>Bunnies with glasses.
That is all.
>Bunnies with glasses.
That is all.
Other urls found in this thread:
What ears does she hear from?
tfw no elezen or viera gf
How do the glasses stay up?
The ones on her head.
Pretty sure they only have one set of ears
I thought Yoshida said at last fanfest they wouldn't be able to wear glasses and other headgear?
>Bunnies with futa cocks
That is all.
They don't seem to be placed on very intelligent position to hear well
It seems they listened to feedback.
>look mom I found a new cringy picture to spam every day!
Well, supposedly the dev team worked on getting that issue fixed in their spare time, without telling Yoshi. Whether that's true or not, who can say for sure?
The player dev team worked on their free time behind the scenes without Yoshidas knowledge after seeing the feedback from NA/EU and JP and rigged 450+ headpieces to work with the new races.
Why are primals so lewd?
With the last producer-letter he says XIV's workers got ~540 items working under his nose. It sounded like horseshit to me until somebody came up with info showing he's manager of an entire game development wing.
>summoner horns probably on Viera
Japanese devs are something else. Even overworked and underpaid as they are they still manage this?
They actually did the glasses, but they said they didn't earlier so they can say they did for good boy points.
You didn't hear it from me...
>Started playing again
>Went rogue instead of lancer like last time
>i have to play 15 more slow ass levels with the same boring 2 attacks
Please tell me NIN is worth it
Jutsus are fun, NIN lets me throw gang signs at enemies.
NIN is worth it
>450+ headpieces
That's pretty impressive, and kinda hopeful that it'll include a good amount of popular ones. How many unique headgear models are there anyway? I know plenty of low level ones share models. Maybe we'll get viera RDM on launch after all, which is really all that matters desu.
>Anons with shit taste
That is all.
JP devs actually care for their games and dont blame the players.
It'llprobably just be masks/glasses/circlets and so on, but if they do the AF iconic hats for RDM and BLM that would be fabulous.
A metric fuck ton.
People dont realize how much armor is in this game.
Welp, nothing left barring me from using fantasia then. I never use full helmets but no glasses and other accessories would have been a dealbreaker.
So all the headgear that matters, good faces, great animations and no tail clipping.
>After seeing the positive reception of the Lupin characters we introduced in Stormblood, we concluded that, for the long-term health of FFXIV, it was important to implement a greater variety of character types beyond the traditionally beautiful in a future expansion.
So why not just give us Lupin then?
>I never use full helmets
Absolute plebeian taste.
>People dont realize how much color swap armor is in this game
Yoshi is on the SE board of executives and he's the general manager of Development Division 3 (formerly Business Division 5). BD5 oversaw all of SE's MMOs including XIV, XI and DQX. But Yoshi only has an active staff role on XIV as its producer and director, he's not involved creatively with the other projects unless you think he should take credit for XI and DQX. At best he is in charge of certain high-level staff appointments and checks in to make sure projects are on track but the only game he actively works on himself is XIV.
There's currently a little over 1600 individual headwear items in the game, but many of those share a model. For example, every Stormblood AF helmet has 5 different versions with the exact same model because of Eureka upgrades. But I think it's reasonable to believe that when Yoshi says "540 items" of headwear he's double-counting models that are used across multiple items to inflate the number.
action 52
Mostly because they all look shit in FF XIV though. Except for the DRK AF helmets, I'll miss those.
They could probably save themselves so much fucking trouble if they got rid of all those duplicate low level headpieces and just created similar/identical dye colors they could assign to them instead.
Harder to make wolf faces emote.
There are a lot of really good looking helmets. Just gotta make a glam that works with them
Its been a long time since I've capped a character with out random raid gear in my bags, whats the fastest way to gear up that isn't spending a shit ton of money now?
I assume I should just suck it up and buy the 380 wep anyway?
>still no armets
Who else gonna kill themselves if Shadowbringers ends up spectacular and all the shitposting about how bad it'll be amounts to nothing
>So why not just give us Lupin then?
