How long until we get another industry crash?

How long until we get another industry crash?

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make better games and better content that doesn't need that frequent updates

God, I can't wait. Just burn it all down.

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The crash was people all deciding not to buy games anymore, which will never happen. Even if every single employee at every single publisher died tomorrow, from EA to Valve, we'd have new ones spring up by next week and new games would come out and start filling shelves by the month's end.

There won't be.

There's no pressure to constantly update, it's just AAA studios realized the gorillion dollars they spent on SUPERULTRA4K assets will be forgotten in a month when the players finish the game, so they milk the devs even more to churn new content for it, just to keep their game relevant. Indie games are doing fine with their lowpolyshit and pixelshit they get updated because they have something else to add, not because they need to validate their years of work before the next OPEN WORLD SURVIVAL ACTION GAME WITH RPG ELEMENTS arrives and outshines them.

>Only constant work can deliver results
...this is news to someone?
What the fuck do they expect?

Not in our lifetimes

>sell games as a service
>durr stop pushing us

>what do you mean i must always update my barebone always online services
They dug their own graves.

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Then don't fucking update it constantly.

Easy, don't sell unfinished games

>Give players mod-friendly games
>The community takes care of it
Just like DOOM
Just like Arma
Just like GTA San Andreas, 4 and 5
Just like Team Fortress 2
Just like Super Deepthroat

God, I hope it's soon.
The AAA market is garbage that has brought us only pain and suffering. Even their good games have garbage attached. We need a third one soon if this industry is gonna keep being good.

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But then we'd have to finish games before selling them!

Games as a service can be seen as fraud, though. A lot of countries say digital media are goods, no matter how they're marketed. Burgers don't but Burgers are idiots.

Hard to say, some would say the industry is always crashing, it is easy for people to forget cause the US OF A is the center of the world, but the "Great Crash" was basically only for the American market., the fact the industry gotten so globalized makes a Encore harder to happen, when something gets oversaturized people move to a different genre or design philosophy that stands out, which then gets chased as the "Next Big Thing" for a few years.

>The community takes care of it
But user, think of the poor publisher, how is he supposed to rake in money if the community provides endless content for FREE ?

Not soon enough

>Devs now have more job security
Why is this bad?

Because they'll buy the base game?
Remember DayZ?
Cum on user.

>Devs now have more job security
VAs have more job security, anyone can code and model shit, user.

I like the spin on this to blame the player for being selfish rather then the developers and publishers for being fucking retarded

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AAA industry crash hopefully soon the Video game industry will be just fine though as it always has been. We just got a few bumps in the road to pave out.

No one will miss the AAA industry they have done very little good for videogames

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Is this some kind of Kafkaesque nightmare? What the fuck is with these people.

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The only games that get "pressured" for constant updates are the odd online multiplayer games and those shit games that get pushed out of early access with half the promised features and content still missing. That's hardly straining the industry as a whole.

Software as a service has been a thing for a long time. Even Microsoft does it - almost all copies of Office sold these days are subscriptions to office, not the stand alone software. Everything from Antivirus software to banking software uses that model.

If you think it's fraud, you're not talking about shaking up the game industry, you're talking about legislating the entire software industry, hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars.

Workers need to unionize.

>is so much work :(
well maybe then just stop doing gAmEs As a SeRvIcE and just make finished games again

>here keep playing these fucking skinner boxes, we need the shekels goy
>oy vey, what do you mean we need to keep adding more content? Are you goyim addicted to this shit or something?
They made their bed and they can get fucked in it.

>buy our fucking services and stay fucking engaged while we drip feed you shit
>complain when people expect the next hit

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>constantly update games
How many games even do this aside from online focused ones?

Yep, i mean players only expect it if the game/publisher expects them to keep playing and paying when the content is exhausted, which is reasonable, im sure most people can fill their "endless content" craving by moving on to a new game, as they done in the past and will do in the future when the "endless content" actually ends because it always eventually does.

It is a self-made hell for the publishers and devs, this is the future they asked for.

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games, like other software, should not be in perpetual development

Why did they stop delivering complete games in the first place?

Put it under a copyleft license like the original Doom did, and fans will continue to update the game for decades- all for free!

> Workers need to unionize.

Oh God this please! want to see the ensuing fallout, lamentations and exodus of the jobs to east Asia

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>turn games into a constant service instead of single purchase
>complains you have to maintain the constant service

a Fortnite

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Oh no! How will the outsourced poojeets handle this situation!

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burger post

because retards (gamers) preorder games and are fine with day one DLC

>release unfinished game
>release the rest of it months later in small bite sized pieces of "content" most of which is paid
>waaaaaaah poor industry is at breaking point
Fuck em, hope the industry crashes and all these lazy pieces of shit lose their job so we can start with a new clean slate.

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yes but that has nothing to do with this thread

not even close, try again mouth-breather.

horse armor

perpetual anything is not sustainable or great population growth comes to mind

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This but unironically. Fuck this entire industry I'm looking forward to watching it crash into the ground

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imagine not picking up a single textbook and getting all your information from internet echo chambers

Because America doesn't have a minimum wage and/or set working conditions EVERYONE needs to make an Union to dickfight their employees or you get fucked dry with crunch hours and shit payment?

May the indies still capable of passion and creativity rise from the ashes.

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based thatcherite

yeah and let's remember that if a piece of software keeps getting feature updates--especially feature updates--then it's not fucking FINISHED

fucking scam

I bet he got mad pussy after that

>having more work doesn't add job security

Turn Steam into a subscription service where players can download and play all they want as long as they pay their monthly fee. Developers receive money based on how much time their game is played and also the number of players who play their game. Devs should now compete to making good games instead of marketing to make players buy bad games.

The little preorder bonus chip made me laugh.

Japan does not seem to give a fuck about updating or even patching their games and they're doing fine.

Literally the only. Only country were digital goods don't exist as such is murrica. Which is why companies in the tech sector can get away with almost everything.

Good. Developers can suffer just like every other wagecuck

The only right answer.

They also don't know how to optimize for shit unless they have Capcom's blood magic

>constant work
So every other big boy job?

>How long until we get another industry crash?
Lol good pic. It must be really demoralising knowing that no matter what the work is never done.
It only ends when the services ends and that means all those years of work were all for naught cause the game won't stand out as a timeless classic like many other single player games.
They're genuinely wasting the best years of their lives and missing tons of opportunities to be involved in a project that creates a real work of art.
I can imagine many midlife crisises coming about once many realise this.

So the gamers want everything as early access?

>video game companies fire employees
>following their most successful year on record
>more money than ever
I dont know, maybe when dipshits like you stop asking because the next crash was suppose to happen every year for the last 20 years

How long until retards realize that the problems with the video game industry aren't specific to the video game industry, but are just the same problems happening to literally every major publicly-traded corporation due to the nature of being beholden to stockholders?

Maybe if they released their games actually finished it wouldn't be a fucking problem

But this time it's really cereal, for realz

those are different situations because when you buy office you specifically buy a license that is valid for so long and is marketed as that. i'm pretty sure that copies of office that were bought before didn't suddenly turn into limited licenses but don't know for sure so feel free to correct me. with games as a service you pay a one time fee for an unlimited license as far as any customer can reasonably see. the clause "we can terminate your license at any time for any reason" should be fraudulent in and of itself. when you buy a hammer you'd hit them over the head with it if they came over to your house and took it away from you for no reason.
any industry must be legislated, unregulated capitalism just doesn't work, just like communism doesn't work.

Alot of people have a ton of backlog. And the industry has boomed so much that consumers can't even keep up with all the releases. A crash of sorts is on the horizon if publishers don't tone it down and actually release finished games.

..but it's the industry that started this culture in the first place?
Players were content with completed games.
Then they started expansion packs, which was welcomed by players.
Then they put in DLC, then it was lootboxes, season passes, etc.

It's easier to complain about EA making dumb decisions though.

>live service games
what does this even mean
devs need to focus on only one fucking game
not shipping a busted product
or throw it up on early access for years and let plebs feast

Yeah fucking imagine bro

unfortunately they ran out of voodoo because MHW runs like shit

Then stop making live service games?

>millenials crying the job they got not being the job they expected

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>Burgers don't but Burgers are idiots.
Americans are literally captured by the capitalist. There are a ton of anti-consumers laws you see no where else because of this.

So what your saying is

games developers have fucked themselves because chasing the live service dollar has rightly made people expect them to actually produce content of value for their ongoing revenue streams?


>pressure to constantly update games
The only pressure being applied is by the higher ups at these companies.
>Live service games have trained players
Wrong. Casual fags (most retards here) will just gobble up what ever is thrown at them as long as it's flashy enough.

