Play it
Play Mortal Kombat 11
Tits too small
Face still sucks
Have sexual intercourse in the missionary position with someone you love for the purpose of raising a family and having a happy and fulfilling life
I'm waiting for the crack, fuck the season pass and grinding for.shit.
That's my fetish
Now let's cut out the distracting part so you can see this hot mess.
Calling the internet police.
somebody post that monkey asian woman in the car
Only if she's the same race as you.
Those tits could be bigger.
la goblin de hapon...
>sfms are being made
>it's all Kitana shit and gay kano shit
what went wrong....
Oh Hitomi Tanaka modeled for this?
FUCKHEAD(yes that is literally his name)
lmao that face
does he produce animations or just worthless still images?
>worthless still images
if it's the person I think it is, he produces VERY good animations. He's surely a professional doing this smut just because he can, needless to say he is BASED as fuck because of it
God i'm so fucking lonely
if it's not animation, it's not worth fapping to.
i don't get how you people can fap to images, now doujins that's a different beast entirely
>can't appreciate the beauty of art
Don't talk to me or my static porn ever again
Source me this shit nigga, NOW. I NEED IT
zoom zoom
How does she stay so thin with a soda that big? I can't even drink a can without having to run 3 miles to lose the weight. Is it her lack protein consumption?
go find used playboy magazines in you neighbourhood old man.
It’s diet soda
diet soda is just as bad
that's all there is
I recognize this style
WHAT!? WHO MADE IT THEN, my dick needs this, please man, give me anything you got on this, a name, an artist, a character, the fucking program used for the models, just tell me what you have on that shit
Serve Kronika
>Trailer trash makeup
Ah yes the American way of making things pretty
Kys arab
You can probably find more like this by hopping on Sankaku Complex and searching The Last of Us.
Does she have a dick?
implying it doesn't add to the HOTNESS of this pic because it's a loli that wears it
0/10 taste
Still waiting for good Kronika lewds
Do you want her to have one?
Why is her mouth trying to exit her face
>rewinds time after you cum
>infinite orgasms
Looks like normal asian to be honest, do you guys want kpop shit that looks pale because of all the makeup?
Is it just me or is there a bit more of this picture every time I see it.
>drink soda
>don't eat something else
>enjoy soda once/twice a week
>enjoy water or other similar beverage any other day of the week
they want jap shit instead of the reality of what asian women actually look like
Her mouth is so fucking weird, wtf is wrong with it? Her jaw is pushing forward.
Pretty much this, she looks like an average asian without make up. That's why she looks "ugly", every asian you see has tons of make up that looks so different from her actual naked face.
Game is pretty fun but those blutality cutscenes take too much time. I don't understand why some people have to do it every single time after they win a match in ranked.
chinks != asian women
She is chinese.
virgin alert. i bet you've never even seen a jap or korean in real life. they look deadset like chinks.
East Asians look the same unless you're a delusional korea/jap boo.
I can't believe there aren't more pictures of kronika's feet yet.
That's what asians look like without camera angles, makeup, and surgery
What sorcery is this?
No, it doesn't you brainwashed burger
Stop buying into adverts and consumerism.
Asian sorcery
I honestly honestly would not be surprised if she swaps places with her mom or something given there is no continuous start to finish video. But the sheer amount of fucking makeup and whatnot koreans and girls in general go through to look plastic as fuck is no joke.
Imagine the horror when their husband see them without makeup for the first time.
I honestly could never believe this webm 100%, her jaw looks like it's fucking expanding from the initial makeup to no makeup. I get changing facial features with literally fake nose and eyelashes and shit, but her facial structure can't change that much
give Frost gf
Jesus, do you believe the bullshit you peddle?
Do you think people have never met Asian women?
>Do you think people have never met Asian women?
Without makeup? Yes
image the fungus infection
The hairline has perfect continuity as does the relationship between the necklace, and dress. The face changes because it is being changed by makeup being removed.
Imagine being this deep in denial you can't accept asian women aren't all extremely beautiful. cope harder virgin
The pretty-up ray gun completely erased the one in the back
Most women wear makeup, you act like it's some sort of thing only Asian women are doing, while using cherry picked examples of women using latex, vast amounts of makeup, filter apps and lighting.
I've met cute Asian girls in college with very little to no makeup for morning classes, I know what I've seen.
Who's saying all Asian women are extremely beautiful, I never did but the other post insinuated that all Asian women are ugly and using tricks, stop being such a retard and actually understand the meaning of words.
