What is the best video game movie ever, Yea Forums? Is Detective Pikachu seriously the best we ever got?
Best video game movie?
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The only serious contender is Tomb Raider starring a teenage boy.
>What is the best video game movie ever, Yea Forums?
either this or the first Mortal Kombat
the old movies were better
i wanna fuck that pikachu
>couldn't beat the Avengers
Why did it flop, bros?
Star Wars
In terms of sheer quality as a movie, yes. I'd argue it's also the best as an adaptation of the source material, but then again the Detective Pikachu game wasn't that good to begin with so the movie didn't have too tall an order to be better than it.
Angry birds, but most cucks don't even know it
Because its the avengers. It'd be like asking why it didn't beat star wars or some other mass appeal movie.
It did beat the avengers in Japan
better question, what's the best movie video game we've ever got?
Unironically this. Warcraft isn't a perfect movie, and it definitely had unused potential, but as a fan of the series it's pretty fucking engaging if you can handle campiness.
This is precisely it. It wasn't hard to make the movie better than the game. It was a smart move on their part because most people seeing the movie didn't have a lot of expectations to begin with.
Making a mainline game movie after this is going to be the real challenge. I'm glad the movie did so well but it'll be interesting to see where things go from here.
The Prince of Persia movie was unexpectedly good
people expected it to beat Avengers?
it tried making a movie out of a game with no story. It was going to suck by default
I haven't played any warcraft game including WoW ,only knew a bit of the warcraft lore from reading on the internet here and there and I enjoyed it.
Do we need these threads every day?
Postal, without a doubt.
>DP is Soulless
DP has a lot of problems but none of them are "soul" related issues.
Do i need to play the game first?
No, the movie does everything better from the characters, to the setting, to the plot itself.
No, there were several, admitedly somewhat obscure movies that were much, much better than DP, from Yokai Watch to Animal Crossing, maybe Phoenix Wright adaptations, or one of Street Fighter I don't exactly remember much of.
The only award it wins is " Vidya movie that isn't garbage that normalfags will eat up ".
This is pretty good, ngl.
Super Mario bros is unironically a good movie.
Pretty sure OP implies live action, or CGI I guess? There's a decent amount of animated vidya movies.
>boomer is dumb
Water is wet
water is not wet
Which one tho?
Both if you are talking about the cuck one.
Same guy: "Avengers: Endgame isn’t as brash, surprising, or relentless as its predecessor but it’s a worthy conclusion to the Infinity War duology and provides a satisfying end to the First Avengers Era."
No, no, but you see THIS MOVIE is a total product placement but not this other film that's going to sell millions in toys.
What about the Animal Crossing movie?
that got a movie?
It was pretty good but that twist was beyond retarded.
A very old animated one, yes.
i can't believe it, ryan reynolds leaked the full film on youtube
Pokemon has a billion animated movies, user.
We're strictly talking about Bollywood theater dramas that normalfags worship for some unexplicable reason.
Stop shilling this.
I keep on forgetting this one exists. That ending still pisses me off.
I forgot that even existed. Wasn't it redpilled as fuck or something like that?
This one?
2006 isn't that old. Right?
It's not even the best Pokemon movie
not really. /pol/ tries to twist EVERYTHING into being "redpilled" even if it's not.
I watched it with my wifes son, he loved it
If not for the practical effects alone. Sure it's not the best story wise but it really captured the feel. Especially in the nurse scene.
I still have no idea why they hired Sean Bean and just had him do nothing for the entire movie. He would have made a decent Harry.
>Sean Bean
Fuck it's been ages. He was in this movie? I think the titty twister of death made me forget.
I don't blame you for forgetting it. He does literally nothing for the entire thing and is just there for info dumps and taking in Heather at the end.
But it didn't suck, nigger
No it was not.
DP is on par with SF. But SF is campy good. DP is more solid.
MK isn't as good as fans like to say it is.
Nah. The plot is butchered, and Lara is literally her own worst enemy. No baddie in the movie physically harms her worse than she does to herself.
this is just zoomer hamster dance
>65k dislikes
These are 3rd world shitters right?
The Silent Hill movie fails as an adaptation for a number of reason but it's not overall a bad movie.
Part of me also wants to defend the Resident Evil movies. I always thought that Paul W.S. Anderson had a certain talents but I know I'm probably alone with that.
Silent Hill 1, Mortal Kombat and Doom the first person scene is kino
Sean Bean's character was imposed by the studio, the director was going for a female-centric story but some execs were worried about the lack of male leads
God damn, what's the name of the song?