I'm glad they didn't.
The heads look cool and all, but they literally look like they were stapled onto Hyur body models.
Unfortunately, the Hrothgar are equally shit and just use Roe body models instead.
Is there any way to play this game's story on my own time without needing a monthly subscription?
Bunny trannies are officially the most obnoxious trannies present in the community, and they're not even out yet
Think you get up to 35 for free, after that you're SoL unless you pay.
They do free login periods sometimes, that's the only way you're going to get around paying the sub
Fastest way would be to just buy crafted. Without having to spend money, probably farm Orbonne Monastery for 390 gear and kill Suzaku for a 395 weapon.
I wish you could just pay once and have multiplayer shit like raids locked off.
How many weirdos are there on Balmung? My girlfriend wants to play on it since that's where her friends are but I just want to do prog shit.
I'm so tired of gay circlets.
Lots, but honestly you'll be able to find a static in a server that size easily.
>Cute brown bunny woman
No at best you can save 2 bucks a month with the cheaper account
I haven't played since ARR launch (ended up serving overseas) but did play a little bit. If I come back, is there any sort of free trial I can do? Not sure I want to commit before knowing if I still like the feel of the game.
This is the only way I know to make money
I'm almost sad, this move seems like it adds a bunch more work to my rotation
Ten Chi Jin is the gayest shit ever.
first of all, there's a free login period going on right now, you get 7 days free
secondly, heavensward is free right now, so if you have even a little bit of interest go grab that shit
a lot, but you really aren't going to be bothered unless you go looking for them
benchmark fucking when?
Just solo palace of the dead and sell glamour gear, I make 5mil a week lmfao
Benchmark when?
still a shit game
Can you do Palace of the Dead at 50?
Dapper as fuck.
>no cute and dapper female cats
Just fucking ignore it like everyone with sense but the most tryhard of Ninjas.
Has there ever been a better healer set in any game? Honestly I'm just moving whm past 50 since ARR and I'm going to have to glamor back every time.
No, from a dev perspective, you need to multiply those numbers by the number of player models with differently sized heads.
What set is that? Looks very stylish.
>instead of bangaa or male viera that they could've made look beastly we got fucking gay faggot aids infested bara lions
High Allagan.
It's from Second Coil, there's a crafted Replica version you can buy off of the market board that's dyeable.
High Allagan
Healer High Allagan, with a couple of day star pieces. Both it and the High Allagan tank are easily my favorite sets in the game
What are some good glams that go with the NIN AF gear from ARR?
It's too bad literally everyone and their mother are going to be playing Viera.
The chest piece, I mean. I like the boob window despite it being as functionally retarded as DRG tummy window
So what? If you like it play it. I've waited too many years to craft my own Viera in a game like this to worry about being a special snowflake.
On female chars the Best Man's Gaiters pair perfectly to the bottoms. 100/110 PVP gear for similar armored classic ninja look.
Whats the best way to level at 50, please don't tell me its potd.
Besides the worst offenders such as the Miqote sluts and Au Ra trannies will only last a week, two at the most before they fantasia back.
Ok I won't
most people will get a fantasia refund when they learn the minimum height is 6ft
We should've just gotten burmecians desu.
Play the game more than you post here. This is flippant but the game has so many ways to level it's not an issue.
>All those giant bunnies that will bully my Lalafell
would've been great but no one gives a shit about 9. if anything they should add qu just for the comic factor of them being genderless
eat food
join a fc for that flames of battle xp buff
wear your aetheryte earrings or al mhigger earrings
do your daily roulettes
do challenge log
uncover locations on your map
do frontline pvp (get 1k a day for just participating. if you care about mounts and sets and shit the garo stuff is going away in 5.1)
Oh I'm going to, just feels annoying to be lumped in. I've been wanting to play a Viera since 1.0.
