Now that best girl has been added to GBV who do you want next?
Granblue Versus
Which Zooey? $word and $hield Zooey, Gun Zooey, or Sword Zooey?
Give what the people want, you cowards.
You know, granblue is kinda gay
>Give what the people want
Erunes and Primals?
WMTSB should come with a gay warning because that whole questline is one of the gayest things I have ever seen, Lucio is literally treating Lucifer and Sandalfon as a married couple by the end of it.
any general
What a waste of a slot, holy shit
Lorewise she uses allcosmo weapons so maybe give her all of then? If not, then sword and shield
I really hope we get an Jew and a Zodiac. I'm a Windchad so I'm biased towards Siete and Monki but I'd be happy with any of them. Maybe not Song and Cock though, they are boring.
The people want cute boys
That's gay, give me more cute girls like this
>Maybe not Cock
I can't fucking wait to body people in the ring. Ladiva looks fun as fuck, and the detail in her supers are great.
Hopefully we get other wild card characters like Shiro or even one of the jews. As far as draphs go though, I'm praying for Sarasa, but Sturm feels more likely.
lowain is a dude tho.
Cock is boring and has a dumb design
Was Sturm popular? I have never seen her in the polls. If anyone, Naru seems the most likely candidate.
Sword and shield, but any Zooey is good
This is also good
I was surprised how much the character has going on. Does actually seem more complex and unique which gives me hope for the rest of the cast.
At this point I feel a FGO fighting game would have been better, they would have actually given us all the nice girls instead in this game all we seem to be getting is homo shit
Lunalu in the background!
no u
Lancelot has always been lala prancing homo man of gay sex while Percival has always been Chad Firecock who will make the main character his wife, or if the mc is a guy, put him in a dress and make "her" his wife anyway.
They would have given us 9 saber faces,
i wanna fug that sweet potato
Unlimited Codes already exists.
Her friend
But the FGO content in Fate/ Extella Link was by far the most boring part of the game. And Jeanne while pre-GO has like negative personality.
>Richard gets raped by this
Lucky bastard.
>Likeable character
>Nice skill set, good damage
>Using said skill set slowly kills her
>Have to bench her because she often gets obliterated by bosses
My sorrow knows no bounds.
Please no, the latest Fate content has been absolute garbage, somehow F/GO is the best thing out of all the recent Fate projects right now which is depressing as fuck.
Universal law states that Richard is only lucky during actual gambling games
enjoy your shitella games
place whale more good gaijin
already looks way better then DBFZ
Multiple weapons, sword/shield when on guard and normals, great sword and gun for specials and super
Maybe if Nasu stopped lounging around and counting his gachabucks he'd tell French Bread to make one
>Have a cool wrestler character
>He's a huge prancing faggot for barafags and fujos
I never got the hype for DBFZ, there are a million DBZ fighting games, there's nothing really "new" to look forward to. It was a great game, but with an overused franchise.
The roster keeps getting worse.
She's my mvp for tiamat malice. Consistently dodges all the big bites from that ougi spamming harlot.
>they actually added Ladiva
FUCKING BASED holy shit I was actually not expecting that
uhhhh.... Ladiva is a girl user
Because outside of Super DBZ, there wasnt any other competitive DB fighting game. That and the game looked really pretty. During that timeframe, MVCI was looking like dumpsterfire so that added more fuel
I want therese to bully me in a duel
>tumblr nose
I meant to quote this fuck
Ok so what's the gimmick? Some sort of body swap?
>so what's the gimmick
Being a pure maiden in a game full of sluts
She was born that way.
...shouldn't she have a bulge?
I doubt it for a zodiac but one of the jews (Siete since he is the leader) and one of the knights, yeah probably.
wow she is beautiful. I'm hetero now
No? She's a cute girl on the inside user, and that's what counts!
before the mentaly unstable community drags Ladiva through the mud and uses her as their puppet to screech TRANS RIGHTS TRANS RIGHTS in our faces, please remember that Ladiva is a good bro-ette that always has your back and gves you chocolate regardless of valentines or white day
Looks like Raiden from KOF
literally add 3 more saberfaces to fate unlimited codes and print the fucking money.
Someone clothe this child properly
She’s a yaoi artist of legal age
>same amount of females and males
>heterofags already screaming homo
why so insecure? do you want to play the game or jack off to the 3d models?
She is a grown woman with grown woman needs.
She is 22 years old and canonically a porn artist
>Big muscular man acting flamboyant as fuck.
Hard pass.
The big different between her and those mentally ill faggots is that Fastiva is perfectly fine with her body the way it is and wouldn't do anything to mutilate it like they would. Of course they will never realize this fact so buckle up because the faggory around this game is gonna skyrocket. And not because they added a dragqueen.
Both. i want to use my dick as the fightstick.
>canonically a porn artist
She fucking wishes. she can't draw for shit like her idol. she should just stick to dumb monster designs.
The male characters they included are all homo in some way
But so are the females
Katalina is not homo, she just has a lesbian lusting after her
Charlotta and Ferry are not homo at all
Why is granblue so gay?
This game is fucking gay unless they include an all female draph roster.
Now we just need Onee-chan, a stance based character.
