Granblue Versus

Yeah I'm thinking she's in

Attached: Granblue-5-1[1].jpg (1920x1080, 1.39M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who was that big gay wrestler dude?

And it begins.

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Any news on relink?
would gran and dj ultra get in?

Good, let those tranny-fucks bitch Based Lavida showing the true path for fags.

>Weapon in logo
Astute observation. I'd never guess she would be in.

Only thing I remember was there was art of a Deja redesign don't have it saved though.

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Now that I can finally ask for anyone
Only have actual small hopes for either Jeanne or Zoi

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They are actually the most obvious choices of your list with Siete.

>based Ladiva is in
I hope we get cog next

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Isn't that just an alternate character? Djeeta but not djeeta

so, wrestler dude is really a dude, or a woman that just happend to look like a dude?

and for that matter, since obviously Xhe will be the only draph, was Arcsys being douchey on purpose cuz they knew people were tonna flip their shit out because there wont be shorty cows?

how boring

Everyone there except Seofon (due to being a eternal) has a good chance though Anilia more then Monki since she's the oldest zodiac character

Officially a she. Man who see's themselves as a woman

>since obviously Xhe will be the only drap
Why do rosterfags always jump to conclusions over nothing?

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I think it's a guy who think he's a girl but accepts his own body as it is

Is it? I just assumed it was a Deja redesign since it looks like her.

It's one of those male characters that have a heart of a pure maiden
nothing really new for Japan

There's gotta be at least one eternal and arcarum right?

Basically, a slightly over feminine gay male who isn't a disgusting tranny.

I doubt it, wouldn't be surprised if they're the first DLC characters though.

Arcarum is way too new
Siete maybe for jews

She's a girl at heart, but...
Cagliostro: By the way... Do you ever feel like you want to be something else?
Ladiva: Well, this is coming out of nowhere.
Cagliostro: I can change a lot with my alchemy, you know—like a child into an adult. Or the masculine into the feminine.
Cagliostro: If you want, I could theoretically make that happen for you too.
Cagliostro: But it's just supposition. You don't have to—
Ladiva: Hehe. That sounds great. But I have to refuse.
Ladiva: Because my parents gave me this body. It's my treasure.
Ladiva gives Cagliostro a smile, who returns the expression without realizing it.

It's a tranny who doesn't want to change body even given a chance because she treasures it as a gift from her parents

ah that warms my heart

He is clearly a guy in appearance but he's feminine and he's accepted as a woman by the other characters, he even shows up in a female-only side quest.
It's clearly a bit of a joke given his looks but they present him as a respectable protective figure so it all works out.

We don't know what genitals she is packing, people assume she's a male based on how different male and female dorfs are but she really may just be a super masculine born female.

If she IS male then her referring to herself as female and not wanting to change her body would be right down that dumb "every person has unique gender" tranny alley.

I don't hate this character but I still can't really get behind it, gender dysphoria is pretty wacky and not studied or understood very well as it is and putting it out in entertainment even if you think its positive may give people the wrong impression of something.

Basically its a pretty severe mental disorder that is being treated as an identity and is now being adopted by people who honestly don't even have an understanding of gender itself let alone actual transgenderism.

It is a dumb giant wrestling girl/ dude who thinks he's a girl. A reference to a bunch of real life androgynous professional wrestlers. You don't have to like the character but you are a bitch if your opinion has anything to do with "muh child trannies". Just like Poison, Bridget, Amane etc, this character is only political if your bitch ass decides to make it so.

>your gun character bro

Attached: Ilsa_B.png (960x800, 207K)

Imagine reading too much into a character that just made it in just to fill a grappler quota

0% chance she gets in

the most recent thing

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Was there anyone else who could've fit that quota anyway?


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Best boy is going to be announced next!

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None except an alternate class for the MC.

and gbfv

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>just be comfortable in your body!
>you owe your parents so dont transition!
This is so fucking offensive

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>Ladiva got in

Ladiva is a boomer character like everyone else already in the game and all the logo weapons

Ladiva's parents died when she was a child. It's all she has left of them.

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Immaculate Marius!

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Not really
Considering we even had an event with the melee characters and him and the wrestler mc are the only ones that fit the bill

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Nice tits


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calling it now

>you should butcher your body, otherwise you are not really a girl or a man

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What's this

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god I want her futa ball soup in my mouth already

Gods, she's so cute.

smells of cobwebs and dusty library rooms

It was supposed to be a mysterious new character in the original story of Re;link, where the actual danchou was out of action and Katarina was the main character.

I don't think we've seen her after the revamp that keeps Gran/Djeeta as the lead though.

Why do all these characters look the same? They have all these wacky personalities but all have boring, generic fantasy designs.

>boring, generic fantasy designs
That's, like, your opinion, man.

post something not generic

Nothing generic about this cutie mafia boss.

