Virtual reality was the future, in 1980

>buy a 1200€ VR set to play this
Seriously, how fuck can we fix VR?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>how can we fix vr

Attached: Trash_Can.jpg (1200x1600, 245K)

Put poorfags like into the trash? Good idea.

Lighter strain with better stability on the skin.
Removal of all dildo handling systems and replacing it with DPI sensory coverage over your entire body, or at the very least your hands and fingers.
Thankfully one of these is already in development all we need is just implementation of Manus VR by most content producers.

>I'm a faggot who dropped 1200 on a device so useless I made a thread begging someone to fix it
>hehe, PoOR fAG
unbridled faggotry

Also. Reworking of perspective. We don't see the world in fisheye 120 FOV.

Here is how you sincerely fix VR:

Step 1 - abandon motion controls, because they spoil ALL potential by attracting every faggot and their mother to the market and restricting all games to a boring pseudo-sport.

Step 2 - make the HMDs lighter and cheaper. They need to be at the price range of luxury headphones. $150-200 max, with good ones starting at $100. And they should be around this size:

Step 3 - market them LIKE HEADPHONES FOR YOUR EYES. They should exist as machines that everyone understands are solely for the purpose of enhancing atmospheric effects and nothing else.



>remove the one thing VR is actually good at

The "one thing" is visual atmospheric enhancement, not motion controls.


>visual atmospheric enhancement
Guessing you’re a sonyfag? Accurate motion controls are a fucking blast, they increase immersion.

Motion controls always lead to shit games. If you actually liked Wii, Kinect, or modern VR games that use motion controls, I somehow doubt you like any of the video games that everyone else likes.

Which of these increases gameplay possibilities, hmmm.....

VR can't be fixed until it actually becomes a virtual reality not tied to waggle shit in real life 1:1 space. Basically
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already: over.

Attached: animu-2019-05-07-13h43m15s677.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

Motion controls that are just glorified buttons lead to shit games.

Wrong, they destroy it in most cases. Without any kind of force feedback most motion controls actually just remind you how fake everything is. The amount of feedback needed to change this would be dangerous and is decades away in terms of technology. That other user is correct, motion controls are holding VR back.

>spoil all potential by adding stuff to do that isnt just looking

this has GOT to be bait

the only potential it spoils is the potential to sell it to people that weigh 400+ pounds

yeah beat saber would work so well without motion controls

At this point, we just sit back and wait. The current hardware is good enough to make games just as enjoyable if not more so than traditional games. As more people buy into it and the user base grows, developers will also start putting more resources into it. Most of the current hardware complaints come from people without experience that still feel they are qualified to trash talk it. It is much more obvious than usual Yea Forums negativity since it is harder to get a good feel for how VR works without trying it than it would be to criticize a game you haven't played. These people will eventually come around when they have a chance to form an option from experience rather than some flawed perception of how they think VR works.

It's super fucking immersive when the game can't decide what to do about the shit I'm holding as I move my real hands through empty space that's occupied in the game world.

I don't care about beat saber


All motion controls are just glorified buttons.

It doesn't add any stuff to do that's interesting. It never does this.

Beat Saber is a shit game you fucking pleb.

A mouse controls games be detecting motion. Using motion as an input works will since it gives more precision than an analog stick or button. A VR motion controller is just a 3D mouse. It even provides better control despite allowing more complex input since it is more intuitive to know where your hand is compare to where a mouse cursor is.

You try to reason out the potential of motion controls but the fact remains that it's lead to no games that anyone who plays a lot of games gives a shit about, and it's always way more trouble than it's worth because no one wants to flail their arms around for hours.

HMDs need to develop to the level that they are capable of serving as full-time monitor replacements, allowing the user to easily move between flat, 3D, and fully immersive VR content. Comfort and raw panel resolution need to be stressed. Thankfully these are the two things most guaranteed to continue improving.

Wireless is an important part of this (the physical tether being an inherent comfort killer) but an enormously difficult problem. Standalone-hybrid units will be one possible intermediary hack solution. It should be eminently possible to stream a 1080p@60fps video feed to such a device, for fully wireless virtual-monitor usage, and then connect to the PC over a physical tether for high-fidelity VR.

The Valve Index and the HP Reverb are both aiming the right way, each focusing relatively more on one of the two key aspects (Index more on long-term comfort, Reverb on resolution).

The recent Facebook-lead 'race to the bottom' trends of removing IPD adjustment and lowering refresh rate is cancer. I am genuinely afraid of how the next-gen consoles may interpret VR.

Then fucking use it as a mouse. I'd dig my vive out of the closet if I could play something like homeworld.

Everyone who plays games does not do so to avoid physical activity. You shouldn't project your motivation on to others assuming it is universal. I like games because they let me do things and explore places that I would not be able to in real life. I am more than willing to move around a bit if that allows me to have additional control and feel more involved in the game play.

