We have to go back

We have to go back.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I agree, we do have to go back.

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>shit fighter 4
No, we don’t. We really don’t.

I still play it. Its one of my favorite games ever.

Sure, EU? Wanna play?

Sounds like we gotta go back

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That's what I expected!

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You play on ps4? I'm surprised it's still quite active and actually not really because sfv is trash


RIP C. Viper.

If you actually wanted to play those games, you would play those games. But no, you're just another poser who would most likely eats shit in SFIV anyway.

I'll play you in ST right now, whats your fightcade?

then go back. it's on PS4 and PC. it has netplay. go play it.



Oh boy that dodge! What a faggot.

Fightcade means you admit to being a 3rd world shitter.


>still ducking
>still making excuses

t. 3rd worlders
>Play this game!
>lol what do you mean by "buy it"?

>I don't use the main service that people have been using for over a decade(as an extension of GGPO).
Or it means someone who has been playing fighting games on it forever, because its the best place for many fighting games still, and the only place to play many fighting games.

Gutter Trash.

>Want to go back and play
>Games dead and online is split across 5 fucking platforms

Cross network NEEDS to become standard from here on out so games more than 2 years old can survive in the future.

Post your Fightcade ID, your Steam ID, your CFN and your PSN.

Okay, what's your Steam then? I'll fuck you up there.

They just don't make games like they used to.

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Not him but I thought this thread was about SF4? I'm down to play on EU PC just don't fuck me too hard until I warm up.
I'm drunk and haven't played it in quite a while.

I agree Vanilla's terrible but USFIV is a solid game

>poorly coded emulator using illegal software copies
>main service
Oh my god.


You're kidding right? GGPO is still better netcode than Capcom has ever used. Not to mention the games there are arcade perfect(unlike the SF 30th anniversary collection)


This game turns 20 literally tomorrow and no one cares. What happened, vee?

Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, name your poison Cur.

They tried already no one wants to play that shit game anymore. They even tried paying people to play it backed with a esports scam crytocurrency and giving them free flights and people still would not supported it.

I guess that's why Capcom runs their tourneys entirely on Fightcade, right?


Does Capcom run tourneys of classic games?

>born on the exact same day as third strike

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>Daigo gets asked to play some 3S
>he just laughs and shakes his head

How is the ps4 version of this, do people still play it?

The netcode is extremely bad, even worse than SFV, but it's mildly populated.

No, but each tourney featuring one of their games has to be sanctioned.

>shitting on fightcade
How the fuck else am I suppose to play that JoJo fighting game now that capcom lost the rights and it's literally disappeared from every digital platform?

Also, Fightcade 2 added support for practically any MAME rom, so now I can play neat shit like Gauntlet and PuliRula with friends online.

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PC lobby up you EU pussies.

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>inb4 nobody joins
And you ask why nobody plays these games anymore. Truth is, people don't want to. All they want to do is front without having to actually back up their shit.

They don't.

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Don't believe that user about the netcode. It's always been good for me but yes, it is mildly populated

SF4 AE was the best and most hype time.

Make one for PS4 and I'll join.

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Because there are other ways to play ST online?

I like Ultra mechanically as it buffed some of my characters, but it also added literal cancer in form of Elena, Rolento, Hugo and the other fags. In addition to the AIDS that was already present (Yun).

I play all the time on the USF4 Revival discord. You should join there if you want to get some constant players.

This is THE street fighter game

Nigga specifically mentioned Fightcade and backed off when someone suggested other means.

Well I'm getting molested by some german dude but I don't know if he is from here.

I play it on ps4 as well. Its the full package with all the paid costumes/expansions. It plays well,the loading times are smaller from the ps3 version, It looks a bit outdated and the online is kinda dead since the majority moved to sfv

>If only video games could revive themselves on there won wo me having to do anything.

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>EU pussies
Well, shit. I'd join but I'm an EC Burgerlandian here. Have fun.

Good for you, my man. However, you're not the majority of the shitters who beg for SFIV to make a comeback even though their actions say they don't actually want it back.

For me, it's ST.

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>Wanting Mong Fighter back.

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ken is a goddamn manlet

SFV Dhalsim is the best redesign this series has ever seen. Christ, I never wanna go back to that old look.

Same, it just depends on the time of the day. It's also gay and pretty comfy that I run into the same players pretty often. I'll whoop their ass one day and they'll destroy mine another.

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I don't understand the uproar about Ken's face in V. He looked like shit in SFIV as well.

I guess nobody is joining, not really surprised to be honest.

SF4 Guile is ugly as hell

>Complementing Ken and Ibuki's sf5 model

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>We have to go back.

yes pls

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Last gen was the perfect synthesis of fun+esports. Now it's just fucking esports and no fun.