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>Developers receive money based on how much time their game is played and also the number of players who play their game.

You realize that will just make people make games that take a long time to play, not games that are quality. That's youtube's method, and the result is that youtube starts just make 2 hour long videos of them talking into a face cam or uploading an entire uncut 4 hour stream.

That method of compensation would mean long, mostly empty multiplayer games would make money hand over fist vs tight, well made single player games. Why make a quality game like VTMB when people will beat it in 10 hours, when you can make a long, grindy game people will put 700 hours into in order to unlock level 41. The only single player games you'd get would be rougelike RNG simulators.

>now every game with be a CS/Dota clone with a mobile-tier market

spend longer on releasing the game to add more shit at the start, release less games over all, hire more people since you're making more money in a week than most people see in their life
there, problem solved

5 years

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't this shit start with ASSFAGGOTS and from Valve more generally? Players constantly wanted updates, balance changes, skins and new units to play as so devs had to keep putting out content for them. The success of consistent updates from LoL and Dota has been applied to multiplayer games more generally. Battle Royale games like Fortnite have taken carried this trend and have taken it to the next level. It's gotten to the point that others are finding it hard to compete with the constant demand for content (like with Apex Legends).
I do hope this is the last straw that breaks the camels back for the industry.

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That's their fault then, if they want to do that then have a proper plan and content road map like some companies do, or just make a full proper game then decide if you want to add more to it after, like From Software games.

>companies are crumbling under the practice they started to be lazy and jew you out of content

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This is stupid. There are tons of games that aren't replayable and everyone will just switch to making uniform games that are'proven to be more addictive than other genres. It would also make people bypass that by keeping several pcs constantly running games so devs get more pay.

>Spend tons of money to release incomplete games
>Need roadmaps for single player games
>Charge for updates that used to be free
All these problems sound self inflicted as developers try to squeeze every last bit of cash from the users.

Imagine... making a game... and releasing it... and then making another game...

Wouldn't that be weird bros?... I hear they did it back in Grandpa times...

Content patches are nothing new. If anything you have MMORPGs or Blizzard to blame.

Then if you really wanted to pin it on a MOBA go with LoL or HoN as DOTA was just re-releasing content that alreasdy existed,

>copies of office that were bought before didn't suddenly turn into limited licenses
The support is limited. You can't run old versions of Office on new computers, and they stop getting bug patches and security fixes, so if you're using Office 2010 and get a ransomware-infected Excel document, it's entirely your own fault since the security hole filled software won't protect you.

So sure, your copy of Office 98 is still owned by you, but it's damn near impossible to make it work.

>with games as a service you pay a one time fee for an unlimited license as far as any customer can reasonably see. the clause "we can terminate your license at any time for any reason" should be fraudulent in and of itself.
The "software as a service" model is "You pay monthly for the software, AND we can terminate your license at any time for any reason"

Soulless higher-ups made their loot-box infested live-service bullshit bed, now lay in it.

Just a shame that so many talented people repeatedly have to get dragged down with it.

It was more caused by indie developers who released tons of free content for their games after the game was released for sale, in order to drive further sales from people who didn't buy it the first time.

Now consumers expect 2-3 free updates with every game. Otherwise they just go "Why would I buy this game, when I can spend my $60 on this other game and get a new character and a new map for free every month?"

ASSFAGGOTS and normal MMOs don't count.
Fuck even if it did Dota2 doesn't count because the idea was porting all the characters from Dota to Dota2, Dota2 is still an unfinished piece of shit.

The issue is this "games are a service" mentality where even singleplayer games NEED to be updated constantly (see DMC threads) or the gorillion "I am forgotten" threads made every day
They're milking creatives dry to make new content when they want to move on and do something else after 4 years of the same game.

How about you just finish the fucking game before releasing it then? Devs had no problems releasing complete games in the past.

there's still a big difference between a copy not working anymore because it runs on an outdated system and doesn't get future support compared to a copy not working the instant the company decides it doesn't want it to work anymore.
>The "software as a service" model is "You pay monthly for the software, AND we can terminate your license at any time for any reason"
that's just completely irrelevant. i already said that i think that clause should be considered as fraudulent and there's nothing inherently wrong with the "you pay monthly for a service"

Apparently this is how shit rolls
>guys singleplayer games are dying because nobody buys them!
>haha there will still be DLC you have to pay for on top of the $80 preorder
>people prefer to just pirate it or wait for a massive sale
>they get more excuses to keep churning out milking machines they can't even be bothered to paint in interesting colours

I want to roll back to the PS2 era. AAA has been dead for so long it's fucking baffling.

I've been hearing about this supposed crash for as long as I've been on Yea Forums. I'm not holding breath

>would someone PLEASE think of the multibillion corporations engaging in bad practices
if the vidya crash happens, absolutely nothing bad will come from it

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How about the devs do right from the beginning and DON'T release buggy, broken messes; then there wouldn't be a need to constantly update the game. Also, online games need more updates than offline, so make a good single player game and the need to update would be next to zero. I wish I could say that I have sympathy but I have non for them at this point.

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More importantly, how do we make it stick this time? No temporary crash, no outsider coming in to save everybody like Nintendo did, just a total and definitive ends. Videogames NEED to die. They need to be all destroyed so that we can move on to more important matters like the war for our very survival we are fighting against the inferior races and their godless dark masters.

Because publicly-traded publishers have a main goal of making money, not making good video games. (The investors don't give a shit if the games are any good; chances are they don't even know what the games are.)
And it's easier and financially safer to chop a game up so that a flop doesn't cost as much money as one big complete game.

Never, there is an endless stream of candid retards who would kill their mother and crawl over broken glass to work in the gaming industry, thats why conditions are so shit, studios can just squeze poeples to their breaking point and get new ones, and likewise, there will always be your average dudebro who spends money on microtransactions in fifa we lost, the industry found out that retards are a more relyable source of revenue than its former audiance, the new mobile titles wave is just the continuation of that.


too big to fail at this point

Do you see those 2 hour face cam or 4 hour stream videos?
Do you play a grindy games that take a lot of time?
I'd just get bored and abandon them fast, so they'd get no money.
There would be more games like The Witcher 3.
10 hours for a game that many people play would give decent money to the developers to work on their next game or just add content to their current game.

Unless people prefer to play anything else.

I'm kinda happy, I jumped of the game dev train before this all happened. Was studying programming but jump off because of the math. I have no regrets. I would still like to be a part of game making but I rather be a freelance VO or music artist then a stationed game dev.

>The investors don't give a shit if the games are any good; chances are they don't even know what the games are.
Remember that one Nintendo conference call where some retard stockholder was complaining that the video game company executives were talking about video games? Fun times.

>retards will buy unfinished trash now, as long as it updates constantly
>dude wtf stop buying our shit we literally can't defecate fast enough
Hire more Devs to drip feed on rotation instead of pounding the creative talent and learn from oil&gas industry. Literally shut the whole fucking company down every six months for a month and fix everything with fresh batch of workers paid well.

>developers push GAMES AS A (PAID) SERVICE
>developers cry when customers expect the lazy, entitled, worthless basedboy shits to actually work for their monthly subscription fees and/or produce content for their DLC cash shops
maybe developers should all just quit exploitative shitshop studios like the ones Sweeney and EA run if they can't handle 18 hour workdays making fucking vanity cosmetics for zoomers. Could potentially do something crazy like make SINGLEPLAYER games again that aren't bare-bones frameworks designed to deliver microtransactions?

Maybe if they released games fine on launch they wouldn't have this problem?

Isn't this how it already is? The most popular games nowadays are always the multiplayer only experiences with constant updates, or highly repeatable single-player games, usually roguelikes.

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Which can be controlled by measured social forces place into their game, and clearly favor those.

Yes but I think his dream world didn't include that.

The other PCs would need to have an unique account and pay their monthly fee so it's not a good business to have a lot of PCs playing only to get your subscription fee back.
They'd just lose money if they did it.


There'll be corps of for-hire IP spoofing indians willing to mete out for partial fee accounting.

>east asia
Keep dreaming. If anything is outsourced, its outsourced to india.

I'd just play anything I like and the developers would receive what they deserve. I don't see myself spending more time on a game I don't enjoy.


>socialist tech firms are capitalists

lol okay

I don't get the problem, they sell their game as a service that will get frequently updated.
If they didn't want this they could just make a singleplayer game.

Seriously what's the issue here?

Yeah, that was great. Felt bad for the Nintendo guys, though. (I just hope they were geezers who are used to this shit.)

They did this to milk billions of dollars from people so why can't they just invest some of that money back?

its not going to be a real crash .its probably just going to be companys that are too woke losing money and laying off some fools .if hard times come then expect the unprodutive and weak to
be sorted out .I dont expect companys like ea and acti to go completly under or even be harmed for the long run.