Katalina is a homo
Being small is gay
Being dead is gay
Yet she can't even make a gorilla chancellor
Nee-chan is 134cm, just imagine her standing next to gran in-game.
god damn it
"Her" gender in the journal is classified as unknown though.
>tfw she'll be the high iq character
Perfect for draphbros.
>one button command grab
shit was obnoxious with rising thunder
a shitton of people spamming the grappler because you didn't have to learn the inputs
only if her supers make the opponent suck on her titties
Draph males are 2m+ tall , while their women are usually >130cm. The penis is proportional to the female.
I assumed it is balanced by slow start up and needing a combo after to do real damage. Maybe ex version will be quick
Talos? He can't do the grab on hitstun. The most annoying part about him wasn't the grab, but the vacuum.
She can draw well, she just can't write for beans.
>gorilla chancellor
Will unironically happen if her opponent is Gran, she's been getting a little possessive lately...
Why does this chick have a beard?
>literal who as fist fighter.
>not ayer
Any info on the combat system? will it be like dbz
No one wants to reduce their hp to one and just counter a whole match.
It's going to have one button inputs for specials.
He's a terrible character and Ladiva isn't. Shame he's likely in anyway.
No motions, specials are done with a button + direction. The moves have a cooldown, but most seem to refill before the move is even finished. EX moves don't seem to use meter but take up one of the move boxes. There is this one guy that keeps insisting you can change the moves like in mk11 but there isn't any real proof of that yet.
So most likely like blazblu?
There will be combos, but simplified and 1 button specials.
No in Blazblue the moves dont have a set cooldown.
Its Rising Thunder
If we dont get atleast 3 female draphs or Yuel the game wont be worth getting
It's the event is a parody of the Handsome Gorilla meme in Japan.
If anything Ayer would be a counter
We just got our grappler, lets just wait now
I'm afraid that they'll casualize this too much.Hopefully the combo system is good and there'll be footsies
Ayer is really boring though.
Yeah. BB was casualized GG and look how awful and easy that turned out to be. P4 was casualized and look how awful and easy that game turned out to be. DBFZ was casualized and look how awful and easy that game turned out to be. BBtag was casualized even more and look how awful and easy that game turned out to be. Literally anyone could compete at the high level.
Well we know the combo system won't be that complex as it isn't the focus. But you could literally have footsies in a game with one button, which actually exists and is called Footsies. Whether it is focused on that depends if Arcsys can handle making a more traditional fighter, last attempt was Battle Fantasia ages ago. So complexity isn't so much my concern as how they go about achieving that style.
How someone looks at the hundred of characters in Granblue and decides to pick THAT?
BBtag anyone can play one character
In the highest level it's switch city with high-low-left-right mixups and turning Akihiko into an extra zoning projectile
This will be dead on arrival if they put the "popular" lesbos in
yeah its garbage
>not getting it for box
I want Metera
Since it's a simple turn based RPG, almost all of the first users are brawlers that use strikes. She's the only one character that fits the pure grappling archetype
i love slut characters but i don't find metera's design attractive at all which makes me really sad. i still like her though.
They clearly said that the characters announced at first are the most generic characters of the game.
fucking gay
>Katalina is a homo
Fuck off Vira
not putting her in would be retarded
if she's not in she's 100% dlc though
That isn't even true, Ferry has her own George and a rope swing
she's not that popular though, her weapon was in the logo but they also just BTFO the weapon logo theory by adding Ladiva
>wanting Ayer
Yeah, I prefer his sister.
I mean Lowain is far from generic. He has an item gimmick and a summon gimmick at the same time, I wouldn't call that generic at all
Why does the game in the trailer looks like it is constantly lagging?
Is this how these games from Arc supposed to look like?
No, they only said that about Gran and Katalina
He means design wise, and lowain was still announced after the rest so that doesn't even count as "at first"
That just shows you don't have to be in the logo, but if their weapon is then they are pretty much 100% there at launch
But user
Ladiva is a fist, it wont be in there anyway
Fists still have weapons in GBF
Lowain was announced after Gran, Katalina, Ferry, Charlotta and Lancelot (that statement was for them).
Oh yes how come they chose the one wrestler as the grappler the game has over the hundreds of generic sword users for their fighting game?
How come Cygames is so based?
>No, they only said that about Gran and Katalina
>The characters that were announced first are more on the standard side, but later on we’ll see some more announcements in the future with different kinds of characters.
please let one of my girls get in
I'd rather have Nio than Siete, having a musician with funnels would be way more unique than a swordman who throws swords and since she's flying, she's one of the few harvins who can have a hitbox bigger than her race's normal height without looking weird like how Charlotte's crown justifies her having a hitbox than goes pretty high.
>Ugly and disgusting character gets added in over much better ones
Oh well, into the trash it goes.
Their character picks seem more about creating a good balance of personalities rather than just picking the most popular.
Metera isn't super popular, but her personality bounce off others in a good way. She'll probably have some fun ranged/floating mechanics as well.
b-but I want my husbando in!
Both metera and yuel sisters are better than them
>Slutty waifu
Almost as disgusting, but might be an improvement.