>Index sold out
>VR grew last year
You're going to get left behind user.

all of this exist as mobile based headsets (samsung gear vr)

>Eye-tracked foveated rendering for lowered hw reqs
>Inside out tracking with controller occlusion solved
>Self contained like Quest, but supports PC tethered play
>Under 500 USD

Not realistic but if something like that existed I'd be on it in a heartbeat

Hardware's too weak to enhance atmosphere though or even run games that even have atmosphere.

>it's lead to no games that anyone who plays a lot of games gives a shit about

well that guy shold have mentioned this

The only games worth playing are the ones you want to play for 8 hours straight. Do you want to play a VR game with motion controls for 8 hours straight? Then you're a freak with spaghetti arms. Not even guys in shape want to do this.

Beat Saber is hot garbage even in the realm of user generated beatmap games, which are generally astonishingly poor.

I'm honestly impressed by just how bad Beat Saber is, honestly. Stepmania was hot garbage, Osu managed to eclipse that, and Beat Saber manages to take the absolute worst elements of every rhythm game and combine them into one of the worst song lists of all time, with an even more elitist and pathetic community than Osu and gameplay that's entirely about causing self-injury on a level even worse than autistic tablet shit if you want a decent score, it's quite possibly the worst rhythm game I've ever played that actually has players.

>>HMDs need to develop to the level that they are capable of serving as full-time monitor replacements
That's not going to happen until they're as light as a pair of glasses, and the resolution is pushing 20k.

>buy a 1200€ VR set
AND a 1xxx dollars computer with a good GPU

>Everyone who plays games does not do so to avoid physical activity.
Yes, they do. Gaming is all about lowering physical effort.

Now, we've had VR style games before. Know what they used to be known as? Full body arcade games. Now, there's something every single one of these games had in common. Not one of them lasted more than an hour or two.

When I try and play even a SHORT game in VR, I very quickly become fatigued with just 3-4 hours of play. Meanwhile I can play a new title from a decent developer for easily 12 hours straight, and I don't wake up the day after with cramps.

VR is casual fun for an hour or two. It's not something I'd want to play a serious game in.

>When I try and play even a SHORT game in VR, I very quickly become fatigued with just 3-4 hours of play
>Meanwhile I can play a new title from a decent developer for easily 12 hours straight, and I don't wake up the day after with cramps
Maybe you should spend some of that time exercising and building up endurance you fucking fatty

I could, or I could spend my life having fun instead.

>buy VR
>load of video of dva riding your cock
>have girlfriend mimic the movements as she rides your cock
>all you see in VR is dva milking your cock
Worth it for that alone
>he doesn’t have a submissive gf

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Nah, we're really quite close. I actually have quite a bit of hope for both Index and Reverb, in this regard, if the software can catch up.

Attached: varjo-pixels-small.jpg (1308x1228, 795K)

100% true, the best VR games don't hold a candle to any of the many "just decent" traditional games that exist out there, in terms of fun. VR games are just not fun.

The idea of doing something for 8-12 hours straight doesn't sound very appealing at all. Again, you should not assume how you feel about games is universal. Most games that are worth playing would be over too quickly if you put that much time into them. I'll take the "casual" experience where I get to play several games with unique mechanics over some game that is based around grinding and repetitive tasks to drive up the play time.

>The idea of doing something for 8-12 hours straight doesn't sound very appealing at all.
And there it is, the VRfag reveals that he doesn't actually give a shit about video games. Imagine my shock.

>play video games for years on end and shitpost on Yea Forums
>in 10 years you're still in the same place, doing the same thing while your dopamine receptors become so insensitive to pleasure you have to play for hours and jack off multiple times a day to feel the same joy you did as a child
>or improve your life to make room for a more fulfilling time before you die
NEETcels need to get out

stop coping and being poor

I have a submissive sister, that work?

>not spending half your life on unproductive hobbies means you don't enjoy them
based retard

If you never found a game that you wanted to play for 8-12 hours straight then you definitely don't give much of a shit about video games. Meanwhile, I've done that for many games over the course of my life and wanted to for others even when I didn't have the time to.

We're nowhere near screen replacement levels. 0.86 arcminutes/pixel is a fucking joke, and that's assuming you completely ignore how cumbersome these devices are.

I like to take my time and enjoy games. Playing a game for 12 hours straight to rush through would ruin a good game.

>>The idea of doing something for 8-12 hours straight doesn't sound very appealing at all.
I seriously feel bad for you. I'm guessing you have some undiagnosed form of ADHD or something if you're that averse to immersion and enjoying yourself.

I've played VNs for 16 hours straight because the story gripped me, and action games for 10+ hours before the urge to eat became noticeable.

Attached: 24301089_401386626948934_8762111568365814900_n.png (200x200, 20K)

It's not rushing through when you're playing a game that will last you 100+ hours.