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I could use an alternate costume for this yakuza with her in a classy suit.

i forgot her plot line, was she too righteous and got betrayed by her crew or something like that?

Yes please.

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nobody knows because she's shit and generic

Is the grumpy old man in on this?

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Not yet, but probably soon.

The fact that Box and Ferry are the only cute girls in Versus is fucking criminal. Why are there so many joke characters like niggercats taking up spots? Kat is a /u/ self insert, Metera and Zeta are a shit.
Even without bringing up RoB reps like Vampy/Forte/Cerb/Olivia/etc you still have so many good options.

Too close to home?dicklet

Add my favorite merchant you cowards, that bumpkin talk of hers gets me going

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That new doujin for her was hot as hell


Yeah, fuck off with your shit taste in girls.

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Can't wait to play Ladiva. I'll pin your dumb waifu to the ground and rub my totally not male genitalia all over her.

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She's a fucking dyke.

Cute dyke then.

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>she is not interested in me so she is a dyke

What? Zeta? Aren't you mixing her up with Vira?

prove me wrong zetacuck

She was the heir to some yakuza syndicate but was disowned because she's a piece of shit who can't do anything right

>can beat up xeno vohu manah and make/get the harp ez
>xeno cocytus beats me up
why is earth so shit
why do I have to wait until m2 to do damage

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>Ladiva was in just to fill the grappler quota and now we're going back to the logo and that's all we're getting
Time to despair

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just upgrade the vohu har and use elysian bro..

>xeno cocytus beats me up
How the fuck? It's by far the easiest Xeno. It literally kills itself.

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The logo was actually a red herring
Next character reveal is Sandalphon

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idk bro he hits like 3000 dmg per hit

Are gran and dj ultra their blue haired form?

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Where is this Zoi art from? I haven't seen it before


You could farm it last event
It's basically a visa zoi skin with new art

we're getting cog

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Why do people keep drawing her as a futa?

Did you play Primal Resonance?
Snek implied she ain't a she, and that probably wasn't the first time.

Why the fuck do I always end up missing the events with the stuff for Zooey?
God I'm an idiot

latest event where she appeared was really tongue in cheek about it

Why do so many fucking retards think a martial artist is a grappler? Oh right, they don't fucking play Granblue as evidenced by everything else in that stupid fucking post

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Why is Granblue filled with so much degeneracy?

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New skin from the recent Primal Resonance event. Zooey’s shitty little brother was the antagonist. All I wanted to do the whole time was have Zooey walk off my ship in her swimsuit so I could mating press her right in front of him.

She is a bro, that's her character.
It never was implied that she is into girls.

God dammit, how long until i can replay it?
Mayhe I should just watch it online

omnipanering game
Cygames was probably aware that there would be futa memes after the event

Because that shit sells.


She's a she, she just has a dick

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>Water Staff looks like THIS?

If you are horny for anything, Granblue will have it

but why does she have the dick

>she's a fucking dyke
>the woman that retards ship Zeta with genuinely loves Gran and outright tries to confess to him on multiple occasions

It just ended so rerun won't happen in a while. There's probably a video of the full story somewhere, but Zoi appears only briefly in it near the end so I dunno if it's worth it.

In the game it's handwaved as primal magic or something
According to the myth that her character is based on, she has a huge horsecock that's often depicted as erect.

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kys 40%er

>always have dicks
>permanent erection
>hobby is to rape mortal women
>likes bestiality
>name also means "to sow"

Is it weird that I would play Granblue Fantasy if it was an application and not a link to a browser game? It just seems janky and slow. It annoys me at its core. If it just ran like a regular game, it'd be fine.

Imagine if they made a Dragalia style client for Granblue instead of the shitty webpage garbage.

No, that's completely sane. But it won't ever change unless they make GBF2 so just endure it if you wanna enjoy it.

>fighting game

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There's an app for it you can get from the app store. I genuinely prefer playing the app to the browser, it works so much better. Hell, I play the game 3 times faster too with touch controls.

If only they made another game that wasn't a fighting game mmm

It's not primal magic, it's just how she was designed, the Astrals were huge degenerates that made primals to cater to their fetishes.

Okay so if she has a huge horsecock can I insert my dick and cum into her balls then.

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I like the Zeta doujin where she has sex with an old man for money

Don't futanari have vaginas too?


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>Cagliostro would be much better as a trans character
>This is a what trannies wish they looked like
Keep dreaming faggots.

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why would I want to use that

It's nice to have options

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That is a link to the browser game. Not an application. How many times must this be explained?

Call me when they add more cute boys to the roster

They don’t understand that magic genderbend is different from cutting your dick off. Cog has a proper female body while they have to twitter shame people until they say “she/her”.
Ladiva is closer to reality and that’s why the special snowflakes are upset. Even then, Ladiva is actually a good person with a big heart and respect for their body instead of an emo attention whore like literally every tranny.