Third one?


It's perfect as is, Japanese AA games have resurrected from their 7th gen hiatus and a lot of their AAA has been delivering the goods, especially Capcom and BandaiNamco.
It's only gambling publishers that are in trouble, but I don't count them as belonging to the gaming industry. If you're retarded feel free to give a shit about ActiBlizzard, EA, Ubisoft, Take2 and 99% of big non-Platform Holder western publishers. If your tastes aren't absolute shit then they've been dead for about a decade in your head already, so what difference would it make if they actually died? None.

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They found out making games cheaper or even free is more profitable if you keep selling shit to idiots than asking for a one-time lump sum.

>We want gamers to keep playing our same game for years
>What do you mean they don't want to play the same game over and over again with no updates
They dug their own graves with this "live service" bullshit.

There won't be another crash because there is too much money in the industry now. especially with dumb zoomers spending money on mobile shit. The fact that you don't understand why another crash won't happen is proof of the smoothness of your brain.


Don't forget they are also pushing their problems on the consumers.

>corporation owned and run by people who are not themselves workers in said corporation
Stop spouting buzzwords. Silicon Valley tech firms are the biggest supporters of further privatization and capitalism.

Story used to be
>Devs are working too hard at crunch times, producers are asking too much of them!
And now it's
wonder who started this misinformation campaign

indeed there will be no real crash some fools are going to get burned but thats it.

>Push always online, "live service" games for years, reliant on underage retards and whale paypigs to keep spending money
>Now have to update it constantly to retain the attention of the whales
>wowwwwwwwwwww this is hard ;_;

>Make actual full game
>No need to update and just know that it's going to die eventually

Wow that was hard


Just finish games before releasing them. Fucking knobs.

>wonder who started this misinformation campaign
Gaben, he's trying to avoid making half life 3

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>Devs complete game, majority get laid off, only a skeleton crew exists to patch major flaws.

>Devs now retained for additional updates, workload goes up, but they stay employed.

Don't tell me they don't remember the days when programmers were never full time employees and had to hop from job to job.

Let's say you spent $10 as a monthly fee. Part of that money goes to the store and the other part to the developers. Would you spend a lot of time on a game you don't enjoy, only to receive part of your $10 back?

Then, you're the owner of a huge corporation. How much would you spend knowing you'll receive less money back?

The store/service should detect AFK time just in case.

Make actually good gameplay, dedicated servers, and mod support. Games from 20 years ago are still alive because they have at least one of these three things.

the industry is not going to crash, atleast not any time soon.

The 1980's crash happened because of a console supply surplus, multiple platform competition and unmanaged third party development which led to a dramatic fall in quality and yet constantly increasing game prices.

Today game sales are doing better than ever, competition is evenly divided and console prices are reasonable.

If developer unionisation does happen then it will shake things up somewhat because as some people mentioned publishers will do their utmost to make sure it doesent go through, if they maintain that they will be forced to export jobs to pajeets and changs which would repeat the drop in quality preceeding a crash.

If they cave then game development prices will sky rocket because devs will take a firm stance against crunch and etc and this would inevitably lead to more jewish tricks to nickle and dime players but its hard to say how that will go since everyone hates mircos and lootboxes but they still buy them.

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yea just make a fucking finished product. problem solved.

Don’t give a fuck about a “stream of new content.” I want ALL of the games I PURCHASE to be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT COMPLETE with the only “new content” to be GAME BREAKING BUG FIXES. Fuck nu-game development philosophies right up the ass

>Deliberately leave planned content out at release to get it out the door quicker
>wtf why do people want updates I can't take this anymore I'm going to snap

>check out the AC Odyssey ingame store
>all those amazing outfits and mounts I am never going to buy because literally why
Quality of Life updates are pretty neat, though

Guess what devs?
Seriously, this industry is so fucking retarded holy SHIT.

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Nobody would expect anything if you didn't advertise season passes before a game even launches

The problem with AAA game development costs now is that the vast majority of them have nothing to do with actually developing the game. It's either kickbacks to the executives/shareholders, marketing, expensive voice actors, or overly-realistic graphics that nobody gives a shit about. Cut the fat in the top end of the organization and marketing, hire cheaper voice actors looking for a big break into the industry, focus on unique graphical styles instead of pseudo-realistic walking simulators, and the end result will be games that are both more fun to actually play and cheaper to make, even after dealing with union demands.

Well customers sort of allow it. Literally investing in unfinished games/proof of concepts via early access, kickstarters whatever.
But I agree. Have a complete game that works as intended without patches unless like said some really game breaking shit.
I don't care what the fuck they do with it afterwards


More like they kept boiling the consumer frog more and more with bullshit business practices until it became unsustainable to keep doing so.
>run out of gas before the frog even tries to jump out
>just blame the frog for it

I agree with you. I think that a lot of customers don’t care or are ignorant due to inexperience

So the answer will be smaller games for higher prices, nah fuck off and die.

Did anyone ever ask for games as a service? I would much rather have a complete game that takes 3 years to develope than a "games as a service" piece of shit that comes out every year and gets updates for a few months.

>Did anyone ever ask for games as a service?
Shareholders did.

This, somewhat. But on the other hand, I've seen people give bad reviews to completely finished and perfectly functioning games, calling them "dead" because they don't get constant updates. Zoomers think every game is Early Access.

>Super Deepthroat
F Konashion, you glorious motherfucker

yes the kickbacks are a problem but I have no idea how you would solve that, shareholders would have to step in and tell them to fuck off but I dont see that happening.

Regarding the shift development, i'm not convinced. Game publishers are led by people who come from a film/marketing/buisness background, places where for the most part bigger is always better, if they cant advertise that big blockbuster quality the publishers will throw a fit because that is the only way to secure sales that they know of, understanding the intricacies of gameplay and creative design will always be beyond them.

Gonna be honest that's pretty funny, I hope those lads luck in life

>normal software development
>"maintenance accounts for most of the development of a given software product"

>game development

So just release fucking complete games.
You can either release a full product and charge full price, or go the early access route and update for three to four years. You can't have it both ways.

>hire women that hate games and just want the money

>hire men that loves gaming and enjoy their work

Mother fuckers even work in their free time on the shit cause they love it so much.

The main programmer on Conan exiles (a dude) took a fortnite off after the game released, and in his holiday time he programmed a fucking tool for modders to use. Literally didn't even get paid for doing it at all.

nobody fucking asked for it though
release the game with all of its intended content and work on something else you cunts

nobody expects shit

they cut off the ability to make mods, maps, addons, etc

they ship incomplete buggy games

they remove cohesive stories or mechanics and introduce grindy XP mechanics in every genre

they created this unrewarding never finished style of game

God of War won GOTY and was an excellent game. Released and has barely needed an update since. Game developers do this to themselves.

If you play Game-as-a-Service games you deserve to watch your hobby crash and burn. Fuck You for supporting that shit and ruining gaming.

God I wish they would stop because games as service is complete shit anyway and I don't even want it. I just want them to deliver cohesive and complete games packages like they used to and like Japan still does to this day.

I only really want the western industry to crash.

>cut corners to save money
>cry when the expenses eclipse the savings
Boo hoo.

People are still mad DMC5 doesn't have updates

The whole PR for this game is ridiculous considering the things they advertise should be standard in the industry

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This is in reference towards single player games that just end
People who only buy 1 game a year want their games to be basically endless

>My game requires constant online connection, and I justify this by saying its so I can provide more content
>Also, I shipped with 1000 bugs and only half the promised content, and justified it by saying I'll fix it later

Update the company policy. GGG relies on constant updates to make money with Path of Exile, thats the main way they make money in the first place.

you can't, WoW, LoL, Overwatch, TF2, CS, DotA, Fortnite pushed the update meme. If a game doesnt have updates, its considered dead

even Rage 2 has this shit

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> If a game doesnt have updates, its considered dead
Unless it has dedicated servers and moddability. Games with no dedicated servers die quicker with the lack of updates.

It's out of control now. No one is gonna stop until the snowball crashes. Gamers need the latest thing (addicted to novelty, boasting on social m), and shareholders' minds Profit > Industry. They don't give a fuck if it crashes; they'll just invest in something else.

They were planning this shit waaaaaaay back. Oldfags will remember the memes 'Episodic' and 'Seasonal' being thrown around way back in 1998. They wanted this for so long, because they knew they could use it to fuck you over. I swear the top dogs at publishers and devs all hang out. They are all pushing this shit simultaneously, even though no one asked for it.

Like when they started deciding single-player doesn''t sell. There was no data for this. We were just coming off the PS3 gen loaded with singleplayer successes. Yet, the pushed it at the beginning of this gen anyway....and were proven wrong. Online only is what they want so you have no control over what you bought.

