Remember, this is what ruined everything

Remember, this is what ruined everything.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is now a Blanc thread. Please be sure to praise your goddess accordingly!

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Spoon-feed me on gamergate
But from our point of view

Classic deflection.
Got something you actually want to say?

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Harassed women but pretended it was about ethics in videogame journalism.

I love you Blanc!

>slut sleeps with 5 game reviewers to give her indie shit good reviews
>gets busted
>’gaming community’ up in arms over it
>as BS rises, all the dirt comes to the surface, and its been corrupt as shit for years
>yada yada sjws get thrown into the mix because people are calling out a woman on being a whore
You know the rest from there

all the good posters went to infinity chan and only tumblr and reddit stayed here.

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Was it a good indie game?
Post the dev,is she hot

Incels crying because video game journalists had sex.

>Got something you actually want to say?
Blanc is the best goddess, and anyone else who says otherwise is probably from that lame-ass Planeptune or something.

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Pretty much this

people angrily argueing with other people about stupid shit that doesn't matter. It paved the way for the permanent outrage shitshow you see today, you missed nothing.

Gamergate didn't cause pic related

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I think it was some text shit, so no.
I believe she was 4/10-5/10.

Game journalists are shit. Some chick slept with a journalist for good reviews and press (and hoo boy, did that chick turn out to be a scumbag), and that evolved into a frenzy against corruption, nepotism and general shittiness in games journalism after the Streizand effect kicked in.

It then spiralled out of control into a pointless shitflinging contest against the radical left because Yea Forums are retards, with the game journalists who the shitstorm was originally focused on slipping out of the chaos unharmed once they'd successfully baited Yea Forums and SJWs into fighting.

In hindsight, it was genuinely pathetic.

nah it was she who shall not be named that started the shit flinging.

Post more Zoe-Quinn chan.

OK here is something I need to understand if I am going to continue visiting Yea Forums:

I was under the impression that Yea Forums was against GlooberGoops and their ethics in toy blogs. I was told that this site tried to kill GnarlyGale by banning discussion, doxing, harrassing, etc. from your site.

Now I'm not saying I've been happy with how many Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts threads are closed out after we report them, but there are still many people who say they are for GipperGoomba, and who use really egregious slurs that go beyond trans*phobia, homophobia or sexism. What is the official stance?


No gameplay in her presentation


>whats the official stance?
Cringe in retrospect


Used to be passionate about it until I realized I can still play whatever I wanted while putting those games journalists opinions into the trash.

Sony's retarded stance on lewd games is changing that though.

Yea Forums after GG was still tolerable. However, the elections brought hordes of plebbitors and other normalfags here in droves.

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if anything, everything was already planned to be ruined, this just gave them an earlier way to ruin it.

influx of newfags storm the site because reddit was deleting threads anything that has to do with zoe quinn and shadowbanning people so they redirect traffic to Yea Forums threads.

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this but unironically

i think the Fappening was the begining of the end

moot also turned /pol/ into a shitposting board for a month right before he stepped down too

>post yfw the captcha is gone

/pol/ attacking an innocent and beautiful trans woman.

That sums it up. Turns out tons of journalists were on mailing lists and coordinated giving games good reviews and some even got fired. But journos didn't like that so they deflected and made it about women.


You ruined yourself. If you can't handle the truth, don't go in the kitchen.

>slut sleeps with 5 game reviewers to give her indie shit good reviews

Can you post these reviews?

If you're strictly talking about Yea Forums then yes. It attracted a bunch of faggots to the site and made the mods in raging faggots who think they are the moral betters of the userbase, instead of degenerates along with us.

really it started with Chanology

>spend a fuckton of time writing a well thought out argument that makes a lot of points that actually make sense and may change your view on the topic
>"well that's, just, like, your opinion, breh"
The current state of Yea Forums is a natural result of evolution of online discourse.
When you realize that the end result is always the same, it becomes much more convenient to just post a brainlet wojak than waste time actually arguing with strangers on the Russian matryoshka bazaar.

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Ex of an indie developer puts chatlogs online because the indie developer cheated on him. Among the people he accused her of cheating with was a guy writing for Kotaku. People talked themselves into a frenzy about it, thinking she had an affair with him so she woukld get good reviews for games. Turns out, he didn't actually review her game and the game she made was given away for free in the first place. Nevertheless, people still turned it into a big scandal. A few gaming sites covered it and why they felt it's part of a larger problem among video gaming enthusiasts. One used the very unfortunate title "Gamers are dead", which many gamers took as an attack.

Eventually a bunch of shady political ideologues latched onto it and turned it into a political thing. Quite tellingly, most of them turned up again as Trump cheerleaders in the 2016 American election.

Yes and no
I'd say it didnt ruined Yea Forums by itself
But the amount of new people attracted to the website damaged its culture and the 2016 elections were the cup de Grace
The real Yea Forums killers were the normalfags, like everything interesting ever, it's different so they have the need to assimilate it until it's unrecognizable from normalfag aires
>inb4 sekrit club
>inb4 muh board culture
Fuck off faggot, I bet it feels pretty good when half the threads are off-topic politic shit.
Everything cause the new visitors think Yea Forums is for "dank memes and shitposting" and Reddit is for actual discution
Fuck you
Fuck normalfags
Fuck Reddit

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agendas being pushed, turning simpletons into a personal army so that $ could be generated.
nothing more. nothing less.

Pretty sure lots of pro GG people voted Trump just to piss off the SJWs.

>infinity chan
looks the same as here desu senpai

>What is the official stance?
40% isn't enough

the mainstream media attacked and still attacks it, this is enough proof of who was in the right

>pre gg
>everyone knows reviewers are paid shills
>if you link to kotaku with no pastebin you're a massive fag and you got shitposted into oblivion
>suddenly people cared for journalism "ethics"

i was legit surprised gg gotten so far without Yea Forums trying to put an end to the whole charade. like it was obvious we're being raided but those threads just kept popping up.

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You know that won't happen.

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game journalism has always been a joke
newfag poltards discover some meaningless run of the mill scandal and turn it into a crusade

It did

Not only did it attract a bunch of retards but it led to a massive shift into an obsession with e-celebs and twitter because of all of the e-celebs involved in that shit who basically built their fandoms off it

a girl had sex and bunch of turbovirgins who dont understand sex got upset

Keep seething, shitaku.

>the same
yes except dead and shittier and full of redditors

Remember, this is what saved everything

I want Blanc to step on me and call me worthless trash

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I was against it from the very start.

Some chick gets bullied by depressed virgins retards from wizzard chan for her game about depression, because they think only men know what true depression is because something something sex.

A few month later her ex bf accuses her of being a whore and her game only getting favorable reviews. For some reasons Yea Forums jumps on this totally irrelevant relationship drama.

The entire thing is basically years of resentment against the SJW filled press. Shitting on left wing activists who shoe horned their vile agenda intro everything had been a Yea Forums past time even before anita. In 2014 all these things just reached some form of critical mass.

"Conservative" grifters from Breitbart get on the case and turn this entire thing into a globe spanning culture war. Turning the entire opposition to SJW cancer into a left vs right issue.

All the e-celebs involved in that shit lost most if not all their relevancy at this point. If anything they won't let go of gamergate since its the only thing that gave them any relavency in the first place which is why we keep having these stupid threads

God this still is very cringy to read. Like it isn't WW3 and this was trying to make it seem people about to do another D-Day.

jesus fucking christ have sex my man

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Women know nothing of sadness.

I have a wife.

>One used the very unfortunate title "Gamers are dead", which many gamers took as an attack.
why must you lie it was over 19 articles within the same time period same time


It was written as a joke.


that doesn't count. it's ok when we collude

So you'll never have sex again :^)

Why the useless fucking asterisk?

Oh no, that shit was super serious.

Have sex

Bitch nigger, I am a right wing reactionary and I still stand by everything I just said about gaymurgate.

If you think the only meaning in life is getting laid. You hedonistic faggot.