The only negative posts I've seen are 5 post on trannyera

For most Ladiva feeds into the everything is valid narrative.


You need to understand that it's still very early on. These people don't usually make up their own mind on stuff like this, they wait for their cult leaders on Twitter to tell them what to be offended by.
There are plenty of """controversies""" that started very innocuously and with most people praising it, then some blue checkmark says how problematic it is and suddenly WOW BAN THIS FILTH is the narrative.

Why are trannylovers so obsessed with futa cock?
I wonder what the text said in japanese.

user read up on Satyrs, you're just embarrassing yourself. Futa also has nothing to do with tranny, in fact the latter generally hates the former.

I disagree. There's always going to be someone who hates it, but after they're given an explanation of why it's fine they may come around. This also works the other way.

So what did it say in japanese?

It seems more like Yea Forums wants there to be a controversy, more than one is actually happening. Things also aren't quiet that simple, just having influence doesn't mean it is unquestionable. Especially when there is a hoard of GBF twitter weebs who hate anyone talking shit about the series.

Just use the only good earth team. I can kill him easily with nothing but MLB ygg swords

Futa is nothing but an extra dick in whatever type of porn you're reading. Trannies hate dicks so much that they cut theirs off, so I don't see why they'd have anything in common with futafaggotry.

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Forgot pic because I'm dumb

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Why wouldn't you be okay with this as a person who supports trans rights?

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I have 0 (ZERO) (SIEROKARTE) dirt M2 weapons and no 5* jews or Brodia and I can fuck over Xeno Cock without any trouble.

They're both fucking gay and obsessed with cocks.

ladiva is a drag queen, not a LBGTPQ+++. ladiva is comfortable inside his own body, and doesn't want to magic his dick off to become a real girl he just likes acting like a cute girl because cute girls are LOVE.
also discordtrannies belong in asylums.

>want to get into Granblue Fantasy
>nice art (even if it's a huge ripoff of Akihiko Yoshida's style) and decent world-building with a colorful cast of characters and tons of loot to find
>give it a shot on my top-of-the-fucking-line phone
>loading screens everywhere, whether it's upgrading weapons, opening the options menu, checking characters, using items, or reading bios
>I'm talking Sonic 06 levels of loading excess
>capped at 30 FPS
>all events have novel's worth of dialogue because the writers think they're better than they are (FFXIV has this exact same issue)

>uninstall and go back to Dissidia
Such a shame. I loved Rage of Bahamut before Mobage killed it in the West for some unknown reason, and this shares tons of RoB characters.

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Futa on female is the straightest form of porn you dumb faggot

>even if it's a huge ripoff of Akihiko Yoshida's style
It WAS a huge ripoff. Not so much nowadays.
And yeah, most events are just SKIP for me.
At least the Why is the sky blue trilogy was good.

Seasonals don't count, retard.
In the actual Society events Bea is closer to Zeta than anyone else

>even if it's a huge ripoff of Akihiko Yoshida's style
Wait, I thought he actually worked at Cygames nowdays.

Charlotta Fenia de arimasu!

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If you actually played you would know she's closer to embrasque than zeta

Oh, yeah you're right.
But you can't fuck a sword, right?

Wiki says he did work on Granblue.


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>Playable Tiamat
>Hamsa summon
What the fuck?

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Not with that attitude.

Where is Sandal?

Where the fuck is yoda?!

bully the box

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She's in.

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She's 24 years old.

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Still not cool.

>trans people
Nothing about Ladiva is trans. The irony here is staggering.

Depends on the size of the handle and how adventurous you're feeling.

When is he getting in

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Never ever.

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That person can't wrap their head around a person being alright in any way how they were born

>4ft tall
>flat chest
>has the facial looks of a 9 year old
whatever helps you sleep at night, pervert.

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Next reveal will be him!

Don't worry, the Society weapons can change forms and I'm sure Bea will manage if she's horny enough.

Of those 3 the only with a chance to get in is Narmaya

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This. Yea Forums is dominated by Arulugods and Niochads.

Homosexuals and transgendered, they're homosexuals. Unless they transition they aren't transgendered.
Why don't they see the difference?

Yes, and?


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>decent world-building with a colorful cast of characters

Next you'll tell me there's no Tien either! Or apollonia!

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0% for either of those

Best potato together with Zahlhamelina.

Brodia is only good for esports.

>but what's even better is they're quick to eat
So you're saying that I should cannibalize Arulumaya?

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>give it a shot on my top-of-the-fucking-line phone
Are you too retarded to read the FAQ at the top of /gbfg/ or any of the 50 billion posts over the last 5 years that have said
>the app sucks
It's a browser game. Even if you're playing on phone, play through your phone's browser. The app is horribly outdated and barely supported anymore.

Huh? Who's that?

