League of Legends or Dota 2, which game is better worth my time?

League of Legends or Dota 2, which game is better worth my time?

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Dota 2

None of them.

Dota 2

The first 100 hours of LoL are fun, then it gets extremely boring and repetitive.
The first 100 hours of Dota 2 are a nightmare, then it gets extremely good and fresh every game,

I started with League, then went to Dota when I was sick of it, I think that is the way to go.
If you can't commit to LoL enough to get sick of it you'll never appreciate Dota I think.
I also tried HotS and Smite, and played many games of each so ask away if you want.

You're going to need a good set of nerves and thick skin for all of them of course.

league of legends

DotA is too bloated at this point and matches take for fucking ever

I basically agree on the idea that league is fun at first then boring while dota is hard then fun, I played a ton of dota and only a little of league

Would you rather play the original game or the dumbed down chinese knockoff?
That said, you should probably put your time somewhere better anyway.

Doter of course.
Don't bother if you're 'murican though, takes minutes to cue whilst Europe it's almost instant.

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Dota 2 has Puppet Master
LoL has Arthas and Batman
So the answer is Dawngate

Second post, best post

>endless skinner box
>worth your time

Dota because despite all the skins and other nonsense you own every character.

In League you can't just "try out" a character, you have to either buy them or wait for them to be free.

Who's gonna tell him?

Neither, both will give you aids and cancer.
League is something I still play cause ranked is addictive, but the balance is at the worst its ever been right now.

Pick one then, put your free time in it, and after 1400+ hours of registered gameplay, what kind of man would you be? What would have in your mind?

Anyone that plays league these days has always ended up doing nothing but complaining about the game
have half a dozen friends who play religiously and never do anything but shit-talk balance and complain about how riot doesn't really know what they're doing
i refuse to make the switch but stopped playing dota 2 in 2016 with a cool 2500 hours in it
dota 2 will make you overall feel much better because it's much more streamlined, in exchange for a higher skill-cap and more things to learn you're rewarded with ingame voice-chat alongside a game that runs better and has custom game support
Honestly though nailed it, you literally cannot try everything in league to find what you want, you have to either drop money on it or wait for the weekly rotations to finish, or just play a shitton of matches to grind out the money needed to purchase a new champion... which can be something you regret by not enjoying them, whereas you can be anyone in dota 2 from the get-go
If you do play Dota 2, avoid the USE server, it's honestly worth having slightly higher ping. It's not even a problem, anyways.
Dota 2 will reward you for careful study of the wiki and game interactions, League will reward you for turning off your brain and mashing out keys - and by that point, you're better of spending time in a rhythm game.

Ive played Smite for years and I can see why that shit never caught on. Maybe its cause Ive played it for so long but holy shit the game just isnt fun and the Gods are just uninspired.

True but I was very surprised when I reinstalled it last week and it still had a decent playerbase.
I never expected that game to have any legs.

Pre 7.00, Dota was better
Right now League is better
Both if them are shut in the end desu

came to post this

way too many Yea Forumsegans obsessed with 7.00 when it hasn't been that patch in years

>Right now League is better
Icefrog could shit out 10 bad patches in a row and it still wouldn't be true.
LoL has exactly one viable team composition with 70% of the characters being hopeless trash

It doesn't matter if it's not the patch, that patch completely warped how the game works for the worse.

League is much more about the actual game and macro stuff, but DotA is more focused on character and item interaction. DotA is more rewarding in higher levels of play, as you can pull off some pretty crazy shit, but League doesn't have many avenues for high skill expression.

Pick your poison, they are both shit and should be avoided. They will consume your life

you can call mobas a lot of things but they're the opposite of skinner boxes, if you suck you'll stay in the gutter with the other shitters and never get any satisfaction
but you're probably just using the term as a generic insult without having a clue what it means anyways

Neither are worth playing unless you have 4 friends you can play with, and then it becomes kino. If its just you dont bother. Mobas are dogshit as a single player.

