Record scratch

>record scratch
>freeze frame
>"Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here."
>"Well, it's a long story. Let's take it back to the start."
>footage rewinds through the entire game like a VHS tape
>cuts to a fetus and the big bang
>"Uh, not that far, fast forward, fast forward"

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y i k e s


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>normies are creaming their pants for how amazing this trailer is

Nobody is. I'm seeing absolutely zero hype for this game, which I suppose is about adequate
>make sequel nobody asked for to a forgettable game

>thought your were just memeing
>it's actually true

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>tfw 50 year old men working in marketing read ironic meme greentexts and think they are what the kids honestly want

Game looks great though

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I've seen some gameplay and it looks decent.

read the fucking comments

It's the same deal as Sunset Overdrive and Watch Dogs 2, where the writing is just "DUDE QUIRKY FOURTH WALL BREAKS AND POP CULTURE REFERENCES AREN'T WE SO AWESOME".

Must be great so long as you turn dialogue down to zero and just put on podcasts instead.

dude looks like Alex Hogh

I wonder if some devs just look at things like Neptunia or No More Heroes and say, hey if weebs love it other people will too.

Unfortunately, this.

holy fucking shit, i thought you were kidding

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All those yt comments swallowing this shit whole.

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Most normie reaction to Rage 2 I've seen has been "there was a Rage 1?"

Hey guys, normie here. This trailer was pretty funny haha. Think I'm gonna pre-order the game now.

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I iunironically love this trailer and I am literally posting out it on reddit right now.

deal with it fags.

This is unironically the best thing since the latest doom and quake champions. I don't have very broad taste in video games, but shooters like this really do it for me. Heres to good hitboxes, high framerates and no faggy quicktime events.

Go back to red*it, fag.

have sex incel

It does a great job of showing off the game though

A lot of interesting gameplay with a lot of cringe R3ddit humor


Serious question. Do you guys think this will be worth full price as is? I know Id and Bethesda are behind this but something about this game screams indie 30 dollar title.

The lack of any co op already makes replayability limited especially since I doubt there will be much role playing in this game.

Just pirate it, that's what it's worth.

Just watch the media praise those gay black guys as being super progressive but will continue to shit on other games that do the same stereotype