This plus different fighting styles
Sutera is only good when she has Metera to bounce off of, she's a shit without it
There is no way ArcSys doesn't put in Ueda's character
Well, why haven't they added Metera yet? She would be a good addition to the roster, both in terms of personality and fighting style.
Her bow is in the game's logo, she's coming
High hitstop is a signature of Arc System Works' games more often than not.
haha that's a funny way of putting it
Best thing to come out from that event.
>Gets introduced as "small sexy charlotte"
What did my japanese comprehension mean by this?
logo theory is dead
the melee weapons are just hidden at the back in the centre, no one can see them
He better get in.
I'm glad this broke it, on the other hand, a fucking slot was used for fastiva.
>Glad this broke it
why so we can get shit characters?
There is literally not a better pick in the entire GBF roster for a grappler-type character than Fastiva.
So my wife has a chance now
Soriz could do it
and who gives a fuck about grapplerfags
I didn't know Akuma was a grappler.
It's not "sexy" it's "seikishi", basically holy knight.
Ghanda is a martial artist, not a grappler. He'd use mostly heavy punches and flame effects.
>who cares about character variety in a fighting game
this is how you end up with DBZF
>what the people want
An all-harvin roster?
>start playing the gachashit so I join rosterfagging
>don't know who I want to make the cut
does it really matter
it's not like my favourite character is going to suddenly disappear from anything granblue or some shit
lancelot and charlotta looks fun enough and the only one I'm not too excited about is lowain, bunch of meme spouting cunts
She has the 3rd highest chance after Naru and Bea.
Sandalphon is gonna be announced next!
now that's a cuteboi
Ilsa isn't even a top 5 popular character
He's too cute
does anyone have a picture of charlotta getting rider kicked in the face
If we do get another Harvin it's going to be her
i wanna hug him but he's already lucifer's bitch
And Ladiva is?
Yes she is
She might be popular, but not that popular. She might fill the gun character slot, but even then she has to compete against Silva, Cuc and Esser.
silva isn't a gun character
No, she isn't
She doesn't place at the top of the in game popularity polls either
Also all of the characters revealed for the game so far are pre 2016 release date and Ilsa is way newer than that
>call a man
>call it a woman
Yeah no fuck off.
Also tired of the fucking trannies claiming this as some sort of fucking win online.
She probably has the most diverse moveset to adapt among that crowd.
We've had two male reveals in a row, please gib anime tiddies soon Arcsys.
Wait until they decide to get offended because they think the character may be making fun of them
How so?
Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have her over the other ones too, I just don't see it being likely.
That image is not a popularity poll you homo.
Cuc is the only one out of those with any chances. Silva is too gay and Esser is an eternal.
Not every poll but she did place top5 in some of them
>Lucifer's Girlfriend(Male)
>Danchou's Husband
>Sodomy Man
Homochads literally dabbing on everyone else.
>huge tits
>in a sony game
Cagliostro: By the way... Do you ever feel like you want to be something else?
Ladiva: Well, this is coming out of nowhere.
Cagliostro: I can change a lot with my alchemy, you know—like a child into an adult. Or the masculine into the feminine.
Cagliostro: If you want, I could theoretically make that happen for you too.
Cagliostro: But it's just supposition. You don't have to—
Ladiva: Hehe. That sounds great. But I have to refuse.
Ladiva: Because my parents gave me this body. It's my treasure.
Ladiva is fucking based you shitter.
Yawn fuck off back to discord tranny.
Shant be buying this game.
you mean the ones right after her release like every new character retard
Why would being an eternal rule her out?
Lesbian with huge tits is just as bad or worse
Because you need to add all of them
Not really, it's a fighting game. I'd wouldn't be suprised if we get at least one jew on the base roster, maybe 2-3 more as dlc.
Silva generally kicks and only fires one shot during her ougi, so there isn't much they can use.
Cuc has her barrels and gattling gun which can make for some kind of trap-style of playing, but might end up too gimmick-y to apply for their focus on footsies.
Esser has her bouncing bullets which can make her work like Petra from Arcana Heart but not much else to work with.
Ilsa has a small laser beam, a big laser beam for a finisher, a move that empties out her bullets, and her summer version adds support fire from off screen as well as a conditional sticky bomb, so there's a lot to work with there, in a fighting game perspective.
It's all speculation anyway. Ladiva being here pretty much throws any rule for character slots out the window.
DO NOT lewd Zahlhamelina.
>multiple dlc slots on jews
lmao no
based arcsys
Surprised that we got a Draph Grappler and it wasn't Aliza.
Or what?
Shame we got draph tranny fuck instead of based Aliza.
Aliza literally never grapples you retard
because she's smol, small grapplers are weird
Cuc's gun is also basically a shotgun with a revolving chamber, it fires a series of pellets that shred.
Just shows the anti female draph bias. Aliza is the only popular grappler.