>Mentor in my Normal Hawk manor
>Wow I can see why People say monk is hard
>Don't play dark knight it's trash
>I'm not even worrying about positionals
>I feel like I'm doing so much damage
Are mentors legit the worst players? I feel like I'd rather have a new player then a mentor.
my biggest wish its for them to change the walking dragoon animation while wielding a weapon, it would look then times cooler holding it at the side pointing downward than the current one
*when i say 1k a day i meant 1k pvp currency
Yeah I did all that capping my nin today, I just hoped there was some way better to level afterwards that wasn't potd.
>mentors aren't allowed to be new at playing a specific class
mentor crown in your roulette either means they're an average skilled player or utter dogshit
You can do palace of the dead at 20+, nigga
Yeah I understand that. It's going to be really bad for the first couple weeks but it'll plateau eventually. Tall races don't do very well in MMO's no matter how pretty they are for some reason.
burger king crown is like level; it doesn't mean you're skilled. I'm pretty close to getting mentor but I've done barely any hardcore (extreme/savage/ultimate) content
You should at least be able to deal with positionals my man.
au'ra master race
>I'm pretty close to getting mentor but I've done barely any hardcore (extreme/savage/ultimate) content
mentor is not supposed to have anything to do with savage content. You people seem to have completely outsized expectations for what a mentor is. Mentors are not 100th percentile players, they are not experts in everything, they are there to answer basic questions for sprouts and help when they can. Half the problem with mentors is that people have insane expectations of them that do not fit the reality of what they do
I have never seen a single burger king retard who I would consider "good". I had one the other day who struggled to heal through cutter's cry.
Herpes outbreak on a midlander does not a race make
I dunno, chief. I have pretty basic expectations of them and they don't even meet those most of the time.
Heretic, we'll purge you scaled demons to the the last eventually.
Mentors should be good at the game, or shouldn't be allowed to queue into difficult content with their crown.
looks fat. lay off the rabbit pies
But why would you let people who don't know how to play well or even properly be in charge of giving advice? If anything, that would just spread the plague of bad gameplay and ameteurish understanding of the game. I would HOPE that if you're someone who is supposed to give advice and teach people about the game, they would at least know themselves how to do the things they're teaching. If you were to ask your average Mentor even something basic like "how do I properly use x skill in my rotation" or "what are the mechanics for this level 50/60 dungeon boss" 90% of them would have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
Too bad the only reason they're mentors is too farm the mentor roulette...just so they can abandon the party after one failed pull.
>tfw I already met the requirements several times over when they added mentors and people make a big deal of it as a goal
Again, mentors are not experts in everything. Nobody is an expert in everything. If you expect mentors to be able to recite every fucking mechanic for every fucking lvl50 dungeon boss from memory then you're gonna have a bad time. People need to take responsibility for their own understanding of mechanics prior to going into content, or they need to be willing to go in blind and potentially fail if it comes down to it. That's just reality. Mentors are for newbies, not for lazy people who expect everything to be hand-fed to them.
The Mentor Crown is a great shitter detector at least. If I see one in a DF group when I load in I can mentally prepare myself for a bad time. I would unironically trade any Mentor for a Sprout every time if I could.
same, the only way SE could get me to actively seek people to mentor is to put me on their payroll.
>Besides the worst offenders such as the Miqote sluts
I can't help it that catgirls make my dick hard
If you've done the 1000 dungeons requirement, I expect you to be able to do basic things like "not consistently get hit by aoes" and "don't run away from the tank if something aggros on you"
>Challenge Roulette: Dugeon
>Challenge Roulette: Trials
>level 50/60/70/80 dungeons and trials synced to minimum item level
>cracked cluster(s) and highest yield of tomestones and probably something unique as rewards
Would it work?
Same. Out of like 1 of 10 mentors actually give a shit about helping you improve when you're having issues in a run. The rest just either never talk at all, call you out when you make 1 or 2 simple mistakes or just wanna show off.
How do the glasses stay in place?
They're taped to the sides of her head.