Trying too hard.

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Spread em.

I've yet to see a single shred of credible evidence that wizardchan actually harassed her or did anything but shittalk her stupid "game". Like if you seriously think a bunch of lonely virgins wizardchan posed a threat to anyone you're a dumb mark.

>One used the very unfortunate title "Gamers are dead", which many gamers took as an attack.
The "Gamers are Dead" title and the subsequent echoing of the exact sentiment throughout the whole game news world made it even more clear that there was a bias and group think among journalists, which was a central and legitimate complaint about games journalism.

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he's right though. unless you count breaking a nail or chad not texting back sadness.

>the summer that never ended
actually it was 2007

Things like Gamergate are the canary in the coal mine. "WW3" is a battle for the mind, not an actual physical battle. You lose by accepting the cultural marxism and all their changes to actions and definitions. This is the first time we've had a mass flow of information, and it has revealed the disturbing truth that it's not just a few annoying people, but a mass push to brainwash and replace the populace. It is the culmination of work that has been ongoing for hundreds of years, and if you let them censor you, you just lost the only real chance of ever being in control of your own culture

Have sex

The only thing that ruined anything was that awful “Gamers Rise Up” meme. It was the opposite of this where it was a subtle way to discourage anyone to speak out concerns or things they wished to change in the industry.

nice revisionism, the current state of affairs is bigger than just gaming and it was always unavoidable and you fags ALWAYS leave out the fappening, which was MUCH bigger than gamergape
some slut fucks with gaming press and gets favourable mntions for it on kotaku, this confirms outright the corruption in games journalism that the community always excpeted

instead of confronting the allegations proffesional victims come in and their cronies in the press cover them, then they openly declare war on the concept of a gamer and all of their reader with the gamers are dead articles

then they continuously fabricate threats against themselves

Save Hex

>people pretend that games journalism exist
>game Yea Forums doesn't like gets good reviews
>game dev is a woman
>game dev allegedly slept with reviewers and cheated on her boyfriend
>Yea Forums doesn't like this and start harassing people because it's fun
>"it's about ethics in games journalism"

It was a inevitable shitshow that was going to happen, no matter if you wanted it to happen or not. I don’t regret being a part of it in it’s early days, but it’s a shame that it devolved to /pol/ faggotry so quickly.

>cultural marxism

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Kind of amazing how one guy shitting on his ex had such a huge effect on internet culture.

You are just a lonely and resentful nigger. Do women have it better then men? Probably while they're young. But crying about this and saying "OH THE WORLD IS SO UNFAIR AGAINST MEN" is just pathetic. Man up, bitch. When you've got money and status at age 40 and women only got rapidly fading looks, maybe you'll see things differently.

I'm not sure if you actually believe this or if you're just taking the piss but either way, you should jump off a bridge.

also to add to this the origianl cunt literally

Happy Ramadan, redd...4channel!

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Been here for almost a decade.

>game journalists are getting harassed
>also game journalism doesn't exist

make up your fucking minds already

also to add to this zoe quinn actually stole posts from legitimately suicidal people from wizard chan without their permission
i mean it had to happen in the right context, he was just the spark next to the powder keg that was already becoming bigger and bigger

The only decent thing to come out of it

Somebody link the favorable reviews that sex was exchanged for.

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Reminder that GamerGate got Trump elected and libs will stay mentallly ill for the rest of their lives as every generation from now on will be conservative because nobody wants to be like the retarded trannies making gg articles nonstop.

found the jew, every time with the attempts at humiliation. we all know what you are doing, and we won't let ourselves lose the ability to say what we feel and think whatever we like.

go fuck yourself yid

yes it's real

summerfags are 2011? God, it's been so long.

>culture, culture culture
I keep hearing this obsessive focus on culture from pol. What is it with you guys and culture? You live in the age of high information velocity. You deal in memes, and you love the idea of evolution and genetics and survival of the fittest, but when it comes to your ideas losing out, you claim some great catastrophe and the loss of precious culture. Ask white octogenarians about the loss of their culture. That was white culture. What pol praises is some bastardization of modern right wing insanity and nostalgia for something that never was.

No. Van exploding lead to cracks. Chanology was the flood. GG and everything after was swirling the drain. There have been lots of eternal Septembers.

stfu. like anyone would continue to browse this site after they had downloaded and jerk off'd. dumbass

>stole posts
What did he mean by this

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Yea, the fags derailed it. It was about corruption in the shitty gaming journalism industry, years of paid reviews and 9/10 it's okay reviews.
Then came the either false flag or cringe anti-women fucks. You faggots made me stop caring about vidya. Try to do something fucking good and there's always someone there to ruin it.


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Both correct. But what made it explode was every site, including this one, wiping it and banning discussion of it. Not
>this is off-topic, go to Yea Forums
>this has no place anywhere on this site, get banned

there's literally nothing wrong with harassing women they deserve it

Gamergate gave us Trump. God bless it

Praise her and her wife!

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What is cultural marxism

Thanks, It's hard to keep track of shit

>this pilpul
Moishe, your globalism is not even slightly sustainable and only still exists because you've spread so far across the world and work together. Globalism won't last even 30 years, that's what I call a failure. Meanwhile European cultures, which you hate, have been lasting for centuries

Anything I don’t like.

>every man has great money and status at 40 while every female doesn't
>the first 40 years of life being shittier is ok
>female privilege magically ends at 40
reddit cucks are funny

Plz don't sully Vivian by associating her with Zoe

It wasn't reviews it was awards in an indie game competition

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So its the same as toxic masculinity, got it.

A propaganda term from Nazi Germany used to label media that doesn't follow the party line.

It was Nathan Grayson’s review (excuse me, “not a review, just an editorial”) of a game called “Depression Quest”. I can only seem to find the articles about the event now.

a type of philosophy designed by socialists and ex bolsheviks at the frankfurt school to bring down the west by abusing western notions of morality

There is no "official" stance, There are lots of different takes on it because Yea Forums is comprised of lots of different people and no matter what your view on it someone will call you an idiot.

Vivian's design was stolen from a how to draw manga book.

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Zoe mascot.

Didn't the first or second call of duty have female soldiers in it?

user, if you want to be correct and talk about cultural marxism as promoted by the frankfurt school, by people like Theodor Adorno it criticizes the push towards the commodification of culture and art, which is what we see with the "inclusiveness" and "diversity" in media. "Art", in the broader sense, is altered to sell better, to pander to certain cultural preconceptions. So the people distributing it can make more money. You should look into what Adorno had to say about pop music, it's quite interesting.

>Globalism won't last even 30 years
Globalism has been going strong for around 50 to 60 years.

It's when marxists break apart the social cohesion and culture of a nation to make people depressed, divided and angry. A marxists' whole goal since the idea was invented is to destroy the nation it inhabits so it can install communism. Currently marxists attack culture, therefore - cultural marxism

Also basically all communist leaders are Jews


>white culture bad
>brown culture like this good

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Wasn't Depression Quest free?

>female privilege
AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You think you are smart of turning identity politics upside down, aren't you? Know your place in the world, you beta fuckup. Why don't you chop off your dick and become a tranny if you think women have it so easy?

There was absolutely nothing unreasonable about gamergate though

gaming journalism is unironically the worst form of journalism in terms of transparency, honesty and subjectivity in any interest I have ever come across.

imagine ProJared was a woman and fucked a kotaku journalist and since he was a woman all the mockery of him (her?) was actualy misogynistic Yea Forums troll and then ProJared made feminist friend and lied about being harassed on internet for fame and pity money


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Remember, Zoe is a total semen demon now.

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Then the SJW saw and feared you, so they infested game development houses.

Now they won.

You should check out comic book journalism sometime.

Are you a cultural marxist? You seem very angry, and intent on dividing people by calling anyone you disagree with a kike.

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That's journalism in general. Doesn't justify this cringy moral crusade. Only people who actually read these terrible website gave a shit.