I've been playing games for 25+ years at this point and I feel a lot more joy from them than I did as a kid, but hey, keep telling me I need to "improve" my life by contributing more to the state like a good little worker bee.

There's nothing wrong with self-improvement, I have more practical hobbies than passive ones, but holy fuck, I have absolutely zero interest in building muscle or enhancing my stamina so I can eke out another few years of life when my brain is failing anyway. Just seems like such a waste of the good years of your life.

Probably already been said multiple times, but -
>remove the need for external sensors around your room, most people are too lazy to set them, and set them up properly at that
>make it wireless
>make it more convenient to use with mouse and keyboard or other controllers, encourage more games to be made/ported to VR that don't necessarily utilize the VR controllers
After that just improving the tech, like the displays and the input system will obviously help.

The problem with VR is one of expectations.
It was invented in science fiction and will stay there.
3d visuals are neat, walking on a treadmill while waving your arms isn't.
It's good example of people not knowing what they really want.

>t. never played a VR game

>screen replacement
Lmao, if you expect VR to replace screens then you just want gimmicky shit.

I am able to enjoy games I like without getting worked up over other people enjoying something that doesn't appeal to my personal preferences. Everything is good and you don't have to feel bad for me. You should be more concerned about the user who seems to think that the only type of games that should be allowed to exist are ones that cater specifically to his tastes.

The problem with VR is the games for it are shit or I can already play them without VR and it's too expensive to want to get that small enhancement.


I have VR, it's alright, some of the games are pretty fun for an hour here and there, but it's not the future of games.

And it never will be. I can see AR being the future of screen tech, instead of buying a screen, you just clear some space in your house and put down a virtual one in your glasses, which have an effective resolution better than the human eye can actually resolve. I can only see VR taking off when you're chilling out in a coma, moving a virtual body with zero fatigue, but that's the complete opposite of what is currently being marketed as VR. Current VR is just clunky, horribly underpowered AR with a buzzword name. We don't have transparent screens, latency and portability are huge issues, comfort is basically non-existent because foam shit pressed into your face is not comfy. And until those issues are solved, "VR" is going to remain a curious novelty.

>FoVeated rendering
>Eye tracking
>Resolution bump
>Wireless with sufficiently low latency or some form of workaround so that you don't become nauseated

>Developers make good games for it

Motion controls are a massive advantage when they detect accurately. Using contextual actions to perform intuitive actions is much more immersive and works much better in a VR space. It's only weird when the player needs to do awkward movements with an inaccurate controller to replicate exactly what buttons could have done like so much shit in the Wii era.

I have done this but there's nothing wrong with games where you can still have fun for a few hours at a time.

>Using contextual actions to perform intuitive actions is much more immersive and works much better in a VR space.
No, it's incredibly clunky.

I'll give you the basic example of gun interaction. I have lost count of the number of times a game has decided I'm trying to 2-hand a gun when I go to rack the slide, or the mag just won't go in because the game is being fussy and I'm holding 2 terrible analogues for what I'm actually trying to do. But that isn't even the worst issue. The worst issue is just smashing the controllers together because I'm trying to interact in an area they weren't designed for.

Opening a door in VR is neat the first time. It's dull the second, and downright obnoxious the 50th. I'm glad every time I play a game and it lets me just wave my hand near a doorhandle to open it, and I want to scream every time the game expects me to reach in an open a door the entire way while stumbling about with locomotion.

With spider gloves, VR interactions could be fun. Gripping onto actual 3D models, feeling them slip past your fingers, it'd be great. But motors aren't good enough, costs can't be lowered to make them feasible for production at a price point that would make them attractive to developers, let alone consumers.

The only thing current motion controllers are good for is gun shooting. But current headsets have resolutions that are far too poor to make this very enjoyable, and so you're left with something that leaves you longing for a 30 year old arcade cabinet of fucking Hogan's Alley.

Everything seems to go fairly smoothly for me. It is certainly more enjoyable than simply pressing a button to watch an animation play and adds depth since you have the possibility of doing things faster. They also work fine for melee. They let you accomplish what you are trying to do with a lot of precision, which ultimately is the goal of controls. Being perfectly 1:1 and applying force feedback is not any more necessary for VR than it is for any other game.

Resolution could be better and will get better with time, but I haven't run into issues where it hurts gameplay unless I go looking for them or a game was not made with VR resolution in mind. I definitely would not be willing to give up the ability to move and look around by going back to an arcade light gun.


Not him, but those issues sound like issues that good game designers could eventually iron out. Opening a door in VR wouldn't feel repetitive or obnoxious if the game was paced right. There being areas that weren't designed for is also just a matter of failing to achieve good game design.

But another problem opens up I think, which is that currently VR will probably never create an industry that could support good game designers enough to iron out these issues. Which is why I think room-scale needs to be abandoned.

That's not how it looks through the lenses retard.