It will work in JP
It will fail in NA due to overtuning based on the average NA player.
they're probably tight as fuck and just hold on to their faces or their hair just curls up around them who knows
they have antennae
tie the new relic weapon to challenge roulettes and sure
Why would I ever offer unsolicited advice, in this game where it will be met 99/100 times with active aggression, especially after S-E updated their Toss to make hurt feelings bannable? If you want help ask for some.
You mean the ones that look like complete shit?
>The rest just either never talk at all, call you out when you make 1 or 2 simple mistakes or just wanna show off.
I mean if you're losing hate on a trash pack in a lvl70 dungeon then the only thing I can do is just laugh. At that point there's not much "help" you can give the person by the time they're doing lvl70 dungeons they should have no problems keeping hate in trash pulls especially if the DPS are AoEing properly instead of focusing a single target
I don't really know how I should behave as mentor because I feel like any advice I give will be ignored or possibly make the dungeon run take a nosedive because they suddenly get offended at me suggesting to keep heavy thrust up.
I also don't like the idea of insulting people's intelligence by assuming they need to be explained every mechanic for the braindead bosses that dungeons bring. Though if we have trouble with something I will give advice then and let them know it's ok to mess up.
Y'know after thinking about it more, I'm okay with hrothgar and viera being genderlocked.
They're basically cosplay races for autist in the first place.
The same way BLU is just cosplay Blue mage for autist.
it's a case by case basis m8, some look great like the Lux weapons for PLD and DRK
We've had Miqo'te wear glasses like this for years and you're only just now asking this?
Dungeons would be tedious, but trials would be fun
I think people assume Miqos have human+cat ears
Fordola pls come back
Isn't she basically conscripted into slaying primals right now or did something else happen after that?
Show me your saddlebags.
Mine's full of FSH bait.
Thats a trainer of some sort or something? Im sick of farming some equipment and this coul be a heaven sent
How are people making money these days? I haven't played in months.
I assume that's all from some kind of Eureka?
>a trainer
>for a server-based MMORPG
are you actually retarded?
I just have exp boosters, allagan pieces to donate to the Enclave, and all my various raid/primal tokens and currencies in there. Basically everything that has uses at vendors that I don't want to mess around with a retainer whenever I want to get new ones out of my inventory or grab old ones for a quick turn in.
>it's ok to mess up
I'm unsubbed. It's just all the trade-in tokens and then temporarily items to sell where someone crashed the market and I'm waiting for it to stabilize.
>Finally feel no need to come back to the next expansion
The entire game is a learning process, user.
You don't expect me to link to a mizzteq video every time I boot up a roulette do you?
Is it normal for Susano now to need 30min to clear?
His AoEs don't all look exactly like the default orange marker so people like will stand in them and you'll wipe a few times.
I said "or something" man, no need to waste your time replying on something so stupid. Thanks for your input i guess.
Walk free. I quit recently too and i don't miss it. Not like when I quit WoW and FFXIV. I might come back once the Nier raid is done but to constantly play this sounds horrible.
you can still change anything clientside with a trainer
still, trainers and mods defeat part of the purpose of mmos
Post Khloe.
No, no. Bad user.
ya'all are burned out yet you keep coming into these threads
Somebody tell me a few get rich quick schemes for when I resub. Spent all my money on erp.
To laugh at you idiots. I quit during SB, less jobs, less dungeons less content, glad I quit around byako from what I heard about us not even going to garlemald in SHB.
>To laugh at you idiots.
The fucking irony
Heheh, kind of amusing to me because that's about as long as I lasted with WoW.
Quit almost immediately after Cata launched and regretted even getting it.
I have no fucking clue how people can play WoW from launch until now.
You're a cool guy.
>listened to feedback
>no male viera, female hrothgar
Friends, mostly
If you have people to log into a game for you tend to play it for longer since friends could make watching fucking paint dry fun
Making friends isn't exactly easy nowadays though
It's really not hard to use. You just jin, ten, chi if you don't have trick or ten chi jin if you do, ez pz.