Even nether-realms and rockstar is infested with sjw now.

The straw that broke the camels back and get most people invested, people are forgetting, is every single game site publishing effectively the same article of
“Gamers are Dead”
In response to the depression quest review backlash. This got people insanely suspicious that these sites collided to paint narratives.
It was revealed later to in fact be the case. They had chats where they would discuss “what to push and not”.

What is culture to you guys? Within a century you have the enlightenment and the whole concept of existence changes. How is that not a change of culture?
>globalism is not even slightly sustainable
Then the experiment of human civilization has failed. I'm glad I'm not that pessimistic about societies ability to accommodate each other.

Also if Projared pretended his youtube videos made him a game developer.

Changing the exterior doesn't absolve inner garbage

and Erin is just white Korra

Yea Forums was shit before gamergate it's been the new Yea Forums for years constant ironic fucking humor 24/7

The basic idea is that you apply the Marxist ideas that are focused on criticizing the way goods are manufactured on the way culture is manufactured. You look at culture as a commodity under capitalism and you try to see why the culture is the way it is, by attempting to understand why the things that sell well at any given time do sell well.

It's things like whining that video games are ruined by the evil SJW libtards and that pop music is shit, but actually trying to explain why it is happening.

seething roastie

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there were no favorable review, the favorable review was a lie made up to cover up the favoritism, the favoritism however happened multiple times, even before depression quest was a thing


>consumer capitalism is bad so we must have communism!
t. Frankfurt School. I've read these ideas before, I don't like popular culture because it's consumer garbage, but I'm not risking my country becoming another wasteland where you have to wait in line all day for a loaf of bread and its all you eat all week

Globalism =/= capitalism, globalism is very recent. Global trade =/= globalism, you can trade without attempting to make a global class of serfs, and deliberately abusing the financial systems to reduce nations to rubble

I didn't know the Frankfurt School was part of Nazi Germany

You mean saved.

Isn't it dinner time in Israel, get off the computer you disgusting beetle looking cunt

>Woman Puts Deus Ex On Computer Chip In Her Hand

>(Update: full disclosure, Quinn and I are friends.)

It always make laugh

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Honestly, while Adorno and Horkheimer made some decent point about culture under capitalism, it never had much to do with Marxism and to me they alway felt like bourgeois academics, trying to claim that the real revolutionary vanguard aren't the workers, as Marx stated, but prissy rich intellectuals like them who are going to lead the working class. It's not surprising that the CIA supported their research.

Embrace your social role, you beta bitch. You're the equivalent of a fat acceptance feminist. Go back to /r9gay/.

Regards, /pol/.

Yep, and it turns out many mainstream "journalists" will defend other "journalists" from criticism by publishing unsubstantiated drivel and condemnation from "expert" activists whenever it serves their agenda.

I ain't jacking off to her personality bro

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No I'm pretty sure Anita's "videogames are sexist" kickstarter ruined everything.

Ahh, you mean the crazy left progressive media ruining games? I remember.

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i still don't know wtf gamegate was.

That doesn't gel with the narrative

>Old fags go to *chan because of the mod censorship from gamer goober
>Newfags flood *chan because e-celebs and now the news media advertising the website
>Mods there censor as bad as here
There is no escape.

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Most journalism isn’t as bad as gaming journalism
It’s obviously not good, but there are some standards of objectivity to be held to

The issue is the game developers hold all the cards
>news/journalism sites live and die by having current or even exclusive access
>developers/publishers can decide who they give this access to
>journalists have no choice but to suck off AAA games constantly so they can keep their access and remain profitable
I don’t know shit about comic books but I heard there’s like a twitter mob dictating things or something


It's not. If you wanna go further, you can arguably blame "the pill."

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You must have a fetish for Wonder Bread factories.

Good point
FUCK gamergate and gamergate apologists Yea Forums used to be a paradise of gamers and trannies but you fags just HAD to scare away the trannies

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>hey guys I thrive off attention
>I know, let's give her attention
this board

no amount of instragram angles and boob jobs will ever remove her nudes that are seared into my brain. absolute disgusting

There are people on this site who would unironically sooner ally themselves with hand-wringing, opinionless, "toe-the-line" types like this pathetic fuck than risk coming across as an anoymous is legion fag by conceding that the public opinion on gamergate is backwards.
Gamergate was an incompetent movement ran by a bunch of idiots, but at its heart it was just a bunch of people who were sick of being fucking lied to who decided to pit themselves against the biggest liars in the business. They didn't accomplish a damn thing but the sheer scale of the bafflingly massive backlash against it all but proved that the online media and mass media in general were so utterly terrified of any dissent or investigation whatsoever that they used every dirty trick in the book to discredit a bunch of anoymous idiots on a chinese cartoon website. Gamergate was the absolute embodiment of the quote "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize". If you think gamergate was some kind of harassment campaign you've been fucking conned.

after raiding tumblr, obtaining several celeb nudes, and uncovering corrupt journalism all within a couple of months, moot became judas and his new liberal mods white-knighted with attempts to nuke several threads and boards.

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That's toxic masculinity for ya

>I don't like popular culture because it's consumer garbage
Yes, but why do you not want to admit that it is due to capitalism?
Why do you equate "capitalism bad" with "starvation"? There are other solutions to the capitalist problem to seizing the means of production violently.

>the real revolutionary vanguard aren't the workers, as Marx stated, but prissy rich intellectuals like them who are going to lead the working class
They are not wrong about this.
Marx failed to recognize that the working class is not actually interested in improving things, but only to sustain their lives. Which is why a bourgeois class of revolutionary leaders is ultimately necessary, if you look at the October revolution, the revolution itself was inevitable, but only the bourgeois elite around Lenin steered towards a socialist revolution. Similar things happened in China and South America.

t. seething roastie from reddit

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oh fuck you I had forgotten about those until now

The enlightenment is a positive. A global class of serfs that exist to make quality of life poorer for everyone and ruin any kind of community cohesion is not a positive. "Diversity" has utterly ruined happiness everywhere it has appeared. People don't feel relaxed hearing ALAHU ACKBAR PORQUE PORQUE ABUBUBAUBAUBUB in towns that previously had all their own people inhabiting it. They don't feel relaxed around people they know instinctually and by statistics will hurt them if they get the chance.

People do not feel happy with the total loss of meaning that has come with globalism. Humans don't get along and we've already proved that hundreds of times over. You kikes know it too, but you are using it as a weapon.

Go fuck yourself and burn in hell

entire thread and nobody linked to deepfreeze or whatever shit game journos said at the time including when feminists were butthurt when Yea Forums donated to help women get into game development
severely dissapointed at you cunts

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If Zoe or Anita were men, you'd attack their ideas instead of write them off as women.

Good ridance, 8ch is the Reddit of the chans.

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This guy is not and never was funny

Good argument.

You are pathetic. I'm a 24 year old man and my life is finally going somewhat great. Life is a struggle, fight or fucking drown, bitch.

Oh I remember that now. It really has been 5 years? Jeez.
That was so pathetic how but hurt they were over Vivian dude

You're never gonna get laid by blaming all your problems on roasties.

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what fucking game?

If anything is the "Reddit of the chans" it's this board. You're basically Reddit Jr. at this point.

>"WW3" is a battle for the mind, not an actual physical battle

China and North Korea are still likely major enemies and that's not counting if we wanna get involved with Muslims polluting Europe.

Then there's Russia.

Normies get out

Once I spot a kike, I don't bother with their slippery arguments where you will constantly set up a strawman or a false dichotomy. Your bullshit is tiresome. If you were interested in an argument you'd have already started one properly. But no, you go straight in with your Jewish faggotry of "um its either like this or this" because you know you can attribute some portions of either to whatever position the sap takes.

No more

why can't roasties ever argue and just can only spam have sex/incel? At least roasties confirm that their only purpose in life is sex

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>Moot shuts down all discussion
>leading to people leaving en masse to infinitychan
>finds connections to real high corporations involved with government
>immediatly shutdown and discussion devolves into identity politics and e-celeb faggotry.

