
The reason megaman games stopped being made.
games were okay but every fucking year in tandem with whatever other megaman sub franchise capcom landed on their dart board was really fucking stupid.
Stream can get a bit repetitive with cross fusion and Beast is meh but i say give it a shot
One Step From Eden
Reminder that MMBN1-6 all came out in less than 5 years
Capcom really thought Megaman needed a gorillion games every minute for some reason
But BN is the sub franchise that was most popular and sold the best in Japan.
If anything it was Starforce and ZX the reason why games stopped being made. Flashcart piracy didn't make things any better for them either.
Several, none that I have seen actually release though
It's purely on BN4 being so shit
You can see the sales of all megaman games build up and up until they hit a peak with BN4 due to all the hype but then immediately plummet because all faith was lost
Zero was essentially Mega May Cry. After you get gud the game felt seamless to play.
>tfw I liked starforce and ZX
Its not fair.
thank you.
The art grows on me the more I look at it.
>They even got Lan's ever-so-slight pudginess
The time has come Mayl, execute order 66.
we can execute it all together around May 25th to May 31th
>own BN4 Blue Moon
>having to do Woodman's area literally blind since there was a bug Capcom missed.
oh no, are you trying to troll user's intention?
Someone doesn't know about anti piracy
Fuck off, dobson
Delete yourself inflationfag.
She tsuntsuned him into taking it off.
Well it's shitty anti piracy because it happens on legit carts
I remember when I saw this on XPlay late at night and I just had to have it, never got a hold of it sadly.
You didn’t say please
Loved this game. Hard at the start though.
This game had SUCCHHHHH good music.
Still have the Promo Disc that came with copies from Target
Christ it's been years since I saw the show itself, does it still hold up?
keep it up and i'll have a folder with your name on it soon.
The dub is kinda bad desu. The show itself gets repetitive.
Me too, user. I put it in a separate DVD case.
Which do you prefer?
>All chips can come in all codes, with enough time you can break the game and have a pure unicode folder and use every single chip in combination with other chips
>All chips can only come in 4-5 codes, some combinations of chips can never be used together
oh shit same here.
Good thinking
the only thing I remember was Lan was played by the brother from Kyle XY and Dex being played by the guy who plays Eddy in Ed Edd n Eddy
and the chick who played Mayl was a recurring character on The Romeo Show
I have no idea why I remember that
Latter by far
6 has the best folder building
Roll, no!
name a more kino song than this
4-5 codes.
BN6 was already really easy to cheese with the chip combinations it had, besides gotta try to have some balance for multiplayer.
didn't the dub only do the first two seasons?
It only got up to axcess, and worse was that they were skipping episodes.
and didn't they abruptly stop airing it?
That wasn't a fever dream I had right?
That's cool about the opening riff in MM8 and BN3.
not what I fucking wanted when I bought a used copy at game crazy because it said mega man and I got a goddamn turn based rpg
>first SF game
>Geo's dad is presumably dead
>Bud feels hatred over his inferiority
>Dubius has trust issues
>Sonia's mom is fucking dead
>Shepar is stressed out over working as a teacher
>Luna has awful parents
>Pat's parents abandoned him
Growth from Geo and Omega-Xis was amazing, from the viewpoint of a kid who couldn't even understand the situations he was being dragged into. It's kind of heartwarming.
They pushed out a handful of new episodes then stopped, then Mattel canceled their third wave of merchandise. That really sucked since only a handful of battlechips were released in the US and the Advanced PET II despite being finished never formally released.
they stopped in the middle of the Dark Protoman arc
and I'll never not be fucking pissed over that.
What made them can the series in a sudden manner while Viewtiful Joe got a full run? How much LSD did they take?
Oh fuck I remember that. Came on right before Megaman
But I think it was only the first season that aired here
The second season barely ran in Japan in the first place
>turn based rpg
at least put some effort into your shitty bait
Something about Kids WB getting axed. NT Warrior wasn't aired on 4Kids TV iirc if they moved it over to 4Kids they probably would've went all the way to Beast
NT warrior getting axed happened some years after KidsWB got canned. How did that work?
If I recall, WB in general was in the process of getting shut down anyway when they stopped.
Me and my confusion
what game is this?
sorry I was 11 when I played it 15 years ago, maybe it wasn't turn based but I know for sure what I played wasn't fucking megaman
It appears to be MM&B. It came out during the last years of the SFC and well emulates the visuals of 8.
MegaMan 8 beta
It's the 1st beta not the second one
what game is this?
How did you get your hands on the beta ROM?
they've been dumped for years user and i'd make a game prototype thread since stuff like this interests me but since everyone is too busy waifuposting and making stealth projared/porn threads so i just pop in whenever one does show up
why is the wallpaper a buttplug
based and rollpilled
That's a big Woodman
post your galley user
so its not a game...
>all those refs
Top tier
Best game overall: 3
Best gimmicks: 5 (I enjoyed the liberation missions, sue me)
Best gameplay: 6
Best Endgame: 3
Worst: 4
You. I like you. I also wish I had the ability and consistency to force myself through the shitty starter stages of gitting gud at drawing just so I could participate in some drawfag threads.
