Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games, there is nothing worse than having your amazing duel cut short by some "HEHE NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID" bownigger who can't play a regular class to get kills so he has to sit at the back of the map with a bow, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, like can you IMAGINE the kind of person who purchases and downloads a first person medieval combat game and decides to play as a bownigger? What's the thought process? How is it fun to stand in one place the entire match just holding and releasing M1? and ruining the game for everyone else while they're at it? Bowniggers were always one of the most hated parts of Chivalry and they're back in full force in Mordhau, the devs learned nothing about the hatred people harbor for bowniggers and the people who play bowniggers learned nothing about playing a proper fucking class. They are the absolute worst part of the game, nobody enjoys playing against them, nobody says "OH WOW I GOT OUTSKILLED SO HARD WHEN THAT BOWNIGGER SHOT ME IN THE BACK", and no decent fucking person enjoys playing a bownigger. They're always low level shitters because they can't learn how to play the game properly. It's a fucking wheelchair class so shitters can get kills and pretend they're good at the game with their artificially inflated KD/R. It's always bittersweet when you finally track down the bownigger who's sniped you across the map 5 times in a row only to discover he can't parry even 1 of your melee attacks because he's a complete shitter. But instead of trying to learn the game he keeps playing his wheelchair class and some of them even enjoy how much it ruins the game because all bowniggers are both retarded and sadistic. I hope all bowniggers die of rectal
Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games...
Other urls found in this thread:
firepot chuckers in 64 man servers and spear/rapier pokespammers are lamer than bowmen, i dont find bows that useful in general in this game.
can i use a longbow and a greatsword or are there limitations? i really want to get this game
Rapier spammer here- both you and bowniggers are small time. You'll find me at the top of the scoreboard, later nerds.
Counterpoint: Charging at Bowfags and parrying their arrows feels amazing.
No one else will try to flee.
You get a certain number of points to spend on your build. If you went for what you're suggesting you probably couldn't afford any armour
If I want to be a piece of shit scummy asshole I use a shield and short spear?
Short spear or rapier?
Fuck shieldniggers.
You can always pick up other players weapons after they die, and the longsword is popular. My guess would be to just equip you bow+ armor and grab smthg on the battlefield later.
Yes, its a guarantee free kills againt noobs and the like, you can also be a piece of shit scummy asshole with bear traps or by choking up points with an engi.
>you have be a master at the game with +500 hours to beat a simple shield+spear/rapier combo
garbage game
>smack a shield 5 times with a giant hammer
>shield takes no damage
Rapiers and spears aren't even a problem, it's the fucking shields with their invisible wall bullshit.
lmao they can ONLY poke, just chamber and counterpoke
>It takes 5+ people to gangbang and kill a single shield kniggers
Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games, there is nothing worse than having your amazing duel cut short by some "HEHE NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID" bownigger who can't play a regular class to get kills so he has to sit at the back of the map with a bow, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, like can you IMAGINE the kind of person who purchases and downloads a first person medieval combat game and decides to play as a bownigger? What's the thought process? How is it fun to stand in one place the entire match just holding and releasing M1? and ruining the game for everyone else while they're at it? Bowniggers were always one of the most hated parts of Chivalry and they're back in full force in Mordhau, the devs learned nothing about the hatred people harbor for bowniggers and the people who play bowniggers learned nothing about playing a proper fucking class. They are the absolute worst part of the game, nobody enjoys playing against them, nobody says "OH WOW I GOT OUTSKILLED SO HARD WHEN THAT BOWNIGGER SHOT ME IN THE BACK", and no decent fucking person enjoys playing a bownigger. They're always low level shitters because they can't learn how to play the game properly. It's a fucking wheelchair class so shitters can get kills and pretend they're good at the game with their artificially inflated KD/R. It's always bittersweet when you finally track down the bownigger who's sniped you across the map 5 times in a row only to discover he can't parry even 1 of your melee attacks because he's a complete shitter. But instead of trying to learn the game he keeps playing his wheelchair class and some of them even enjoy how much it ruins the game because all bowniggers are both retarded and sadistic. I hope all bowniggers die of rectal
doesn't work, they can easily block it
and can;'t even morph into swing because most of them who use that combo are too fucking retarded to even know what the fuck is going on and will just relentlessly poke and block and you can't do anything about it because they're always faster
>mfw someone unironically paid 10k for this piece of shit game on kickstarter
I can't actually believe you Yea Forumseditors
Are you the same spastics who get rolled by metashitter morons on souls games, have you ever actually played mount and blade
Shut the fuck up you spastic, go look at some naked stick wielding nonce take on 6v1s, this game is player skill based and you need to shut the fuck up, git fucking gud or fuck the fuck off
Just stab around them, most shield players are garbage and fail to block these attacks, or you can jump and stab over the shield.
If they're really bad (just holding block all the time and not moving much) you can just kick them.
>Just stab around them
Not him, but I've had more than a few instances where my attacks are blocked by the shield despite my weapon being nowhere near it.
Those hitboxes need some tweaking.
so this is the average 12 year old playing these games lmAO
so this is the average 8 year old too retarded to play the game lmAO
>just stab around them bro
love it how with a weapon you're basically forced to block in the path of the sword but for the shield that's somehow not the case, truly the peak of game design
go back to your souls threads kid
>play bownigger for a change of pace
>keep oneshotting a geralt larper in the face
>he starts raging in the chat
Go back to your playpen spasmo joe
You sound like you're fucking french.
stay small son. if you think you need 500+ hours to beat a shieldnigger then you're fucking retarded.
99% of the time, a rapier/spear nigger will just stab, so you can continuously chamber morph them. and most spear/rapier niggers are noobs, so you can also just jumpstab over their shield. get good or gtfo.
the fuck is a chamber morph, i thought this was a sword and axes game, not final fantasy.
this post right here is proof of how fucking bad you are at the game. your ignorance reveals itself, retard.
play the game retard. a chamber is blocking an attack by mirroring the attack angle and timing perfectly, which follows up with an immediate counter attack. a morph is when you switch from a stab to a strike or vice versa. combine the two and noobs + shieldniggers fall for it every time.