No, another event ruined everything. Or rather, it was a confluence of 3 events

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Have sex

Have sex.

>Yiannopoulos devoted much of Bretibart's tech coverage to cultural issues, particularly Gamergate, a long-running online argument over gaming culture that peaked in 2014. And that helped fuel an online alt-right movement sparked by Breitbart News.

>"I realized Milo could connect with these kids right away," Bannon told Green. "You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump."

What did Steve Bannon, campaign manager and chief strategist to US President Donald Trump meant by this?

Yes, and? Woen aren’t equal to men, cope with it.

>define cultural marxism
>get called out for acting according to your definition
>"wahhh you're a kike"

Incel is an insult because it implies you were socially rejected. The only people who want to spend time with you are equally undesirable beta males and only in the context of an online forum or Discord. Enjoy dying alone with your anime figures, faggot-kun.

it's closer to being a more racist version of neopets actually

I'm literally the opposite of a normie. You however are just a failed normie.

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That's dismissing all the great communist leaders who have actually been working class people. Sure, they Lenin himself was an academic, but many of the old bolsheviks were workers. Many great communists in other nations were workers. Socialism has to be a working class movement.

oh sweet summer child, russia and china are a meme. they are literally there to make you feel unsafe so you'll give up your liberties for more security

china and russia has a very comfortable relationship with the west, it's all kabuki theatre

Still waiting to see those reviews.

someone needs to add the fappening already

Zoe looked like complete ugly trash in those nudes, no question.

That doesn't change the fact she's in full-on big tiddy mommy goth gf mode now

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> no ur the normie
Hit a nerve I see

I hadn't ruined the cohesion of my community or culture by being angry on the internet

Nice pilpul though, you can fuck off

The Fappening coincided within a couple weeks of GG and had more normalfag appeal. I think that chart should reflect that.

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>if you don't whine about how good women have it on Yea Forums, you're a normie.

Pathetic. Bitch nigger, stop shitting up this website.

they don't exist, and even if they did existed it wouldn't matter because depression quest was literally free

Again, no amount of instagram angles and boob work will ever redeem that absolute filth of a slag.


My point isn't equality, my point is that because they're women people will handle them with kid gloves or use their dicks to speak positively about them

Vivian could never have been our mascot because she liked videogames


To meet people, make friends and have sex, it doesn't matter what your interests are, how tall you are, how fat you are, or how attractive you are. Literally just stop being self-conscious about yourself, stop being a mopey piece of shit, and just own yourself for everything you are. Be confident when you talk to people, smile and laugh, make jokes even if you think they're dumb, and make eye contact with people. There's nothing girls love more than confidence, a strong personality, and someone who can make them laugh. You'll notice that people will warm up to you more, but you can tell when girls are checking you out by telltale body language and behavior that shows they're welcoming of your presence. LISTEN TO THE THINGS THEY TELL YOU, TAKE INTEREST IN THEM, AND ASK THEM QUESTIONS THAT WILL CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION. Girls love talking about themselves. When you find a point of interest to latch onto, use that as your gateway to asking them to spend time (i.e. you find out she likes some sushi place at the local food court, you could ask her if she'd want to go there with you sometime).

>there are people who never realized Yiannopolous was obviously a grifter from day one
>there are people who still defend them even though he's basically a literal pedo apologist


Yes we all know /pol/ is filled with white knights

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Eh, hit it, quit it, use condoms and penicillin

it means that sjws are partly responsible for getting trump in the white house. so much for just ignore it, that's what sjws want.

tell me more on how to be a real human being please
I genuinely appreciate your advice.

Some chick bf blew her shit up after they broke up because she was cheating on him even showed her text history if i remember.Turns out alot of the (((games))) she made got good reviews by people the bf named she was sleeping with.Out of nowhere within hours any discussion was banned and articles came out at the same time saying were harassing her.It was just all really weird to happen at the same time.

You're gonna need a lot more than rubber and penicillin to salvage your dick from that mess.

Depression Quest. Zoey Quinn. Five Guys Burgers and Fries.

>literal pedo apologist

you mean like most of the left wing media?

you wanna see real pedo apologist go look at vice

It just confirms that you're a useless hole with no purpose but sex.

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Not hating women for simply existing doesn't make me a white knight.

Pretty much this. It was a consumer revolt, so they did an end run around consumers to go after the supply, and normies don't give enough of a shit. Basically GG refused to understand the meta: the shit that worked against Jack Thompson was useless or even counterproductive here.

Just b urself :)

>stop it stop making fun of us roasties
this is not your safe space.

>tell SJWs for years to make their own games if they want things to change
>they do

Sorry not all of us are socially rejected virgins. I know a lot of Yea Forums posters that are in long term relationships. Even the women. My roommate is a girl and she goes on Yea Forums constantly. And we are definitely not bitter virgins or beta loners like you.

Who let reddit in? Kill yourself.

>I know a lot of Yea Forums posters
Fucking cringe. Read rules 1 and 2 you dumb redditor.

I actually feel sorry for you, user.

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>tell SJWs for years to make their own games if they want things to change
>make their own games if they want things to change
>make their own games
>their own

Hey brainlet

nope GG got what it wanted for the most part I don't know anybody who doesn't openly mock game journalism now

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Everyone dies alone sweatie

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>their own games

Attached: puffinboi.jpg (740x740, 55K)

>why don't you go make your own games
>n-no not those ones

>citing ancient meme rules like they mean anything

I hope you know the demographics are changing here. All the "virgin teenagers" from 10 years ago are now chads with girlfriends. And they come back to meme and make fun of the new virgin teenagers.

>They do
Mostly false. It's more like
>They infest preexisting franchises and infect them with their ideology
>Shit on everyone and anyone who disagrees
Not to say there's not SJW games out there but almost all or all of them are failures

KiA is now just a bunch of trump supporters pretending to not be trump supporters. So many posts that boil down to "Oh, I don't support trump but I pretty much agree with every decision he makes". At least have the balls to admit you support him, you fucks.

Time for the realest of the real talk.

The Quinnspiracy was genuinely funny. Back when the goal was clearly to hurt people and no one pretended otherwise the "movement" was fine. But when rebranded to Gamergate to sucker normies in under the guise of "ethical journalism", that's when it went to shit. Yea Forums was overrun by Self-Righteous, Militant Autism, and that was the end of it. Half the board now is people who genuinely believe their shitposts and stale memes are for the betterment of civilization. In short, if you ever actually believed GG was ever about anything but the lulz you are literally retarded and should euthanize yourself promptly.

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>n-no not those ones

you mean taking popular IPs and running them into the ground?


>will you fight, or will you perish like a dog
that's some top tier cringe

>why don't you go make your own games
>make your own games
>your own

Hey brainlet

We should celebrate at Five Guys Burgers And Fries this August.

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Yes, it was.

That pose... is zoe, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

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>they get into HR and community manager positions to whine at higher ups to change already existing franchises for the SJW market, even though SJWs don't buy games
fixed for you tranny

Great post user, I'm giving this (you) to you because it's my sentiment on the matter as well.

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oh nvm. thanks user

Only redditors like jojo

no, things were ruined for gamergate to even happen you moron

if things weren't ALREADY fucked before GG, a woman sleeping with journalists for good reviews would be taken more seriously and people wouldn't have labelled people criticising her as sexist.


this was inevitable though actual retards see us joking around and do bare minimum lurking and think acting upset or baiting is all your supposed to do here now this shit is stuck in an endless pretending to be a retard state

>some stupid indie drama
>all discussion about it gets banned across the internet
>except Yea Forums and 9gag
>Streisand effect kicks in
>gamejournopros gets leaked
>all these articles are posted
>Zoe Quinn tries to coerce people into promoting Rebel Game Jam
And then it turned into a giant mess.

