Steam or GOG?

Steam or GOG?

Attached: kenshi-full-battle-image-8996f.jpg (640x322, 43K)

Steam has mods.

the /vg/ thread has all the steamworkshop mods in a mega

Neither. The game is not that fun and was released as 1.0 when it was clearly not finished.

I kinda agree with this. The game is kind of fun, but yeah, it's way incomplete.

What's incomplete exactly? There's easily 100+ hours of content in it.

Neither, the game is shit no matter where you get it.

It's a great game. Just because it got shilled on youtube to kids doesn't make it a bad game. I can't stand contrarians against popularity. There's so much content in the game and it's pretty fucking robust in general for a sandbox.

GOG since then you'll actually own it. You can get the same mods as Steam, just not from the Workshop

There is a lot of content, but it's kind of destroyed by the game having lots of imbalanced exploits. Like, becoming invincible simply by stocking up on bolts and training athletics. Crossbows are OP as fuck and you can kite and kill everything in this game without ever getting hit.

>everyone who doesn't like my shitty game is a contrarian!
Fuck off, Kenshi sucks ass.
>game is unfinished and dev just gave up on it and released it in its current state
>extremely unoptimized and runs like shit
>every run is basically the same, with training up a bunch of characters and fucking around without actually having meaningful content
>needs player made mods to fix issues
>balance is all over the place

I doubt they get updated

Always GOG.

this kind of only buy it on sale, it's fun and unique but also shallow ultimately
idk man i felt like i'd seen everything after establishing a base and killing people

It took the guy like 10 years to make it, he barely fixed the damage on martial arts on his last update. Most devs give up on their previous games when they plan a sequel, like Risk of Rain devs, but Chris has said repeatedly he will continue to address how there's multiple ways to abuse the game, obviously. Until then hopefully we can have some overhaul mods to deal with it alongside it.

>game is unfinished and dev just gave up on it and released it in its current state
It has very definite beginning, middle and end content, considering it's a SANDBOX that's incredibly impressive. What exactly is unfinished? What did you specifically find unfinished? There's thousands of things you can fucking do in the game. I just can't take this argument seriously when you sound like you've not played the game for more than a few hours.
>extremely unoptimized and runs like shit
I have a rig from 5 years ago and it runs silky fucking smooth. The ONLY issue I've ever had was the giant size for saves, but considering how you can have characters interact and the entire world live by itself at ANY GIVEN TIME that's understandable. There's also an option in the fucking game just for retards like you to switch between zones faster and it doesn't even bloat your ram as much as you'd think.
>>every run is basically the same, with training up a bunch of characters and fucking around without actually having meaningful content
Are you fucking stupid? A sandbox with RPG mechanics is "basically the same". Wow what a giant shocker, are you fucking stupid?? What else do you expect exactly? For the game to turn into a space sci-fi exploration grand strategy on NG+ ?

Oh so you are just a shill who falseflags and lies about the game.

>meaningful content
What is "meaningful content"? Everything you do has lasting consequences in the fucking game. The first time I conquered a city and then saw ripples of it reach all the way at the other side of the continent in a dialogue that landed me a companion. 99.99% of people would miss this.
>needs player made mods to fix issues
No it doesn't. I've put in 100+ hours with no fucking mods. In fact mods break the fucking game balance, especially the squad limit one, when you put something retarded as that and take a city with ease you have 0 reason to complain that the game is easy you absolute retard.
>balance is all over the place
There's a billion things to consider here and he still somehow nerfed a bunch of shit last time he updated. It's just one fucking guy for fuck's sake. If you love mods so much. Start balancing you lazy consumer trash fuck.

What else do you want out of it? To go to space? To start a stardew valley storyline? It did fine for what it set out to do.

I'm not the one that makes dubious statements with no arguments about a game I don't even like. You played it for a few hours, got to some content and gave up because your attention span didn't get instantly gratified and now you're validating yourself by coming into a thread and telling how awful this game is. Just fucking leave then and fuck off.

True, but you have far more convenience with the workshop in general.

I wish running a base was less tedious. Part of that issue are buggy jobs, very annoying.

>wah wah stop telling people how shitty my game is!

Ok you don't like the game, your loss.
Just leave, fucking dumbass.

>Just leave
Not your hugbox, redditor.