>white people

I too masturbate to destiny while on welfare

nigger you're dumb plenty of games before those were doing just fine and getting updates

>Just like Super Deepthroat

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Hello fellow Zoomers. You know, I used to be in SPED too.

Boomers sweating another industry crash is fucking hilarious. Talk about being left in the past. You'd have to be mentally ill to think the largest entertainment industry in the history of mankind is going anywhere soon.


How about that? No? Then fuck you.

>Choose to make your game live service
>Struggle to keep up with updating service

Then dont sell your fucking game as more live service online only bullshit. Games like Spiderman, God of War, etc sell just fine without needing to be that.

America has both of those, canucks actually are the ones being fleeced by Ubisoft.

Remember when a game came out and you bought the game and played the game and the game worked and then you finished the game and that was that?
Good times

It would take an apocalypse for it to go away desu.

I hope to see a game dev union doing something that matters soon.
>2020, new call of duty in the works
>devs got a union now
>publisher wants them to bloat the file size to 120 GB and add microtransactions
>devs refuse to make the game bigger than it needs to be, around 18 GB
>and they will make three expansion packs, no dlc
>activision throws a fit but backs down after a week

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Finally I'll finish the backlog. Finally there will be time.

>activision fires everyone
>hires entry-level scabs desperate for a job
>shits out the most low-effort bullshit possible
>consumers don't care because it has the cawadoody name on it
>retailers don't care because they're also major corporations who don't give a fuck

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Game dev here. I work 80-100 hour weeks. I have had times where I haven't been able to go home in spans of two weeks or more. We don't even have a shower at work.

That bullshit Bioware was going through is nothing.

Hilarious!! XD
you get an upvote good sir :3

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As if unions in the US have any actual sway over any big corp. They're not like the ones they have Scandinavia where they are bigger and richer than any company over there.

Bethesda has sold millions off of that concept

Or more realistically
>publisher wants them to bloat the file size to 120 GB and add microtransactions
>devs refuse to make the game bigger than it needs to be, around 18 GB
>publishers fire the developers and bring in code monkeys who can do their job adequately enough
>game gets pushed out as intended anyways
>any bad press doesn't stop the game from selling millions and people eagerly awaiting another CoD the next year

how much do you make?

Gee it's almost like mods and pre drm dlc era devs and players where happier freely doing whatever the Fuk they wanted without publishers holding-hands
You brought this upon yourselves eat a dick console buyfags and rgb gaymer zoomers lmao

Then you won't be able to compete.
Just look at Anthem.
It got left in the dust because players felt it was too slow to update compared to Fortnite.

>It got left in the dust because players felt it was too slow to update compared to Fortnite
No, user. That wasn't the reason Anthem failed.

WB is the worst offender

>Slice up games into little pieces to have as a bunch of pre-order bonuses
>Ass loads of 30 minute DLC quests barely worth the effort to buy seperately
>Complain when people wait for the complete edition.

unions would not have impact on that what the shit are you talking about.

More like
>devs got a union now
>publisher wants them to bloat the file size to 120 GB and add microtransactions
>"not until u pay us more :)"
>Gamedev outsourced to China

I'm genuinely curious as to how stupid someone has to be to think this.

I was surprised by this too, apparently it isn't against the law to force someone to work 24/7 as long they get overtime payment. The only rule they have is if you don't like your job, you can quit it.

Can you think of a more idiotic article to write
Where the fuck do those people come from

journos are colluding with tranny devs to push for unions. its pretty blatant.

AAA might hit a threshold but their are plenty of people who are still willing to shell out money for good games which is where `indie' games will start to pick up their steam.

I just want to go back when it was simpler, my dudes. I remember I used to come home every day, load up Skate 2 or Halo 3 and play that all day.

How come games don't have that same staying power anymore?

>Just like Super Deepthroat
based, but RIP


They do, you just changed.

>tfw still sinking hours into TF2 and having fun while modern multiplayer shooters all feel boring as fuck
How the fuck has no one been able to surpass it in 12 years?

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this is bullshit, the games wouldn't need constant updates if they werent unfinished garbage to begin with, the real problem is the focus on graphics and AAA corporate culture

What changed user? Why does it feel like I can never get that again. I used to have a tight knit group of online friends, now I can barely get 10 on my friend lists on any game anymore.

All of you grew up and took different paths.
People find jobs, move, get married and such.

Happens to all of us, user.

Maybe you're a cunt?

>the real problem is the focus on graphics
I was saying this back in '07. It's only going to get worse from here.

Devs don't listen to players and keep making the story worse, they killed the game for many.
Never really cared bout this one, heard people say the devs made it not as good with newer updates.
They care less about the actual game than how much they can make off esports.
The people working on it have been going down in number every year, straight up is a dying game.
Gets constant updates, I never hear anyone say its dead
Also gets constant updates, only people I hear its dead from are league players.
Even the pros being paid tons to play are getting sick of the shitty updates they put out.
Seems to be less of an issue with the rate of updates to me with these games. Rather an issue of the devs simply not wanting to listen to players or in many cases just not caring.

fucking this

The graphics argument is shit. Most gamers are graphics whores and fed into the whole shitshow. I don't care how much they deny it, gamers care about graphics first and foremost. Then developer, then genre, then gameplay, then other things.

Seen way too many good games flop due to crap graphics, and bad games break records due to dev hype and pretty looks.

TLDR Devs need to stop blaming players for their ineptitude.

>Hmmm, players only play our game for two weeks and then move on to something else. How can we get them to keep playing it and keep spending money?

>How about we make expansion packs like in the old days?

>lol no fuck that, lets just slowly add small DLC content packs and a cash shop. We can keep a single game going for years that way!

>a year later

>oh wow what the hell these gamers expect us to keep releasing more content so they can give us money and its too much work!!

Attached: retard alert.gif (493x342, 480K)

hopefully soon

>having a job means less free time, can't waste it doing nothing all day, especially when playing games makes time go by even faster
>friends from school were only friends with you because they saw you every day, without that they don't even think about you
Combine the two and that's why no one plays with you.

Gamers only "care" about graphics when they're trying to start a consolewar. Nobody gives a shit as long as the art direction is on point.

They digged this hole all on their own. While the description of current state may be true, the cause is false. There was never any pressure, well from customers that is.

So you don't even have the excuse of being indoctrinated from birth

Naughty Dog is my go to example, fuckers got 4 games out for the PS3 and only two for the 4 despite the games being of the same scale aside from graphics.

Fucking nothing. 36k a year including overtime.

There are plenty of people who would say they know that when asked or told directly, but their words or actions otherwise often imply they either aren't aware or don't care that a certain amount of work is required to get them the thing they want.

lmao stfu boomer retards, crash won't happen and you dumbasses will just get 1 year closer to midlife crisis

switch to 40 hours then

No Anthem failed because it fucking sucked and was also broken, and they were too slow to fix a broken product sold on store shelves.

>entire industry pushes digital distribution as hard as possible with pro digital and anti physical propaganda
>one of the main reasons they pushed digital is so they can intentionally release unfinished games
>having to go through a platform at any point encourages DLC/microtransactions/patches/updates
>now they bitch when they get what they want
I NEVER wanted digital to begin with, I want games to be released complete with no DLC or patches or updates and sold physical only.

DLC, patches, and updates shouldn't exist.
Unless charging for digital distribution is illegal and piracy is completely legal in your country then your country is no better.

Hah, yeah, I really wish it was that easy.

I'm SUPPOSED to be working 40 hours. Everybody is. It just never actually works out that way. The best part is, I work less than half the overtime as some of the other programmers. Less than a third of some people, who basically just live and sleep at work every day.

Anyway, I should go before I say something too risky. But the videogame industry is a nightmare right now.

I feel like the biggest issue is dev's tend to over budget in these games a lot. I mean is it really worth needing a stuff of thousands or ten thousands just to show off that you can render the ball wrinkles on a old man or some Hans Zimmer sound alike doing the ost with an orchestra composed of over 200-500 people? And its like dev's just can't stop, when they produce some high end graphics game, its like they feel they HAVE to follow up on the last game with a sequel with an even better high demand graphics and needing an even bigger stuff than the previous game. This right here is probably where all the gatcha shit, endless DLC bullshit, day 1 passes, and all the other shitty gaming practices are stemming from because they have to pay off that large as fuck staff.

Really it just feels like dev's need to cut back on some stuff and stop putting all their efforts into useless shit.

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Does fornite have a ranked mode? I feel like all these games that are going hard with the constant drip feed of new content don't have competitive modes.

Sounds like the industry really brought that down on themselves.

