Thoughts on Boolossus?
Thoughts on Boolossus?
wake me up when apple buys you
Absolute unit
He's a big guy
Always was my least favorite boss to fight, I love the cutscene leading up to him, though.
How can you enjoy Chauncey more than Boolossus?
why does no one talk about how good the 3DS remake of Luigi’s Mansion is? I loved doin the achievements and stuff. Beating the game in under two hours was especially fun cause I’d never done that before.
Capturing the last few Boos on a Hidden Mansion playthrough was tremendously annoying.
Unironically the best looking boo for years. Luigi's Mansion really showed what the GameCube could do.
I remember Boolossus being tricky. Chauncey is a fun battle, and Bogmire is the best.
Chauncey is super boring because of how long you have to wait until you can actually hit him, and "dodging" his harmless attacks. I like Bogmire too, but I think King Boo is the best boss.
I really like the original but didn't get the remake because I have the original. What did it add?
Also keep in mind Luigi's Mansion has never been a big seller. It's not gonna get a ton of attention.
They didn't add the flipped Mansion and the poltergust riding from the PAL hidden mansion. Also the new gallery is lame, but overall it's a pretty good remake, yeah
for boo
3.6 million on GameCube and 5.4 million on 3DS isn't a big seller?
Is Boolossus the one where you had to suck up the individual boos by freezing them and there'd always be one fucking boo left nothing personelling all over the damn place?
So what are your expectations for Luigi's Mansion 3, lads?
Dark Moon 2. So I'll be skipping it.
Hopefully anything but the second game
Be happy you didn't get the europoor version where you had to RIDE the poltergust on what is basically bumper cars on ice physics.
It added a new gallery and a new ranking, gave us the ghost layouts for the PAL hidden mansion without flipping it. They also added tons of achievements and a boss rush mode where you can fight any ghost at will. The New 3DS is great for it even though it uses the little nub. I had a lot of fun with it. Probably played it through 8 times without getting 100% of the achievements. I’ll probably finish it up this Halloween if Luigi’s Mansion 3 isn’t out by then.
>Be happy you didn't get the europoor version
But I did. Also the Poltergust ride only happens in the PAL Hidden Mansion.
I want the open design of the first game with the dungeon design of the second maybe more bosses and portrait ghosts sprinkled in.
I feel like a blend of the first two games would make this kinda perfect desu.
How can boos hurt you? they'd just go through you
Why does Luigi's Mansion give so many dreams? I swear at least once a week I'll see this damn game in my dreams and I'm either playing through a new area, boss, mansion, etc.
Modding community when
Yep. That annoying boss.
Despite still being a Mario game, was Luigi's Mansion actually one of the first entries in the series where the enemies were genuinely trying to kill the player character? King Boo wants to rip out Mario's soul forever, and Luigi is attacked by falling chandeliers, razor-sharp objects, etc. with a health meter clearly showing a heart and a euphemistic "good night" if it hits zero.
I know the original Loogie team is probably dead but why must they insist on reusing Next Level and making sure it's basically Dark Moon 2?
I just hope they keep scarescraper at least because that was actually a pretty cool idea.
Even more sterile than the 3ds port.
It's cute.
Gross. Go away, you're not welcome in this thread.