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No we fucking do not. IV was ugly as shit.

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I dont know. Bisons sf2 pose was iconic enough. He still had that cocky demeanor and was instantly recognizable

We need to go back to the aesthetic of SF3 and the soundtracks of 3 and CvS.
But we don't need universal parry back. Maybe alter that into just frame blocks, but universal parry only widened the gap between top tier and all other characters.
However all the revenge mechanic shit needs to go. Ultras were fucking cancer and having a super that didn't require resource management that could bring the game back is what made FADC such a shitty mechanic. If you had to actually do proper resource management then FADCs wouldn't by annoying shit.

So it really is just the angle, huh.

The only bad redesigns here are Ken and Juri, the rest is good. What the fuck are you on about?

Okay, there is nothing wrong with Hugo. But Elena and Rolento are fucking cancer that I can agree with.

it's the teeth

>soundtracks of 3
Yea Forums here. Please, listen to some actual music.

Something's still off with Ibuki though. Probably because some other team made her.

sfv juri sucks and it's not even just the costume. they were trying to for a relaxed smug pose I guess but it looks so much worse than the primed ready-to-strike stance she has in 4

Ibuki's later costumes actually adjusted her face a bunch. You can see the same thing with later Karin costumes.

Gotta stop you right there, lil buddy.

Chun has reached absolute perfection with V, an actual work of fucking art.

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Yea lets judge a character entirely on its Win pose freeze frame.

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Yes, we should all praise Mortal Kombat's soundtrack like Yea Forums does.

I hope you mean 3rd Strike, OP.
Everything related to 4 was utter shit and a step back from 3rd Strike in order to appeal to a wider demographic.

But juri's is good. It's her moveset, theme song and fanbase that is bad.

I'd write an entire paragraph but this guy summed it up perfectly

These posts are defending SFV not saying SFIV was better.
As for Juri i think she looks better in V but its just my opinion.
As for ken i only dislike his hair the costume is better.

>things that never happened
Yea Forums seems to enjoy SFV's soundtrack, though.

SF3 has a great soundtrack you fucking mong

I bet they like the uninspired shit like Ryu and Ken's themes instead of the groovy shit like all the Kanzuki stuff and Zeku.

Her pose is probably one of the few things I think were better done in IV. Everything else? SFV all the way.

Composer here. If you don't think SF3's NG/GA soundtracks are stellar, you're a retard.

SFV ain't all bad

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>liking a fucking catsuit over baggy pants

This one is dull and is such a bad example I wonder why you'd even save it.
>classic costumes vs. SF5's dull redesigns
>Dictator has an action pose in USF4 versus whatever the fuck the SF5 pose is
>SF5 Claw looks okay but has Ken's weird playdoh hair
>Gief changed so little it's barely worth noting

Sure, if you like low-quality 5 second sound loops and the standard Fruity Loops drumkit.

Every dumbass with the free edition of FL Studio can call himself a "composer". It's entirely meaningless.

>Yea Forums doesn't know the difference between SF3 and alpha
fucking bigger fraud than Yea Forums with fighting games

>Yea Forums here
why would someone announce that they are underage as if that gives credence to anything they say?

Ah, the 3S fanbase. The people who said they didn't listen to jazz until they heard a sax in one of the stage themes.

It's literally 3S, though. You won't get any e-cred here, buddy boy.


This is a fucking lazy meme and you should be embarrassed for posting it

>Standard Fruity Loops drumkit
Nigga what?
>Every dumbass with the free edition of FL Studio
I work on multiple DAWs, but I started writing on paper actually.

3S' strongest tracks are jungle.

3S' music is almost entirely shit. And I only say "almost" because it provided a base for actually talented individuals to salvage some of the music.

3S is a great game, but completely contrary to popular opinion it's actually probably the easiest and most new player friendly entries in the series. So if someone claims it's good because it's difficult, you can safely ignore their opinion.

Awful opinion.

It's not even the best SF3 soundtrack, too.

It's true though.

>posting Youtube links with no explanation acting like he just "showed me"
All shit safe for Makoto's and part of Akuma's.

Yea Forums likes Mortal Kombat?

We don't, he's making shit up.

>can't see Kolin's panties upskirt
Yes it is.

I can't even think of a single theme from MK besides the fucking movie song

3S suck, parries are a dumb mechanic meant for "hype" that makes all charaters fight the same and unbalance the game. No one who actualy played it wants to go back to eight years of chun chun chun chun ken chun yun chun chun ken ken chun...

Explain, using musical analysis, what's wrong with any of those themes.

