So, sword or shield?
So, sword or shield?
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who fucking knows
Neither. Play fangames instead, the good ones are a better experience than current official games and the bad ones are a "funnier" experience.
They better start announcing new pokemon in e3.
Nah I'm good
You're not good if you're playing official games which haven't been good for at least more than half a decade.
i hate gamefreak so much
but if i had to choose for me its sword chan
Sucks to suck
Pokémon Cunny
reminder for any tard thinking this game might not be shit
First impulse is shield but I'll have to see the version differences before I decide
Which one does the Scottish girl play?
I'd fingerbang you if you were right next to me, asshole
well usually the girl is named after the second title, so shield
Came here to post this
I'll wait for Ultra Spear 2 or whatever they decide to call the inevitable thirdversionsequelrevision, and if they pull a Gen 6 then I'll just buy Sword used at a later date.
I don't know. We don't who the legendary are yet and we haven't seen any exclusive pokemon yet.
Shield it is.
Most normies will pick Sword because swords are cool and edgy, so I'll pick shield instead
Neither because as a grown man in his late 20s, pokemon has little to nothing to offer anymore game wise as I've played since the original blue and red
WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS HYPED? WHY? I do not understand.
I'd rather play an RPG with a good story
Shield gang ww@?
Nostalgia for something that made you happy in your youth? It applies to normalfags too; I knew literal boomers who saw the Star Wars OT as kids and were legit excited when the new trilogy came out
Pokemon is trash.
Legitimately a low-tier Nintendo franchise, and a low-tier JRPG.
Dwelling into the past is not healthy.
GO for life.
>low-tier JRPG
As opposed to what? How many actually GOOD JRPGs do you know that are or were as consistent as pokemon
If you think pokemon is low tier you have absolutely no clue about the genre
Nether until it's confirmed it has postgame unlike every 3DS pokemon game.
Sword. I always choose the 'blue' version for each generation no matter what.
USUM exists
>consistent as pokemon
Consistently boring? Consistently easy? Consistently uninspired?
Even the worst Final Fantasy games are better.
We're talking about games and movies that you watch/play once or twice and then forget about it until the next installment is released in a few years. Unless people take it to levels of obsession like that one Star Wars cuck, it is harmless
Pokemon isn't good anymore get over it.
That's disposable trash. i don't play disposable trash. I want memorable quality experiences.
Whichever has the prettier box art I guess, the differences are almost always negligible anyway
>tfw no pokégf to go on poké-adventures with
God imagine making a game and having the mindset that people wont play it
Now imagine that same thing only the game you're making is already guaranteed to print money. Just fuck it all
The Legend of Heroes
Megami Tensei
Dragon Quest
Ni no Kuni
Final Fantasy*
*some games fucking suck but are still far better than the stories of Pokemon
No, its not gen 2 levels edge and gamefreak cant get rid of IV's. Instant trash. I want a rival thats a massive cunt and bad guy team doing terrorist takeovers.
Can't wait to see next gen of waifumons. Last gen really knocked it out of the park so hopefully that trend continues.
why would you want to ditch IVs
Whichever has a legendary that looks cooler to me
That will be the third iteration of this gen, like crystal was to gold and silver.
Ys and shenmue are by no means JRPGs therefore you are absolutely retarded and have no clue on the genre
The third version that will get released a year later. And get it used. Game Freak is a terrible developer.
>muh autistic challenge
Faggot if I want to play comp Pokemon I'll just go to showdown, build a team and fuck around.
People who take Pokemon seriously are so fucking cringe.
>Ys is not a JRPG
>wanting edge in pokemon
Why the hell are the logos for the next games so ugly? They look like something from bad fan games.
You haven't played a single Ys game
Also please make the arguement that Pokemon's story is better than Ys
>legendaries are literally going to be a sword and a shield mon
>they are going to merge with the mandatory armor mon
>armored pokemon are going to be the new gimmick
user, autism isn't a choice.
Ask after the cover legendaries are revealed.
Learn to differentiate an action game from a JRPG dumb namefag
Sword because I'm an alpha male.
neither I hate 3D pokemon with a passion
I don't care i just wanna give the female protag of SWSH headpats!
Who the fuck plays Ys for the story? Literally you
Cause I'm tired of these bullshit storylines for babies. Genwunning aside, team rocket was the ideal bad guy team.
Cause I want to enter competitive and not have to worry about stupid autist shit on the official games.
then just hack them
or go on showdown
you dont even need remotely perfect ivs for comp
How about some fucking news first
competitive pokemon is a fucking joke
sword because i'm not a fucking bottom
'ate norf
'ate stelf rawk
simple as
Neither. Wait until 2020 or play any of the DS games instead (sans Diamond & Pearl)
>FF7, 10, 10-2, XIII trilogy
>better story
does it even fucking matter you newfags?
Defense is more important. You HAVE to defend to live.
Yes, titles battles was a thing since ds games
Shame it died in recent two years just like many others Yea Forums traditions
>oh shit team evil is trying to capture every pokemon and take over the world
>also this legendary super powerdul pokemon is in this cave or just flying around try to catch it
>Dragon Quest
>Good JRPG
Allow me to disagree on that one
>Sword-chucks and Double-shield.
His whole list is cringe and dont hold a candle to pokemon, i literally baited him to post it so we could laugh
Who else is psyched for armored gastly?
someone somwhere thinks this is a valid onion
Reminder that if you have a favorite pokemon outside of a starter or pokemon that you can get early on then you might have something wrong with you.
Imagine thinking that final fantasy has more standard than ponemon
Always available before level 25 baby
It's not my fault fucking gamefreak put's most ghost types behind a level 30+ fence on the early game
I never mentioned challenge in my post you drooling subhuman. Enjoy your 10 hours of cutscenes.
Depends on version exclusives, as always.
>Ultra Sun/Moon instead of Twilight
We're going to get Pokemon Claymore and Pokemon Big Sheild
pokemon has always been shit and gamefreak is a greedy talent-less dev
Don’t start. Stop it
I'm going to pirate both, so it doesn't matter...
Start what user?
The one that is her canon name
Thats why they dont bother to add features to the game because as you said its already going to print money no matter what. Why waste all the extra dev time?
>People like formula and want more of it
>why don't they change it i liked wc3 and c&c4 changes111111
she cute