All trailers have playstation logo

>all trailers have playstation logo
>last trailer was revealed during the "Playstation State of Play"


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ITT: user doesn’t know what timed exclusive is

Who cares? FFVII always sucked.

This, probably one of the worst games I've ever played.

Who gives a shit? Is your life so devoid of purpose that gloating about games you get to play (but don't enjoy anymore) is your hobby?

Literally nobody thinks its coming to anything else you dumb fuck

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Who cares you corporate cocksucker

I love the original but the new one like like trash. I hate the Kingdom Hearts / FFXV combat system.

Final Fantasy was never good, literally baby's first JRPG series.

Play something better like Dragon Quest or the Mana series at least

Someone explain the appeal of falseflagging for me.

(You)? This just seems lazy

nintenlets are seething

Who cares?
Most games nowadays you can get anywhere. Only system that has exclusives as main incentive to buy it is the Nintendo Switch.

I booted it up back in 97 and immediately started cringing as soon as the intro started playing. I played through the whole game, just piss easy as fuck, just about every single line of dialogue in the game had me shaking my head saying, "God, seriously?" Just a complete slog the entire way through. I beat it in about 2 days and 100%ed it in 4. I just put the controller down after that and put my head in my hands and was like "This is seriously what impresses people?" And this was 22 years ago.

So does Destiny and Destiny 2. Sony is paid for these ads.

>not turn based

why play it

You took the time to type that.

Well done youre actually autistic

Find me one point in any trailer that states it's "Only On Playstation." Sony plasters that shit prominently if it were.

reminds me of something.

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Has it ever occured to you that ALL jrpgs are baby games? Every single one I've played has been easy. Not saying there's anything wrong with it if that's your thing, but I just find the elitism amongst jrpg players hilarious

>Still being hyped for a FF game after Boy Band Fantasy
>Being smug about having an exclusive FF game post XV
The power of Snoy

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Square is not owned by playstation. Final is not exclusive to any console except in the case of PC which is the only way to play FFXI.

Fun fact: Square got a lot of funding from Sony to make them change their mind about making FFVII, the original FFVII, on the Playstation 1 instead of the Nintendo 64.

Another fun fact: When The Spirits Within bombed hard on theaters, Sony bailed them out. It wouldn't be a surprise if Sony has a hand in making this remake possible.

It probably is a PS exclusive. My Switch can't run it for sure, so I'd get it for PS4 even if both, but Switch seems unlikely. XBox has like 3 fans left, and PC is nothing but thieves. My Switch is for awesome exclusives or games more suited for mobile/casual play, PS4 is for huge/graphically intense games. Love both.

Both of those are abject lies. Square went with PlayStation because N64 cartridge sizes were poor and CDs were cheap to produce.

And Square almost went bankrupt but right around the corner was fucking FFX. Sony wishes they could've bought out Square.

I never played the original because I hadn't played the previous Final Fantasies. Shit naming scheme that cost many sales. Tried 13 in 2014 when I cut my finger and couldn't FPS so wanted to play a comfy jarpig. I enjoyed it :-)

why are you so mad about these posters? cope?

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Gonna go ahead and save a bunch of these posts for posterity.

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>shit naming scheme that cost many sales
It would take like 2 minutes of research even back then to see that they aren't directly connected. Lazy and retarded.

There was the Saturn as well, the other CD based console system, but Sony promised them continued support, in fact they invested $100,000,000 alone on marketing FFVII on the PSX. And yeah FFX was a big hit, but they probably wouldn't have reach completion without Sony's fundraiser. They had to sell Square Hawaii HQ just to get more funds.