turn-based vs action-rpg
what is Yea Forums's opinion on this one?
do you like the changes?
what would you have done differently?
turn-based vs action-rpg
what is Yea Forums's opinion on this one?
do you like the changes?
what would you have done differently?
I gotta play it. Everyone thinks they know how it works from watching 10 seconds of gameplay. Both the people excited for it and the people bashing it are retarded
turn based > action > atb
Squaresoft hasn't made a good Action RPG since Secret of Mana on the SNES
nice meme
Turn-based is boring and a chore to go through, specially in FF VII where you can just Attack through most fights.
Normally I would prefer turn-based, but FF7's combat was already primitive and archaic at the time of its release. It's weird seeing people so nostalgic for such a braindead combat system.
Of course, if FFXV is any indication, they'll fuck up the combat in this as well.
turn based is outdatted, boring, slow
I like both.
>turn based
Unfortunately, when it comes to Japan that means horrible encounter design:
>a JRPG with shittonne of uselesss random encounters with birds and frogs or boss battles with bazillion resurections
>or those "tactics" games with incredibly stupid AI so all you do is basically executing an A-move manually
This a thousand times. ATB is nothing but a mediocre middle ground between turn-based and action.
If it plays like FF15 I'll hate it. That game had no thought in it combat system, just hold one button and make sure you have enough potions.
what's the point of a remake if it's the exact same, I welcome the change. If I wanted to play turn based FF7 I'd just play FF7
The real problem is that the game's episodic release and has been announced for years now yet we've still only seen scenes of the game's opening
so is it still in episodes ? how long are they going to be ? also i hope they won't fuck up the gameplay like they did with ff15
I keep forgetting about the episodic release. I just hoping that because they've not mentioned it recently they've dropped it
I can understand the zoomer dislike of turned based, but this game is going to be a dumpster fire if it goes full Dark Souls. The only compromise is Kingdom Hearts gameplay, but no one wants that either.
Good action-based (eg DMC games) > Good turn-based (eg SMT games) > bad action-based (eg FFXV)
d r o p p e d
A Final Fantasy game with Dark Souls gameplay would be rad as fuck fag. Not every game needs to be a Kingdom Hearts clone because thats what Kingdom Hearts is for and FF XV was actually trash which kinda killed my hopes for this remake
Turn based combat is a thing of the past and should stay there.
The thing about FF being KH clone is silly because it was KH which borrowed FF's command menu system and just turned it into a real time game instead of ATB.
>Good turn-based (eg SMT games)
I'd like to see Square make fucking amazing action game, but their recent tries really haven't been that great.
Not him but SMT is pretty fucking fun.
I'm cool with it being a different thing because that means we'll all be bickering about which one is better until we're all dead.
oh yeah yeah
i said it guys
If a turn-based game doesn't include movement, it's likely to be braindead and just a case of mashing your way to the end.
If an action RPG doesn't include any sort of execution requirements or skill, it's also likely to be braindead.
Both require good enemy and map design.
Just don't be braindead. Please. There's only so many hours of my life I'm willing to give away to RPGs that don't want players, just people on a string to drag through their bramble-patch of a game in return for rather underwhelming worlds and stories, and I'm out of them.
He's right though.
>inb4 some moron thinks Nier Automata was made by SE
In all the action games I played I only controlled one character
In all turn based games I controlled a party of people
try mixing the two and you get ass
This but unironically
>fish for weakness then apply your basic buff/debuff rotation: the game
It’s probably still real-time and turn-based, only that you can move around and everything has been made for it be seamless. All those claiming that it isn’t turn-based need to truly wait for it to be 100% confirmed, you still can’t fully confirm from the gameplay.
meanwhile in KH/FF7R/Nomurashit
>mash button
And your point is? Combine that with having to build up your demons, use negotiations and what not, and the cool amount of mythology and style and it’s pretty appealing to me.
Either go full action combat with an control scheme that supports all kinds of crazy shit, or stay turn based. I never really liked the way FFXV did it, sure shit looks flashy, but I feel like I'm playing on autopilot.
Out of those two games, I would prefer the top's action combat
ATB or hard turn based without any unique twist or a layer of strategy over it is dogshit design especially in combination with random battles. Actual padding. Most turn based or ATB Final Fantasy games don't even bother with making the player exploit weaknesses to progress at a good speed, meanwhile even Persona does a good job of really making you use those exploits as battle after battle bog your health/SP and items down making you retreat to the real world.
The best combat FF has had thus far is X. Entire game is about swapping the right person in for the right job, but it also leads to an imbalanced game around spamming Overdrives late game and honestly some of those bosses feel entirely balanced around using everyone's overdrives.