Both are shit, but LoL is worse.
It's pretty much "what of DotA2 but mobile garbage".

the heroes and abilities are more fun in dota but some aspects of the game make it unbearable for me to play, for one thing the lack of forfeit option is awful, if you see after 10 minutes that the game is lost then you have no option but to sit there for another 40 minutes grinding your nerves into dust, the fortification thing is fucking retarded, it just pointlessly delays the inevitable, every time I feel like playing dota I just remember those retarded annoying things and decide against it

Dota 2 is objectively better in every single way. If nothing else, you should play it for the fact that you can pick all the heroes right from the beginning and all the F2P stuff is just cosmetics.

>The first 100 hours of LoL are fun, then it gets extremely boring and repetitive.
>The first 100 hours of Dota 2 are a nightmare, then it gets extremely good and fresh every game
This is pretty accurate

Only correct answer.
These games are past their prime and you should seek other things. As someone who lost 3k hours to them, do not go this path.

Maybe it's just a matter of how much someone plays because I feel the opposite. I can't name a champion in league that I think is hopeless while in dota 2 I feel like 80% of characters are unplayable garbage and I see the same 20 heroes in every game, either at beginner or pro level.
But I played a lot of league and not a lot of dota, you probably played a lot of dota and not a lot of league.


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>Dota is better because all the heroes are free
I see this argument all the time, but I don't see how it's a good argument. How many heroes are in dota? 100+ right? So even if you just wanted to try out every single one in a game before choosing which one you like the best, that would take over 100 hours, assuming an average game length of 40 or so minutes. And this is just trying out each hero once. This isn't something a beginner can be reasonably expected to do, in any game. So what does it matter if you can't access every hero in the beginning? Just find one you like the look of and go from there. Even at a high level of dota, people won't really play more than 10 or so characters.

Try not pushing high ground when you're ahead vs a Spectre or Medusa, see how "inevitable" the inevitable really is.

If you’re new and get beat by something in Dota, you go play the character and figure out its weaknesses. In LoL you have to go to a third party website to look shit up because LoLs official info doesn’t tell you shit. And also LoLs monetization is heavily linked to its balance; characters that sell more skins or are newer are generally kept stronger.

that's correct.

And this is one reason why. (agree with this user btw, that's why I think one should begin with League).

try putting basic options into the game so it doesn't feel like a fucking slog

Dota 2
>day night cycle
>can deny your own creeps
>trees are an actual mechanic
>meta is deeper than just offlane, jungle, mid, and 2 safe
>heroes like invoker, meepo, and earth spirit with very high skill caps exist
>items are much more complex i.e. divine rapier that can win or lose a game
>played by alpha males and not cringe autists

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>for one thing the lack of forfeit option is awful
There's no forfeit option because comebacks are actually possible
The only reason LoL has a surrender option is because the game is just an arms race tug of war

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Dota has beginner matchmaking pools with limited heroes.
The difference is LoL does it to make money, Dota does it as an actual optional beginner mode.
There's no defending the shit Riot pulls

Hots was fun until they did everything could do to kill it.

people out here are only gonna say dota because it's less dead lmao

answer is simple, league all the time and dota for casual play

>dota for casual play

not really

Genuinely, Dota is better for casual play.
You can fuck around with a new hero, without worrying about runes/masteries. And even in front of a weird new hero, a BKB is always a BKB and a blink dagger is always a blink dagger.

LoL is all about minmaxing and estimating numbers.

>league of legends """""late game carry""""""
>can duel you early game just fine

Everything that was wrong with base 7.0 has been fixed since then.

>timekiller worth my time

>Genuinely, Dota is better for casual play.
There's no way you've played a lot of both games if you think this.
LoL is far less punishing, the heroes have less specific power that can fuck you over or counter you, and LoL has the forced meta you just plug into so there's less to worry about and figure out as a casual player. Runes aren't complicated.

>And also LoLs monetization is heavily linked to its balance; characters that sell more skins or are newer are generally kept stronger.