>get logged off steam on my pc for some reason
>needs steam guard code for it to log in again
>forgot I have a new phone and no steam app on it
>download it
>when I log in on mobile it tells me to give them the steam guard code again
>that should be sent on the app
>that I cannot access
What the fuck is this

Attached: 246381.png (426x510, 137K)

Kenshi is feature complete and a lot more in-depth than a lot of AAA games.
>has exploration
>base building
>character progression
>be what you want, sandbox style similar to the X3 games
>has consequences for actions like when you destroy factions
>has sneaking

And still you guys think it's still half baked?
I don't see you faggots complaining in AAA game threads like Skyrim.

How pathetic do you have to be to come into a thread of a game you don't even like just to "le ebin troll" others? That's the real reddit shit right there.

Does anyone have the roll image from vg ?

Wanna start a new playthrough

everyone shits on skyrim lmao

Straight up not true. Everyone loves skyrim, even here. Make a thread about it and watch the replies.

>What else do you want out of it? To go to space? To start a stardew valley storyline? It did fine for what it set out to do.
an actual reason to do anything you're doing rather than just for the sake of it idk i had the base built but from a game design stand point it barely felt like it has a purpose
just having those systems in place doesnt make them automatically good, i had my fun for about 30 hours but it all seemed to open ended to me, on my second run i already had the game beat and there was barely any challenge left except for the times where you're just shit out of luck with nothing else to do except run away

>I don't see you faggots complaining in AAA game threads like Skyrim.
jezus christ calm down faggot
>muh AAA
as though kenshi is somehow some holy grail indie title, fuck off

cuz of porn mods

>Make a thread about it and watch the replies.
no one ever claims the game is good though

>1 shekel has been deposited on your account

>from a game design stand point it barely felt like it has a purpose
1. Resource creation for trade and self-development at least 20hours
2. Base defense "mini-game" from all kinds of shit at least 20hours
3. Facilitation of trade exporting and importing, setting up a trade center of your own at least 20hours
4. Building a network combining all of the above in your own empire at least 50hours

That's just base building. You are absolutely wrong if you think you've squeezed the game out of it's "open-ended" content.

unironically piratebay

you don't actually own it unless you have the ability to resell it

You can sell it

>1. Resource creation for trade and self-development at least 20hours
yes which is what i did
>2. Base defense "mini-game" from all kinds of shit at least 20hours
literally how bad are you at the game just build training station
>3. Facilitation of trade exporting and importing, setting up a trade center of your own at least 20hours
i really dont know how bad you are at videogames but all of these things can be done at the same time once you plop down your base

idk what to say man i never denied there's a ton of things you CAN do, you can do a ton of stuff a ton of different ways it's just mostly meaningless because there's no real narrative and the game ends up running like shit once you have a sizeable base going

still i loved the world and atmosphere and had my fun fucking around with the systems in the game despite how jank all of it is, i expect you'll just continue to respond in a fit of rage so i'll stop replying now and wish you a good day

no you can't there's no second hand sales

>yes which is what i did
You can't get to end-game content, at least with Research in only 20 hours.
>just build training station
What are you talking about? What training station? training dummies? Lol obviously you don't know what you're talking about if you're seriously telling me you survived assaults of all kinds, especially after taking a faction to -99 with just training dummies. Sounds more likely that you saw there's training dummies but never actually built them to their limit to see just how little you can actually get out of it and that it's probably gonna take forever so you just gave up.
>i really dont know how bad you are at videogames but all of these things can be done at the same time once you plop down your base
I'm almost certain YOURE the one who didn't do any of this shit and you're basically bullshiting me right now. You can't do all these things in only 20 hours. It's physically impossible, there's a reason that even speedrunners avoid certain features, it's just not fucking possible and you're full of shit.

Yes I can, wanna buy it from me?

how are you going to sell it to me

My only real issue with this game is that whenever you build anything that's out of the "camping" tab, every enemy in the observable universe automatically knows you're there, no matter how well you hide those one or two shacks in the middle of a desolate canyon
This said, I just decided to embrace the bullshit, train my dudes, build a base in one of the mesas in fog islands and deploy 4 robots to the front turrets to slaughter fogman swarms 24/7

Essential economy mods that work well together?

You send me money, I send you game. Is buying and selling a foreign concept to you?

but how do you send it also how do I own it

Pretty much the same way GOG does it

contact steam support and remove your authenticator with a code steam guard gave you prior