Download it again for old times sake

>download it again for old times sake
>literally unplayable
>glitches and bad performance
>fucking gta san andreas came 4 years before this and that's somehow more stable

Attached: sr2.jpg (639x361, 37K)

sr2 has a legendarily bad pc port

if you're not referring to that though i can't relate m8

yeah trying to playing it on PC

emphasis on TRYING

Thanks CDPR.

works on my machine

Attached: sr2lighting.jpg (1920x1080, 471K)

This tbqh famalam

op tell me how much of a cock slut you are, the exact issues you are having and i'll spoonfeed you how to fix them

>doesn't show framerate
I have a suspicion it doesn't just work

>Game age is relevant to its stability

>fucking gta san andreas came 4 years before this and that's somehow more stable
SR2 is an abysmal port. The age has nothing to do with it.

I have the Gog version which I'm told runs better than Steam because it was fixed by CDPR.

>PC port

never drops below 60

Was it? When I played it originally it felt locked to 30fps, though I think it was due to running a shit CPU at the time.

It worked alright on my PC when I played a few months ago. The game itself is shit, though.

Works fine on my XBox 360 :^)

saintsrowpowertools is the bare minimum to get the game running properly on pc.

Gentlemen of the row helps with performance ontop of that.

>tell me how much of a cock slut you are

Attached: tenor (1).gif (600x330, 1.32M)

Install Gentlemen of the Row mod. Vanilla is a clusterfuck.

welcome to the row mothafuckaa

This is one of THE worst ports for PC OP. How new are you?

SR3 is on Switch now. Performance aside, is the game itself any good?

God no, less content than the second game, full of unfunny humour, an infinitely worse city with nothing to do.

I didn't think SR3 was that bad. The city isn't as good as SR2 though. I'd give it a 7. SR4 was fucking dogshit. They tried way too hard to be funny and the superhero shit made driving useless. SR4 is just so boring.

it wasn't, the FPS was just capped to 45 iirc.
the source code has been lost to PC ver, not sure about 360.

Still have my ps3 plugged just in case i want to play some sr2. Best port imho.