E3 Bingo Thread

Hello Yea Forums, it's that time again!

Yea Forums E3 bingo is a board mainstay that i love very much. We made a bingo chart last year that I'm sure many of you have seen and used (if you didn't, that's okay too) so I thought because we started early last year, we will do the same this year. We did a great job getting it all sorted, but it's almost been 12 months, so it's time to get back to work. We got a lot done yesterday, but we still have squares to fill and I feel like we can spice up some of the squares. Feedback is always welcome!

We try to find a good mix of dumb on-stage tropes and actual predictions, and balance those out on the bingo chart so that getting a bingo is a good split between actual fun and classic e3 garbage.

To fill out the card, I need:

Xbox: What was the most ridiculous thing that happened last year?

Bethesda: 1 announcement prediction

Square: gib everything

Devolver: gib everything

Ubisoft: 5 tropes/dumb things they do

Nintendo: 4 annoucements, 1 trope/dumb things they do

On the bonus round. we are looking for any trends that are larger than just a single conference.

Lastly, if you think a square is WRONG, IMPOSSIBLE or just BORING, please let me know and I will see about changing them!

I'm looking forward to your suggestions!
P.S. If you want seperate cards, I will be posting those when they're finished closer to E3, so keep an eye out for that.

Attached: E3_2019_Bingo_Big_WIP.png (5121x3200, 1.87M)

If you hate the filled in one, here's a card to DIY your own bingo.

Attached: E3_2019_Bingo_Big_Empty.png (5121x3200, 366K)


Every square should be: /bend over for the church of intellectual property law and the profit motive.

Possible Nintendo thing could be new 1st party racing game announced. Like another F-Zero, or more likely a whole new IP.

There is no MS Nintendo deal. MS willingly decided to put their games on other platforms for no other reason than "Xbox makes more money off of software than hardware" Phil himself has said this. I swear you guys are really exaggerating Microsoft simply following Phil's goal to make Xbox games available to as many people as possible to mean much more than it really does.

>lengthy segment about Animal Crossing
I hope so.

Attached: bingo_e3_2019.jpg (1870x1588, 607K)

SE: Kind of cheating now, but there's obviously going to be news about FF7R. For the more out there announcements maybe where the first installment of their "episodic" games ends.

They still won't show Tifa.

Also another "exclusive game" for consoles getting a PC port this year, or 3DS games ported to mobile.

it already is

We'll see.


took some ones from here ty

>In a Direct
Waste of a slot

Nintendo have some sort of weird animation that includes the "death" of Reggie

I don't know what to expect of Bethesda anymore.

At this point they should just hand over all their franchises to Id and let them have a go at it. They certainly can't do worse than what Bethesda has been doing these past 10 years. I would be up to for some Fallout made by Id, actually.

>FF16 somehow releasing before FFVIIR
>FF16 somehow releasing before the entirety of FFVIIR

For Bethesda, Starfield gets a mobile app announced. Optionally, the mobile app is releasing before the main game does.

Maybe not exactly that but I think they'll make a big deal of Reggie's retirement.

>Microsoft cucks Sony and announces a new Xbox
>MS hints at a new Xbox but hee hee not until 2020
Replace one of these. They stand in direct conflict with each other

Idk, doesn't seem that crazy if I put that down, since it seems pretty obvious.

is that likely to happen?

That's why they don't show up in the same line, but they can make bingo seperately. You don't have to fill the card for bingo. I'm up to change it though if something else comes by, but everything I've had suggested is either super obvious or impossible.

They already said they won't talk about starfield for a while

I feel like SUDA might show up at the Ubisoft conference.
Also, put something about Metal Wolf Chaos in Devolver's conference.

Thanks, forgot about that.

Devolver is a pain in the ass to guess for, but could make a square announces more games than any other 3rd party.

Yeah, might be good to add some of the industry trends they're gonna make fun of this year.