I've never had my hype for something killed so stone dead
I've never had my hype for something killed so stone dead
Even if they released it in one part it would still be shit because it has to follow Soiny's censorship regime.
Is this is the biggest fan betrayal in video game history?
>it's taken them four years to show us one minute of cutscenes and gameplay for part one
imagine how long it's going to take for the other parts to come out
>getting hyped
>in the current state of videogame industry
Look at him and laugh
I unironically imagine it will take 20 years to get the full 'multi part series' out as they have other games to make constantly too, they just really don't give a fuck about the fans at all, they're not making it because we begged, they're making it because they are broke and all their games have for the past 15 years have been embarrassing failures.
FF 7 was never really big on fanservice, though. What would you even censor due to recent snoy shit that wouldn't have been censored anyway to not hurt modern fee-fees?
I unironically think they won't even make all the parts. Part 1 will sell hotcakes because hype. Part 2 will probably already sell much less because normies don't are about the story anyway and actual 7 fans think this remake is atrocious anyway.
I fully expect the later parts to get the Episode Noctis/Luna/Aranea treatment.
>implying these are in any way different
I can tell you the first one: Cloud will no longer sleep next to Tifa, and be able to comment about his sexual urges.
When does that even happen?
The fist night in seventh heaven after the raid.
>we're splitting it into parts so you get it earlier rather than wait years!
>4 years later...
Imagine being as fucking incompetent and out of touch as Square Enix
When's Final Fantasy 7: Episode 3 coming out?
Who cares?
They'll probably have the $60 release give you all the episodes, just like hitman did. If you're concerned about the game just get part 1 which will probably be $15 or $20, and then if the full thing is totally shit it'll go on sale.
I'm going to wait 15 years until all parts are out and if they weren't considered to be amazing I won't even play the complete version, I'm that jaded by these shitty, ridiculously greedy games companies.
Seems like you'll just never buy it then. Which is fine, just seems pointless to wait that long. If the game is shit or poorly received after part 1 comes out it'll immediately sink in price and they'll frequently slice the price of the full game/all parts bundle. They did it with hitman, they do it with all games with season apsses (dudesex comes to mind), it's not uncommon.
Also chances are the game is nearly complete when they start releasing episodes, it's just an excuse to implement last minute feedback to seem like the game devs are listening.
This has been common knowledge form day one, what the fuck are you surprised about.
You're a fiucking retard if you never thought anything could change after 4 years of silence and a bad reaction when you originally announced it
i can wait another 5 years for the complete 50 dollar edition
I'm not trying to reflect it on to you at all, just saying that if this is going to be anything like hitman (It will be, it was literally part of their pitch that it would be released episodically like hitman with the core game being some sort of hub and specific content being added on with new parts of the season) it'll probably sell really poorly because people don't like waiting for games, and the few suckers that do buy into it early on are gonna get scalped when it sinks to $30 for the full season a month after the first episode is released.
>information confirmed at least three times in the last three years
You were just delusional and/or misinformed. It was confirmed after the reveal, again when there was a trailer and confirmed again before the restructuring of Square Enix where they said they wanted to do this for FF7R and possibly other games in the future
>episodic game in which you can start to play as early as later this year
>full game that wont be finished until 2025 or probably later
Which one would you pick?
God I hate this gook and his shitty jewtube fan vids. THeyre so fucking stupid only a retard enjoys them
Thanks for completely confirming your retardation, you're basically saying that splitting it into parts is a good idea kek. I'm not gonna buy part 1 are you? If you do will you buy part 2? Maybe since you're a retard but most people who bought part 1 wouldn't unless it was everything they wanted. What about part 3? Think they'd even make part 4 if part 3 fairs even worse? Do you think the quality of part 4 would increase? LOL. You're a retard for not considering that square might change their minds on this awful idea and so is Square for actually sticking to this awful idea.
>it takes this long to remake 1/5th of a game
I misquoted you. I just meant to say, it's /highly/ unlikely. The only way I could see them doing a season pass is if they have each one lined up for an annual-bi annual release, each one having significantly less content than the last, and this is square were tlaking about. There's probably going to be a three year gap for each episode while they're working on XVI and KH3 DLC/KH4.