Shit I want both of them though


I'm mad that all porn featuring her has to make her hairier than a fucking sasquatch. Just because she's the most mature potato doesn't mean she has a fucking forest in her pants.

He means Esser

>People still ship Bea with Zeta when they are just sis and when she is clearly in love with (you) and her Sword

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On it chief!

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If I must.


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i wish

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have sex

with harvins!

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i wish

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that's the plan

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>0% for Black knight
Nah nigga they made it a point to say early on that Versus story would incorporate parts of the main story and on top of being having it's own original thing. And considering you need some antagonists Black Knight seems like the obvious pick. Especially since they could do some fun stuff with her gameplay too. Not guaranteed at all by the way, but she does have an actual chance. With Orchid being DLC later too

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sex, but with lamretta

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harvinchads rule /gbfg/ and now Yea Forums as well
I'm proud of you my brothers

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fucking cringey pedophiles

Black Knight would be really cool, she has a sword, a gun, and traditional black magic, that shits tight

There better be some fucking vocal tracks in the game.

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>potatofuckers getting uppity again.
Humanchads run this game.

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If Sandalphon wasn't so cute I would take a Harvin instead

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Primals/Unknown are objectively the best.

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Which are the cutest humans in the game?
I vote for Clarisse and Vira.
Bea is pretty good too.

I love harvinposting because it triggers trannyera refugees like you. I don't even care about potatoes unless they're cute homo boys.

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awww yeah

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>no black dominion dragon
Shit taste


I hate that I lost this colab.

The only thing I remember from this collab was bondage vyrn.

>Play Gran
>Activate Bahamut super
>Dark Silver Wings plays for the rest of the match
Please let this happen

>Not posting the absolute best song

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Is this a new art or some custom art?

story art from the latest chapters

>forgetting the best song in the game by far

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They really like their pits access

Based Aniki

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Damn she is so pretty, top tier new outfit with armpits exposed

I'm so fucking mad that he won't be in

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checking these integers


somebody find this guy his collab

I haven't played the mobile game in years, only got up to chapter 18 in the story before stopping
How many are there in total? Worth playing again?

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I hate that I got the gun but didn't farm the mats to 4* it.
My dark grid is still unfinished shit a year later, though I only play casually so there's that.

>How many are there in total?
like 122

>How many are there in total?
122, and not really there's such much "story" that most of the good stuff get smothered by bland and contrived chapters.

There are also permanent side-stories now that give characters, weapons and summons too.

>masao go

Do you think they'll add characters from other Cygames IPs at some point?

Primal fighters when?

Attached: 1553042626686.jpg (675x1200, 192K)

Best chance would be adding the existing RoB characters in Granblue already.
I'm honestly expecting them to add Yuel at some point though or else I'll feel real bad for Kana.

Why is she dressed this way

They mentioned wanting to avoid doing so, but I doubt in-name-only characters like Fenrir, Orchid, and such are on the table.


In Versus? Maybe as a background character in one of the scenarios.

In ReLink? Probably not, but there's a chance.

This, if literally magic genderbending existed trannies would be fine. Mutilating and rearranging the shape of your genitals though is not changing your sex, it's just fucking horrific.
I wish this wasn't the case but accept reality, I know I have.

I like the sniper lady
she can do big numbers



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>futa is straight
lmaoing at your gay life


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Black Knight with full armor's the only proper way.

That Vampy is cute and surprisingly on model. Why does Asanagi only make edgelord porn? Some of his SFW stuff is cute and has good art like this.

That's a very VERY cute Bampy.

>japanese shadman

And traps are not gay!

because he is afraid that it wouldnt sell and most likely it also wouldnt
people that buy his edgy stuff wouldnt buy it because not edgy and people who like vanilla wouldnt buy it because >asanagi

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Seriously, she ain't my favorite girl or anything, but if I had to choose a a girl to end up with Danchou, it would be her.

Her chest looks really odd. No, I do not mean her breasts.

They really do, and their "cater to everyone's fetish" strategy seems to be working for them

I want to hug! the potato

Attached: 1542727557736.png (1280x720, 1.43M)

She will be so fucking small in Versus


>Muh Naru in Versus
Her weapon isn't in the logo, retards.

Imagine if one of the Arcsys guys who knew the GG engine well left the company and started taking porn commissions. That shit blows SFM and Blender out of the water.

Attached: 1432652.jpg (500x410, 41K)

Did you miss the last addition or something?

Too bad she's a one time use only.

Yeah like Ladiva, retard.


>Logofags still being retarded

She's not a fairy, she's a midget. She can take it. All the races in GBF can crossbreed.

>GG engine
there's no ''GG engine'', it's literally just unreal engine


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Well however they pull off that sleek 2.5D shit is unbelievable, nothing else looks that good. It made GG look good, it made DBZ look good and it's making GBF look good.

