There is absolutely nothing wrong with injecting one’s own personal beliefs into a work of art. People have made paintings glorifying or demonizing war, is that not political?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with injecting one’s own personal beliefs into a work of art...
Fuck off liberal snowflake
LOL EVERYTHING IS POLITICAL might be the worse fucking meme in contemporary thought.
There's nothing wrong with political themes, there's everything wrong with being a preachy faggot trying to teach the player a """lesson""". I don't trust any of these anime-haired brainlets to know the difference or even be able to make something which is actually good even if they know the difference.
Also, you're a faggot and need to go back to your Stalinist tranny board.
People want fun, not to be reminded of how bad the world is.
Video games aren't art, they're a product. And as a product you may choose to support or not support it as you see fit for any reason. If you force a political stance on said product you are choosing a side and foregoing another, breaking rule 1 of business and not maximizing profits.
There's a difference between art having political assertions just because it's from the worldview of the artist versus being created to be a vehicle for the artist's political beliefs.
>everything should be done for profits
Fuck off kike
Yes, all art is political. Having said that, fuck trannies, fuck faggots, fuck commies, fuck kikes, fuck women and fuck niggers.
There's this thing called subtlety that these people don't seem to have a grasp on
And fuck nazis too
>FFVII - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Tales of Vesperia - pro-environmentalism, anti wealthy elite
>SMT Strange Journey - pro-environmentalism
>SMT in general - anti-organized religion
>FFVI - pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization
>FFX - anti-organized religion
>MGQ - intolerance is caused by organized religion
>Tales of Symphonia - anti-racism
>Tales series in general - anti-discrimination
>Sonic the Hedgehog in general - anti-industrialism/pro-environment (save the animals from the evil machines)
>BOF II - anti-organized religion
>Grandia II - anti-organized religion
>FFT - anti-organized religion
>Valkyria Chronicles - anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism
>Spec Ops - anti-American interventionism/exceptionalism, anti-war
>Mass Effect -pro- (genetic)diversity
>Fallout -anti-American jingoism/ultranationalism, anti-nuke
>Fallout 2 -explicitly anti-Scientology, anti-American jingoism
>Oddworld in general -anti-corporation, anti-industrialization, pro-environment
>Doom - anti-corporation
>Ratchet and Clank - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Mind Forever Voyaging - anti-Reagan
>Bioshock - libertarianism and Randian utopianism ultimately fails and turns into a dystopia
>Halo (in general) - basically an allegory for post 9-11 fundamentalism
>MGS1 - your genes don't actually matter/define you
>VtMB - anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-elite
>Lunar Eternal Blue: anti-organized religion
>Assassin's Creed (in general): anti-organized religion (Templars are evil), religion is also a lie
>Arc the Lad- anti-organized religion
>Bayonetta- anti-religion (specifically anti-Christianity)
>GTA (in general) - le both sides are bad, leftists are le feel-good anarchist and right wingers are le greedy fascists
>SMTIV - individualism bad, collectivism good
>RDR - pro-feminism, anti-racism
>Killer7 - pro-cultural diversity, anti-ultranationalism
>Fire Emblem - anti-ultranationalism
>MOTHER 3 - pro-environment, anti-industrialization
games are not art,checkmate normalfag
It’s important that games and works of art contain political themes so people can recognize their privilege and understand how to be an ally to oppressed communities.
>Bonnie (((Ruberg)))
All art that seeks to undermine or destroy traditional white society needs to be wiped out
die in a fire illuminati scum.
Video games are commercial art.
You realize most art in history was commissioned by benefactors, right?
Traditional white society is worthless and has created no worthwhile works of art.
I'd say you were right, except now it is arguably profitable to have a controversial product (at least in terms of marketing)
There's a difference between trying to persuade someone to your ideological position and shoving it down people's throat. The latter is how most devs go with it because persuasion and writing are actual skills which they lack.
Paintings do not expect you to keep staring at them for hours or to pay 60 dollars for it.
I wouldn't be against political messages if they were done tastefully, but most of them grab you by the shoulders screeching their message loudly.
>has created no worthwhile works of art
Your life is a joke
Museums do cost to access though
Mozart was black.