I already gave you the gist of it.

This, also fuck focus attacks. FADC would be nice though to do fun stuff.

still up?

What? All you said is "standard fruity loops drumkit", which isn't even accurate, let alone a good argument.
I'll let you just do one. Using musical analysis, explain to me how Ibuki's theme is a bad piece of music.
Don't need to pick, don't need to do all of them. Just do that one.
You can do it, since you're such an expert, right?

No actually I'm too fucked up to do anything halfway decent in neutral. We can play though, I'll remake it.

this except the opposite

How is guilty gear still the only good looking 3d fighting game, everything else was just a straight downgrade

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>which isn't even accurate
Uh, yes it is. Since you can't even hear the difference, explaining it to you seems pointless.

I think he's talking about the promotional soundtrack for the first game that, excluding the main theme from the move, is entirely tracks that don't appear in either the game or movie.

I haven't touched the game in literal years but I'd hop around with Rolento for a bit

>You can't even hear the difference
Wouldn't I be able to if they WERE the same sound?

Because arcsys went full retard and emulated pixel graphics in 3d by warping the models by hand frame by frame.
Don't really expect anyone else to do that or ever go back to sprites.

I'll close the game the moment a Rolento appears on screen.

I'm not going to lie I got cancer just from reading that.

This except false. USFIV was pretty universally loved by the fgc who cared about the game and competition for the game's and competition's sake. SFV is loved by normies who just got into fighting games aka NPC's. It's funny how NPC's just try to give a no u to everyone else by calling everyone else an NPC.

DBFZ is the only good looking 3D fighting game, and even then its intentional low-framerate style can be a bit unappealing at times.

>SFV is loved by normies
what am I even reading

Yeah, but you aint me. Get in the lobby or shut the fuck up.

he's really not that bad. I don't spam rolls and you can punish them by stand blocking anyway

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>Uhhh, I'll just double down on my bullshit claim so I can get out of actually providing an argument
>Phew, that was a close one
Nice backdown, user. You're free to go, now.

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>It's funny how NPC's just try to give a no u to everyone else by calling everyone else an NPC.
You mean, like you're doing right now? Normies hate SFV and (claim to) love SFIV. Even reddit would rather talk about how much they hate SFV than actually play SFIV.

if people wanted to play this trash game they'd do so.

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Except that the hatred for V comes from people who were upset by its bad launch and who are unwilling to admit that the game is good now because they're too invested in their meme opinion of it. They would rather try and fit in by parroting a meme opinion than actually enjoy a good game.

ken looks like a retard in every game except for SF3, where they decided to give him a real human haircut.

the rigging for the winscreen is fucked up, which is stupid because thats where you see the characters up close.

>the game is good now
I got into SFV during Season 2, not launch, and it was shit. Maybe it's BETTER now, but I don't see that game being "good" magically.

>the game is good now
the game is boring as fuck

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It's great now. Better than IV easily.

all 09ers are streamboars who want to suck off mike ross.

I'll give it a try, then. I'm happy playing 3S on FC, so it's not like it still being bad will be a huge waste.

reminder that no SF game got ever dropped as hard as SF4.

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threw a PC lobby up lads since the last one seems to have been closed. Should be good for euros and maybe US East

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You coming?

couldn't see your lobby in the search, this is me

To be fair, it was going strong for how long, 8 years? People will eventually get sick of a game (inb4 Melee, they're just autistic). Hell, even your oh so loved 3S didn't get picked up in the first place.

Weird, playing with an english lad right now.

people didn't really get sick of 4 though. they moved on for the e-sports. which wasn't really a thing in the FGC during the transition from 3 to 4.

you can watch 5 get dropped just as quickly

Look, there's the no u argument again! You have no idea why people are being called NPC's, and when people simply disagree with you you call them NPC's and when being called out, you say "yeah well what about you??" completely without regard to context or meaning. Very funny, NPC.

3s has a huge event in japan

>people didn't really get sick of 4 though
Tournaments stopped basically overnight, same with the online playerbase. So yeah, people got sick.

xrd looks terrible as of revelator though

Look, there's the no u argument again! You have no idea why people are being called NPC's, and when people simply disagree with you you call them NPC's and when being called out, you say "yeah well what about you??" completely without regard to context or meaning. Very funny, NPC.

yeah brah, all those pot monsters are in it for the esports.

Who cares? (other than Japan)

come play lads!

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sf3 is the best street fighter and the best fighting game after virtua fighter.

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>playing a no bar connection with a bunch of yuropoors and gyps on the sf with almost the worst netcode
big yikes from me, fago

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the connection is absolutely fine, just says 1 bar for some reason

>meme opinions
You forgot to cram in Garou in there somehow.