What are the chances it was all a PR stunt for saying headgears on the races weren't going to happen just to reveal later they do?
Pretty big brained theory there, Morpheus
Yeah, and they won't even give us younger characters. Dafuck man?
Savage should be the bare minimum for mentors. It shows not only individual knowledge of the game and your job, but how a party should function and work together to clear or make content clearing much smoother. You can be so easily carried on Extremes that it's essentially worthless.
I think it's you that doesn't truly value what the word mentor entails.
Based Yoshida telling you pedo fucks no.
It wasn't. It was a win-win scenario for whenever they had them ready, whether before 5.0 or after.
Balancing tanks is hard so let's add a fourth!
Balancing healers is hard so let's not add a fourth and fix the other 3 (again)
Nobody cares what YOU think "the word mentor entails." I'm talking about the actual job and responsibilities of being a mentor. Savage is not part of that nor should it be faggot.
What's a Miqo'te
based this is a toddlercon-only game keep your tranny loli shit in kmmos
and race-mixers
They want to start balancing tanks by focusing on MT/OT roles, which is easier when they have an even number of tanks. They don't know how they want to balance healers yet.
Savage proves that the shit you're preaching has any validity, otherwise you're just a glorified drone spouting shit you can read online already.
Easiest way to balance tanks is to remove all DPS potential from them.
>otherwise you're just a glorified drone spouting shit you can read online already.
are you starting to get it yet retard? That's all a mentor is.
>Nobody cares what YOU think
Double edged sword mate
And I'm saying that I don't like the state its in and would like to see it improved by making it more elitist and selective, dumbfuck.
>E-Everyone who makes fun of me shouldn't post ; __ ;! t-that's cringe! d-don't make fun of my Blue mage!
9 out of 10 npc couples in this game are interracial though it's pretty much racemixing propaganda
You strike rock yet?
>Brings up Blue Mage out of nowhere
What the hell is your damage friend? No one even mentioned that.
Is Succubus the best minion?
succubus is the incel minion
Cloud of Darkness is.
>queuing up with your healer friend just so she can throw games and boost your rating
That's just fucking dirty.
>turns head towards you
Nothin personnel lil armet boi.
I think glasses look gay 90% of the time, especially on classes like tanks or physical ranged dps. Having glasses on a class that's likely to be in the middle of the mess or on a class that would need good eye sight to perform (archers, marksmen) is retarded.
It's like the people who go out to battle in a bikini, I think less of your character.
Glasses are only acceptable on Scholars or Summoners in my opinion.
is DNC using scouting or aiming gear
i keep hearing different answers because all yoshi said was "dex gear"
We don't know. Yoshi just said wait and see. The fact that he didn't have a straight answer makes me think they're changing gear assignments. I vaguely suspect they will cut out Scouting and Maiming for 71+ gear and just have all melees use Striking and all ranged use Aiming.
>xe uses the classic spectacles
It's Au Ra. At least learn to spell the name of the supposed master race.
That’s not real right? I was thinking someone was messing around when they posted that.
It's real but it's supposedly just for an upcoming dungeon, not a playable race
t. never played WoW but asked a friend who plays it religiously
With two players of equal skill can SMN ever out DPS a BLM?
only in a multi target/high movement situation (like adds in ucob). BLM is designed to do more damage on paper and it will if given the opportunity.
I think they should have different levels of crowns.
Bronze for leveling jobs
Silver for Savage
Gold for Ultimate
and it decays every odd patch so you can't just one and done it.
ay movement heavy fights
They can't fucking do it right now you dumb nigger, this isn't about feedback, it is literally better from a marketing standpoint to do the new races this way.
It's less resources and allows them to advertise SHB as including TWO new races. Your average MMO nigger won't know what genderlocks even mean and it lets them appeal to an entirely new demographic by making it "Not that weeb game" anymore.
bootlicking tranny
they would look creep af with short hair
Glasses on BLM are nice aswell. I have a pointy hat that give you glasses as well.