I see how you're trying to reflect this on me being the dumbass but it's not working. Devlopers rarely reconsider their business model based on fan reception, and that's what all of this is: business. They're selling each episode at full price, each one having "a full games worth of content" while each episode becomes faster and less expensive to produce because they'll re-use assets. It's business not charity you underage fuck. And who knows how many years of development this has been in the works for before the debut, they're not about to go back and redo all of that.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>only way I could see them doing a season pass
they're literally releasing the game episodically. A season pass is 100% guaranteed. There's no possible way they would EVER dare to release the game for $60 for each episode, that would financial suicide.
Probably. Even Inafune kept the basic Megaman mechanics in Mighty Dumpster 9. Square cant even do that right.
The full game, obviously. Not this multiple part 20 year spanning series of games that wont even add up to the original games story, each part is going to be its own 'distinct unique experiences'. If you think part 2 will be released any sooner than 3 years after part 1 you are dreaming.
Shut your uninformed dyslexic ass up you underage fucking faggot, I never said it was a good idea. I was quoting what has already been said.
Fucking idiot.
They hate how censorship happy Sony has become? I know, such a "horrible" thing to be concerned about.
we already knew it was being released in episodes, retard
>FF7 remake is going to be released in episodes
>FF7 remake is going to be released in episodes
Look at this absolute shill. You have to be baiting.
I'll said it once and will do it again. It would have been ok for me if they make the graphic shittier but make it one big game instead of multiple part.
I know some people suspect they'll remove the whole Cloud crossdressing sub-plot because it might be too "transphobic" or whatever. I have my doubts with that happening, however.
Go away with your cringe edgy swearing you child.
Shill how.
Is that Freddie Wong? What has he been up to in the past 5 years since i've watched him?
You've got some horrible pessimism, bro.
Just give us a Big breasted tifa and all is forgiven
>Square needs to make money guys!!
Right because the alternative of calling me a retard 5 times was much better.
Fuck off you fucking baby.
They have to appeal to the masses. There are younglings who don't want to play ff7 until the remake because they think it looks ugly.
>wait 5 years for full experience game of my dreams
>Wait 20 years for the last part of the 7 part multiseries only for it to be cancelled because of dwindling sales for each entry
Hmm such a hard choice
What a monstrously retarded post. They could have not made a remaster and you guys wouldn't even have a game coming to complain about.
They do. Because they're a business. I'm not advocating episodic releases or their business model. I'm saying what will happen. Learn the difference faggot.
>creating the full game will take 5 years
>but making it episodic will take 20
Are you retarded?
But you were acting like a retard
>"There's no way something could have changed after 4 years.
Most people thought the game was actually cancelled and the state of play trailer still said just 'Final Fantasy VII. Not Final Fantasy VII part 1/4.
Are you?
Because that's literally whats going to fucking happen
REmake 2 was for me
They better at lest release all the parts within a year otherwise this is utter bullshit.
the only games getting censored are shitty japan only VN's. The issue is way overblown and no one cares but a handful of faggots.
I wish they weren't making it, they clearly aren't making it for the fans that begged you shill. They've very clearly stated now that they aren't; even trying to recreate that experience, its all about being flashy now and appealing to a new audience, expect every piece of conmpliation bullshit to be forced in too because theyve got to encourage all these new fans to check out their back catalogue of games like crisis core and dirge of cerberus, this game is beyond hope. It's an actual travesty.
Holy fuck you are naive, it's about how long square WANTS the releases to take not how long they NEED to take. They will make max profits by dragging this out for over a decade just you watch, if you think it's beyond them you don't know shit about Square-Enix
>2 japanese pedo games a year are censored.
Good, you waste of life
>Got hyped in the first place even though this is something we've known from the get-go
>Got hyped for modern SE at all
They're turning into a shitty KH game and zoomers are celebrating the decision
They are splitting it like they did with original FF7 with 3 discs to keep the authentic experience of switching disc.
Except for the fact that you were never charged for disc 2 and 3, you fucking jew shill nigger.
How mentally ill do you need to be to shill for a company until you have this sort of meltdown?
I better be getting mother fucking baited
It's pedos trying to get everyone angry at Sony by pretending like it affects anything but games aimed at them
>action combat
How was your hype not dead from the start? Every FF game that is even remotely decent is turn based and it'll most likely stay that way forever.