>Just stab around them
got a video of this?
How accurate is this man with only 1 eye?
after you chamber the rapier, it recovers fast enough for them to chamber your stab back, if you morph to a swing then you have delayed your stab and their stab will hit you before your swing hits them
do you understand the problem?
Post mercs instead of bitching
>spear/rapier niggers are noobs
I met a player yeserday who had a kiteshield/spear and literally did NOTHING but stabbing, he fell for the chamber morph every single time
anyone parroting the JuST CHambER MOrph has obviously never fucking tried it.
their recovery and stab animation is quicker than morphing into another stab or a strike.
best you can get is one hit and by that time the faggots friends have showed up or yours have showed up and the 1v1 is irrelevant
first of all
fucking this, finally someone gets it
I'm tired of all these fucking retards repeating the same god damn thing when they haven't even encountered, literal children in these threads and this god forsaken genre in general
embarrassing post
What's the Yea Forumserdict on the poleaxe? I feel like I"m using a shitty maul, shitty executioner's sword or shitty spear without any benefits other than looking cool
it's a versatile all-rounder. 2 hit kill on a lvl 3 helmet with the stab and hammer head, can use axe side for multiple opponents or light armor.
of course it's not gonna do as much cutting as the executioner or as much blunt as the maul, it's for versatility. While it can't 1 hit all heads like the maul or poke from far away like the spear, it has a good, fast stab, alright chopping, and good blunt damage.
alright, I concede that point. but i still am able to consistently beat rapier or rapier + shield. the reach advantage of a two handed weapon and the better stamina management means footwork and wearing down their stamina works well to kill them.
Thanks for reminding me to play as a recurve chad today, user.
and the point is that it's overpowered if you pretend both players are around the same skill level
Why do you people hate us bow masters (or as you like to call us: "bowniggers") so much?
You know how much hate messages I get for adapting and literary evolving warfare? Yes, evolving. Projectile weapons are the the way of the future, you fucking Neanderthals.
Has anyone ran into a group like this yet?
>4-6 people
>one or two enginners the rest archers
>camp up in a spot that is accessible by either only a ladder or a cramped staircase
>spam ez, u mad, it's just a game lol and equivalents
>near synchronized responses if you mention them in any way
I've had several encounters with "people" like this and I can't tell if they're bots or in some shitty group focused entirely on being cancer.
Kites are bugged right now but other shields can be stabbed around.
But perspective is wonky, turn on weapon tracers if you're having trouble and go into a lobby with pals on an empty server to test it.
In the Mordhau rapier community we have a saying: "Longswords? No, I'm going to 'rapier.'"
im in one of those groups.
me and this group troll epic style.
you bitches get mad as hell.
and hey it works
Are you trying to falseflag to get these threads banned? Because that is what's gonna happen.
1. Ripostes cannot be interrupted. You can eat a rapier stab to connect a strike of your own if they don't parry.
2. Rapiers have poor stamina management compared to larger weapons as long as you don't miss.
3. You can riposte kicks.
4. Sidestepping to cause them to miss will heavily drain their stamina.
>500 hours to learn how to kick + stab
>500 hours to chamber their predictable stab and morph into side swing
85 African IQ at its finest
What is the optimal group setup?
I have a couple buddies playing, I think our squad could be more efficient
ah another brainlet parroting the muh stab into swing morph, welcome, I'm glad you haven't bothered to read the rest of the thread before shitposting
I've been playing since the beta and I can take on a average of 6 people solo.
Squads are for cowards and only hold you back.
Did you know you can just jump and stab over somebody's shield
nerf fucking when. also chambers are completely trash and do nothing since they are easily blocked.
Haven’t encountered those guys but I’ve encountered groups of 2-3 on skirmish who are 9gag levels of “lol look guys we’re memeing so hard right now haha PICKLE RIIIIICK” and they just find some cheese spot at the top of a ladder, build all around it and spam emotes, forcing everyone to wait out the timer every match until their team finally vote kicked them.
Make a 3 firebomb class with wrecker, toss them at those fags
I can't believe it took me 500 hours to learn it
>mediocre lvl 32 with rapier/shield/dodge/throwing knives on duel server
>keeps spamming dodge after every strike, even if he could just block or move out of the riposte
>throws everything at me, still manages to lose
>won't fight me again and keeps running off to find easier kills
>check steam profile
>he's from sweden
>ahhhurrrrr I am so funny and clever haha kite shields totally aren't broken
Ripostes cannot be interrupted you faggot. Git gud.
Fought along a squad of Templar looking clan yesterday, apart from decent skill they had 2 long sword men with medic bags, 1 crossbow man, and 2 shield/spear goys, just the act of coordinating well with a group will give you and advantage in frontline
Sounds like you just haven't played for the requisite 500 hours
Git gud
It took me 500 hours to understand your post
We need more maps. And more customization options. And more weapon skins.
>just git gud, it doesn't matter how broken some weapons are
faggot please stop posting. no one here is claiming rapier-users are unbeatable.
the problem is rapiers are way too good. a fucking scroll-wheel nets way too easy kills for 0 thought or talent.
trying to argue otherwise proves that you are a wannable elitist that shouldn't be talking about balance at all
what we need are mod tools
Two(?) new maps are coming as well as new weapons and cosmetics.
see also if you took your own advice instead of regurgitating what you read, you'd know that chamber morphs put you at an extreme stamina disadvantage and that they are far from a guaranteed hit. they can literally just block it or attack you out of it. stop repeating this dumb shit that doesn't work as a defense for rapiers and shields
I didn't read past the first part of your post because you called me a rude, homophobic slur.
Grow up.
i cant wait for females to be added to the game!
