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Hot damn, ok Nintendo i will buy Fire Emblem now
Luke Howard
Asher Murphy
If you die in the Simpsons, you become an anime?
Evan Diaz
This game is going to suck, even if they have waifus.
Christopher Howard
I better get to fuck her in game
Leo Peterson
Yeah looking like a day one buy for me
Cameron Robinson
she looks like she fucks her students.
Leo Smith
So this game is all about teacher romance with student and save the country?
Xavier Fisher
Thomas Collins
Why do mommy-fags just accept any old-hag and immediately buy a game?
Don't you guys have standards?
Caleb Price
Connor Martinez
Just put tits on the cover and they throw all their cash at it, inversely this is why Echoes sold like shit.
Jaxon Kelly
I thought it was because Echoes wasn't overtly anime-trope pandering (there's a difference between an anime style and anime trope so you can't use the Lyn Argument you faggot) and also foot-fags
Josiah Bell
How the fuck do the students resist during her lessons? She even goes ara ara.
Xavier Bennett
>immediately buy a game?
day 1 pirate for me.
Levi Taylor
Why did the people who did buy Echoes buy it then?
Hudson Sanders
Do you faggots really determine a purchase off of a jpg?
Jaxson Sanchez
If you die in the Simpson's, you get put in the ground, almost like a seed, for the worms to feed on you.
Thomas Barnes
Talk about yourself poorfag, i'm buying the limited edition day 1 with the artbook and the fire emblem usb stick and the 3 metal badges.
Owen Roberts
Because all 4 of them are slaves to the brand name.
Dylan Phillips
Why can't your character look like her instead?
Jackson Bailey
why are her chin and neck so red
why is her forearm shaded differently than the rest of her skin
why are her eyes different shapes