

Attached: 1444080858435.jpg (850x1190, 512K)

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im here to say big milkers


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You're late today

Just right

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hes been late for a while now. instead of 10.10 he posts 11.10 or later

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>tfw no blue haired Morgan daughter

more lyn

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I agree

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All Lucina's are cute. But Lucina+10 is cuter!

Attached: 1444093031846 Fire Emblem Lucina.jpg (673x913, 215K)

Lyn is for bandit cock, ONLY.

>hes been late for a while now. instead of 10.10 he posts 11.10 or later

I actually try post at around the same time every day, but I get busy sometime. Also daylight savings affects things.

Attached: 3061791 - Fire_Emblem Fire_Emblem_Awakening Lucina.png (720x971, 885K)

Fuck this shit thread, everyday you make a new one


Attached: 1487061563110 Fire Emblem.png (1005x710, 458K)

You must be new, it's become normal on Yea Forums at this point.

its certified bandit cock only

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well im busy too and trying to keep up with your shitposting is a lot harder if you keep changing your post times

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Please explain how making the literal only good thread on Yea Forums, every single day, day after day (Even on Christmas Day) isn't Effortposting.

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I wish other magnitudes of Lucina were more common. What if Lucina+10 isn't enough?

Every day until I like it? Well I love lucina +10. So you can stop now.


Attached: Lucina+100.png (1024x1024, 263K)

What about Tharja+5 and Noire+5?

Attached: 53ceb3dd6f740f0545336e0da4a28515.jpg (900x1006, 660K)

More like this please, it actually makes Lucina tolerable.

its high effort shitposting

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>more Tharja cancer
It's bad enough with that tripfag that I shall not name around, we don't need more of that shit.

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Lucina is shit and only people who haven't played Awakening would ever like her


I think flat chested girls are cuter.
Call me based if you agree.

Attached: R14kkDj.png (657x527, 13K)

Tharja is a sweetheart, but here's Azura+10

Attached: 1547807121927.png (1160x1640, 1.13M)

>Meanwhile Lucina is the most popular character in Awakening

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>Tharja is a sweetheart

>because of smash much like Ike and Roy are
That doesn't really help your case considering the Lucina banners all sold like shit

>Anti-Lucinafag can't read


Attached: biribiri_Fire_Lovemblem_018.jpg (1200x1788, 378K)

Again, because of smash. No one who played Awakening genuinely likes Lucina they just take pity on her for being retarded in the story and literally not telling anyone that Emmeryn was gonna kill herself. She could have been easily replaced by Robin's dreams through Grima and the story would flow as naturally

>Literally unable to read

Okay, it's getting silly now.

Attached: 1485630468302 Lucina Fire Emblem.jpg (675x786, 223K)

Stop using Smash as the reason because it's not.
Many Awakening popularity polls have Lucina as number 1 so your "muh-smash" reason is fucking retarded.

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Is this the peak of +10 threads?


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But I want to see big titties user