That's what someone with a microdick would say

Attached: 1456557844124.jpg (720x720, 115K)

Yeah, like they're going to put a glove in the logo.

If a characters uses a large weapon that's not in the logo, they won't be in the game.

logo characters are still confirmed tho right

I want a SSR charlotta for every element

Attached: __charlotta_fenia_okita_souji_and_okita_souji_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_o_rakkasei__8df466ce (396x800, 64K)

Most likely, but there's no reason there couldn't be more besides those too, specially after Ladiva.

They didn't put the character's literal weapon in the logo you retard they put in a bunch of unlock weapons that have nothing to do with the character they give.

Lets Go Bully The Queers

>narucucks are literal secondaries who don't even know that weapons unlock characters

if cygames and arcsys opened up official lewds they'd probably take over the entire japanese economy

Most cowfags are just secondaries who care only for the porn.
Narufags are in for a rude awakening if they think she's getting in outside of possible DLC.

Attached: 1546563598003.jpg (512x512, 30K)

>Up next
>this video
What exactly is this? Is this canon?
Would be cool if it was.

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Clarisse will never get in

no shit sherlock

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Where the fuck is /ourguy/?

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seems it's just a character song.

busy trying to get back at precure

Gay lizard announcement when?

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What a cutie. I just like Knight girls. I’d even take that gold one too

I need her to be in the game.

never ever

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post more charlottas


Who doggo here

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I honestly don't consider her much of a joke character, the interaction with Cagliostro where she refuses the offer of a new body makes the character pretty hard to hate. It's entertaining but it's endearing, there's nothing hateful or mocking about the character or those that identify with her beyond the surface level.

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What's the deal with Charlotta's crown?

Why is she so sexy? How am I supposed to breed with her

She really likes burger king

Attached: 5e3ffa7706a8f350cdf1fa9e2bdd8326.jpg (900x1200, 95K)

Its so her hurtbox is balanced.

Attached: 1532889122541.png (594x5000, 305K)

pls don't die

Oh shit, I just realized.
Lightning punch boy GOTTA be in the fighting game.
Would be really weird if he isnt.

> I wonder what the text said in japanese.
The same damn thing last I remember.

Put in the most popular female race already you fucking cowards. Enjoy having no sales.

Attached: GBFVersus roster.jpg (2912x4008, 2.16M)

Attached: 1539112719305.png (960x800, 650K)

>most popular female race
out of all those characters only 3 are actually 'popular'

I only need 3 Braphs in my life. Danua, Forte, and Naru.

Hunans are the worst race

I just want them to put me in a tiddy sandwich. Is that too much to ask for?


Attached: 52195474_p0.png (1000x1000, 620K)

Naru is a shoe in
I hope Danua is added
Sturm will probably just be a story character

>Lamretta with sin's calorie mechanic except with booze

if only

>Draph fags still showing that they know nothing about the game

Lamretta would be Bo Rai Cho function

Attached: 1539889-boraicho_bio.png (300x320, 201K)

Five years later you're still a boring personality-less faggot that dumps shitty ecchi images to help other guys jerk off. I'm amazed the mods have never banned you for how many times you've blatantly broken the rules of this board not even counting flat out posting porn.

>most popular female race
Draphs are not fucking popular you secondary.

You homos always claim everyone likes human girls the most so I'm pretty sure it's you who knows nothing about the game

Yes they are

Popular with people who don't even play the game and only jack off to doujins

It is canon

>what is yuri

So the world of Granblue has extragavant pop idol groups like that? That's unironically rad.

Granblue has plenty of idols, not even counting all the collab idols. If you do there's a fucking army.
That's probably the biggest one

If the game isn't going to have any SOIYA, then we better get lobby avatars and stickers

You can see Kazama and Jin in the Auguste stage
That's probably all you're getting

Kimi to Boku no Mirai > Never Ending Fantasy

>throwing up rainbows and unleashing the deadliest of brapts
I'm in

>most popular
There are only like 4 popular cows, 6 if you're stretching it. Only potatoes have less.
Humans, Erune and Primals have way more.

Are draphfags the Stevefags of GBVS?

Attached: i3.png (458x700, 942K)

Lord help me if she makes it in.

Attached: makky.png (960x800, 199K)

>Only potatoes have less
C'mon now

Attached: Melissabelle_(Valentine)_A (1).png (960x800, 192K)

When's the next character reveal going to be? I want Zeta and Bea already.

Attached: 1546823163449.png (322x274, 87K)

No they're the Banjocucks.

Literally a 0%er


Attached: 1554578723542.png (960x800, 415K)

negative % chance

Will best jew make it in?

Charlotta, Arulumaya and Melissabelle is still only 3

They are delusionnal.
The only draphs females that could be in GBVS are literally Aliza, Danua, Naru, Sturm and Threo. Only one of them is 100% sure.