Should have done almost one to one remake with updated graphic and rebalanced/updated turn based system like using FFX party member switching during battle. But it's probably easier slapping XV or KH engine into the game and split it into multiple parts for maximum profit.
So how many parts can we expect? 3? Anything over that and I call bullshit.
Pretty sure they said four at one point but I could be wrong.
you mean years ago, when it was announced? because if you assumed they would change it between then and now, you're an imbecile.
>They'll probably have the $60 release give you all the episodes
oh man, you think it's *that* kind of episodic release. that's rich.
Some geniuses were spamming every thread with based square/nomura dropping the episodic release.
I'd prefer the full game. I'm a patient man.
Honestly, considering how fuck-impossible it is to feasibly remake every inch of FF7, they actually may be better-off just using episodes to focus on adapting certain set-pieces rather than just half-assing large chunks of the game. It probably won't be a cohesive RPG experience either way!
Who the fuck ever asked to be able to explore every street in Midgar? Literally nobody, also I don't even believe anything Square is saying we'll probably still get a disappointingly short, very limited in what you can do cutscene-athon with no word map because how would that work if 2/3 of the map is locked behind part 2
Full game. The wait is always worth the while.
We've known about this since they announced it. So you shouldn't have been hyped to begin with.
The full game. But considering Nomura is involved, it would never get finished. Just look at FFVersus. This game is basically going to be the same. Nomura will release a 25% complete game, then get someone else to take over and finish the other episodes while he runs off to make Kingdom Hearts: Totally Not A Filler Sequel #7.
He told you to fuck off back to your containment website so take your reddit spacing and your dragon dildos and leave.
>Who the fuck ever asked to be able to explore every street in Midgar? Literally nobody
That's right, because I was talking about stuff actually in the original game. The towns, the side-quests, the world map, the character backstories, those sorts of thing. Realistically so much of that would have been cut in a full game, and a lot of it will still be cut. I'd be amazed, for instance, if the Cosmo Canyon gets more more than a cutscene even in any version of the remake.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that an episodic format is at least honest about how cut-up and abridged it'll be.
>wanted hd graphical overhaul and voice acting and maybe more fleshing out of certain characters that were left out a bit in the past due to time constraints
>now expecting yuffie and vincent DLC and "disc 2" to be released a year after "disc 1"
ill just play the original
notice how square when to shit when it became enix?
>some people suspect they'll remove the whole Cloud crossdressing sub-plot because it might be too "transphobic
The honey bee inn part? I think it'll be left out, too, but not for that reason. I think Sony would rather not allow that part because of the prostitution aspect of it, even though the original only alluded to it.
>know something for years
>be disappointed when they reconfirm the thing everyone knew for years
What form of autism is this?
I never understood this pretending to be retarded meme
>HMMM do I wait until release to play the game
>or I can play the game earlier and in the end have the same ending but I got shit sooner at no difference
>nah I think full release only at a later date makes sense
bad bait, here is your much sought after (you)
Midgar was the only good part anyway so it doesnt bother me
I'm in no rush to try the FF7 remake and there will inevitably be some kind of complete remaster edition for the PS5
Wow, this is going to be pretty epic! It will be like Marvel's cinematic universe! I'm so hype, guys! ^o^
There can be a lot of difference depending on development and player feedback.
Hey, it's not my fault you're an impatient child that has to have it NOW NOW NOW!
>do you want 2 dollars next month
>or 1 dollar now and 1 dollar next month
its just that simple
There are far superior JRPGs anyway. Relying on Square to make a modern FF that is actually good is a fool's errand
>my boyfriend told you to leave so please leave
lmao shut your back seat posting ass up you anal dickeating cumsponge
>Part 1 - $60
>Game time inflated by 5 hours of cutscenes
>Combat is mashing circle
>Cliffhanger ending after a handful of bossfights and some admittably cool Midgar exploration
>Part 2 - $60
And on
>Part x
>60 dollars
big wew
is dis shit exclusive?
>inevitable Switch version is uncensored but runs with a lower frame rate
times exclusive
fuck up
>we've already proven we can't keep our shit together on this game and many others but please buy the first episode and trust us that we'll complete the game before the PS6 releases.
>full sized games
You know they'll try to get away with this, user.