There's only a handful of slightly good video game movies. I think the key is to not be a straight up adaptation to the game and have it's own story.
>Silent Hill(the first one only)
>Scott Pilgrim vs the World
>Ready Player One
I want to count the RE movies but there are only scenes in each movies that are good but each movie sucks.
Was overlord good?
Based Detective Conan
This one is definitely the most faithful game movie, if anything. Seriously underrated too
It was pretty meh, Mew Two looked fucking retarded and the old guys plan made absolutely no sense, literally dozens of plot holes.
The bit with Mr Mine was the only redeamable part.
Nah man, you're not alone. I thought almost all of the RE movies were at least entertaining. Some were pretty good and the first one was great.
Scott Pilgrim was a comic
>comic count as video game movies if comic is about video games
at least people turning into pokemon and the girl turning into a psyduck will fuel at least a decade of fetish art.
My favorite
Angry Birds
Its got an underlying anti-refugee message in it
Does Wreck It Ralph count or does the movie need to be based off a video game and not based around video games?
Howards plan did make sense.
he was an old frail man, he wanted to be strongl he believed in the bond between a human and a pokemon.
the point of his plan was to seek a way to evolve beyond his frailtyl and since he saw himself as a messiah, he wanted for everyone to feel the same, thats why he did the soul merging with the rest of the city.
But user, OP posted a picture of the based Detective Pikachu movie not snoys God Of War.
I'm gonna say it counts. Same with Scott pilgrim and ready player one.
Too obvious, champ.
haha imagine being soul merged with a Gardevoir haha
Critics thought Detective Pikachu was a bit dry.
>foreign people arrive at your homeland
>they seem rather odd and don't really behave normally on your country, but you let them in because they're poor souls with nowhere to go
>turns out they're malicious and cause great harm
>you counter-attack by invading their homeland and artillery-bombing their buildings
What did they mean by this?
Scott Pilgrim?
That FF movie was okay too
>>Scott Pilgrim vs the World
>>Ready Player One
Because Disney had probably force some sort of clause onto the movie theaters where they must dedicate 50%+ of the showings to Avengers.
In that case blade runner is the best videogame movie.
Mortal Kombat. Shang Tsung was kino, and it gave us the Mortal Kombat theme song.
The original Resident Evil was fun, just for this scene
>Ready Player One
please don't
I went to go see it with a group mostly out of the loop with Pokémon and they grasped basically everything just fine. The only confusing moment for them was understanding what Mew was.
I can't believe people took this post seriously.
I personally don't think it counts at all. Sounded cool when it originally got announced, but it's just a typical Pixar movie with a arcadey backdrop. You could change the majority of the setting and it wouldn't change much. I just don't think of video games when I watch it
I thought mewtwo looked exactly like he does in the games, enlighten me. They even got it right by him talking through telepathy, but when possessed by villain, uses mouth
Does the film have any Pokemon that makes your pee pee hard?
>If you have waited your whole life for a drink of coke, and want to watch lemonade and hot beverages occupy the same bladder, then Detective Pikachu may well be everything you ever wanted. But for those of us who drink water, this film scores low on hydration, refreshment and graphics.
>there are critica getting paid to write this
I wonder how many people actually takes them seriously.
no, they avoided pretty much all the popular sexualized pokemon
Seconded. It's still messy and shows how Silent Hill works better in an interactive medium, but as far as an adaption that actually tries to capture the atmosphere and visual design of the source material I think the movie stands high above most video game adaptations.
The sequel is unrelentingly bad though. There are a few good actors and a fun mannequin spider, but still, really really bad.
What a Chad.
come on.
i mean, it will never be high art, but really RPO is an entertaining movie, just not for kids.
seriously, when i wentto the theater to see it, there were a lot of children, but then we got virtual poledances, people losing their shit, dickweeds called sorrento.... clearly spielberg made this movie for teens/adults.
I don't remember him doing anything but researching a bit of town lore behind the scenes, but I really liked the payoff in the end.
If the game were to be adapted today I could see them just throwing in a random Pyramid head jumpscare to roll credits on, but I thought the original idea for the ending was the most memorable part of the film, and actually went for something surprisingly subtle and emotional.
The silent hill movie gets flak for weird pacing and mucking up the first game's story, but I'm first to admit that the first game's story was already kind of goofy, and I just think it's fun that they actually used Akira Yamaoaka's music.