>no cock
>no artist
>no horn

You'll get Siete and that's it

Maybe Razia has a marginal chance Cygames has been pushing her a little bit but only really as a joke character

He is so based that Arcsys could ask for him.

give me Lady Grey as a puppet character with her skeletons

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040005000_01.png (960x800, 109K)

>Not having Orchid as a literal puppet character

Attached: tellmewhy.jpg (180x180, 9K)

July probably for the summer event stream

You forgot Cock, but yeah. They're also hurting for tier 2 popularity since there's really only Lunalu and Yoda. Harvins don't have a ton of characters period, I swear half of them are alts of Charlotta.
Cows have Naru, Danua, Sheep and Pig as tier 1 and a bunch of tier 2s like Forte, Yaia, Izmir, Sturm, Vas, etc.
Meanwhile Humans, Erune and Primals have too many to list.

Sheep too
She has added chance if they want to represent zodiacs

I dare you to show me any girl in a fantasy game that looks and dresses exactly like Ladiva.

in a way, this is sad and a curse that comes with every popular mobage like this, FGO, or Crusaders quest.

these games, always have rosters of HUNDREDS of heroes, all of them appealing or popular, but then, we have these projects, like the fate games, the GBF anime or so, people have expectations to see their faves there, and yet... they wont appear because they have less popularity and theres time constraints.

i dunno why they do these games if they know theres no way in hell they are gonna deliver as not everyone will be pleased.

Not to mention EVO in August, if Cygames is still sponsoring that then they might go full steam ahead with news and reveals at that event.

Because in the end those who might be pleased with how things are handled are still the majority, and most people don't like only a single aspect of a game, or in this case, a single type of character.

Probably Lady Grey, Danua or Orchid

There are barely any highly popular humans though

What the fuck is this suppose to mean? Who are these "draphfags" are you talking about? Becuase the only people I see complaining are you guys.

>Who are these "draphfags" are you talking about?
secondaries like


Attached: 1544630933874.png (450x425, 356K)

Talk about tunnel vision.

Zeta, Bea, Dragon Knights, Eugen, Katalina, Rackam are all popular.

That's just a random guy with good taste

Don't respond to draphfags they are unable to to be reasoned with

We were talking about female characters and human females aren't very popular.

No one with good taste likes Laguna, Karva and Daetta

How do you know that user doesn't play the game?
You didn't answer my question.

Mirin too gozaru!

Will she and Drang be in Versus or Relink?

Attached: 1480559475082.png (676x872, 699K)

>female characters and human females aren't very popular.
So you don't actually play GBF or know anything about it, got it.

Ebin meme bro

Ah, I remember the last character popularity poll, with exactly zero humans in it and plenty of Draphs.

Oh wait.

Nah, it's the exact same thing for ANY fighting game. You will always have a lot of people that want their character back or their favorites and you always have that little base of retards that will spam every fucking thread with their shit. It was Ingrid for Street Fighter, Bridget for Guilty, Kefla for DBFz, Anna for Tekken,.... It will never end.

Also, there is A LOT of people who just want to be surprised and they will even love characters they didn't expect. I have a shit tok of characters I love in GBF and I know that most of them won't be in and it's absolutely not a problem.

Based Granboobers

As well as Vira, Cag, Silva, Song.

kill all eops

I hope for a dual characters like 18/17 and Videl/G.Saiyaman

this is probably the greatest pic hews has ever drawn god DAMN I NEED A MACCY MOMMY

Summer Jeanne literally broke the servers

I'm expecting yuel/sochie to be exactly that.

>I got called out, better shitpost!
Just kill yourself m8

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>"Casgliostro would be much better as a trans character"
>The character who completely makes fun of trans by turning himself into a girl to troll people into having mental anguish about the fact that he's the oldest motherfucker possible in the body of a loli would supposedly "be much better as a trans character"
Absolute bullshit, that imbecile would say that "Ladiva would be better as a trans character" if they revealed Cag instead of Ladi. Fucking professional victim.

Jeanne, Silva, Vira and Cag are the only decently popular humans. Vira is falling off every month and won't be relevant by next year.

>t. never did ladiva and cag's cross-fate
GBF plays Ladiva completely seriously, I don't ever remember them treating Ladiva's gender as a joke. But retardera doesn't actually care about that, they just want to be offended.

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>Has a version in every element except fire
>Somehow "isn't popular"
Big think.

>How do you know that user doesn't play the game?
because there's a certain character, that may or may not be in that pic he made, that leads me to believe that he doesn't play. Cause if he did, that character definitely would be or wouldn't be in that pic in the first place

Siete is very likely since his seiyuu tweeted about the game



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Yeah, human girls are not popular at all.

Granblue WILL pander to your fetishes.

You forgot my girl Moni.