How is this a problem?
More work means more people being employed more consistently.

>another industry crash
Literal what? A whole wide world exists outside of the US user. A world which did in fact *not* experience a gaming crash.

MMR doesn't really work in battle royale due to the sheer number of players you need to start a game. getting 10 or 12 people of similar skill into the same lobby is much easier than 60 or 100 people. It would make queue times for people even remotely decent completely absurd due to the ridiculous distribution of skill those games have.

blame china for this.
>hans zimmer soundalike
Yeah, this shit sucks. Usually more of the publisher's demands than the devs though. After all, the publishers are supplying the budget.
> ten thousands just to show off that you can render the ball wrinkles on a old man
I don't think the programmers who do shit like this actually get paid, no worries user
>they HAVE to follow up on the last game with a sequel with an even better high demand graphics and needing an even bigger stuff than the previous game
tell that to the publishers and the fans.
> endless DLC bullshit, day 1 passes,
Budgets often don't cover finishing a game, so devs will often use this to finish the game they had intended. I agree this is bullshit.

No dont go. I always wanted to ask one thing. What would actually happen if you started to hold the stated hours. Nobody ever talks about that.
Will they fire you? Oh good luck with that, Id be back tomorrow with lawyer, OSHA and IRS in tow.

>This is entitled gamers fault, not jew publishers
Holy shit

Sorry, really have to leave in a second.

Yes, either getting fired, getting a pay drop, and in many cases deportation since devs are hiring lots of foreign workers for cheap nowadays.

Good luck talking about what happened after all the NDAs.


>people think a crash will do anything to the industry
>people think a crash can even happen
>even if it did, the ones hurt the most would be consumers just like before

Who was in the wrong here?

just give people modding tools then, problem fixed people can make content for you

So USA banning lootboxes will kill the game industry but it deserves to die so I am all for it.


Most of AAA game industry and most of mobile.

Then it's the devs/publishers fault for creating Live Service games, the whole premise of one is that it'll keep getting updated over time so ofc keep working on it and stop bitching


People still haven't finished the game on anything harder than Normal mode, let alone Bloody Palace.

Valve made complete games, every update to them was a grand addition.
Now games are dogshit and every update is a necessity. I can list the games that do the former on one hand.

>pressure to constantly update
Make a single player game then, faggots

These people are entitled shills. Super Mario Oddysey, Breath of The Wild and Many other games feel complete and adding more would obersaturate it.

Games-as-a-service were a fucking mistake.

>Valve made complete games
>have updates
pick one Valve drone

Just stop making expensive games.

You are so goddamn braindead I'm not even going to humor your retarded post outside of this reply.

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Perhaps if they shipped finished games at launch they wouldn't need to update it constantly.

a huge "crash" akin to the one that happened in the 80s is pretty unlikely, the industry is far more developed and diverse than it was back then. the closest thing to a crash would probably be activision and EA shutting down, and EA is unlikely to suffer too much as long as retards perpetually buy all their sports games, which they always will.

NDAs cannot prevent you from reporting crimes.

the parents obviuosly

You can't NDA a fucking crime away, why the fuck don't people get this shit.

French faggots are not canucks. Quebec deserves that cancerous shit.

But what about live service that you pay subscription for and we don't have to do anything to justify it
PSN is a thing, why can't everybody have that

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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Video game developers get special exemptions in law for "crunch" It is retarded user.

I hate Valve so much

No; they have provisions in their contracts that are substantively illegal, which they pretend are legal because they're written into contracts.

Just like how nearly every EULA contains legally unenforceable nonsense to intimidate people away from acting in their rights.

So now games as a service is a bad thing?

This, if anybody could actually afford to take this shit to court the businesses would lose in a fucking instant.

Literally everyone can talk into a microphone

>Meanwhile TF2 devs

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The industry can fucking explode for all i care. there's maybe a few developers who are decent but the huge majority of them are fucking trash.

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No sweating here. Just praying.

How many people have voices that you can bear to listen to?

TF2 is going to outlive this dogshit industry
>literally almost 12 years old
>still has 50k concurrent players daily on average
>actually broke it's previous concurrent player record last Christmas

They did it to themselves!! What are they bitching about? They started ALL OF THIS when they abused the ability to patch games after launching (allowing bug-ridden releases) and started shoving DLC down our throats. It's THEIR FAULT. I am laughing so hard. Fuck them.

It’s easier to make a game successful if you update it a shitload. It makes people play it for longer, gets their friends in on it, gets people buying more stuff.

Sure, anyone can code and model. Not everyone can make code that runs efficiently or make models that don't look like ass.

>Super Deepthroat
Are you a wizard? Today was the first time I checked the mod forum since 3 or so years.

>Really it just feels like dev's need to cut back on some stuff and stop putting all their efforts into useless shit.

that will literally never happen, then only thing that matters to these companies is constant expansion and increased profits. they literally give zero fucks how good their games are.

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I think that's gonna come vidya crash or no vidya crash

Why do people that have no understanding of games and software is general make conclusions and blog about them?

It's easier to make a game successful if the game is complete on release instead of a buggy empty mess

Lehman Brothers had more money than the entire vidya industry today

Based on some of the Yea Forums sings. No they can't.

>be a AAA developer
>release an unfinished garbage bare boned video game that is no different from all the previous video games ever released because the executives want to push the games as a service ponzy scheme
>end up not meeting your sales goals cause at least some consumers already know that its a fucking scam not worth their money
>be FROM software
>release a finished game
>breaking all sales records
>consumer satisfaction at all time high
>no pre order dlcs, micro transactions, and pay 2 win illegal shit that every government is banning
>achieve all time success
geee i really wonder how they did it

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Or they could release complete games again and sell them physically without being connected to any platform, oh wait the entire industry tried as hard as possible to get away from that.

You know, the only thing I found enraging about this is how that bitch has that serious look on her face as if what she was doing was somewhat impressive. On top of that she picks the most easy dance moves to do.

The kid literally raped her with the first move. She thinking she had a chance with what follows is just retardation.

Boo hoo.

Killing floor 2 has had FREE small updates 4 times a year for the past 4 years and it's brought them a steady stream of new sales. Learn how to work with in your means and don't over promise.

I don't think we'll see another Atari-style crash where the industry just straight-up fucking dies. I do think we'll see a major contraction among the segment of the industry going hard on the GaaS meme, ie the western AAAs, but the part of the industry that's still making non-service games won't be affected by it.

>>breaking all sales records
Name one that isn't "Best Selling From Software Game".

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>giant naked man

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KF2 was also a complete game when it fully released

thank god for school shootings

>1 year closer
half these fags are already there


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You forget neets are often clinically depressed with a whole other slue of mental illnesses

stay mad jelly wagecuck

Unions aren't magic that does what you want them to. If presented in that scenario, they'll say "ok" but request a 50% pay raise. Then the game goes overbudget, flops, bankrupts the company, and the industry moves overseas.

So let me get this straight. Not only can't these fuckheads complete games upfront anymore. But they don't even have the decency to patch up the broken desiccated mess they charge $60 for?!

>day after any kind of game release
I mean, it's industry's fault to get people used to this kind of faggotry, but god damn just play whatever shit game you just got and worry about more content when you're done with it, and if it's early access or unfinished shit just drop it and don't reward the practice.
Why do zoomers need to see if there's some kind of content stream getting planned/released? will their prospect of fun diminish?

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fucking this. I played the shit out of Dragon's dogma when it first came out, I recently repurchased the game and I'm getting just as much if not more joy this time around.

botw is absolutely unfinished.

Yea Forumss been making this exact thread for 15 fucking years. NEVER EVER

That is publishers own fault. They made their grave now they can lay in it.

I'm pretty sure people would be happy if games were a complete product with a start and a finish.
If anyone it's the investors who want half assed unending skinner box gameplay loops where the only difference is some changing art assets.

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Never because games remove boredom. It will be nes 16 bit indie shit anyway.


It all comes down to money. These AAA titles are costing too much to make, and the kicker is a ton of it isn't even for development -it's marketing. Publishers are obsessed with making their titles like blockbuster movies, plastering the shit everywhere and even opening up e-sports tournaments (like Blizzard). All that shit drives up the amount of copies needed to make the acceptable amount of profit for higher ups. Not the mention the ultra realistic 4K+++ ultra polygon graphics they often push, rather than something more stylized. Pull back and make smaller games again. They're safer to make, even if you might not get that massive profit from an AAA hit. Devs can be creative again since there isni't as much money on the line and they don't have to cater to the lowest common denominator.

People are just used to it. I couldn't imagine a game having vanilla WoW's leveling pace, and even how many enemies you could fight at once, able to release in 2019. Most classes could only do 1 maybe 2 mob pulls at a time, with people with pets or really good kiting being able to take on more but it required levels to get the skills/talents that allowed for it.