I play Lalafell so a ton of hats and helmets look bad on my character so it bothers me to use them for glamours. I appreciate how catchall and easy glasses are to glamour around in comparison
Also it bothers me if only a select few jobs I use wear glasses, as if I selectively need them or not depending, so I just put them on all my jobs.
You mean Heavy Hatchling?
Why bother glamouring anything at all if you're a lalafell? It's not like anyone can tell what you're wearing.
Not true! I get tells saying I'm cute all the time!
fuck fflogs padders
There are lots of headgear yes, but most are also color swaps of another.
>wake up
>ffxiv is capped at 6 fps
>cpu/gpu usage is not even 50%
>played at 60fps until the day before while also watching stuff on my 2nd screen
Depends on how much the BLM has to move and the amount of AoE needed in the fight.
If the enemies are constantly shitting out circles, cones and other such bullshit, the SMN wins.
t.BLM main
This just encourages assholes to get the crown for swag, not for mentorship.
Frankly, they just need admin/mods to get off their lazy asses and actually do something about the useless Mentors. I see plenty of times that fags use the mentor chat as their personal linkshell. Other times shitters go into mentor chat, kick a leaf and try some shitty justification. Some have even said "lol use google". Reports should handle this situation, but nothing ever comes of it.
yes, other people with shit taste will obviously tell you they like it. Also, I'm sure it's 95% because you're a lala and literally anything you do or wear, people will say the same thing.
There's a hair style they added in stormblood that's really short on the sides and it looks so bad on cat sluts for this reason.
Dyes mostly
I store my dyes on vendors.
People's imagination come to life. People in Eorzea are fucking lewd.
Tranny if you agree tranny if you disagree, which is it you dumb nig.
Ten -> Ninjtsu -> Chi -> Ninjtsu -> Ji -> Ninjtsu
Or Ji Ten Chi for AoE
Wow so hard only tryhard!!!
>This just encourages assholes to get the crown for swag, not for mentorship.
They already do this.The only other solution would be the reddit suggestion of changing it into a watering can icon but even that won't fix it.
> I see plenty of times that fags use the mentor chat as their personal linkshell.
>Other times shitters go into mentor chat, kick a leaf and try some shitty justification. Some have even said "lol use google".
They let you kick other mentors for a reason. You can kick them if they're acting up and while I haven't seen anyone kick a leaf for asking a question, you can report for that. It's up to you to make NN a better place. I seriously doubt they have time to moderate such a trivial aspect of the game.
>yes, other people with shit taste will obviously tell you they like it. Also, I'm sure it's 95% because you're a lala and literally anything you do or wear, people will say the same thing.
my taste is superb and my glamours fantastic. They are right to praise me.
Nope. Pay up goy.
Or just watch it on youtube.
>Are mentors legit the worst players?
post one then
>redding sucking up this shit philosophy that keeps the game as shallow as a puddle and gives it no longevity
Rats when?
>but to constantly play this sounds horrible.
It's designed purposely to not be played consistently. Unsubbing for 3-6 months at a time and coming back for a month or so and knocking out all the stuff you missed is the best way to play.
Listened to the feedback that mattered.
>tfw hid my crown for a long time because of retards that join mentor program
I swapped to crafter crown, now no one expects anything combat related out of me even thought I consistently out dps the casuals thanks to CHAD MAGE and Omega gear.
The execution is flawed, but I think it is good to have bursts of enjoyable content instead of having to stay constantly subbed. Variety is the spice of life.
>they are there to answer basic questions for sprouts and help when they can.
And most mentors can't even do that right.
hey, guys. i'm sick of my character and i want to change it to a female. what is the best race for female, and curiously, what is the best race for male? i want to be a viera but i really want to change now
>lag slightly and bunny halfway through
those ears look so fucking stupid
it just looks like a regular human model with a rabbit clipped inside their head
Show me inventories.