God I would hope for Sarasa over Song. Song would be already very similar to Metera already on top of that I could easily seeing Song getting added and her being the absolute cancer of the tier list

Cag hasn't been popular in like 3 fucking years

It was a reply about popular human female characters user.

>not bloody blood stab man

I know, but it just prompted me in talking about the idea of Song being in versus

Better than draph characters who have literally never even been popular

So, is Granblue worth playing? Semi interested in the fighter.

I wish Baragona were popular. Best knight.

>cag hasn't been popu-

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I mean the browser/phone (Though apparently more of a browser game?), not the fighter there.

Its a game for boomers who grew up on grindy browser games.

>If I don't like a character, then nobody should!
>If they do, they're not real fans!
Not sure why I even dealing with you, since you probably have some mental issues.

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Add Beatrix to the list. She has 4 different units, 2 skins and a character song CD.

cygames pushing =/= popularity - see Mary and Ferry

Well hopefully we’ll see him in the story again soon. Ssr seems likely but not anytime soon. Cause unless they’re released together I can’t see Mr Scarlet getting in over Alliah first in terms of those colourful knights

Don't kid yourself, we all know that the male characters are the most popular desu.

Attached: D1NhW84WkAAp62_.jpg large.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

BIRIBIRI OJISAN is popular and is consistently among the top 10 males in every cygames game. If he isn't in the base game he'll 100% end up being DLC.

That's not a poll.

Also Jessica and Vira

She is the second one, user. "Bea".

Yes, and?
Paying customers > some retarded western cucks who think they matter lmao.

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Imagine if VS got Belial before the main game
Imagine if Belial was gotten through a code for buying VS

Heres your taokaka

Attached: sen.png (960x800, 147K)

I'd buy a JP copy for him

Oh my bad I'm retarded.

day one main

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It literally was

Attached: 1533772279359.png (928x520, 486K)

>Silva comes out of nowhere after being consistently shit for the first 20 polls
I fucking hate the /u/fanbase so fucking much


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Granblue really is just all Fotm huh

not with this character in particular
wanna take a guess about which character I have in mind? go look at his pic, it's not that hard to guess. Look at it until it clicks in your head and you'll know too that he doesn't play the game

the characters that place in the popularity poll go on rate-up so it's always skewed towards new shit

Popularity contests are about which character has a rate up. People vote for the newer stuff so that they can get meta characters.

New characters make it to the top due to fotm but you can still see shit like Zoi making it in every poll since her release which should translate into popularity

>paying for pieces of cardboard outside of the game
They could even buy multiple of the same character which inflates the rank. You will never post a real user poll.

No it wasn't. You posted a poll just now but the first one is not a poll. I bet you have no idea what either of these images say.

So what’s the deal going to be with the new outfit? Is she going to get an sr from the story or be used as a side event or will it just strictly be story art?

Nigger those were the male and female polls for last anniversary.

I want Yuisis in for stance mechanics.

On the one hand I would love playing as him, but on the other that would mean he would steal Sandals spot which I would want as well.

Holy shit you really ARE retarded and actually have no idea what the first image is. Why do you keep posting?

Her stance change in the game takes forever.
I love using her because she’s my best damager in Wind but BOY does she take a while when racing with others

Would you prefer the anniversary poll, then?

Attached: D1RRMwwU8AYir9p.jpg (1200x675, 109K)

CD sales
>No the top selling doesnt count

Attached: 1539104758611.png (917x526, 462K)

Percival is almost always there though thanks to both homos and fangirls (both straight and yaoi)

>best song
It's the only physical granblue media I own and its absolutely fucking money well spent

I watch LGBTBBQ pride parades from time to time and wonder why they're surprised that they're portrayed in stereotypical fashion when they act in stereotypical fashions when they're most visible.

Attached: sony pride.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Draphfags will come up with any excuse to reject reality

But it's hype as shit.

Man I'd like to give this a try, but tha terrible UI for a browser app along with the slow as fuck transitions

Somethin like an updated version (i.e. Pricunny redive) for GBF would fix this.

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Dudes i just unlocked arcarum and i don't know how to get tickets, is the daily gift the only way?

>CD sales
Do you seriously believe what you're saying right now? You really have no idea what any of these images are about.

Yes, that's exactly what you should have posted right from the start.

Attached: 1552473417996.png (200x240, 74K)

>is the daily gift the only way?
Yeah. Just don't forget about it for a while like I do because it's really long and painful to get through 30 of them at a time.

Attached: chrome_2019-04-20_10-57-53.png (204x40, 4K)

Yes, it will take a long time to unock stuff from there. Sometimes they give 2 daily like in the last 2 weeks for golden week.

Yes. Enjoy the golden week special because it's back to one a day soon

That's just the most voted male and female character though

Do i gain anything from killing everyone and exploring every room or should i just go to the next stage once i clear the stage mission?