Begone, peasant.
your loss nigger Yea Forumsedditor
Fuck off tranny
Why the fuck are you retards not accelling the strike from your chamber morph?
because you need 500 hours in the game to even learn about it, since the tutorial doesn't cover it
TS-KOs are for rape
Otokonokos are for tender love
I won't need 500 hours to punch you in the face, faggot
no, just no. accelling doesn't make your weapon that much faster and even then you won't match the speed of a rapier. it will just hitstun you or block your attack.
stop defending rapierfags
>play on duel server
>join a little late, top player has 4 kills already, hasn’t lost a duel yet, level 30, rapier, dodge, second wind, dew other perks
>no helmet
>spamming emotes
>says “gg ez” when he wins a duel
>faces me
>chamber his poke, morph to side swing
>obliterate his head
>gg ez
>comes back again
>alt grip my eveningstar
>just get in his face spamming the stab feint to stab
>gg ez
>avoids me the rest of the game
Cool blog post
We use rapiers because we rape ya
I'm married you spiteful little tranny
nigger nigger nigger faggot cunt kike chink
>use spear
>dab on rapier fags
Married to involuntary celibacy, you incel
stay mad. last (you) for the manchild
Spears are good but you look like a fag
No! I NEED my daily supply of Yous.
OP has a point, if you play archer the you must be an asshole. You like having ranged when no one else can shoot back, and you like firing into people when they’re distracted by real fighting for an easier time. Its dependent on needing handicaps on other people, but you probably feel cool when you do it. It’s not a mystery why people hate you.
shield niggers are a blight
why has the community focused on rapiers and spears as the op weapons? there's plenty of weapons that are as good.
basically every polearm, the strong 2h swords, battle axe, falchion, mace, etc
the only real problem with equipment is shields, and that's just because they can slow everything down so much.
learn how to kick
>6 people solo
i'm the game developer and i can solo the entire rest of the 63 players all on horseback + the entirety of the horde using only fists, with no armor and no perks
How do I feint and morph?
I can't deal with rapierfags the bullying has to stop
Stay mad and dead, fool.
kick is garbage, you have a better chance of reaching them with your dick than your fucking foot
don't feel bad; you can't break his guard even with 3 people hitting his shield. reworks are coming I believe
lol dumbass
>jabs you for a free punish
If I hit it enough, it will break!!
Not once do you actually try to get around his shield
teabagged lmao
They're not OP, they're easy for noobs to play with. You don't see many actual good players using rapier.
obtain proficiency
yeah just activate stealth and rogue backstab him. gg EZ
Look, I don't appreciate the obvious sarcasm.
It took me 500 hours to get to the skill level that I'm currently at.
It's just about muscle memory and protein shakes.
Yesterday, I took on 11 people solo and won through luck and skill.
more like if you hit enough you SHOULD be able to break down his fucking stamina but apparently not, there was obviously no way to properly get around him where he was at anyway
unless you mean 11 separate 1v1 /1v2 i don't believe you
>pretending that kicks are effective against shields
It is you that requires training, Mi'Lord.
When faced with a opponent carrying a shield, you need to be aggressive and keep hitting his shield.
Once you died from being retarded, I'll teabag your faggot corpse.
You don't have to believe me, but that's the objective truth of the matter.
I was surrounded by 11 people and won. Maybe they were just beginners, I don't know. But it happened.
>your face right now
>When faced with a opponent carrying a shield, you need to be aggressive and keep hitting his shield.
why did you say he should stop attacking his shield and then say he should?
also you need to know about them recovery windows my nigerian. bouncing off a shield puts you in a recovery window that's slower than a counterattack
>tfw grindan to level 30 so I can get the fancy hat and complete my Greatsword cosplay
the nation calls
soon brother
How the fuck do you niggers get any hits in the falls that spam stab? Unless they miss they will always chamber your chamber or interrupt your attack, the bastard, rapier sspear are too damn fast. The only reliable way I've found is to footwork all around them mixing side attacks, feet pokes and jumping overheads. Shit takes all my Stam and if I miss a single one I'm fucking dead. It's so annoying.
I feel like the greatsword is misnamed. It's not great, it's okay.
It takes forever to drop their shield, if you want it to take less than 20 seconds you have to fight them like a spastic mixing every single angle and attack direction with complete disregard for your own safety, that shit is infuriating. Most weapons only do like 6 points of Stam damage to a heater, it's ridiculous.
the best thing about larping faggots is they have no head armour so its easy to smash their dumb faces in
Play the tutorial
>How the fuck do you niggers get any hits in the falls that spam stab?
they don't unless they are playing against a retard that literally stands still without attacking or blocking
>just get better at the game sweetie, there's no problem here :^)
Scroll up - scroll down
Easiest morph in the game
The only thing I love more than the salty tears you cry in allchat is when you finally close the distance to me and I kill you with my Longsword anyway.
queue a different attack immediately after the first
press "Q" nigga
good luck in dealing with a broken weapon
That thing had like 12 steam damage reduction so you'll have to hit him about 20 times if you want the shield to drop. Not to mention the kike shield protects feet and flanks, shits broken.
>tfw way too slow to chamber anything or block without a shield
Where my sword n' board kniggas at?
>implying I'm gonna read all that shit
On a fucking cross I'd hope.
What's that fucking colour scheme?
I'll tell you that colour scheme - it's the result of someone with poor tastes.
>join server with some faggot named bobby B cosplaying with a maul topping the board
>club him in the back of the head with my mace a few times
>next time I see him he beelines straight for me while I'm fending off two other guys in his spawn
>walks right over my beartrap
>no leg armor
Mad 'cause bad. I use SnS in most games but man the salt it gets in Mordhau is icing on the cake.
fucking lmao are you for real ? the kite shield is like 20% more shield then it actually looks like it is, if the dude has two braincells you will never hit him.
Building fortifications and spikes, all day erry day.
imagine carrying a child in your body for 9 months and they grow up to be a bownigger
imagine quoting a post from the reddit sub
Real talk if shield faggots are going to stay the way they are you should be able to hold Block with ANY weapon for big stamina loss.