Attached: a84.jpg (2160x2250, 1.26M)

>Lmao have sex
how easy is to dismiss someone now

KIA is where GRU sends their new agents who are just starting English.

Only if you are a weak omega bitch. FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE, user.

It's not actually cringe at all. That's what men used to say. Your lack of testosterone and a lionising of weak men in culture makes you think this

YOU are cringe

You're an obvious redditard and fooling no one.

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seriously though have sex

I guess? Are you implying that they aren't somehow working on those games?

>>Now those game development houses are starting to fail miserably

ye but how tho

Women do all that because of the media. Women don't own the media, Jews do.

Fuck off kike, we know your game

You can go back on reddit any time roastie

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There's literally nothing wrong with Reddit. I'm using it right now. And I'm not leaving Yea Forums anytime soon. Die mad about it

> no, it’s not the jews
okay shlomo

I seriously don't understand why women in Islamic culture pretends to be into being oppressed, especially those who live in the West where the culture is superior to the terrorist shitholes they come from.

Here we have equal opportunity and equal pay and they STILL terrorist clothing despite being almost summer and goddam hot outside?

There needs to be some kind of camps for reeducation or something, so they can learn the right, American way to live.

At least you don’t deny it

>girl sleeps with guy
>Yea Forums wants to gossip about it
>mods say no
>Yea Forums asks why when it's videogame related
>mods ban everyone
>Yea Forums starts asking questions
>Yea Forums finds internet-wide conspiracy
>Yea Forums and reddit unite to deprive (((news sites))) of ad revenue
>moot sells out
>mods are exposed as reddit rapefugees via chat logs
>Yea Forums suddenly becomes cucks overnight
>everything moves to 8kek

I was there at Yea Forums when moot and his jannie fuck buddies nuked and locked the entire board.

that's pretty neat how they make what i assume to be fabric look like flesh

Are you implying that somehow equates to making your _own_ games?

>female nature is because media!
nice try retard

Cringe, kys

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R*dd*t is awful. It is an attention seeking circle jerk for snowflakes.

If they are the ones making them, yes.

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Not him but female nature is shaped by men. So the failure of females are the failures of their fathers.

>>Yea Forums and reddit unite
really makes one think

lmao half this thread unironically believes they are the victims of a media conspiracy


Female nature adjusts itself to the dominant culture. If the media is falsely telling them that white men are evil rapists, they will believe it because media saturation. That's how an unusual and weakling culture has formed when it would not normally

>being this new

Zoe has cheek piercings sometimes.

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A bunch of people laughed at a literally who indie dev because she slept with a bunch of people

Then there was some article or something written by one of the guys she slept with that mentioned her game, Depression Quest, so everyone pretended it was about ethics in game journalism even though the game was literally free and it wasn't even a "review". Then some articles popped up saying that "gamers are dead" and Yea Forums pretended to get offended over it even though Yea Forums has always mocked people who called themselves "gamers", then started a "movement" against "identity politics" even though it was ironically obsessed with preserving the "gamer identity". Then moot and the mods started deleting threads about it and some people (temporarily) migrated to *chan. Eventually it devolved to just a general hatred of Kotaku and Gawker Media in general, then further devolved into a general hatred against feminism and SJWs as well, since the original excuse to start the "movement" wasn't enough to keep the gravy train rolling. At *chan they coordinated twitter hashtags as well as raids that involved sending emails to Gawker's advertisers. Some of these raids involved starting charities and pro-diveristy hashtags (#NotYourShield) to prove that ""gamers"" aren't racist, which is ironic considering this same crowd supposedly hates "virtue signalling." Half the threads were bitching about whether "tone poilicing" was justified or not. Eventually Gawker was taken down after Hulk Hogan sued them then everyone pretended that it was GamerGate that was the reason Gawker died. The majority of the people who """migrated""" to *chan never actually left Yea Forums for good

>he doesn't know

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That's retarded.

>ctrl+f gjoni post
Was anyone in this thread even here when it happened?

Trotsky believed he was the revolutionary, he was the rich kid intellectual with stars in his eyes, but what the cut commies of then and today dont ever seem to grasp is they might think theyre the heroes or the masters in charge but once the old system finally gets washed away the real scary fucks come out and the people the believed they were doing the right thing go missing in the night and fuckers like stalin take the wheel. Trotsky ended up with an ice pick in his head, stalin killed millions but by all means lets try it again, with the billions of people we have now we can probably set a new record.

Fucking redditors.

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Games are a team effort, it is their game to an extent. It's irrelevant whether the games are literally their own as the sole developer vs influencing the game's development as part of a team. The point is they got off their asses and tried with some success to make the change they wanted.

Making a game doesn't mean you own it?

No, this place went to shit after around 2007 when the entire moral soapbox charade began. That changes the attitude of this place and led normies to begin infestation. Days continued by as less discussion of video games, and now enclosed to nothing but a hollow shell of ironic shitposting. Gamer goober and Trump 2016 are just larger instances of the soapbox bullshit built on from previous occurances. If we cut that shit out during 2007, this place might have died out, but we would have had a good run instead of the cancer shitshow we live in now.
>Zoomers and newfags will never know how great this place was
You would have to be there to understand. Just seeing the past from your perspective doesn't do it justice.

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female nature is shaped by millions of years of evolution you moron. women inherently will behave this way, it's why men for all of history barred women from voting. keep being a cuck though

reddit is absolute anti free speech hivemind cancer that actively promotes conformity

False, it was the year 2007 everything got ruined

>Okay, there's the door

To be honest OP, I still don't get it.

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>Make your own games if you don't like them
>It's irrelevant whether the games are literally their own

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hair you fucking dumb fucking cunt

Nigger, people are like this because nothing changes. The world never changes. Not for the better that is. It doesn't matter.


evopsy is a meme

What ruined everything was the fappening. Anti gamer gators are just sjws in disguise.

nigger lurk

>all this talk about Yea Forums being ruined in whatever years they can think of

This board has NEVER been good

If they made the games then the games are literally their own.

They get banned for discussing it positively. Its like in Ghazi: you can discuss GrumpyGats, but you can't be positive about it. Isn't Yea Forums the same way?

Anti-GG is not a real thing though, its just decent people. There is no anti-KKK.

>GG has never harassed anyone nor doxxed anyone.

Stopped reading there. GumpinGive started to harrass women out of gaming, and expanded to encompass PoC and trans*. That's just the truth and saying otherwise is being willfully ignorant at BEST.

You know that wasn't a direct quote of anybody in particular, and you are dancing around the fact that I could have just as easily said
>tell SJWs for years to get int games development if they want things to change
>they do
to the same effect because you don't want to admit to yourself that they actually accomplished things while you're content to seethe impotently on Yea Forums.

It spread to reddit via r/KotakuInAction so even more retards got involved, then some of those retards started youtube channels and became e-celebs who made bank off it and also shilled their channels on *chan. Then a bunch of other youtubefags saw how profitable this bandwagon was and made their own shit too, this is where a bunch of e-celebs that got shilled here started from as well as a bunch of "FEMINIST CRINGE COMPILATIONS" came from. (see also Jordan Peterson). Then a literal politicalfag got involved and got money and attention off it too before eventually becoming irrelevant after it was revealed that he was a pedo apologist. Now it's just devolved into general whining about "SJWs" and "diversity", which is ironic considering a significant amount of effort was invested from the beginning to prove that "gamers" don't actually hate women or minorities, but now apparently they unironically do hate women and minorities.

All in all, Gamergate started off about laughing at a slut, then devolved into looking for an excuse to hate Kotaku more (besides their clickbait articles) then further devolved into genuinely believing that it's about "ethics in game journalism" as more normalfags from twitter and reddit hopped on the bandwagon, to further devolving into grifting from e-celebs and politicians to make money and get attention off the faux "social movement", to further devolving into just whining every time a woman or brown people show up as fewer and fewer people gave a shit or remembered the original """reason""" why it began in the first place.