I'm willing to bet Ahri sells the most fucking skins in the game by a fair margin but she's literally dumpster tier. Lux literally just got a prestige and extra waifu tier skin that probably has the whales frothing at the mouth, but you'd be hard-pressed to call her strong, and she got no buffs.
What's more, even if that were the case, literally any argument you could apply that Riot balances according to skin sales could be applied to Valve and dota as well, they're both in the business of making money and both companies sell skins.

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It’s been a while since I’ve seriously played but I’m trying to get into it now and Ahri seems ok still? I’ve never played the game and had her have glaring weaknesses like how Kassadin needs 16 to really function, she’s sometimes in and out of meta and that’s all.

Ahri needs to hit her charm in order to do any damage whatsoever. If she misses it, she's fucked. If it hits, she does decent damage

It is the only MOBA on console as far as I know so it has that going for it. Since Crossplay is a thing I figure thats whats keeping it afloat. It certainly has little to no unique god kits to make people excited.

By "casual" I mean someone who can actually play, but only does so once in a while.
Dota makes you pay for your mistakes, but ultimately you can have a shitty build and still be useful. Even the worst underfarmed Faceless Void can still land a good Chronosphere 40 minutes in and help the team.
In LoL, you either keep those numbers (Gold, Experience, your stats) up, or that is IT, you might as well not play. And to do so you need to know which items are THE correct build.
Keep up the pace or start a surrender vote.

That’s how pretty much every character in LoL works though. Riot outright thinks anything you can’t mostly avoid has no counterplay.

Whichever you have more friends in. Both have pros and cons. League has a lower skill floor and dota has a higher skill ceiling. Some argue that the extra ceiling height is artificial. Dota is balanced less often, League requires grinding. The list goes on and on.

Overall, all things equal, I say go with leauge. League shitposters spam waifus and complain about the meta, while Dota shitposters only ever seem to talk about league. I get the feeling a lot of Dota love is just sour grapes.

Ahri's charm increases the damage all her other abilities do. Their damage assumes you hit the charm.

>friends force me to play league with them
>just treat every hero as if they all do the same thing; burst damage and movement skills
>actually do pretty well with this strategy playing some sort of crystal zeus man
>15 minutes into the game I find out some weird blue bitch I was playing against was actually ahri but I couldn't tell because of some crazy skin she had on
>win easily because I just hit people with my spells and they die
>feel nothing

Dota 2 is more difficult at the start but it's a much more complete game in the end. Almost every league game will be vary similar in how it's played out, while in Dota 2 games can be much more varied and have different play styles. This is generally due to LoL have a forced meta all the time and the fact that every characters does pretty much the same things, while in dota there is a lot more room for niche characters because certain situations, items, or team comps can play to your strength or weakness. My biggest issue in LoL (besides the pay for characters bs) is the fact that items are so incredibly boring. Almost all items are just stat boosts that don't do anything cool or are just an "activate for armor buff", every game you get similar items and your game plan is linear. Get more stats = more win. In Dota 2 items are incredibly powerful but in a different way. Things like blinkdagger, for example, don't offer any stats but give you the power to teleport around on cooldown which can cover character weaknesses or allow for some cool combos. Items being important and situational make the game a lot more fun in the long term especially so when you consider the fact that Dota 2 has much more unique heroes as well.

Why do you even reply in dota topics. That argument you put it is old and wrong now

The game that keeps the game core intact without arbitrarily downgrading it to cater the fortnite crowd e.g Defence of the Ancients 2

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No shit Sherlock I know that.

True or false you still get extra gold/xp from killing heroes based on an invisible global difference in net worth between the two teams? Is mana management still trivial? Is jungling as a primary source of income still dead?

You get more gold for killing people with more gold
Mana management still exists, Mars has a 1.4 INT gain and his Spear/Arena combo takes his entire manapool.

Why would anyone want this

no, no, you are literally 1k mmr who hates pvp in a pvp game and engima still jungles

That comeback patch came before 7.0. In 6.82 or 6.84 I believe. Please stop spouting muh >7.0 if you don't even know what you're talking about.