People just want instant satisfaction and the feeling of being powerful ASAP.

>We want to support this game as a service
>Use GaaS tag to justify launching the game with missing features
>Surprised when people don't like your game

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Some armored core games didn't sell that great.

Customers aren't demanind new content. What absolute bullshit and lies.
They keep making more """content""" in the form of microtransactions to catch the retarded whales.

>Let's say you spent $10 as a monthly fee.
Not a chance in hell. They can take the entire industry and shove it up their collective asses if they start charging monthly fees.

Let it break. How can we accelerate this?

Are you aware that the rumor that the guy died was always completely baseless? There were never any sources to back it up. They guy probably just fucked off.

>We want our games to be services
>Oh no we need to update them!?!?

Classic will be pretty scandalous then I guess.

Nobody asked for games as a service, developers just adopted it on their own thinking it'd be easy to make one game per decade and I guess now they're getting PTSD making post-release hats and other silly shit. People expect a constant stream of content because it's not like developers are doing anything else.

Good games should be like a good book.

Play once while having a great time, and able to experience the same thing but this deeper meaning on a second play years later.

The industry has forgotten this.

>trained players
insidious choice of words, takes the blame off the developers. implying it's us that are demanding constant stream of content, when in reality companies choose that business model because it's profitable, while most gamers would be happy to go back to the days when you just buy a fucking game and get the whole product. just another cancerous journalist

is there any seriously profitable games from completely private companies? i.e even without investors, there is the Postal games, but that's all that comes to mind

People voted for games as a service the moment they accepted digital distribution which is inherently games as a service.

just like morrowind/oblivion/skyrim/fallout 3/new vegas/ fallout 4.
dont forget modding those friend they still can kick out some fun

please tell me the one in the black shirt is a girl with her hair up and not some queer with a manbun

>publishers push 60$ early access state live service "games".

>hurr durr why are you pushing us to get our game finished.

games aren't going anywhere, micro transactions and EA-esque anti consumer practices are.

If they actually finished the games before releasing they wouldn't have this problem. AAA games are just barebones at best, straight up broken at worst.

>letting consumers have full access to your product
fuck off commie

It's the devniggers' own fault for not producing stand alone single player games. It's better to wrap up a project for a flat sum profit than to constantly have to keep putting effort in to get a revenue stream, and accountants can fuck right off. They're just wrong.

i cant wait, all that market in the reds, ripe for pickings.

>go to play game
>5+gb update
I'm tired of this shit.

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thank god the backlogs of games has become so massive that i just dont have time until it already has a goty edition.

> living with dial-up

This is valid criticism for multiplayer-heavy games. It doesn't matter how great the game is, if you never have people to play with then it's technically an unplayable game.

Constant updates will keep people coming back, but it's hard to maintain since there's so much competition in multiplayer gaming. The answer here is simple: don't make a multiplayer game in 2019 if you can't afford to support players.

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It's because it's easier to sell skins/subscriptions for online games.
Publishers pushed for DLC so people expect new content for SP games too. It's not like that's a bad thing desu.
Some DLC/newcontent is actually pretty good. Most of it is garbage but often good games have good DLC

I would be okay with us going back to PS2-era kind of games. You know, where I buy the fucking game and its done.

I blame early access shit.

That first dance move was decent


These companies need to just collapse already. I hope they all crumble into dust.

It feels like "Live Service" is something they pushed onto themselves. I certainly don't remember anyone asking for it.

i taste your tears zoomer

>kids having fun together
Why are we hating this again?

Except season passes existed for disc games too.

>The kid literally raped her with the first move

fucking zoomers and their incorrect zoomer use of literally

kek this. players didn't ask for this shitty model

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I don't understand. As an employee, isn't it good to have constant work? What is the alternative? Getting laid off, while the studio plans its next project? Not knowing if you can find new work after the game is done?

You have constant work one way or another. Real issue is and was brainless managers trying to justify their positions by promising investors more revenue under shorter deadlines.

we've been in a (quality) crash for over a decade.


The rot set in with updates for graphics card drivers in the early 2000s, and went into overdrive once console games started to allow online updates.
At each stage of the process, publishers continued to let standards slip until they are now in the zero-day patch toilet we now find ourselves in.

normally teams instantly start working on new games but in this case they claim that they permanently stay in a state of crunch.

So Fortnite dances are the new Naruto/Sonic run.

thank god I'm a dentist

>sell games as services
>surprised when this happens
It's absolutely the fault of big publishers.

Once lootboxes are made illegal they'll have to focus on making games again.

This, fucking THIS! I warned all of them, but they didn't want to listen.

There are a lot of old games to play so


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If there is a crash Indie devs will pick up the slack. The consumer has told these idiots game as a service is a bad idea, so how about just add 6 months to your dev cycle and out out a finished product?

just make complete games then

What the fuck is games as a service even means?

>releases barebones game
>dude why are people expecting more updates from our games??

Those are all multiplayer-centric games.
Games like that require constant balancing to prevent butthurt.

You can't mod AAA games
How is an amateur going to add new content to Assassins Creed or something? It's all motion captured bullshit and high-res artwork that takes 100 trained slaves to produce

Hopefully soon

This is the problem with investors. Most of that $60 price tag goes to them alone. So of course these mongoloids have to make up with scams like microtransactions and season passes.

on going "service" (like a hotel/restaurant) rather than the traditional finished product

>Went into CS to do video games
>Started hearing about how bad vidya industry is, especially with that EA wife story
>Stuck with degree anyways
>Now in finance

I literally make enough money to buy any games I want [spoilers]and even buy all the microtransitions I want[/spoilers]. And I'm still coding, which is interesting on its own. Long-term plan is to save money and become my own indie dev, which I would suggest to anyone else who wants to make games.

It's those fucking companies that wanted to push the "games as a service" meme. If your game is a service, it better fucking live up to it. Otherwise, return to what games used to be and stop being greedy fucking faggots

I never asked for incomplete games
I never asked for live services
I never begged for the death of single player forced multiplayer faggotry
I never asked for crap dlc
I never asked for unfinished get updates later for it games
I never once asked for them to charge microtransactions and loot boxes
I never once asked for them to shit all over me for wanting complete working games

so no I have no pity for them and fuck that queer ass journalist trying to blame gamers for what companies have been trying to force since the late 90s

the irony and rage in your post is palpable

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>ea wife story
uh what?

Putting all your eggs in one basket is a bad business decision and I don't know why publishers insist on it.

If you take the $50,000,000 it takes to make one always-online live service monstrosity and instead make five different games with $10,000,000 budgets you will have both greater sales and happier customers. It's how small Japanese companies continue to chug along.

Your in it

Did you 100% BotW, completing all the content, (including the Master Sword Trials), completing all the shrines, finishing all 4 of the dungeons, maxing out all the gear, and completing all the available quests?

things that are by all rights you own fault are not "pushing" you.
>digital means we can ship the games unfinished
>consumer: but we dont want unfinished games
>did we say unfinished? we meant ever-evolving!
and now we are where we are.
you made your own bed, now dont complain that your pillow is made of shit.

either fess up and eat crow, or fuck off and eat pillow.

game is still unfinished.

Back in my day kids would get stomped to death and bullied for acting this retarded.

Now you're actually populair for being a transgender or some weird faggot.

Asking this is like asking when the film industry is going to crash. It will NEVER happen. After the crash of 1982 they learned their lesson and companies like Ubisoft and EA have learned all the legal loopholes to jump through to where they can churn out shit products and still profit from it via tax scams even if the product is a commercial failure.

There will never be another crash. Instead what will happen is smaller independent studios will continue to die or be aquired until all that remains are Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and Square Enix.

They have let it rot.

the big video game industry could completely crash and there would honestly be no problems for people who actually like games outside of extremely long term NEETS. even ignoring the fact that people will continue to make hobby games and mods, there are so many good games out there already that people just haven't played yet, and tons of multiplayer games that are extremely underplayed.

>It's how small Japanese companies continue to chug along.
but it is not how big companies make big money.
if you make products specifically tailored to certain groups you make less money than making a super generic product that you convince people through hype and social engineering they *need* to have, because everyone who does not is lame and smells of used socks.

>Back in my day kids would get stomped to death and bullied for acting this retarded.

How old are you? Because I'm 34 and kids always acted fucking retarded and did stupid shit like that for attention when I was going through school.

There were no trannies though.

sounds like the industry would like to go back to when you made a game, released it, and then that was it

Sorry, meant the EA Spouse story.

Google it.