Almost like Sekiro, were you can block but it eats posture. You're better off parrying attacks when you can but if you're getting overwhelmed by two people you don't have to flawlessly parry.
On the other hand it seems like some weapons parry fast as shit anyway so idk.. I feel like we don't lose enough stamina and it's really easy to fuck up a parry and eat shit. Hold M2 could basically be like bracing for attacks so even if you do get "hit" you were ready for it ?.. idk
I'm a shield knigger (sometimes) and the solution is to have some weapons do more stamina damage to shields in general. Maybe even add a destruction mechanic like in Mount and Blade. That way slower, heavier weapons like the maul and axes in general have more versatility over their more popular sword counterparts. Alternatively, just buff kicks.
>join EU duel server
>highly populated
>looking around I see these people take fashion seriously
>i comment "lol faggots"
>someone replies "Takes 1 to noe 1"
>people start saying i got "rekt," "owned" and the alike
>i respond to the first replier and say "i see your quick with words, let's see if your quick with a sword"
>we meet and I strike first with a morph
>he was caught off guard and I cut his head off with one swing
>everyone was raging and all began to charge me
>i was chambering and managed to defeat all 29 of them
>i typed "whom is the faggot now ?"
>someone responded "*who"
How about we start by fixing the shield hutboxes? I sick of stabbing them on the shoulder and feet and do no damage.
>see some random "BEGINNER FRIENDLY LOADOUTS" video in recommended list
>this is the first loadout he goes over
Should use the kite shield, its literally broken.
okay here's what you do go ahead and take the cheapest shit and go ahead and spam that and okay now you're gunna have some awful habits and be terrible with everything else but you WILL have DANK short spear kills bro SO EPIC
I like to LARP as Shaka Zulu and dominate the heart of the lobby.
Is hitting R on all weapons the same? With zwei he does a weird-ass grip and I'm wondering if it's the same shit
That sounds a like a you problem.
no it's a question you smoothbrain
I cant wait to disable it in the client
No, but there are some common ones:
>shorten grip for faster speed but less range
>swap from 1H to 2H and vice versa
>throw the fucker
I can't wait to disable males.
Pleb-looking soldiers with halberds/spears and heavy/medium armor are the patrician way.
Confirmed it wont be an option, only females and minorities are disabled client side if chosen
You can delete 1 out of these 3 from the game forever, but you're stuck with the rest for the next 2 years, without balance changes.
+ Bows
+ Shields
+ Rapier
fuck you, I delete all of them
shields, not because they are OP but because they are anti fun
Fix shields indirectly by buffing kick
>Accelling doesn't make your weapon that much faster
I don't even need to keep reading and I know you're a fucking shitter. Go practice accels in duals or some shit before you talk out of your ass.
found you op
fuck this game and fuck you spear shield rapier niggers, gonna strictly play recurve from now on, hope I give you cancer
My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do... I just fuckin' hate this game. And the rapierfags feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no lute player is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many archers as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.
>you need 500 hours to turn slightly after swinging
bannerlord never
I honestly find shields to be a worse issue, if you get 2 enemies with them and you dont have a shield yourself you are pretty much done, especially if theyre doing cheese shit like short spear or rapier in tandem with it.
Best thing to do there is run
Are fists a viable option?
nothing other than shield and spear/rapier is viable
Based but get some /fa/ user, goddamn.
Not in the slightest
>it's a someone on blue takes the ballista on grad despite the fact that they are capturing 3 points forward compared to where the ballista is located but they lose anyway but you had 2 entire sightlines denied all game because you need to walk a marathon before you can even face the guy and nobody has time for that episode
I ran out of money styling my maceman
no but they are very fun in duels proper
The good thing about shields and rapiers is that 99% of fags using them are shit and you can just bait/chamber-morph them to death. It's when there's a skilled faggot that picks them that it becomes a problem, especially in frontline when you have to fight like 3 of them at once.
In a way yes, you obviously arent ideal on the frontline of a fight but it is perfectly possible to hold your own with fists only. People get really cocky when they see you have no weapon and tend to swing wildly, leaving openings, one blow to the head lets them know shit is real.
Have Vex, runecel
How good is longsword? Can I do the classic dude in full armor with longsword build and be viable?
Personally I feel the greatsword is better in most respects but yeah, totally viable. it's the default weapon you could say
mama mia deesa spaghetti knights
greatsword is also a longsword, it just has a different name for game purposes
I only use the bow but I just do it ironically so its okay.
>high packet loss
>high packet loss
>high packet loss
>high packet loss
>high packet loss
Go fuck yourself.
Despite popular belief, Vikings never used kite shields.
who /gallowglass/ here?
I just wish you could do the mordhau grip on the greatsword as well, maybe they could add a third grip to it that you can just cycle through while pressing R
u played like shit mate
yeah but the normans did so it was the closest I could imagine
I hate the Irish because of their integrated retardation.
Slavs used kite shiels, and they're like half mongols half vikings
don't forget to attend mass tomorrow brothers
>but the normans did
That's simply outdated information. There's new evidence that suggests that the Normans didn't use shields at all.
>be bad at the game
>get teabagged
what's strange about that?
Where are my halberd kniggas at?
Yes. Longsword is a very solid weapon with pretty much no disadvantages
>Slavs used kite shiel[d]s... they're like half mongols half vikings
I believe that to be a false equivalency.
If George Clooney had a shit, would the shit be George Clooney?
(The shit being Slavs in this example)
both the Normans and the Rus' are depicted in the historical record as wielding kite shields
>try turning team colors off
>get epilepsy
I mean, it's fun, but holy shit, how do people play like this
i play for the immersion; people in real battles never wore matching uniforms.
By turning on team tags
Remind me how to chamber morph again? So far all I know is regular morphing, chambering which I assume is when you clash weapons, and doing a feint to avoid hitting a teammate or bait a block.