Well, dota is straight-up unplayable if you live on the east coast of the United States.

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>Dota just had a 27k gold comeback game with amazing plays


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the one and only conclusion

6.8X killed the game, but 7.0 was where it was established that they had zero intention of fixing it and instead doubled down on the retarded design decisions they implemented. Apparently there was even a period where CHEN didn't jungle, what a fucking joke.

70% of the server population exclusively speaks Portuguese.

imagine being 27k gold ahead and it still being a 50/50 of whether you win, cherry picking games in your screenshot out of the hundreds that are played... hmm...

>lmao let me post a bunch of bullshit

also based FY stomping on Liquidshitters

sub 2k shitter detected. Chen's primary playstyle has literally always been grab a creep and gank with it. Only garbage like you used it to hit the rest of the camp.

>i-it's 50/50!! there's no skill!!!

also imagine thinking LoL World's is cherry picked when they have less than a kill per three minutes on AVERAGE

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I think dota is the better game in terms of design and mechanics, but league is more popular with a company that clearly cares...about making money, but that means something interesting is always happening to sucker in the idiots

but what do the kills matter if you lose because of team composition anyways then? user?

>muh lots of kills dynamic action
>it doesn't actually give you any advantage


Valve lets me tilt the opponents with tipping,spamming voicelines and taunts. That alone makes dota better then the game that infected gaming with their dumb "toxicity" crusade.


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>one game is 100% free to play with all heroes included
Hard fucking choice wow.

I don't play either game anymore but I'll occasionally watch tournaments for both to see the state of the meta. Dota will usually keep me interested in what's going on but League is always unwatchable and boring. It's like every game there's a mutual agreement not to fight each other until the first tower dies then both teams blob and wait for someone to misstep and get one-shot.

I played Dota 2 when it went out, I played around 100h and was tired of it. I then switched to LoL and I still play some today. Dota 2 have more complex layer of gameplay then league. League is in a way more simple as there is less item and most of the time the core of each champion is similar with their class. I find that league was more toxic, but I still had some fun time. I never tried Dota in competitive so I can't say anything about it. If an user could tell me how much toxicity there is in Dota, it would be appreciated.

>making people lose gold and gaining gold isn't important
how retarded do you think you sound

>killing the support 20 times as he's warding
all for the numbers


I play it with friends, but, while it does have some fun to it, it’s really just a blatant cash grab with a first person gimmick they never utilize. You can’t even look up or down and as a result it has less dynamic height than dota. Items are boring too. And my god the fucking meme skins and million cash grab scams

It's probably just as toxic but nobody fucking speaks English so all the bm is done with voicelines and tips and shit.

Old Chen was a jungler who had extremely powerful early ganks, not a laner who sometimes fucks off from spamming penitence to grab a creep.

For me the big issue is how they pushed this third person action game perspective but the game is still completely 2 dimensional. Everything's locked onto a 2D plane


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>Very soon Mordekaiser will have the soul taken from him like the others

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literally kill yourself

anyone else unironically wish they never started playing league? it's crazy how addicting the game is

At this point, this is accurate.

Unless DOTA can somehow recover from 7.X they're both on par.


Lets be real, League of Legends has always been a soulless cashgrab, Riot was always a scumbag company, and the game was never good, it was only popular because it was free.

The shitty part is no one understand this and they keep devolving into LOL, HON killed itself with its cancerous LOL unlock system when it launched 3.0, and now DOTA seeks to dumb down the game even more with 7.X

I have 1424 hrs in Dota 2 i wish i had never done that, Assfaggots games are a huge timewaste if you are not getting paid for it.

Seething sóyboys detected

Video games are by design a huge waste of time.

But lets be real, most people who wouldn't play video games either would just watch TV

Are you white and from EU? League. If you're a third world subhuman Dota.

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Neither. LoL was always a pile of trash but a lot of people got into it because the genre was somewhat obscure when it came out. Dota was good but Valve has been completely fucking it up in every imaginable way for the past 2 or 3 years.