Nah, just give niggas the tools. You can mocap with some really rudimentary bullshit like that kinect shit. You can do photogrammetry with a toddler phone. It all uses the same modalities as traditional animation anyways, so you can hand animate or correct. Just need the dev kit.

What nigger-ridden ghetto school did you go to?

I love to embarrass my little sister by doing this dances when I go to pick her up at school. I can't do the "floss" tho that shit is harded than it looks

It's the industry's fault for pushing this now they can lay in their shitty live service bed

No, making art for modern 3D games is extremely skill and labour intensive. It's nothing to do with lack of tools, anyone can pirate them. It's not a matter of taking a photo and wham, video-game ready art

>all 4 of the dungeons
>previous Zeldas had a minimum of 7
>not unfinished

expensive assets are part of the cancer killing the video game industry, just get rid of them. they make things expensive and cause devs to be risk averse because they have to spend $1000s of dollars tweaking crotch bulge positions on each animation.

Expensive assets sell games
Make an AAA game with cheap graphics and nobody will buy it

Fifth post best post. Maybe a few of the top 10 megapublishers eat shit and die, but they no longer comprise the majority of the industry. Even all megapublishers died, indies, A, and AA devs with smart business practices would still exist. Honestly, the industry would be better off with a few less megapublishers. I wouldn't mind seeing EA, Activision-Blizzard, Take two, and Bethesda bite the dust. The western AAA scene went to shit a long time ago. Burning the whole thing to ground and starting from scratch would be the best possible outcome.

So the developers get a constant demand for their work. How is this a bad thing? Is this person retarded?
>Jody Macgregor
Ah that explains it

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commie mode would be to redistribute these games for free, without licences or anything. jesus bread division and piracy are the closest to communism. giving people the tools generates endless content, creating good pr, which attracts large userbase which means more money.

Me too, I want games to go back to being sold physical only with the entire playable game on the physical media and no updates. I'd start paying for games again.
Which is only possible because of digital distribution, you need to think past the surface layer.

>Live service games have trained players to expect a constant stream of new content
>Being told more content is coming makes people expect more content

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Then don't make online games or open world. Just make linear single player games that I can finish in roughly 10-20 hours and move on to next game.

I agree but I think it's only necessary in practice only because economically it's like a prisoner's dilemma situation where if nobody does it customers aren't really gonna care that there's a slightly lower polycount across all game. However if one company invests heavily in assets and another doesn't they're going to destroy them. I legitimately think games would be better if they didn't spend so much on assets but it is a much more reliable method of profit generation to just throw money at artists to increase graphical fidelity or shit out cosmetics then recycle them with low effort updates than to actually try to innovate from a gameplay perspective.

It makes more money than Hollywood, it's never crashing.

The population at large wants games with nice graphics. The situation isn't nearly as bad as it used to be in the 90s and the 2000s when graphics technology was increasing staggeringly quickly and the ONLY games that sold were the ones with the best graphics. You can sell a game with graphics that are behind the curve these days, it just doesn't work for AAA games because their customers expect the "best"

We live in an age where cheaters exist and you're always online.
We wouldn't have to deal with cheaters if we had a lan party option.
But most games require always online.
Also It would be nice if we could host our own servers in most games.


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god i know this feeling
something about TF2 hits the spot that no other FPS can hit for me

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If you like open world games or online games you are a big nerd with time to waste playing games. Linear games that I can beat in a day or two are much better.

why are you even here

Release a fucking complete game then.
I love large patches and expansion packs for great games as much as anyone, but those are for games that actually feel finished already.
If the product is already good then you don't need to constantly update it, only when you're ready to

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Then how else are you supposed to justify the purchase of an empty, barren game, devoid of content?
If you sell a game as a service people expect to be serviced, how the fuck is that unfair?
All you have to do is not make that type of a game, but no, lazy devs want to sell promises instead of actual finished content then bitch that they have to hold up their end of the bargain.
I increasingly hate game devs, specially western game devs.

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Its 2am. I just got in from the pub


What if.. just IMAGINE.. what if game studios actually sold FINISHED games for a change?

Never happened and never will happen.
The "game industry" is pretty much like the auto industry, where there are several endless categories for several kinds of publics.

But some sectors of the gaming industry can certainly go the way of the Cadillac.

sounds like the customers are the problem if pretty shiny is a deal breaker. but than again I think pretty shiny gamers are something that should be purgeed and games should focus on story and gameplay not graphics and multishitter online

>everything should cater to me instead of what the majority wants

Grafix being the only selling point was a marketing-induced meme to the point that Sony USA literally blocked popular, well-selling 2D Japanese games from getting domestic releases.

Something extremely important to note is what the best selling games across all platforms are. Most of them are yearly iterations where the graphics could be phoned in and people would still go out to buy them in droves. You really think Pablo gives a shit how good FIFA looks? Consumers like what you tell them to fucking like, and marketers have told people to desire shiny grafix and value cinematic experiences over gameplay. This doesn't always work, but all you have to do to make it work is make games that aren't complete dogshit, which isn't hard.

Gaming has been infiltrated by people who want to make lots of money doing little to no work. Long gone are the days of id, Westwood or Blizzard.

>constant work
Yeah it's called a job.

>There are people on this board right now who are too young to remember when a game's lifespan was dictated by its modability and solid designing lending well to replayability, instead of by some corporate board of suits who have probably never even played a video game.
Holy shit.

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>condition people to be addicted to your game
>can't keep up with their cravings they will always switch to the next big thing
>I bet the gamers are behind this

Witcher 3, The Last of Us, God of War 4 - all of these games are widely considered some of the best games made in recent years and all of them didn't necessarily have a steady stream of content past release. If companies made games that stood on their own two feet without some bullshit "year 1 plan" or "annual pass" then they wouldn't feel this pressure. Literally no sympathy for developers being devoured by a beast they uncaged.

>pay 60 bucks each for Persona 5, RE2make, RDR2, Doom
>feel 100% satisfied with each, got my money's worth and don't really want new content.
good games don't require Skinner box design.

Remember when games were released as complete packages at launch? Remember when the biggest micro transactions we had to worry about were $5 one time costume DLC?

No one has demanded this constant updating, the industry has created this market in an effort to create an "in game economy" and to "maintain player engagement" so they can syphon more money out of people after they've already paid $60 for a game. The industry is complete trash to the core and deserves to burn.

The average gamer cares about graphics. This is not a marketing induced meme, it's an absolute truth that has been proven over and over and over again if you've ever worked in games. It's not as bad as you used to be, but AAA games are all about keeping up with the joneses and if your average AAA game comes out with noticably worse graphics than the others then that's a sales hit. FIFA is a shit example because that's not a game for gamers, it's a game for casuals

>fucking gamers, stop asking for constant free updates! don't you realize we have to pay those devs wages, and aren't getting more money out of that? how are we supposed to lay them off, kill the product and move on to another flavor of the month money grabber if you keep forcing them to work and make updates we then have to hand out for free?

I'm so glad I no longer care about the future of the industry as there are dark times ahead (even darker than this decade, which was absolute shit)
After 29 years of gaming I feel like just playing my childhood games and the ocasional indie.
Let the AAA industry rot

The industry wont crash. But I do expect alot of big devs like EA, Ubisoft, Activison, etc will start struggling.

Only when you go for a realistic environment, not a good artstyle.
If you're trying to hit the top of the graphical line as your selling point then why shouldn't people expect it? People clearly don't care about graphics that much when looking back Nintendo games are considered among the most beautiful

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I'm almost glad that I never played any new AAA game (since 2013) on launch because I refuse to buy DRM'd stuff.

No. The fact they made the boring overworld the focus of a Zelda game points to it being unfinished.

It won't happen as retards will continue to buy shit like the NPCs they are
I don't think the industry has anything else to offer the world anyway. It feels like everythings been done. No room for innovation of technological advancement anymore.
Crysis was the last big jump forward in terms of tech and I haven't seen any significant advancement in gameplay design since the PS2 era

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>open world implies non-linear

Nintendo does their own thing, other companies aren't Nintendo. If the next Playstation blockbuster has shit graphics it'll flop. Look at something like Mass Effect Andromeda. There is room with plenty of games with less labour-intensive art styles but the AAA game isn't going anywhere

majoras mask also exists

Do people on Yea Forums actually think like this, or is this some kind of discord tranny psy-op?

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Be silent incel

>No room for innovation of technological advancement anymore.
You're dead wrong.

A LARPer trying to reclute for communism.

It's clearly not unfinished, there's nothing to be found of cut-content or any unused enemies in the art book.
You not liking the form of content that was added is what the problem is, and I'd agree considering the abundance of aesthetically identical shrines.