I don't like Ladiva but I can't think of any GBF character that I like that fits the Grappler archetype so I'll accept her
>Current Roster
Katalina: 2014-03-10
Charlotta: 2014-06-17
Ferry: 2014-08-14
Lancelot: 2014-11-30
Lowain: 2015-01-31
Ladiva: 2015-01-31
Metera: 2014-06-30
Vaseraga: 2014-12-31
Zeta: 2014-12-31
Percival: 2015-06-26
>Some popular characters
Rosamia: 2014-03-10
Aliza: 2014-04-30
Yuel: 2014-04-30
Danua: 2014-05-08
Cagliostro: 2014-05-31
Soriz: 2014-05-31
Sara: 2014-05-31
Vira: 2014-06-22
Magisa: 2014-06-22
Siegfried: 2015-01-31
Albert: 2015-03-31
Clarisse: 2015-04-16
Silva: 2015-05-31
Amira: 2015-06-30
Vania: 2015-08-31
Heles: 2015-09-30
Narmaya: 2015-10-31
Beatrix: 2015-12-31
Eustace: 2015-12-31
Zooey: 2016-04-06
Ayer: 2016-05-18
Nicholas: 2016-06-30
Lecia: 2016-10-31
Grea: 2017-08-31
Olivia: 2017-12-29
Ilsa: 2017-12-31
>conditional sticky bomb
bomb that goes off if the opp uses their special/ougi
i could see this happening in vs
Only on /gbfg/
She's a counter/kick character. She never grapples anything.
i really hope rosamia will be in, i love fencer type characters in fighting games and that in combination with her magic talisman shit and perhaps the mask could make for a cool character
is that actually a girl? I'm not familiar with granblue lore
She's so small that if she grappled me from behind her arms would be around my knees and I could fart right in her dumb face.
Didn't Rosamia get an SSR recently?
yeah le cuckshit meme draph so based
she's fucking awful
That might be too annoying to deal with. They'd probably make it a time bomb, like Elphelt's grenade, but it actually sticks to the opponent.
>Trying to get the moral high ground by saying "Because my parents gave me this body. It's my treasure." in front of someone who didn't have a choice in having to change his body since it was either that or dying
Yikes, that character is a disgusting ableist! My parents gave me the wrong body, I have to get my penis cut off, it's a matter of life or death! The trannies will either complain about that or that the character is making fun of them.
Three years ago is recent?
No, it's a guy that idolizes femininity. Draph women are based on cows while draph men like this one are based on bulls.
She is popular among people with good taste.
I don't get it, so he's a just a feminine guy? Seems like everyone's referring to him as 'her' as if she's actually a girl
Wow, that long ago? I only got her like a month ago. Fucking bloated summon pool.
No its a male draph that "thinks" its female.
That's because the translators took it upon themselves to give him female pronouns in English.
By this point I would not be surprised if local spergs were to consider something like a proper dwarven female with beard to be some sort of tranny agenda too.
He's an okama, or transvestite. It's just a guy that wears women's clothes sometimes.
>no homo shit
You realize Astolfo is one of the more popular characters right?
so not japan or cygames
A long time ago but she's still remembered as being the first character to ever get a version of every rarity in the gacha.
I think Esser could have some bounty/assassin gimmicks too, but otherwise you make a good point. The idea of Ilsa getting support from the army sounds like it could have a lot of potential.
When I'm talking about "slots" I mostly mean different fighting styles. I doubt we'll get both Cuc and Ilsa, at least in the base roster, since they both would fill a similar niche.
Similarly, I doubt we'll get another pure grappler now that Fastiva is in.
Finally, someone who knows his shit.
Her story arc has been unresolved for 3 (three) years and she has 0 (zero) doujin
Oh fuck, I just realized I was thinking of Tanya.
Why does Japan have such good taste?
No one cares about Ladiva but at least I can speculate about other characters getting in that aren't in the logo
Thank god they broke that at least
Back to discord tranny
so basically these guys?
She's invited to Girl sleepovers though!
He doesn't even really wear women's clothes. He's just really girly in his behaviour
Ladiva is not popular, she only has two SR and she is still in the game.
"Popular" is for characters mentioned a lot around here.
It's just to have an idea about they release date in the original game, that's all.
I need another 29 drawns to spark.
Am I better off spamming the story (on chapter 67) or should I spam skip side stories?
I want my (Gun)Zoey!
That's exactly why you need to stop saying that she isn't popular.
She is popular in the west and we need to show it so that cygames adds her to appeal to us.
isn't she shit
why not s.zoi
Yes, but Ladiva's isn't played for laughs, Ladiva's whole character is that he wants to be what is considered the "ideal woman" who is motherly and caring.
Ladiva is more of a woman than Zeta is at this point.
Trannies would hate Ladiva because he is actually comfortable with his masculine body.
Vira and Olivia are not popular around here.
here's your melee rep
Wait until its x2 SSR chance.
It happens a couple of days in:
-the middle of the month
-the end of the month
don't spark Light soi bro
get Summer Soi, only 4 days till Flashgala
and side stories give you way more crystals and tickets
Europa for the next Melee character
Literally who
>I want my (Gun)Zoey!
Why not just ticket her? Light zoi isn't limited.
This game is guaranteed to flop
>Barely any fan favorites in so far aside from Lowain, Lancelot (Fujoshits only) and Charlotte so no appeal to actual GBF players
>Simple gameplay so FGfags will hate it
guaranteed flop on arrival
>why not just shell out 30 bucks for one character?