Be on the look out for this dog. He is a known cock-sucker and cum addict.
Well Chrono X is happening but if you are referring to official games than yeah
it hurts bros
enjoy user
Have to wait for the Switch e-store to get repopulated by the stuff on the Wii U
What makes BN threads so comfy guys?
because I've legit loved this series to death since I was pure and young
I love the BN series solely because a virus can turn an ordinary everyday object or appliance into a killing machine
why did he smile after saying deletion
10+ years and this still fucks me up
The games are too old and obscure to attract the attention of the usual Yea Forums shitposting retards who are too busy complaining about politics and modern games. And everyone here is generally happy and on the same page of simply really liking the games.
It has nothing to do with all the obnoxious lewdposters, that's for sure.
That death cry will forever be stuck in my head
and here i was sure the MMBN girls were doomed to no fresh art any time soon
Oh it's you pepipo
Didn't know you lurked Yea Forums
Does anyone have a PDF of the artbook?
because FUCK the prices for buying a physical copy, i mean GOD
When waifu is the focus of Megaman threads, they suck way too hard.
OPfag has a link to a mega with them, hopefully he pops up in here soon.
So if you guys could add something to a remake of any (or all) of the BN games, what would you pick?
Perdonally I’d like to be able to see all the codes a chip comes in in BN3 so long as you got that code, for example
>Battle Network Thread
>No images of the manga
Time to change that
>Freed from this digital coil
*Personally, fuck
Nice try, i'm not the other poster. The roll bait thread was 90% dominated by just her and people who didn't care for the series at all. Waifu being a secondary component of threads is best for discussion.
that dark chip infested Megaman?
Nope. Dark Chips don't even appear in the manga. The megaman on the bottom right is Dark Megaman (generic name, fun villain), and the Megaman tearing Shademan in half is normal Megaman driven fucking nuclear after this happened
He says something entirely different in the original actually a lot of their lines were changed
Doesn't Bass straight-up murder several characters in the manga?
I had no idea.
I really need to catch up on my BN stuff, it's been 13 years since I first got into it.
The dub was an incredibly mixed bag. Some dialogue changes and edits were actually huge improvements (end of Shuko's introduction episode, Roll's run-in with Bubbleman) while others were on par with fucking Transformers Energon for how off the mark they were.
I know for a fact that there are multiple panels that are just shots of blood from owning Volume 13 alone.
oh fuck yeah
I wish i had full image (I think that was cut from the official english translation) but yeah he straight up kills 100 people with 1 fucking arm
Now that's fucking metal. The anime really only had his stone-faced gutting of Slur, and then he fucking vanished for the rest of the series, which is bullshit.
Also Desert Man murders a whole building worth of humans and net navis (some plot thing made Net Navis appear in the real world, long story)
Holy shit. I need to hunt this thing down.
I really need to read the rest of the manga now. This is on par with fist in terms of greatness.
Bless you, user.
Yiss, time to read this all tomorrow. Have some sweet vanilla for your reward.
With stuff of this level, I'm surprised there wasn't a villian that wanted to destroy all net navis since they do more harm than good in his eyes due to his family being killed in a terror attack caused by net navis and their operators. The twist would be that the villian is a net navi that is taking on the appearance of his deceased operator. The navi watched their operator break down and curse what technology, in his eyes, had let happen so carelessly.
That would be pretty fucking fantastic
If anyone is working on a fan game like Chrono X (or that IS Chrono X), make a scenario like this. Copybots make this possible
Fucking based user.
I like how Netopia is so over the top that it becomes accurate to both America and Europe
>no nore reason to grind up that sandstage S.
>blueballed from clearing out the final area.
Fuck you.
Super Deepthroat Zero Skin
Hey Yea Forums
>you will NEVER have a NetNavi
Games were ruined by random encounters. Shit made them obnoxious as fuck to play.
Fun games otherwise, but the replayability is awful.
She's so cute bros...
You forgot the rapper who gave Lan whiskey after rapping with him.
You want summa DIS whiskey?
ok fag
But there's a BN version of Pokemon's repellant spray in the game, there's even a program that gives you permanent "no random encounters" for enemies that are weaker than you.
MMBN is one of those games where I actually like random encounters because the battle system is actually fun and the battles are over quick. You get better rewards for ending battles quick too.
It's fine except for BN5, where you get an encounter every 2 fucking steps
You just outta da crib, kid! Go suck yo momma's milk!
I had never heard the original song before. Only the Remix. Thanks for posting that
The Yea Forums fanbase is somehow less autistic than other places are. Probably because BN and SF are straight up dead sub franchises.
>gets mugged by a black man minutes after arriving from the airport
She's also ten.
>get KIDNAPPED shortly after
The only time I ran from encounters is the satellites in MagnetMan's stage because I got Water Guts style for my first style change AND I was underleveled (so even if I took off WaterGuts, I'd die too quickly with too little HP
Honestly this
Hell in BN3 there's no point in running from even very weak viruses since you could set a chip like Gutsman, Flashman, etc. to always appear in your first hand and just nuke them all
You don't level up in Battle Network, and using styles did not boost your HP.