Turn based is fun.
Action rpg combat just tends to be whatered down action games
I expect it to be just as fucking stupid as FFXV. They're too afraid to go "full action rpg". You can already tell it'll be the same shit
>play FF game
>use only Attack>cure
>beat game
Fucking sugoi game design. Too bad SE sucks at designing both a fun turn based game and action game.
I'm happy with the abolition of dinner-menu style JRPG combat in favor of Kingdom Hearts style combat. It's unfortunate that FFXV fucked it up but I still think the concept works.
Putting combat aside the rest of FFVIIs gameplay was customizing characters with Materia, and I think an action-based system still has room for that.
I think outside of the super combos, the Materia system will transfer over well. You mostly used it for elemental immunity or ways to heal from elemental attacks. Elemental on your weapon felt very fucking useless though, but I could see them incorporating it better in an action game.
at least, no one feels the same anymore with the action route
please be good
i would kill for this
action-rpg is far more superior but only if it's done right
You're on the list
Why can't we have good things? Why do even people argue about mechanics if the final execution is total fucking garbage?
It's in the name:
>no changes - remastered
>some changes - a remake
>A Final Fantasy game with Dark Souls gameplay
Do you mean Darks souls but with bugs and birds instead of the hollows and skeletons to kill?
That's lame.
Name one good action rpg with party members.
Can they just combine Turn Base and action RPG?
what will they change story-wise? cloudette for sure. what about wheelchair cloud? would it be ""offensive""?
The hell you mean zoomer dislike?, i've been trying that trash since late 90s/early 2000s, how can any person like a game which combat revolves around repeating the same boring long sequence 1000 times at random after walking for a while making a fun game last 5 times as much for no reason but to fill space in the laziest way and it gets even worse when you have to go back and grind because what you got just by walking and doing quests wasnt enough, the only way to enjoy that kind of game is with the patience of a kid, and this doesnt apply to turn based combat in general just trash JRPGs
>go back and grind because what you got just by walking and doing quests wasnt enough
It's probably because you're bad at them. Way to out yourself
>trash JRPGs
truth has been spoken
Never said i ever struggled but when you are doing pretty fine and you go to the next area and enemies one shot you if they take their turn first somethings not right but i guess saying git gud at everyone is as lazy as the people who dont want to improve
The only JRPG I actually liked was BoF4. It has quite a lot of minigames, random encounters are not so trash as usual with some that occationally may kill some of your party, some nice options like taunting, countering, making combining magic and stuff. Those were still kinda trashy, but it was not an "attack-attack-attack" borefest JRPG encounters usually are. Well, for the most part.
Pretty much every boss finght was nore of a minigame: one dude gets stunned if you hit it with a wind attack, another boss is a set of dices that roll after every physical strike and the roll determines what actions a die takes, a set of elemental blobs that change element afer magic attack, some enemies that enter a counter stance and hit you har if you attack, some crabs that lose a pincer if you strike it hard enough and change it's attribuetes and moveset, "attack command" that makes every confused enemy attack whoever you point at (and most undead were permanently confused).
FF does have some enemies with a gimmick like frogs that turn you into frog on melee attack or tombstone that instantly kills one of your character and produces a doppelganger of one, but most of the time it's just some bugs or demons you spam with basic attacks.
I feel like there's nothing really wrong with having turn based rpg's in today's times and that the only modern thing dev's should really do is to get rid of the battle screen and the whole going through a whole loading screen every time you went into battle(forgot thwat you called that). Square was really on to something when they did this in the past, its just sad that not many other dev's followed up on that.
It's really hard to judge turn based vs action as a whole because there good and bad examples of both types.
Like with action. KH2FM and Nier Automata are examples of good turn action combat while FFXV is an example of bad action combat.
As for turn based, stuff like Legend of Legaia, DDS, and Legend of the Dragoon are good while the first Neptuina is bad
Its most likely going to be what XIII Versus would have been. XV combat turning out shit was entirely Tabatas fault.
Action RPGs CAN be fucking amazing if there is any skill and thought required in their combat, but seeing as how the vast majority of JRPGs for the last ten years have been getting easier and easier for the sake of accessibility, my hopes are not high. The latest Tales series and FFXV had the most braindead, garbage combat I've ever had the misfortune of playing through in a JRPG. Combat is half of the gameplay, I need it to be engaging so I have something other than exploring to keep me tied to the game.
this remake is for zoomers
fuck them
Chrono Trigger did it and these retards don't even try.
turn based + turn order bar is elder god tier
Action is more engaging and immersive for its ability to mesh well with AAA graphics. Turn based is too limiting and jarring for a game with this good a graphic design.