Connection is fine, sf4 bars need time to settle down.

SFV is the essential NPC fighting game on the sole basis of gameplay. Every mix-up, every combo, every set-up is PROGRAMMED. There is no discovery of tech (that gets removed in the latest update.) There is no pushing the limits of gameplay. Each match feels you’re fighting with puppet strings attached.

Everything is souless, premeditated,
and automated. Just the way the NPCs like it.

>the game that made Bison throw his dice away.

sorry if it seems like im spamming like a retard i cant get the second fucking abel rekka to come out for some reason

need to hit training mode

>gets BTFO
>simply waits and tries again in hopes nobody will notice
>even doubles down on the memes
Nobody cares about SFIV, bro. Not even the ones who claim to do so.

Didn't seem like it, I was too pissed off for doing SF5 things with Ibuki.


hes right though, they unironically take out unique combos and playstyles that they didn't intend to happen. some way to make a fighting game

>cuck strike
Say it with me

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Had some friends come over yesterday and we played some umvc3. Most amount of fun playing a fighting game for in a long time.


The "uniqueness" and "variety" is completely blown out of proportion, anyway. You neded up doing the same 3 combos out of a crouching jab hit confirm, anyway. Most self-proclaimed SFIV fans can't even tell apart Tokido's Akuma from Infiltration's.

You mean like in every other Street Fighter? They always patch out cool stuff. Take for example Urien and Oro unblockables in 3S.

the only time you are allowed a hint of creativity in SFV is during v-trigger will very specific characters like Urien/Menat.
>The "uniqueness" and "variety" is completely blown out of proportion, anyway
absolutely not. most of game is defined by unintended shit the players discovered
they didn't patch that out?

Of all words both tongue and pen, the saddest are these: SFV monkeys are here again

Why is it when I new street fighter game comes out, it is almost universally shit on and then finds it's niche years later

>they didn't patch that out?
Yes they did. That was the whole point of revision B.

At least they play their game. ;)


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actually they're shitposting in a thread about another game because it's more fun than playing their game


no one likes the version with the unblockables patched out

Every street fighter game is very different from each other, while other fighting games series remain much similar with every new release. Also add the very shitty launch that SFV had, the autism required to play fighting games and you get a very dangerous mix

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>not shitting on 09er SF4 babbs that let their game die overnight because they dont actually play fighting games inbetween rounds of the fighting game of the century

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I mean sure but you'd have to go back at least two generations to really dig into the good stuff m8,I'm about 70% sure most posters on Yea Forums just up & throw out their old consoles when they get that "new" shiny one each E3

Pic/related should hold you over for years if you want to really dive into fighting games

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As much as I appreciate third strike, usf4 is the more balanced game. In the end 3s always devolves into chunyunken, whiffing normals to build meter and buffer everything into super.

GGs, I'm done for tonight. You play any other games?

What's wrong with Garou?

>09ers would rather keep complaining about V than actually play IV
>point this out
Hilarious. I used to play both, but there's nothing more pathetic than a bitter shitter clinging to his glory days and acting like he has any sort of pull at all. Even "SFV monkeys" could eat you for breakfast because unlike you, they play.

SFIV is the new Star Wars Trilogy.

GGs man. Honestly that's the first time I've played a fighting game in a while. I dabble in most fighters but I can never properly commit to one. Tried DOA6 and SC for a while this year.

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>posting SFIV man

>not SuperDBZ

Wow, 20, you're really old. Fuck off teenage faggot

>All this shitting on third strike
>even though its the SF game with the most re-releases
You faggots just didn't like the parry system because your all mongholes

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>playing the most boring character in the most boring game
make sure you don't discover anything fun user or capcom will patch it out
but im playing right now, me and grand total of like 6 other cunts

Yeah, I can't really find the motivation to grind one out either. Shame

the parry system is what makes it a mong game.
its also not the game with most releases, thats ST.

Shut the fuck up you complete loser.

actually I missed the most "fun" game from that general list Mortal Kombat Armageddon


lmao you listed some proper fucking garbage there.

Dead game.

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Fuck off retard

happy birthday in advance user

>bought street fighter anniversary just for the training modes because im too retarded to set up the training mods on an emulator

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Shut the fuck up permavirgin faggots

Thanks man

I pirated it for that.

just keep playing user you'll get there!

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>the game is good now

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to AE 2012, yes you're right OP
i think you got your picture mixed up there though

I didn't think the training modes were that good to be honest.
I was expecting a setting where the dummy would fight like the ai in arcade.
It's good for practicing combos but not for footsie's or any other shit.

>mobile gookposter

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