When I quit that game I never felt any regret and no addiction to it. I suppose I wish I had never wasted my time on it though.

Personally, even if they somehow manage to come back from 7.00 (which won't happen not least of all due to rabid fanboys), I don't want to touch a game with this kind of economic model. AFAIK Valve does some good things in gaming technology and I respect that they refuse to curate their store based on moral outrage, but as a games company they're complete shit. Also I don't want to play a game with a character voiced by ashley burch.

lol is like a mmorpg, starts off kinda fun gets shit then gets fun again, right now the game is a degenerate cesspool where everygame you join there is at least one person on your team that is going to have a stroke, dota 2 feels way too slow for me even with 300 hours in i still have to force myself to play the game. i've been enjoying hots more but its about to actually for real die so there is no point in that, games arent fun anymore just kill yourself unless you have a dog because than he will be sad

>Video games are by design a huge waste of time.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

>"three-hits-then-something-happens-passive: the game" or "Eastern Europe was a mistake: the game"
Go with dota. You don't have to pay the company for anything other than cosmetics and theres so much more to the game that lets a skilled player shine.
Also, the custom gamemodes provide an endless stream of bonus content.

>this meta
>lets a skilled player shine
lmao imagine a new player playing Dota 2 even in the lowest of lowest rating you will encounter smurfing russians.

So it's like csgo?

Never played LOL but dota 2 is full of the most pussy players in the low mmr. I'm talking crusader to legend, you will ask people to team fight or to not jungle when you kill 4 of the enemy. They always respond like giant puss bois and they always will be GIANT PUSS BOIS.

Let's talk about the characters
Do you have a favorite one?
why do you like it for the lore, voice lines playstyle or something else?

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>The first 100 hours of Dota 2 are a nightmare, then it gets extremely good and fresh every game
That's kind of bullshit. The first ten hours of Dota at most are confusing because there's a lot of different items and heroes. However you don't need to understand their intricacies or any of the advanced mechanics like stacking (and desu now you don't even need to, the game holds your hand through it live) to have fun.

IMO Smite was tolerable until that update a few years ago where they reworked the relics, making them unlocked based on your level instead of gold. After that the game has felt like shit whenever I played it.

A new player wouldn't be put off by this meta or any meta they start in because they've got nothing to compare it to.
In comparison to league, who's game's have panned out the exact same way every time for 10 years and the "meta" is just which characters you use to do it, dota's metas that actually fundamentally changes how you go about winning is the one i'd recommened

You can't deny Valve's original art design for Dota 2 was excellent. I'd still be interested in picking up a Morphling poster, and I don't play anymore. I don't even mean it in a "Then vs. Now" way, I'm just so pleased with how it looked initially.

Imagine being below the age of 15 and still playing LoL

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>everyone who hates shitposting is a soiboy
literally kill yourself

bullshit the entire meta is team fight ever since 7.00 nothing has changed only the heroes and they don't really change anything.

It's on auto-chess life support. How embarrassing the battle pass is shows how worried Valve is about not being able to match the previous prize pools.

In the case of LoL the skinner box reward is out of game (that fake money to buy stuff on your account)

>That argument you put it is wrong
Not him but that's bullshit. In the past I put forward a constructed argument to make the point that the design philosophy and decisions made in 7.00 severely hurt the game several times and never once got a satisfactory response. It mostly ranged from no answers to retarded memes because like it or not, d2g is as much of a circlejerk as reddit, they just have different dissent exclusion mechanisms (and it wasn't much better on v threads). I'll grant you that nowadays the argument is old and pointless.

No argument there, the original art design, music and hero characterization were top notch. There was some good stuff in the concept art too.

you never got a satisafctory response cause you're braindead, 7.00 was 3 years ago retard

Powerful insight m8. Shouldn't you go back to buying more battle pass levels? TI isn't going to fund itself!

None. A game is by definition a waste of time. Choose the one you like the most.