I can buy three large pizzas instead
Why the fuck would you waste a spark on a non-limited character? There is literally a surprise ticket going on right now retard
Japanese drag queens do not get refered to with female pronouns. Ladiva is just a comically masculine biological female.
>Why not just ticket her?
As buy it with real money?
Nah, I'm not so invested in this mobage as to actually put money in it.
Vira is 100% in now that the logo theory is over
>cygames loves her
>her two character with most dynamics are in (kat and lowain)
And I dont even like vira
>Being this fucking wrong
It's basically rising thunder with granblue skin on it, and people loved that game.
Not to mention fujos spent more money on granblue
I like Vira.
So does this Narmaya chick like the self insert? She's not actually cuckbait is she? She hasnt been made dirty by anyone else?
>Not to mention fujos spent more money on granblue
On merchandise, not actual game stuff
>biological female
user, that's a male Draph. That's a bull. Female Draphs are cows.
This coming out for PC?
Aksys has a massive hardon for special intros/interactions too, and her gimmick can be Chev Merge as an install, something else that's not in yet. Vira is almost 100% going to be in.
not recently
nobody even cared about her latest SSR release
>I want my (Gun)Zoey!
Pick S.Zooey and give her the outfit from the last event if you don't like the summer bikini.
absolutely based
It gets worse every year, soon she'll start to kill the other girls to monopolize her precious danchou-chan. And yes she's pure.
Absolutely based, I want humble man of big beginner damage too.
actual shit taste
Yes please, he's the only katana character I want, him, Monika, or Narmaya.
my nigga
Very likely, but after the console release
Is S.Zoi any good if you are not doing Enmity?
And I did get that outfit, so that's a deecnt plan, actually.
>tfw working on my Ultima Staff
I'd say 5th place is pretty good for not being esports.
The next season of the anime will probably be about her story arc so it's the perfect time, the only question is base roster or DLC.
If no Silva I'll default to the pure maiden at heart Ladiva
cause I like big muscle characters
Dark without enmity is a nighmare until super lategame, or Whale Dark. And Dark Enmity is fine, someone recently beat Lucifaa with Dark Enmity, it used 4 Boatwife claws and 3 Avatar staves.
You ARE doing enmity in f2p Dark. You will even be able to use her in Wind 1t setups.
Claws are only 2500 pendies now.
She little-sibling-zones you while pursuing a guy with literal bull horns
People got tired of FREE Rising Thunder in a week. A game that is this fucking shallow will not survive in FGC unless it's made by capcom. Look at what happened to DBFZ and SFV, both get shit on for being way too basic and both are miles ahead of Rising Thunder as far as depth goes.
I really fucking hope that GBF will end up being more akin to P4A in terms of being a deep and crazy game with few simplified mechanics and not that robot garbage.
please get in
She's yandere for the self insert
>who do you want next?
vania, fenrir, io, cerberus, zooey, cagliostro
ladiva is also hilarious and a cool choice for grappler. just too bad it will get all the twitter activists to drop their hot opinions on the game that they otherwise would never have even heard of, let alone bought
people still play the game to this day you mong
My boyfriendwife will be the alchemist rep
>cucks every katana user from the roster
You mean because the game got shutdown, not because people didn't want to play?
Yuriusbros rise up.
I'm really sorry to disappoint you guys but there wont be any female draphs in the game, even after the logo theory was trashed.
You will have to go for Claws at the beginning and they are Enmity oriented so it's a good choice to pick S.Zooey since she is basically god tier in that element and also Enmity oriented.
>Jack-o mechanics
Please no.
I'm like 90% certain Narumaya will be in. She's THE female draph character.
I'm hoping for Cagliostro but I'm not holding my breath.
Vira is only 5th place because of the new version. She would have been 15th or lower if she didn't get it.
Yes, like 10 fucking people. Literally. There is no fighting game that is not "still played" by that metric.
>People got tired of FREE Rising Thunder in a week
Rising Thunder was an early janky alpha, yet impressed riot enough to buy it up. That is like saying this game is no good cause people stopped playing the demo.
Forte will be added as dlc. In her intro she will deflate her chest and reveal that she's actually Bahamut Forte and is a guest character
doesn't lowain already have platinum/teddie/faust's gimmick
It was almost dead way before it got shut down.
You guys know that only GBF originals are in right
Forget those RoB shitters
Only poorfags care about SR shit.
>water staff became real
I just need enough water quartz for dark opus staff and unlock nekomancer to go wild.
This. Tits are too big and they are too sexual.
>B-But Metera!
Will get covered up if she truly is in.
he seems to be totally unique but i dont think anyone really knows how he will function yet besides getting power up foods and 2 different installs. i dont think theres any characters like that in any other game.
Who's cuter, Heles or Yuisis?
My vote go for Yuisistah.
Yuisis is shit
>tfw literally pulled Riry, Mommy Macula and Europa all in a single month
KMR-sama has blessed me with cute water women and has instructed me to go staff memes.
Here's the one before she got a new version.
The mafia boss ofcourse
I doubt they'll add Cain in since he's still pretty new he came out last year in May
How do I play granblue?
Yuisis obviously, what do you like Hags user?