I question whether or not you've played the game.
>get aquacust style change during undernet segment
>get hit by a zapring from one of those lv. 3 bunny viruses while standing on an ice tile
>instantly go from 750 hp to death
>9/11 Magnet Man.exe edition
You "leveled" by getting upgrades to your buster.
Which didn't matter because you're supposed to be using chips.
Even then you didn't need to "level up". Unless you're running Guts Style your buster is never your main weapon in BN, you have to use your chips to deal damage.
where the FUCK is Mayl's fat ass at?
I see this is a new image of based frog waifu.
havent finished the latest drawing, but posted a nother recent one earlier.
Too bad we didn't get more X series navis or any Zero series navis
Too bad we didint get more navis at all.
Fuck Capcom.
Hi there
How do people feel about the newer waves of PETs compared to the plugin version? It seems better to sideload battle chips rather than using the toploading advanced PET since there's not as much room.
you are like little baby
This is why Silicon valley is full of retards. No originality or creativity.
well, i dont think i can finish this one in time, but ill post it tomorrow.
the outfit is not definite btw
I was missing a ton of HPMemories I could have gotten but couldn't now that I was stuck on the plane
HPMemory and PowerUps contribute to your overall level
Post your favorite Navis
Very nicely done so far, user. Holy shit, they had some good tastes when they designed her.
Didn't you have any invis or guard chips to block damage? I don't know how did you even get to the plane section if you don't have anything to protect yourself from damage considering your low max HP.
That doesn't exactly matter if you can't turn a profit on those investments and keep the flow of development going. And Capcom was really struggling around that time financially.
MMBN is my favorite Mega Man series by far and it breaks my heart to know there won't be another game like it. Also, Star Force was great.
For you.
If there's a new thread tomorrow afternoon I might upload some test webms for later
Guarding is for squares, it's entirely why they made the joke about everyone in Electopia having like a million Guard chips they don't use and can just give away.
Who needs to guard when you can just kill them
Strategy: use chips to kill the most annoying viruses to dodge on the first turn and then chip away with the buster until you can choose more chips to kill the rest
It's not a joke in BCC when the difficulty suddenly spikes and you can't get any hits in. Guard chips when used proper are nasty.
of what?
Just some MMBN3 gameplay
I want to do some tests before I add more wacky gameplay combos to my collection
How many versions DID we get?
I'll reevaluate my folder going ahead but I may not have any guard chips left after feeding them to the chip traders
god I hate reality
The real joke is that Guard chips are actually super effective and became ultra broken in BN6.
1, only the advanced PET that was megaman, Protoman, and Bass being a toys r us exclusive. We would have gotten 2 if the advanced PET 2 came out as Mattel canceled their third wave of toys. In total there's 5 different versions.
That took a bit of adjustment on my part.
Well, that would be for tonight, i will upload the finished piece tomorrow, along with the convocatory over at baraag for the art jam
That looks pretty good
Wish you luck on the art jam
what's your name on baraag?
God tier.
Also does anyone have this legends pepe?
Thanks for the link
MMBCC is better than BN
Seriously though what the fuck is it. I've been trying to find some unboxing video or whatever and even in japanese I can't find anything
All things considered, if the Tournaments focused solely on the actual Custom Navi instead of generic normal navi, I think I would have liked the game better. The dungeons could have been tweaked too.
>Bat Stereo Comp
>Castillo Robots
>Meteor Comp
I literally can't remember any other dungeons besides those, and they all sucked ass. There was a major focus on the Internet itself as mini dungeons of sorts for Tournament missions, and I hated that.
if the game had a single tournament scenario at the end, more dungeons in the middle, less shitty virus design, less literal gamebreaking bugs and better chip selection it wouldve been alright
i could write an essay on why BN4 is probably one of the worst released games of all time
if battle network was on a whole as popular as sonic or any other series that got horrible horrible fucking games it would be on everyone's top ten worst games lists its just flawed from the fucking core
>Reminder that MMBN1-6 all came out in less than 5 years
Why couldn't each game come out every 4 years or something
Because they were in mega churning mode.
Just got WoodShield style and I'm eating my words
Might as well learn to guard since I have infinite ones now
Presetting a longsword and having reflect in your navicust allows for easy bugfrag farming in the acdc areas in bn3, just a tip.
Why are almost all the female characters in this and starforce prime daughterwife material?
That's right. Don't ever let me catch your shitting on shields ever again.
I'd rather have liberation missions than suffer 1's antiquity
That's what happens when you hire a pedo as the character designer.
>caring about the story of a JRPG that isn't earthbound
Elecman and Shademan are my less ez mode answers
why is this game the only one with this gameplay style? it's my favorite flavor or RPG, it's been decades and zero BN clones besides shitty fan games
It's a very specific battle system. Battle chips and the 3x3 grid only makes sense in MMBN's setting.
Reviewers bitched too much about these kinda games for being too much like the lovechild of the "Pokeymans" and the "Yu-Ji-Ohs" when they were at their apex of popularity. These games sadly only existed because Pokemon and YGO were at their normalfag apex
How did Gospel accidentally make a bootleg Gregar?