>playing horsenigger unironically
>playing twohandnigger unironically
>playing crusadernigger unironically
>playing archernigger unironically
>playing shieldnigger unironically
>playing rapiernigger and spearnigger unironically
Man you people are crazy
If you actually believe this you are garbage. Fucking smoothbrain 2h users.
All the You's to anyone who recognizes him. Extra You's if you get it without reading the filename.
>Waaaah Shields
>Waaaaah Spears
Silence you fucking mouthbreathers. Do you have any idea how long I've waited for a game where rapiers are fucking good? Where spears are fucking fun? Finally we have that, and you dumb niggers all want it to go away because you don't know how to handle shitters with a crutch. Metashitters who don't know how to chamber or feint and just pick what everyone else is picking just turtle behind a shield and spam stab. You can handle these fuckers easily.
Forgive me for wanting customization to matter in the most played modes
Lute is the only real option.
The problem isnt actually shields themselves its their counter is fucking shite, give the kick forward momentum and people will actually use it, all a shield user needs to do is walk backwards and they surmount their only real counter.
I have a firebomb class to deal with faggots.
>Do you have any idea how long I've waited for a game where rapiers are fucking good? Where spears are fucking fun?
you must not play many video games
Something tells me you handle shafts a lot.
>Not following r*piershield fags into a server just to votekick them
I mean, it can be harder to identify enemies but I would much rather see everyones actual armour over everyone looking the same wearing the team colors. If you had color palletes resctricted and picked colors for each team yourself it wouldnt be so bad, but it turns every color on everyone to shades of blue or red ruining everyones characters.
Sorry I can't forgive you
But red and blue are the best colors
The rapier and spear are mostly relegated to RPGs where they are just the thing in your character's hands when he executes his shitty attack animation on a stationary target. I've been waiting for a game like this where the reach of a spear or the finesse of a rapier can actually be of value in skill-based combat outside of fucking dark souls.
You stupid dickhead.
gee, sorry
>dark souls
more like "dark soles" because I'd rather step in shit than play that gay shit
Shut the fuck up and guess again.
Sure. Is he a huge fag like you?
what are some meme loadouts for F U N, I'm done tryharding while the game's still broken
How'd you know?
Just a wild guess.
I'm sorry carrying a spear and shield was literally the most common loadout for all of human history up until the dissemination of gunpowder throughout the world. Even then, what early rifles added up to was a spear that could also shoot a small metal ball every minute or so, but a lot of the time you had to use it as a spear, and you didn't have enough hands for a shield.
Spear and Shield is the meta build because it is THE meta build of the human race. Get over it.
No one cares what you like
Yes, You win. Ignore the other faggot.
This x10. It's ridiculous to not use a spear in melee.
yes they do.
then where are they?
I've recently started appreciating the waraxe combined with bloodlust. Get a good combo rythm going in a melee and you'll be rolling in the kills whilst being able to LARP as a viking so you can fap to fantazies of raping their bards boi pucci after the battle is over.
kill yourselves
>smoke bomb
Stop playing THEIR game user, there are tools to deal with this.
>archers being a pest
>noone throws a smoke at them, leaving them with their limp dick in their hand doing nothing
Please, treat it like Battlefield and less like a duel server, swap to what is needed, if some horse ass is riding around topping the scoreboard 20-0 and noone does anything about it including yourself thats like in BF games when someone gets a jet or tank and everyone keeps playing infantry fighting classes, while complaining that they are getting rekt. Also, dont underestimate the utility of the med bag, keeping the team moving forward and not having to spawn all the way back across the field waiting for hte next spawn wave is a godsend.
Honestly I see nothing wrong with spears in this game. Shields need a huge rework though, and need to be able to be destroyed is all. Lighter weapons like rapiers need to not stagger heavier armoured combatants as much.
accel harder, most weapons like longsword, messer, battle axe, can outspeed the spam
also riposte with an accelerated slash
you can also footwork the weapon
well meme'd
Stop putting hoods on plate helmets. It looks fucking awful.
deus vult nigga
>tfw 10k gold away from historically-accurate knigga armor
>mfw as a rapierfag always in top 3 on my team in frontline
>mfw as bowfag with four longbows always in top 3 in horde
The reason there's so much cosmetic shit isn't so you can feel good about playing pretty princess dress up, it's so I can recognize you. The people bitching about rapierfag scroll2win are shitters who haven't got gud yet, but when I see some dude who knows how to fight a bottom-tier rapierfag I can use all my other binds to fuck him or keep him occupied until a teammate bashes him in the back of the head with an eveningstar.
>lose mountain as fucking red because 50% of the team is hiding in the keep with bows
I’ve fucking had it
I remember when I use to be impressed by cloth physics, for some reason the game makes me think of that time.
Bind kick to a mouse button. You're welcome.
I try to join blue on that map every time if I can help it, if there is about 5 archers the game is done.
for the last fucking time
Well not many games have cloth physics on 64 paters at once. So it's pretty unique. Most games that have it are singleplayer or small multiplayer like 4honor with 8 people. having that many with it on screen at once is pretty unique. Cant think of any other game.
And that, my friend, is the essence of war.
>buying items crashes my fucking game
no it isnt, if he presses towards you it works.
Whens Bannerlord Seriously
Shieldfaggots are literally always walking backwards.
It won't work at first because what kind of fucking kick leaves you stationary and doesn't have any forward momentum what the fuck, but he will eventually bump into a wall. Then kick the shit out of him.
Just parry and keep pressing W. He'll bump into something.
If hes walking backwards he is unassailable, most people have figured this out that use shield, they arent pressing into you they are backing up.
also with something like battle axe i can kick, combo into stab, kick again, repeat until they die
>even the highest tier has massive gaps with nothing but gambeson covering it, not even mail
If they are walking backwards... then just walk backwards. Boom, problem solved. They cant kill you now.