Things used to be so good... Even when they were bad, because pandering, they were still good.

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Ignoring the media influence, nice false dichotomy kike

You lurk. GG is cancer and so are you. If you want to cry endlessly about how unfair the world is to you start a Tumblr.

>if they get hired by companies all the games from that company are literally their own
That's retarded

I bet these feet are "heavily photoshopped and Instagram filtered" too eh? Lmao

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RIP American McGee's sister.

If I saw someone buying this in a store I'd laugh at them.

>fucking redditors
>I hate reddit because Yea Forums does
>we're the true internet not them

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>clover cuck
opinion discorded

>tell SJWs for years to get into (other people's) games development if they want things to change

Said nobody ever.
you don't want to admit to yourself that we actually accomplished things while you're content to seethe impotently on Yea Forums.

god she looks like hot arse trash and she even manages to couple it with a fundamentally awful personality, can't believe a bunch of men wanted to drop a log in this toilet. Really shows how pathetic and thirsty nerd cuck bois are and how manipulative BPD psychos can be.

Ha ha keep posting pictures of her feet to be sure ha ha.

you do know that if keep pretending to be stupid eventually you will surrounded by real stupid people right?

what do I do to lick zoe's feet
asking for a friend

>Just be urself
I'm myself and look where I ended up. Fuck off retard

This all started cuz ugly chicks cant get laid and blame videogames for the lack of attention when really the probably have shit personalities or shit for brains or are just ugly as shit, while there are certainly men that fit these descriptions as well we just quietly fap and play vidya until the day we just commit suicide, we dont form movements over it we dont demand society change, all i wanted was my vidya, my porn and my weed

point out a single instance ITT of someone claiming to be a victim

we passed that point over a decade ago

Stupid discord tranny

> no ur the npc

Then you are not a real gamer.
How old are you?

Having to lower my intelligence for the sake of others is damning.

there's no reason to post fact when we all know this is a bait thread so people can spout bullshit for easy (You) like

here (You) go, young man, spend it well

That's why this happened.

Attached: 1521741872303.png (944x4013, 662K)

Have Sex

Back when most gamers were incels. Luckily the industry isn't quite so cringe anymore.

yeah, the sjw's did that
it isn't the inherent failing of a retarding fucking profit motive that requires increasingly bloated games that cost increasingly bloated production costs to please increasingly bloated twats

Seethe oldfag seethe

Have sex

>Then you are not a real gamer.

If I overheard someone saying this in public I'd laugh at them.

Nah, Yea Forums sucked long before Gamergate

ignoring biology, sounds like a sjw to me

Only one seething ITT are redditcucks mad at being told to go back.

You deserve more (you)

The greatest irony behind all of this is that anonymity is supposed to be the solution to people "wearing masks". You aren't under any social pressure so there is a stronger incentive to be genuine, yet even with anonymity no one is genuine.

oh boy it seems we go another reset era infestation

Attached: whocouldbebehindthispost.jpg (2540x1211, 370K)

>you told them to make their own games and now they are and movies too!
But they arent, theyre just converting the most popular franchises in the last two decades into their insane bullshit and you know its true you double nigger.

Attached: ZoeQuinn.png (1304x1376, 199K)

Anyone else notice that NPCs like to use reddit as a boogeyman? They know the right-wing side of reddit is an important ally to Yea Forums since gamergate and are trying to divide and conquer and pit us against eachother. Even if NPC memes are somehow reddit,all that means is reddit is just as woke as Yea Forums. NPCs are trying to pit our movement against reddit, our closest ally.

Attached: Conisder the following.jpg (569x428, 108K)

What franchises

Be a game journalist

It was a symptom and the cause has never left.

Go dilate.

>redditcucks mad at being told to go back.
i.e. shit that isn't happening ITT

She literally said she has people messaging her regularly with offers of feet worship or buying foot pics for years

Never give up and maybe she'll let us, fren

Attached: Zoë-Quinn-Feet-3759077.jpg (486x1024, 62K)

t. based pede

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Dude... It'll ruin your life.
You can try going the route of posing, like every other "male feminist" out there, but eventually they'll find out and doxx the shit out of you.

Attached: male feminist.jpg (620x605, 88K)

Not what I was talking about at all. GG completely underestimated how far left the game industry already was by the 2010s, and how far it was likely to move. GG completely failed to understand how public derision and hostility are things feminists have a lot of experience countering.

Attached: zoequinn2.jpg (1840x4672, 1.43M)

>I'm gonna die in another 60 years, might as well kys myself
If shit is doomed to decay anyways the least you can do is not intentionally hasten the process.

Your image describes GG exactly. Do you think people unironically sent thousands of emails to dozens of advertisers because of the "Gamers are Dead" articles. No one is actually that stupid.

If it had been a woman accusing a man of being abused by him then everyone would have backed the victim up.

This but unironically.

Gamergate was a symptom of a disease, a sick man rubbing his wounds to blood becasuse he could no longer help it.

Yea Forums was 100% right to complain about Zoe and it brought the corruption in game journalism to public view, even managing to destroy Gawker before the movement inevitably destroyed itself. It's a victory that invited a greater war to come, when people understood that angry people on the internet can be actually effectual. As a result of it Yea Forums gets fun police now, but I really can't imagine it all going any other way.

>Anti-GG is not a real thing though, its just decent people.
just visit cancer-era to witness the lunacy of your ''decent people''

also don't come back

Attached: zoequinn3.jpg (484x534, 169K)

>She literally said she has people messaging her regularly with offers of feet worship or buying foot pics for years
oh my

oly fuck, "toppest kek", "anti-quinn", I always knew you far left psychopaths think you can use Yea Forums terminology to blend into that website, but your ideology reeks no matter what you? DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW STUPID YOU SOUND YOU STUPID MENTALLY ILL LIBSHIT? Do you expect anyone to take you seriously anymore? You realize GG detached itself from Yea Forums long ago, and it has become its own thing? How dare you call it a shitty movement when its about addressing the disgusting attitudes and actions of people like you? You should be ashamed. Hating GG is one thing, but making such a pathetic weak-willed post showing your cowardly fear of GG is worse. I swear, there is something genetically wrong with you people, maybe the brain that encodes empathy is underdeveloped. You may think your a good person, but good people don't make up bullshit crimes, nor defend people who betray others trust. You have a putrid soul. I think GG is winning the mainstream pretty well, just because you cocooned yourself into your little echo camber at gamerghazi doesn't change that. Pro Gamergate comments are more popular, this video has many likes, and more people are convinced or don't feel any ill will anymore. Your the loser mate. Accept it, although it might be hard for you narcassitic fucktards to admit you were wrong, but you will suffer for the rest of your life because of it. Its been over 8 months, and you far left psychopaths are still shortening your lifespan over it. Your movement has unintentional pushed hundreds of people to embrace the ideology of Spengler. I can alreadly count 3 people anti-GG people who have committed suicide, perhaps you should get off your fucking high horse and stop being such a race and sex denier eh? Oh yeah, and crying about /pol/. Hahahahaha.

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It's easy.
Do you like game journalists?

It was an alt-right/berni-bro harassment campaign against women and poc in the gaming industry. People got killed , villages were burned and a few brave (white) women went against all that like true heroes.

There is an undergraound cabal of SJWs that run the world and want gamers down and bullied.

>>They do
Funnily enough, they have created less original IPs after Gamer Gate. They just took more of our games and made them into propaganda.

It's always eurotime when these threads fire up into high gear. What's with that?

>Zoe will never shatter your eyesocket


>get attacked
>fight back
>get beaten up anyway
>"remember, fighting back ruined everything, this is all your fault"

>you will never fuck this dirty whore
Shes so fucking trashy it makes me so hard.

Remember when the GGfags donated money to a charity collecting money for female game devs and that organization was then disavowed by the feminist socjus mob?
All the people claiming to be the victims of gamers here are batshit insane and jurnos are STILL beating the GG strawman occasionally.

