Do you have any similar experience?
Do you have any similar experience?
Other urls found in this thread:
I was 5 years in the friend zone
I picked a really bad time to confess ( her boyfriend was in the other room)
You can figure how it ended
Reminds me of when I saw some girl streamer playing minecraft hardcore mode and she was doing some last minute preparations before jumping into the ender portal. Was a wee low on health and died to a creeper right then.
If he backed up the world he could just roll it back and continue
is it the guy that travelled far in the world to see the limit of it?
How do you even die in minecraft, there are tons of vanilla dupes for shit like totems of undying, you have no excuse
Is this you?
yeah because finding the first one is just a cakewalk
>the food throw one
god every time i see this a whole different line causes me to close it
Yeah pooh baseball
Fuck owl, one fucking ball off from winning
I don't get it
My first time playing Skies of Arcadia as a young kid. Bashed my head against the Red Gigas fight for an entire day because I didnt know how to properly upgrade the ship. Finally beat him but then sailed right into Blackbeard who was roaming around without saving and got bodied.
google woodland mansion finder, divide X/Y coords by 8, nether portal, maybe takes like 15-20m.
What the fuck is this garbage?
>use an external tool to pinpoint shit along with your vanilla dupes
jesus christ man i was willing to give you benefit of the doubt at first, might as well just fucking cheat in a stack at that point, fuck off
yeah im jaded by lots of pvp servers, where cheating is the norm and you need to actually be tricky with it. For new servers I just try to get the good shit as fast as possible with any means I can find. vanilla beta is the only funmode where non of that is required.
>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle
>haha, I'd tentacle rape you if I was an Octopus!
oh god i remember this
No, they guy spent 5 years playing the same file, just to die.
>*do not do this*
Funny every time.
holy fuck that's great. How did he die?
>*do not do this*
It literally says out on the screenshot dumbass.
If you look in the kill feed, by a spider.
pussy just leaves himself on fire, and doesnt dunk a gapple in time.
oh shit you're right, I didn't realize it was that guy
>I threw you
>I hate to juggle, but I'd like to snuggle
What a fucking chad.
>"They use parachutes to sky dive"
Fuck, this is the kind of thing I would say to a girl if one ever came to my house
>Caving after 5 years
>With Elytra on for no reason instead of real armor
>When fall damage isn't a thing in caves with enchants
>No shield
>Using a fire sword
Imagine having a child and he comes out like this. No joke, these thoughts haunt me in my dreams.
hey i did something similar
>be in the friend zone
>finally "confess" (just asked her out that Friday night)
>just shrugged and said "i dunno"
Never spoke to her again, fuck that shit.
>is reluctant to jump in dark cave
>does it anyway
>dies like an idiot despite it being an easy escape
How he lasted 5 years is a mystery.
I'm having a child this October and I have a definite plan to save his ass. Signing him up for fucking rugby as soon as he can walk.
>skydive into bed
>Manholes are usually on public roads
>Looks like a standard wok
>They use parachutes to sky dive
>signing your child up for brain damage
What if he doesn't like it and begs you to let him stop?
Like with me and baseball.
>kid plays sports and has brain damage
>kid ends up here and has brain damage
He's gonna be a brain damaged chad goddamn it.
>that spoiler
Faggot, my parents took me out of baseball and didn't let me have a choice in the matter.
PVP servers are the cancer that killed Minecraft. When they became the norm, the game officially lost its soul
Mate I dunno what country your in but here in Eire Rugby kids are the worst pricks going, get that kid a surfboard and you're guaranteed a chill alpha chad
Spotted the californian
please make sure you dont let the doctors mutilate your sons infant penis
he will thank for for it much later in life
>natsoc wife
Don't worry user, we're good.
>Eire = Ireland
>Rugby = not american
Retardation comes in all shapes and sizes.
Hey user if you ever need an uncle you know where to find me
One day as a catcher fumbling catches and getting nailed by pitches was enough for me. Get that kid a golf club and he'll be president someday.
>being this much of a bitch
Pain is fear leaving your body faggot
>post literally states what country user is from
>this cunt thinks he's a yank
Is this the power of brain damage?
have lots of children
>waaahhh people don't know about my weirdly spelled bumfuck nowhere village
>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle
I don't understand.
poor botched dick user doesnt know what penises naturally look like
A couple weeks into playing rugby in college some fuckhead ruined my knee, I was on crutches for 8 months and I've been a hikkikomori ever since
I'm sorry your dick looks like a turtle, user.
>damage control
Imagine being this retarded
>seven and a half hours into a permadeath speedrun of going through every NG+ difficulty in a row
>can save and quit before getting killed to avoid permadeath, but it's a point in the game where you'd lose several minutes on every failed attempt to get through the area, so doing that a few times means no chance of world record
>runs into Might aura enchanted spirits, who shoot lightning with a humongous damage range that each have the potential to roll a one-hit kill
>gets greedy and tries teleport through with pause buffers
>gets instakilled in a split second in the middle of a teleport animation
There's no do-overs when you die, pressing ESC just takes you to the main and the character is inaccessible.
>Maybe you could put your box in the air haha
>>natsoc wife
Still socialism you retard. The government should never be in charge of production.
>he doesn't have a gf that puts her box in the air
nah my dick got mutilated too, im just not retarded enough to think sexually torturing infants is ethical or reasonable
>hurr capitalism is ackshually good
Thanks my dude.
He never said it was you insecure fucking loser, holy shit.
"im sorry your dick was left in its natural state" implies that surgical correction is the better choice
No, I am just being extremely literal about dicks looking like turtles. But, of course, autism.
>thread devolved into arguing about dicks looking like turtle
So this is a cringe thread now?
Mold and Fungus terrifies me. if i found anything with a shit ton of mold or mushrooms growing on it in my house id faint like a bitch.
You are so stupid that you've solidified the point you were making an argument against.
I lost a permadeath terraria run right after i beat wall of flesh to a enemy that 2 shot me.