>playing mordhau with friend
>see he's the kind of faggot who only ever uses rapier, shields and bows
>had enough of him at some point, started team killing him on purpose
>finally when he got mad enough about it i just told off his shitter ass, blocked and remove him
He's no longer my friend now, good times.
yeah kick works but the range is far too short, unless you are pressed up against someone and they dont move for the half a second it takes to wind up your kick will just wiff and you'll be an easy kill
you'll be long dead before that happens because his fag friends will show up
stop making excuses you fucking retards holy shit
then you come across someone who knows how to chamber and feint and proceed to get absolutely fucked
>bowfag on the bridge across the middle of mountain
>charge up to to the left side, kill a couple of longsword dudes along the way
>bowfag sees me step onto the bridge
>can’t run away because some engineer dropped a barricade on his right side
>takes a couple of shots
>I slap both of them away as a sprint towards him
>he frantically nocks a third arrow
>swing my longsword, his bow goes flying
>he tries to run around me
>kick him
>mfw he tumbles barehanded and bloody to his death in the swirling melee below
I got brained by spears for the rest of the match but man moments like that make the game.
summer 2027
Worthless against a rapiernigger.
I fear not the chamber, my buckler shields me.
busy diddling your mom
can confirm. doing that right now. pussy kinda loose tho
>more like "dark soles" because niggers
>not FISTS
sure gayboy
Can you replace all males with females?
standard axe is only 2 pts and it's surprisingly effective, pretty fast too
tfw 3/3/3 medical boi
how do i git gud?
If you think that's based you should see my underpants.
he thicc
your barber did a shit job, ill give you a closer shave
>when the horsefag gets stuck on a rock and swarmed by the peasantry
Hilarious every time
you should say "i will git gud"
Looks like he brings the heals but eats all the meals.
Should I just disable the Indirect Shadows option if I want better performance?
I don't think I even notice it doing anything for the graphics themselves.
I'm amazed at how well this game runs. I get almost no frame drops.
that's the power of UE
>Should I just disable the Indirect Shadows
I won't recommend doing that. Those shadow effects are dank.
Why would you want to dedank the shadows?
How fat is his dick
Where my Yea Forumsiking bros at?
Pretty fucking fat, guy.
>tfw physx crashes my game so i had to disable ragdolls
>game runs perfect until a rag doll causes the engine to freak out and die on my end
It doesnt feel the same
at least you know with him you get the good shit
fat kniggas kno wat up
what game?
*shoots you*
Textures have one of the biggest impacts I've ever seen on GPU usage. Not just VRAM. Its weird. Try dropping that instead.
>one of the graphics option put on high settings add chromatic abberationg to your screen whenever you get hit, making it harder to see anything properly anymore
Thank god I turned down my settings, I can't stand this piece of shit, it just hinders your effort to hold back enemies.
Thinking of getting this. How big are battles?
UE4 games are notorious for running like ass.
Up to 64. Its basically Battlefield with swords.
nice thanks just bought it
what's the advantage a targe has over a heater shield? It cannot hold block yet its the same cost
Sometimes its a miracle how well they run. Then two minutes later its hogging 100% GPU and turning every setting to low does nothing.
Maxipad armor is so baller
God yeah. I am sure it'll get nerfed but I am enjoying it while it lasts. Motherfucker hits harder than my halberd, and people are used to you keeping a 3 foot distance or so when fighting not running up face-hugging and screaming I will drink from your skull
>stab shield faggot from back
>he blocks it
good game
>me: *twing*
give me good meme builds right now
That helmet needs a mail aventail or coif to cover up the neck area. You need arm-sleeves.
source: trust me bro
I'm a UE4 dev, I know what I'm talking about faggot.
3/3/3 Rapier
>Me: *ting*
>You: NOOOOOOOOO, Crécy! Agincourt! Save me you stupid Knigggers! Help!
Anyone else getting crashes when trying to find a match or entering the server browser?
Is there actually any reason to use FXAA or TAA?
Both look too blurry for me, TAA eats way too much performance as well, everything looks way sharper and clearer with the AA turned off.
It's Unreal Engine's stupid streaming texture design.
It's constantly dumping it from memory if you aren't looking at it for a while (or go to loadout selection) and has to load it back in. It's why you see everything turn into a lump of dough whenever you do.
Oh, would that be the reason why I keep going down to like 45 fps in most maps anymore after like an hour of play or so?
I usually play with around ~75 fps most of the time, but I keep alt tabbing every now and then to check on threads and other stuff.
You can now grab shields while unarmed and try to rip them and the faggot who has one's arm off. Does the game get better?
Guys please give me a good heavy look (can you do a sorta hawke champion warrior armor on this?) medium look like this, this one is cool and light look.
I'm a total fashionlet
I'm a Unity programmer, sweaty niggger.
I can program Unity to the max.
Unity is not a language
Yeah, I know.
Because I developed it, retard.
Pro tip. Sometimes shit that kills you in games just kills you. Sometimes someone won't be better but because of the situation/game design will kill you. It happens also stop taking a meme game with crap combat seriously. Its just basically swing swing block/parry shit like Souls shit faggot.
I have officially become a bownigger, there's nothing better than having your team push the enemy to their base and you just swat them like flies coming out of their building
this game sucks
>slightly exposed neck
This triggers me
>be archer
>see allied knight getting swarmed
>take a couple of shots at the group
>kill the guy trying sneak up behind him and another guy in front of him
>he wins the fight and thanks me
Archers are just support sluts really
It is possible to make a character look close to this?
doesnt have too be super similar
no one tell him
Bastard sword, rapier, and short spear users deserve to be euthanized.
Those weapons are very valid.
You're just a grumpy old man.
>bastard sword
Because, I use it.
Yes, but I ain't spending the gold to unlock that faggy shit.
>tfw I do better with a short sword than any other long reach weapon
So it is possible...
well then thanks
Now that I can finally properly parry attacks when ganked and redirecting them on enemies, how the fuck do I actually kill them?