If I want gamers bullied, what camp does that put me in?

I wasn't being ironic.

Battlefield 5, ghostbusters 2, they gave kratos the god of war the game with the mini game where you bang 2 greek sluts 20 mins in a new son and babbys first daddy plotline. Face it fucker there hasnt been a successful new IP to come from this PC shitshow they just co-opt previously successful titles in an effort to push their shit to the most mainstream audience

Attached: jeUSA.jpg (2400x2006, 468K)

>Anti-GG is not a real thing though, its just decent people. There is no anti-KKK.


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> western shit

>our games

But whining about muh soggy knee and incels on Yea Forums absolutely does.
Its also ironic you saying hating x for existing is bad, when you’re a self-admitted polfriend, who does that about blacks and jews everyday.

Those resetera faggots are a blight on humanity. Closed minded, and easily offended cucks.

>DYE ThINK tHAt MaSSIve CoNSPrcyY thAT onLY US suPRemE faGGots cAN unRAVel?????////
gamergate, qanon, it's all the same fucking thing
bunch of keyboard warrior faggots who like the tingly feeling in their pp when they pretend they're privy to some secret information/understanding

Yeah, how dare people not want to be triggered when reading about video games? We should have slurs all over the sites, and ONLY review games where women and gays and trans* and PoC are violently murdered!"

You are so right! Wow, someone get this cishet a cookie!

Yeah but the end result is that you'll have gotten to suck Zoe's toes, so worth it

(Anita definitely has better feet but Zoe's would be more fun and she'd be more into it, Anita would be disgusted and cold about it)

Attached: Anita-Sarkeesian-Feet-3968975.jpg (400x635, 50K)

Yea Forums Fun Fact: The guy running that "charity" cried on Reddit about how he was being harassed by Quinn. /pol/ picked up on it and shilled for him. Yea Forums fell for it because it's full of retards like you.

>gamers bullied
What about gamers getting bullied sexually.

Literally first world problems. Women are about as oppressed as fucking dogs.

Ok well the PC shit is also censoring your precious weeb tits on tots.

Yea Forums was SUPPOSED to be a place that was a safe space for people tired of GuggyGully. You banned them from your site, which is how I heard of you, so I thought it'd be a place thats safe for people like me who have been the target of gators' harrassment.

Instead what I mostly see are sea lions, cishets crying about how they are oppressed, and casual racism/sexism/classism/ableism/trans*phobia... it goes on an on.

There are some good people here, I can tell, but this place is toxic. Still, I can always go to Ghazi and show them the children that frequent this place.

Gamergate was partially responsible for Trump getting elected

Change my mind

anita please step on me!

Why'd he abandon us, bros?

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>Mortal Kombat
>The entire E-sport scene
Just to name a few

Trump's campaign manager LITERALLY called GG his army.


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i can't work out how many levels of irony you're on right now but it doesn't really matter because regardless of your actual opinions you should strongly consider killing yourself as an apology for your shamefully awful posts

>turning "women are privileged" into "I hate all women I hope they die" in like 2 posts
These levels of mental gymnastics are only possible by possssing a cunt. Get back in the kitchen you stupid bitch. t.Actual /pol/

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>Closed minded, and easily offended cucks
all of this also applies to Yea Forums

dude i love mister metokur

ITT: Newfags pretending to be Oldfags to complain about things they don’t like that they pretend are new

Get out of your bubble. Trump got elected because he wasn't Hillary. Simple as that. Hillary is fuck awful, and you should feel awful for voting for another Clinton.

you're not helping yourself many ani-GGs were literally RAPIST and sex-pest so many go caught up i #metoo someone had to make list

Gamergate has been here since 2004. I should know I was there.

He wanted to be the centre of everything and lead a cult of personality and when people stopped listening to him he chucked a little temper tantrum.

She straight up got string implants in her tits too, she's literally a bimbo goth gf hnngh

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Was this movie ever released?

>you aren't allowed to care about things because niggers are starving somewhere

Which is filled to bursting with resetera cancer.

>"game dev" makes shit game
>cheats on her boyfriend with five guys
>one of them is a journo who wrote about her game
>questions are asked
>she dmca's a video talking about it
>journalists all release the same article at once
>find out they're colluding in an email list
>they pull the standard sjw "racist, sexist, homophobic" card
>advertiser email campaigns ensue
>money is lost
basically proved what people have been complaining about since like 2007 when that dude was fired from gamespot for give a game a 7/10 that the website was advertising heavily

call me back when Yea Forums looks like this

Attached: resetera1519291598821.png (1502x6841, 1.5M)

where do I go for my complimentary Zoe gf?

>Tell SJWs to DEVELOP games

I still remember how fucking know your meme had an unbiased overview of the entire shitshow whilst wikipedia was a biased piece of aids.

9gag and knowyourmeme not caving, what a suprising shitshow that was.

NBC didn't make that fake, it's literally a stock photo of it's own.

There is nothing more privileged than a straight white women, NOTHING

So a slut? Literally nothing special.

"Fuck off, user! These perfect Armenian goddess feet are for good little liberal boys only!"

Attached: Anita-Sarkeesian-Feet-3639257.jpg (1080x1080, 85K)





The 2016 election was the finishing blow

Proof how fucking resetera are nothing but pencil dicks, and roasties.

If only this faggot was here to see modern /vg/...
What would he think of it?

>care about things
What things? Petty vidya drama?
Go suck a cactus

Attached: Ubisoft enters the console hardware market.jpg (600x300, 31K)

Your kind is doing the world a favour by staying incel, no shame in that.

Fact: There are black people that life will be more productive to society than you and your entire family ever will.

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Thank god I had a subscription. The only person to judge me was the mail carrier.

I'd fuck her but only once and I'd make sure to use protection so I don't get any of the number of diseases she probably has.

This is it, honestly. It's a shame our intentions were co-opted by snakes who just wanted to use the controversy to boost their own egos and wallets. Those fucks made the whole thing look worse and much easier to dismiss.

Plot twist the mail carrier was the cutest girl in your school!

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God I want to fuck her. Not hate fuck, as I don't care about internet culture war bullshit, but loving vanilla sex.

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go look up her nudes and say that

Just be a good boy, user. And maybe Zoe will sit on your face one day.

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So long as you win at life, and have kids.

Nothing on the web is "the true internet." Yea Forums is closer, though. Moderation is for pussies.

No you don't you fucking LARPer. She is ugly as fuck. At least LARP about wanting to fuck Zoe so it makes sense.

You're just as bad as SJW's and radfems. Just play your videogames and watch your movies and take them in on their individual merit instead of connecting it to some big conspiracy.

>Remember, this is what ruined everything.
>everyone who proceeded to ruin everything shows up in the thread
really makes you think

>so maybe Yea Forums will be safe to visit now
Why do these fragile fucktards act is if visiting this website is dangerous? Nothing posted here can hurt you, even if a thousand people reply "kys ´niggerkikefaggot I will gas you" to your post it cant actually hurt because the post is anonymous and despite how much somebody would want to murder a shitposter we simply can't find them irl to act on them.

Anonymous words replying to anonymous words cant hurt you because for all their insult they lack the proper context for insults to be hurtful.
If your best mates all called you a faggot and ghosted you it'd probably hurt, but some random asshole insulting something you said online? Come on.

This is autism on another level.

La creatura

Resetera are full of racist faggots.

Yea Forums will always be wrong about Gamergate

Nope, that woman was fucked.

Attached: 5-guys-zoe-quin.jpg (480x360, 50K)

>40% of domestic abuse victims are male
I mean... there's two genders, so 60% of domestic abuse would be female


he literally had a few months of cooldown to avoid that, he went back to being basically an encyclopedia dramatica youtube channel and left that unironic politics shit to ye sargons and mundanematts who inevitably embarassed themselves

Quinn is much uglier than Anita, even now. And what do you think I'm LARPing as, a horny gf-less basement dweller? Unfortunately that's not RP.

