Damn kojimba.......
Damn kojimba
>lonely despair game creation
This guy just goes to restaurants with celebrities
It feels like he's too busy building a persona that he forgets to make games at all.
so what exactly is Death Stranding? a dating sim?
>tfw a celebrity was too busy to fly with me to South America just to have brunch and fly back
so depressed and suicidal someone please tell me I'm special
Kojima needs to go back
this tweet is pathetic on so many levels
Shaun Tan is a 10/10 artist though.
He's so detached from reality that I genuinely want to kill him.
He has a fucking wife and most likely atleast one child. He is so full of himself.
His child is the reason Snake is in Brawl, dumbo.
Oops, more than one child.
>I'm the Cicada
So he lives in darkness most his life, only to mate once every 5-10 years? No wonder he's so depressed.
Just because you are with others does not mean you are not alone.
Yes it fucking does. It's quite literally what it means.
Pokémon Go clone
No it's because he makes a lot of annoying noise in and around Japan with nothing to show for it.
wait a second, are you telling me we live in a society?
Stop talking bullshit.
Also he isn't doing the game completely by himself.
Pretty ignorant and egocentric by him.
just because Yea Forums stalking the guy account and cherry picking images to shitpost doesn't mean it's true
>Kojima breaths
>Yea Forums seething for days
MGSV being garbage is one of the greatest things to have ever happened in gaming.
>Also he isn't doing the game completely by himself.
In fact, he's barely doing anything because he's a game director, he simply tells other people what to do.
And yet everytime he posts about doing other stuff, you sperg out and say
Maybe because he doesn't have to?
His team is the one who makes it, one person can't do shit in a modern Triple A's development, this isn't the 90s.
Yes, and he is talking like he is doing everything.
He got some serious ego problems
>realises he's a bugman
woah they're becoming self aware
>He got some serious ego problems
So what?
Who gives a fuck?
He's supposed to ensure a game gets made, he's not here to be your friend.
since when he claimed that he wrote every codes or designed all the 3D models you autist?
>my lonely despair game creation
>Everyone asks is Kojima insane but never is Kojima alright
well he's the director?
it's the same case if movie director said he's making a movie, not playing the roles and raping the tapes himself
Yea Forums is full of millennials, and millennial "men" are pretty much women, which is why they don't actually care about videogames and just want to gossip about celebrities endlessly, specifically those who talk about MGS and Kojima.
I have no idea why mods haven't banned all MGS, Kojima or Death Stranding discussion, these threads are what remains of the MGS fanbase, by far, the most cancerous one to have ever existed in Yea Forums
Why not take the chance to finish it off?
The /vg/ MGS general died a long time, these are the last MGS retards left in Yea Forums, it's time to push them out forever.
>what remains of the MGS fanbase, by far, the most cancerous one to have ever existed in Yea Forums
>It's another episode of Yea Forums has no clue how games are made
Someone dump cicada
He'll always have Hideo.
>Go to a restaurant with a celebrity
>Suddenly incapable of feeling loneliness or despair
cicadas gets more shit done than he ever did in 7 years.
DSP was right, Kojima is a fucking hack
where is hideo?
A hack that's made three games that are consistently included in the Top 50 GOAT games, transformed the entire horror video game genre with a single tech demo and is idolized by actual legends in the industry who know what they're talking about.
The MGS trilogy he didn't produce himself
Policenauts he didn't produce himself
I think Snatcher is the one game he actually did all the work on that turned out good, everything else he did himself was pretty much shit
do you even know what the job of a director is?
>those rainbows
Is he getting closer to coming out?
It's not to post pictures of your fucking burgers on Twitter and then forgetting to release gameplay trailers of your game for the last 5 years
Yeah, for food and drinks, Keifer Sutherland didn't go back with him to Konami HQ and help him work 8 hours a day on perfecting the Fox Engine or writing MGSV...
just closer to stringing an actual leprechaun into his shlocky writing
They don't help him develop games
His kid even hates the kind of games Hideo makes
>what is cultural context
The other people work under him, he's talking about affinity and connection
Sure he orders a guy what to do in order to complete the game, that doesn't mean necessarily that his employees share his passion, exciment, vision, etc. People tell Kojima he's crazy and that his games are weird all the time, hence he experiences loneliness
Shaun Tan went to my primary school. He came back and helped us do one of those hand print trees for the school mural after he got famous.
Someone wake me up when this HACK gets thrown into jail
Kojima the lonely artist
The despair of making games
The total bullshit of this guy
>I am the CICADA
So like the Cicada, he hibernates, does nothing for years, and then at the worst possible time he comes out to make a lot of noise, and get in everyone's way making a nuisance of himself? Yes Kojima is the CICADA.
I have to wonder whenever I see kojima doing all this extravagant shit on twitter 24/7 where the fuck the sony death stranding money is actually going towards
Does Kojima really think he suffers from cubicle syndrome? I normally jive with is weird cryptic talk but this seems genuinely stupid.
why is the idea of a public figure feeling lonely so impossible to you guys?
Im sure Sony is wondering that too
I'm so ronery with my mirrions of dorrars
I mean the company that he worksfor is named after him for Christ's sake how the fuck is he the Cicada
Public figure?
Wtf? He is a game designer not Lady Di
Meanwhile the guy who made Donkey Kong, Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, F-Zero, Pikmin and so many other games
ok great. Why is the idea of him feeling lonely so impossible to you guys?
>my poor, starving nintendo overlords need more money, fucking kojima!
You really think burgers are putting a dent into a $100 million dollar game's budget?
I don't play ports mate, I've got my N64 hooked up playing games that were ported to Xbox
forever virgin, huh.
So is he making a game or what?
N64 was the last good Nintendo system
Everything after the 90's is zoomer shit
Paper Mario 64 > the thousand years of backtracking
Mario 64 > Mario shit shine
Ocarina of Time > fart Waker
Stay mad zoomer
it's not only that but the life sized statues of norman reedus and Ludens and all this other shit, the flights , fancy restaurants etc.
a million a year is nothing to complain about lol
true, but this doesnt changes the fact that all nintendofags are pathetic cucks or fat virgins.
How is there any link between n64 and virginity
My most played console is PS1
Pretty sure he and his wife would be divorced if it wasn't a shameful thing to do in Japan.
Reminder that Konami only went pachinko and killed multiple series to finance Kekjima's productions, only for the budget to be spend in flights to america for mcdonalds.
Yeah, looks like he's actually going to manage to make a AAA title in less than three years while building a development studio from the ground up. They're creating an original IP and working on an engine they have no experience with. Let's compare that to Square Enix who have at least three games that took 10 years to develop made by veteran team leads working with an unlimited budget and manpower.
Snatcher was basically plagiarism from blade runner