I'll parry, hit them maybe a few times but they either redirect my riposte themselves or i just suddenly get impaled by 2 or 3 cunts at the same time with the spear.
wow dude, this looks awesome, can you tell me which parts and level do I need to make this?
also do you have more?
Shut Your Fucking Mouth.
Taiga is the best map, don't @ me
Look, man.
PLEASE unlock them articles of clothing, equip it, and post it here so I can ponder if I what to spend the gold or not.
Thank you.
Enjoy getting headshotted all the time for instant death.
I only got ~10k gold and I need the plume so AxeArmor Jr can grow up big and strong.
>I need the plume so AxeArmor Jr
Dude, man, you're just be selfish here.
Please reconsider.
Thank you.
Delete Rapiers. My problem isn't with shields, it's with the weapon being used in combination with them. When's the last time you saw a nigger using a shield and arming sword, or axe, or warhammer? Never. It's only rapierfags that abuse the hitboxes and drag.
>Enter thread because I know it's a bunch of shitters complaining
>Ctrl+F webm
>See this
I love these fucking threads
i have a shield+axe viking character but i stopped using him after i found out that weapon combo is well, kind of innefective
>played chivalry some
>remember hating bowfags
>find out they made a new chivalry because of these threads
>repeatedly seeing the butthurt bows cause makes me want to join the dark side
Just holding and releasing M1 sounds very relaxing desu. If I can trigger the shit out of some tryhards with close to no effort I might consider getting this game
Am i /fa/?
it's fun, join the faggot side
That is some Bee grade fashion there, user.
You aren't triggering tryhards, just shitters who die and will say whatever weapon killed them is op.
Bows do very little dmg in this game overall and are hard to hit with cause of the projectile speed.
Never once seen a bow guy on top of the scoreboard, when bows can take multiple shots that take long to pull and even with double headshot luck will be about 5 sec kill time that isn't safe cause one hit and your done vs a 2 handed weapon being able to insta kill with 1 swing and be fast AF.
tldr bows are actually pretty bad in this game, only shitters would complain about them. Far more kills with actual weapons
goddamit carlos
Post knights
Bretty good, I don't normally like the scarf with armor but you make it work.
If I see anyone using a shield and anything but a rapier I don't fear them at all. They're not ineffective, but I know that I stand a good chance against them despite the shield they carry. But rapiers are the weapon that can out speed a parry. Hell, they can out speed a fucking chamber.
Post knights
Bretty good, I don't normally like the scarf with armor but you make it work.
Reeks of fucking
Jumped into a duel server today. It was pretty fun.
anyone telling you to chamber and morph a rapier is actually retarded because they can just mash their scroll wheel like a caveman and hit you first
thats not a knight
thats a faggot kek
based and girupilled
I'm pretty sure Vikings weren't retarded enough not to wear body armor.
Based comfy pijama knight
wtf is with that FOV? The game is first person too? This looks like complete ass how do you people play it?
so this... is the meta... woah
Well that was the case at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.
am i supposed to be impressed you beat a scroll wheel rapier caveman by being a scroll wheel spear caveman
>start posting about niggers and jews in 60 man map
>3 moaners how i shouldn't be so rude
>can't do anything about it since they're too retarded to figure out how to type ™ or ° and can't use the other way around it
How long has it been since good multiplayer game had no hurt feelings ban
Take it all in.
Otherwise I'll rape you.
nope, that was just to prove you can beat it them if you break your scroll wheel faster than them
>go blue
>go red
>go opposite team on same map
based and redpilled
>not close-gripping your spear
Died like a retard.
Either shields need to cover only their surface area, thus requiring aim, and take a plus or minus cost depending on how big the shield is, or we need a perk to kick away shields.
I was rollin' w/ 3 firebombs to get the firebomb cheevo since they fixed it and killed 3 ppl w/ one set of fire and they were so butt blasted they started screeching in chat about how fire bombers were the worst and "it's like they've just given up on playing the game, they won't even resort to a shield they are THAT far gone"
like nigga watch where you walk, bitch.
It's your fault.
i never died in that webm and didn't after it either because my kang bro killed that dude for me :)
I look at pictures, and pictures show armor.
>rapier guy missing his thrusts
yay or nay?
It was common for Vikings to paint on armor to fool their opponents.
Why are there so many Geralt LARPers anyway?
Not that I'm complaining because it's satisfying as fuck to chop their heads off, but it seems weirdly popular.
yeah that's probably the only true thing since i'm responding to you
>tier 1 legs
I'll be enjoying my 2 hit kills
LA means "live action", y'know.
That's 0, not 1.
*mauls u*
I run tower shield, short spear and arming sword.
>see enemy
>immediately throw short spear
>draw arming sword and engage
Am I scum?
I also have a knight but he looks even more generic than this guy. Also I play better on this one.
Can you screw off the pommel of your sword and throw it at an enemy?
Yesterday I bought the game and already got the parrying arrow achiv from that.
btw any advices??
Total faggot/10
>crossbow + mace
>third person
cool color scheme friend
I thought it meant "Los Angeles"?
Longsword only, X+2 emote. Does like 1 dmg.
based Sir Penishead
Yes. It's one of the taunt options.
It's super ineffective though since it only does like 1 damage. It's probably just meant to off enemies that are at super low HP or that are already dead but still standing because of having the Second Wing perk activated that let's them live on for 5 more seconds after receiving critical damage.
Thanks, friend
Yours looks shit however
A fellow maulchad I see
Mustard squad
bitch please
I have a little over 200 hours in chivalry, next to nothing I know, but 90% of them were spent playing Archer, mainly in duels, because of this reaction. I love it. I love seeing two guys having an epic duel, and then I snipe him in the back. It's worth every death that comes as a result of my mediocre swordplay. I can only imagine the rage, the bitterness, the hatred. I've also moved on to running up behind them and smashing their brains in with a maul. I can't wait for the ranked duels to come out.
