Anyone feels like losing interest in vidya as age?

Anyone feels like losing interest in vidya as age?

I still think they're great, but I just see the same mechanics and tropes over and over, just in different settings. Feels like a waste of time and doing even simple things would be a better investment, like exercising, learning some program, doing artwork, or even just cooking and sleeping.

It's like I can finally see through all the pretty graphics and recognize the formula behind it. I also think people who obsess over them are poor, miserable souls.

Attached: 2730272-miyamoto.jpg (822x651, 89K)

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I'm getting tired of seeing this thread every fucking day.

Are you only playing mainstream games ?


I was losing interest hard before Smash Ultimate came out but that game finally hyped me for a release again

Then even that came out as an unpolished, unfinished mess and I've lost all faith

Attached: IMG_20190509_105627.jpg (372x372, 28K)

Which non-mainstream games are you referring to that are more innovative?

>before Smash Ultimate came out but that game finally hyped me for a release again
Sounds like nostalgia induced expectations. Those rarely go well.

If you like management games, you can find any type on indie games.

>Anyone feels like losing interest in vidya as age?
yes, i'm 26 and it's getting to the point where i want to start making them instead. finding the time to do it after i get off work is pretty difficult though

what's unfinished and unpolished about Smash Ultimate? nothing. the problem is that you played it already

Yeah I don't give a shit about games anymore. Just browse Yea Forums out of old habit and boredom. Haven't played a game since Sekiro.

No, I still love video games. The problem is they don't make the kind of games I want that often so I spend most of my time playing old games while I wait for new ones that do interest me.

Practically the whole majority of AAA games that are given huge budgets and marketing have 0 appeal to me, because I know you'll just play them for a week or two and then completely forget about it.

Why not join a studio then and become a game dev?

>I don't give a shit about games anymore. Just browse Yea Forums out of old habit and boredom
This applies to 50% of the user base on Yea Forums
>Haven't played a game since Sekiro
Because that is such a long time, right?


1. Nintendo online lol
2. World of Light was laughably bad and unfun, worst single player content I've played in years
3. When your pro matches are mostly throw Pikmin or grenades and roll away there's a serious balance problem

Yeah, definitely drank the nostalgia coolaid on this one. More than anything was hoping for more out of single player content. Like 3 cutscenes total and no platforming sections really killed it for me

No, I'm 35 and I still love them. Sure, sometimes I lose interest and focus in other things, but video games will always be there for me.

How legendary is it games now with 9-digit budgets are more forgettable than Tetris lmfao

yeah i was also 17 once

Rate my game taste

>Why not join a studio then and become a game dev?
how old are you

I think it's probably the opposite for people who grew up with games around this coming of age too. They probably think AAA games are the real classics and will look back fondly at them years later.

Or maybe they really are shit and they'll realize that too.

it's because you're clinging on to games made for children (nintendo)

Humans have a strong tendency to think of their childhood as something sacred and great. There are zoomers today who nostalgia about angry birds and fruit ninja.

>join a studio
its not a fucking gym dude you have to apply

Really!? OMFG I never thought about that. You are right! Thank you so much for enlightening me!!!!1!

Nevermind what I said. You are obviously too mentally inept to work in any reputable company.