It's crazy to think that water at one point was considered the most homo element. Try aiming for moon potato or maria to make it more busted.
>215cm tall
>Gordeau mechanics
Thanks but no thanks, I am NOT dealing with a Grim Reaper from a guy that big.
Pitgods, we shall have our time
Hey, fuck you.
Yuisis is the cutest, but Heles is pretty cute too!
That looks like a guy, dude.
There is a setting somewhere that changes it to English. Go look for instructions beforehand if you don't want to play around with creating an account.
Go to the granblue jp site and click on the game though it is recommended to start during free roll events/during holidays like Halloween/Christmas
Right now my planned team is Lily, Europa and Altair for Lily's race buff, with Macula in the backline to buff Lily's Deluge crests.
Vira was going to fall harder than Naru since she has less dedicated fans but the fotm votes saved her
how hard are m2 raids? I just unlocked them
Ladiva was a genuinely great choice.
GB's art direction may be gorgeous but a lot of it's characters tend to be extremely samey as far as visual design and potential fighting style go. At least too samey for a fighting game by Arcsys.
Now if I had to bet on it's roster I would pick characters that fall outside of generic brawler/swordsman/mage categories and maybe one girl with huge tits because we don't have that in the game yet.
that fucking crotch line.
>it is recommended to start during free roll events/during holidays like Halloween/Christmas
Best day to start was 5 years ago. Second best day is today.
Or like, wait until the middle of the month for flashfest if you want to maximize your beginner ticket I guess, but that sort of stuff tends to sort itself out by coinciding with some holiday anyway (valentine, christmas, summer event, etc), so I wouldn't worry about it
Who will be the doll character?
Danua or Orchid?
Rate my list bros
Dress is too revealing and tits are too big
Too young looking so its creepy
Can't wait for Silva titties
>this jank ass game that got abandoned by it's playerbase is good because this one company that has only made one game and knows absolutely nothing about fighting games has bought it's developers... years ago without any signs of them actually prepearing any new title for release
Orchid of course. Loyd is human shaped.
She'll play like Carl from BB.
Orchid is an RoB import so she won't be in
Danua maybe gets in
>/u/shit - the character
god anything but her shitty boring as fuck ass getting in
put Eustace in if they need a gun character Silva is fucking awful and her event was the worst of last year
Danua wont be in because all her interaction and story dialogues will be "urr durr"
>shitcat apologist
opinion discarded
I like both
People complaining about Ladiva entering the rooster. You guys should be worried if Walder enters the rooster
>not ultra based
Sure, retards.
Vira is even worse and neither of them should get in.
He's a given.
>dual wielding guns won't get in
Sony platform doesnt allow such characters, really sorry to break it to you.
where the grappler was top tier for most of it's first year?
>With Fastiva in, anyone's game now
Shirou Come Here!
Thats a girl?
>Main cast gets in
>Most popular male characters with girls get in
>Most popular female characters with guys are nowhere to be seen
Aside from Vayne for homosex with Lance, and Luci/Grimnir who are RoB, that's literally every popular male character in. Meanwhile, not a single popular female or fanservice character is in yet. They're 100% going for the e-sports friendly and fujo market approach.
Cag is too fun to not be used in a fighting game about GBF.
I can already see his "I'M THE CUTEST!" as his winning screen.
>Best day to start was 5 years ago
>Second best is today
WHAT? Did you not see the roulette event we just had at the start of the year? Or are you meme-ing
alright, kusoge confirmed
will stay dead with the other anime fgs like umineko, koihime, nitroplus and FEXL
What an absolute unit. Instant main if he did
He's in
I'm holding out hope that they'll reveal the more fan-favorite characters closer to release to get people hyped up.
Walder is based and if he gets in he is going to be my main
>hopeless dreams waiting to be crushed
I can't wait
user, you can't travel in time. Rather than trying to start during an event, just start now. The event will happen anyway.
You can spark all the 10 rated characters, so the sooner you can work on a spark fund the better.
We need RiCHAD
I actually like Walder though.
Are you talking shit about my ranger boy WALDER?
>that got abandoned by it's playerbase
How were they meant to play it when the demo went offline after the game got bought by riot? It only came back with the community edition. Also nice try spinning that a big studio taking interest in the game means everyone hated it.
This is not a western game, fuck off.
Fujos and homos are based, straightfags wouldn't buy the game anyway
Irrelevant, japanese games are getting censored on Sony as well.
Heres my bets on probability:
Black Knight
Some counter based chara
and because she is willing to compete against men
where is my armpit wife
>granblue fighter
>no draphs or waifus
are they fucking retarded?
The only fan-favorites that will make it in are all the lesbians.
Ferry took the armpit fetish slot
>option 1: ghandagoza for grappler, but not a true grappler, more of a mix with boxing
>option 2: this dude, but full grappler
i have mixed feelings. guess ill go diva then
>japanese shadman
Walder is a based pick, don't be retarded.
Granblue is about husbandos now sweetie
dumb meme
shadman can't draw
Huh? Who said so?
That's a gun and a crossbow, user.
what granblue is best for facesitting and why
Homo =/= husbando
Is there a list of current confirmed fighters and are there any harvins or female draphs on there?
is that rock howard?