Thanks for beta testing, sonybros
FF7 was always 3 full games long not 3 episodes long :)
No suspect, its already been mentioned by one of the producers or someone that its probably gonna be axed. My guess is that wall market will have some other new filler to get you into Don's mansion.
>Cloud jumps off the train
>hard cut to black as soon as he lands
>dubstep remix of Bombing Mission plays over the twenty-minute credits
imagine believing this
>dubstep meme
ay yo whos grandpa is this
I guess I just don't get why it has to be this way?
>But you get to play it earlier
But I've already been waiting like 4 years (though I guess that's smalltime for nu-Square)
>But it's like switching discs in the original
Does that mean I only pay for the first part?
>But you get extra content that wasn't in the original
The most valid reason, but I am afraid the new extra extra content will be Nomura's donut steel crap that he conceived for the spinoffs, like Gackt (remember when Nomura was obsessed with Gackt?)
I dunno man, I guess I'm just worried. FFVII is my favorite game and they have to pull this shit with it.
>ff7 part 1 remix editions out know it’s gonna happen.
I don't even know what you're trying to bait here. Here's a (You) I guess.
fuck, you guys are dipshits
>Part 1 ends right as they leave midgar
>5 years of development to recreate the first couple hours of a giant RPG, probably shovelling in shit to fit it in with the rest of the compilation of FF7 that noone remembers
>There are people that are actually going to buy at full price an incomplete remake.
Nobody cares about your pedo games you retard we don't buy them anyway, tell me if censorship ever affects anything substantial
Even if this game turns out to be great why would any of you want to buy an incomplete product on day one and then gamble to see wether or not you'll get the rest.
No, because they announced this several years ago and gave their rationale. Nothing has changed.
because your definition of an incomplete game is based on some Yea Forums memery.
I meant the entire travesty that is this mess of a game, fans begged for years and get nothing they wanted out of it
>here's your remake bro but its only a third of what you got in the 90s and with worse gameplay
>that'll be 70$ plus tip plus 20$ preorder deluxe edition and 30$ seasons pass
>game came in 3 parts
>getting game in 3 parts
>old game is old and shitty
>new game is literally new
Yeah but they announced that the remake would be shit from the start so it's OK. Really though I think SE deserves some credit for letting people know to avoid this shitshow, it's a cashgrab and they're marketing it as such.
>remake a game
>don't improve on the annoying technical parts at all
fuck even most remasters do this.
The original pacing is absolutely going to be fucked to accommodate episodic story arcs.
>game came in 3 parts
>in 1 box
>due to limitations of the medium
>is later sold digitally in one chunk because the medium has gone beyond former limitations
>years later zoomers can't see the difference between this and an episodic release
I can't wait until Nibiru kills us all.
>expecting to pay less for multiple parts knowing the medium has advanced so much
if you know then why do you want three time the effort for a singular price?
>Play through Midgar, a 3 hour experience
>That will be $60 plus Women's Equality Wage Tax plus Transgender Reparations
>Why don't you want to pay more for fancy graphics in a remake of a game that appears to lack what everyone loved about the original?
And when I said medium I was talking about the actual medium that the game is on, not video games in general. Do you not remember when data limitations were a serious issue?
Close to it.
>advanced so much
>a shitty KH game
Kill yourself Barry
>implying KH wouldn't be an improvement to the shitty ATB system
>implying its not going to be FFXV again which is the only way it could be worse than the original
>calling underage in defense of babies first JRPG
Except XV is objectively better than the original
>Cloud and Co. are about to breach Midgar and enter the world
>Genesis Raspado: Not so fast, boyo.
>botched remake that's deadset on sucking every single drop of soul out of the original is someone's dream game
there will probably be design and gameplay inconsistencies between episodes too.
>waiting for years and paying money instead of just playing the obviously and completely superior original
FF7 shouldve just gotten a PS2 tier graphics remake that copies most of the game like the DS remakes not this complete bastardization
Japs were up until this point immune to western scumbag tactics. Gaming is done for.
damn this is the dumbest post i've ever seen
pick one
Keep in mind that Nintendo used to be (and often still is) Disney evil and Sony is the reason we don't have commercial emulators, this is just a return to form. This industry does need another crash but it'll never happen.