This is your Aeris for tonight, bro

This is your Aeris for tonight, bro.

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thanks, looks great.


Sorry, I already have a date with best character.

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[chair cluttering]

I hate it when chairs go around making a mess.

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I'm not sure why I expected any different, but the extremely anime portrayal of Aeris was very disappointing to me.
Jessie best girl anyway.

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>the extremely anime portrayal
Were you expecting game of thrones?

Holy cow how did Sony allow this on their absolute state of soi video?

>extremely anime portrayal
What the fuck does that even mean? Looks like something I'd read on an awful place like reddit.

the really high-pitched voice
excessive cheerfulness that feels fake/forced
something about the facial expressions just feels off in a very Japanese and cartoony kind of way

and that's a good thing

no but I guess my concept of Aeris's voice wasn't that of a generic waifu.

It's like this game is japanese or something

No not really. Fucking annoying is what it is. The fact that western portrayal of overly masculine women is worse doesn't make this good.

Don't worry, they'll censor it before release.

Its Aerith, loser

>it just feels off
Incisive critique as ever from the Reddit crowd.

yeah holy shit I never fucking thought of that!

Through the 90s Final Fantasy was Japanese but also aimed for a more universal appeal and didn't exclusively pander to Anime fans and Japanese pop culture.

It's like if you had American Sitcom-style acting in a movie (think Big Bang Theory) you might complain about it being too American.


It's spelled Aerith.

It's a 2 second clip cockfag there's not much to say about it.

not by anyone worth caring about

aeris voice wasnt a generic waifu, she sounds just like she's supposed to, a playful girl

do zoomers know that she dies?

wtf spoilers bro

Would take out for pizza

It's spelled DEAD

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all women are whores

You have to bring the whore out of them but yes they all are horny.