I really hope cutest doraf gets in
most likely not but i will stay hopeful
Rock Howard from Garou.
as someone that plays games exclusively for the anime tits, this game's announcement cycle has been extremely disappointing. they're really squandering their roster
Charlotte is in, no female draphs. No girl draphs will be in either.
>Black Knight
literally nobody cares about her and there are other popular sword users
Can't wait to see Max insist he doesn't really like anime honest guys ha ha as he plays GBV for a week
Ah I see my mistake
look as his get up again
Replace rock's personality with an obnoxious loud retard and you got him.
What did he mean by this
Here's your female draph bro
Yes please.
honestly kinda hoping Cag doesn't get in despite really liking Cag
Cagfags would be worse than Bridgetfags, probably
Sandalphon is not a husbando for the player character, he's homo for a NPC
jesus h christ that mug is fat
Medusa is not a grubble original.
>his ougi is Neo raging storm
>his 5* ougi is shining knuckle
Bridget identifies as a male though
please learn the difference from fanart
did they say they were only doing originals?
>Most popular male characters with girls get in
>no Sandal
>no Albert
>no Eustace
>no Ayer
>no Siegfried
We are far from it.
this changes literally nothing about bridgetfags being literally the worst part about +R this many years later.
the ass is still fat
I want to poke it
i know but fanart really exaggerates it
eruns > draph
and that's a good thing
Don't know anything about GB other than it has the brown Draph Almeida with the Xbox hueg pickax. Any chance she might get in?
nigga stop talking to me and post some more fat granblue asses
She is a Sword/Gun user, was there from the beginning, first villain, major arc is about her.
Her armor design alone will bring people to the game.
She is in.
Do not bully the snek.
>Cagfags would be worse than Bridgetfags, probably.
Doubt it, 90% of Bridgetfags have never even played GG.
It's always the same "haha he's pretty cute but I'm not gay haha" with them. Same with Astolfofags.
At least Cag looks nothing like a boy.
i doubt it would be nice tho
nice ripoff elins
she is literal who tier
Know but her husband will be in
I'm guessing she's not that popular or good in the acctual game, but I really like Rosetta's design. Is there a reason she's not that much posted around here?
her butt should bully my face
With ladiva getting in we have no idea what other characters will come out now
But she would have unique moveset so the chances are there just super minimal
Charlotta is so fucking sexy
Lose the helmet and she has a 10% chance of getting in.
>no tits showing
>literal who
given the current roster, she's definitely in
she's cuckbait and then got turned into flanderized /u/bait shit on top of it
shes in the background
Rosetta is popular but she is already in the background of a stage so people expect her to not be in the game
Also she can be good in game but her mechanics don't synergizes well with most of the cast so you need to build your entire team around her which can be hard for new players
That's why she is back in the story mode, right?
She will loose it during the fight like Ky and his hair.
this game is fucking dumb
Too new
Only GBF originals getting in.
>No Eustace and Ayer
They're nowhere near homoknight popularity, they'd put in Vayne and Sieg first over them. Not a single unpopular male got in, Lowain and his bros are still popular. Meanwhile, all female spots will be occupied with meme shit like Katalina, Vira, Fastiva, and other garbage unpopular with the male audience. We literally only got just Ferry. No gun sisters, no Zoi, no Jeanne, no Yuel, no Cag, no Naru (or female Draphs period). There's a huge disparity between female/homo pandering and straight male pandering going on, and I bet they think giving us garbage like Metera will be enough.
there is nobody more delusional than apolloniafags
Erunes look like regular humans with furry ears, comparing them to the tiny Elins doesn't work. Also your Elin a ugly
when is alexiel
based potatofucker
I think golden knight literally has ky's stance
Why can't new characters get in
i tried to design the sluttiest plastic whore that i could for my healslut activities.
She's in as the final boss
I see Sandal being DLC. I'd not be surprised if at least one RoB character made it in.
Most of the girls you just listed are either not popular (Majority of female draphs) or RoB originals (Jeanne, Yuel)
Cag hasn't been popular in like 2 fucking years, she's Danua tier and her heyday was in 2015-2016
>not popular
>female draph
are you fucking retarded
>Only GBF originals getting in
Source. Oh yes, you work at Arcsys/Cygames, right?
Because literally everyone revealed so far is a boomer character which sure makes it seem like they're focusing on that window of characters
>That's why she is back in the story mode, right?
Really? I'm like 20 chapters behind.
I might actually catch up if she's back.
Show me all the non Narmaya female draphs tearing up the White Day/Valentine gift results or the in-game popularity polls
Just because some fucking meme artists rode their shit back when GBF got consistent art doesn't mean that's actually the popular characters in the game retard
I want to protect this smile. I'm glad I suptixed her.
It looked good, had a lot of care and effort put into it.
We honestly just didnt know that division of Arcsys didn't know how to make a tag fighter.
This games not a tag fighter so even simplified might be cool.
Probably with appealing to waifufags us they change on a dime. The roster was likely planned a while ago and they can't know that this new character will get popular, this old one will drop off or make a resurgence. We'll probably get Vira and Cag as safe bets but there will always be some waifufag complaining the last week's poll topper isn't in
>"This character can't get in because they're not popular!"
