>Eat Sushi >It's incredible >My new favorite food >Realize I also like Japanese games more than European games >Realize the Japanese are racially superior as a people and us whites are lucky to experience their culture
Woah. Everything tailored to our taste buds, and the Japs still win!
Even when it comes to video games, the Japanese are just better.
>Japan >Earthquakes/tsunamis >extremely racist >declining birthrate, at an all time low >society of male virgins >high suicide rate >weebshit everywhere they probably think you're a retard OP
This. You can enjoy any number of Japanese things, but don't you dare tell me their sense of "humor" isn't the worst thing you've ever seen.
Nicholas Hernandez
Asher Ramirez
Too bad they look like bug people and go out of their way to create media where all the characters look like idealized europeans/americans, their humor is garbage and forced, their designs all look the fucking same and 99% of their gameplay in games is yet more fucking grinding and busy work.
They're mostly racist against chinese/koreans/other asians. They might act weird on black people but the actual hatred comes from countries in their geographical proximity.
Cameron Morales
Chase Harris
>eat the fried mess that is Western "sushi" >I MUST BE JAPANESE