>good boy


Attached: zoe-quinn-cunt.png (680x682, 274K)

autism is the kryptonite of sjw's

No. The plan to ruin everything was already set in motion. What GG did was expose it and the discord trannie threw a concerted tantrum for being outsmarted and exposed. That's all.

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El monstruo de Armenia

This isn't a word normal people use

You're right, those nudes she did over a decade ago before she got in shape are definitely representive of her looks now

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you said it

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Chan4 didn’t even exist in 2001

what's wrong with her face?

Excuse me, what's "Yea Forums"? This is 4channel.

>That pose... is zoe, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

people don't have a right to force others to adapt to their mental fragility

I am a zoeboy for life but I respect and understand your preference for Anita, especially now she's mommy thicc

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It really was which is insane. It felt like the fappening was going to do it but the amount of redditors that invaded Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole because of GG was insane, nobody could have foreseen it.

the whole website changed after that, shit fucking sucks. I wish we could go back bros.

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don't pretend you wouldn't fuck that

quick ask someone who joined Yea Forums when gamergate started anything

before the thread autosage

You're a gator because you are for GollowGage. That's what you are, that's what you'll always be. Sorry! If it makes you feel better, why not post a bunch more slurs to feel more like a big boy?

Get off your soapbox. Nobody wants to hear you mansplain about the nuanced evolution of a hate movement.

Leave it to gators to find their calling by going online to fight scawy skeletons from making games less racist and sexist. Truly these people are the paragons of society.

Muh principles

How does that change the fact that a bunch of so-called feminists started bashing something that directly benefited women?

The fact that to this day, people will keep bringing up Kyle Pulver when it was proven time and time again he had no involvement with any of this, it's reason enough to understand the whole movement is a bunch of nutjubs that can't verify info for shit and will run with wild conspiracy theories with no method to correct anything, it's just misinfo parroted ad-nauseum taken from a bunch of shitposty images.

Nothing just wanted a shot that focused on her tits more

>when you realize Zoe has the same type of sexy face as the skeleton queen, she's just in healthy shape

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Am I the only person who legitimately has no idea what this was about?

>You're just as bad as SJW's and radfems

I have never molested,sexually harassed or raped a person so no I'm not

Its like saying that anyone against the Holocaust, racism, sexism, not being allowed to legally kill trans* people for no reason at all (THANKS AMERIKKKA), is trying to force you to adopt to their mental fragility. Its being not a scumbag.

When's Zoe doing a video where she gets gangbanged by 6 guys all of whom creampie her then she lets the creampies leak out of her and eats them? Asking for a friend.

GG's origins were alright, the problems started once e-celebs and attention whores started jumping on the bandwagon and milking it for money
Many of those same people (see: milo, sargon, etc.) similarly rode their way to fame through the 2016 election.

Unpopular opinion alert - taking modern (SJW) concerns into consideration can make a game better.

Redesigning Lara Croft is part of what turned that franchise from a joke to a respectable series again.

Can you prove he didn’t?
Thought so shut the fuck up.

Mobs aren't about anything. They are just angry people lashing out. In this case, they had right-wing news outlets and think tanks egging them on.

>Redesigning Lara Croft is part of what turned that franchise from a joke to a respectable series again.

how are them sells doing again?

Which corporations?

Outing that journos and publishers were literally in bed together.

Then it got political and everything went to shit


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How are you omitting the Fappening from this? That played far more into the mass influx of traffic.

>turned that franchise from a joke to a respectable series again.

Attached: france6.jpg (700x500, 60K)

No you are completely wrong. Especially in terms of Tomb Raider. No one actually liked those new games, they're just movie games.

People hated journos here from Day 1.
They became worse and worse even infusing retarded american social politics into their interviews with devs.
Cue some e-drama stirred up because of some talentless LA/SF clique persons they were pushing as big authors for making some html text game.
People had fun with it and the drama was hilarious due to twitter being a thing.
Journos took it seriously and were suspiciously co-ordinated in what they wrote and when they released it in response.
Internal emailing lists were leaked showing co-ordination and even blacklistings were outed.
Journos went on a years long bender decrying it all as sexism and racism against them and how it wasn't a big deal that they were caught red-handed.
Some redditorfaggots latched onto it and blew on the fire by being chanology-tier faggots.
Journos became even more enraged and started getting their friends from real media outlets to help them.
Retarded shit kept happening and it was hilarious.
Journos became increasingly irrelevant due to the rise of youtube and streaming and thus the whole drama became irrelevant too.

The funniest thing?
Journos and the few friends they have in LA/SF are still utterly obsessed with the whole thing and will namedrop it at a moment's notice even for totally unrelated criticisms. It's like their very own personal holocaust.

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Imagine thinking one fag brietbart journalist amounts to right-wing news outlets and entire think tanks

When's Zoe doing a joi vid where she's your kinda bitchy but loving older sister who just caught you smelling her panties? Asking for a friend

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dude if you're a sjw you should obviously fuck off, but if you're earnestly pretending to be retarded to get a (You) in such a destructive manner, THEN you should think long and hard about your life

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good enough to make 3 of em
you armchair economist faggots acting like Square Enix way overblowing their expectations on sales suddenly means the games were a failure

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Hi KiA! Need more unsourced JPEGs to circlejerk over? Good luck fighting the good fight and protecting all the underrepresented cishets out there!

Quality bait but a bit low tier for me

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>the fappening
what was this about again?
a zip file of leaked nudes or something?

Hey I'd appreciate you not linking my posts when you make shitty comments like that! Oh wait I can just hide you SORRY!

"Based Mom" was LITERALLY a shill for the American Enterprise Institute, which is LITERALLY a Republican think tank.

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it was chanology all over again, powered by people too new to remember how awful chanology was

Garbage opinion. TR made a respectable comeback with Legend and Anniversary. The team fucked up with Underworld.
Making it Uncharted with a dude was the worst decision they could've made, because they killed the exploration and the platforming. Also Lara became a basic bitch.

>ywn cutely kiss anita on the nose while you cuddle


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How many games were there before the poop-reboot?

I'd rather one where Auntie Anita catches me playing DOA and scolds me.

Thanks for proving my point.

People are so weird.
I can't for the life of me fathom why there are more cum tributes of Anita and none of Mary Kish.

Attached: mary10.jpg (379x375, 22K)

I want her to do a fake rape porno. Holy fuck that'd be amazing.

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because no one knows her. And some people want to hatefuck Anita and Zoe.

>Gamergate was fueled by the AEI
This is you brain on autism

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Seeing as they had to reboot the franchise twice since the original games to get their foot in the door again with this reboot, I'd say they're pretty fuckin irrelevant
obviously her big tiddies didn't keep you comin back forever

People forget the Gamergate didn't start with Zoe, but with DmC:DMC.
Hordes of game journalists shitting on the fanbase for taking up issue with the reboot really set the division between "gamers" and "game journos", that erupted into a firestorm during GG.

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>it's another zoe fan goon falseflag thread

it's getting really pathetic

>unpopular opinion
spotted the retarded fucking redditor

>because no one knows her

Well, that's upsetting

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a girl wanted to have money
a guy called her shit out
the girl doubles down
the guy calls out reporters in the "working industry"

it's not about being yourself, it's about being the best version of yourself
if you can't reach your potential, that's yourself to blame

You mean, with her raping you, right user?

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GumpinGive started to harrass women out of gaming, and expanded to encompass PoC and trans*. That's just the truth and saying otherwise is being willfully ignorant at BEST.

Well that was a fucking terrible thread

No that's wrong. There is literally no reason to do that.


>six guys
>not five guys
Get it together

Too bad white people can't do anything right and failed at this as well

More like: the movement is the toilet (white), and its screaming about ethics whenever someone with a plunger gets within ten feet of it.

Look up the hashtag on twitter. Careful not to be drinking anything, cause you're going to laugh your socks off at how super sewious gators are about their toys being made friendlier to women.


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