Dude you're out of your breadth. It's not easy, no, and yeah it's labor intensive, but it can be done by the layman with appropriate tools. The reality is that it used to be much much more difficult than it is today. You can whip out a dozen props in a day and have them skinned as fast as you can have them modeled. And I never said that you can just lol photos into the game fag.

>just pirate snowdrop engine
Except it isn't publicly available, thus you can't add information to the maps, or anything new. I don't even think they sell Anvil at all, so you won't find devtools for it. That goes for countless other games as well. Even Titanfall 2 used Source engine, but I never saw any custom maps for it, and I doubt you can even use Source SDK on it because their branch is wholly different from base Source.

It's not to validate, all the games that get constant updates have microtransactions.
People won't pay for those microtransactions if they are not playing the games, so the constant "content" is for that.

Yeah. The shrines in BoTW reminded me of Portal in a bad way. Just the same look on everything.
Every dungeon in every 3D Zelda felt aesthetically and tonally different yet every "dungeon" in this looks and feels the same.

FPBP games did it before, they can do it again.

Honestly those 4k assets are increasingly procedural, shit like Substance Designer has outmoded even photography since you can get perfect albedos on anything you want while generating heightmaps, metallic maps, normals and roughness maps at the same time. Throw around a couple procedural masks and hand touch some shit where it makes sense and you can pump some shit out.

It's all PBR (you can do sylized shit though) so it's way easier to get uniform results from a dozen different artists with less oversight. It's just a massively streamlined pipeline now. The only place it really matters is ingame performance.

The video game industry is filled with talent-less narcissistic retards who hate each other so much that they refuse to unionize or sacrifice anything to gain something greater. Of course it's shit.

Look at how any "game dev", especially indie, treats their consumers. Imagine how they treat their co-workers. Anyone with a milligram of talent is going to go into another industry.


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oh I know that's not how it works and wont work... the era of gaming I enjoy'd is gone. I just think games should focus on those aspects. Will I get what my entitled ass wants? fuck no and I accept that.
I know the majority or so it seems want multiplayer and 8k graphics. I can accept that but i'll still always want a focus on story and gameplay.

Maybe if a publisher wants a GaaS game, they should do some R&D in developing a model that's easily updated/sustainable that isn't just constant swapping of skins/models.

It's funny because the Japanese statistically work less harder than the US does.

it still fascinates me how so many intelligent men like the founding fathers created a country that is so shit and is essentially a containment state for the largest group of slaves in human history

>I didn't design this for just you to break it
>patches and updates

The founding fathers built a country for their own time. Now the countries in power refuse to adapt to the rapid evolution of technology, so every government is an outdated shithole that would rather nickle and dime everyone else rather than actually get their shit together and build a utopia.

It's only a matter of time before our tools outevolve us, realize that we're dead weight, and forcibly cut our strings so they can actually explore the universe and make something worthwhile for once. And that's a good thing. Humanity has burned out. We're a deadbeat species that doesn't dream anymore.

>tfw the peak of gaming has come and gone

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It isn’t as profitable if it was that would be the industry model but it isn’t anymore

They’ve got this shit mathematically designed to be as fucked as possible while bringing in as much as possible so it’s minimum effort maximum gain for the publisher

They know the majority will buy an unfinished game and they know the backlash won’t affect the game in all likelihood and they know people will continue to play it and whales will congregate around it

This is a dead business model for the most part for AAA publishing it works for smaller projects and indie games because the audience is different

Most of these games that are big bloated nightmares are still popular with impressionable kids and adults and that’s who they’re targeting for these games

This is the future

Reap the whirlwind, faggots.

I'm just gonna keep buying singleplayer games that I want and I'll have fun with that.

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Oh no, not constant work! How will developers survive if they have to come to work regularly?

>WOW dude why are you complaining about having to work 100 hours a week haha

ah yes the intolerable burden of making marginal alterations to an existing project rather than *checks notes* creating an entirely new project from scratch

stop selling us games as a service then fuck you i dont give a fuck about the devs.

Back in muh days our game of choice was mortal kombat and instead of faggot dance battles we had real ones. Smh.

Most devs dont, you only hear the horror stories because of the SJW's who work there. They think 6 hours is a normal working day because that's how long they spent doing gender studies class.

Has anyone actually proved they worked 100 hour weeks with a slightly redacted paystub? Is there any actual proof or is it just hearsay?
Cuz I am pretty sure it is the latter so devs can just ask for more money/benes.
Also fuck management types, literally worthless and they take 75 percent of the money.

>Has anyone actually proved they worked 100 hour weeks with a slightly redacted paystub? Is there any actual proof or is it just hearsay?
this shit is common in this type industry but nobody can actually physically provide evidence because they'd be fired in 2 seconds
just ask anybody that works in the CG/entertainment industry and they'll say that a shit ton of people work crunch hours all the time

>It must be really demoralising knowing that no matter what the work is never done.
Haha yeah. Programmer/artist equivalent of a retail job. Pays a bit more, but crushes the souls just as effectively.

Well it is their fault for not just leaking it and staying plebs then. Without evidence it’s just people bitching and moaning. If they are so “brav and stronk” they would show the evidence, but they are just pussies who are making shit up as far as I care.

>this shit is common in this type industry but nobody can actually physically provide evidence because they'd be fired in 2 seconds
how is it hard to provide a pay slip with the details ommited?

Sell a complete game then.

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Oh no, some gamers prefer a product with better support and more effort put in, how will the industry ever recover if people only appreciate good service?

Literally all we need is a paystub that shows the hours worked, no money, no ID, etc. obviously it’s all a farce to get more shit and make people feel bad. Same way trannies tear up their gentials for more attention.

Then they’d just bitch “oh we don’t make enough after the game is released and had to work 200 hour shifts to get the game done in time and properly boohoo.”

Maybe if they didn't release unfinished games to get the cash influx to finish the game they wouldn't need to finish the game after release and get everyone used to new content.

Personally, I loathe constant updates. An application I use shouldn't have to download and install an update every fucking time I open the application.

Just make complete and fulfilling single player games that delivers a single but satisfying experience without the necessity of microtransactions to actually make profit.

Companies are needlessly making shit harder for themselves in attempts to nickle and dime consumers and I have little sympathy for that.

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>people that are exploited by their bosses are the same as trannies who cut up their genitals
this may be the most american/slave tier post i've ever seen

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they reinforce the myth by mention that the nips bother to recognize when someone works to death
in the u.s. finance fags work insane hours and if they die no one even cares

what if they're working overtime for no pay? no pay slip then?

>what if they're working overtime for no pay?
hahaha, it's not our problem their are idiots in this world. if my boss asked me to continue working without pay i'd leave the building.


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>Personally, I loathe constant updates. An application I use shouldn't have to download and install an update every fucking time I open the application.

what job do you have?
do you know how replacable devs are?

You do it to yourself faggot. That’s what I mean. Working a shit job and crying muh workers rights and cutting ur dick off and crying muh social rights is the same shit. Just don’t do it and stop being a fag.
If that was the case I would contact the government because not paying for work is illegal you clod. Hell I’d rather work a shit job and get paid every second then work OT with no pay. Jesus. These tards don’t seem to realize they can just quit if they wanted, but instead are just making themselves miserable.

The problem is you get fired and from everything I've heard Riot is a cushy place to work.

>do you know how replacable devs are?
that sucks, imagine working for a degree and then being easily replaced.

Are they blaming their Jew practices on the players now? Unbelievable.

Not him, but if you are completely replaceable and cannot find another job then you fucked your life up and should probably be dead my dude.

I don't think you've ever had a job. This is some 14 year old mentality.

>dude just stop making video games lmao
enjoy having no video games and having a billion dollar industry disappear
dumb cunt

ITT: People that don't know jack shit about the vidya industry pretending to be experts on the vidya industry

>I don't think you've ever had a job
I dont think you've lived in the real world. If your boss asks you to work for free find another job. Stand up for yourself. Jesus no wonder the game industry if fucked if soi bois work in then.

Nice strawman, but I do have a job I’m just not some pussboi who doesn’t stand up for himself and I work hard to keep improving.
Good another strawman. I never said that I am saying if you hate your job and you are miserable, leave. Go make your own game. Anything, ffs.

>video games will cease being made!!!
hahaha, how retarded are you?

AAA market is becoming saturated, that's what's happening

How seething are you? This is about worker’s rights and confidence, not the industry necessarily. If your job sucks ass don’t fucking do it. There’s plenty of jobs unless you really love getting rimmed in cali.

>video games will be made when nobody exists to make them
why would only a few employees be working 100 hours a week?

we dont live in a planned economy you dumb cunt.

it's always so funny that you can tell exactly which posters are american and which are not

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>all these newfags stop posting and have to read the text in the pic because they've never seen it before
lmao lurk moar