>paying for all those retainers
fuck off cashshop nigger
female lalafell and male lalafell respectively
fuck you. anyone else?
Well in a game where you can collect all the glamour items you can't seem to hold them, even the extra 200 space in glamour dresser for shadowbringers isn't enough and it's 400 total max not even per item type such as body/legs/weapon.
I've been playing daily for three years and still having fun.
Is there something wrong with me?
Fem hyur
Male elezen as long as you don't pick the shota face.
>fire lizard
>rock golem
>delicious harpy
Why are the ixal so horny
They hated him because he told the truth
Fuck pvp, I'm done with it. Impossible to reach Platinum because everytime I try to qualify I get put into teams with full of silver retards 3 matches in a row.
Fem miqo'tes are pretty cute. Might be why they're so popular. If you don't want that, fem elezens are my second favorite.
I think I like male hyurs the best, the other races don't have good faces.
Female cat.
Good man, lalas are just a fat baby race.
I play a female highlander, also a female cat. Love them both, good choices.
People are unironically boosting each other, it's a pain to move forward in rank at all.
serves you right for playing team based pvp games. In lord of verminion you can overpower people with pure skill and there's nothing they can do about it. Out of the thousands of matches I've played since it came out in 3.1, I think i've lost like... 2
plat/diamond games are just coinflip unless you play healer
keep going bro
will advancing from marauder into warrior cure my tank anxiety
there is no cure for autism
They had an allagan steppies mommy commander and based garuda on her. Not even kidding.
How do I level up fisher? I want it to get the minions from ventures but have never leveled it up before.
fucking checked
But I love shitting up novice network chat. I told them my cornhole itches and burns, asked them how to make it stop. It feels like a bowl of embers.
Timeskip Alisaie when?
Nice weather were having, auto-complete kun.
I wonder if the setting will advance in time, given how cagey they always are about the passage of time. The one thing I enjoyed about GW2's Living World updates the most is that time passes and characters change. XIV has wardrobe changes and better character development but time feels frozen.
Is it too late to get into this game?
Time is frozen. They've called it a Simpsons time bubble where things move forward but it's still always 5 years after the Calamity.
>tfw Miqo'te gf
now is unironically the best time to get into the game if you're completely new
with a little over a month till the next expansion it's a good time to jump in and work through the main story at your own pace to be ready for Shadowbringers
nah m8 the first expansion pack is free atm as well.
after months yoshi's reaction never fails to make ma laugh
Everyone's progression gets reset every 6 months.
You probably wont hit the level cap in time for the next reboot (2 months), but that gives you a long time to comfortably finish the story (rushing it is a bad idea) and see all the game's sights before trying out endgame.
It can never be too late to get into this game as they keep adding more and more catchup mechanics. End of an expansion is best time to get into it really. That said you have basically 3 RPGs worth of content to go through, if all you care about is end game you'll have a shitty time.
Louisoix my nigga
Man, Yoshi just seems like a pretty unique Jap. They generally are no where near as expressive or excitable as he is, especially at a high corporate level.
That's why the dev team initially had a strong reaction to him and also why ultimately many decided to stick with him when he stepped in. He wasn't just a soulless suit coming in with the attitude that everyone's a fuckup he has to fix.
>the story about Yoshi-P wanting to kill the obnoxious faggot who refused to meet deadlines or see Yoshi as his boss because he was Yoshi's senpai
I wanna play this game again but some of the old content takes forever to find a party for :^(
He is a hothead. I've read a bunch of his famitsu columns and from what I can tell he's always been aggressive/outspoken and frequently butts heads with his superiors, but he gets away with it because he's highly driven/motivated and gets results.
The space at the end of 2.0 before 3.0 is a fucking awful slog, but no, it's not too late.