Look, I posted a picture of a white woman looking vastly different, I guess white women are ugly right? This is the kind of reasoning being used in this thread.
you can see her moving away from the camera in the back for a moment
Kep in mind it's not as uncommon for girls to wear renaissance tiers of layering and coloring along with extra stuff like the weird tape she pulls off at the start. Know your colors and how light works on surfaces, and you could paint yourself as decrepit or young as you want.
You're fuckin stupid and gay.
Even Mileena's face is hotter
le monkey faic
why does she look like a fucking chimp?
don't take it too seriously, it's literally just shitskins that worship white women like they're somehow immune from false-advertising.
>pancake nipples
Thats gonna get a yikes from me
This is some shitty SEA bitch. Literally an upper end Thai whore. No wonder so many nerds here "waifu" her because they all the type that needs to go to Thailand to get laid.
>Look, I posted a picture of a white woman looking vastly different, I guess white women are ugly right? This is the kind of reasoning being used in this thread.
Now that guy, but white women ARE ugly. I have never seen an attractive white woman in my entire life, with and without makeup. They either look like men, birds/reptiles, or ghouls.
Surprise. Using smoke and mirrors to hide your real appearance tends to give your future generation higher chances of shit natural appearances
Jesus shill, must be really down on your quota this month, not even hiding it anymore
Don't buy or play this everyone, its shit, there, i can do it too
SFM continues to be a mistake.
you are aware most humans look like monkeys right?
why are you putting these thoughts in my head user
whites look reptilian
gook cope
>her jaw looks like it's fucking expanding from the initial makeup to no makeup.
The first thing she does is take off a tape thing that is explicitly designed to make your jaw look thinner. It probably holds the shape for a while and slowly goes back to normal while the rest is coming off.
There's no need to be racist fellas
most humans aren't niggers
watch your mouth son
How many of the American population are?
whites are unironcally the most savage race on the planet
Skarlet porn when?
muhammad cope
Weight gain from diet soda is only correlation though. It even says so in your link. People who get fat when they drink diet soda would become just as fat if they would drink actual soda.
You sure you don't want me to burn it instead?
very interesting question, nigger
doesn't change anything.
Then why is it called diet Soda you fucking retard?
Because it has sub 1 calorie and it tricks retards into thinking they can drink it without getting fat
>1 calorie
> tricks retards into thinking they can drink it without getting fat
Jesus, you must be low IQ or low libido.
she might not be the best looking, but at least she isn't westernized
or so it seems from the few vids I've seen
yikes and disgusting.
looks like a chimp.
figures that MK is so shit that its "fans" would be satisfied with a drag and drop asset picture.
Now that's the butteryest face I've ever seen.
tokido out of ten
lmao they're banning people who post that shit though
Would bang. I have a weird thing for butterfaces
Did they sacrifice the one in the back for this sorcery?
>race fetishists having a mental breakdown because they discovered what women really look like
this is quite the thread
>>race fetishists
yikes familia
I thought there was only one race, the human race. What happened to that?
Werewolf from scary godmother
People wouldn't do this if humanity could just grow up and realize good looks aren't earned, are a matter of luck, don't do anything practical, and fall away with age anyway.
Nice tits, but that monkey face ruins it.
I'm 20+ and people ask why I'm not at my school.
>perfectly milkable udders
>then there's that face
>only woman with cute showing feet in the game
>mommy archetype
>time powers
>head looks like it's a placeholder model
unironically an improvement
You expect me to play MK11 with a disgusting monkey faced bitch like that? Nevermind the fact that her tits are nowhere near that big in-game.
Your invitation is not compelling.
Why did you respond to me?
the facial models don't look right animated outside of the game because they're attuned to face scanning
Le monkey face
>fall away with age
My point being it makes sense a guy would wanna at least pick a good looking cum dumpster that will last rather than nothing from the get go.
First I was just slightly confused at your post.
Now I'm gravely concerned at your existence.
sex diet
Oh no I mean I agree with you in a sense.
If you mean with being concerned with how underage I look, I'm not proud of it. I go out of my way to look younger now since it happens anyway.
Realistically though I meant someone who would actually like like they are at a legal age, not me. I'm really don't wanna fuck since I feel I'll be shagging a pedo.
and so the mk sfms begins
I'd say that´s Blender given the plastiline textures and cheap-auto lightning
Now that's a monkey face alright.
The front one even got different teeth, what is this sorcery?
La criatura...
imagine if she was your mom hahaha
I´m afraid they dont, D'Angelo Jamal
No wonder women were burned at the stakes.
The only ones who got burned were innocent wizards instead of the ones who truly deserved it, like your mom.
waiting till the complete game with season pass goes cheaper.
Have sex in the doggy style position for the sole purpose of having an orgasm and then never talking to her again
Frostbot porn when?