In college

> In college
> Super Broke
> Wants Windows 10

Should I try to install a free version of win 10? Does anyone know of a good site that shows you how to do this?

Attached: Win10.png (300x168, 3K)

fuck off faggot

they should be paying you to use this piece of shit

why the fuck you can't google this shit?

are you serious.

have you tried googling "free windows 10 activation"?

Such wise words

You’re gonna be in debt for decades and end up working a retail minimum wage job before taking your own life.

Just quit and become NEET

pirate it or buy it off ebay for like $6

Either pirate or get Linux. Mint is pretty comfy.
Alternatively some institutions offer student versions of said OS, we had Win 7 free student license that lasted for a year.

Wrong board