Have you looked at the current cast of the game?
I'm sure they'll probably add some newer fan favorites. I'd not even be surprised if they an arcarum character just so they have a rep from that group in.
Stop being retarded.
There is only 7 characters revelead right now and we don't have any release date yet.
If you think that Naru won't be in at some point, you are literally stupid.
There's literally no fucking excuse for Naru, Silva, and Zoi not being included, they're the most popular females in the IP, other than meme shit like Vira that has a dedicated autismbase of botters constantly voting her top 5 forever. Imagine if not a SINGLE homoknight made it into the cast, faggots and fujos would storm Cygames HQ.
> She will loose it during the fight like Ky and his hair.
Holy shit, you got me
I actually want her now just for that
Not halal for e-sports, only homosexuality between men is kosher for tournaments.
It's almost like trannies wanna look like cute anime girls and their idea of being "mentally female" is just an excuse do dress up as their fap bait and don't actually know what being female means.
>there's literally no fucking excuse
I mean all 3 being shit tier characters that are awful is a pretty good reason
Japan's fascination with Silva literally makes no sense considering her entire character is just
I really like her light version.
what makes you think this game is going to have a large cast lmfao
Vira has the most playable versions, skins and stickers. Her VA shows up to almost every Granblue event. She's topped popular poll's for years. You are delusional if you think she won't be added.
>make fun of rosterfags for years
>suddenly one day gbf fighters is announced
>become one of them
I hate this feeling lads
>character I don't like is popular
>must be bots
Solid logic there.
Silva the dyke is not popular with the male audience either, user. She is just like Vira when it comes to fanbase.
The ONLY people that like Vira are japanese yuri fans. She's irrelevant to the global audience.
It's because Silva and Song are shipped hard due to yurishitters.
but i'm a nonjapanese yuri fan and I like her
I know for a fact she's getting in, because she's not that popular with the straight male audience. She's another compromise character that's as popular with women as it is with men, like Katalina. They mostly just have a dedicated cult of /u/faggots rather than any mass appeal. This exactly why I'm complaining, all the female spots are going to shit like Vira and Fastiva, while the male spots are pure pandering. At this point I'm fucking praying for Walder to take a male spot, because it's one less handsome/gay male for pandering.
Didn't CheVira kind of fix her Yuri?
>Zoi is shit
She's great, fuck off. She's an important character in the game so she'll likely be in. Limited series summon, raid boss, fucking element defining character even to this day, likeable character. Zoi belongs in way more than most already in the game.
no she just fixed her personality going imbalanced like it does when she gets crazy in her SSR
Her normal personality is SR vira
No and she is not attractive anyways so she would just become a literal nobody if they took away the yuri.
Yes, shes bi now
Even if the cast is around 10~15, we already know that they will make DLCs like any fucking fighting game lmfao
You really aren't deluded enough to think Vira fans are all yurifags? She has an actual character arc through her fate episode and changes. I like her a lot.
I'm pretty sure they said months ago that Re:Link was gonna have nothing but fan favourites while Versus was going to have a bunch of characters who may not have had much time to shine and were picked for their movesets. It's the same interview where they said they were gonna have a grappler so people have been predicting Ladiva ever since.
My girl's got a chance!
Yeah but what about characters in Relink? Who's getting in there?
She is literally the draph with biggest development on the game
>plot tied to the eternals
>5* uncap was one of the best ones
>has her own light novel about her past
Hope SiegCHAD makes it, but he'll probably be a charge character, and I fucking hate playing charge characters.
Her fans are yurifags, women and homosexuals. Not a single straight male has a reason to like Vira.
good taste user
she's hot
Straight man here(I like traps though hehe) can confirm that vira is a bag yikes.
>Not a single straight male has a reason to like Vira.
She has a nice threesome in some doujins with Katalina
They said "a lot".
The original main team (Gran, Lyria, Katalina, Rosetta, Eugen, Rackam, Io) and if I remember right, Lancelot, Percival, Ferry, Charlotta, and Metera for now.
i like her
>Tfw she would dish out Slayer's dumbass damage and murder goons with Taurus blight.
How far away the ideal world.
That's just secondaryshit material.
I bet you don't even play the game to know how annoying she is.
what do you think are the odds Djeeta isn't completely forgotten again?
ugly gorilla
Should just have added wrestler dj as the grappler instead
isn't her seiyuu not in japan right now anyways
have her dark ssr, dark sr and summer version and met her in the story.
i think i know her character enough
>Silva is not popular
LITERALLY the most popular female character in the game
It's like they sat in a boardroom and decided that the most boring roster could be and went with it
absolutely no chance
at best she'll be an alt palette for gran
Why are her doujins so limited then?
Not popular WITH THE MALE AUDIENCE. She is just like Vira in that sense.
Do I need to say it again?
At least one of the games had to have the main cast in it.
nah no one actually likes her
>Majority of the playerbase is male
>The most popular male and most popular female are somehow both only popular with the female audience
Then who did the male audience vote for in those polls?
Are you from 2017 or what
No faggot we've heard you enough with your spazzing out against everyone who likes vira and other female characters
>majority of playerbase is male