How they address time is one of the few things that I hate about this game. I mean, the voyage to Doma took fucking months, how can literally everything that has happened since the start of AAR only be consigned to "just 5 years after the calamity"
Especially as not!Graha Tia is telling us in the end of SB that another calamity and associated Umbral Age is coming. The 7 Asteral age cant only be a couple of months.
I need more pics of the kefka cosplayer from months back. And I never heard that story.
Link to that story?
He told it at JP fanfest.
He seems intimidating as a boss though. Passion is good and all but you've seen how tight his leash as a boss can be sometimes. Understandable mind you in a story based game but still.
>how can literally everything that has happened since the start of AAR only be consigned to "just 5 years after the calamity"
WoL is really good at their job.
>The 7 Asteral age cant only be a couple of months.
It can be when they have WoL to so abruptly shift the balance back in the other direction. Remember the Ascians are also responsible for building civilizations up. They need to rebalance between Calamities which is why there's such a length of time between them. But now there's WoL who seems to surpass other previous heroes by a mile.
>But now there's WoL who seems to surpass other previous heroes by a mile.
True, though Ramza seemed like a big fucking deal from the Ivalice Raid series
I got matched with the Kefka cosplayer in Feast the other day. I messaged him afterwards to say I recognized him. He seems nice.
>no new teasing until monday
Fucking weekends!
I don't necessarily see that as a negative, especially considering the game's previous iteration failed due to lax/shitty management. Also see guys like Tim Schafer in the west. Management is absolutely making tough calls and pushing people to meet deadlines, the idea is that your higher ups give you enough resources to work with and that your team believes in the same things you do. It's a stressful balancing act, at least stressful if you care about getting it right.
I'm sure they were all absurdly powerful but Ramza couldn't manage to defeat Ultima, while we did. We were also the first to ever kill an Ascian although the timeline on that is kinda fucked because now we're being told that Galuf killed Emerollolth in 2.1.
is it worth it to read through the story in ARR or should i just click through it?
And Gaius seems to have racked up some minor Ascian kills if his mask collection is anything to go by
ARRs storyline is pretty meh until the end and the patches that build up Heavensward. Dont put too much stock into it
It's all worldbuilding so even if it's dull it's advised to read it so that when it gets called back to later on you're not like "what's that?"
Neat. Which fanfest was the one with that guy (kefka)?
How could you recognize him? The dudes costume and acting were pretty good if I remember correctly.
Yes, you never know when shit is going to be important again. They bring back a seemingly unimportant fetch quest giver and make him a major part of the story.
>minor Ascian kills
He had two red masks, which are the Overlord ones. It's kinda funny how many offscreen Overlord deaths we've had.
They say the character names of the cosplayers during the contest. Kefka is Sir Davidbowie on Ultros.
>5 mil a week
Chump change.
Yes. the raid boss of Stormblood was first mentioned in 2.2
Then how do you make money other than crafting? I don't play anymore, but I want to know what all the cool kids are doing.
Byakko, except he's Garfield, and his arm is also Garfield
I prefer tomboy knights who have never been treated as a woman that you can treat as a woman and they get flustered, blushing often.
More battle scarred women plz.
>Neat. Which fanfest was the one with that guy (kefka)?
I think it was NA
>Had to complain in mass for them to add HEADGEAR to a new race which should have been done in the first place
What's the best way to see if I'm doing correct damage? ACT ?
pretty much
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
gidget the midget
I'm sorry
Imamade Ichido mo Onnaatsukai sareta Koto ga Nai Onna Kishi wo Onnaatsukai suru.
A Story About Treating a Female Knight Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman as a Woman
Go away. This is hrothgar territory
give me man buns or give me death!
At least it's not a mechanical rooster!
>hire me SE to fix your disgusting bunny desgins
Buy high, sell low
Played constantly since 1.0, and its still my favorite healer set, user.
>Introduce a single child character isn't the world
>Instantly rule 34
>Wonder why we can't create our own child character
Go play Tera if that's what you want.
we will never have a feminine male bodies
>when your home is burning faster than your bitcoin "investment"