It's still better than the shitty valentine's day gift rankings.

you get more points to exchange shit

>Lady Grey appearing in a fighting game
Heavens no, she's got her family responsibilities to consider.

Attached: 1552782062568.png (630x646, 518K)

>waaah my shitty opinion matters!
lmao keep thinking that

man, do the japanese have shit taste

Yes, arcarum points and other materials to unlock and uncap Oracles. Clear everything, never use fast expedition. Enjoy your stay royal grubbler

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mmm mommyyyy

Attached: 1548538012748.gif (250x250, 129K)

>throwing a fit out of nowhere
Are you ok?

As a draphfag, I understand that human and erune girls are more popular. What I don’t like is that there’s barely any events or stories or whatever that involve female draphs, so of course girls from other races will be more popular. Hell, for characters released so far THIS YEAR, there have been 4 Female humans, 8 Female erunes, and only 1 Female draph, locked completely behind the shit fucking oracle stuff. And as I was saying, when was the last time we had an event that featured a female draph as a major player? And how many overall, compared to other races. So of course humans and erunes will be more popular, because they just get more exposure.

Also fuck harvins

Ladiva doesn't even act like that, (s)he's a huge bro and a highly successful champion duelist.

>out of nowhere
I already called you out for thinking paying customers aren't important while you pretend like Cygames gives a single shit about what you think

Gonna lose it if vampy makes it.

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More points. It's easy in normal mode. Later difficulties are fucked sometimes with things like R characters only or no skills allowed

I know, but that post that I'm replying to is talking about how Ladiva is treated like a joke. I'm saying they shouldn't be surprised that normal people treat LGBT as jokes when they regularly act like a joke in public on their own free will. It's a real case of "it's okay when we do it".

Aliza's event which was shit probably let them know all they needed to

>never use fast expedition
I did that on Medusa's event and i did fine, is the penalty really that high?

You haven't called me out on anything yet.
Your cardboard ranking is still not an actual poll.

Attached: 1469198409659.png (412x334, 47K)

Arcarum fast expedition is much different from that event

>never use fast expedition
I ain't got time for that shit when I gotta get though all 30 tickets

For actual Arcarum? Absolutely.

And where did I say it was? I said it matters more than your shitty opinion of who should be popular when they aren't.

I want to fuck a potato!

>Aliza looked like she was gonna be the main character
>beaten immediately and doesn’t get to have anything cool for the rest of the event
That was unfortunate.

Female character in general get a fraction of events.

>characters that literally only exist for sex appeal
>what do you mean they aren't interesting or popular characters?

Attached: 1448477632053.webm (284x342, 125K)

She is still the main character in that she's the only one with a story.

Doing it in Medusa's event is fine, in fact I encourage it.

Doing it in regular Arcarum, I do not. I just sit down once a week on a Sunday morning and clear out the week's worth of tickets with tear shop drop rate buff. It's how I'd recommend you do it to not wanna tear your hair out.

Your loss bro. I have Fraux and am already 100/200 to Alanaan because I never skipped a day or did fast expedition.

Thank god for those paying customers you can just look at monthly sales and see that female characters still make more bank

congrats on making two shit oracles

>Aliza's first event
Gets kidnapped by a primal beast and has to be rescued by her childhood friend

>Aliza's second event
Gets overshadowed by her mother and her childhood friend yet again

>Aliza's third event
Gets beaten in her first fight and just slinks around in the background for the rest of the event

I swear the game devs hate her.

Attached: bb87c7d8526800e6201430d7edddeaee.jpg (710x1000, 159K)

I have said nothing about who should be popular. All I ever said was that your cardboard ranking does not represent popularity, only the sale of cardboard.

>congrats on making two shit oracles
Retard. Fraux is Faa-san hard core and Alanaan is broken as shit with the sun. Congrats on proving you're an idiot not worth listening to.

Oh man do I have news for you.

Attached: wat.png (904x1280, 356K)

>faa-san hard core
>Can clear it just fine without her

Was she? I can’t really remember. I only remember her just being a tool for other characters to explain their motives

Prove it.

>that fire monk draph.

Alright. gimme that one.

literally search faa-san clears from before anyone ever had fraux

It was all trivial bullshit about "muh Stan" but it's more than anyone else got.

Oh so you actually haven't done it. Saying she's core doesn't mean you need her 100% or you can't clear it. Of course you can clear it without her you giga-sperg. She just makes multiple of his mechanics literally not happen because of her super charm. If you're playing fire in Faa-san without Fraux you're actually having a way harder time. I've done it with and without her and now that I have her I'd never go back to doing it the old way.

I don't even know why I'm arguing with you about this. If you're the guy that's doing fast expedition then your opinion is fucking moot anyway.

Sheesh, can they just get married already and give us Groom Stan and Bride Aliza.

Clarisse when?

Well I'll be damned...

You're serious.

*single attacks*