Best hat.
ooh, i like the idea of blending the emblem into one of the colours. will steal
Good Engie builds?
blacksmith hammer
bear trap or firebomb
>Female characters get added
>But the devs add something extra too
>femknight gets downed
>you can rape them, but sex position is dictated by the type of voice the rapist uses
Which voice gets which position?
Foppish gets pegged
Eager is the one pump chump
Raider goes in deep, goes in hard, comes out cursing about the shit sex
>Be Larpfag
>Go around without a helmet
>Face group of enemies with my allies
>Enemies are dumb niggers and go straight for me because "hurrr stoopid larpfag" and get into a bad position
>Parry their all too obvious swing to my head
>Riposte, they fail to parry because by the time i swing, they get hit in the back by one of my allies
>decapitate them
Every single time
Knight helps the lady up
Cruel goes in dry
this but whenever I play archer
>enemies automatically assume you're a free kill because you're a bowfag
>their face when I cleaver their head off
>All those guys running around with no armour and frying pans sitting at bottom of the leaderboards whilst spamming laugh at enemies
You're really not as good as you think you are
The king of weapons.
cleaver a shit but holy fuck those 2 point swords are fucking awesome, I just beat the shit out of them, pick up their hammers or greatswords and rush in for more kills, it feels so good
cleaver is a two hit kill on any armour if you're hitting the head. it's a beast
You are like a little baby
Watch this
I guess I just don[t like the range of it
sword is great for taking care of retarded spearfags
someone said maul?
Is there a build for being really fucking annoying to deal with? For the enemy team, not just to waste space like a lute player or something. Actually useful on tp of that is a plus.
Looks historically accurate and not pretentious
Has Blue team ever won a match of Taiga ever in the entire history of the game?
I legitimately have no idea what the final Blue objective is, having played plenty on both sides.
Should have given him slantier eyes
Everyone is gonna go for your head so you should make use of it by dodging
Yes. But it's the hardest thing in the game. When Blue holds Camp they first need to break the two spiked platforms for the 2nd last objective. After capping that objective they need to push in to the saw mills or whatever and burn the wood back there.
yes, its burning down logs with torches.
I did it last night by ninjaing the objectives. Was pretty blame.
Taiga worst map, terrible balance, and bad obj.
Another burn objective, I should've known
I won as blue once but we didn't get to the last objective, red just ran out of tickets fighting over middle point. It's really difficult to make it that far because middle point is so hard to keep but if they manage get it and break down the red ramps the map genuinely swings in their favour
That's as far as they go
there's nothing better than being a bownigger
>piss off enemies because of your clearly superior way of fighting
>piss of teammates because you keep shooting them in the back while they're dueling in the frontlines
i made it to the last objective for blue one time
in a server with 6 people
i will end your fucking life
I throw axes at guys like you
from behind
Anyone who doesn't vote Taiga is braindead
>b-but blue never wins taiga
tough shit nigger, red never seems to even leave the fucking base on mountain peak
My mongoloid zwei character looks more asian
I see red win on Mountain Peak all the time my man. It's at least close to 50/50.
But I admit the game is normally decided within 5 minutes on that map, it's hard to make comebacks.
Mountain Peak is probably the most balanced map in the game
I was trying to help you, user.
Your tastes are fucking garbage!
absolutely not, whoever first gets to the middle usually ends up winning
nvm I could actually go more. I think this is good enough though.
Rapier niggers can thrust so fast that they can be chambered and thrust again to counter your thrust and stick you. Covering at least can shut down spear niggers, who are much slower.
i don't care, you're still dying
I dunno, it's shite anyway. Boring as hell, and if Blues take the 3rd objective and get to push the cart, Reds can't basically push back anymore 75% of the time.
>whoever first gets to the middle usually ends up winning
which is way more balanced than "whoever picks red team always ends up winning"
>triple firebomb build
And here's my arab.
Try me, mother trucker!
I'll shit in your fucking pubes!
>played skirmish with a buddy last night
>dude on other team decked out in 3-3-3 w/ an eveningstar
>literally spends the whole time just walking slowly around like he's LARPing as The Mountain from GoT
why the fuck do people do this?
Lets just say you are waiting patiently for daddy to come home. Dressed up in a cute but revealing outfit. I walk in the door and you come running over hopping into daddys arms. Instantly you beg me to take you. So i place you onto the kitchen worktop spreading your legs apart. Calling you my gorgeous little kitten i slide my hand down your panties and grip your tight pussy. Spreading your lips in my fingers. I give you lots of little kisses. Seeing how turned on you are i tell your to play with yourself pulling out my cock i place it in your soft hand. You begin to stroke daddy right away and i put my hands on your neck. Gently tightening. I know how much you love feeling your breath slip away right as your pussy drips down your fingers. Losing concentration you stop playing and just tilt back. I let go and grab you by the hips. Spinning you onto your knees with your ass in my face. Daddy plants his toungue inside.your wet cunt and teases you. Before you can moan i shove my hard cock deep inside you. Making you scream as i start to fuck you over the counter. Slapping your cheeks causing you to jump. Dont you love it when daddy has his way with you. Using you till you cant cum anymore.
if it's cuman it ain't human
>why do people have fun in a way i don't
I'm no larper either, but damn son. It doesn't affect you whatsoever so why does it bother you?
because it looked retarded and cringey
time for bed, kid
>guy starts TKing me
>immediately get him votekicked with my group of friends acting as a voting block
Playing with friends is truly the best way to play
git gud and also have sex
It's not my fucking bedtime, faggot.
>it's another Blue loses Camp episode
wow this is so fun
I just can't t git gud. I'm slowly losing the will to play out of frustration.
It's fun because I like stabbing people with my virtual sword. You can't understand that... then you simply lack the cognitive skills to be a fully functioning human being.
just take some meme build then and be an annoying faggot, game gets a lot more fun then